The West alone is not threatened

In "West alone is not threatened," Kanchan Gupta in The Pioneer reminds us that the jihad is not only against the West:

It's difficult to fault US President George Bush for being obnoxiously upfront and brutally honest while describing the jihadis and their cohorts who planned "mass murder on an unimaginable scale" by blowing up 10, probably more, trans-Atlantic passenger jets taking off from Heathrow as "Islamic fascists". British Conservative politician and writer Michael Gove, in his book, Celsius 7/7, in which he analyses the phenomenon of Islamist terrorism, is equally, if not more, scathing in his description of "the totalitarian nature of the ideology that drives jihad's warriors" who "are driven by a divine mission to ensure that the whole earth, in due course, learns to submit to Islamist rule".

If there's anything objectionable about Mr Bush's comments following the unravelling of the plot last Thursday, it's his insistence that the US is the main target of "Islamic fascists". Even the most cursory survey of jihad's global assault on free societies and democracies will make it abundantly clear that the threat posed by radical Islamism and its remorseless practitioners to the rest of the world is no less than that posed to the US and Americans.

This simple fact, however, is lost on those who believe that 9/11 marked the launch of the crusade against non-believers and, therefore, place the US and its allies in the centre of the unremitting assault by jihadis looking for spectacular hits with heart-wrenching consequences. Hence the Western media's astonishing refusal to list the July 11 Mumbai bombings, which left 187 commuters dead and hundreds of others physically and mentally scarred for the rest of their lives, as a terrorist strike of any consequence even while recalling other "mass murders" committed by those who repose their faith in radical Islam. Thus, in the wake of the unmasking of the London plot, people were asked to recall the Madrid bombings, the Bali bombings, even bombings in Turkey and, of course, the 7/7 terror attacks of last year.

There is also this amazing reluctance to acknowledge and accept that Pakistan continues to remain a hub for global jihad, notwithstanding claims to the contrary by Gen Pervez Musharraf and the West's description of him as a "valuable and reliable ally" in the war against terror. Ever since last October's earthquake which devastated large tracts of Pakistan-occupied Kashmir, the Jamaat-ud-Dawa, based in Lahore, has been using human misery to collect enormous sums of money from "Islamic charities" for relief work. That money has been used for recruiting fresh cadre for Jamaat-ud-Dawa's armed wing, the Lashkar-e-Tayyeba, in acquiring arms and explosives and plotting attacks, like the plan to blow up passenger aircraft over the Atlantic or while they were landing in American cities, across the world, including India.

Read it all.

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Khamenei: Hizbullah won victory for Islam

Iran's supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, in a message to Hizbullah leader Sheik Hassan Nasrallah, described the group's guerrilla battle against Israel a "victory" for Islam.

"Your unprecedented holy war and steadfastness are beyond the limits of my description. It's a divine victory. It is a victory of Islam," Khameneni said in the message, read by an announcer on Hizbullah's Al-Manar television.
Hizbullah is heavily backed by Iran's Shi'ite theocracy

Your unprecedented holy war ....So Islam is at War then?

This essay is important. It is maddening to see how little attention is paid to India and its plight -- even within India, or within those communities of Indians abroad who are quick to decry "communalism" and to forget what Islam did to India, in order, one sometimes feel, to fit in with what those immigrants assume is American or British hostility to the idea not only of Hindutva, but of the whole history of Muslim rule and what it did to India. How wrong they are. What a good deed they would do, those Hindus and Sikhs and Jains and other non-Muslim Indians (or even Muslims who wish to shed the mental shackles of Islam, and slough it off, perhaps in tribute to the long line of ancestors before the ones who somewhere along the line were forcibly converted, sometimes by the threat of death, sometimes to escape the onerousness of enduring the status of dhimmi, to Islam) if they were to help educate those whose fellow citizens and neighbors they now are, and who need to be warned about what Islam is, what Islam means, what Islam does.

India should be supported to the hilt in whatever it decides it must do to stop Muslim terrorism within India, and the support given to it without. If it decides, at some point, to forcibly push Muslims into Pakistan and Bangladesh (as Hindus have by the millions, over many decades, been forced to flee to India from Bangladesh and Pakistan) that should not be cause for reproach, but for sympathetic understanding and, possibly, emulation.

At the moment we are all in the same boat, the S.S. Narrenschiff, with the captain and crew mostly confused, running hither and yon, seeing some distant iceberg, but not the insidious cargo that was taken aboard and now threatens to sink the whole thing. Replace the captains and the crews with some American (and other) Practical Navigators, rename the ship, and then -- steady as she goes.

Your unprecedented holy war ....So Islam is at War then?

StorageManager -
Yes, the Islamic faith has been at WAR with the Jews since 624... Nothing-new here! What is new is that is the Persian sect, not an Arab sect which is the current sh_t disturber!

Islam is the problem!
All the current terror, wars and bloodletting - whether it’s in Darfur, Kashmir, Bali, or Madrid. It is a Muslim group striking out their rage against another… Muslim’s kill Muslim’s because they "aren't Muslim enough!" Muslim’s are brainwashed into believing that their hatred, is a way of showing divine love of their Allah.

