Thailand: Angry white males carry out 40 bomb and arson attacks -- oh, wait...

And the AP headline is, "Assailants carry out attacks in Thailand" (thanks to the Constantinopolitan Irredentist). Hmmm. I wonder what kind of "assailants." Marauding Buddhist monks? Crazed Tim McVeigh-like Catholics? Oh who, who could it be?

BANGKOK, Thailand - Assailants carried out at least 40 bomb and arson attacks Tuesday night in Thailand's three Muslim-dominated southernmost provinces, police said. At least three people were reported hurt.

The attacks are the latest in a series believed to have been carried out by Muslim separatists, regional deputy police chief Maj. Woraphong Siewpricha said. Thai media said government installations were the targets.

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Hummm angry white males bombing things. Did someone get thier latte' mixed up with a mocha, or possibly do a full caffee instead of a half caffee, or maybe they forgot to give the white chocolate sprincles instead of the dark chocolate? Hummm or maybe they converted to Islam? lol.

Don't want to change the subject oh wait no still the same subject just a different chapter. Solidarity with England right now as they are at the highest threat level possible today. My prayers are with you.

Never mind that it’s not a good headline at all, stylistically speaking. “Assailant” does not give the most information in the least amount of space;
it is no different from saying:

“Attackers carry out attacks in Thailand”

Thailand has government installations?
Office of Pirate Licenses?
Prostitute Registry?
Office of Pol Pot Survivors Association?
Registry of Ragged Cargo Ships?
Department of Child Labor?
Department of Opium Developement?

I think they are mad because they cannot find a government office.

BANGKOK, Thailand - Members of the radical Buddhist organization, Martyrs of Zen, carried out at least 40 bomb and arson attacks Tuesday night in Thailand's three Muslim-dominated southernmost provinces, police said. At least three people were reported hurt.

The Martyrs of Zen issued a statement, saying that "we're here to take it to the limit" and added that "there is no God but Buddha, except he isn't really a God I suppose."

The group has been responsible for more than 50,000 deaths in the past ten years, and is widely believed to be supported by the Dalai Lama's armed wing, Dharma Brigade. The Dalai Lama condemned the attacks in a press release, saying that "we obviosly condemn attacks againts innocent civilians, although our definition of an innocent civilian may radically differ from yours."



In my humble opinion, the Jihad in Thailand isn't being publicized enough. That's a mistake, because, as the current war with Hizbullah shows, media victory is crucial today, often making or breaking the military campaign.

Why do I think the Thai Jihad is important? Because it's probably one of the most clear-cut, airtight cases of Islamic imperialism.

Think: what issues does Thailand have with the Muslims other than being an infidel state? Let's grant, for the sake of the argument, that Israel is the invader of previously Islamic lands; that the US is that too, as well as the supporter of Israel; that Spain is former Islamic land; that India is in territorial dispute with Pakistan over Kashmir; and so on with more and more issues that the ever-pragmatic, ever-rational Left can explain away as material, territorial or nationalistic grievances, therefore legitimate.

But Thailand?! Nothing of that sort. No aid to Israel, no existence of Thai troops in Iraq, not a former Islamic land, no territorial dispute with a neighboring Islamic state. Nothing. Only this: the fact of Muslims having settled on that land quite a few centuries ago, and now, just like the Saracens of old or the Tripoli pirates more recently, taking advantage of their location to score more for the Global Jihad. There's simply no other explanation. The facts militate, this time, against any sort of materialistic, Marxist spin. It's the religion, stupid.

Let's take this as sorely-needed ammo for the war of minds.

Slightly off topic, but Singapore is a good example of what a small country/state with no natural resources can achieve in a few decades when it breaks free from it's muslim neighbour, in this case the "moderate" malaysia.

Yes Celsius, but Singapore isn't repressed by the Jewish Conspiracy like all Muslim countries are.

ZionistYoungster, perhaps the single most important reason for publicizing this conflict internationally (apart from gathering support for the Thais), is that it is a very, very powerful debunking of the 'race' card that dhimmis and Mohammedans keep trying to use against counter-jihad.


My sentiments - exactly!

I won't call Malaysia a moderate muslim nation.

A friend of mine lives there and absolutely hated it.

Malaysia call their muslim ORANG ASLI, meaning the pure bred, by which they give all the previllege, from financial help all to way to depriving other race of any fair change. All other race must depend on the "pure bred." for a lot of thing, including getting license for business, etc.

The Malaysian prime minister is an anti semite. Time and again, they prove themselves the sons of bitches.

Steve Cheng said:

Never mind that it’s not a good headline at all, stylistically speaking. “Assailant” does not give the most information in the least amount of space;
it is no different from saying:

“Attackers carry out attacks in Thailand”

Perhaps a more general headline could have even been:

"People damage something somewhere."

Lets play a game! If someone can come up with a headline that states less information but still states something got broken somewhere, they win!

