"These youths have shown no respect for the church as a place of worship. How would they feel if a gang of vandals attempted to break into their mosque?"

It is good to see that the local Muslim leader condemns these attacks and is even going to the police about them. It would be even better to see that he is working against the attitudes and assumptions that lead to such attacks in the first place. "Priest guards church against ‘racist’ attacks," from the Lancashire Telegraph, with thanks to Twostellas:

A PRIEST is set to install high fences around his church in Blackburn in a bid to combat racist attacks.

The move was revealed as a Muslim leader blasted the gang of youths which targeted St Joseph's RC Church, in Audley, Blackburn.

Coun Salim Mulla, secretary of the Lancashire Council of Mosques, said the gang were "disgraceful and disrespectful" and he was so angry that when he found out who was responsible he would personally report them to the police.

The latest incident happened on Sunday at 11pm and although the church's alarm system prevented the youths from gaining access to the church, significant damage was done to the church door.

Father Francis Parkinson, the Roman Catholic priest at St Joseph's, was also targeted in February when he was racially abused by a gang of youths who had been loitering in the church car park.

A 19-year-old later admitted racially aggravated threatening behaviour against the priest and was given a conditional discharge for 12 months and ordered to pay £50 costs.

Father Francis said the church and its car park have been plagued with gangs of juveniles making a nuisance of themselves.

He said he was looking to install high fences around the church and car park to keep youths out and protect the church from vandalism.

He added: "I would simply like to know why these young men feel they have got to do this as I personally don't understand it.

"This is just another example of wanton vandalism that is upsetting community cohesion.

"These youths have shown no respect for the church as a place of worship. How would they feel if a gang of vandals attempted to break into their mosque?

"I was racially abused by youths hanging around the church car park a few months back and now we have had an attempted break-in.

"The bolt on the door has been broken. Repairs cost money. I have spoken to Coun Mulla about this situation and he is most upset that this keeps happening and has said he will do what he can to find those responsible."

Coun Mulla said he couldn't believe the church had been targeted again and called for the Muslim community to condemn the youths' actions.

He said: "The Muslim community works very closely with the Christian community and it is important we understand and respect everybody else's beliefs.

"I expect all youths to be law abiding and not cause harm to people's places of worship. Sadly some youths behave disgracefully and these youths in particular have disgraced their community by what they have done to St Joseph's."

"I want to send a strong message to the community that this sort of racist and anti-social behaviour is not acceptable."

All right. But there is a larger problem of the hatred for and contempt of Christians inculcated by a Qur'an that calls unbelievers the "vilest of creatures" (98:6) and says they are under Allah's curse (9:30) and must be fought (9:29). Is Coun Mulla doing anything about that?

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Coun (?) Salim Mulla is doing fine. If you are going to direct him towards Quran 9:29::9:30 and 98:6, you are going to make a Jihadi out of him. After all, do you really believe that if he finds all this out (assuming that he doesn't know it already), he'll ask his baqras to abandon Islam in droves? Or is he more likely to quit his post, if not outright stop collaborating with the infidels? Essentially, what you're asking him to do is above his pay grade: only the top mullahs in Jeddah & Cairo can pull that one off.

As a sidenote, it's interesting that the Lancashire Telegraph chose to put the word 'racist' in quotes, pretty much admitting that in their eyes, only Whites can be racist. Granted, nothing we didn't already know. As to be expected from Her Majesty's police, from the closing statement in the cited article:

Insp Jenny Coulston, of Blackburn police, said she believed the incident was part of an ongoing problem of juvenile nuisance in the Audley area.
If you ever do a British version of this site, maybe you could call it 'Juvenile nuisance Watch.'

This by the way is what happens if your are white and shout abuse outside a Mosque. Bryan Cook a harmless 48 year old who was according to the papers was jail for 6 months at Carlisle for shouting racial abuse outside Carlisle’s Brook Street mosque. This is what he shouted “Carlisle’s white” “Proud to be British” and “Go back to where you came from” I think it was shouting “Proud to be British” that really got him into trouble. I wonder if the abusive Muslims remarks to the priest were as mild as Mr. Cooks. What does he get, a conditional discharge and fined £50 about $90. I used to be proud of my country at one time, not anymore. The Judges name by the way was Batty. Batty by name Batty by nature.

