Syria forming its own Hizballah-like militia

The Ba'ath party official who is the source of this report mentions that Syria started signing up volunteers in June, even before the month-long war and farce of a "cease-fire" between Israel and Lebanon. In light of yesterday's report that plans for the July 12 abduction were hatched in Damascus (principally by Hizballah and Iran, but certainly with Syrian involvement), a picture emerges of an even broader campaign to destroy Israel in the present conflict. From YNet News: "Syria to form its own Hizbullah"

On the heels of what it views as a Hizbullah victory against the Jewish state, Syria is forming its own Hizbullah-like guerilla organization to fight Israel in hopes of "liberating" the Golan Heights, an official from Syrian President Bashar Assad's Ba'ath party told WorldNetDaily yesterday.
The official, speaking on condition of anonymity, said Syria learned from Hizbullah's military campaign against Israel the past month that "fighting" is more effective than peace negotiations with regard to gaining territory.

In other words, the "Slow Jihad" of endless negotiations, dialogue, and diplomatic deception had been exploited for all it could prior to July, signaling that it was time to switch to "Fast Jihad," or open combat to bring about new conditions on the ground.

He said Syria's new guerilla force would be trained by Hizbullah leaders.
"Syria is very serious about establishing this new guerilla force," the official said.
Hizbullah claims its goal is to liberate the Shebaa Farms, a small, 200-square-kilometer bloc situated between Syria, Lebanon and Israel. The Farms is the last post held by Israel after its withdrawal in 2000 from positions it took along the Lebanese border.
Most western analysts agree Hizbullah uses the pretext of the Shebaa Farms to maintain its weapons to start conflicts with the Jewish state. Hizbullah is sponsored by Syria and Iran.
The ceasefire resolution accepted by Israel earlier this week calls for negotiations leading to Israel's relinquishing of the Shebaa Farms.
'Hundreds of Syrian volunteers'
The Baath party official told WND the new Syrian "resistance" group is calling itself the Front for the Liberation of the Golan, and is already in the process of being formed. He said it seeks to ensure the return of the Golan Heights.
Israel captured the Heights, strategic mountainous territory, after Syria used the terrain to attack the Jewish state in 1967 and again in 1973. The Golan Heights borders Israel, Syria and Lebanon.
Israeli security officials said they had no information about the Front for the Liberation of the Golan.
The Ba'ath party official told WND the Front was formed last month and will attempt attacks against Israel.
The official said the group currently consists of "hundreds" of Syrian volunteers, many from the Syrian border with Turkey. He said Syria held registration for volunteers to join the Front in June.
The official said most Front members will be Palestinian and not members of the Syrian army.
"We know from history guerilla resistance works against Israel," said the official.
He pointed not only to Israel's most recent confrontation with Hizbullah, but also to what he said was a previous Syrian "victory" against the Israeli Defense Forces using guerilla tactics.
"After a ceasefire was imposed in 1973 (following the Yom Kippur War) for 100 days Syria led guerilla attacks against Israel in the Golan Heights and they were successful. The IDF withdrew nearly 100 kilometers from the original ceasefire lines."
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Finally a muslim says something that is true: ""fighting" is more effective than peace negotiations". In other words, standing up to and attacking muslims is the only effective way of dealing with them, since they have no interest in peace.

Iran to conduct large-scale military maneuvers

Iran will launch a series of large-scale military maneuvers across the country and has not made plans for an end to the ongoing war games, the army said Thursday.

"The maneuvers are aimed at introducing Iran's new defensive doctrine," military spokesman Gen. Mohammad Reza Ashtiani was quoted as saying by state-run television.

He said the exercises would begin on Saturday in the south east of the country. "It will continue in the whole of Iran, stage by stage for an unspecified period," Ashtiani said.


"...So never mind the trillions in petrodollars, billions in aid and concessions. Unless we change our very character, or the Middle East achieves success and confidence through Western-style democracy and economic reform, expect more tired scapegoating and violence from radical discontents, from Lebanon to London — and well beyond."

JWR - Victor Davis Hanson

The military exercise, involving 12 infantry regiments, is called "The Blow of Zolfaghar," in reference to a sword that belonged to Imam Ali, one of the most revered figures of Islam for Shi'ite Muslims. A majority of Iran's 70 million people are Shi'ite.