Islam is the problem, not the solution.

Shining the light upon evil, drives it to hide.

Shining the light upon evil, drives it to hide.
KnightHawk.............Sorry I should have put a SARC always say ISLAM IS THE ENEMY..But now Islam admits

Currently, yes there are Muslims behind many crimes. However to blame Islam for everything is ludicrous. Lets remember that Christianity has been responsible for many attrocities. Lets also not forget that Christian nations were responsible for the most destructive wars of the last century as well as the largest genocide against the Jews. Lets also not forget that Christians massacred the Jews in the Spanish inquisition while the Muslim let them live in Spain when they ruled Spain.

Is this an indictment against Christianity? Ofcourse not. Men do bad things, not religions. Islam is not the same thing as Muslims.

I haven't seen the 7/11 bombings left out, or am I missing something that Kanchan Gupta isn't? Only problem that I had was that a day after the event, 7/11 disappeared off the front page news. Of course, 4 days later, the Hizbullah war started, so it was inevitable that it wouldn't have stayed on, even if the news media had paid more attention to it.

Shining the light upon evil, drives it to hide.
KnightHawk.............Sorry I should have put a SARC always say ISLAM IS THE ENEMY..But now Islam admits
Posted by: storagemanager at August 16, 2006 06:15

StorageManager -

I don't burn down the entire field, just to get a bag of popcorn.

My TAG is - clearly separating that the TRUTH will stand-up and take on all inspection. EVIL however hides and doesn't like any spot-light on their activities...

As I have said over and over again;
Islam is the problem, not the solution!


Moose the Koran is not the Bible. The Koran is a book of war intended to take precedence over the bible by reducing Jesus in status to that of a prophet. It is the refined ideas of a man who was not poor but decided to go and live in a cave long enough to come out claiming divine inspiration so that he could take over the world one town and one civilisation at a time.

Yes Christianity as a lot to answer for. But don’t you think that men claim a God says it is fine to behave in such horrible ways because they cannot be argued against, because God says it is so.

Western society as pretty much got past burning witches and the rack. But Islam is still stuck on smiting at the neck. If Muslims in the West disagree with stoning and the chopping off of hands and feet then I am sure I would of seen them marching in the street to stop this evil barbarity, but I don’t see it. If I can’t see it then why should I believe it to be true?

The progressive Islam that wishes no harm is not in the Arab homelands. The only Muslims who think of peace and justice are dissidents.

Moose.....May I remind you the Koran tells Muslims they will rule the world....many believe that....I dont need to say more.

Is this an indictment against Christianity? Ofcourse not. Men do bad things, not religions. Islam is not the same thing as Muslims.

Posted by: Moose .....No offence....But you need more Koran time.....They think Muslims are human...Non-Muslims are beast to used or killed...The Koran tells Muslims they will rule the world by ISLAM.....MUSLIMS WHO BELIEVE THE KORAN...ARE ISLAM.

This article by Kanchan Gupta should have been listed at the Dhimmiwatch site.

Mohammed bin Kafir Abu Jahal

Moose is no Bullwinkle -- he can't even produce a rabbit out of a hat.

He characterizes the evil Axis of WWII as "Christian".

He thereby ignores two facts:

1) the fact which most historians and scholars agree upon, that Hitler was only nominally "Christian" and used Christians when it was expedient but oppressed them whenever it wasn't, that he admired Muslims more than Christians, and that he himself was inspired by an amalgam of Gnostic beliefs which were mostly heterodox, not orthodox (if Moose doesn't know what small "o" orthodox means in this context, it wouldn't surprise me).

2) the West against Hitler (surely the Western Allies -- Britain, the USA, the French underground, and many more, would also be "Christian" according to Moose's perversely catholic use of these labels? -- the West took care of its own dirty laundry and spent four long years fighting Hitler and his Axis until they were thoroughly defeated. Where are the Muslims now taking care of their own dirty laundry the way we, the West, did with our Hitler?


Here is one that the MSM will not print.......

India's Hindu Taliban - Police given unlimited power to jail those talking of Christ

The Supreme Court in India has given police across the nation unlimited power to arrest and detain anyone who has been accused of talking to another person about Christianity.

Moose, Hitler called Christianity a "Jewish poison". Indeed, many of his followers were more neo-pagan than anything else. As for those who called themselves "Faith Movement of German Christians", you cannot be a fundamentalist and believe that Jesus was an Aryan at the same time.

Moose has it backward. Of course religions can be evil. History tells us this. Islam is inherently evil as it is based on dualistic ethics. There is no golden rule. The Other can only be the enemy.

Moose needs to go back to school.

"Here is one that the MSM will not print.......

India's Hindu Taliban - Police given unlimited power to jail those talking of Christ"

This is false.

Mohammed bin Kafir Abu Jahal; I've been reflecting on your answer to my question the other night. I noticed the subsequent western media's omission of the July 11 Mumbai bombings at the time the comments were made.

