Syria still transferring supply of rockets, missiles to Hizballah

Cease-fire. Right. From Haaretz: "Syria still transferring supply of rockets, missiles to Hezbollah"

Syria continues its efforts to transfer large quantities of war materiel, including rockets, to Lebanon, in an effort to assist Hezbollah in its war against Israel, a senior Israel Defense Forces source told Haaretz on Saturday.
According to the IDF source, the air force has succeeded in partially stemming the arms transfers, but intelligence shows that supply convoys have managed to cross into Lebanon from Syria.
Senior Syrian army and intelligence officers are involved in the arms smuggling, according to the senior IDF source, who says it is unlikely this continues without the explicit support of the regime in Damascus.
Two specific types of weapons -- anti-tank missiles and rockets used to target Israeli civilians -- are of concern.
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It seems Winston Churchill's words which described the Munich agreement (where Czechoslovakia was Munich I's sacrificial offering) from October 1938 are highly appropriate for this one-sided 'deal' which greatly favours Hizbollah and offers absolutely nothing to Israel (potentially the next sacrificial offering in this new Munich II) or the West in our desperate fight to save our civilization from falling to Islamic barbarianism, just as the Byzantine Empire and many other civilizations have over the past 1,400 years:

We have sustained "a total and unmitigated defeat." There has been "gross neglect and deficiency in our defences." We were weighed in the balance and found wanting.

And as a result, these words from Winston Churchill, which date back to 1935 will look highly appropriate for the situation we and Israel will face, probably within the next two years, because of this wrong-headed deal:

"When the situation was manageable it was neglected, and now that it is thoroughly out of hand we apply too late the remedies which then might have effected a cure. There is nothing new in the story. It is as old as the sibylline books. It falls into that long, dismal catalogue of the fruitlessness of experience and the confirmed unteachability of mankind. Want of foresight, unwillingness to act when action would be simple and effective, lack of clear thinking, confusion of counsel until the emergency comes, until self-preservation strikes its jarring gong, these are the features which constitute the endless repetition of history."

It proves that those who don't learn from the mistakes of the past are doomed to repeat them.

Mustn´t forget, Kofi Annan still got a $20mio. bounty on his head.., by Osama bin Laden.
Kofi is reeling to appease, do anything, create an even better setting for that damn jihad, it doesn´t matter, got to appease.. maybe they let him live.

Latest news is that Syria is clearing mines from the advance to the Golan Heights and Sheba'a farms, and moving up armor and troops.

Looks like they got the number,that Israel is a paper tiger, since a handful of civilians with ATGM and RPG's, and AK 74's can wipe out tanks, cause sufficient casualties for them to slow down, America will not come to the aid of Israel, as it has to roll through Syria, that means fighting a war on three fronts (inside Iraq, to the east with Iran, and to the west with least) in other words the U.S. is surrounded.

The only real option is carpet bombing, and that means leveling Syrian and Lebanese villages and the attendant casualties. All it takes is day and night raids by squadrons of B-52's, B-2's, B-1,s F-111's, Save the Fighters for other functions.

The free world had no compunction about carpet bombing Germany (a population exclusively of white Christians), so why in this century do we shudder at carpet bombing muslims? Are Muslims more valuable than westerners? Apparently so.

As usual,the mainstream media seems to ignore news like this.