UK: Passengers refuse to fly until "Asians" are removed

"Asians," of course, is UK mediaspeak for Muslims. These Muslim passengers don't seem to have been up to anything more than speaking Arabic, and no doubt all sorts of opprobrium is now going to rain down on the passengers' heads: cries of ingrained "Islamophobia," and calls by Muslim leaders and their willing Leftist stooges for some kind of institutionalized and nationwide "education" (i.e. propaganda) campaign to prevent this sort of thing. You can see in the full article here, not in what I have excerpted below, that this is already being called a "victory for terrorists" because it led the passengers to act "irrationally" and display "racism."

However, this is a manifestation of a mounting frustration among ordinary citizens. The passengers clearly didn't believe that PC authorities were able or willing to do proper screening, and were willing to risk the media firestorm that is sure to come, which will portray them as closet Hitlerians. No one is likely to note the simple fact that if authorities would come out of the PC fog long enough to do their jobs properly, this kind of thing would never happen.

"Passengers refuse to fly until Asians are removed," from the Daily Mail, with thanks to all who sent this in:

British holidaymakers staged an unprecedented mutiny - refusing to allow their flight to take off until two men they feared were terrorists were forcibly removed.

The extraordinary scenes happened after some of the 150 passengers on a Malaga-Manchester flight overheard two men of Asian appearance apparently talking Arabic.

Passengers told cabin crew they feared for their safety and demanded police action. Some stormed off the Monarch Airlines Airbus A320 minutes before it was due to leave the Costa del Sol at 3am. Others waiting for Flight ZB 613 in the departure lounge refused to board it.

The incident fuels the row over airport security following the arrest of more than 20 people allegedly planning the suicide-bombing of transatlantic jets from the UK to America. It comes amid growing demands for passenger-profiling and selective security checks.

It also raised fears that more travellers will take the law into their own hands - effectively conducting their own 'passenger profiles'....

The Tories said the Government's failure to reassure travellers had led the Malaga passengers to 'behave irrationally' and 'hand a victory to terrorists'.

Websites used by pilots and cabin crew were yesterday reporting further incidents. In one, two British women with young children on another flight from Spain complained about flying with a bearded Muslim even though he had been security-checked twice before boarding....

Passengers noticed that, despite the heat, the pair were wearing leather jackets and thick jumpers and were regularly checking their watches.

Initially, six passengers refused to board the flight. On board the aircraft, word reached one family. To the astonishment of cabin crew, they stood up and walked off, followed quickly by others.

The Monarch pilot - a highly experienced captain - accompanied by armed Civil Guard police and airport security staff, approached the two men and took their passports.

Half an hour later, police returned and escorted the two Asian passengers off the jet....

A spokesman for the Civil Guard in Malaga said: "These men had aroused suspicion because of their appearance and the fact that they were speaking in a foreign language thought to be an Arabic language, and the pilot was refusing to take off until they were escorted off the plane."

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I think we'll start to see incidents like this happening more frequently. I know that if I saw people with whom I didn't feel comfortable, I would refuse to fly also. Nowadays, every person has to take responsibility for his or her own safety. The passengers did the right thing.

I was reading about the imminent rise of the Big Bad Bug-Borgs:

Well, if rifle designer Kalashnikov's invention caused a revolution in warfare by giving unprecedented killing power to the layman revolutionary guerrilla, then DARPA's quiet invention of the BugBot could herald a counter-revolution that could turn the tide against the asymmetric guerrilla fighter.

After all, how do you hide from a bug in the jungle? How do you tell which bug is friend or foe? How can a suicide-bomber defeat an army of expendable insects?

If this type of weapon ever gets deployed against the jihadis, then they'll never recover.
Asymmetric warfare will be totally discredited.

Hezbollah types will feel fear of Biblical proportions when they realize that a plague of locusts is descending upon them to smite them. I doubt that RPGs or AK-47s would be terribly effective against a swarm of locusts armed with toxins or micro-explosive charges.

Please do not look for the 3am flight from MCR to Malaga for logic or trends. These chartered flights tend to be crammed with infrequent flyers. The last thing we want is arbitrary racial profiling by a mob of passengers. I fly almost weekly from Heathrow, and I know the security measures in place and recently upgraded are working. Better to concentrate on airlines like Ryanair, who are more interested in their profits than on passenger safety.