On Wednesday, the Interior Ministry said that Iran also plans to boost security patrols on its borders.


War games without end?!?!?! Presumably Syrian "war games" are about to be announced to. I have heard that Syria was clearing the minefields on its side of the golan heights - can anyone confirm this?

I suspect this "development" is really about skirting UN Resolution 1701, which sent UNIFIL forces into Lebanon to help the Lebanese government take control over the area between the Israeli border and the Litani River.

Whether it's a clever manoevre on Assad's part or not, I am not qualified to comment, but suspect that if Hezbollah/Syrian soldiers out of uniform start attacking Israel from Syrian soil instead of Lebanese soil, it puts Assad into the position of taking direct responsibility and paying the price directly instead of leaving the "martyrdom honour" to the human shields of south Lebanon.

But hold the Islam?

Will Alawite officrs be around to make sure that such a militia of devout Muslims bent on Jihad never notice that Alawites run everything, that government offices close on Christmas, that Good Friday processions are held, that Alawite houses in Alawite villages all have pictures of Mary on the wall -- very disturbing, very un-Islamic. Because if they are traiing to fight the Infidels in Israel, they might conclude that it would be far better to first get rid of the Infidel Alawite regime that holds Syria, to put the real Muslims into power, and then for those Muslims -- Sunni Muslims -- with Saudi money use their new-found power to aid the Sunnis of Iraq in their fight with the Shi'a.

Bashir can be replaced. Surely the Alawite generals know that. And they also know that the Alawites of Syria could be mass-murdered overnight, if they ever lost control, and they might lose control, if the Syrian army or air force were to suffer a great and humiliating defeat.

This could be for the best - Iran and Syria are starting to become confident - a confidence based on the fact that Israel was forced, due to dhimmi public opinion in the west , to stop its offensive before completely destroying hexbullah.
While its true that hezbollah surprised the Israelis with the use of wire guided anti-tank missiles that caused most of the damage this should provide a wake up call for Israel to keep its eye on the ball as this was entitrely predictable from a military point of view.
Iran and Syria are, like typical mohamedans displaying confidence based on thin air. Israel still has the capacity to destroy them both if it comes to a real fight. So let them organise their jihad guerilla armies the quicker the real showdown comes the better - Iran will only be stopped by military means and it better be before they develop the bomb for all our sakes

Off topic, but pertinent: I have been listening to the recording of Melissa Doi's phone call to NYC fire department on 911. CBS has "bleeped out" most of her voice because it's too emotional(?).

CBS is not protecting us - it is protecting islam.

All of us need to hear the full, unedited recordings. Melissa can help us focus on the task before us.


these Alawites seem to be playing with fire raising a jihad army in their midst - why would they do that - unless its intended size is to be kept small so as not to be a threat - then its really just for propoganda purposes or to keep big brother - Iran - happy

MILITARY TRAINING EXERCISES? And 8/22/06 is approaching!!

If I am Israel, I go now to full alert.

And by the way, why does every sheik or iman or other leader insist on a new militia.

Since all these militias have the same common enemy and common goals, why not just call youselves one name, Choose Hezbollah and everyone stick with it. Think of all the money you would save on banners and flags. Think of all the confusion you would avoid among your co-workers.

And besides, the world just calls terrorist Muslims == Terrorist Muslims. All these perfumey names impress no one.

When the targets are plotted, it will not matter what you call yourself and no one will care.

Irans president moonbat is set to push the button and the Middle East as it is known today will soon be no more than a footnote in history.

Fast jihad is far better for us than slow jihad. First, it might awaken the sleeping infidels of the West (akin to frogs in the slowly heating pot of water) before it's too late. Secondly, we have already allowed the barbarians to acquire too many weapons developed with Western science. We cannot allow them to acquire so many that they can annihilate everyone. Better to battle islam, suffer our losses now, and relegate the jihad back to dormancy than to wait until they have thousands of nuclear weapons.

But hold the Islam?

Will Alawite officrs be around to make sure that such a militia of devout Muslims bent on Jihad never notice that Alawites run everything, that government offices close on Christmas, that Good Friday processions are held, that Alawite houses in Alawite villages all have pictures of Mary on the wall -- very disturbing, very un-Islamic.

