UK Muslims: Give us Sharia, special holidays, and more -- or else

Or else more of us will become jihadists.

In a sane world, it would be Muslim leaders who would be reassuring the British government that they would redouble efforts to root terrorists out of their midst. "Muslims call for special bank holidays," from the Daily Mail, with thanks to Designnut:

Muslim leaders summoned to talks with the Government on tackling extremism in their midst called for public holidays to mark their religious festivals....

Communities Secretary Ruth Kelly had prepared an uncompromising message on the need to tackle dangerous radicalism.

But, in what she admitted were 'sharp' exchanges, some senior Muslim figures turned the tables yesterday and made a series of demands which also included the introduction of Sharia law for family matters.

Dr Syed Aziz Pasha, secretary general of the Union of Muslim Organisations of the UK and Ireland, said: 'We told her if you give us religious rights, we will be in a better position to convince young people that they are being treated equally along with other citizens.'

Dr Pasha said Miss Kelly had agreed to look at the proposals, though her spokesman insisted later that she did not favour any legal change which would give 'special treatment' for the Muslim community.

Some of the 30 moderate Muslim leaders at the meeting told Miss Kelly that important days in their two main religious festivals - Ramadan and Eid-ul-Adha - should be made public holidays for followers of the faith.

Sharia law, which is practised in large parts of the Middle East, should also be introduced in Britain, they argued. While it specifies stonings and amputations as routine punishments for crimes, Dr Pasha said he wanted it only for family affairs.

Under the law, a husband pays his wife a dowry on marriage, and money and assets are shared out between family members in specified amounts after someone dies.

'We are willing to co-operate but there should be a partnership,' Dr Pasha said.

'They should understand our problems then we will understand their problems.'

A recent poll suggested that a third of British Muslims would rather live under Sharia law, while a similar number said they also hope Britain will one day become an Islamic state. But Dr Pasha claimed the legal changes he proposed would help convince young Muslims to integrate better into British society.

The Union of Muslim Organisations of the UK and Ireland claims to be a widely representative umbrella group. However, it does not include more influential and high-profile bodies such as the Muslim Council of Britain (MCB). Inayat Bunglawala, spokesman for the MCB, also attended the meeting but distanced his group from the calls for Sharia law.

He said: 'We believe one legal code should apply for all citizens of the UK. There is no place for multiple legal systems for people of different religious or ethnic backgrounds.

'If people object to a certain law they should campaign peacefully and democratically for a change - but only so that it applies to all people, not just Muslims.' The Government has accused Muslim leaders of a 'dreadful misjudgment' for claiming its foreign policy has fuelled the threat of extremism. An open letter, signed by three Muslim MPs, three peers and 38 community groups, said the 'debacle' of Iraq, combined with the recent failure to do more to bring about an immediate end to the Middle East conflict, had encouraged extremists who threaten Britain....

Haras Rafiq, of the Sufi Muslim Council, said: 'The first thing that we need to do as a community is admit there is a problem.

'It is like being an alcoholic - we need to stand up and say these things and have an open and honest debate.'

Kharshid Ahmed, chairman of the British Muslim Forum, said: 'We believe that the threat is still external - it is people coming from outside and leading the radicalisation.

'We need to deal with that before people inside our communities are leading the radicalisation.'

They already are, Kharshid. Or haven't you noticed that some of the 7/7 bombers and most of those recently arrested were British citizens?

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Its turning a blind eye to the defacto introduction of sharia law in Britain that has got us into this mess in the first place.

It would be the limit if they got these holidays. A few years ago there was a proposal to make Trafalgar Day (21 October) a Bank Holiday (i.e. national holiday), but it was vetoed because it would "interfere with the run-up to Christmas" -- i.e. reduce profits -- which proves that our true god is Mammon.

