Sears Tower plot: building "an Islamic army to wage jihad"

Chicago Jihad Update: "Video Discloses Alleged Plot To Target Sears Tower," from CBS, with thanks to Noir:

(CBS) MIAMI Undercover video acquired by CBS 2's Miami sister station, WFOR-TV CBS 4, reveals an inside look at a suspected terror group leader accused in a plot to target U.S. landmarks, including the Sears Tower.

The suspected group was based in Miami and was allegedly led by a former Chicagoan.

As CBS 2 Chief Correspondent Jay Levine reports, that Chicago suspect was apparently trying to recruit help with his mission when he was busted.

The “Liberty City 7”, as they have been dubbed, face terrorism charges after government agents uncovered an alleged plot to blow up buildings, including the Sears Tower, the Miami Federal Courthouse, and the Miami FBI offices, as well as other structures.

The undercover video shows Narseal Batiste, and others taking, what prosecutors claim, is an oath to the al Qaeda terrorist organization, as well as conversations in which Batiste tells and FBI undercover agent his plans for blowing up buildings.


The videotape of the front and side doors of that courthouse was to be given to the man they thought represented al Qaeda, a man Batiste first met when he entered a Miami hotel room hoping to make his dream of Islamic jihad a reality.

“My name is Brother Mohammed ali Hussein,” the informant said on tape.

“Ali Hussein,” Batiste asked.

“Yes,” said the informant. “My job is to determine if its worth it or not. My job is to say if these people are serious or not."

Batiste tries to convince him that he and seven other members of his so-called Moorish Science Temple, their mosque housed in a rundown warehouse in Miami, are very serious.

“What's the plan?” asked the informant.

“To build this army,” Batiste replied.

“Army? To build an army?” the informant asked.

“An Islamic army for Islamic jihad,” Batiste said.

“Jihad? To wage jihad?” the informant said.

“Yes,” confirmed Batiste....

Why would you need an army to wage an inner spiritual struggle?

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These are the same morons who denied everything at first. They they were shown the video--


Typical reply to anything accusatory, deny , deny, deny, lie, lie, lie, and when proof is shown, well OOOPS

Not quite on topic, but not quite off, either. A little bit of evidence that here in Britland things are slowly swinging our way.

The Guardian is a national newspaper here that is so leftie it makes American Liberals look like nazis. But the readers, if not the newspaper itself, are opening their eyes. The readers are giving these two moslem comment columnists a big f**k off.

I suspect you will particularly like the attitude of Johnnieboy71 if you go have a little read. I told you people are starting to wake up over here, and once Brits do wake up (admittedly we are slow to anger - then again, so are Americans - but this slowness is a mark of fundamentalist decency, as opposed to e.g. fundamentalist islam, which flies into a rage at the drop of a hat, and is perfectly happy to do its own hat-dropping), they do have an attitude of win or die. Go ask a German.

How do you like my new concept? - "Fundamentalist Decency"

That's us folks

Why would you need an army to wage an inner spiritual struggle?

Oh c'mon. Narseal was speaking metaphorically. We should no more harrass these poor young religiosos than we should incarcerate a cavalry of 500 Lutrherans assertively singing psalms in church on Sunday morning.

Luckily, Narseal & Co. has gotten a lotta symphathetic press since their bust, and will no doubt walk, maybe even file a lawsuit for racial oppression and cash in on the federal dole.

Why would you need an army to wage an inner spiritual struggle?

Maybe he'll say he wanted them to hit him with a barrage of artillery fire every time he committed a sin. Aversion therapy, you see. Sure, the neighbors would be ticked off, but what do those silly kafirs know?


I have coined my own new phrase, the 'Islamo-Left.'

It is designed to:

1) Highlight to the uninitiated the extent of the symbiosis between Islam and the Left, fostered almost exclusively by a mutual antipathy for America and Israel

2) Shame those elements of the Left that are still capable of rational analysis into a public disassociation from Islam


Your point 2 is starting to happen here, as you have seen if you visited the links I posted. We're getting there. JW is important for this.

