Southeast Asian jihadis dispatched for global war on Israel

Tiny Minority of Extremists Update. And "200 would be sent immediately to targets aboard." From The Australian, with thanks to David:

HUNDREDS of Southeast Asian suicide bombers have been dispatched around the world with a mission to attack Jewish interests in countries that support Israel such as Britain, the US and possibly Australia.

The radical Jakarta-based Asian Muslim Youth Movement gave The Australian details of the plot yesterday, claiming it was being funded in part with cash donations from two unnamed Australian-Indonesian businessmen.

The leader of the AMYM, Islamist author Suaib Bidu, warned that thousands more jihadis were preparing to join the resistance against Israel and die as "martyrs".

Mr Bidu said a "passing-out" ceremony for more than 3000 jihadis would be held tomorrow in the Indonesian city of Pontianak on the large northern island of Kalimantan.

But only about 200 would be sent immediately to targets aboard, with the remainder being active supporters....

Last night, Malaysian Prime Minister Abdullah Badawi said there were fears a "new wave" of terrorists could be generated by the Israeli offensive in Lebanon.

"Muslims are angry even in moderate Muslim countries," said Mr Abdullah, who hosted an emergency meeting of the 57 nations of the Organisation of the Islamic Conference.

And in Cairo, the leader of Egypt's extremist Muslim Brotherhood, Mohammed Mehdi Akef, said he was ready to send 10,000 fighters to Lebanon to battle Israel alongside Hezbollah.

But he admitted the chances were slim that any volunteers from Egypt would reach Lebanon.

"There are enough people but you would need Arab regimes to authorise their deployment or at least turn a blind eye on their departure," Mr Akef said....

The group has already sent 217 suicide bombers, including 72 Indonesians as well as citizens of six other Southeast Asian nations, to Malaysia, Thailand and the Philippines, Mr Bidu said.

They include seasoned mujaheddin fighters, some of whom had fought the Soviets in Afghanistan and then the Northern Alliance in the same country.

Mr Bidu said they were on a mission to infiltrate Israel and its allies "with the help of friendly networks".

"They will be charged with destroying infrastructure targets of Israel and its supporters, such as Britain and the US," he said.

Ayman al-Zawahiri, al-Qa'ida's second in charge, has already called for Sunni Muslims across the world to wage jihad against Israel.

The move comes as another group of fighters from a separate body known as the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI) announced it had 200,000 members ready to join the battlefield in southern Lebanon.

"When we apply for passports we say we are going to Singapore or to Mecca, so that we can fulfil our true aims'" FPI spokesman Habib Hasan al-Jufrie said.

He said the FPI held military training courses "at secret locations" every two weeks. The FPI is thought to be involved in gangster activity and extortion and protection rackets in the Indonesian capital. It attracts most of its support through advocating jihad to the nation's Muslim majority.

The AMYM and FPI have been blatant in their past condemnation of the US and its Middle Eastern policies. The AMYM has allegedly previously threatened to attack US interests in Jakarta and has sent fighters to the conflicts in Bosnia and Chechnya.

About 40 per cent of the AMYM recruits have military experience in countries including Afghanistan, Thailand, The Philippines, Palestine and Iraq. Those with field experience have learned how to make suicide bombs.

Mr Bidu said the fighters from his movement would not travel to Lebanon "because we don't want to face Israel from the front; we prefer to do it from behind".

A spokesman for the spiritual leader of Jemaah Islamiah, Abu Bakar Bashir, said the cleric "fully supports opposing through jihad".

