Text of Ahmadinejad letter to Merkel

In contrast with his letter to George W. Bush, Ahmadinejad takes a gentler approach this time: See? We're just like you, victimized by the Allies who won in World War II. And hey, we all want the same thing. Peace, prosperity, the return of the Mahdi -- wait, never mind that last one.

From Fars News Agency, with thanks to DrunkenBlogger: "Full Text of Pres. Ahmadinejad's Letter to German Chancellor"

In the Name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate
Her Excellency Angela Merkel
The Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany
Please accept my warmest greetings.
If it had it not been for Germany being a great contributor to progress in science, philosophy, literature, arts and politics;
If it had not been for a more important and positive influence of Germany in international relations and promotion of peace;
Moreover, if it had not been for the persistence of a strong will by certain global powers and special groups to constantly portray Germany as defeated and indebted country of World War II in order to continue their extortions;
And if it had not been for the presence of Your Excellency at the top of the executive branch of your country as an experienced stateswoman with bitter and sweet experiences in two dissimilar societies with different political systems and traditions,
And at the same time, if it had not been for the advantages that are limited to women, such as stronger human sentiments and certain manifestations of the divine compassion and kindness, specially in the position of a mother and being at the service of the people, and the common responsibility of all people with faith in God to defend human dignity and worth and to prevent violations of their rights and their humiliation, and proceeding from this conviction that we are all created by the Almighty and He has bestowed upon us all dignity and no one has any special privileges over the other, and under no circumstances could a society be deprived of its rights, barred from pursuit of progress and perfection or be controlled or humiliated;
Finally, if it had not been for the oppression, however different, of our nations, our shared responsibility to promote justice as the most basic foundation for promotion of peace and human equality, I would not have found the motive to write this letter.
Honorable Chancellor
Rulers come and go, but people with culture and history and their attachments and desires will keep on staying. Opportunities in front of those in position of high power are transient, even if they may be vast and broad. These opportunities are very auspicious and can play a key role in the negative and positive transformations and developments of a nation.
Those in position of high power do not normally have many opportunities, but are accountable before the Almighty and people due to their high responsibility. We know this, and you know it as well.
Some of these developments can have regional, continental and global ramifications and can hardly be overlooked.
World War II came to an end with all its material and moral losses and its 60 million casualties. The death of human beings is tragic and sad. In all divine religions and before all awakened conscience and pure nature of mankind and the sense of right and wrong, the life, property and honor of people, regardless of their religious persuasion and ethnic background, must be respected at all times and all places.
Sixty years have passed since the end of the war. But, regrettably the entire world and some nations in particular are still facing its consequences. Even now the conduct of some bullying powers and power-seeking and aggressive groups is the conduct of victors with the vanquished.
The extortion and blackmail continue, and people are not allowed to think about or even question the source of this extortion, otherwise they face imprisonment. When will this situation end? Sixty years, one hundred years or one thousand years, when? I am sorry to remind you that today the perpetual claimants against the great people of Germany are the bullying powers and the Zionists that founded the Al-Qods Occupying Regime with the force of bayonets in the Middle East.
The Honorable Chancellor
I have no intention of arguing about the Holocaust. But, does it not stand to reason that some victorious countries of World War II intended to create an alibi on the basis of which they could continue keeping the defeated nations of World War II indebted to them. Their purpose has been to weaken their morale and their inspiration in order to obstruct their progress and power. In addition to the people of Germany, the peoples of the Middle East have also borne the brunt of the Holocaust. By raising the necessity of settling the survivors of the Holocaust in the land of Palestine, they have created a permanent threat in the Middle East in order to rob the people of the region of the opportunities to achieve progress. The collective conscience of the world is indignant over the daily atrocities by the Zionist occupiers, destruction of homes and farms, killing of children, assassinations and bombardments.
It is sad to admit that Europe has lost a lot of its clout in global interactions and has not been able to face and overcome major challenges by relying on itself. This is, of course, understandable. The big powers outside of the continent intend to prove that Europe cannot rely on itself and do anything without their help and intervention.
Our people have also suffered from the interventions by some of the victors of the war after World War II. For many years they interfered in our internal affairs and did not want to see our nation conquer the pinnacles of progress and perfection. They had their eyes on our natural wealth, above all on our energy resources. To secure their own interests, they overthrew the legally constituted government of the time, installed a dictatorial regime and supported it to the end. Later, they supported Saddam in the war imposed on our people and observed no humanitarian boundary in their support for the Iraqi dictator. Our nation has experienced the pain and anguish from the interferences of those who are now crying out for human rights. There are still many suffering from the wounds and injuries of this war.
Many of these aggressions have taken place by those who regard themselves the victors of the World War II. They allow themselves to do whatever they wish, and unfortunately, after the end of the Cold War, the arrogance and expansionist ambitions of these powers have escalated.
We believe that still a major part of the peoples of the world and even international organizations are under the influence of the behavior and the conduct of the victors of the World War II.