I showed you the shift on the left (so far). Here's the view from the Brit Right (first two links). The third link is the nearest thing we have in Britland to JW. The comments are worth reading too. Read enough of the articles and comments and you'll see I post there regularly.

We are slowly overhauling them (incidentally, I go out of my way to offend moslems, and not only on the internet. I try to enrage them into doing stupid things).

What's it like in the U.S.? Slow overhaul? Please say yes - I do note that there are more and more names posting here. Every incident like the one in this article here must help, (that I'm going off topic on. Sorry for that, but I think it's important that our cousins know we ARE slowly getting our act together on this side of the pond. It stiffens spines - not that most here need their spines stiffening).

Anyway - where else can I post this good news?

"Why would you need an army to wage an inner spiritual struggle?"

Doesn't the saying go:

It takes a masjid to raise a jihadi?


Why would you need an army to wage an inner spiritual struggle?

Ugh Robert, why the cynicism? They wanted to behave like an Army as part of a spiritual excercise, I'm sure. Sort of the way some Bhuddists practice martial arts.

Sir Henry Morgan and Cornelius:

I coined my own phase as well... Mo-foes

this is a blatant rip-off of a a very useful term used by glamorous sub-cultures within the U.S. but I have no shame. I enjoy calling Muslims mo-foes every chance I get.

To parse: MO = mohammed
foes = sworn enemies

I'd like to state that it's my belief that most of the pan-Islamic world consists of mo-foes.

Sir Henry; The issue's been in the news alot lately and some commentators are very outspoken. We get daily polls on everything from Hillary Clinton’s polarization effects, to the President’s approval numbers, to people’s opinion of the Dixie Chicks.

The fact that we don’t see any poll results on the Muslim issue makes me speculate that public opinion is pretty strong.

"OK, let's stop that then. The truth is that you're a clean-shaven, suit-wearing, non-accented frontman for an organisation which is on record numerous times praising violence against non-Muslims. The truth is also that the UK government, with typical shitheaded aplomb, made the mistake of including you in discussions about community cohesion, which you have no intention of promoting, as that runs counter to your agenda. The truth is that you have as little love or even respect for the 97% of the UK's population who are not Muslim as you have for farmyard animals. The truth is that you are terrible at hiding this."

Thank you, Sir Henry, for the links to Jonnyboy71, who is now my hero. "Typical shitheaded aplomb" -- priceless.

Thank god that these guys where the dumbest bunch of thugs arrested for terrorist threats on the continent at the time.

Robert, I appreciate your appearances of radio and tv. You stay measured and calm and reasonable, which is crucial considering the information and ideas being disussed.

Here's an idea:



Joint Resolution Declaring that a State of War exists between Radical Islam and the Government and People of the United States and making provisions to prosecute same.

Whereas the extraterritorial movement known as Radical Islam has planned, advocated, and committed unprovoked acts of War against the people of the United States of America

Whereas, numerous representatives of said Radical Islam have announced that their exists a State of War between radical Islam and the United States,

Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America, that a State of War now exists between Radical Islam and the United States and is hereby formally declared. The President is authorized and directed to employ the military forces of the United States as needed and the resources of the Government to carry on the war against Radical Islam. Further, recognizing the danger posed by individuals who are loyal to Radical Islam who are now or may in the future be residing in the United States and its territories, the President and the Attorney General of the United States are hereby authorized to identify such individuals, take them into preventive custody, and deport them from the United States.

For purposes of this Declaration, Radical Islam is defined as those individuals or organizations who advocate, support, plan or execute jihad attacks against the United States and its foreign allies and interests or those who support the overthrow of the Constitutional government of the United States and in its place the establishment of Sharia law. Further, the distinction is made herein between Radical Islam and Moderate Islam (the later being expressly excepted from the intent of this Declaration.)

Sparrow. why is the word "radical" in the declaration?

Radical Islam is like saying Radical Nazi or Radical Klansman.

There's that word again, Moderate.