"How would they feel if a gang of vandals attempted to break into their mosque?"

If a gang tries it, it had better have a lot of size and muscle. Lucky are those who make it to the ICU otherwise.

"he is most upset that this keeps happening and has said he will do what he can to find those responsible."

And then sit on it.


Father Francis doesn't understand it.

Libs don't understand it.

Most Israeli's don't understand it.

Europeans hate Joooozzzz because they always blame the Joooozzz for causing all wars...

Americans don't understand why nobody loves them when they are such good people....

More people should read Jihad watch, LGF & Michelle Malkin....

...and this gem I picked up from a Yahoo message board:

By: mr_muslim_man
Date: 08/05/06 09:21 am

They have killed many infidels.
After killing the Jews we muslims urge hisb'allah to finish off the Christian swine now defiling Muslim land in Lebanon.

Allah Akbar!

Muslim youths in Blackburn are like wild dogs that need to fenced in.

They have no respect for Christian places of worship.

I am sure that the dhimmi liberal left will continue to claim that this is an isolated incident and Islam is a religion of peace.

Here is a good link for all of my fellow dhimmiwatchers:

I assume Blackburn is in some Islamic country such as Pakistan?

Of course, this couldn't happen in a notionally Christian country in Europe such as England.

Lets put it this way celsius. India has told Pakistan that if they start a war Blackburn is the first place they will bomb.

Blackburn has sufferd i agree,this is no isolated incident its a growing trend in the UK,a Synagogue had been attacked and raciest graffiti painted inside along with a large BNP sign written in full view of course the media played up the story BNP thugs committed the crime ,i however had seen the Synagogue Father condem the local muslims for the act as they had sufferd many acts of violance against them from this quarter.It seems to me by playing one against the other a properganda war can be one by the muslims as they are becoming very adapt at eroading social structures.Many churches are being bought and turned into islamic centres in the UK,this is on a massive scale,so the war on christians has been in operation for a long time here covert in its nature,i guess if you hassle the church enougth they will move and leave you a new building to convert along with a fat lottery payout to make repairs!

Father Parkinson should complain to his MP, to make sure that more people get to know the sort of abuse and intimidation that churchmen are suffering from these Muslims yobs. Lemme see, who's the MP for Blackburn...

...oh, Jack Straw, aka Jaq al-Strawi. He of the sick-making, cringing apology over the Mohammed cartoons, and the constant ass-kissing to Muslim voters who comprise 25% of the electorate in his constituency. On second thoughts, the Father would be better off emailing his case to Santa Claus.

Makes you proud to be British, doesn't it?

In Lebanon, Muslims when they can get away with it, dig up the dead in Christian cemetaries and throw the bones and bodies over the fence into the ditch/road...to 'cleanse' the area.

This is especially true after they had taken control over a formerly 'Christian' village.

Given that former churches are being sold to Muslim groups, and that at least some of these will have old cemetaries attached as part of the parcel of land...are the bodies of the dead being moved elsewhere, along with the attendent headstones/grave markers...or are the dead being left behind and abandoned to the Muslims?

Of the churches controlled by Muslims in Britain, have they begun to dig up the Christian dead and pitch them over the fence yet? Has it started already?

Blackburn is Jack Straw's constituency, if this was a mosque he would be outraged, but because he depends on the Muslim block vote he can't give a toss. He wasn't a fit man for the job because he depends on the very people who we are fighting in Iraq, Afghanistan, the Lebanon and all over to keep his seat, his position as foreign secretary was fatally compromised so his decisions were tainted. He had to go. Lets hope he also goes at the next general election but the Muslims steal most of the ballot papers and fill them in themselves so there isn't much chance of that.