JCSupercop, good try at humor. However, those of us who know the Far East will tell you that Ch'an (Zen in Japanese) is part of Mahyana Buddhism, while Thailand is a Thorawadee country.

Know what is the worst part of all this? If you are European this goes 50x at least. Look at your children then think of thier children. When problems with Muslims like this start in a country the proper steps are not taken to ensure the safety of these children. Our lack of resolve, our PC attitudes will plague our offspring for generations to come. If you are European it is these offspring of yours that will pay the price of your sloth. These are the children of yours, who will be butchered by the barbarians you have let in, cursing your name I'm sure. Time for the west and the rest of the civilised world to take a good long look at thier children and think. What should be done for our future generations? If this menace, which is growing like cancer among us is allowed to metasticize for much longer it will surely consume its host. I have been to a few Muslim web sites. I have seen French Muslims overtly bragging about this scenario, and yet we do nothing. Ours is a culture ripe for the taking Liberalism is like cultural AIDS. Vicims of this virus lack the internal mechanism to fight off virulent diseases (Islam), so they eventually spread and become mortal infections. Emigration from the M.E. should be halted. Islam should be declaired unconstitutional. In The Koran it says if you are not allowed to practice your faith in a given country you are to leave. Spain did this we should too. All practicing muslims should be given a chance to renounce thier faith publically or be deported. Seems harsh huh, or we could simply just let our offspring be slaughtered. Heck I know it is easier to let our children get what is comming to them.

That's rich!... and true PC.

"Perhaps a more general headline could have even been:

"People damage something somewhere."

Lets play a game! If someone can come up with a headline that states less information but still states something got broken somewhere, they win!" --Posted by: CanForce 101

But let's not be judgmental!

It is not a 'good' thing, or a 'bad' thing. It is all 'relative'. ;)

Ooops! I shouldn't have used the word "judgemental", since that is being 'judgmental' again. Back to the drawing board... :(

Let's see, Thailand, Chechnya, Bali, London, Madrid, Philippines, just to name a few attacks outside of the US and Israel. The past riots in France are part of jihad. Why in the hell do libs still think that the US and Israel have done something to cause these Islamonazis to kill non-Muslims? They are even plotting attacks on one of the most dhimmified countries on Earth - Canada. We are in deep doodoo! These attacks should arouse the MSM to the truth, I baffles me why it doesn't.

Dammit, goofed again It baffles me why it doesn't

Lets play a game! If someone can come up with a headline that states less information but still states something got broken somewhere, they win!" --Posted by: CanForce 101

My entry: Local Synagogue Installs New Bullet Resistant Windows.

If anything will get the MSM, Hollywood and Western Leftists to turn on Islam, it is the killing of Bhuddists.

Richard Gere is gonna be pissed. Real pissed. He probably won't speak with Sean Penn and George Clooney when he runs into them at those Malibu parties for a year. That's radical, man.

All I can do is stand slack jawed and stare at what KAOSKTRL has posted. The link to his home page is now in my favorites I have much reading to do. Oh and that wonderfull book you linked will be exellent reading for all of my illiberal friends whom will be recieving copies.

Okay my newspaper vagarity.

Today in Thailand several men dressed in robes and pajamas were seen running from the site of several mysterious blasts that occured at about 2p.m. local time. There reportedly have been sporadic incidences of blasts then web postings by the "Pratitioners of the Religion of Peace" claiming the attacks as "A look at the future of Thailand if it does not submit to Islamic rule". What this could mean or who did this is unknown at this time. Full investigations are underway, but it is doubtfull that there are enough clues to piece this mystery together. More later as news on this story unfolds.

JCSupercop, good try at humor. However, those of us who know the Far East will tell you that Ch'an (Zen in Japanese) is part of Mahyana Buddhism, while Thailand is a Thorawadee country.
Yeah, I know Zen isn't practised everywhere, but I figured it didn't really matter. Martyrs of Zen just sounds like a good name for a Buddhist terrorist organization.

CanForce 101:
Lets play a game! If someone can come up with a headline that states less information but still states something got broken somewhere, they win!
This doesn't state that something got broken, but I think it's still a good headline for almost anything negative: "People Get Angry, Stuff Happens."

Thailand has government installations?
Office of Pirate Licenses?
Prostitute Registry?
Office of Pol Pot Survivors Association?
Registry of Ragged Cargo Ships?
Department of Child Labor?
Department of Opium Developement?

I think they are mad because they cannot find a government office.
I think you're confusing it with some other country. Thailand is not a third world country.

Screwed up the tags, repost (this place NEEDS an editing function).

Thailand has government installations?
Office of Pirate Licenses?
Prostitute Registry?
Office of Pol Pot Survivors Association?
Registry of Ragged Cargo Ships?
Department of Child Labor?
Department of Opium Developement?

I think they are mad because they cannot find a government office.

I think you're confusing it with some other country. Thailand is not a third world country.

JCSupercop--I was in Thailand between 1990-1992, and think it a fine country and that their king is a gentleman; but I daresay that there were parts of it that were very much third world.