P.S. "Trafalgar Day is the celebration of the victory won by Vice-Admiral Horatio Nelson's British fleet over the combined French and Spanish fleets at the Battle of Trafalgar on October 21, 1805. It was widely commemorated by parades, dinners and other events throughout much of the British Empire in the 19th and early 20th centuries." (Wikipedia)

Wait a minute. I thought everyone wanted "freedom." I thought what everyone is striving for, Muslim and non-Muslim alike, is the same thing -- the thing we want to achieve in Iraq, the thing we want to achieve here and there and everywhere so that Muslims can calm down their tiny minority of extremists, those who listen to those bad men on the street who come to them and somehow lead them astray. But apparently the individual freedoms that Great Britain, unwritten constitution and all, guarantees (see "1066 and All That" in order to learn about the Magna Carta and how England became the "top country"), are not "freedom" at all. "Freedom" is the true "freedom" of submitting to the will of Allah, to be his slave, and not to be the slave of the mere whims of fallible, insufficiently submissive men.

Muslims want, wherever they live in those hardly-to-be-distinguished lands of the Infidels (who really cares if that bit of land is called "Great Britain" or "France" or "Italy" or "Canada" or "The United States" -- what difference does it make, as long as there are still obstacles to the spread of Islam, and Islam does not yet dominate, and Muslims do not yet rule?), the right to have every member of the umma, the Collective That Counts, not the individuals whether in or out of that collective who don't, submit to the Shari'a.

Start with the Family Law. Give us that. And then we'll see. And you'll see. You'll all see how wonderful our ways are, our Total Regulation of Life, and so many of your most mindless citizens, Searching For The Answer, will then find it in Islam, only in Islam, just the way Richard Reid and John Walker Lindh and those two fellows, one of them the son of a Conservative Party official, picked up by those nosy and vicious Metropolitan Police a week ago, for nothing at all, for discussing with fellow Muslims merely one possible means to the same end.

And that same end can be achieved, in part, if you stop preventing us, in Our Umma, from recognizing the Shari'a which is given by Allah, and not, as your law is, by a bunch of lager louts and whorelettes marching off to pull a level or stuff a piece of paper in a box with a hole in it.

Which is superior? English football hooligans or all-knowing Allah, Allah Who Knows Best? Look at the mess all the Infidel countries are in, and look at us -- the Best of Peoples. That should tell you everything.

It will happen. It's not a question of if but when Eurabia will implement sharia law. My bet it's coming sooner than later.

"redouble efforts"
-- from the comment above

That means, of course, to quadruple efforts. So the next time some Senator announces that "we must redouble our efforts at dialogue with.." you must silently hear his words as "and we must quadruple our efforts at dialogue with..."

But don't, please, vote for the candidate who wishes merely to quadruple our efforts. I am the only candidate in the race, in any race, who promises not merely to quadruple, but to octuple our efforts.

Yes, I hereby call on the Administration to octuple our efforts at dialogue with..." (here the applause becomes so deafening, that I can't manage to catch even my own last word).

Just imagine what they will demand when their jihadist arm actually manages to blow something up!!

Them wanting their religious holidays marked as national holidays is like us going to Saudi Arabia and requesting them to mark July 4th as a holiday because it is back home. How about mark December 25th? Mother's Day? Memorial? Labor?

The council should have just implemented sharia law for ten minutes and stoned these guys.

Amazing chutzpa! A few days after their terror plot was foiled, they're brazenly demanding more favors from their hosts.

One thing I've noticed in my interactions with Arabs (and other Middle Easterners from Arab countries): their chutzpa and insolence is enormous. But if you call their their bluff, they immediately back down.

Their 'moral outrage' is fake. They're just testing the infidels to see how much they can get away with. A loud and clear 'no' from the government would shut them up. Appeasement will only make them more insolent.

Them wanting their religious holidays marked as national holidays is like us going to Saudi Arabia and requesting them to mark July 4th as a holiday because it is back home. How about mark December 25th? Mother's Day? Memorial? Labor?

The council should have just implemented sharia law for ten minutes and stoned these guys.

Amazing chutzpa! A few days after their terror plot was foiled, they're brazenly demanding more favors from their hosts.

