Top Muslim policeman slams UK "terror profile" plan

Here comes the predictable response to this story. From Reuters, with thanks to Anon:

LONDON (Reuters) - A top British Muslim policeman has warned that any moves to "terror profile" airline passengers would create a new offence -- "traveling whilst Asian".

Media have reported the government is discussing with British airport authorities a system of profiling -- where security staff focus their search efforts on people they regard as suspicious on grounds such as ethnicity and religion.

Such a move could spark outrage among Britain's Muslims but aviation experts said profiling was vital to break the gridlock at airports, in chaos since last week due to tightened security after police said they foiled an Islamist plot to bomb planes.

Former British police chief John Stevens said airport bottlenecks could be reduced by careful targeting, with "young Muslim men" a focus.

Metropolitan Police Chief Superintendent Ali Desai, one of Britain's top Muslim police officers, said of the plan: "What you are suggesting is that we should have a new offence in this country called 'traveling whilst Asian'."

No, what they are suggesting is that those who may actually represent a threat receive particular attention.

"What we don't want to do is actually alienate the very communities who are going to help us catch terrorists," he told BBC Newsnight on Monday.

If they really want to help catch terrorists, they won't mind this. No one who doesn't actually represent a threat, and is a loyal citizen, would object to putting up with some inconvenience in order to help stop future calamity and loss of life.

Sharply aware of the political sensitivities involved, Transport Department officials have refused to answer any questions on profiling proposals.

"Our security measures at airports are layered. Some measures are visible. Others we are not prepared to discuss. That plays into the hands of terrorists," a department official told Reuters.

Many of Britain's 1.7 million Muslims accuse the police of unfairly targeting their community in their crackdown on terrorism after last year's suicide bomb attacks on London's transport system by Islamist militants that killed 52 people.

Since 2000, police have arrested over 700 people -- many of them Muslims -- under tough anti-terrorism laws but have brought only a handful to court. The vast majority have been released without charge.

Muhammad Abdul Bari, general secretary of the Muslim Council of Britain, was eager to dispel a siege mentality, saying "If you treat a community as a problem community, you are not going to get support from them."

Asked what he thought passenger profiling might provoke, he told Sky News: "It could end up in racism unfortunately."

"If the profiling is done on the basis of race and religion, it will be wrong, it is not going to work."

Why not? All the July 7 bombers were Muslims. All the plotters in the recent airplane case are Muslims. All were working on the basis of Islamic theology. Why must officials continue not to notice this?

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Why do they bring out the race card immediately ? islam's not a race.

Former British police chief John Stevens said airport bottlenecks could be reduced by careful targeting, with "young Muslim men" a focus.

Metropolitan Police Chief Superintendent Ali Desai, one of Britain's top Muslim police officers, said of the plan: "What you are suggesting is that we should have a new offence in this country called 'traveling whilst Asian'."

Somewhere in between Stevens' comment and that of the "top Muslim officer" a sleight of hand has taken place, there has been a misdirection, and "young Muslim men" have become "Asians" and paying attention to what they are carrying when they are travelling and so forth has become not allowing them to travel.

And this man is a policeman? I think he has a great career waiting for him as a conjuror - get them watching the wrong hand - and, hey presto, suddenly things have changed before your eyes.

I've heard and seen quite enough of these people. Dishonesty and whining is ingrained in them.

A muslim's anger is a vicious circle. They are angry. They act up in anger. We catch some angry muslims. The muslims get angry some angry muslims were caught. We have to have security to prevent angry muslims from blowing us up, so the muslims get angry that we're angry and having to do something about angry muslims.

There is nothing we can do to stop their anger, unless of course we all lay down and die, so they are going to continue to be angry.

So to deal with their anger, we must profile, detain, and deport. Whether they like it or not.

I posted most of this on another thread this morning but this is a better place for it.

One of the talking Heads on BBC television news this morning was rather depressing. None other than the chairman of the Black and Asian Police Association, Superintendent Ali Desi speaking out against the profiling of airline passengers, as it was “Introducing a crime of being Asian and travelling.” The fact that any sane person let alone police officer knows that it is a commonsense action to prevent snarl-ups in airports is of course irrelevant.

For those who were not aware of this gentlemen's career I will give it to you briefly. The son of one of the Shah's police commanders in Tehran he came to Britain with his father as a refugee. I think he got his degree by writing a paper exploring prejudice against minorities in Britain and joined the police as a graduate entry. He has never hesitated to play the race card and on his way up the career ladder has acted as a law unto himself. It was reported that he achieved his last promotion by threatening to take his superiors to the race Relations Board if they did not grant it. According to the British press he was in habit of doing pretty much as he pleased. Regardless of the fact that one of his postings required him to wear police uniform he did not until he was directly ordered to and then he showed his contempt by wearing a Versace belt and cowboy boots with his uniform. This may not sound much but if anyone else in any British uniformed service behaved in this manner his career would be over. He also had a nice arrangement with the owner of an Iranian restaurant to have the (free?) use of a flat above the restaurant where he could take his many girlfriends. He had of course an English wife and three young sons. To try and get rid of him his superiors monitored his activities for two years to get grounds for dismissal failed, and had to pay him substantial compensation.