Standing corrected;

Standing corrected;

Thank you limes. On a separate note, any non-Muslim country is threatened by what's in the NYT report linked here.

NYT Report on the Rise of Islamic Schools and Madrassas in USA

This is the major problem. The more the children are brainswashed by the verses of the sadistic Quran, the more jihadis and the more mayhem.

Thus, all non-Muslim majority countries must:

(a) Actively propagandize against Quran and Islamic tenets. This shared anti-Islam viewpoint would hopefully forge a common bond between various non-Muslim majority countries in times of Islamic aggression. The objective is to make the practice of Islam very difficult in those (non-Muslim majority) countries. This would dissuade Muslims from staying back in these countries. This scenes as linked in the above NYT report, would not happen or be rare.

(b) Reduce or place a moratorium on Muslim migration - whereever practical. This would also reduce the number of Muslims in a non-Muslim country. Don't depend on oil. Use hybrid cars and or nuclear power for domestic and industrial use.

(c) Have no technical/scientific or economic link of whatever. If link exists then we are sharing the best of techniques that can be used against us.

If (a) to (c) are followed, the threat from Islamic facists would reduce somewhat.

Mohammed bin Kafir Abu Jahal

Here is one idea. We can make use of the power of satire.
For example, in south indian state of Tamilnadu the leftist government turned prison into a spa for a terrorist.

Apart from this DMK government released 15 accused terrorists who were being held on charges for destroying temples.

Why not create website ""? can openly proclaim support and appreciate politicians like DMK chief and bureaucrats in India and other places.

Will this create embarassment for politicians and people at large? I guess I may be dreaming.

Let india worry about india, how many troops has india sent to iraq and/or afghanistan? india is a big country it can defend itself. Why try to use us to clean house and take care of their pakistani problems. they can step up their offensive in kashmir take out terrorists where they are bred(yes bred as in born and raised).instead they vow to capture those responsible. well capturing terrorists who have already struck and you have already lost. they also blame The US. like every country in the world blames the US for their problem. I would be more than willing to fight terrorists in pakistan. but with a war in iraq and afghanistan, where going to have to play the political game with pakistan.

Hugh, you are either to old, or to relentless in your approach, for me to keep up. I believe that you have tapped into the unused 3/4's of the nominaly averaged human being's usage of the grey matter construed as a brain. I am only firing on maybe 2 cylinders. Maybe I would run better on some ethanol! I do not know who to thank for the omission of the outrageous nuclear comment I made prior. I am thankful for being able to put my contributions on the table of enlightenment, which you so eloquently hold suite.

The problem with Bush and his administration is that they have never really admitted the truth that Islam is inherently malignant and homicidal. In fact I have no idea where anyone ever got the impression that Bush has been upfront and honest. He hasn't. In fact, Bush is, if anything, a 'frady cat who takes a half-assed stand against terror and then backs down as soon as polls indicate his popularity may be sliding as a consequence of his stand against terror.

I have yet to hear George W. (for "wobbly") Bush even MENTION THE WORD JIHAD in a speech. And even if he did what would be so 'obnoxious' about that????

It is true that India needs help with its grave troubles with Islamic insurrection and infiltration. It may also be true that India potentially is a very strong ally of the USA's against Islam's global jihad. But it is also true that India is a very, very fickle place and has not always been a reliable partner of America's. To cite one example, an Indian man named Lakhani entered the US and was apprehended by the US government selling stinger missiles to terrorists to shoot down American jetliners on American soil. India also has deals going with the Iranian presently arranging for petroleum pipelines to be built leading from Iran to the Indian subcontinent--Iran's lengthy terrorism track record notwithstanding.

It may take a while before India gets as serious as it needs to to confront Islam's global jihad. It seems to me, India may yet require some more political evolving before it becomes the anti-jihad partner we would all like it to be.

MCMXCAD; The enemy of my enemy is my friend. It's even easier in this case. And our camp grows larger.

Ok, so why would you place known facts that you recieved through commerce as being a responsibility for government to inform you hereof? You vote, we vote, did you not participate last year, or the years before? Why would you blame the establishment for something that no one has figured out to date? Evolve! It is easy to place blame on constituents that can only be held accountable by actions secondary to previous agressions. Am I wrong?

It is futile to blame western media or Bush when Indian politicians and media do not have guts to mention the term Islamic Jihad and acknowledge the problem. Have Indian media and leaders have anywhere pointed out the blame on global islamic jihad? Have those fools not reduced the whole thing to the some simple misadventure of Pakistan. Has Indian media talked about the failure of politicians to address the problem.
Those fools rather hallucinate 'there is no Indian member of al qaeda' forgetting that Osama look a like was (at least one I am very clearly aware of) used openly in elections by so called secular politicians to gather votes in Bihar. Does not before some days a report came in which Sharad Pawar, the chief minister of Maharashtra accepted that he delibrately added one imaginary blast in muslim community to the serail blasts of 93 so that blame for them would not fall on the muslims ( I read a few days before in INdian express).
These dhimmi bastards do not know that such efforts only give enormous power in the hands of Hindu fundamentalist leading to Gujrat riots. And the journalist like the one reporting here, gives the impression of the Indians as helpless victims, seeking the help of Western countries in treating the menace. She forgets that there was not a single suspect in the recent Bombay blasts from Gujrat , and the reason for which are well known to everyone.