One thing I've noticed in my interactions with Arabs (and other Middle Easterners from Arab countries): their chutzpa and insolence is enormous. But if you call their their bluff, they immediately back down.

Their 'moral outrage' is fake. They're just testing the infidels to see how much they can get away with. A loud and clear 'no' from the government would shut them up. Appeasement will only make them more insolent.

Amazing chutzpa! A few days after their terror plot was foiled, they're brazenly demanding more favors from their hosts.

One thing I've noticed in my interactions with Arabs (and other Middle Easterners from Arab countries): their chutzpa and insolence is enormous. But if you call their their bluff, they immediately back down.

Their 'moral outrage' is fake. They're just testing the infidels to see how much they can get away with. A loud and clear 'no' from the government would shut them up. Appeasement will only make them more insolent.

Just amazing, really amazing this:

Mr Reid said the European Union needed to develop its counter-terror policies in response to the evolving threat.

He said the talks had discussed practical measures in four areas:

* Tackling liquid explosives
* Co-ordination of transport security
* Exchange of intelligence
* The nature of European Islam

The world was faced by a form of "intolerant and violent totalitarianism", he added, which was subverting a religion, Islam, whose very name stood for peace.

Understanding what the actual word "Islam" means is helpful in understanding the religion which derives its name from it. Why? Because the word is rich in meaning and has many connections to other fundamental Islamic concepts.

The Arabic term 'islam means "submission" and itself comes from the term 'aslama, which means "to surrender, resign oneself." In Islam, the fundamental duty of each member is to submit to Allah (Arabic for "the God") and whatever Allah wants of them. A person who follows Islam is called a Muslim, and this means "one who surrenders to God."

The term Islam is related to the Syriac 'aslem which means "to make peace, surrender" and that in turn appears to be derived from the Semtic stem of *slem which means to be complete.

Islam is closely related to the Arabic word for peace, salem. Muslims believe that true peace can only be achieved through true obedience to the will of Allah. Commitment to Islam is supposed to result in a constant struggle to achieve peace, justice and equality.

How can anyone hav faith in people who can't even work out that Islam only means peace if you surrender to it? When I hear that sort of rubbish I feel even more exposed to Islamic Terror.

Way back in 1976, I had the honor of dining in one of the UK's poshest restaurants with my favorite actor from the BBC. Our waiter was from Pakistan. He obviously didn't like the infidel woman in the cocktail dress with the drink in her hand and said something to me - what I will never know as I didn't hear it - as I took my seat at our table. My actor friend was enraged as only a British gentleman can be when his female companion is insulted. You should have seen big-mouth try to serve our meal and stay out of arm's reach at the same time. It was my first encounter with muslim rudeness, bigotry and insolence and it reinforce what my father taught me about fascists - they are either at your feet or at your throat.

My father also taught me that with an equal you use a gun, with an inferior you use a whip. So, the UK is rull of riding crops, yes?

Way back in 1976, I had the honor of dining in one of the UK's poshest restaurants with my favorite actor from the BBC. Our waiter was from Pakistan. He obviously didn't like the infidel woman in the cocktail dress with the drink in her hand and said something to me - what I will never know as I didn't hear it - as I took my seat at our table. My actor friend was enraged as only a British gentleman can be when his female companion is insulted. You should have seen big-mouth try to serve our meal and stay out of arm's reach at the same time. It was my first encounter with muslim rudeness, bigotry and insolence and it reinforce what my father taught me about fascists - they are either at your feet or at your throat.

My father also taught me that with an equal you use a gun, with an inferior you use a whip. So, the UK is rull of riding crops, yes?

Way back in 1976, I had the honor of dining in one of the UK's poshest restaurants with my favorite actor from the BBC. Our waiter was from Pakistan. He obviously didn't like the infidel woman in the cocktail dress with the drink in her hand and said something to me - what I will never know as I didn't hear it - as I took my seat at our table. My actor friend was enraged as only a British gentleman can be when his female companion is insulted. You should have seen big-mouth try to serve our meal and stay out of arm's reach at the same time. It was my first encounter with muslim rudeness, bigotry and insolence and it reinforce what my father taught me about fascists - they are either at your feet or at your throat.