Thre were quite a few more bits and pieces and to be honest I cannot remember if they got anything substantial on him. It was more a question that his arrogance and attitude were more appropriate to the Tehran police than the London Metropolitain Police. As one British columnist observed “Had he been a white British born police officer he would do been fired years ago.

Every time I listen to a Muslim on an news interview, they proclaim there is nothing in the Qur'an advocating death to the Jews. They go on to state Islam is peaceful and continue to deny the violence in the world today is not the fault of Islam. They blame the Zionists and the USA for the violence. They skirt the issues and they are just sickening to listen to.

As I listen to them, I read through their lies and deceit. I have learned much from this website and its contributing posters (both Islamic posters and other posters). I share what I have learned with others.

The Islamic posters (Most, but not all) provide some interesting feedback to show everyone what they are up against.

The more Islam is understood, the easier it will become to defeat the current Islamic wave of terror.

Thanks to one and all.

"What we don't want to do is actually alienate the very communities who are going to help us catch terrorists,"
Sure. The muslim communities have already done so much to help catch the terrorists, condemn their actions, denounce them and tell authorities who the imams preaching jihad are. Yeah. Right. The umma will keep their collective mouths shut because they want islam to conquer the world and they don't want to be branded as apostates lest they too become targets. Business as usual. Nothing to see here folks, just move along, move along............

I can confirm Fred's account word for word. Ali Desi is a criminal in policeman's uniform - in other words, a fairly typical instance of how the police behave in Muslim states.

(One young policeman of Pakistani origin, apparently honest and committed, said that his stock went down disastrously with his family when he told them he wanted to be a policeman. Later a cousin asked him where was the place where he stood on Fridays - as policemen in their part of Pakistan regularly do to pick up protection money.)

Another high-ranking London Muslim policeman, whose name I forget, had been making similar remarks.

I have a suspicion that this evident sectarian special pleading in the police will shock the average Briton more than even the blackmail letter by "Muslim leaders". The British citizen may not think much of the average cop, but s/he takes it for granted that cops are in the service of the State and the public. Sectarianism in the police force is nearly unimaginable (one reason why the tragedy of Northern Ireland is so hard to understand for many Britons). It is instinctively felt that if you put on the Queen's uniform and take the Queen's shilling, then you work for the Queen, and not for your clan or church or ethnic group. Quite a few Muslim officers do, no worse than any other member of a not particularly effective force. The trouble with these people, however, is that they are leading figures. I have a suspicion that many lesser Muslim figures, who might have gone on doing their job according to the rules if these idiots had not opened their fat mouths, will now be having problems with their Muslim consciences. And God knows what might come from that.

A new offence called 'traveling whilst Asian'... how ridiculous! People travelling between Ireland and mainland Britain were subject to special security measures at the height of the Northern Ireland "troubles", and nobody much complained. Oh wait, silly me... that was before so-called "political correctness" obliterated common sense, outweighing even the right to life.

A new offence called 'traveling whilst Asian'... how ridiculous! People travelling between Ireland and mainland Britain were subject to special security measures at the height of the Northern Ireland "troubles", and nobody much complained.

Oh wait, silly me... that was before so-called "political correctness" obliterated common sense, outweighing even the right to life.

The airlines are more than willing to turn us into unwitting dhimmi’s. Submitting to all manner of inconvenient and sometimes degrading treatment all because the jihadi’s want to blow us up. If anyone wants to change this behavior, stop flying until they segregate the passengers and make other changes that do not require turning us all into potential criminals or victims. After all, if we can segregate an amusement park (muslim only day) we can certainly do it at the airports.


Not the brightest pebble on the beach = Pretty dumb.
As to your take on Irish history it is the standard version and wrong. It would take too long to explain why, but had the Irish succeeded 400 years ago or even 200 years ago, chances are there would have been no USA and that would have been a very bad thing. As to immigration the Irish just do not know what to do because until 10 years ago they were trying to stop Irish people leaving. The influential people are however singing about “Our rich new multi-cultural Ireland”.


Absolutely true and Irish travellers are still subject to special security. At one UK airport all passengers from Ireland do not enter the terminal through the usual doors but are directed down a narrow corridor and filmed by discreetly placed video cameras.

What I can't understand is why NON-Muslim British Asians aren't in an uproar about this...why don't some Hindus, Sikhs (or simply atheists of Asian descent, for that matter) complain publicly that it is NOT Asians who should be targeted but Muslims (regardless of ethnicity)? If I were a Hindu, etc. in Britain right now, I'd be quite annoyed that "Asian" has become synonymous with "Muslim" in the media and government.

This may seem OT, but I do have a point.

A little over 15 years a go there was a huge spike in crime in the US, due to a demographic surge (lots of teenagers and young adults) and the arrival of crack cocaine in the inner cities.

I was reading an article about how women try to keep safe at night while out walking. Many had stopped carrying purses, walked with friends when they could, or crossed the street if they saw someone who looked threatening (these were all things I did myself).

