SF hit-and-run murderer identifies self as terrorist; police say it wasn't terrorism

Omeed Aziz Popal has, like Muhammad Reza Taheri-azar several months ago, driven his SUV into people, clearly trying intentionally to hurt or kill them. Like Taheri-azar, he seemed completely calm and at peace with himself after the incident.

After mowing down as many people as he could, Popal was boxed in by police and arrested. According to this video, he then identified himself as a terrorist (this bit comes right at the end of the report). Police, however, have already ruled out the possibility that these were acts of terrorism -- again, as they did in the case of Taheri-azar.

Here are more incidents of authorities engaging in dubious denials of terrorism.

Was this yet another case of what Daniel Pipes has termed "sudden jihad syndrome"? Perhaps it was, perhaps it wasn't. But clearly an act of random violence by someone who declares himself a terrorist is terrorism even if he lacks a laminated Al-Qaeda ID.

"1 dead, several injured in San Francisco hit-and-run rampage," from CBC News:

One person has been killed and at least 14 injured in the San Francisco area on Tuesday after a driver targeted pedestrians on crosswalks and sidewalks, police allege.

The victims were taken to three hospitals. One was in critical condition.

"These are the things, these are so senseless. They're utterly inexplicable. They're impossible to rationalize," Mayor Gavin Newsom said.

The spree began around noon in the Fremont district, where a 55-year-old man walking on the side of the road was struck. He was thrown into a field and pronounced dead at the scene, said Sgt. Chris Mazzone of the Fremont police.

Witnesses said the driver did not slow down.

The driver then crossed the bay into San Francisco, where at least four separate incidents occurred over a 20-minute span.

"It was like Death Race 2000, "firefighter Danny Bright told the Chronicle. "Guys were walking down the sidewalk and the guy just came up and ran them over. The guy went crazy.''

Police were eventually able to box in a black Honda Pilot in the city's Richmond district.

The arrested man was identified as Omeed Aziz Popal.

More details here: "Up to 14 hurt in SF hit-and-run spree: 7 critical; driver believed to have struck, killed a man in Fremont earlier," from the San Francisco Chronicle.

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Wow... I first saw the headlines on Drudge.. The first thing I thought was "Muslim". After reading the article, his name looks suspiciously arab. Maybe I'm racial profiling :)

Although this does say something about gun control. You would think the wackos would be more interested in using a firearm. Not that there hasn't been instances of that as well.

I wonder how long the authorities will deny his religion played a part in this.

What really makes me mad is that America is afraid to address religion. The war on terrorism is a religious war, not because we've made it a religious war, but because they have.

Teach me to give Robert a heads-up on a story. Least I could've gotten was a "thanks to."


Teach me to give Robert a heads-up on a story. Least I could've gotten was a "thanks to."


Looks like all the pro-Pali/anti-Jewish demonstrations that have taken place in SF in the past did squat to save them.

Somehow, these Jihadists just don't know how to thank the Dhimmi community at large. On second thoughts,....

Moral: Muslims should be banned from driving SUV's, and restricted to compacts (e.g. Chevy Metros, Dodge Neons,...)

Looks like this was in a Jewish part of SF as well. See here.

Will coincidences never cease?

He is Afghan.

On the brighter side - Western Civilization and the USA are now safe as the greatest evil-doer of our times -a religious fanatic, child-bride-marrying, polygamist has been profiled, arrested, and featured as today's top "news" item. Interesting as all "non-PC details" were hyped and made available with no hesitation... Hmmm...? Oh -that's right - it was a Mormon.

This is quite sad. I am unsurprised it was an arab. These acts will become more and more prevalent.


FYI, about 5 gazillion people sent me this story.

Thanks to you and all the others also.

Robert Spencer

There's Only One,

I was reading Drudge too and high-tailed it over here to see if Robert had it yet and sure enough! My first thought from the headline on the main page was, is this a repeat of North Carolina? And then when I saw this guy's name I thought, those rat b*$^*#d media, are they going to call him an "asian" like the two guys that got kicked off the plane in Manchester? I think I'm going to hurl!!!