And no missive from the Thug-in-Chief would be complete without the following sales pitch:

Where are the roots of these problems? How long can they continue? Do you not think that the main root lies in the fact that some of the rulers and powers of today have distanced themselves from the teachings of the divine prophets, the teachings of Abraham, Moses and Jesus Christ (peace be upon him) and the Prophet Mohammad (peace be upon him).
Honorable Chancellor,
The inner instincts and nature of the peoples of the world have wakened up.
Tendency toward faith in the oneness of God is on the rise.

Tawhid, that is. Islamic monotheism.

People will no longer tolerate to be tyrannized, humiliated and their rights violated.
The prevailing circumstances today differ from those of yesterday. Multiple standards and approaches in relations will not endure.
Iran and Germany can play a more important role together in the international arena by relying on the noble and high values.
This cooperative relationship can also enhance the role of Europe on the global scene and serve as a model of cooperation between two governments and nations.
Together we will be able to prove to some powers that respecting other nations and their rights is good for them as well. Our two nations and governments, next to each other, will be able to play a fundamental role in promoting peace, security, progress, and human dignity at the scale of two countries and internationally.
In closing, I pray to the Almighty for the success of Your Excellency and the government and people of Germany.
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Is everyone in the Middle East this naive?


You mean "Tawhid" not "Tahwid", right?

How dare this professional torturer speak of the Holocaust in one voice - "Do not wish to argue" - and deny it in another?

What a terrible disaster the second Weltkrieg was. The infrastructure destroyed and the young generation half wiped out of the most valuable countries with respect to the intelligence and enterprise of their people : the US, Japan, Germany, Britain.. And Ashkenazi Jews, with an IQ 15 points greater than the mean, all but wiped out..

When the real enemy of the civilization built by Europeans was sitting just outside the door, very soon to attack!

What will become of Europe when the Muslims reach 40-50%? When they have enough votes to push through Sharia and Islamization? The growth rate of 'Aryans' and Jews is negative and sinking further,and nothing can be done about it.

Does anything give anybody hope on this site as far as the survival of Europe goes?

The difference between this and a Mel Brooks parody is that Brooks knows that it's funnier if it's concise. I especially like the paean to Merkel's womanly qualities.

Seriously, though, this document proves that Ahmadinejad is sincere. No Machiavellian would produce such a simple-minded letter; no sophisticated world statemen would knowingly make a fool of himself. So, the next time we're tempted to interpret some tactic coming out of Tehran as too complex or full of hidden meanings for us to understand, remember that we're dealing with a man whose knowledge of the outside world comes from sectarian teachings and a couple of books. But this, of course, makes him more dangerous than the Soviet leaders we once dealt with: they believed in nothing and therefore could look reality in the eye, whereas Ahmadinejad believes in his creed and nothing else.

I bet Merkel was gob smacked at that fawning crap about her being a powerful and wise mother when it comes from a guy who approves of hanging a young girl from a crane for her sins.

As for the rest of the letter if you sent that crap to somebody you know by email they would put you in the ‘He is unhinged’ category and stop coming round to your house for drinks and a movie.