My father also taught me that with an equal you use a gun, with an inferior you use a whip. So, the UK is rull of riding crops, yes?

Judeo-Christian holidays celebrated in a Judeo-Christian land with a Judeo-Christian belief system and Judeo-Christian laws. Should you want something other than what exists perhaps you should go where your desired law and your desired culture ARE.

AIG, if someone said they hated my country, and he's standing next to me IN my country, I'd have to say "WHY THE HELL ARE YOU STILL HERE?" And then tell them, don't let the door hit you on the butt as you leave.

'If people object to a certain law they should campaign peacefully and democratically for a change - but only so that it applies to all people, not just Muslims.'

Oh goodie! Stonings and amputations and burkas for all!

At least the Gary Glitter fan club had the good grace to disband after his private life was exposed.

If only Muslims were similarly polite.

Dr Syed Aziz Pasha, secretary general of the Union of Muslim Organisations of the UK and Ireland, said: 'We told her if you give us religious rights, we will be in a better position to convince young people that they are being treated equally along with other citizens.'

So ... he goes to a meeting with Ruth Kelly, known to be a devout Catholic. This is on the eve of the Feast of the Assumption, a Holy Day of Obligation on which she will be obliged to attend Mass. It's not a British bank holiday. She will not get time off for this: she will have to attend an early morning or evening Mass.

And he thinks that insisting on more rights than she either has or wants is going to go down well with her.

I'll just bet there were 'sharp exchanges'. Dickhead.

Some of the 30 moderate Muslim leaders at the meeting told Miss Kelly that important days in their two main religious festivals - Ramadan and Eid-ul-Adha - should be made public holidays for followers of the faith.

Interesting use of the word 'day' there. Some people might have thought Ramadan was something more like, oh I don't know, a month?


Some of the 30 moderate Muslim leaders...

Isn't it interesting that they need to have a distinction between moderate Muslims, and... other kinds of Muslims? That alone indicates that there's a problem. How often do you hear of moderate Christians, moderate Hindus or moderate Buddhists?

Are there so many "extremist" Muslims that "moderate" Muslims must be identified as a separate group?

To be fair, there were moderate Nazis and extremeist Nazis who were worse.

Nazism on the whole though, sucked.

Just like Islam.

In the Bible it speaks of people being "under strong delusion"...I always thought that meant that most would follow the false religion of the last days. That may still prove to be true, but it looks to me like "strong delusion" means total stupidity.

A recent poll suggested that a third of British Muslims would rather live under Sharia law, while a similar number said they also hope Britain will one day become an Islamic state.

Several months back, it was about 40% for the same question. Something to keep in mind, though, is the fact that many of those who want sharia law do not necessarily view it as wise to admit this publicly, or on a poll whose general percentages are going to be shown to the non-Muslim public. At this stage, the most clever of sharia supporters will say publicly that they do not support it.

A better way to measure acceptance of sharia is to ask specific questions that do not necessarily require the respondent to declare a full endorsement of sharia. (This does not eliminate the problem of dishonest responding, but reduces it somewhat). For example, we know that 68% of British Muslims demand that the Danish cartoonists be prosecuted and punished criminally. (The punishment was not specified, though in sharia it is generally the death penalty. A large percentage of British Muslims are of Pakistani origin, and the penalty for insulting the prophet Mohammad in Pakistan is death). This gives us a pretty good idea that, at least with regards to the issue of free expression, blasphemy, etc., the majority of British Muslims support sharia law and want it implemented in Britain.

If Britain had not once ruled Pakistan, would all of those hideous Pakistani muslims be in Britain now? I wonder what our excuse for allowing muslims to immigrate might be, other than Ted Kennedy's open invitation to the third world.