Posted by: Hugh at August 17, 2006 12:26 PM

I don't know about Alawite officers Hugh, but Alawite Assad himself sure didn't worry himself too much over feeding the Shia crocodiles next door when it suited his purposes. And, as dumb as he is, he seems to manage to survive by forming alliances as they suit him, whether it's cosying up to his now deposed long-time enemy Saddam (possibly arming himself with those missing WMDs) to cosying up with Shiite ultra-milenialist Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.

Syria: 5 killed by poisonous fumes aboard shipBy ASSOCIATED PRESS

Five people were killed and 49 other hospitalized after poisonous fumes leaked aboard a Syrian ship, Syria's official news agency said Thursday.

The fumes escaped from the cargo bay of the ship, Goy-b, which had just docked in the Syrian port of Tartous on the Mediterranean coast with a load of wood, said the SANA agency.

It said the deaths occurred late Wednesday, and that the victims were being treated at al-Basil Hospital in Tartous.

An investigation was under way to determine what caused the fumes, the news agency said

I read some very deep comments here and I hope you'all forgive me for sharing just a feeling:

last scene of Terminator (I), the storm on the horizon, Sarah in the car with the weapons, running towards the storm...

I don't mean it in a pessimistic way, but I smell big troubles coming, don't laugh for the naivete' of this, I mean more than we thought and earlier than we thought.

Thank you for your patience.

/and I am bit displeased with the wonderful couple, Rice-Olmert, they are allowing the enemy to choose the timing and the occasion of the fight...

From the article:

"The official said most Front members will be Palestinian and not members of the Syrian army.
"We know from history guerilla resistance works against Israel," said the official. "

Too, the Alawite government of Syria knows that most Arabs hate the Palestinians. If this militia gets out of hand, they are still a foreign element, easily crushed and expelled. I for one find it hard to believe Syria will tempt fate with flareups on the Golan. Israel has made it quite clear what happens when their border is not respected, by vulgar displays of power in both Gaza and Lebanon. It would be no problem for this to occur in Syria as well, and such a gratuitous blunder would be a dangerous path for a minority government. In fact, this news item sounds like typical Arab government nonsense. Most Arab fighting forces are vapor, sustained only by their enemies' hestitation to be as brutal as needed to destroy them.

Interesting link storagemanager.

How about this scenario.
Al-Ghajar 2005. 1st Test of anti-tank weapons
largely a no-go
July 2006. 2nd test of anti-tank weapons
essentially go
Israel accepts a incredibly thin UN resolution in order to get the Merkavas upgraded in order to stand a chance against the comming assault.
Iran has to get going as soon as possible before IDF figures out how to modify the Merkava for sure.

One problem: how to get at least 50k soldiers close to Israeli borders. Well, there are 900k people at the moment returning to southern Lebanon right now. The weapons have allready been deployed and are waiting in underground caches. The stuff going on in Iran is just singing and dancing (mostly) to divert israeli surveilence resources from southern lebanon.

Well, it's a theory at least.

Five people were killed and 49 other hospitalized after poisonous fumes leaked aboard a Syrian ship,

hmmmmmm, could it be, that the ship was transporting some of SADAAMs WMD's (you know, the ones some people insist did not exist).

Would this ships next port of call be Iran???

Was this ship loading cargo or unloading cargo.

Both Iran and Syria have announced MILITARY TRAINING EXERCISES recently.

Maybe this incident is a training exercise in chemical and biological warfare. The students have failed.

"One problem: how to get at least 50k soldiers close to Israeli borders. Well, there are 900k people at the moment returning to southern Lebanon right now. The weapons have allready been deployed and are waiting in underground caches. The stuff going on in Iran is just singing and dancing (mostly) to divert israeli surveilence resources from southern lebanon."

Well, the Iranian arms cache found near Basra just recently puts a lot of weight behind this theory - but what about armoured units? Perhaps Syrian armour acting in support coming in from accross the Golan heights? Just a theory.


iran is starting "war games" without a set conclusion date....August 22nd is my best guess. iran is simply mobilizing it's forces.

iran is funneling weapons into southern Iraq and has been since 2003...GWB, PUT ALL OF OUR FORCES IN IRAQ ON HIGHEST ALERT!

syria readying it's own guerilla force.

the hezbollah battle was a test to see how Isael would react, to see Israel's tactics, to test their latest russian anti-tank missles, to test their own tactics and most importantly, to weigh in on world opinion. this was a resounding success for hezbollah, syria and iran.

not only am i ensuring that i purchase all the fuel i can hold this weekend, i'm already prepared for much worse.