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If any such terrorists arecaught attempting to, or succeeding in an attack on any target in the West, the proper collective response by that West would be to halt all immigration of those coming from Indonesia, ending all aid, including the military aid that has been renewed, in an excess of enthusiasm, by the Amercian government, and otherwise attempting to get the attention of the Indonesian government. Merely seizing, or killing, those directly involved in terrorist acts is not enough. The country that permits such organizations, that does not crack down on them, that does nothing to prevent the sending abroad of terrorists, does not conduct a campaign of state propaganda against them (for "harming Indonesia" if appeals to universal standards of morality are beyond the Muslim government of largely Muslim Indonesia) should not believe itself immune to the justified consequences. It was bad enough to deal so leniently with those involved in the Bali bombing, and for many Indonesians to openly declare their support (was the army incapable of dealing with that, for it did nothing in response) for such activities. There have to be consequences, collective punishment, for those in a country where the government refuses to do its duty. Right now warnings from the West, and a new policy, instituted at once, of slowing down or ending the movements of people and of goods to and from Indonesia, might get, eventually, the Indonesian government's attention -- or that of some would-be Ataturk, if such exists, perhaps among the officers who have helped to suppress the Muslim separatists of Aceh, might realize how damaging the "Asian Muslim Youth Movement" and other such groups, are to Indonesia's wellbeing.

Hugh your comments on the halt of immigration is understated, governments need to see it and more people need to be vocal to their politicians.

A martyr arrived in Paradise. He was led to a large room with a very large oval conference table and rows of chairs. Sittin around the table and in the chairs were a lot of men wearing 18th century American clothing.

Standing at the head of the table was George Washington. Others at the table included Thomas Jefferson, James Madison and other famous Americans of the time.

The matyr said, "What is this?"

President Washington said, "Us? We`re the seventy two Virginians."

So, tthey're following the fine old tradition of going amok.

uh... ...folks:

If they could keep the Muslim fanatic formerly known as Cat Stevens from entering the US when his current alias showed up on a flight list, I have to hope that the same can be done for travellers to the US, UK, Australia and Canada carrying Indonesian passports, especially if they indicate that the bearer has visited any hotbeds of jihad activity like Pakistan, Iraq, the PA, etc. in the last few years.

"Mr Bidu said the fighters from his movement would not travel to Lebanon 'because we don't want to face Israel from the front; we prefer to do it from behind'."

What a remarkably candid and telling statement.

Sorry, but I have to make a comment regarding immigration. The most likely way for SE Asian terrorists to enter is through the Mexican border and many Indonesians can easily "pass" as Mexicans. After all, they are only coming here to do the jobs most Americans are not willing to do (suicide bombing, murdering Jews etc.) And hard though it may be to believe, it is possible that some Mexican officials may be bribed to look the other way.

So, yes, absolutely ban legal immigration from that part of the world, but it is also vital to close the open door on our borders. Don't hold your breath waiting for Bush, McCain, Kennedy etc to do it.

On the above story itself, let's look at the bright side - less Jihadis to take on the Christians in Sulawesi, Hindus in Lombok, et al.

Just as Iraq was at one point the desired battleground for worldwide Jihadis, let Lebanon play that role now. Let these international Jihadis get there, and then get wiped out by Israel. That way, not only are the Israelis safe, the native Infidels in the East Indies are too.

americaningermany wrote,
This is a different kind of war we're facing.
The enemies are not always identifiable and they are now living among us,

Not that much different. Just more people and much more powerful weapons.

Any man or State who fights against Nazism will have our aid. Any man or State who marches with Hitler is our foe. This applies not only to organized States but to all representatives of that vile race of Quislings who make themselves the tools and agents of the Nazi regime against their fellow-countrymen and against the lands of their births. These Quislings, like the Nazi leaders themselves, if not disposed of by their fellow-countrymen, which would save trouble, will be delivered by us on the morrow of victory to the justice of the Allied tribunals. That is our policy and that is our declaration.
Speech by Winston Churchill, June 1941

Substitute Nazism with Islamism.

Most of “Them” are finished in the coming years, and they know it. It is like the football coach who fails to adapt or adjust to what his opponents are doing. What happens? They are dumped, thrown out, kicked in the *** out the door. You know it. I know it. And they surely know it. Of course there is always the possibility they are full fledged morons. However, I never under estimate the enemy so I never consider anyone so stupid that they pose no threat. Did you know that more people are killed every year by idiots alone than all others combined?

Another jem from the religion of peace bull.