But seriously, maybe we can bring the media up on charges of a cover up, fraud and aid and succor to the enemy if they continue to deny who and what these guys are really about. Do they really think the American people are that dumb that they won't start paying attention to this?

Hmmmmm...there seems to be a pattern developing. (Tongue in cheek)

A dental office manager, who identified herself only as Kira, watched from a second-floor window as police dragged the driver out of his vehicle.

"He was absolutely indifferent, no fear, no expression,'' she said. "He was like a zombie.''

-From S.F. Chronicle

My vampire allusion of these Islamic fanatics are not that far fetched.

It wasn't terrorism? Gee,,what was it then?

Get these creeps out of our society and start with the lefty politicians and the civil liberties creeps who think it is more important that these be protected rather than us tax-paying citizens!
Although I am an Aussie, I love San Francisco - been there several times. What a blot on the fabulous landscape??
Dylan should write "The Times They are a'Changing" version #2!!

If it weren't for this site, Robert, Marisol and Hugh, LGF and the many posters here I would have slit my wrists a while ago!!

here is a good pieace from Danile Pipes:

Piggybacking on Terror in Britain
by Daniel Pipes
New York Sun
August 29, 2006

Two days after British authorities broke up an alleged plot to blow up multiple aircraft over the Atlantic Ocean, the "moderate" Muslim establishment in Britain published an aggressive open letter to Prime Minister Tony Blair.

It suggested that Mr. Blair could better fight terrorism if he recognized that the current British government policy, especially on "the debacle of Iraq," provides "ammunition to extremists." The letter writers demanded that the prime minister change his foreign policy to "make us all safer." One prominent signatory, the Labour member of Parliament Sadiq Khan, added that Mr. Blair's reluctance to criticize Israel increased the pool of people whom terrorists can recruit.

In other words, Islamists working within the system exploited the thwarted Islamist terror plot to pressure the British government to implement their joint wishes and reverse British policy in the Middle East. Lawful Islamists shamelessly leveraged the near death of thousands to forward their agenda.

Despite its reported fears of Muslim street unrest, the Blair government heatedly rejected the letter. Foreign Secretary Margaret Beckett called it "the gravest possible error." The Foreign Office minister Kim Howells dismissed it as "facile." Home Secretary John Reid deemed it a "dreadful misjudgment" to think that the "foreign policy of this country should be shaped in part, or in whole, under the threat of terrorism activity." Transport Secretary Douglas Alexander rejected the letter as "dangerous and foolish."

Undaunted, the "moderate" Muslim establishment pushed even harder on the domestic front. In an August 14 meeting with high government representatives, including the deputy prime minister, it made two further demands: that a pair of Islamic religious festivals become official holidays and that Islamic laws pertaining to marriage and family life be applied in Britain. A Muslim present at the meeting later warned the government against any plans to profile airport passengers, lest this step radicalize Muslim youths further.

Why these ultimata and why at this time? According to the Daily Mail, the leader of the August 14 Muslim delegation, Syed Aziz Pasha, explained his group's logic: "if you give us religious rights, we will be in a better position to convince young people that they are being treated equally along with other citizens." More ominously, Mr. Pasha threatened the government leaders. "We are willing to cooperate, but there should be a partnership. They should understand our problems. Then we will understand their problems."

The press reacted furiously to these demands. The Guardian's Polly Toynbee condemned the open letter as "perilously close to suggesting the government had it coming." The Daily Mirror's Sue Carroll portrayed Mr. Pasha's position as "perilously close to blackmail."

This was not the first such attempt by "moderate" British Muslim leaders at political jujitsu, to translate Islamist violence into political clout. The same happened, if less aggressively, in the aftermath of the July 2005 London bombings, when they piggybacked on the death of 52 innocents to demand that British forces leave Iraq.

