Reuters: photographer was "removing dust" from Beirut image

In attempting to remove the dust from this image, I may inadvertently have altered it slightly

They didn't mean to do it, of course. They weren't trying to manipulate public opinion. Oh no. Of course not. Hizballah propaganda? Pshaw. The poor wretch was just trying to remove the dust from the image.

Bridge For Sale Alert: "Reuters drops freelance Lebanese photographer over image," from Reuters, with thanks to the Constantinopolitan Irredentist:

LONDON, Aug 6 (Reuters) - Reuters, the global news and information agency, told a freelance Lebanese photographer on Sunday it would not use any more of his pictures after he doctored an image of the aftermath of an Israeli air strike on Beirut.

The photograph by Adnan Hajj, which was published on news Web sites on Saturday, showed thick black smoke rising above buildings in the Lebanese capital after an Israeli air raid in the war with the Shi'ite Islamic group Hizbollah, now in its fourth week.

Reuters withdrew the doctored image on Sunday and replaced it with the unaltered photograph after several news blogs said it had been manipulated using Photoshop software to show more smoke.

Reuters has strict standards of accuracy that bar the manipulation of images in ways that mislead the viewer.

"The photographer has denied deliberately attempting to manipulate the image, saying that he was trying to remove dust marks and that he made mistakes due to the bad lighting conditions he was working under," said Moira Whittle, the head of public relations for Reuters.

Charles Johnson of Little Green Footballs deserves everyone's gratitude for this one.

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This doctored picture is a reminder of the dangers of when Photoshop is abused, then both history and current events truth can both end up lost.

Barbara Fritchie would be confused. So would Mr. Rosenthal.

We, on the other hand, are very amused.

Robert, I think this picture will be used in courses in journalism. And it should be.

How's this for some great letters to the editor in the 'Australian' newspaper on Sat...

3rd letter is fantastic...,20867,20019897-21223,00.html

And who will fire all the others, not limited Arab stringers who in Lebanon have so distinguished themselves as sly propagandists in the Lesser Jihad against Israel, but so very many, especially at the BBC and Agence France Presse, who have conducted a campaign against Israel remarkably reminiscent of that conducted, in a shorter frame, against the government and people of Czechoslovakia for their "cruel mistreatment" of the "Sudeteners" who only wished to be accorded their "legitimate rights," as Hitler screamed, and as Henlein insisted.

Let's just be honest. Reuters, like much of the media is with the Muslim terrorists. Plain and simple.

"Let's just be honest. Reuters, like much of the media is with the Muslim terrorists. Plain and simple."

And it extends beyond simple moral support:

Photoshop has a dust and scratch removal filter. The tool used in the smoke was the cloning tool. That's what made the swirls.

Buy let's face it, if they allow anyone to send in photos, they are asking for this kind of treachery. They should only allow photos taken by respected and well known news photographers, not any mohammad with a digital camera.

taqiyyah and lies. How the Hell do you "Clean" dust off of a DIGITAL image? By CLONING SMOKE? They're blowing smoke.

Adnan Hajj wouldn't be a muslim would he?

Photoshop CS2 has new tools.

From the article: "Reuters drops freelance Lebanese photographer over image, ..."

Note - A Lebanese ptotographer. That says it all. Reuters is in a CYA mode. While they are covering their asses, the Lebanese photog is lying through his Muslim beard. Not a little white one, but a whopper. The ugly truth is, we have no one to trust but ourselves. There is no one to help us but us. The President that I voted for twice is, well, a dissapointment, just to put it politely.

Get ready, it is later than we think. If Israel agrees to a UN brokered cease fire - it's over. It is obvious that Hezbolla is on the ropes, otherwise THEY would not be wanting a cease fire.

Hey Pelayo,

Just added Pelayo to my list of heros (now that I know something about him) along with Charles Martel, Don John of Austria and King John Sobieski of Poland.

Do you know of any books on him ? Maybe Mel can make a movie about him, to awaken the West and emphasize that this war is 14 centuries old.

Robert, I think this picture will be used in courses in journalism. And it should be.

Let us hope that what you suggest never happens.

By the looks of their lying progeny, let us hope no journalism school every even mentions PhotoShop to the students, much less tells them how to use it.