The guy is a fruit bat.

The Arabs and their supporters against Israel like to claim Arab innocence in regard to the Holocaust, whereas they too were involved in it, guilty not only of encouraging the Germans to murder more Jews faster [as the Mufti of Jerusalem, Haj Amin el-Husseini, did], but conducted their own massacres of Jews during the war, as in Baghdad and in Libya, etc. By the way, Sadat, in his book published about 1954, Revolt on the Nile, blames Egyptian Jews for the Nazi defeat.

I read the complete text and the appeals to 'kindred spirit' should scare the hell out of modern Germans.

I come from the German people. My great-grandparents spoke German in the home and read out of a German language bible. My name is German. But I in no way share any spiritual or familial connection to the Iranian regime. The thought should be disgusting to us.

The preoccupation with humiliation is notable and alien to me.

These two sentences are prophetic, but the implications diametrically opposite what Ahmadinejad has in mind:

"The prevailing circumstances today differ from those of yesterday. Multiple standards and approaches in relations will not endure."

I'm thinking the relativist morality and the opportunistic, situational scripture of the Qur'an will not endure. The idea of the dhimmi cannot endure, being a multiple standard approach to relations itself. The whole of the approach of dar al-Islam and dar al-Harb. The standards in treatment and justice differing on several variables: believer or not, man or woman, arab or not... all these things are approaches to relations that have multiple standards.

The prevailing circumstances today differ from those of yesterday. Multiple standards and approaches in relations will not endure.


I know an M.D. who was detached to the 101st Airborne and was one of the first Allied doctors to walk up to a Nazi death camp. He says that, even as a doctor, the project was to not vomit on approach to the body pile, both living and dead. The smells were apparently horrific.

So the docs and nurses vomited and drank water and and rinsed their mouths and cared for the surviving Jews. And then they vomited again. It was a cycle.

This was real. What's not real is the Koran, which played a direct role in this mass murder. This is another cycle. The continued mistaken attribution of humanity to President Mahmoud and others like him.

This misattribution is the cycle that must be broken.

I am now suspicious of Reuters' informations and I am even more suspicious concerning the letter in full length. But I am quite sure that the real letter is corresponding to what is published here. First I was angry with Merkel for not publishing the letter ( because that's undemocratic and because I was nosy) , but after a while I started to understand why she decided not to do so.

Holocaust denying is not an opinion it is an Antisemitic tactic. It is futile to try to convince Holocaust deniers by facts, by proves or by sending them to Yad Vashem or Auschwitz memorial. They KNOW that the Holocaust happened. Ok, idiots may indeed believe it didn't happen, but these idiots are the audience - not the actor. The actors know. Ahmadinejad of course is an actor. And I don't believe he's an idiot or just an ape. He is mad, he is fanatic, he is malicious - no doubt - but not all mads are stupid. Unfortunately some of them are cunning.

The one and only thing, Holocaust deniers aim at, is the idea that - if it didn't happen - someone must have INVENTED it. And just meditate a moment: it would have been extremely mean and maleficent to invent something like this! Especially from a German point of view.

And who could have taken advandage of such an "invention"? Bingo: The Jews. And Israel.

That's the point.

This is nothing else than evil Antisemitic hatespeech. And I'm sure Ahmadinejad did exactly this in his letter to Merkel. Holocaust denial is illegal in Germany and there exists a social tabu as well. Neonazis ( and Muslim immigrants too )steadily and up to now rather unsuccessfully try to break this tabu. I guess Merkel didn't want to make Ahmadinejad a helpful hero for them and additionally she didn't want the country to be discraced abroad if these sleazebags would have cheered about the letter.

Unfortunately the opinion that Israel wrongfully exploits Germany in a financial way because of the Holocaust is - in opposite to the open denial - widespread. It is consensual among Muslims ( who never use the words "we" or "us" when they refer to Germany but the word "you" - only when it comes to Israel they say: "they do exploit us " ) and many Germans unfortunately agree to that.