I guess that means we'll be throwing open the doors to Afghanistan and Iraq, if we haven't already. I can't wait to add the Taliban to our multi-culti "mosaic."

Well, I hope that the British government will not give way to this sort of pressure.

However, were it to be so lily-livered as to do so, I should have little hesitation in calling upon all Jews in Britain, whether orthodox or not, to demand time off for all their Jewish holidays AND to finish early for the Sabbath. Similarly I would campaign on behalf of my Christian friends for holidays on all the saints days. If the government had the temerity to disagree I would yell "discrimination!" at the top of my lungs, and scream and scream until I was blue.

Britain is not a Muslim country. We do not have to abide by sharia law. Muslims who want to do so should leave and set up shop in Iran or Saudi Arabia.

Jesus Christ supercop: I guess the moderate Muslims are less inclined to blow themselves or us to bits. I wonder, however, whether this is a descriptor which they themselves appropriate or whether it's our way of making sense of which Muslims mean us harm and which don't? If it's the former then they aren't working hard enough - I have heard few "moderate" Muslims condemn Muslim violence unequivocally.

Muslims, when cornered, will tell you what they think you want to hear, rather than what is the truth. They resort to dissimulation, al-takeyya, which is approved of in sharia law when dealing with infidels, in order to try to pull the wool over infidels' eyes and conceal Muslims' true intent:

It can take the form of:

Outwitting: Islamic spokesmen commonly use taqiyya as a form of ‘outwitting’. The matter under discussion is not to be debated or discussed; rather the opponent is to ‘outwitted’ through taqiyya, by diversion of the subject and obfuscation aided at times with a mystical reference to God or Allah.

The claim that difficulties in translating from Arabic to English make communication with non-Arab speakers difficult or impossible, is another form of outwitting. The tactical use of a translator offers considerable advantage.

Role playing as victim: Claiming to be 'the victim’ of religious discrimination and intolerance during debate or discussion is another form of distraction and ‘outwitting’.

Manipulating ambiguity: Sheik Hilaly of Sydney, Australia is on public record as (a) ’condemning’ the 9/11 attacks in ambiguous terms and (b) praising suicide and martyr operations However, Islamic spokesmen will rarely condemn a specific act of terrorism and direct questions will be skillfully evaded.

Diversion: For example, questions relating to the 9/11 terrorists attacks will be diverted by a causally irrelevant counter reference to the plight of the Palestinians, the nefarious role of Israel and US foreign policy and support for Israel as ‘causes’ of terrorism.

Anti-Semitism, a core belief of Islamic fundamentalism is also skillfully diverted by misleading and exaggerated historical references to the alleged status enjoyed by Jews and non-believers under Islamic rule, thereby deflecting critical examination of the virulent contemporary Islamic anti-Semitism.

Demanding ’evidence’: Islamic spokesmen practice a form of taqiyya defined in psychology as ‘cognitive denial’ by repetitive and extreme requests for ‘evidence’ and ‘proof’ of alleged terrorist acts, which they know cannot be disclosed.

Tactical denial: Rather than admitting that a proposition concerning a state of affairs can be partly true, an Islamic spokesman will deny a claim or proposition in absolute terms. For example, “It is impossible to be a Muslim and a terrorist’ , which is false and ‘Islam forbids suicide’, which is true, but irrelevant as suicide or martyrdom attacks are not forbidden in the Koran.

Exploiting cognitive dissonance: Islamic spokesman tend to be baffle television interviewers and puzzle viewers as they resort to double talk ‘clichés and platitudes’ concerning Islam. A state of cognitive dissonance-holding two contradictory beliefs and attempting to resolve them- is induced in viewers as they attempt to process the claim that Islam is a peaceful religion with the dissonant facts of Islamic terrorist acts and operations.

The Islamic ’defence’ script: Islamic spokesmen repeat the same predictable platitudes concerning Islam in London as do Islamic spokesmen in Seattle and often appear to follow a prepared script from “Islam is tolerant and peace loving’ to the claim by Islamic spokeswomen invariably claiming that wearing the veil offers them more freedom (women in Muslim countries are therefore ‘freer’ than women in western countries), thereby precluding further examination into the real status of women under Islamic rule.