The same thing happened to me that day I was retouching the Mona Lisa. I swear it looked like a frown at the time.

Reuters employee issues 'Zionist pig' death threat,7340,L-3256534,00.html

I really think Islam tends to make the mind alter reality. Reuters better clean house. BTW, this guy Inayat Bunglawala-

reminds me of the Dicken's character Uriah Heep-

You misunderstood. The pedagogic use of Robert's mocking photograph, would hardly show would-be journalists anything they do not know. What it would do would serve as a cautionary tale, for some of those journalists will no doubt be in a position to assign others to work as photographers, or to be in a position to choose what to publish, what and whom to trust. Like the public itself, journalists need to be educated and made more wary.

This is particulary a problem with Arabs and Muslims who have long been well-versed in Muhammad's insistence that "war is deception." The Americans in Iraq, like the straightforward Israelis, keep thinking that they only need to keep telling the truth, and will necessarily be received. That's not enough. They must go on the offensive and show up the lies, the lies of photographers, the lies of reporters, the lies of so many in, say, such organizations as the BBC, their staffs stuffed with Muslism (for all those Arabic-languagge services), their recruiting of English people weighted heavily in favor of subscribers to the Guardian, and to the Guardian's worldview. That this has not resulted in an outcry and the mass withhholding of the license fee by outraged English men and women perhaps reflects their general passivity or feeling of helplessness, or still worse, their slow and steady acceptance of the propaganda that they no longer are capable of distinguishing from the truth.

In Iraq, the coverage by Arab reporters, for Arab audiences, has been intolerable. American viewers should be given a taste of how Al-Jazeera has covered that war, and how many of its press-credentialed collaborators with the "insurgents" have managed to be present right when, and where, attacks are launched, and then to depict every American casualty in a triumphant mode, and every Iraqi casualty that is attributed to the Americans (as in Lebanon, all kinds of people magically become "civilians" in Al-Jazeera's telling)is shown over and over, cameras panning gleefully on gore.

Just makes you wonder how many other stories have been passed off as true....I mean there are the pictures for heaven's sake.

This may be fake, but it is accurate. Even after planting the flag on Mt. Suribachi the Marines did not hold the island. Most of the men in the photo were killed later. The essential truth of your message must be dealt with by the right-wing ideologues who have questioned your integrity. Courage.

/But not really except for the historical tidbits.

Beagle...I don't understand your post. Guess you are smarter than I am...

I guess we can expect Dan Rather to rush over there to track this photographer down and get an exclusive interview...which will also include Islamic Swift Boating and GW's flight physical in the Lebanese Air Force...

Most of the original men were killed. There was also 2 different flag raisings. The first flag raised, was so tiny it could not be seen by the entire fleet. Another flag was sent for and in that time a photographer showed up. That is how we are lucky enough to have a picture of this event. The marines were never thrown back into the sea during any part of the island hopping campaign. The situation was in doubt a few times but the Marines and the Navy were always victorious.

Dan Rather says it's real,well,that's all I needed to hear.LOL

Ah you can make history anything you want of it if you have the power to do so. History can be faked. An example is A great story from the book "Why don't we learn from history?" by B. H. Liddell Hart

"To those academic historians who still repose faith on it (official records), I have often told a short story with a moral. When the British front was broken in March 1918 and French reinforcements came to help in filling the gap, an eminent French general arrived at a certain army corps headquarters and there majestically dictated orders giving the line on which the troops would stand that night and start their counterattack in the morning. After reading it, with some perplexity, the corps commander exclaimed, “But that line is behind the German front. You lost it yesterday.” The great commander, with a knowing smile, thereupon remarked, “C'est pour l'histoire.” (or It is for the history) It may be added that for a great part of the war he had held a high staff position where the archives on which such official history would later depend had been under his control."

The moral: You make the story you as you wish it and when it is not how you wish it.....use photoshop.


I was rehashing the slow death of Dan Rather on the evening news when the Internet (Charles Johnson at LGF involved again) proved the Killian memos were fakes. It's actual media spin, "fake but accurate" being the funniest example.