At the end of the day all holiday makers especially though families with young children deserve, in fact it is their right to be safe. They may be seen to be giving in to the terrorists, when in fact they are making sensible calculated judgements based on what they see, hear, and believe at the time. They did the correct thing, which is to take your family off the plane if you think there is something suspect! If I thought there was something wrong with the fuselage I wouldnt get on it, so why should it be any different for people of asian origin speaking other words Muslims. They should all be banned from flying and have to pay for their own extremists directly by not flying, the extremists and moderates have caused all of this murder and chaos. Then, only then, if there are any moderate (real ones) muslims who throw away their allegience to Islam and integrate effectively into our communities (highly unlikely I know)should we consider allowing them back onto our transport systems travelling with honest people from all other races. If they dont like it then put up or shut up. If white people can be banned from flying ie soccer hooligans, which of course is the right thing to do, then so should anybody else, whether you are male, female, transexual, gay, bi, black, indian, mixed race, jew, jehovah, sikh, hindu, bhuddist, taoist or anyone for that matter! The security of our nations should be at the forefront of policymakers and get it into their punitive cognitive states that they are in power because of the people and not the other way round. If they cannot or will not do what the good honest families of our countries (ie the west) need then we will be forced to vote for more extreme politics to ensure our survival and that of our future generations. Nobody I know wants a 4th World War using Nuclear Technology except the Muslims buts let face it, it is only getting worse, they will not back down. We need to all be proactive like these people and show our leaders that we have had enough of this pc liberal nonesense that is going to get us all killed, instead of perhaps a few (or in the UK a lot) riots cause by sanctions against Muslims until this whole sorry episode comes to a conclusion. This sadly seems to be inevitable, Im a realist, we are either going to be blown up continually or we will have some civil war within our communities. The latter is easier to deal with. That coupled with the banning of all Mulims on our flights will at least protect us since luckily for both the UK and the US we are Islands (well kinda). The world (UN) will just have to cope with the fact that we are adopting a more proactive stance to our foreign policies and accept we will not be threatened from within no more.

The passenger revolt was indeed understandable, both because of the "PC fog" that was mentioned, and because of a growing schism between London and "Londonistan."

Certainly, passengers had the jitters over the aborted plot to blow up U.S.-bound airliners. But there is a more important context at play -- the fact that opinion polls in Britain consistently show that many Muslim residents are lukewarm about unequivocally condemning terrorist attacks and identifying wholeheartedly with the British state and its values.

To suggest as one British official did that the incident is contrary to British values ignores two things -- the reality of jihadi-inspired terrorism and the refusal of Londonistan’s residents to divorce themselves from the values, culture, and conspiracy theories motivating those jihadis.

Ralph Waldo Emerson would have nodded and muttered "compensation:"

"You cannot do wrong without suffering wrong. Justice is not postponed... Every secret is told, every crime is punished, every virtue rewarded, every wrong redressed, in silence and certainty....

"If the government is cruel, the governor's life is not safe. If you tax too high, the revenue will yield nothing. If you make the criminal code sanguinary, juries will fail to convict. If the law is too mild, private vengeance comes in."

And perhaps today he would add, if the designated agents of public order and protection fail of their duties, the persons and methods that will supplant them will be exactly those they wished to avert.

Elsewhere in the media, these two men have been described as wearing "leather jackets and thick jumpers" and "regularly checking their watches". Could it perhaps be that these false alarms are being set up deliberately? Think who stands to gain...


This is the first time I have actually sent anything but I have been reading the articles and comments for over a year and have to say they have woken me up to the reality of Islam.
Unfortunatly most people are still ignorant of the truth and have passed stupid comments on the Daily Mail website. So it may be a good idea for as many as possible to go on there and give our side of things. I have, but so far the comment has not been published. I can only hope.

Francis W. Porretto,

Very heartening indeed to read Emerson's quotes!

Even the muslims that wring their hands and plaintively miaow (FEIGNING) about "hijacked islam" and "peaceful" blahblah have started to do so only after 9/11. Whereas, since its inception it has been nothing but GORY violence. So this introspection comes a tad too late.

There is no genuine contrition for the macabre massacres done.It is time they abhor themselves. It is time they face the wrath of all infidels.

please note that the flight was going FROM Spain to England.the extra security restrictions are currently only in place for flights leaving the UK, not the other way round.

flying TO the UK is a different matter, and dependent on what foreign authorities have put in place.

there may well have ZERO passenger profiling at Malaga.