That pressure did succeed, and in two major ways. First, the Home Office subsequently issued a report produced by "moderate" Muslims, "Preventing Extremism Together," that formally accepted this appeasing approach. As Dean Godson of Policy Exchange summarizes the document, Islamist terror "provided a wonderful, unexpected opportunity for these moderates to demand more power and money from the State."

Second, 72% of British subjects now accept the Islamist view that Mr. Blair's "backing for action in Iraq and Afghanistan" has made Britain more of a target for terrorists, while a negligible 1% say the policies have improved the country's safety, according to a recent poll. The public solidly backs the Islamists, not the prime minister.

I have argued that terrorism generally obstructs the progress of radical Islam in the West by stimulating hostility to Muslims and bringing Islamic organizations under unwanted scrutiny. I must admit, however, that the evidence from Britain – where the July 7 terrorism inspired more self-recrimination than it did fury against jihad – suggests that violence can also strengthen lawful Islamism.

And here's another reconsideration: While I maintain that the future of Europe – whether continuing in its historic Christian identity or becoming an adjunct of Muslim North Africa – is still an open question, the behavior of the British public, that weakest link in the Western chain, suggests that it, at least, may be too confused to resist its Londonistan destiny.

This story doesn’t surprise me and neither does the MSM’s coverage of it. Like I wrote in my blog tonight.


The media is reporting this as an attack by a Black SUV instead of what it is. If this were a white guy driving down people in a predominantly African-American neighborhood or a man of any race running down innocent people in a gay neighborhood the term “Hate Crime” would be blasting all throughout the news. But because this is a man of Middle Eastern decent in a Jewish neighborhood, it doesn’t qualify as “hate” it’s just “road rage.”

He was absolutely indifferent, no fear, no expression, she said. "He was like a zombie".

Well, isn't that what we have been saying here? That jihad makes a muslim into a zombie?

A woman who noticed Mohammad Atta before he boarded flight 11 said she remembered him as he walked past her in the terminal because he had this blank zombie-like look on his face. She thought about reporting him, but on what grounds? The rest is history.

Like I have said before, every muslim in the west is a potential terrorist. The authorities think that a terrorist is someone with a specific pedigree and a bomb. What they don't realize, and would never admit even if they did, is that every muslim is a terrorist in situ. All it takes to turn a muslim into a terrorist is some personal event in his life; a meeting with an imam, a bit of propaganda from a cleric, or just a meal of hummus with some buddies talking trash about their adopted country.

That is all it takes. Then this "law-abiding" muslim now becomes a terrorist.

So when the PC crowd, and that includes those that made that movie, Islam: What the West Needs to Know, is that being law-abiding means nothing for a muslim. All it means is that he has yet to have his trigger pulled. So if you have 100 muslims in a mosque and 2% are terrorists already, that means you have 98 terrorists in situ waiting to have their trigger pulled.

Unlike with normal human beings, who, if they have not committed crimes by the time they are 20, will unlikely ever commit crimes, much less violent, much less a crime of murder. That is because by the time you are an adult, your conscience is fully developed.

But muslims are different. They lack a basic conscience. This means that they lack the very thing which prohibits normal humans from doing such things as running people over to make a political statement. This was not an act of rage. This was an act of jihad.

Consequentely, there is no such thing as a majority of law-abiding muslims. What you have instead are a majority of muslims who have yet to engage in their own personal jihad. Their triggers have not been pulled.

So Bush et al, and all the rest, even some anti-jihad people who maintain this illusion that "most muslims are good", are all wrong. Every muslim male, and many females, between the ages of 12 and 50, are all terrorists in situ. They are all waiting to be triggered to go into killer zombie mode. As this muslim did.

He was absolutely indifferent, no fear, no expression, she said. "He was like a zombie".

Five gazillion?

I suspect repeat posters.

I know that neighborhood. I lived in SF for seven years. It is not identifiably Jewish, and until we have information otherwise, the hit in front of the Jewish center was probably a happy little Jihad coincidence.