Sometimes - when I have been discussing these topics in a German forums for hours - I properly hate my fellow citizens :-(

Alarmed Pig Farmer - I do agree with 'the cycle' idea.

Do we stand by the 'Never Again' of our grandparents or not?

Do we stand by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights or not?

It's time for an accounting.

Does anything give anybody hope on this site as far as the survival of Europe goes?

Yeah I’m a Brit and an optimist. Hitler commented that the Brits where lions led by donkeys. Unfortunately it seems fair enough to assume that the donkeys are still in charge. But come 2009 the donkeys will have to stand up in front of the people and ask them to let labour continue to screw up everything they touch for another term. There is a lot of rope stretched between here and 2009 for the Labour party to hang themselves with.

And if there was an election tomorrow labour would be out and Conservatism would be in . I don’t believe the so called Cameron effect as anything to do with it either. I think the Tory big beasts are suffering him because he comes over all nice and enviromentalist so that the disaffected left can vote for him too.

I also think that there a lot of young white men in Britain who would go out and stomp on a jihad merchant tomorrow if it wasn’t for the law.

As for France and it’s surrender now and wait for help later approach to warfare I could not comment.

Europe will survive, Mert, but the way I see it a large catharsis is coming and it will be bloody-expensive.

is anybody sickened by the ass kissing tone of this letter?

I won't be able to be a politician because the first thing I would like to reply to this baboon is:

"why you asskiss me so much when for your kind of people I am a cow in need of a burka and non muslims like me are pigs and apes?"

It would be interesting to know the baboon's reply.

Due to it's remarkable passifism, I highly doubt Mainland Europe will survive islamic demographic jihad. At best, Europe will emerge disfigured...just as it did in the last world war.

Poor Dhimmis (sarcasm off).

the little man fron iran Ahmadinejad sure likes to use the word "humiliated, humilation," over and over again. its the mantra for muslims particular arabs. why does not the leader of the German people "Angela Merkel" just tell the little man from iran what most sane people would say. stop all this nonsense, pc, double speak, cloak and dagger, and tell him that he is a total nutjob, anyone with common sense knows of the brutality by the murderous Nazis and their accomplicense the muslims did to the Jews, and all other non-Jews who stood up to them. Tell that little man from iran, that Germans have gone ahead and accomplished much and will always honour their words of "never again". Will one leader of the a free democratic country come out of their PC and rip that Ahmadinejad a new asshole! Tell him he is the murderous thug who has killed innocent women, girls and men and boys who have done no wrong. and that he can stick his koran where the sun dont shine. is that so difficult?

I agree, but better to do it now so my brothers little lad doesn't have to do it later.

I think Islam’s greatest downfall is arrogance. They want it all and Allah says they can have it now because he will ensure them victory. But the reality is every detonating Muslim makes us hate them more. The Government knows the people are pissed off or they wouldn’t of tried to appease us with this failed multicultural experiment nonsense they have rolled out for the white mans consumption.

The alternative to a nasty spell of catharsis is an eternity of kissing a Muslims arse.

And if Europe comes out disfigured so what? It was a bombed out ruin sixty years ago and now it as wine lakes and butter mountains.

I'm sure the Chancellor got a BIG ole belly laugh out of his, dignity and special privleges over the other and no society be deprived of it's rights prattle.

She's probably thinking, "IF IT HAD NOT BEEN for Iran backing hizbo-lah, Israel wouldn't have had to go to war". "IF IT HAD NOT BEEN for islam, Iranian women would be free from humiliation and able to progress into the 21st century".

My thinking is, "IF IT HAD NOT BEEN for islam, the world wouldn't have lost it's innocents to terrorism".

Anti-PC -- Yes, and thanks for catching that. Sorry about the typo; I hate it when that happens.

(The letters got switched as I was in a hurry to get to my Untied Dyslexics meeting, you see...)

.... and SHE said????

