Spencer on CNN's Paula Zahn show tonight

I am scheduled to appear on CNN's Paula Zahn Now show tonight to discuss profiling. The show runs from 8 to 9PM EDT; I'm not sure when I'll be on. Ibrahim Hooper of the Council on American Islamic Relations is set to be arguing the opposite side, with his usual witty effervescence.

Let's see if good ol' Ibrahim can get through the entire segment without using the words "hate," "bigotry," "Islamophobia," or "Muslim-bashing." I expect that if you play a drinking game with this, and take a sip every time he uses one of those or a variant thereof, you'll be thoroughly soused at the end of the five minute segment. And remember: every time he interrupts me, you have to chug the whole glass.

UPDATE: Canceled!

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Sounds like I better plan to take tomorrow off.

I'm sure you will do well, just don't let him or anyone put you on the defense, stay on the offense, and don't forget Neither muslim or Arab is a race, hence any usage of the term racist or racial profiling is nonsense, however since all of the terrorists that are blowing up or planning to blow up things are Muslims, then it is all to fair and common sensical to profile those who adhere to a terrorist ideology.. What race does Jose Padilla belong to, how about John Walker Lindh, or Adam Gadahn (Azzam the American) or Todd Ismail Royer or Yusuf Islam, or Malcolm X, or Mahdi Bray.. profile muslims from whence come modern terrorists, if the terrorists were Methodists, Catholics, Presbyterians or Jews then they should also be profiled.. a national registry of religion maybe.. Muslims have a national registry (prolly maintained in KSA), but fact is that anyone who wishes to convert ( is required to fill out a New Muslim Application, which has everything personal on it. sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander.

Do unto Islam and Muslims as Islam and Muslims do unto us.. it's a survival strategy.

I dont know if racial profiling is the best tactic for keeping airline travel safe. Many muslims live secular style lives to avoid being profiled and terrorists try to recruit non arab looking people. the forms of profiling i think would be most effective are monitering mosques escpecially if they are known extremist mosques and tracking down the thousands of muslims in our country who are overstaying their visas.

Drinking game? Hell, everytime this whack-job is on TV I start drinking. But for the sake of having some fun with it. I'll play along.

Good luck Robert

Hail Mary

." I expect that if you play a drinking game with this, and take a sip every time he uses one of those or a variant thereof, you'll be thoroughly soused at the end of the five minute segment. And remember: every time he interrupts me, you have to chug the whole glass

Heh, heh. :)

Ask old Dougie boy about the "Golden Rule" and the 10 Commandments. Make sure Paula knows that muslims break all 10 Commandments as a rule.

LOLOL Robert,,

If I drink Tequila, shot for shot,, I'll be comatose within the first 5 minutes of the show.

I was going to go out riding on my Harley earlier than 8 tonight,, think I'll stay put, to witness this spectacle about to unfold on prime time TV.

I will tape it also.

Good luck, and give them hell!!!

they surely DESERVE IT!!!

in dar al harb


That's good, but I wish it was on a more serious show. Paula Zahn is a prototypical dumb blonde. Her ignorance is so profound it makes the people over at Faux News look like experts by comparison.


It would be hilarious if Paula would mute his microphone while you make your point so all we can see is his contorted facial expressions trying to disrupt the truth.

Make him answer at least one valid question and don't let him off the hook. I know you won't!



I expect that if you play a drinking game with this, and take a sip every time he uses one of those or a variant thereof, you'll be thoroughly soused at the end of the five minute segment. And remember: every time he interrupts me, you have to chug the whole glass.

Proof positive that my boss is better than yours. That especially goes for you folks at CAIR.

The arguments of Muslims and the George Galloways of the world are so easy to tear into.

Muslims all over the world are "anguished by their persecution by the United States, they say. A war has been conducted against Muslims in Iraq and Afghanistan and it is only natural that they should be "outraged" and "driven" to commit acts of terrorism.

The United States got into an even bloodier mess for a much longer time in a country called Vietnam. Where are the Buddhist suicide bombers? Have any ever existed?

Muslims are "discriminated" against in Western society, and this "racism" "outrages" them.

Muslims are not a race.
There seems to be less racism against Chinese and Indian immigrants in Western nations.
Could that have to do with their being well-educated and concerned about raising their standards of living for themselves and their children rather than clinging to an outdated and barbaric 7th century cult?

Red whine or white?

What the hell....it's an excuse to get drunk.

Hi Everyone!
I'm new to the board. I read Robert Spencer's book (Politically Incorrect Guide to Islam)a few months ago and have been telling everyone I know to read it. I even sent out a mass emailing to all my friends. I think that is what it is going to take to spread the word about the dangers of Islam.
Robert, go tell it like it is! People ARE listening!
Oh, in case you didn't know...I've got a book that tells the future. The good guys win in the end.

Hooper the great will be easy to debate. Watch Zahn though, RS.

I'm so glad you are going to be on to present the other side mr. Spencer.

O'Reilly had only Nihal Awad on his program yesterday, and O'Reilly didn't know enough about Islam to refute Nihal Awad, especially when Nihal Awad (wrongly) compared the Islamic terrorists to Christians.

Yes, Nihad Awad compares the tens of thousands of jihadis to Timothy McVeigh, who was a piece of sludge, but did not do his dirty deed in the name of Christianity. Oh yes, he uses Eric Rudolph as well. Two nut jobs are compared to all of the jihadis by Awad like it's all even Steven.

He is a louse.

What a treat! I normally don't watch her show as she comes across as too much of an airhead for me, but this should be interesting.

"I expect that if you play a drinking game with this, and take a sip every time he uses one of those or a variant thereof, you'll be thoroughly soused at the end of the five minute segment. And remember: every time he interrupts me, you have to chug the whole glass."

If I take a drink every time I hear anybody ("elites" or just plain ordinary folks) in "real life" outside of Jihad Watch and Little Green Footballs say anything slightly critical of Islam & Muslims, I would be able to be the driest AA non-alcoholic in the West.

Go Robert. I will be watching and supporting you with a drink in hand.
I wish i had a skull cap like Hooper to use as a drinking costume. sorry..i think i am kind of tipsy just to know I will be seeing the both of you.

Robert. Keep on with the wonderful work

Robert, greatness. Gave me a big laugh on the drinking game suggestion. Too bad CNN didn't have the balls to put you on with Ibra-scheme Hooper. Oh, but wait, it's Paula Zahn, isn't it . . .