Now is the hard part - trying to explain to my leftist social circle in SF what the meaning of Jihad is, and from where this man's motivation springs.

In order to be a Islamist terrorist he has to belong to the union, which he does not do.

These cops want to be sure that people do not associate his actions with terrorism, why? I have not seen their quote yet, but this is standard with these guys.

It might make some Islamist Fascist uncomfortable. After all, shouldn't they be able to do these things, take credit for them -- and get away with them at the same time?

Like how the Left and Islamists both claim Islamists were responsible for 9.11 (you better start doing what they say) and how they blame it on the Jews. Many of these guys do both at the same time -- if you ever go around and talk to them.

Perhaps the real horrible irony here is that they will probably talk about how the guy just "was mad at Americans". A guy goes on a rampage murder in a post office, and yeah, he broke -- but who is a moron enough to believe such a person was not seriously warped?

Islamist societies worship murder. They throw incredibly popular death rallies which are religiously ecstatic in nature. These guys are walking time bombs.

We don't have this kind of society here. You won't find a bunch of ecstatic people religiously rallying together here over murder. You did with the Hutus. You did with the Nazis. You did with various Communist groups. You sure did with Pol Pot's Cambodians.

In a brave world where society deals with hard truths we would be talking about this in the mainstream media... and men like this would be completely condemned and their religious beliefs exposed in documentaries as being abberrent, murderous, lying, and hypocritical.

Most reports give his name as Omeed A. Popa. I guess using Aziz would be racist.

Well, let's chalk up another one for Islam's killer-Zombies.

The SF police are almost certainly also claiming that this incident didn't involve Islam in addition to its NOT involving terrorism. (Now, how in the hell would the US cops know anything about Islam anyway?????).

Next I suppose the establishment, in its PC anxiety, will be claiming that cows are capable of jumping over the moon.

Oh, and I have news for Mayor Newsome. Attacks such as the one that happened in SF on Tuesday are in fact very EASY to understand: Muslims are typically brainwashed by their mosque imams into believing that all non-Muslims are inherently malignant and must be killed. That's what this guy was thinking and that's why he did what he did. What is 'IMPOSSIBLE TO RATIONALIZE' IS WHY PEOPLE LIKE NEWSOME WHO OUGHT TO KNOW BETTER STUBBORNLY REFUSE TO SEE THIS DESPITE ALL THE MOUNTAINS OF EVIDENCE PROVING IT TO BE THE CASE!!!!!!

It never "has anything to do with terrorism", so all good little sheep go back to grazing and close your eyes and ears to anyone saying different.

And how many times does this make since 9/11/01, if I'm right its over 40 times.

The murder of one and the injuring of 14 others is an unquestionable tragedy. But the real sociological significance of this story is the refusal of authorities to even entertain the possibility that it was an act of terrorism.

One might attribute it to San Francisco, but as Robert points out, the reaction is no different to terrorist violence in Seattle and North Carolina.

Christ almighty!

Slightly OT, but the links on the post sent me to frontpagemag, with the article by Spencer about unreported Jihad in America. The only one I didn't know of (no thanks to the MSM) was the Texas City refinery bombing (no, ahem, explosions). The shocking connection in my mind was that I did see a story from before that time in which an apartment was blown to bits by some persons of interest making explosives in it. And if that sounds like something out of Gaza city, you'd be right, because the Texas City men were making TATP, which is the same thing used in many suicide vests, for busses and restaurants and other peaceful activities.

Here's the thing about TATP. It is called tri-acetone, tri-peroxide.
It is easy to make, and very unstable. It is not an incendiary explosive, so there is no flame-ball when it explodes. But, and I am going by memory here, so I may get this part wrong, what it does do is when detonated, turn one molecule of liquid into four molecules of gas instantly, creating such a forceful blast, even in relatively small quantities. Now add nails and tacks and ball bearings, and you see why these suicide belts are so deadly.