This DinnerJacket guy obviously has a deep misunderstanding of world history. He's trying to appeal to a germany of 1922 rather than the germany of 1946-present. He's under the impression that he's got a natural ally in Germany, and he's trying to appeal to someone he might think could be the next Hitler. He will never understand the principles of democracy that the west as enjoyed all these years. This is why he's been able to find allies in North Korea, Venezuella, China, and Russia. He's probably sent similar letters to the leaders of those countries (not publicized) and tried to foment those feelings of "humiliation" they might feel. I'm sure each letter was directed at humiliation russia felt, china felt etc...seens that the leaders of those countries have bit on this, which is why we are having problems in the UN with the security council. He would love to find an ally in Europe. I hope he doesn't find one.

The words about "But, does it not stand to reason that some victorious countries of World War II intended to create an alibi on the basis of which they could continue keeping the defeated nations of World War II indebted to them"... and afterwards about the Holocaust make me think of a disgusting bug which needs to be squashed.

What a horror that this is a national leader of such a powerful state?

I am a hardliner. I have German friends. I respect Germany's contribution to the world, where it has been positive. But, Neo-Nazism and the Islamist subjugation of it would not be alive today if Germany had received the same fate Japan did.

Today, Japan is the number two power in terms of per capita GDP. China has higher overall GDP much over much larger a population.

Germany started not one but two world wars out of the most evil of ambitions. As incredibly evil as the Holocaust was, so too should we be reminded of all of the other deaths of that war. Because, ultimately, it was all the fault of the Axis powers.

The evil in Iran today is something which should not be. It stands on the shoulders of the Holocaust. We can only hope they give us some pretext to war so that they might receive the miserable fate they so deeply deserve.

We as a civilization, should be ashamed of ourselves if another Holocaust is allowed to happen. We should have quashed these bugs the first time we heard them say death to Israel. And the short prez of Iran has said it many times.

On Europe surviving:

I think people are being incredibly optimistic.

True, if you consider the future to be one where the Islamists rise up and kill their hosts... working with the Islamist powers... then Europe can survive.

But, why would that be so cut and dried? And what of the virulent leftism?

Ultimately, I would point out, there are many roads to totalitarianism. And totalitarianism is not "survival". Totalitarianism is end game defeat.

The same radical forces were present in Europe before WWI. Today, those forces have not disappeared. They have grown.

But, there are many unknowns in this equation.

CHINUBHAI not to pick on you. I know what you are getting at. You are trying to emphasize what a shame and waste the war was but this quote does sound bad

"Ashkenazi Jews, with an IQ 15 points greater than the mean, all but wiped out.."
the nazis believed they were superior and they had empirical data such as all the advancements made in science in math by germans in the 19th and early 20th century. This kind of talk is no different.

If one has, as I have done for two years, daily listen to Arab and Iranian News, they will notice that first of all they are the personification of hyperbolic rhetoric, and every news report and personal testimony is laced with the words "humiliation", "humiliate", martyrs, suffer and suffering.. they get off on martyrdom, and anything less than total submission to them is considered "humiliation".. I once thought that it was merely an Arab thing (Raphael Patai's, "The Arab Mind") but now no that is a muslim thing, because as a person and land is Islamized it is Arabized, this of course blows out of the water the notion many Persians (wrongly) hold, that they are not Arabized at all.. in fact they are..and they became Arabs (just as Cat Stevens did, just as any convert does) when they became Muslim..it starts with adopting an Arab mind, and then speaking Arabic.

In fact, in an obscene sort of way many of us JW have become Arab, by learning to and using Arab words such as kaffir, tawhid, taqiyya, kitman etc.

Then again it is a necessity...Muslims will challenge us and say "show me in the Qur'an where it says that Jihad is holy war, or that a Christian is a kaffir..I've wasted hundreds of thousands of keyboard strokes responding to such obfuscations, like explaining just what a Kaffir is (unbeliever, which includes so called Sephardim or Peoples of the Book).

the nazis believed they were superior and they had empirical data such as all the advancements made in science in math by germans in the 19th and early 20th century. This kind of talk is no different.
Posted by: pissedoffcanadian

No doubt it may not be PC or polite, but it is true, whereas Nazi racial propaganda was based on stereotypes and pseudoscience-"The Jews have long hooked noses. Beware of the Jew."