The Iwo Jima photograph was not faked in any way. You can read the true story of the picture and those heros who raised the first flag and the second, in "Flags of Our Fathers" by Bradley, whose father was included in those images.

Seems to me the real villain was airbrushed out of the "Beirut is burning" photo.

Godzilla is a metaphor for the US. He goes from being a destructive force to a protector.

For years, the news services have been relying on Palestinian stringers to report the news and take photos from the West Bank and Gaza. Would you expect balanced coverage from Palestinians? The National Review had an article on this two years ago:

Reporters of course can’t be everywhere at once. The increased speed of the Internet and the demand for instant, 24-hour TV news coverage means that the world’s news outlets rely heavily on Reuters and the AP, which in turn rely on a network of local Palestinian “stringers.” Virtually all breaking news (and much of the non-breaking news) on CNN, the BBC, Fox, and other networks comes from these stringers.

Such stringers are hired for speed, to save money (there is no need to pay drivers and translators), and for their local knowledge. But in many cases, in hiring them, their connections to Arafat’s regime and Hamas count for more than their journalistic abilities. All too often the information they provide, and the supposed eyewitnesses they interview, are undependable. Yet, because of Reuters’s prestige, American and international news outlets simply take their copy as fact. Thus non-massacres become massacres; death tolls are exaggerated; and gunmen are written about as if they were civilians.

As Ehud Ya’ari, Israeli television’s foremost expert on Palestinian affairs, put it: “The vast majority of information of every type coming out of the area is being filtered through Palestinian eyes. Cameras are angled to show a tainted view of the Israeli army’s actions and never focus on Palestinian gunmen. Written reports focus on the Palestinian version of events. And even those Palestinians who don’t support the intifada dare not show or describe anything embarrassing to the Palestinian Authority, for fear they may provoke the wrath of Arafat’s security forces.”

One Palestinian journalist told me that “the worst the Israelis can do is take away our press cards. But if we irritate Arafat, or Hamas, you don’t know who might be waiting in your kitchen when you come home at night.”

Some of Reuters’s Palestinian stringers are honest and courageous. But, according to several ex-Reuters staffers, they feel the intimidating presence of Wafa Amr, Reuters’s “Senior Palestinian Correspondent.” Amr — who is a cousin of former Palestinian minister Nabil Amr, and whose father is said to be close to Arafat — had this title specially created for her (there is no “Senior Israeli Correspondent,” or the equivalent in any other Arab country) so that her close ties to the Palestinian Authority could be exploited.

As one former Reuters journalist put it: “She occupies this position in spite of lacking a basic command of English grammar. The information passed through her is controlled, orchestrated. Reuters would never allow Israeli government propaganda to be fed into its reports in this way. Indeed, stories exposing Israeli misdeeds are a favorite of Reuters. Amr has never had an exposé on Arafat, or his Al-Aqsa Brigades terror group.”

As I understand the Iwo Jima photo, a group photo was taken which was posed. The photogrpher thought that was the photo which the publisher liked. So when the photog replied "Yes, it's posed." it started a rumor the flag-raising was staged which lasts to this day.

Veterans of the Pacific must find the early stages of opposing the jihad eerily reminiscent of Pearl Harbor, The Aleutians, Bataan, and Corregidor. Hey, I know! Fight back, to win!


taqiyyah and lies. How the Hell do you "Clean" dust off of a DIGITAL image? By CLONING SMOKE? They're blowing smoke.

No, if the photo is so noisy, so full of dust, that the usual noise reduction filter tools don't clean it up without losing information, you may be forced to Clone a less noisy part of the scene and paste it over the noisiest parts, effectively erasing them. But that sort of artistic license should never be done with a news photograph, because you are changing the scene.

Example: If you take a photo of your street, sunlight might reflect off a window of some building, and cause glare in that part of the photo. In desperation, you might just Clone another window of that building and paste it over the glare. That's O.K. for artwork. But you have changed the content of the actual scene; if a person in the building was standing at that window with the glare, you've erased him from the scene. So that should NEVER be done with news photographs. Rather than do that, throw the photo away if necessary.

Bottom line: Artistic license has no place in news photography.

These faked photos are very much like muslim lies.

