Saudis deny human trafficking allegations

Saudi slavery update from Gulf News, with thanks to Sr. Soph:

Riyadh: The Saudi government has denied a recent report released by the US Department of State ranking the kingdom as one of the largest human traffickers in the world.

The report said Saudi Arabia is a hub for workers coming from south Asia, including Bangladesh, Sri Lanka and Indonesia and said, many of these workers are subject to bad working conditions including their employers holding their passports as well as physical and sexual abuse.

The report also said some workers are never paid their proper salaries.

The US Government report said household servants and drivers are among the most abused group of workers in the kingdom.

Saudi Arabia also serves as a safe haven for children smuggled from Sudan, Somalia, Yemen, Pakistan, Mali and Afghanistan who are forced to beg or work as street vendors, the report said.

It also alleged that the Saudi government does not protect victims properly and also accused the Saudi government of not being serious in enforcing law against human traffickers.

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The governments of many of these countries do nothing to protest the exploitation of their citizens. They are afraid of the Saudis and other rich Arab countries, afraid that if they protest, then those remittances from the Persian Gulf (sorry, "Arab" Gulf) sheiklets and especially from Saudi Arabia, Mr. Big in the region, will come to an end. So they endure the economic exploitation that is beyond belief -- even in un-rich Jordan, the Arab-owned textile factories set up to take advantage of American "most-favored-nation" status, which employ and exploit, in slavery-like conditions, non-Arab workers who frequently, after a year or two of working night and day, are expelled without being paid at all, and with no recourse, or possibility of future recompense. And they endure the sexual exploitation, the rapes and sexual slavery that is one rape after another, of all those Indian, Thai, Filipino women, by their Saudi and other Arab masters. Anyone who believes that nonsense about "family values" in Islam, anyone who is still unaware of the fantastic and hideous decadence of the Arab rich, that goes far beyond anything dreamed of among the West's own often not very pleasant plutocrats, has apparently overlooked for decades what in a hundred ways has been so obviously signalled to us -- by the reports of expatriates, and even by a few brave diplomats, even by a few brave disaffected Saudis (see "The Religiious Policeman"). Want to tap a phone or two in the Trump Tower, say, and see what's going on among its Arab residents? Beyond anything you would care to imagine.

And while slavery was officially abolished in 1962 in Saudi Arabia -- the last country in the world to do so -- it remains as an institution in that country, and in other Arab countries, especially in those where the supply of black slaves -- Sudan, Mauritania, Mali -- is right there on the spot, and no cross-border trafficking is needed. In 1962, of course, the Saudi government had not yet experienced the oil bonanza, and still needed to go through the motions of listening to Western pressure groups. So slavery was "abolished" -- with at least one old princess among the Al-Saud furious about this. But she needn't have worried. Slavery is in the Qur'an. Muhammad owned slaves. Slavery, therefore, for a good Muslim, can never be considered wrong, can never be considered haram. And just a few months ago an important Saudi cleric made this very point: Slavery is part of Islam, and cannot be rejected.

So how have the Saudis managed to square this circle? By having what are in effect slaves, but not called slaves. Wage-slaves, but far more empahsis on the slavery. If you are subject to your employer's every whim, if he can treat you as a sex slave, if he (or one or all of his wives) can beat you, can beat you, at times, even to death, and never suffer for it, if he can withhold money from you, so that your "earnings" are not really "earnings" at all, if he can advertise in a Saudi newspaper that he would trade you for a "late-model used American car" (an advertisement that appeared a year or two ago in a Saudi newsppaper, spotted by a vigilant Arabic-reading informant), then of course "slavery" still exists in Saudi Arabia.

It was good enough for Muhammad and his Companions. It shouldl, in the Muslim worldview, be good enough for all Muslims who wish to follow the example of the Perfect Man, uswa hasana, al-insan al-kamil.

Hospitals in Saudi Arabia or the Gulf states staff their nurses with Western trained women.

An executive in an international employment agency explained to me that the requirements his firm is working on to supply foreign nurses for employment with "the noble people" include what are normally considered unusual professional specifications in health care. These includes some spec's as hair color (blonde), and certain size measurements.

So small flat chested brunettes with straight A's in nursing do not need to apply for these hospitals. But there are enough well skilled girls in Eastern Europe who fulfil the desirable description who are young, eager for a well paying job and willing to travel.

I'll try and get the exact specifications next time the subject comes up.