From Wikipedia:
"Though only 0.25% of the world population, Jewish scientists make up 28% of Nobel prize winners in physics, chemistry, medicine, and economics, and have accounted for more than half of world chess champions.In the United States, Ashkenazi Jews represent 2% of the population, but have won 40% of the US Nobel Prizes in science.A significant decline in the number of Nobel prizes awarded to Europeans and a corresponding increase in the number of prizes awarded to US citizens occurred at the same time as Nazi persecutions of Jews during the 1930s and the Holocaust during the 1940s."

I am not a Jew, have no Jewish relatives, only friends, but I have the highest regard for them and it infuriates me that hardly anyone speaks up for them and to hear Nasrallah of Hezbollah preach to his flock:

"The Jews invented the legend of the Nazi atrocities [...] Anyone who reads the Koran and the holy writings of the monotheistic religions sees what they did to the prophets, and what acts of madness and slaughter the Jews carried out throughout history... Anyone who reads these texts cannot think of co-existence with them, of peace with them, or about accepting their presence, not only in Palestine of 1948 but even in a small village in Palestine, because they are a cancer which is liable to spread again at any moment..."

"If we searched the entire world for a person more cowardly, despicable, weak and feeble in psyche, mind, ideology and religion, we would not find anyone like the Jew. Notice, I do not say the Israeli."

Perhaps this is part of a larger picture.
Why indeed should extremist nationalism in Germany(NPD) or Britain(BNP), unpalatable though it may be, have anything at all to do with Jew-hatred?

Why remain tied to the ideology of the Nazis?
Why not take an objective view of the world, consider the real threats to your nation's economy and society and deal with them?

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad does not want us to break free of this. This is the reason for his references to

"The extortion and blackmail continue, and people are not allowed to think about or even question the source of this extortion, otherwise they face imprisonment. When will this situation end? Sixty years, one hundred years or one thousand years, when? I am sorry to remind you that today the perpetual claimants against the great people of Germany are the bullying powers and the Zionists that founded the Al-Qods Occupying Regime with the force of bayonets in the Middle East."

The far right needs to be educated just as much as the far left. If not, they can fall prey to the influence of the Islamists as well, just in a different way.

The translation starts off by being misleading. It should read "In the name of Allah," because Allah is not God. Allah is the meteor in Mecca the savages worship. Obviously Aminijihad feels a kinship with a country that killed 7 million Jews although he frequently denies it ever happened. Pissedoffcanadian, Hitler was a big proponent of evolution as the Nazis used it to prove their "race" superior to others and used that as justification for murdering and exterminating Jews, Gypsies, people of color, homosexuals and other "undesirables". I often wonder if the gays and liberals who post and read here realize that when they suport Darwinism they are suppoorting the doctrines of Hitler and the Nazis, et al.

Please forgive what may be naiveté; I seek only to enlighten myself in order to better participate.

While acknowledging the possible dangers in not taking Aminijihad seriously, or in succumbing to the distraction of his obvious disconnection from any empirically observable reality, might there also be some slight chance that he is - perhaps - under- or over-medicated? Such usually turns out to be the case for one whose first language is English, and holds forth as he does.

A possible diagnostic question: Was the letter to Germany's head of state written in crayon?


You askin if he's loony?
Sure he is.. so are the whole lot of 'em.

Does the moderate, law-abiding, average Muslim, whether in a western society or Sharialand, never stop to think?

Why stoning and flogging are really just and deserved and ordained by "God" ?
Why it is fine and holy to murder Jews, Hindus, Christians according to "God"?
Why he MUST be prejudiced and contemptous of freedom of expression and belief, when societies prizing these values have advanced far beyond his own?

Oh right, the indoctrination-from-infancy thing.

Anyone who hasn't seen this video of BASMALLAH THE PALESTINIAN MUSLIMAH on youtube needs to, right away:


You would think that mainstream muslims would be itching to throw off the yoke, do guys like Armageddonajad scare your average islamic citizen?