So, the Alawites may be "heretics" and display pictures of Mary on the wall, but they have one holy book, and that is the Qur'an. They consider themselves to be descended from Shi'ites, which explains the cooperation with Iran. And while the top echelon may be Alawite, the majority of the Syrian government is already Sunni, no? "Real" Muslim Sunnis.

So, if the few Alawite leaders were replaced by Sunnis, what real difference would it make to us, the infidels? "Name That Islamic Sect" makes for an interesting parlor game, but in the end does it matter if it is Sunni Al-Qaeda or Shi'ite Hizb'Allah that is carrying out the jihadi attack of the day?

What I mean is, knowing the various sects and schisms within Islam is interesting, but they all (except perhaps Naseem's dear Ahmadis) share the same rules of engagement towards infidels (set out in the Qur'an); and that part, the important part to infidels, does not change.

So, unless we infidels are using the knowledge of the internal strife within Islam to our own advantage, to encourage and nurture discord wherever possible between Islamic/tribal divisions (which the current Administration will never be sophisticated enough to do), it just seems like idle speculation of whether we mice will be eaten by the light-grey cat or the dark-grey cat. Instead of using the knowledge of Islamic divisions to encourage strife, just watch how that knowledge is instead used to decide with whom we should negotiate, with whom we should create an alliance with, which sects are "good" and trustworty and "staunch allies".

Hezballah figures that the powers-that-be in Israel will no longer fall for the land-for-peace scams that have been successfully pulled over the past few years. Therefore it's time to get tough and fight for the land they're set upon having. But I think Hezballah is underestimating the depth of sheer treason and utter betrayal of which the left is capable. Israel has its radical left just as we have here in the US. And their self-serving, self-important pacifists are just as willing-indeed eager-to betray their nation and people for the sake of the leftist agenda as our own Howard Deans and Dennis Kucinichs. PM Olmert was more than happy to make meaningless the deaths of Israels soldiers and civilians by agreeing to a phony cease-fire. If a democrat is elected in 2008, the sacrifices made in Iraq will be rendered just as pointless. Terrorists should simply bide their time and allow the global left the privilege of betraying humankind. It's a sure fire winner.

‘Syria forming its own Hizballah-like militia’; of course they are. Who wouldn’t set up a parallel military when you can use it for effect and then deny association when it comes time for retribution.

Guerilla resistence my a**. Hiding in a cave or bunker isn't's the only thing you can do when you getting your a** kicked.

Right on, limes. And there's the entertainment value of watching Middle East Experts™ endlessly debating which militia carried out the attack, and which Islamic governments might/might not be funding them.

Why would they want to put national flags on the uniforms of their soldiers? It would just spoil the fun and allow the infidels to simply respond to an attack.

Our forces need to be alert moreso then ever if they are finding these large amount of weapons in Iraq. The easier way for Iran to light the Skies on fire would be to do it in Baghdad.

"Well, the Iranian arms cache found near Basra just recently puts a lot of weight behind this theory - but what about armoured units? Perhaps Syrian armour acting in support coming in from accross the Golan heights? Just a theory."

Not sure they need that. The soldiers are needed to draw IDF into Lebanon, by massive katyusha and missile attack, and repeat the Hezbollah tactics.
The attack on Israel would then use Saddams WMDs (all assumming Georges Sada is right) and perhaps Iranian nukes tranported on ships ostensibly carying humanitarian aid to Lebanon, or one of the 30 supertankers Iran acquired (or hired) recently.

If that tactics would work, 50k soldiers would maybe do to controll Israel until reinforcements arrive.

Well, obviously I'm guessing.

Maybe this incident is a training exercise in chemical and biological warfare. The students have failed. ....... Perhaps they were not the students, but the lab rats.