Muslims are fond of propagating many untruths.
One lie they enjoy repeating that makes me laugh is; “We (muslims) will win the battle with the infidel because we are not afraid to die”.

Muslim leaders indoctrinate youths to blow themselves up to kill others but they themselves will not.

They mostly turn and run when the tide of battle turns against them or cry out that they are being persecuted. See the cry they put up now for a 'ceasefire'. This is so they can stall and then return to terrorize. Their history proves this tactic. Probe, terrorize, plunder, retreat if the opponent is too strong for now but try again, and again. Only when they are truly 'hit hard' do they lie in wait for a better time. When they are hit hard they lay low. General Pershing put true fear in them as did many others during the history of this insidious ideology.

This one lie, among most untruths they speak, this transparent lie they try to sell, their love of death, is just that, pure bravado. Nobody truly wants to die, muslims included, excluding however those poor souls who are brainwashed, deranged or truly driven by the devil.

IMHO Christians believe that while we do not wish to die, we know that the only thing we can really lose on this earth is our bodies, our tents that we live in. All things here on earth are transitory. This is my Christian 'worldview'. While this worldview may not be shared by many JW/DW readers we must all pull together to dispel these outright, outrageous muslim lies. Truth is what will ultimately undo Islam.

Pig blood coated bullets also may hasten the end of these lies......LOL


This doctored picture is a reminder of the dangers of when Photoshop is abused, then both history and current events truth can both end up lost.

Artistic license is fraudulent when used in news photography. But even in artwork, we're now starting to see questionable cases. In a famous example, for the Disney family movie "Herbie: Fully Loaded," Disney's digital effects crews actually digitally reduced the bust size of actress Lindsay Lohan by two cup sizes, figuring that having a woman with large breasts jumping around would be unsuitable for children to view. Thanks to digital retouch tools, there is now an unwritten rule that movies rated G cannot show women with breasts larger than C cup. Anything larger gets digitally reduced on the film by computer.

Ugh, Hugh, in your post from 08:22 pm last night, which Mr. Rosenthal do you mean?

Thought to clear up a possible misunderstanding, because I am definitely laughing my ::: off, and my name is indeed Rosenthal!

Let's see who from Reuters can put the biggest, fattest lies on the table... :)

Removing dust ... ahem!

Adnan Hajj also - obviously inadvertently, owing to dust in his eye - submitted photographs of the same bombed building, indicating in one case that it was "damage caused by Israeli attacks on a Hizbollah stronghold in southern Beirut, July 24 2006" and in the other that it was "flattened during an overnight Israeli air raid on Beirut's suburbs August 5, 2006".

And it's not only pictures: we also have some interesting news reporting by Reuters here.

A few hours after a Franco-American draft for a UN Security Council resolution was released, pro-Hezbollah lobbies and allies launched a campaign to hijack the response of Lebanon to the United Nations. As noted by seasoned observers the campaign started at the top with an alert release by News Agency Reuters written by Lin Noueihed. The article, put out early Sunday has reached the four corners of the Globe and its title has framed the position of the Lebanese people in a "no" to the UN expected resolution. Amazingly enough, Lin Noueihid titles her release "Lebanon rejects draft UN resolution." But when you read the release you realize that the "representative" of all of Lebanon in the eyes of the Reuters reporter is no one other than pro-Syrian, Hezbollah ally, Nabih Berri, the leader of Shiite Movement Amal. ...

More at this link:

OMG. Did I wander through a looking glass somewhere?

FBI agents paid the imam a visit to question him about the incendiary remarks, according to the Post's account. When they knocked on his door, his wife answered and told them he wasn't home. "He's with the president" in Washington, she said.

The agents thought she was joking, but she wasn't. Yusuf was one of many Muslim leaders invited by the White House to meet and pray with President Bush in the weeks after 9-11.

This is from an expose of an attempt by the New York Times to whitewash people who threaten our civilization. While the Times whores after whoever currently represents the greatest threat to us, the President of the US, the most powerful figure in the free world, has been "praying" with someone who has threatened his country: ''This country is facing a terrible fate,' [Sheik Hamza] Yusuf warned."