What has always surprised me is that around 200 years of British rule, which is responsible for modernization of INdia, for the spread of western education, Railways, science, and so much has been often portrayed in the INdian popular media as the most unfortunate thing ever happened, with Britishers almost unexceptionally being portrayed as villains.
Where as the Muslims Jiahdi rulers, whose rule was marked by 1000 years of massacres, plunder, rape which was unsurpassed in death and destruction, annihilation of libraries, complete destruction of ancient Indian culture, temples, langauages, sciences, philosphies as the great benefactors, 'our own' by dhimmi historians. Probably this is because of the memory of terror of those JIhadi rulers in INdian uncoscious psyche that we still lack courage to frankly evaluate the rule of Jihad in India.

Has anyone figured it out, yet? Islam means submission. It is not a voluntary thing. It is a conquerer's notion, not a religion in any sense of the word. Mohammed was the conqueror like the arab world had never witnessed before. Alexander the Great never stopped to have scribes pen his brags of mutilation or rape or the taking of widows whose husbands he stabbed while their backs were turned.
Mohammed was very clever in noticing the void of any real believable god to worship. Remember, Christ's apostles never made it past Damsacus. There was no cohesive image of Jesus- The theories of Christ abound in the arab world in Mohammed's time- One said he was a spirit and never existed in human form and was actually a hindu like state of awareness all of us could reach. One said he was human like in form only, but otherwise a spiritous being. Both therefore denied the resurrection. One said he was the Son of God and was crucified and still another claimed he performed miracles, but otherwise just another self proclaimed preacher who failed in his overall mission. This is the Jesus in the Koran.
Mohammed's rambling brags of murder and pedophilia (the Koran) mention all these theories and concludes simply that Allah would never have need of a son, because why would he need a son when he would create anything he wanted. Mohammed wouldn't create a son, so why would his newly created God named Allah. Notice the lack of sacrifice in Mohammed's life, and therefore the lack of sacrifice on his created god Allah's existence.
One more lie, that Ishmael was the actual son of Abraham, not Isaac.
You see, no one could read in Mohammed's time. The Jews never taught people to read and the Catholics were not about to teach reading for fear people would gain knowledge. Remember all the heretics burned at the stake in Europe because they were teaching people to read- the bible. Catholicism was a minority of the Jesus believers in Arabia in Mohammed's time.
Mohammed was a tremendous manipulator and opportunist. He created a writing of his own that would deny Jesus as a son of God, deny the resurrection, rewrote the jewish version of the history from Adam to Abraham , without ever having to mention what was actually in the Torah or the old testament.
Why bother mentioning a book no one has ever read or seen? Mohammed had free reign to write whatever he needed to. He wrote denials and rewrote the bible to fit a God Mohammed could understand and could relate to. His Koran is the description of his warrior successes, his lust, his greed, his theivery, his adultery, his pedophilia and his proclivity to kidnap, mutilate and torture his enemies and what he thought should be done as in you know, taking a crap or when to tolerate other mulsims. Mohammed's created God, his Allah, is a God Mohammed could respect, because now that Allah in his Mohammed's image- people will be under Mohammed's control, through enforced submission. Nothing in the Koran or in Mohammed's life involves any sense of sacrifice, giving, charity unless you are repaid or the recipients SUBMIT to your will.
Mohammed needed a higher power because arabs had heard of higher powers that justified jews, hindu and christian behavior. Mohammed created his own- Allah to justify his way of life and his own lust, greed, perversions, murder, pedophilia, grudges, rape and mutilation and his successes in lust and war as if done for a higher power. (Genghis Khan should have been so clever.) Mohammed obviously never learned to read or write. Ever talk to an illiterate person- they do not trust books and they are suspicious of all writings, writers and readers. In the Koran, Mohammed frequently refers to "people of the book". His command is to kill them. He is suspicious of them as an illiterate is suspicious of all books in general.
Islam was never intended to be peaceful. It was only ever intended to control-force others to submit through lies, fear, murder, rape, torture, pedophilia. You name one of the seven deadly sins and you have a tenant of Islam. Islam is not a religion but a model to encourage and justify a cruel way of life based on hatred, racism, intolerance, distrust, rape and lust. Islam therefore insists on either control of humankind or the murder of humankind. It is not a religion, but the justification of a demonic earth bound materialistic fantasy.

This was at

Abdullah al-Faisal's sermons were placed on audiocassette and DVD by Amar Iqbal, an Islamist from Ashton-Under-Lyne near Manchester. These sermons were sold at Islamic bookshops around the country. Jermaine Lindsay had some of these in his home, which he would regularly listen to.