Bravo to the passengers, who refused to put up and shut up.
Bravo to the crew, for showing solidarity.
Bravo to the police, for acting on the safe side.

"Muslim free" flights should be offered by airlines nowadays.

This is people power in action.

Britishbulldog: You are so right. Many of us at Jihadwatch are far too happy to post here without actually trying to inform anyone who doesn't already know! Another good place to *gently* try to get aspects of the reality across is

This article confirms what I have believed all along, that there is a growing and just angry backlash of non-Muslims towards Muslims because of all the terrorism and threats of the last 30-40 years. Expect more of these incidents to happen more.

Finally....FINALLY!!! Peaceful people of the world are waking up and wiping the PC film from their eyes! YES...goodmorning to each of you! Take a long hard look around you with a clear mind and heart. Protect yourselves and your dearly loved ones because our Dovernments are obviously not up for the task. They wish to appear open minded and even handed so as not to OFFEND... and this carries more weight with them than the value of our lives. Being PI (politically incorrect) will be uncomfortable at first, but only for a little while...and it is truly worth it!
There is a convenience store and fuel station just down and around the corner from my home. I have stopped my patronage there simply because of the odd prices offered at this store (example: milk is just under twice the cost than the local grocery...and fuel seems to always be 10 to 15 cents higher per gallon than stations just down the street.) It was strictly a "dollars and cents" issue! YET, because the store is run by a few Paki gents, it is I who takes the scuff from some of my family and neighbors. Never mind they never make eye contact with you, never mind they rarely speak English... never mind the creepy feelings they give most everyone who visits the store. I guess my point is... do what you think is in you and your family's best interest and let PC be DAMNED!

People have a right to be concerned. However Islam is not a race nor is it an ethnicity; it is a vile ideology that is leading some Westerners astray. Although those of European extract have a right to fear violence at home and on modes of transportation, the greater violence will occur once Muslims reach a critical mass.

The violence they have to fear is the establishment of Eurabia, Sha'riah law for all and dhimmitude for those that refuse to "revert".

All Muslims should be forced to drive or walk to their trains,buses or planes.

For those of you unfamiliar with the British culture, remember that history shows that they are amongst the most placid, polite and tolerant people on the planet. However, history also shows that when you push them too far they can become some of the most ferocious and unforgiving. Walking off planes is just the start of a people showing that they will take action if the authorities won't.

Absolutely johndoe!

When though?

. from the article: "Patrick Mercer, the Tory Homeland Security spokesman, said last night: "This is a victory for terrorists. These people on the flight have been terrorised into behaving irrationally,"

How is this a "victory for terrorists"? On the contrary, this is a huge victory for the anti-jihadists. These people aren't behaving "irrationally". Au contraire, it is Muslims, with their bizarre 7th century mores, who are irrational. The people who got off this flight are thoroughly rational. They are weighing odds based on available information and voting with their pocket books in a free market global world. It doesn’t get any more rational than that. And if enough rational westerners keep it up they will make irrational 7th century Muslim cultists persona non grata in modern 21st society. So No. This is not a victory for terrorists at all. It’s quite the opposite.

In other news:

"Passengers refuse to fly until speakers of a Teutonic language are removed. Their irrational behavior, say politicians from the opposition, is unfortunate, and shows racism by blaming the majority of peace-loving Nazis for the actions of a tiny minority of adherents of radical Nazism, which is a perversion of true Nazism." (BBC, August 1939)

And earlier:

"Free the Sudetenland! We're all SS now!" (protest signs, August 1938).

The terrorists love to use fear as a weapon too. I'm not saying that these guys were terrorists. But it seems like there are going to be a lot more "innocent" Muslims who cry racism. They'll say that the public is just being paranoid. I think they'll be doing it on purpose just to get a rise out of people. Then they can say, "See? I'm not carrying anything dangerous. You people are just profiling me." Then people as a whole will become relaxed and let their guard down--and that is where the danger lies.

I notice theres a comments link at the bottom of the story. Might be an idea if jihad watchers posted there as the 5 comments there at the moment seem to be from Dhimmis (idiots).
I posted but doubt it will be published. still not being published is no reasen not to post.

I love it. The muslim problem has become so bad in England, that they are now viewed as a public safety issue. The government can be as dhimmified as it wants, but it can not make people share a plane with a muslim. That it can not do. This is the beginning of the awakening of the British.