Rehabbing Islamic Extremists

The New York Times seems to be the established media whore of totalitarianism and is, apparently, backing Islam, just as it kept quiet on Hitler and misreported Stalin. As for the president, one assumes he's not as bad as that - he's just a fool.

Reuters is getting exposed in a big way.

There's a picture Adnan Hajj took of a "body" under a carpet - only moments later someone lifted the corner of the carpet to reveal that it covers what appears to be the leg of a llama (these beasts are apparently common in the area).

Now for the ambulance.

EU Referendum already questioned the Reuters report of an ambulance being struck by an Israeli missile:

The truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth

Now, Riehl has examined high-resolution versions of the photos of the ambulance closely. There is rust around the supposed missile entry point.

These wrecked ambulances which were said to be destroyed have been traveling quite a bit, obviously by tow or flatbed. It's as if they are part of a media parade and now even more individuals claim to have been there.

Hajj Busted Again - Two Media Busts In One

Bottom line : Do not trust Muslims or reporters and not necessarily in that order. They both hate you.

Reuters has been playing this game for years. Before its stringers discovered Photoshop, Reuters simply published sensational photographs, deliberately lying about their context in the captions. And not just Reuters. AP has been known to falsify the context of photographs, too. Examples:

have you seen the metamorphosis of Hammorabi?

I always imagined he was an extremist..

Latest mail to The American Thinker:

A professional image-enhancer's view of the Reuters scandal.

Scary when you think about it.

This may be fake, but it is accurate. Even after planting the flag on Mt. Suribachi the Marines did not hold the island.

That's news to the Marines. What books have you been reading?

From The American Thinker, to which a link is given in a posting above:

"A professional image-enhancer's view of the Reuters scandal

Hajj’s fraudulent photo for Rueters, uncovered by Charles Johnson of Little Green Footballs, is a laughably amateurish job. He created “smoke, clearly using a common tool in retouching software called the cloning brush. To use a cloning brush, you sample one section of an image, and the software copies that section anywhere you “paint”. Done carefully, you can remove smudges, dust specks and other artifacts from digital images. The trick is to not clone a hunk in such a way that a repeating pattern is visible, creating a “tile” effect, something Hajj completely failed to do.

Disturbingly, there are a lot more tools available for the digital counterfeiter than the cloning tool. I’ve been retouching digital images for 15 years. Folks are routinely amazed at what I can do with an image using Adobe Photoshop. In one case, a man had passed away, and the only photo of him with his whole family included a much loathed ex-wife. I was asked to redact this woman from the photo so it could be used without controversy at the man’s funeral. Like a Winston Smith for pictures, I removed the ex-wife and rearranged the family, placing a little girl seamlessly on the man’s lap to create an aesthetically pleasing arrangement. A forensic examiner would likely have recognized small telltales of the digital fraud, but your average person would not question the genuineness of the photo.

What if Hajj had not chosen to fake smoke in such an incredibly bad fashion, but instead faked something more sinister and with greater skill? What if he had cleared away wrecked heavy weapons from a hospital where Hezbollah had invited Israeli bombs with their presence? What if the rifle held by a youth killed by a soldier had been digitally replaced by a broomstick? If Reuters’ image editors lack the skill, interest, or both to catch such an obvious fake, one wonders how many false images have slipped past their lazy, uncritical eyes?

Free, civilized nations already work at a great disadvantage against tyranny in the war of ideas. Free people give the media access to their mistakes, but the enemies of freedom do not welcome cameras to the sites of their atrocities. For this reason alone the numbers of gruesome images available from errors or outright crimes from Western-style combatants are far more plentiful than what you’ll see from the terrorists and their allies. Must we now heap upon that disadvantage phony images of destruction dispensed as if they were the God’s Honest Truth?

Western media have demonstrated time and again that they lack the requisite skepticism to investigate extraordinary claims from the enemy. This incident is an example of why we can’t trust the international media. I’ve known for months that Reuters is biased, but now I know they are sloppy, lazy, stupid or a combination of all. Their reputation ought to be shot in any fair-minded consumer of news, and shouldn’t get it back until they at the very least fire the fools who let this crime against truth slide into the public with their imprimatur."