Moderate Islam

Replace stoning with hanging. It's more humane.

Apostacy - No more death sentences - Life in prison.

Change rape laws - Without four witnesses - 40 years in prison for perjury.

End violent Jihad - Send muslims in groups of three door to door and spend four hours at each home preaching peaceful Islam. Repeat visit each week.

End Dhimmitude - Cut jizya to a progressive tax based on income.

Well, it's a start.

Although Daniel Pipes is not the only authority, and his understanding of non-Islamic History is superficial, I have to agree that the "education by murder" phrase seems to sum up my feelings on what it will take for people to wake up to the threat of the Jihadists.

Appparently only a percentage of the US population believe drastic steps need to be taken to prevent another attack. And it apparently take more than one 9-11 type attack to get a majority to see this. Until then, these types of findings are going to be buried under Tom Cruise and whatever murder trial the cable news networks choose to nauseate us with.

Slightly OT,

A friend of mine is convinced that a fatal blow to the muslim world would be to reduce the Ka'aba to a pile of rubble with an appropriate missile (without making human victims of course). He asserts that this would shock the muslims in such a way that
it would seem as if "Allah died" (since he's supposed to live at that place). I'm not quite convinced, since I think Robert's next book will have a more effective impact, but I would like to hear some comments on this.

Killhankill: it was good to see you on our side of the pond, and if "Armaros" isn't Templar, then Templar has a psychological identical twin somewhere in Canada.

Thank you Mr. Spencer, thank you all JW posters. We're going to win this one, though it will cost time and casualties. And a special thank you to Marwan's Daughter. Glad you liked Johnnieboy71 - taken quite a liking to him myself.
I posted the following on that same page (I post there as the Emperor):

"Available Oct. 9th: "The Truth About Muhammad: Founder of the Word's Most Intolerant Religion" by Robert Spencer. Regnery Publishing. Can be pre-ordered on (or .com). No, I'm not him, and it wont tell me anything I don't already know - but everyone should read this, and every national newspaper should do a review of it. It's all from original Koranic sources. Big Mo was a liar, a serial rapist, serial and mass murderer, an enslaver, a paedophile, a thief and a brigand; and probably would today be diagnosed as a paranoid psychopath (the worst kind of psychopath it's possible to get - any psychiatrist readers available to confirm the latter?).

People really should educate themselves about this revolting example of "humanity", though I see from today's posts that even Guardian readers seem to be picking up on how obnoxious this man was and his followers are.

The Guardian has my permission to give my email address to bungle so he can discover my home address and send his young psychopaths around to my home to sort me out the moslem way. Mine wont be the only head to part company with its body on that day.

Bungle - you and your kind disgust me - even me, and I spent many years as a mercenary.

Prediction: five years from now the only moose limbs still resident in Britland, including native Brit converts, will be living on St. Kilda. The rest will be living in one moslem hell-hole or another somewhere in the ummah, where they can abuse their women and sexually assault children and goats (read Khomeini) to their hearts content.

I intend to be in Trafalgar Square on Oct. 28th enjojing a good belly-full of dead pig butties and a few tinnies."
"Bungle" refers to Ineyat Bunglawala - a senior member of the Muslim Council of Britain, and a regular columnist on the Guardian.

The reference to Trafalgar Square is because they are taking it over on Oct 28th for their Eid celebration. Nelson must be turning in his grave - at several thousand rpm. And I WILL be there with my dead pig butties (bacon sandwiches) and a few tinnies (beers).

That posting may get removed, but it usually takes them some time to do that - especially this late at night - so plenty of people should get to see it forst. I'll only re-post it anyway, until they get around to banning me. That's ok - I already have two registrations with them and can easily make more. I'll keep posting it. And please, do come and argue with the Brit lefties when you have time to spare.

Thank you all. Tonight I log off and go to bed feeling good. G'night.


I had today/tonight had gone with my SO to see the movie, "World Trade Center" and after having come home got myself settled for the night had checked back with JW. Having seen a number of these posts it was important to post on this thread.