The funding of both Hamza and Faisal are intriguing. State benefits do not allow for easy travel up and down the country, yet during his trial the judge, Peter Beaumont, received a letter posted in Scotland, in which he was offered £50,000 ($94,785) to cancel the case.

Faisal even urged his followers to rob banks to gain funds, according to AKI, quoted on Robert Spencer's Jihad Watch: "Do you, like many, cry because you are poor? If so, wage jihad! Look at all the money stashed away in Swiss banks. There's bank in Brunei where King Fahd has deposited 30 million dollars. If you are suffering from poverty, wage jihad and see the money pour into your hands."

In other taped sermons, he said that Mother Theresa and members of the Royal Family would burn in Hell. He says in a tape called "Judgement Day" that Princess Diana and Prince Philip would be "tossed into the hellfire to abide forever". In another entitled "Rules of Jihad" he said: "You have to learn how to shoot. You have to learn how to fly planes, drive tanks and you have to learn how to load your guns and to use missiles."

He said it was acceptable for Jews, Americans and Hindus to be murdered with chemical weapons. He advised that: "Even if you are hit by a cruise missile the pain will feel like a mosquito bite".

His hatred of America was open.

"You all have to strike against America anywhere in the world you are. Is that clear? You have to learn how to shoot, to fly planes, to drive tanks and you have to learn how to load your guns and to use missiles."

On Hindus, he claimed: "You can use chemical weapons to exterminate the non-believer. If you have cockroaches in your house you can spray them, yes with chemicals, chemicals. Who has more dignity, the cockroach or the unbeliever? If you spray the cockroach, spray the Hindu."

"There are two religions in the world today, the right one and the wrong one - Islam versus the rest of the world."

On terrorism, he said: "Liberty can never be achieved by democracy. The way forward can never be the ballot; the way forward is the bullet. Islam was spread by the sword, today it has got to be spread by the Kalashnikov."

And justifying war against the infidel, he said: "When you have a legitimate target you strike at it. If women and children die they are collateral damage"


No, it is not just the west that muslims hate.

I wonder what Gandhi (who preached Hindu Muslim Unity) would have done had he been born under the reign of Auranagjeb, I am sure he would have never advised any one to use non violence as a means of protest to anyone.

I wonder what Gandhi (who preached Hindu Muslim Unity) would have done had he been born under the reign of Auranagjeb, I am sure he would have never advised any one to use non violence as a means of protest to anyone.

Speaking of snakes, I was once told of a story that went like such, A woman saw a hawk predate on a snake, the snake bit the hawk and the hawk let it go. The snake fell to the ground and the woman, being kind in nature, consulted the snake. Fed the snake, nurtured the snake, and gave it strength. The snake, when fully healed from the hawkish bite, gained strength and bit the woman that had fed it. The woman asked, Why would you bite me? I helped you in times of hardship? The snake said to the woman, look Bitch, you knew I was a snake! Nuff Said

To allow the lengthy history of India's interaction with islam to inform public discussion of what the essence of islam is, and what our strategic posture towards islam should be, would be to tacitly ADMIT that it IS a religious war we are involved in, involving the fate of civilizations and generations.

By simply allowing Indian history in to the discussion, the Left, the post-modernists, the internationalists would lose. So India stays out.

Just like Spencer for that matter. HIS message too, is a bit TOO uncomfortable. So he has to be marginalized as well.

The Indians NEED to force themselves into the discussion. They need to make their voices heard, their pain felt, their history known.

The idea to create Jihadwage is brilliant. Unfortunately I do not know how to go about it, but would be ready to contribute in all the possible ways.

The idea to create Jihadwage is brilliant. Unfortunately I do not know how to go about it, but would be ready to contribute in all the possible ways.

Realy though, how close to India are you? Do you taste curry? Do you not eat meat? Is your yoga up to par? Worship cows maybe? Ghandi and elephants your best friends? Kashmir not only a place but a theory? Reincarnation, OK, I draw the line on that.

Perhaps my glass is half empty, but the reactions of Israel, the US and India are the same. See no evil, hear no evil, poverty is the cause, a tiny minority of extremies, sorry for the nationalists, sorry for that comment about Islamo fascists, we must fight Jihad with proportion, just leave us alone, how do we get out of this mess, perhaps the Islamic monster will hush up if only . . . . Meanwhile, the Jihadis are unrelenting in their fight, goals and continue to spit out 9 little haters, moving--always moving--out of their failed states.

Why can't W show some Texas brass here; why can't he continue with the Islamic Fascist bit . . . it sure beats the hell out of his other material. His stock rose a bit with this comment, but he's cow towed to El Saudi. That particular comment was too much for his Dad, maybe.

I generally agree with Kanchan Gupta and Hugh, here, but it is somewhat difficult for me to develop enhusiastic support for an India which sided with the OIC, and assorted tools and dhimmis, in a recent "UN Human Rights Council" vote condemning Israeli actions in Lebanon, without even mentioning hizbollah. I'm not so sure we are all in, or on, the same schiff, boat or page.