Tim McNabb 8 07 06

No need to wonder how bad it gets at Reuters. They used another photograph by the same idiot. Check it out
Gets much worse

Except it gets much worse. Not only has he used the cloning tool again, but he used it to multiple Israel missiles. But it gets worse, what Reuters' caption says are missiles, are in fact, anti-missile flares being shot out the back.

So, a picture of an Israel plane discharging a flare, becomes a picture of an Israeli plane firing 3 missiles.

Proving not only Hajj's participation, but Reuters as well.

No matter where that photographer goes, dust follows him.

I made the comment earlier to Hugh about the name Rosenthal, because the photgrapher of the famous flag-planting at Iwo Jima, Jack Rosenthal, is part of my family tree. :)

A number of those photos were made nearing the end of WWII, partly for propaganda purposes (the film clip of the russkies hissing the flag over the Brandenburg gate or of us americans blowing up the last remaining swastika in Nurnberg are also good examples) - but the photos were not re-touched and reflected quite accurately what was happening.

This is not the case with LIAR-LIAR-PANTS-ON-FIRE Hajj.

It turns out that President Bush was right about a number of things: we are fighting an asymetrical war here against an enemy who does things that one did not do in the past. Fighting in the conventional way will not help. A number of people have mentioned that the press is trying to paint Israel as losing this war. The truth is that Israel indeed is losing this war, at least at this juncture in time. If the IDF truly had taken out all of the rocket launchers, then no more rockets would be flying against Israel. Instead, the daily average of hizbyrockets has almost doubled. Iran openly admits giving Hizb'allah the Zelzal-2 rockets (with a range between 100-200 km) - these rockets are much, much bigger and much more deadly, and Hizb'allah is simply waiting for Teheran to give the go ahead. This is how crass this asymetrical war has gotten. And I am starting to wonder how long it will take before we, the USA, will have to declare war on Iran and Syria.

It should be quite apparent to anyone who has eyes and ears that the UN does not give a rat's ass about Israel or jews. Perhaps the world will start to understand which we no longer trust the UN. It is also quite obvious that the media is no longer neutral, nor was it ever. It is horribly slanted in the direction of the islamic world, because that is where the money is flowing at this time.

WE must turn the tide. It was websites like this one that pointed out the faked photos and called this muslim rat on the carpet. It's time for good press for Israel, it's time to fight back.

Pray for Israel, pray for her people and for her safety. Pray for those who come to Israel's aid. The USA will certainly do it. England will - with massive protests from an ugly part of it's population. I hope Germany will - it looks so, at least.

When hizbshaitan agents parade dead babies in front of western cameras it is not “news”.
It is an act of war. It is an act of psychological warfare and it must be responded to properly, to wit:

You “…love death more that we love life…” and so we celebrate with you the martyrdom of your children; and we hope, with your help, to create many more martyrs that we may celebrate!

As long as this tool works they will continue to use it.
Take it away from them!

Steven L.,

There is a video verson of Photoshop that does touch-ups for movies and it is called After Effects. It is a tool for movie making as Photoshop is to still photos.

Steven L.,

There is a video verson of Photoshop that does touch-ups for movies and it is called After Effects. It is a tool for movie making as Photoshop is to still photos.

Steven L.,

There is a video verson of Photoshop that does touch-ups for movies and it is called After Effects. It is a tool for movie making as Photoshop is to still photos.

Steven L.,

There is a video verson of Photoshop that does touch-ups for movies and it is called After Effects. It is a tool for movie making as Photoshop is to still photos.


You're the third poster to make it crystal clear to me I should label satire and put some sort of explanation under the particular satrical bit.

The only point I was making there was humorous. It is true that planting the flag did not end the fighting, but came before some of the hardest fighting on Iwo Jima.

Please excuse my attempt at satire without a label. I usually get satire, but not always. I've been on the Internet long enough to know people can't read facial expressions from the typed word.

Sorry to everyone who didn't get the Dan Rather references concerning "fake but accurate" and "essential truths" which came out during the TANG fake memos fiasco.

Whoa bigcat!

No need to apologize. If anyone sites erroneous info here it is all of our jobs to smack it down. There are many lurkers here so it is very important to get the facts straight.