Now just imagine if that plane plot has succeeded. No one would fly with a muslim - period. The airlines would ban muslims - not out of safety - simply out of a need to survive economically.

The fast jihad is destroying the slow jihad. This is exactly the only thing that can save the west. Hurry up fast jihadists!


Welcome re your first post. I too am very impressed by the thoughtful nature of Robert, Hugh and so many posters here. I have learned a great deal from this site and am thankful for that. (I try not to chew gum in class when I come here-LOL.) It's a great site.


Welcome re your first post. I too am very impressed by the thoughtful nature of Robert, Hugh and so many posters here. I have learned a great deal from this site and am thankful for that. (I try not to chew gum in class when I come here-LOL.) It's a great site.

Asaalamau Laikum all,

Obviously this is a throughly disgusting development (although not entirely unexpected).

There are three point here for me.

1) Now the terrorists ARE controlling the british peoples ..and they have indeed won. I would have thought a through search of "asian" suspect should have sufficed...why act like cowards.

2) What about other asians who get caught in the mix. Hindoos, sikhs and Pakistanis..these peoples will be completely innocent...think about their feelings.

3) What about the wuslims...white peoples who have converted and embraced Islam. How will you profile them...will all whites peoples with beards get profiled too.

All in all a throughly unpleasant incident ...which does not need to be repeated.

Britishbullkuta...Assalamau-Laikum and welcome to Mr Spencers world of watching (some aspects) of Jihad.

Thanks for your welcome Americaningermany, hopefully I can contribute someting worthwhile to discussions.

Null, I always tell people what is going on and whenever possible refer them to this website. How many actually look at it I just don't know but I know the Muslims are helping us along with all their comments and activities.

There are things we can do as individuals to encourage Muslims to go back home. These include refusing to go on buses, planes etc as these people have done, not buying from their shops or from any shop that employs one of them, not even acknowledging them in the street, if you are talking about them in the street not lowering your voice as they pass by or even wearing a pig badge if you can find one. As we know they have a plan to take over by initially taking over the structures of power. The answer is we should all become involved in these areas such as law, business, education, the media, the medical profession, voluntry bodies, anything to keep them out of power. The fight for our countries starts with us and if we keep within the law there is nothing that they can do about it.

Spencer wrote it all in his intro to this story. It is a measure of the level of frustration of the ordinary citizen. I have been reading Sun Tzu's "The art of War", and one of the many great things he says is that the best way to turn a coward into a hero is to place him in a desperate situation with no possible escape: he will fight like a lion to save his own life.

The same thing happened here. The government's inaction is driving people to fend for themselves, and this was just the first step. I fear that this was something very mild compared to the reactions we are bound to witness in the not so distant future.

Remember that this could all have been avoided, if the proper measures had been adopted at the right time. I hold the political class responsible, and for their incompetence non-violent Muslims and people that resemble Muslims (dark skinnes bearded people) are bound to be targeted by vigilantism, and that is obviously regretable.

I don't blame these people for not wanting to fly with these guys. They have every right to continue to live their lives. The muslims have BROUGHT THIS ON THEMSELVES. Who cares if they don't like it?

Naseems l hope the non -muslims of the world make it so difficult for muslims to live in the west, that they either leave for their own country, clean up their backyards. we have had it, why is that only muslims can be excused to go on rampages killing and destroying because some stupid koran got wet, and some very very weakly cartoons are drawn up in a free western democracy. Westerners are fed up, you cannot go around asking for a Winston Churchhill, but vote with your feet, your mouth, and vote out the pc politicians. the more muslims whine and rampage, the patience for the West is wearing very thin, we are not going to wait much longer for the muslims begin to join the human race, we will send them back to their 7th century cesspools and or their allah very fast Naseems. For once Naseems take responsibilty for your own actions, and ask for forgiveness to those innocent people your cult has killed and or mained, raped, and stolen land from. we are will not wait too long.

"they[Muslims] are now viewed as a public safety issue.'
-- from a posting above

For "now" read "finally" or "at long last" or "despite the best efforts of Western governments to pretend otherwise."

The large-scale presence of Muslims within Western Europe, in the Bilad al-kufr or Lands of the Infidels, has created, for the indigenous Infidels, a situation that is far more unpleasant, expensive, and physically dangerous than it would be without such a large-scale presence.