Awhile back I mentioned about an event in Canada called "Muslimfest" and I found links outside of canada that promoted the concept of Dawah and Caliphates .
The Canadian website failed to mention the 'Workshops' for Young Muslims to learn about how the Quran orders them to create a Islamic State in Canada, Jihad is defined as the means to fight for this goal and it made a subtle hint at self-sacrifice which really menas martyrdome .

This year I managed to find a Pro-Jihad website that promotes the Muslimfest , in past festivals CAIR and Dr.Sheema Khan lead 'Know your rights' classes and provided a Lawyer to talk about Islamophobia.

The link below pretty ell confirms what I saw 2 years ago that Canada is a project to demand Shaeia-law and a Kalifah.

Muslims have learned how to use hidden meanings to let other infer the planned event is Jihad and spreading Islam in Canada, take note how this event morphed into a Pro-Hezbollah fund-raiser and demonized Israel with unconfirmed civilian deaths.

There is a plan to build canada's largest Mosque near Calgary , but there are only 1500
Muslims in the area suing the current building set up as a Mosque.
The Saudis and their Whahbbi Islam must be funding it because these are not wealthy people, many have average incomes that couldn't back a massive project like this.


Almost all governments in the world are Dhimmi. You can make the distinction between the Indian government and the Indian people. Just as George W doesn't speak for you when he speaks about Islam, or John Reid doesn't speak for Brits when he describes it as the RoP, Indian leaders don't speak for Indians when they condemn Israel in public fora. Hindus have nothing against Jews, who never did anything to us: they either have no idea and are neutral (the majority), or they know, and support Israel. The only ones who support the Jihad are the Left wing wonks there, just like you have the pro-Hizbullah crowds here in SF, Berkeley, Miami, Boston, and a host of other cities in the US.

Also, the Indian government, which is dependent on the Communists for some of its support, recently rebuffed their attempt to end its defense relationship with Israel. India's External Affairs ministry is pretty much like the US State Department - its job, like every foreign office worldwide, is to curry favor with the Mohammedans. But while India needs to improve a lot in its dealings with Mohammedans, it's by no means on the same page as, say, an Indonesia or a Turkey, which is the impression I seem to be getting from much of this thread.

You said,

"I'm not so sure we are all in, or on, the same schiff, boat or page."

Sometimes the Hindus feel that way. When pakistan is given billions in 'aid', including fighter jets, by the U.S. pakistan is propped up and given the status of MFNNA, for unfathomable reasons. Maybe the State Dept. thinks that it is a bulwark against China. It is not. China funds and arms pakistan, too.

"Almost all governments in the world are Dhimmi. You can make the distinction between the Indian government and the Indian people. Just as George W doesn't speak for you when he speaks about Islam, or John Reid doesn't speak for Brits when he describes it as the RoP, Indian leaders don't speak for Indians when they condemn Israel in public fora."

Absolutely,Infidel Pride.

KPS Gill gets it right in the link posted above:

"I know only of the limitless ambition and corruption of politicians who sought to harness religion and religious identity to grab power through mass murder. And I know that the problem of terrorism in Punjab was resolved by the thousands of unsung heroes in the state who stood together to crush the terrorists.

Even today, after decades of dealing with the problem, the establishment in this country continues to discuss terrorism in politically correct slogans. We have people who have no understanding of the dynamics of terrorism engaged in a continuous and systematic denigration of police and paramilitary forces and the Army from purported ‘human rights’ platforms, and many of these people are part of organisations that are no more than overground fronts of the terrorists themselves.

IT is interesting to note the giddy veering of India’s political rhetoric from belligerence in the immediate wake of the Mumbai blasts, to conciliation just a couple of weeks later. Interesting, but not surprising. This has long been the pattern of political postures under successive regimes in Delhi, and it reflects a high measure of political indifference to the course of terrorism and the continuous loss of life in terrorist and insurgent strife in the country".


I don't understand why India too,rushes on all fours with aid.A lot of wannabe terrorists from pakistan are given free medical treatment hoping (masochism)it would bring about a change of heart.

bangladeshi infiltrators(wannabe terrorists)are never deported back.

The terrorists,if at all captured,are fed biryani and assured of safe passage or "released for lack of evidence".A lot of them who claimed to have given up terrorism(al taqiya,what else?)have been absorbed in our Paramilitary forces.The muslims very craftily come up with the appropriate conciliatory placating responses to dent solidarity among the Hindus.

Majority of Hindus are ignorant about the contents of koran and what islam is about with the MSM ensuring our somnolence continues.

Most of our politicians are terrorists in disguise.Muslims should be denied voting rights to start with.They are the most UNGRATEFUL and MENDACIOUS as ingratitude is extolled as a virtue in their cult.

Hindus never fail to bask in the reflected glory of their ancient Heritage but has any government cared to read Kautilya's Arthashastra and implement its principles of Statecraft where treason is punishable by death?