By the way, notice that I said liquid...
This is the stuff that was intended to be used on those outgoing British flights, and the reason that water is now a threatening item in an airport. And it appears to not only have been unsuccessfully made in Texas City, but perhaps suceessfully used in Texas City, United States.

Combine that with those Texas students buying thousands of untraceable cell phones

And then there is the willful ignorance of our press and the willful omission of facts from the stories that actually make it to press, that can't be spiked.

Just waiting for the other shoe to drop.

On his craziness:

Maybe he is crazy. Islamists are crazy. Ever seen these guys hold a rally? Notice they are always doing this and calling for some sort of genocide?

Throw sex in the mix and those guys are a bunch of John Wayne Gacys and Ted Bundys. It just so happens sex is not their thing. Religion is.

By my book, that makes them even more deplorable.

The Washington sniper was crazy. He was also inspired by Islamism.

Talk to guys of Arab descent. A lot of them, even non-religious ones, they take the defense against terrorism personally. Why is that? Because, ultimately, Islam has been there as an influence to them.

This is a common situation. It is found quite often among the far left and the far right. The SLA weren't exactly mentally balanced people. A lot of these Neo-Nazi rampagers weren't mentally working correctly. Then again... when do these type of people mentally work right?

What does it do to people to go to mosques were they are taught insanity? Is that really good for their mental health?

Our standard for being mentally fit seems to be that people can get up in the morning, brush their teeth, do a job. Never mind what they believe or do elsewise.

Most of these Islamists and Leftists out there on the streets today would be locked up in an aslyum -- if only so many people did not agree with them.

It is a societal madness. Take away the society and you have a raving, paranoid lunatic... a walking time bomb.

Sadly, that is what we have. We are just deluded by the fact that there are so many of them.

Suppose a real American did this death run on a handfull of muslims...don't you know CAIR would be screaming bloody racism? They'd have the ACLU in to sue somebody. They'd be screaming and crying that they were targetted because they were poor discriminated against muslims.

This guy deserves the death penalty. And he should have during his twenty years of appeals, no koran, no mat, no halal food, no contact with other inmates and no contact with the clerics. He should just be fed pork pork and more pork. He should have Jerry Falwell or some other televangelist piped into his cell until his due date.

what can we, as Americans, who believe in our natural rights of Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness, do to put an end to those (ie. the muslim faith) trying to destroy us? There must be a point of action here, by our citizens. It's sad that we must wait until another attack before the people revolt againt this disease called Islam.

It is unbelievable that there are people out there (ie. the lefties) who wish to do all in their power to allow more attacks to happen.

What do the police know -- this WAS an act of terrorism. The man even identified himself as a "terrorist".

Iran's sabre-rattling and Steve Centanni's conversion didn't knock Jon Benet Ramsey off the front pages. I wonder whether this one will.


In the US, unlike in the UK, Asian typically means Chinese, Korean, Taiwanese, Vietnamese, Thai, Malaysian, Indonesian, and on some rare occasions, Indian. I've never seen Muslims here being described as 'Asians'.

I too found the Omeed A. Popal twist interesting - think Aziz is too much of a giveaway as to his cult, but Omeed isn't?

And the illustrious SF mayor Gavin Newsome says it's not a hate crime, I guess if it happened in the homosexual district and 14 homosexuals were run down instead of Jews, then, he would call it a hate crime.

He seems to be of Afghanistan origin

But the real sociological significance of this story is the refusal of authorities to even entertain the possibility that it was an act of terrorism.

Every time I see those geeks on cable news self congratulating on no domestic terrorism since 9/11, I look at the growing list of obvious contraditions to that fake fact.

Welcome to Kansas vs. Oklahoma on the gridiron, David Boren.

The coverage in the Bay area and national media. This is a major terrorist attack and they are already trying the hardest to not mention Jihad.

I wonder if this person is any relation to the shahid.