Islamic platitudes are also echoed uncritically by Western politicians, for example ”A small group of fundamentalists have hijacked a great religion’. The timely, skilful, misleading and diversionary theme of the ‘hijacking’ of Islam was introduced into public, political and media discourse by an Islamic ‘spokesmen’ in the United States shortly after the 9/11 terrorist attacks.

The “Islam has been hijacked’ diversionary theme is now a conventional media and political reference deflecting attention from empirical and historical examination of the doctrinal, political and religious continuity of Islamic terrorism. A related theme that a small minority of Muslims are engaged in terrorism is utterly irrelevant as Islamic terrorism is always perpetrated by ‘small minorities’ or more accurately’ small groups’.

Taqiyya as impressions and perceptions management
The tactical use of children: Australia television viewers noted that interviews with terrorist suspects raided by security authorities invariably featured veiled women holding small children or a baby as they protested their husband’s innocence and attested to his innate goodness. Trembling fingers pointed to ‘damage’ to the family residence. In some interviews the suspect / father holds the child, whilst denying involvement or knowledge of terrorism in any sense of the word: an example of taqiyya in the age of impressions and perception management.

Taqiyya and the Deceptive use of Jihad: The contemporary political meaning of jihad is clear: it is Jihad of the sword. Egyptian-based Islamic fundamentalists, from whom Bin Laden recruited his key operatives, believe jihad is the fourth pillar of Islam and is a binding belief and integral to the faith. Claiming that Jihad is a subjective and psychological state of personal struggle is taqiyya. In contemporary terms, Jihad means - holy war - against unbelievers and it in this context that Al Qaeda training manuals refer to Jihad as ‘Holy War’.

The study of taqiyya and kitman is crucial to an understanding of Islamic fundamentalism and terrorism ranging from the issuing of false terrorist threats, operational and strategic disinformation issued by Al Qaeda in the form of ‘intelligence chatter’ to the use of taqiyya and kitman by terrorists during interrogation and the use of systematically misleading expressions concerning Islam and terrorism by Muslim ‘spokesmen’. Some example of Taqiyya and ‘Outwitting’ in contemporary reporting (I ripped this from a closed down Aussie website).
I'll give more examples from the UK and American media.

Outwitting: Islamic spokesmen commonly use taqiyya as a form of ‘outwitting’. The matter under discussion is not to be debated or discussed; rather the opponent is to ‘outwitted’ through taqiyya, by diversion of the subject and obfuscation aided at times with a mystical reference to God or Allah.

The claim that difficulties in translating from Arabic to English make communication with non-Arab speakers difficult or impossible, is another form of outwitting. The tactical use of a translator offers considerable advantage.

Role playing as victim: Claiming to be 'the victim’ of religious discrimination and intolerance during debate or discussion is another form of distraction and ‘outwitting’.

Manipulating ambiguity: Sheik Hilaly of Sydney, Australia is on public record as (a) ’condemning’ the 9/11 attacks in ambiguous terms and (b) praising suicide and martyr operations However, Islamic spokesmen will rarely condemn a specific act of terrorism and direct questions will be skillfully evaded.

Diversion: For example, questions relating to the 9/11 terrorists attacks will be diverted by a causally irrelevant counter reference to the plight of the Palestinians, the nefarious role of Israel and US foreign policy and support for Israel as ‘causes’ of terrorism.

Anti-Semitism, a core belief of Islamic fundamentalism is also skillfully diverted by misleading and exaggerated historical references to the alleged status enjoyed by Jews and non-believers under Islamic rule, thereby deflecting critical examination of the virulent contemporary Islamic anti-Semitism.

Demanding ’evidence’: Islamic spokesmen practice a form of taqiyya defined in psychology as ‘cognitive denial’ by repetitive and extreme requests for ‘evidence’ and ‘proof’ of alleged terrorist acts, which they know cannot be disclosed.