How can non muslims around the world ever hope to coexist with inimical and predatory muslims.

Bhagawan Sri Krishna's exhortations to Arjuna to take up arms and show no amnesty to the undeserving, enshrined in *Bhagavad Gita*, if internalised by right thinking people (non muslims)in the West would serve to uproot poliical correctness and empower all (detoxifying this unwanted *guilt*)to annihilate the enemies with panache.

As in India, many are content to chant the Verses and snore.

Very often we hear Indian muslims are of a different ilk,"patriotic,meek,underprivileged brothers of Hindus" blahblah....Read the following report:

" With the Government ban on the Students' Islamic Movement of India (SIMI) coming into force, the bank accounts of the organisation stand frozen at Rs 15 lakh. However post-ban, the enormous increase in their activities' points towards parallel funding of the organisation running into several crore of rupees. "Terrorism flourishes on the sinews of ideology and funds," said a senior intelligence official adding, "SIMI is being funded through different channels."

More than the funding, it's the source of money, which is giving jitters to the security agencies. "SIMI's threat is unique. It doesn't thrive on foreign funds and foreign mercenaries alone. All the major operatives of SIMI are Indian citizens and worse they are raising funds locally for the banned organisation," the official added.

According to intelligence estimates, the outfit currently has about 20,000 full-time volunteers (Ansars).

The Centre's deposition before the Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Tribunal buttresses the allegations of local funding. "They had also collected a huge amount during the month of Ramzan from various parts of the country," says the deposition.

Explaining the modus operandi, the official said that during Ramzan huge amount is collected in the mosques as alms, which is later channelised to different fronts under which SIMI is presently operating.

The front of mosques and madarsas is also being employed to channelise foreign funds. The Centre's deposition before the Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Tribunal states, "Students Islamic Movement of India (SIMI) received financial assistance from the World Assembly of Muslim Youth (WAMY), Riyadh and maintains close links with the International Islamic Federation of Students' Organisations (IIFSO) in Kuwait. The Chicago based Consultative Committee of Indian Muslims is also reported to have supported SIMI morally and financially."

While the SIMI ansars (volunteers) may be locally recruited, their ideological commitment is to make India part of the world Islamic order.

"SIMI is working for an International Islamic Order," says the Centre's deposition adding, "The SIMI has Pan-Islamic links. The SIMI continues to have links with Jamait-e-Islami, Bangladesh (JEI-BD) a fundamentalist Muslim organisation active in Bangladesh. The leader of JEI-BD and its students wing Islamic Chhatra Shibir (ICS) regularly attend meetings of SIMI held in West Bengal. Abdul Karim Suja, a leader of ICS handed over three CDs containing highly inflammatory and seditious matters designed at influencing young Muslim minds and asked for its circulation in different areas of the state."

"Intelligence source report indicates that SIMI members are supporting Al-Umma, a militant organisation of Tamil Nadu, Ganzim-Islahal Muslameen, Lashkar-e-Tayyeba, a Pakistan-based terrorist organisation Indian Muslim Mohammedi Mujahedin (IMMM) and have been advocating secession of Kashmir to Pakistan. They have a strong support from Darsga-Jehad-e-Shahadat (DJE) of Hyderabad. Most new members are also members of a new organisation called Tehreek Tehfeen-e-Shaire-Islamia (TTSI)," adds the Government deposition".

Yes, I too get angry when I read that pakis' kids were operated free of cost in India. Most of the ailments are critical, and these are just an exercise in PR. Just like you, I think they are a waste of money. We are saving future jihadis, that is all.

I think politicians over here are beginning to get the hang of it that what goddamned gandhi said was incorrect. Hindu and muslim are not bhai-bhai.

For all of you who can speak german:
A German mohamedinian webside where members are asked to prepare militariely to attack the population on the fix date.
There have occured booklets, too ( from the end of the seventies! ) where training is offered to European Mohamedinians how to pretend a peaceful and friendly attitude towards their enemies ( us ) to err them until it`s too late.
If you want to receive a shock, search for the end time prophecy of Shia. It says that before their Mahdi can come the whole civilization has to be destroyed and two third of the world`s population has to die ( This is what Mahdi Ahmadinejad needs his nukes for ). Then the redeamor will come and share all the richdoms of the world with those having helped him and accepted Islam, the rest will be killed.After some years jesus would reoccur to join them.
The Christian prophecy says that in the end of the times a false messiah prepared by a false prophet, calling the nations together to attack Israel, will come and either kill or convert the whole world. Those who convert will receive a mark ( arab Ayin which is their six, the sign of Shia, looks like a Hebrew Tzadeh ) and these are the ones who will be judged by Jesus when he returns. Those who reject it will be saved and if they die for their faith will be resurrected.
So this is what will happen, it seems.