How many times have we been told that there has never been a terrorist attack in the U.S. since 9/11? DC sniper Muslim John Allen Muhammad? Not a terrorist. Norman Oklahoma Moslem suicide bomber Joel Henry Hinrichs? Not a terrorist. Mohammad Taheri-azar who drove his SUV through UNC Pit and quoted the Qur'an for justification? Not a terrorist. Damir Igric, a Muslim Croat who slit the throat of a Greyhound bus driver in Tennessee causing a crash that killed 6? Not a terrorist. Hesham Mohamed Hadayet, who shot two Jewish people at El Al Airlines in LAX? Not a terrorist.

September 16, 2005, American West Flight 17 out of JFK in NYC is fired on by a surface to air missile.

December 5, 2005, American Airlines Flight 621 taking off from LAX to Chicago is fired on by a surface to air missile.

July 25, 2005, USAF security chase off three "Middle Eastern" men at Tinker Air Force Base when they are spotted aiming a rocket launcher at a low-flying B1 bomber.

April 4, 2006, Abdallah Karadsheh crashes the gate of Selfridge Air National Guard Base, home to nuclear weapons, at speeds of 90 miles an hour.

August 20, 2006, two "Middle Eastern" men steal a truck containing radioactive cargo in Pennsylvania.

And these are just the non-terrorist attacks that didn't take place in the U.S. If any more of these non-terrorist attacks don't take place, I don't know how much more secure I can feel.

Oh sure, in some of these events the assailants claimed to be terrorists, and they claimed to be acting under justification supplied in the Qur'an, but in fact none of these men were found to be carrying Al Qaeda laminated membership cards, so we know they are definitely not terrorists.

In this case as in others, the authorities (politicians, police and media) do not simply passively "not notice" the jihadist connection to the attack (which would be bad enough, 5 years after 9/11), they actually take an active role in covering up the facts that point to it being a jihadist attack.

I fear if we are not careful and remain in our comfort zone for much longer their fate along with other victems of Jihad will become our own.We need to wake up from our long slumber and address the issue at hand which is:we are under attack by people who want to convert us or kill us,period.We need to start with immigration laws,reword what freedon of relegion means,which is if it threatens the lives of others or seeks to over throw a nation it is not to be concidered a relegion but an act of war.Why pander to the enemy? Expose them for what they are,make it publicly known what kind of threat they pose to us and if they don't like it well that's just tough.Also I think their mosques should be held in question as to how much of a threat do they pose to public safety since it appears it is a breeding ground for intolerance and hatered.

It's getting to the point where the lies by our press and leaders are making more angry that the attacks.

If a Muslim says he is a terrorist, I believe him.

Re the propensity to deny terrorism, I have seen little or no coverage of this on the part of the national media. They were too busy trumpeting the arrest of some "Christian" cult leader who was delivering underage girls for arranged marriages. (Heck, he was just following the example of the prophet Muhammad).

Thought experiment - suppose that on 911 just one plane was hijacked and crashed into the South Tower. What would we have been told was the cause?
Pilot error of course.

Just something someone sent me thought it was interesting

Please pause a moment, reflect back, and take the following multiple choice test. The events are actual cuts from past history. They actually happened!!!

Do you remember?

-1968 Bobby Kennedy was shot and killed by
a. Superman
b. Jay Leno
c. Harry Potter
d. Muslim male extremist between the ages of 17 and 40

1. In 1972 at the Munich Olympics, athletes were kidnapped and massacred by
a. Olga Corbett
b. Sitting Bull
c. Arnold Schwarzenegger
d. Muslim male extremists mostly between the ages of 17 and 40

2. In 1979, the US embassy in Iran was taken over by:
a. Lost Norwegians
b. Elvis
c. A tour bus full of 80-year-old women
d. Muslim male extremists mostly between the ages of 17 and 40

3.During the 1980's a number of Americans were kidnapped in Lebanon by:
a. John Dillinger
b. The King of Sweden
c. The Boy Scouts
d. Muslim male extremists mostly between the ages of 17 and 40