The truth is that there is NO SUCH THING as either "radical " or even "moderate " Islam. Islam is Islam and that what I have learned since 9/11 and the 5 years since is that Islam is at war with the non-Muslim world. Slowly the non-Muslim world is starting to wake up to this reality.

" WTC " is a lesson not only about the horrors that Islamic jihad can bring but also of the need to defend our God-given freedoms.

Sir Henry
I too am going to bed tonight more cheerful about the battle we have on our hands than I have been for a long time after reading the comments over at CIF. Yours was excellent BTW.

At long last people are beginning to really get it, the scales have fallen from so many eyes and people are doing their own research. May this grow and grow!


Sir Henry,

Americans are much like you across the pond. Almost everyone I know, including many Latinos, profess misgivings about Islam, but - as if we live in a totalitarian state - they only voice them privately.

My other concern is that Americans are so consumed by their busy schedules and private lives that - like Europeans - they don't seem to have either the stomach or the attention span for a sustained and vigilant struggle.

Al Saheed Al Kuffar, Robert's book will be met with derision, ridicule, and hate. He will be called the usual slurs used against truth tellers by Islamic fellow travellers. I don't need a crystal ball to make this prediction. Even with all the bad reviews, it will still climb to the top of the New Duranty Times best seller list. I hope it does and hairlips everybody on Bear Creek - including the secretaries, sportswriters, and those jerks who write the crossword puzzle.

I think UK Telegraph still really doesn't get it. St. Augustine in his City of God made two points which I think are relevant today. He was talking in the context of the debate between Roman polytheism and Christiniaty. Basically, he, as many Christians, wanted Roman polytheism to be discarded because of certain ethical issues in it's doctrines - sexual and otherwise. The counterargument was that there was much good in Roman polytheism also and that parts of it advocated behaviour that even Christians would agree was virtuous. St. Augustine's answer was that if one is to construct a false immoral religion with a really wide appeal, he has to include the bad with the good, because the bad only appeals to some people, while the good appeals to others, who, while they may not be the ones committing the bad, play very useful roles because they strengthen the institution and indirectly make the bad actions possible. That's why the "Church of Satan" ,for example, can never be more then a small freakshow. Islam on the other hand... not everyone may be attracted to the beheading stuff, so Muhammad throws in some justice stuff, gets credibility, and he gets people to join who like the justice stuff who may not make greatest jihadis, but can do the more mundane things needed to be done which psychopaths that are attracted to cutting off heads are not good at, but which nevertheless needed to build a society that can then shelter the jihadis. This works with ideologies too. Notice nazism - naked evil - discredited and defeated very quickly. Communism - evil disguised as a quest for a just oppression-free worker's paradise - alive and still kicking, i.e. Chavez. The second point was this. There was an effort, by the neoplatonists, to reform Roman polytheism by suppressing the bad parts and emphasizing the good. Augustine rightly predicted that this was doomed to fail. The reason he gave was this, actions cannot be explained away by words. For example, in Roman polytheism, the gods in stories were said to be engaged in immoral actions, for example Jupiter killed his father and had sex with his sister Juno. Augustine felt that regardless of how many treatises the neoplatonists write against incest or parricide, and that these stories did not really happen but were only an invention of the "poets", a significant segment of the populace would always feel that they are true, and that if Jupiter is God and had sex with Juno, having sex with their sister would also make them godlike. Muhammad robbed, raped, and murdered and was considered godlike. Therefore, a significant portion of the populace will always feel that robbing, killing and murdering makes them godlike. There is no amount of treatises on the real meaning of Koran that can change that, and even if they went as far to claim that Muhammad never did these things; no one believe them. You can only cleanse a religion of violence if the founders were not violent themselves, i.e. Christianity. Islam cannot be reformed to become non-violent, it can only be discarded, or develop into a entirely new religion with new prophets, which is highly unlikely and undoable.