This does not surprise me. Lebanon has moved in their 'state' troops, so Hezbollah is not supposed to be able to attack Israel anymore. COUGH

Now Syria is forming Hezbollah in their border. Lebanon still has Hezbollah...let's not be stupid enough to believe they have vanished.

I believe Syria has plans to join forces with the big Shi'ite army that's going to form from Iran/Iraq along with Hezbollah in Lebanon and Hamas in Gaza - to jointly attack Israel in a BIG way.

I'm waiting to see what Egypt and Turkey are going to do.

More directly on the original topic - isn't Amal (whose leader Nabih Berri is the Speaker of the Lebanese assembly), Shia like Hizbullah, already a Syrian puppet, capable of forming its own militia? What's stopping them?

I agree with special_guest - I'm not sure that much is gained by letting the Alawites hold on to power. A better solution would be to destroy the Syrian armed forces, followed by bombing of the real Muslims, so that nobody can come to power in Syria.

OK. Question: Why is this administartion SUPPORTING democracy in the Islamic world? In its purest sense or even in an adulterated form, democracy will end in a UNIFYING effect.

We know by Robert and others that the underlying object of the Jihadists is to unify the Islamic world under one caliphate. Why help them?

I believe Bush and his cronies are totally asleep at the wheel or either pulling the biggest deception on the American people ever.

Support Destabilization Now! We must provoke unrest and strife or we will pay the price.

Just a thought.

OK. Question: Why is this administartion SUPPORTING democracy in the Islamic world? In its purest sense or even in an adulterated form, democracy will end in a UNIFYING effect.

We know by Robert and others that the underlying object of the Jihadists is to unify the Islamic world under one caliphate. Why help them?

I believe Bush and his cronies are totally asleep at the wheel or either pulling the biggest deception on the American people ever.

Support Destabilization Now! We must provoke unrest and strife or we will pay the price.

This, we could accomplish with fewer forces, smart tactics, and wise alliances. All at less cost and anguish.

Just a thought.

"After a ceasefire was imposed in 1973 (following the Yom Kippur War) for 100 days Syria led guerilla attacks against Israel in the Golan Heights and they were successful. The IDF withdrew nearly 100 kilometers from the original ceasefire lines."

Is it just me, or are the jihadi forces becoming more blatant about acknowledging how they will ignore cease-fires and other pacts? Above, they admit to leading guerilla attacks against Israel even during a cease-fire.

Hizb'allah and even the Lebanese government are saying right out in the open that Hizb'allah will not disarm, and that official Lebanese forces will not even attempt to make them do so.

Iran openly calls for the destruction of Israel--no pussyfooting around by saying vague things like their "not recognizing" Israel.

And yet--here in the West, even in Israel--we mostly act as though they do not mean what they say, and act as though they can be trusted.

There is a myth that wars against guerillas (like Iraqi Insurgents and Hizballah) can't be won.

If the goal is to win the hearts and minds of the people (a la Shrub and his "bringing democracy to the musims project) forgetaboutit...we all know that the only way to win the hearts of Muslims is to throw down our arms, open our necks to their swords and submit.. nothing else works .. do you get that Bush, RNC, Frist, Oreilly, Matthews and all of you erstwhile conservatives?.

Given that we can never, have no chance of winning their hearts and minds, then the only other option left is facing reality.. and that reality is that we are in a war for survival of our culture against a culture whose base motives and ideologies is to subjugate us and our culture, to dominate us and extract Jizyah and submission.

Therefore the only way to fight that culture, that ideology disguised as a religion is by massive and total warfare, including massive and total strategic bombing until nothing is left standing, and even the bricks are pounded into dust.

There is no other way, for failing that, Islam will indeed prevail, and the west will fail to defend itself, and the star and crescent, the green and black flags of Islam will indeed be wrapped around the world.. but first we in the west have got to get our own act together and stop fighting each other over silly shi'ite, like gays, tax cuts for the rich, and calling each other names, thus alienating and demonizing our own kith and kin, those with whom we share culture..if not ideations of religion or so called "values".

FYI, the civil war in Iraq twixt Shi'ite and Sunni has it's own parallel in the U.S., with this insane culture war started by the likes of Pat Buchanan and Pat Robertson and so beloved by the likes of Ann Coulter, Rush Limpballs and Bill Oreilly.. a lose lose for the west, but so beloved by the righteous right.