One of the contributers to the article was a man in his 30s who said it *enraged* him when women crossed the street when they saw him coming. As a 'person of color' and a man, he felt it sexist, racist, stereotyping and grotesquely unfair. He said that although he meant them no harm, these actions made him so angry that he felt he *should* attack these women, since it was obviously what they expected of him, anyway. I found this response terribly disturbing.

I had just met my boyfriend (now husband) a few weeks previously. He is a big guy, 6'4". I asked him if women ever crossed the street because of his presence, and if it made him angry if they did.

He said sure, that happened fairly frequently if he was alone or with other men (not so much if he was out with me). He said he felt badly, but felt it was completely understandable. Even theough he is a very decent guy, these women had no way of knowing that. He also realized that any attempt on his part to reassure them might just make them more nervous. He said he sometimes crossed the street himself if he seemed to making someone anxious.

Still, I asked him if he *never* felt angry. He said he did--at the people who made these actions necessary in the first place--muggers, rapists and thugs.

Remnants of temple found in a Mosque washed out in floods

Posted on 14 August, 2006
• Attempt by Muslims to rebuild the structure overnight
• Severe tension in Paithan
• Assaults with lathis (sticks) on Shivsainiks

Idol of Nandi in shattered state in the ruins of the Mosque

Paithan: 13th August-In a 'Mosque' situated at the foot of Nathsagar in Jaikwadi, a wall of the Mosque collapsed with the onslaught of massive floods and some remnants of an ancient temple along with 'Nandi' head have been found. To suppress this evidence of treasure of Hindu culture, Muslims overnight tried to build the structure.

On getting information about it, the Shivsainiks rushed to the spot and stopped the construction. After police assaulted the angry Shivsainiks with lathis, they shouted powerful slogans in the city of,” We will build the temple there only" .As a result of this there is severe tension in the city of Paithan. In the meanwhile the police officer who did lathi assault on the Shivsainiks has been urgently transferred.

As the waters of the massive Godavari floods receded, the remnants of the razed Mosque came to light. The steps constructed of stones were also seen going towards the river. In the morning some of the young fishermen had gone to this area. At that time they found carved pillars of the temple and idol of Nandi in shattered state in the ruins of the Mosque.This news spread quickly like air in the whole city of Paithan. Immediately thereafter along with the Shivsena M.L.A Sandeepan Bhumre, the Taluka chief Arun Kale, Shri Somnath Pardeshi of the Durga Group,Khushal Bhavre, Nandalal Kale, Shivsainiks rushed to the incident spot. Thereafter the Tahsildar Madhav Nilawade was given the news about this. The Police Inspector Balasaheb Khillor and the officers of Archaelogy Department inspected the site.

While the discussion of the discovery of remnants of temple in the place of Mosque was going on the city, later in the afternoon fanatic Muslims starting immediately pulling strings. Hundred to one hundred and fifty Muslims entered the site with construction material. They started building a new wall after excavating the collapsed mud heap. Moment the Shivsainiks came to know about the construction by the Muslims, in the evening, along with 25-30 Shivsainiks, Raju Pardeshi, Deputy chief of the city Sagar Patil, Vijay Acharya again came to the incident site. Seeing the Shivsainiks coming the frightened Muslims fled the scene. The mob of the Muslims directly went to the police station. Then a big force of police appeared on the dispute scene. The police did a severe assault of lathis on the Shivsainiks who stopped the construction.

About 25-30 Shivsainiks were seriously injured in this. On the spreading of news about the inhuman lathi assault by the police, Hindus came on the road .In every square the assembled Hindus gave slogans of 'Har Har Mahadev', We will build the temple there only' and sent the city roaring.

With his background the Sub-Divisional Police Officer Raosaheb Nalabe entered Paithan.He tried to pacify both the assembled mobs. But the tension kept on mounting. The Shivsainiks strongly demanded the suspension of the Police Inspector Balasaheb Khillor, Police officer Somnath Gite. Later Police Superintendent Sanjeevkumar Singhal urgently transferred police officer Gite.

Reference: Daily Sanatan Prabhat(Marathi)

(Congratulations to the Shivsainiks for stopping the construction. Would the police have been so prompt if it were Hindus in this place and would they have dared to do such a lathi assault on the Muslims ? Now will the Government give permission to build Mosque or allow the building of a temple where originally there was a temple? Hindus do not remain under the false illusion that the Muslim appeasing Congress based ruling government would easily allow building of temple there.

‘Dainik Sanatan Prabhat’ ( in its daily published column of ‘The Temples Destroyed by Muslims and the Mosques and Dargas built’ had on 12-08-2006 published about the existence of a temple in that place and in the year 1630 and a Mosque was built there. The massive floods have verified this truth. The God of Nature has exposed the cruel acts of the Muslims. There were lakhs of temples all over the world which were demolished and Mosques and Churches were built. Now Hindus at least wake up and fight to redeem the lost glory of Hindu Dharma or else it will never be. - Editor)