When I visited Egypt years ago for a friends arranged wedding, our taxi driver in Cairo offered to give us a free tour of the city if we got him some liquor from the Hilton. While in the navy I visited Oman and at the hotel I paid thirty bucks for a 12-pack of Heineken; the local guy in the hotel's persian rug store offered me fifty dollars for the beer.

I can only hope such men as they are more numerous than we know, its the average guy and gal on the street who just want to have some fun who might yet save us all.

I often wonder if the gays and liberals who post and read here realize that when they suport Darwinism they are suppoorting the doctrines of Hitler and the Nazis, et al.

Hitler also liked Danish pastry. Should that reflect poorly on the Danes or their desserts? Hitler was also an animal lover. Should the SPCA be ashamed?

Indeed the Volkswagen Beetle is Hitler's greatest legacy. Should those trendy liberals disown their Nazi transportation?

Darwinism is no more the doctrine of Hitler than danishes are the pastry of the Nazis.

And I most tell you, in my fight against Islam, I have eaten quite a few danishes lately.


I have, in fact, seen much made of the premise that one's frame of reference is less easy to modify and expand if, from an early age, it is restricted. Such is true also of the mature adult taken into cult thinking. This may form part of an explanation, but serves as no excuse - indeed, it may actually only serve to make the screaming jihadists easier to spot in the crowd before they start screaming.

The video is truely disturbing - and should serve as warning regarding the absolutist thinking these people have been given over to. I think perhaps it partly illustrates my suggestion that much of Islam, as practiced, is found attractive as much because it allows and reinforces ancient tribalistic and barbaric customs as for any other reason, plus it rests well on circular reasoning as a foundation for much of its fantastical worldview.

'But, does it not stand to reason that some victorious countries of World War II intended to create an alibi on the basis of which they could continue keeping the defeated nations of World War II indebted to them.'

How in the world does this guy get off using the phrase, "stand to reason..."? That just isn't a tool in the Islamic toolbox; how un-Qu'uranic of him.

Oooooh, I get it; it's mimicry! If I use their words, I'll be able to "get" to them....

Test to determine likelihood of a conspiracy: Is there cause to believe that the requisite participants are actually capable of keeping quiet about thier participation? Not in my experience - therefore I give no credence to conspiracy theories involving JFK, Elvis, UFOs in Roswell, and on and on.

However, our adversaries from beneath the crescent have demonstrated that THEY are absolutely capable of holding to such an oath.

It's hard to read through pure evil without wretching.


A few of us are working on a "Handbook for Infidel Debaters" (suggested by Hugh a few days ago) at Islam-Watch. Anyone who would like to contribute, click on this link. Signing up to Islam-Watch takes only a couple of minutes.

Do we need any more negotiations with this man and his regime? Over nuclear processing? Over the forceful spread of Islam? Over their continual kidnappings of westerners? Over their holocaust denial? Over their threats to Israel? Over their divid and conquer strategy? over their intent to control the Middle East and Europe--if not the rest of the world?

When is the West going to bring these people to their knees and force them to renounce the cult that the moslem relgiion is?

I'm not necessarily the biggest fan of Angela Merkel, who seems a bit dull and vacillating to me. The idea, though, that she would be easily swayed by this hamfisted (pun intended) appeal to Germany's "glorious Nazi past" seems like a great insult.

Germany, whatever problems it may have, is still one of the most free and affluent societies on the planet today. I am amused at his equating it to his own backward, medieval mess of a country.

Gosh, I happen to be gay, liberal and a believer in darwinism (more or less). I also post here. Guess I must be completely misguided and stupid, then, as well as being a supporter of naziism and lots of other fascistic nonsense I never knew about. Well, I never knew that I was so trendy and with it and here's me thinking that I am just a young fogey. Shows you how wrong you can be, doesn't it. I must be a complete idiot instead of just a fool.


The irony of it is that the Jews have big pointy noses, the complete opposite of pigs. There's no way a Jew can be descended from a pig.

She could be right about the apes.