Some will take issue with what should logically follow from that observation, or suggest different ways of dealing with it, depending on the level of historical knowledge and intelligence and imagination. But no Infidel living in England, or France, or Spain, or Italy, or Germany, or Belgium, or Holland, or Norway, or Sweden, or Denmark can deny the truth of that disturbing but accurate statement.

Oh Naseem does not approve of the fact that the some British people, not radicals or racists, just run of the mill people, concerned for the safety of their families, decided to protect themselves, which is their right under the law in any free land.

Oh, Naseem, does not approve. LOL. The fact that they wearing thick coats on a hot day, and checking their watches, is reason enough. The fact that they were arabic makes it a no-brainer. Get off the plane. It is your right. The airline wouldn't have removed them if it did not agree that they were suspicious. The airline, any airline, reserves the right to ban travel to anyone that it suspects might be a threat to the flight. No one has a right to fly. Flying is a privilege that you can lose if the airline suspects you are a threat, whether you are or not is irrevelant to that fact.

These passengers did what any rational person would do. They saw suspicious men that not only were arabic, but acting like terrorists. Put two and two together and you have the beginning of the best airport security system you can have. Better than El Al.

Give those passengers medals. They are the vanguard of the new movement to save Britain from its politicians, it corporations, and its airport security which obviously failed by allowing two men like that onto the flight to begin with.

So yes Naseem, some people are waking up. Muslims have become such a threat to survival, that simply to be on the same plane as one is now a gamble that some people are not going to take.

I want to kiss those passengers. By showing that the infidels won't go to their deaths like sheep, they showed the jihadists that they have overplayed their hand, and that the public will solve the problem that the government/muslims created.

At last!The long suffering non Muslim majority refuse to be Dhimmis any longer.This despite decades of PC crap and lectures from their 'leaders' who never have to live in areas where Pakistani flags are draped from every window,where caterwauling from mosques occurs 5 times a day,the Blairs NEVER have to take the Tube and are always PROTECTED wherever they go unlike rest of ordinary Brits.RISE UP SONS AND DAUGHTERS OF ENGLAND AND REMOVE THE ENEMIES WITHIN.Every Sharia supporter,every Jihadist,every disgruntled angry Muslim man & woman to be deported to nearest Islamic country.
Oh the joy of NEVER seeing another mosque,sour faced bearded Inman or sinister black burka on the horizon...{Guess I'm dreaming of Infidel Heaven,eh.]

Naseem is being a normal muslim when she says the muslims won. No. They did not win. Human civilization won. Our right to live outweighs a muslims right to travel.

The muslims have BROUGHT THIS ON THEMSELVES - freewoman

Absolutely. It is the failure, of so-called peace loving mohammedans, to denounce the barbaric acts of terrorism occuring in the world today that is causing the increasing social backlash against them. Incidents like this are necessary and serve to draw more attention to the defects inherent to their system of belief. Bravo to these flyers for standing up and questioning their surroundings.

2) What about other asians who get caught in the mix. Hindoos, sikhs and Pakistanis..these peoples will be completely innocent...think about their feelings.

ya their feelings are worth a plane load of peoples lives,Hope there are many more mo' feelings hurt.

naseem --- People with good reason do not trust murdering pedophilic worshippers and are avoiding you like the plague.

Propaganda, such as the kind propagated by CAIR et al, only works in a vacuum. The Soviet Onion lost control of the masses after Gorbachev started his glasnost program. Openness is one thing that destroyed the USSR. Russian housewives who stood hours in (on) line for bread understood that Communism was a failure. They understood that American housewives had no such ordeals to endure. In what way was commumisn superior; they asked. CAIR and other fellow travellers cannot control the news. Every time some Islamic apologist repeats the ROP mantra, somewhere several infidels are murdered. The influential moderate Muslim is a mythological creature, much like the moderate Klansman. Find me a moderate Nazi, please. Moderation in Islam means that stoning has been replaced with hanging; life imprisonment replaces death for apostacy.

Ordinary people do not have to get elected, and therefore do not feel compelled to lie.

Swastikas, jackboots, Hitler moustaches, SS insignia, straight arm salutes, 'arbeit macht frei'....etc

Imam-beards, Paki style pajamas, women in burkha, uulating, the word 'allah'....etc

We poor stupid human beings do our own gut profiling. Its not bigotry - some things ARE found together.