Hindus, on a collective basis, have shown enough cowardice. I would speculate that being under the barbaric Islamic rule for 1000 years and then only being transferred to the British for laws and life, have brojen the spine of Hindus. Truth, how much uncomfortableit maybe, be told: the 59 year old India won its freedom from the British rule under extreme opposition from the then leader of the opposition, Sir Winston Churchill, and when Sir Clement Atlee just gave India her freedom. Because very little bloodshed haxd taken place, thanks of the Ahimsa of the naked fakir of India - Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, people of India just became too confused about this new found swaraj (self-rule). So much so, they didn't know and still don't either, what does it take to gain the respect for self-rule. All old-timer British I have had a chance of talking to are simply politely sarcastic of how India won its Freedom. Actually, in the light of unflattering criticism, Indian history (particularly the events that led upto the Independence) shows that it was a theater of the abusrd. Gandhi's ego and the manipulative Jawaharlal Nehru had concocted the idea of swaraj through what we might term today as "politically irresponsible acts". Thus, Gandhi gaved call for boycotting all and and everything British, without coming up with a clear plan for an alternative. So, when a 14 year old in 1944 did not go to school, or rather left it, and spent his golden years in jail for civil disobedience, he had simply surrendered his future to some wild goose chase. This, of course, is quite respected in India as an act of nobility and sacrifice. However, in most cases such persons led a life of impecunity. They got no recognition for their contributions, and had at the end of their lives nothing to fall back upon. The country for whom they gave everything, simply turned back upon them. Well, this is of course, reckoned as herosim. Same phenomenon happened in the Naxalite times in West Bengal. (My hometown Islampur, North of West Bengal was full of Naxalites - with a dream to promote equality and justice.) The ultimate end was a total disaster. Thousands of youths had been incarcerated, and many more lost all of their future. In the end, the leaders of the Naxalite movements apologized for misleading the "proletariat" and that's it.

Well, what I am trying to sate is that this is India. A land of software geeks, booming economy and bullock carts. It's contradiction everywhere.

Many on this thread have written (correctly) that Indian politicians do not reflect the views of the average Indians. Isn't that surprising given the world's largest democracy voting that way ? Can such a problem be solved ? I don't know. Can Indians solve the Islamic terrorism problem ? Nope. (Modern) Indian history is rooted in Islamic appeasement, started by the naked fakir - Gandhi whose public appearance is marked by his loincloth - symbolizing Hindu frugality. Gandhi's Khilafat Movement gave rise to the non-cooperation movement. In reality, as the information reveals, Freedom for India and Khilafat were intertwined from birth. So, how can India reject the superiority of Islam, even if the majority are Hindus ? The Independence was won partly to uphold Khilafat with which Hindus had nothing to do. Surprisingly we see no visible opposition to this Khilafat movement as was construed by Gandhi. This indicates that Hindus in th early part of the last century were totally callous and gulped down whatever the crook called Gandhi had to di with Muslim appeasment. This lerate the partition, following Sir Stafford wretched fellow (Gandhi) also went to the extent to then agree to the partition of India for separate Hindu and Muslim lands. Everything can not be blamed on Mohammad Ali Jinnah. I understand it is fashionable blame others for one's own faults. So, while Jinnah did acceCripps's visit, Gandhi hadx no lesser role. He sowed the seeds to Muslim appeasement. When in Kerala (in 1920s) the Moplah Rebellion happened, thousands of Hindus were killed. Gandhi asked Hindus to restrain in favor of the Khilafat movement he was starting, and wanted to get the help of Muslims who were reluctant to join the Congress.

Anyway, the facts show that Hindus had accepted Gandhi's leadership that was rooted in Muslim appeasement. The modern day Hindu, even with all facts before him/her refuses to accept Islamic threat. Thus, India by all means votes against USA and Israel despite the fact that Islam is a scourge in the subcontinent.

Therefore it is stupid to ask USA to fight the battle for India against Pakistan. India has not provided any credible evidence against Pakistan. Maybe the jihadis (and their Paki masters) are too clever. They have fooled the RAW/IB very well so far. Whatever it is, India engages only in posturing. Just think: if India is so damn against Pakistan, then why is it granting the Most Favored Nation to Pakistan in terms of tradxe and other goodwill activities ? The plight of the Kashmiri Hindu Pandits are too well known. They have been brutally butchered and subject to the most unspeakable rape, pillage, loot, arson and murder by these bloodthirsty Lashkar-e-Tayyeba, Hizb-ul-Mujahadeen and other militant groups ? Has there been a public outcry over this ? No. The reason is that India wants to respect the Muslim psyche first. Killing of kafirs (Quran[009:029],{047:004]) is a part of Islamic religion. So, if kafirs (Kashmiri Hindus) are killed by the Muslim terrorists, then it is the fault of the Hindus and not of the Muslims. This is the logic that is given by the various governments. The strife in Kashmir started in 1989, and since then 200,000 Hindus have been killed (from confirmed and unconfirmed sources).

In summary, India is the biggest dhimmi state compared to USA and Israel. Yes, there are those on this forum who feel ashamed to admit this and go on an offensive. But, facts are facts. USA and Israel, should very strategically, keep India out of the picture.

Mohammed bin Kafir Abu Jahal