Seriously folks, is there anyone with a legal background such as a solicitor/attorney or know someone who could get some of these poor people together and form some sort of class action lawsuit against Saudi businesses and individuals regarding human rights abuses?
Maybe also the Saudi government for allowing it to happen.

Saudi Arabia is the Islamic citadel, maybe we cannot defeat Islam through bombs and bullets, like a cancer, it will always metastasise and pop up again more deadly than before. Attack the heart of it though and using other means we may just see the beginning of the beginning of the end of Islam.

Look at how Al Capone was nailed though tax charges because no one could get him by other means, we have to think creatively. We managed to humiliate the Nazis, they had more firepower than Al Qaeda and most Muslim countries. We will eventually defeat and humiliate Islam too, we must never, ever think we can't and we must always try.

If the US government, namely the State Department, is concerned about the "most abused" group, household servants, there is something very simple that they can do about it to drive home the point. They can pull the passports of the workers, usually women from the Philippines and Indonesia, working in the homes of Saudi businessmen and diplomats who probably live in some of the same neighborhoods as top State Dept. officials in the Washington DC area. Conduct midnight raids and take the non-Saudi women. With the promise of green cards, hold a public hearing and have woman after woman describe her situation, in the Unites States, existing as modern day slaves in the homes of Saudis and other Middle Eastern diplomats.

Did anyone honestly expect them to admit it? That the kingdom of islam is far from perfect? And of course they will not allow infidels in to examine the charges. Nice little setup they have going there.

A Great Undercover Exercise

Notice all Expats in Hell (aka Saudi Arabia)

Someone needs to go undercover and get pictures/tape of the bordellos operating in Saudi Arabia. I have heard rumors of a bordello operating on the third level of a major shopping mall in Al-Khobar. Is this true? If so, I imagine there are lots of Indonesian and Filipina girls being held against their wishes.

Another interesting bit of taping would be some interviews with the prostitutes in Bahrain. There seemed to be lots of Romanian and Russian women there. Are they also there against their will?

Here is another idea. Use a hidden camera to show what it is like to walk down the street in Saudi Arabia. As all expats with Saudi experience know, the tape will reveal how Saudi men always try to pick up other men--especially infidel kaffir men. (Any port in a storm!) This will not really illustrate the lack of human rights in Saudi, but it will show how weird the place is. I say this because Saudi's separation of the sexes causes normally heterosexual men to actively engage in homosexual activity. I call it the Prision Effect.

Just my thoughts. If the rest of the Islamic world is as screwed up as Saudi Arabia, then there is no hope for them. What a backward-ass place in spite of all its petro dollars and foreign-build infrastructure.


What Saudi government? The "royals?" Ugh! What else would we expect in the land of Mecca? It is not exploitation - for them. It is their RIGHT to abuse anyone who is not a Muslim. And it is their RIGHT and DUTY to lie about it and deceive anyone outside dar al-Islam.
I DO think Mary Rose's idea of raids among the Muslim diplomats and fat-cats in the West is excellent. But I doubt if any western government would take that approach, as it might make some Muslims uncomfortable or resentful and we mustn't have that sort of Islamophobia!
Personally, I wish they would conduct such raids, liberate the exploitees and (dipl. immunity be damned!) lock up the perpetrators.
Please, WEST, wake up! This so-called religion sanctifies all that is unholy. At church this morning I thought of the sublime message of Christ and - human foibles and evils aside - of His Church. How anyone could consider Islam a religion is beyond me.
This cult has not been "hijacked" - it is simply showing its true colors.

I haven't read the entire thread, so bear with me if I'm repeating what has already been said. When George H.W. was sitting in the White House & his address was the Houstonian in...Houston, one of his neighbors was a Saudi sheik. We knew this because his wife's Filipino slave had escaped. I thought slavery was abolished in the United States. Where can I buy me one?

This abuse of the Saudi's migrant workers should come as no surprize to us given that the worst form of worker abuse, slavery, has been one of the principle strategies of Jihad. We are, after all, talking about the birthplace of the ROP.

I'll try and get the exact specifications next time the subject comes up.

Jesus Mary & Joseph, Hugo, please do. Two weeks ago I learned about "thighing" and now this. Can't wait. These Moslems are a barrel o' monkeys.

The Saudis deny their horrendous complicity in human trafficking?

Why then, I categorically deny all allegations that the sky looks blue. And I'm neither an American named Daisy nor am I a woman. Why? Because I said so.

So there.