I drove past one of the flight schools here in S Florida last night where some of the hijackers trained. I thought, how clueless and naive were those flight instructors to teach these guys how to take off, but then not follow up with suspicion at all when the 'students' declined landing training? This after 30 years of hijackings, bombings, etc. by Muzbots. Now, 5 years on, we're in a situation where the public is taking the hijab by the horns and is no longer fully reliant on the government or some political hack to try to protect them. This is what I call progress.

I have to admit I do keep my head on a swivel when I am flying to Europe, and I just encouraged my colleague to do the same. This sort of refusal is bound to turn up more and more and it should be revealing to see how various countries and airlines handle it.

Naseem wrote: "What about the wuslims...white peoples who have converted and embraced Islam. How will you profile them...will all whites peoples with beards get profiled too."

Yes, white men with untrimmed beards will get profiled too. White male converts are the most dangerous; they have been indoctrinated into the real Isalm. Scraggly beards are out of fashion, just like fedoras and spats.

I am suspicious by nature, blame it on my past profession but it seems to me every time some muslim plot fails we see an increase in “suspicious incidents”. Innocent muslims who just happen to have a liquid (they were already told not to carry) which test positive for explosive components, over dressed muslims checking watches might just be the tip of the iceberg. How many traveled recently performing little suspicious acts that were not recorded? Are their muslim websites which ask them to travel and perform theses acts of defiance and record the results? Is someone making a list of the new security measures and their effectiveness, if so why?

Screaming islamaphobia and profiling may bother the pc elitists but it is necessary. You don’t believe me, try and fly wearing a KKK outfit or a full Nazi SS uniform. How far would you expect to get? I don’t think anyone in the airport would care if you were told not to fly or at least go change. So we profile and we do so with the full realization a few innocent muslims will go through extra scrutiny and why not? What does it hurt? We all expect our bags to be x-rayed or searched. We should expect all muslims to be searched along with their bags and while we have them, finger print them and verify their identities. After a while we will learn the identities of frequent flyers and one fingerprint scan and they are on their way. Any muslim who calls him/her self a moderate who is not actively seeking out the dangerous cancer in their communities to destroy it is lying to themselves. Every time I meet a muslim who claims to be against “terrorism” I call them out on it. It takes one question: then why are you not a government translator, a confidential source or setting up watch groups inside your communities to identify and report the radicals? So far all I have ever gotten is excuses.

Here is a reality check; you are not forced to fly with anyone whom makes you feel uncomfortable or un safe. Getting off the plane is a good idea but you should also demand compensation. After a while the airlines will be forced to decide whom can fly and who can not. For the muslim frequent flyers who think this is extreme I ask only this: then why are you not a government translator, a confidential source or setting up watch groups inside your communities to identify and report the radicals?

I would think "white peoples" who turned muslim, would still have enough of the ten commandments instilled in them to not want to explode themselves and kill indiscriminately. No doubt their children could be raised to be savages, but I think an adult would have a hard time doing a murder/suicide because a cleric told him it was his duty. This is why I have a hard time understanding why NORMAL people would turn to islam. Criminals, I see, because islam fits their lifestyle. But not normal people.

Naseem says - "2) What about other asians who get caught in the mix. Hindoos, sikhs and Pakistanis..these peoples will be completely innocent...think about their feelings."
I know that travelling will be harder for me. But I blame Islam and its adherents for my difficulties. If not for the damned muslims, life would be better for me.
Hindhoos, Sikhs, Buddhists, Chritians, all non-muslims to stand up to the Muslims if we want peace.For now, I am happy to go through a troublesome period so that my children will not have to face the Jihad.

Doesn’t he mean?
Now the British peoples ARE controlling the terrorists and the Airliners, and they have indeed won.

Q. What about other Asians who get caught in the mix.
A. They should go after your kind for ruining their lives.

Q. What about the wuslims...white peoples who have converted and embraced islam?

A. They made their choice (traitors), now they can pay the butchers bill.

All in all a thoroughly pleasant incident
...which does need to be repeated.

Yes it does, over and over again. What’s the problem, the Infidels are not cooperating and going to their deaths quietly? Congratulations muslims, everyone in the world will soon blame you for the loss of their freedoms.

Freewoman, let's all make the safe assumption: Normal people do not convert to Islam.

