Spencer on the Michael Reagan Show

I am scheduled to be on the Mike Reagan Show tonight. I expect we'll be discussing some of the recent headlines.

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Iran's supreme leader leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei tells Hezbollah leader that his 'victory' over Israel was a victory for Islam...
http://www.drudgereport.com/ .You heard him President Bush....ISLAM.

Any "drinking games" associated with THIS appearance?


At least you will not have to deal with Infidelphobia on the Reagan show.

OK! No more suspense. Robert's on in the next hour.

Sometime between 8 and 9 EST.


Way out here in the hinterlands, the station that carries Reagan is one of those teeny-weeny AM stations that reduces power after dark. Would it be too much for JW/DW to post a transcript?

Great show Robert...Man do we need more like you and Michael Reagan.....This story alarms me,but no one seems to be talking about it.....Iran military to launch war-games as tensions build with West
Wed. 16 Aug 2006
Iran Focus: Tehran, Iran, Aug. 16 – Iran will launch a new round of war-games later this week, putting on display new Iranian-make armaments, a top military commander announced on Wednesday.

That is only a few days from Mahmouds deadline of AUG 22 http://www.iranfocus.com/modules/news/

I would like to listen/read too.

arjun.sevak and Pelayo,

Mike Reagan is on Radio America http://www.radioamerica.org/index.htm

Here’s his webpage http://www.reagan.com/index.php when they post yesterdays show you can hear it for yourself.

Here is a page with links to many of the radio stations on the internet in categories. http://radio.findanisp.com/

Hope this helps.