Taxpayers fund Islamic center

More on this case from WorldNetDaily:

An announcement that the U.S. Marine base at Quantico, Va., has refurbished a building to be used as a prayer room for Muslim soldiers and civilians on base is a "bad signal," one critic has concluded.

The Marines announced earlier this summer that one of the buildings on the base had been repainted so that Muslims would have a place to pray and hold religious services

The new "Islamic Prayer Center" is the first of its kind on a Marine base, and "serves to express the Marine Corps' recognition of diversity among service members and the commitment to provide continued support to all Marines regardless of race, religion, ethnicity or gender," the base announcement said.

However, Jihad Watch director Robert Spencer said he wonders why the Marines do not seem concerned such facilities might to used to generate anti-American sympathies.

"It's going to go up as part of a testament to American multiculturalism and so on without any indication of the possibility that this could be a source of what we're fighting against," he said. "It just sends a bad signal."

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A carefully concealed listening device should harvest quality intelligence. A poorly concealed one spread paranoia. Let's do both.

Look, Marines: the new Islamic sedition and infidel fragging center has opened on your training base. So long semper fi!

Western Infidel offers both the right attitude and a clever idea. IWA: Infidels With Attitudes.

islam does not jive with our constitution. How does one morally put a mosque on our military bases? Our military take an oath. islam tells followers to lie. (and many other things against life)

This is ridiculous. AND dangerous.

CELEBRATE DIVERSITY! That will be the words mentioned in history as the words that ultimatley led to the downfall of the United States. The more militant Islam became , the more teh US tried to embrace the "diversity" of that culture, tried to accomodate and "understand" the relevance of diverse groups, even those who want to overthrow the western culture. So much for knowing your enemy, we want to hold hands with them and sing kumbaya.

Assalamau Laikum all,

MAieeee, what a wonderful idea, simply wonderful. It is no wonder that the Amerkie has been at the forefront of "innovation" for some time. Does anyone know how far they are going?

For example, will there be a loudspeaker call to prayer at 5am, 10pm in the morning?

Will muslims be allowed to break "drill" and pray 5 times a day?

Will there be a foreign Imam resident in the mosque?

How about decoration around the mosque? Are there any minerets...infact does anyone have any pics or URL links?

How about converts...will any be allowed?

I can tell you that however that no such gesture would be forthcoming the other way.

Semper fiqh.

Sick [sic]semper tyrannis.

Things like this put me in a 'Texican' mood. Ex-liberal wienie Jew that I am I want to get armed, get ready....and whatever else Texican is always telling us to do...

It's telling that past experiments with this - such as Muslim 'chaplains' for the Gitmo detainees - resulted in the 'chaplain' - James E Lee (a convert to boot) being exposed as an enemy sympathizer.

Naseem demonstates the idiocy of this move - break drill and pray 5 times a day? What do Infidel troops do while this is going on, or are they expected to Islamize? Loudspeakers blaring the azaan at 5:00AM (Are infidels expected to just put up with it?) Just one thing, Naseem - there is no mention of these divisions becoming Qadiani - just vanilla (presumbaly Sunni) Islam.

If this has to be done, why can't the Pentagon get the Saudis to fund such a project? Don't they have enough of a bill on their hands with that Iraq 'Marshall Plan'? I'm not even factoring in the costs of rehabilitating those injured in Iraq and Afghanistan - I'm assuming that they take a back seat to this 'suck-up-to-Islam' policy.

I seriously would have reservations about any Muslim in the US armed forces.

Would you feel safe while fighting in the middle east and one of your squad was a devout muslim?

Not me!

DI Sgt. Hartman, barging into the prayer room: "ladies, get your fat asses up from the floor NOW, and give me 20. Your soul belongs to Allah, but your ass belongs to the Marine Corps. You! Do you slimy little piece of amphibian shit believe in the Virgin Mary?" "Sir, no Sir." "What? What did you say? I don't believe this. Do you or do you not believe in the Virgin Mary?" "Sir, no Sir. I believe in Mohammed, the Perfect Man." (Whack!) "Go clean the toilets with your filthy pedo prophet, then come back and give me 30!"

Does anyone know what became of the marine in Iraq, about a year ago who was a Muslim and disappeared, and then reappeared in Syrian. He came back to the USA, but had no explanation for what happened. I haven't seen anying in the press since?

The problem is not celebrating diversity, but the pure unadultered fact that those personages who are suppose to be our leaders are woefully and totally ignorant of Islam and have no desire to learn (amazingly this is true even of the fat headed neo cons), and it appears that even those who should be familiar with Islam (such as Israelis) are for the most part as ignorant as Americans.

Don't look to Rumsfeld, Bush, Cheney, et al to so much as pick up a book by Mr Spencer or Ibn Warraq or Ali Sina, not only do they lack curiousity, but they are full of themselves and have nothing to learn..

But underlying it all are all of those oil contracts, business deals, profits, stock market prices that are dependent on "good relationships" with Arabs and Muslims, such as Duby'as buddy buddy deal with the UAE (Dubai Ports World) or all of those airplanes, tanks and helicopters that the Saudis and Kuwaits buy from the fat cat contributors to the RNC.. (e.g. Boeing, McDonnell Douglas, Raytheon, GM, FMC).

Of course Lenin was correct, capitalists cut each others throats to sell the rope that will hang them, just like Mao was correct the "guerilla (insurgent) swims in the sea of the people".. which is why Nasrallah has prospered and is roundly supported even by Sunnis and (sadly) Christian Lebanese.

I think we anti Jihaders need to wake up, grow up and clean up our act, while there is still something to preserve, protect and defend.

Forget it, blame it all on "liberals" and "leftists" and vote against gays, stemcell research and for Intelligent design and prayers in school.. have to keep your priorites in order, until you lose and are forced into submission.

The military has always allowed muslims to pray when possible but it ends when military business overrides it. Read what it says, “a prayer room” not a mosque, this is simple keep the pc types happy military whitewash. Every post, base and even the VA has a “muslim prayer room” if muslims are present. The are usually inside a chapel which is non-denominational. Remember the muslims are the worlds number one killers of other muslims, I think the USMC needs a few more of them. I have served along side several and for the most part they are name only muslims and if anything want to destroy al qaida even more than the rest of us. A few will go bad and they will be dealt with. Showing muslims we are tolerant of others is needed to dispel the propaganda usually tossed at them. We turn a few back to reality and now we have real Americans who understand islam and can infiltrate a mosque to find the current trouble makers, I couldn’t do that and most of you can’t. We need these guys. This is no different than when we used Apache scouts to track renegade Apache, they are Marines for most that is a higher calling than a simple muslim.

My guess is that Muslim servicemen can't pray in a building with benches (e.g., a traditional Christian-modeled chapel). My own feeling is that if they're going to bleed for the USA, I won't begrudge them a place to observe their religion.

Base spokeswoman Capt. Teresa Ovalle told WorldNetDaily that each religion gets its own place to worship on the military post, and since the chapel that already was being used wasn't large enough, officials prepared the extra building for the Muslims.

"We threw some new paint on it. Once we expand the chapel area, they will be able to use the chapel like everyone else," she said.

Let it ride for now. Let's see how they behave when their prayer room is shifted to the chapel next year.

A newly expanded chapel? With hidden cameras in the prayer room? Hope so.

The Maharushie weighs in (Note: this link is time sensitively available today, but only subscribers can get in from tomorrow.)