Tactical denial: Rather than admitting that a proposition concerning a state of affairs can be partly true, an Islamic spokesman will deny a claim or proposition in absolute terms. For example, “It is impossible to be a Muslim and a terrorist’ , which is false and ‘Islam forbids suicide’, which is true, but irrelevant as suicide or martyrdom attacks are not forbidden in the Koran.

Exploiting cognitive dissonance: Islamic spokesman tend to be baffle television interviewers and puzzle viewers as they resort to double talk ‘clichés and platitudes’ concerning Islam. A state of cognitive dissonance-holding two contradictory beliefs and attempting to resolve them- is induced in viewers as they attempt to process the claim that Islam is a peaceful religion with the dissonant facts of Islamic terrorist acts and operations.

The Islamic ’defence’ script: Islamic spokesmen repeat the same predictable platitudes concerning Islam in London as do Islamic spokesmen in Seattle and often appear to follow a prepared script from “Islam is tolerant and peace loving’ to the claim by Islamic spokeswomen invariably claiming that wearing the veil offers them more freedom (women in Muslim countries are therefore ‘freer’ than women in western countries), thereby precluding further examination into the real status of women under Islamic rule.

Islamic platitudes are also echoed uncritically by Western politicians, for example ”A small group of fundamentalists have hijacked a great religion’. The timely, skilful, misleading and diversionary theme of the ‘hijacking’ of Islam was introduced into public, political and media discourse by an Islamic ‘spokesmen’ in the United States shortly after the 9/11 terrorist attacks.

The “Islam has been hijacked’ diversionary theme is now a conventional media and political reference deflecting attention from empirical and historical examination of the doctrinal, political and religious continuity of Islamic terrorism. A related theme that a small minority of Muslims are engaged in terrorism is utterly irrelevant as Islamic terrorism is always perpetrated by ‘small minorities’ or more accurately’ small groups’.

Taqiyya as impressions and perceptions management
The tactical use of children: Australia television viewers noted that interviews with terrorist suspects raided by security authorities invariably featured veiled women holding small children or a baby as they protested their husband’s innocence and attested to his innate goodness. Trembling fingers pointed to ‘damage’ to the family residence. In some interviews the suspect / father holds the child, whilst denying involvement or knowledge of terrorism in any sense of the word: an example of taqiyya in the age of impressions and perception management.

Taqiyya and the Deceptive use of Jihad: The contemporary political meaning of jihad is clear: it is Jihad of the sword. Egyptian-based Islamic fundamentalists, from whom Bin Laden recruited his key operatives, believe jihad is the fourth pillar of Islam and is a binding belief and integral to the faith. Claiming that Jihad is a subjective and psychological state of personal struggle is taqiyya. In contemporary terms, Jihad means - holy war - against unbelievers and it in this context that Al Qaeda training manuals refer to Jihad as ‘Holy War’.

The study of taqiyya and kitman is crucial to an understanding of Islamic fundamentalism and terrorism ranging from the issuing of false terrorist threats, operational and strategic disinformation issued by Al Qaeda in the form of ‘intelligence chatter’ to the use of taqiyya and kitman by terrorists during interrogation and the use of systematically misleading expressions concerning Islam and terrorism by Muslim ‘spokesmen’.

So Dr Pasha wants Sharia law introduced for 'family matters.' The problem is, 'family matters' cover a very wide spectrum of life, from sexual relations, to adultery, to marriage and divorce. Sharia law would cover all of these and more if it were introduced wouldn't it?
We would get public stonings for adultery, floggings for drinking in front of the kids, beheadings for sex outside marriage, polygamy instead of monogamy, hangings for those who dare to declare themselves homosexual. UK society, if Sharia law was introduced just for 'family matters,' would be a very different society indeed.
It would no longer be the country I was born and grew up in. The truth is Dr Pasha wants the UK to become a Muslim state. Why doesn't he just admit it.