4. In 1983, the US Marine barracks in Beirut was blown up by:
a. A pizza delivery boy
b. Pee Wee Herman
c. Geraldo Rivera
d. Muslim male extremists mostly between the ages of 17 and 40

5. In 1985 the cruise ship Achille Lauro was hijacked and a 70 year old American passenger was murdered and thrown overboard in his wheelchair by:
a. The Smurfs
b. Davy Jones
c. The Little Mermaid
d. Muslim male extremists mostly between the ages of 17 and 40

6.In 1985 TWA flight 847 was hijacked at Athens, and a US Navy diver trying to rescue passengers was murdered by:
a. Captain Kidd
b. Charles Lindberg
c. Mother Teresa
d. Muslim male extremists mostly between the ages of 17 and 40

7.In 1988, Pan Am Flight 103 was bombed by:
a. Scooby Doo
b. The Tooth Fairy
c. Butch Cassidy and The Sundance Kid
d. Muslim male extremists mostly between the ages of 17 and 40

8. In 1993 the World Trade Center was bombe d the first time by:
a. Richard Simmons
b. Grandma Moses
c. Michael Jordan
d. Muslim male extremists mostly between the ages of 17 and 40

9.In 1998, the US embassies in Kenya and Tanzania were bombed by:
a. Mr. Rogers
b. Hillary Clinton, to distract attention from Wild Bill' s women problems
c. The World Wrestling Federation
d. Muslim male extremists mostly between the ages of 17 and 40

10.On 9/11/01, four airliners were hijacked; two were used as missiles to take out the World Trade

Centers and of the remaining two, one crashed into the US Pentagon and the other was

diverted and crashed by the passengers.Thousands of people were killed by:
a. Bugs Bunny, Wiley E. Coyote, Daffy Duck and Elmer Fudd
b. The Supreme Court of Florida
c. Mr. Bean
d. Muslim male extremists mostly between the ages of 17 and 40

11.In 2002 the United States fought a war in Afghanistan against:
a. Enron
b. The Lutheran Church
c. The NFL
d. Muslim male extremists mostly between the ages of 17 and 40

12. In 2002 reporter Daniel Pearl was kidnapped and murdered by:
a. Bonnie and Clyde
b. Captain Kangaroo
c. Billy Graham
d. Muslim male extremist s mostly between the ages of 17 and 40

13. 2004 - Spain Railway bombings were done by:
Muslim male extremists mostly between the ages of 17 and 40

14. 2005 London Railway bombings were done by:
Muslim male extremists mostly between the ages of 17 and 40


15. 2006 plot to blowup airliners leaving London for US destinations. Who has been implicated:

Muslim male extremists mostly between the ages of 17 and 40

Nope, I really don't see a pattern here to justify profiling, do you?

So, to ensure we Americans never offend anyone, particularly fanatics intent on killing us, airport

security screeners will no longer be allowed to profile certain people. They must conduct random searches

of 80 year-old women, little kids, airline pilots with proper identification, secret agents of the President's
security detail, 85-year old Congressmen with metal hips, and Medal of Honor winning and former Governor

Joe Foss, but leave Muslim males between the ages 17 and 40 alone because profiling is discriminatory and

not nice.

Let's send this to as many people as we can so that the Gloria Allreds and other dunder-headed attorneys

along with Federal Justices that want to thwart common sense, feel doubly ashamed of themselves -

if they have any such sense.

As the writer of the award winning story "Forrest Gump" so aptly put it,

"Stupid is as stupid does"

Come on people wake up!!!

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The following comment, posted by Somethingaboutislam on June 13, applies to the situation here as well. In fact, too well.


After clicking on link, read the conversation between Jihadist and Canadian Politician. He has made two comments.

Oh, look for the time Two Muslim Policemen come to your door soliciting funds for Police Charity.

What kind of reports do Muslim Policemen make?

Think about this coming of Muhammad.