Everyone here is preaching to the choir. What we need to do is start talking about it with other people. "Hello. Have you heard of Islam? Well, it wants to chop your head off--or at least subjugate you!" Well, maybe start off a little more gently. Many of my friends believe the liberal media about the Religion of Peace crap. That's because we've all been force-fed the tolerance junk. Anyway, when Spencer's next book comes out, I'll definitely email all of my friends with a link to it at One last thought...America is obviously asleep. I mean, we watch "American Idol" and want to know all about "Brangelina." Sometimes I can't help but think we have brought this upon ourselves. Our ancestors would have seen right through this baloney.

SpongeMom, America's obsession with celebrities is not new, and it will not go away. I remember when James Dean was killed. My sister was 15 at the time; I was 10. For the longest time there were stories and rumors that he was not killed, but was disfigured and in hiding, or he was paralyzed, or in a coma. My sister was convinced he was still alive. This went on for a loooooong time. Actually James and Elvis are living in Switzerland.

My late mother told me about teenage girls fainting at Frank Sinatra appearences. For a while this country was obsessed with Houdini. I think that people get wrapped up in celebrities just to avoid the continuous news about death, misery and war.

Al Saheed Al Kuffar: two words, internal struggle - Mein Kampf

Did anyone notice the journalists' indifference to the plot when reporting this story? They laughed it off.

Instead of taking this seriously, the journalists lend to a sense of false security by treating this like a joke. Alarm should be raised.

Granted, the busted group was a bunch of idiots, but for every cockroach caught, there are 500 more in hiding.


The Left are trying to rally around an incident involving Raed Jarrar, who was forced at an airport to remove his T-shirt which had Arabic writing on it:

I just want everyone to remember Oliver Wendell Holmes, who said the right to freedom of speech did not include shouting 'Fire' in a public theater. Holmes also argued against the right to print leaflets opposing the draft during WW1, because of he presciently termed 'Clear and Present Danger'.

A crowded passenger airliner should have at least as much protection against speech as a crowded theater. We are certainly all living in a time of Clear and Present Danger.

I just checked out the t-shirts. I'd make him remove it too. I would also make a person remove a shirt that had the words, "I do not have a bomb." The plane is not the place to start making political statements. I was dismayed, of course, to see that all profits are going to the ACLU. What a joke.

I like celebrity gossip just as much as the next person, but not at the expense of real news. I've got a friend who doesn't read the news AT ALL. I don't even know how that is possible. Oh, glad Elvis and James are alive and well though! Ha ha.

Yes. They blow up our towers, like the Sears, we blow up their mosques. They'd understand that.
Of course, when no people are inside them, but we KNOW that green helmet guy will appear with a plethora of "dead" babies for the cameras.

They really are not any different than the nazis. They have many Himmlers to keep the spirit drama going, while their Goebbels keep the propoganda machine cranked up, too. And, they raise their kids just like Hitler Youth.

Let's just call them what they are:::
IslamoSupremacists, Muslimsupremacists...
Wouldn't the dimmi's think it absurd if all of Islam, radical or not, wore swastikas or other hate emblems to the airport and then cried outrage for being profiled. How hard is it for them to finally GET IT! Sheesh!

From the WTFizzat Dept

Move over Backstreet Boys, buh-bye New Kids on the Block, asta-la-vista Menudo...

-- Hezbollah is now launching a boy-band rock group:

I can see it now. Legions of screaming little girls will be throwing their, uhhh, socks(?), onto the stage. The smell of hashish wafting from the crowd, to cover up the smell of incense. It's BYOB -- bring your own burkha.

Can't wait for the world tour. It'll be a blast.


You said it! No ambiguity there... it is "clear and present" danger.

something else:
in May 2001, four months before 9/11 an islamic school in Almere, near Amsterdam/Netherlands published and distributed a calendar, with title picture: A crashing airliner in front of the skyline of New York!

Picture & (story in dutch):

..but thinking of it, we can be glad the 22.nd of August passed wihtout a major incident, but then it is only 2 weeks to the of September, the anniversary of 9/11...