“The Tories said the Government's failure to reassure travelers had led the Malaga passengers to 'behave irrationally' and 'hand a victory to terrorists'...”

Here is a classic example of PC vs. Common Sense. I'm not all that savvy about UK politics, but that comment would be enough to turn me against the “Tories” forever. If a politician ever said that here they better have another day job to go to.

“Tories support the killers of your children” should be one of many similar rallying cries until the next election. You Brits really gotta work on kicking your politicians in the ass. It’s an on going problem we’re working on over here too.

"Passengers noticed that, despite the heat, the pair were wearing leather jackets and thick jumpers and were regularly checking their watches."

This looks like a set-up in which the two spoke in wispered Arabic, behaved in a way that brought attention to themselves, dressed in layers of homicide-bomber clothing, and provoked a normal response in which the passengers put 2 and 2 together. The usual suspects (CAIR-style propagandists, e.g.) will probably do their best to reverse the equation of reality, accuse the victims, and pretend that these two did not provoke the passengers' appropriate response to their behavior. They will blame the victims.

The police should grill these two on this basis and very likely the two actors will be found to have some connections to Islamic fascist groups. This is a set-up.

Muslim community - if you want answers, LOOK AT YOURSELVES.

Hooray for our side! It is about time people start to defend their own lives, since the government is more interested in coddling rabid animals.


"Now just imagine if that plane plot has succeeded. No one would fly with a muslim - period. The airlines would ban muslims - not out of safety - simply out of a need to survive economically."

In the U.S. (can't speak for Britain), it would be illegal for the airlines to ban Muslims; such discrimination is prohibited by U.S. law. Even if Congress wanted to change the laws, it would take all of about one month for the ACLU to take a test case to a carefully selected sympathetic liberal judge and get the new laws declared unconstitutional.

The result would be a political and Constitutional crisis in the U.S., the likes of which we haven't seen in decades.

My guess is that the airlines would be forced to continue their antidiscrimination policies, and that would be the end of the domestic airline industry in the U.S. To the ACLU and their liberal friends, that would constitute a "moral victory."

I'm afraid the highly educated Britons are still Islam's useful idiots. You can be sure these passengers were working-class. No self-respecting 'intellectual' would have dared discriminate against 'Asians'.

This is quote from a Brit poster (from an exchange on the foiled airline plot) on a technical Usenet bulletin board:

And what makes you think that they were anything more than a bunch of bored alienated kids fed up with seeing USA troops killing their brethren on TV every day ? Their 'plot' never had a hope of ever working anyway.

I would think "white peoples" who turned muslim, would still have enough of the ten commandments instilled in them to not want to explode themselves and kill indiscriminately. No doubt their children could be raised to be savages, but I think an adult would have a hard time doing a murder/suicide because a cleric told him it was his duty.

Oh, no. The very Catholic and Lutheran Germans were able to able to get the death camps going in the holocaust quite well in spite of their religious upbringing. The pedophile priest scandal in the Catholic Church; who's more stepped in religious training than a priest, yet these guys still went willy-nilly with their crimes, in spite of its ability to sour people on the church. On a lighter note, your fellow parishoners may shake your hand in church, but God help you in the parking lot when they're busting time to get to the restaurant for breakfast before everyone else does; they'll run you over..

There's no zealot like a convert, and I don't see any European convert to islam to have any residual feelings to their former belief system, whether Christianity, or secular humanism.

This is the civilian equivalent of the start of a Rosa Parks-esque movement and is the military equal of a pre-emptive strike in the UK. Keep it up.

Mohammadans now feel the effect of all the terror they have wrought. They have bought this additional level of scrutiny upon themselves. Mythological moderates have failed miserably because instead of addressing the problem, chose to mask the issues with calls for 'sensitivity training', 'interfaith dialog', etc.

Society is waking and learning that CAIR's approach has not, will not, and simply cannot work for western interests.

Perhaps it's because people are reading the qur'an, or books by Mr. Spencer, Dr. Bostom, Ibn Warraq, Bat Ye'or, Orianna Fallaci, Steven Emerson, Daniel Pipes, Serge Trifkovic, Paul Fregosi, David S. Margoliouth, D. C. Watson, Sir William Muir, Rev. W. St. Clair Tisdall, V.S. Naipaul etc. - as well as sites like JihadWatch/DhimmiWatch.

We will not put up with the fear of death. The passengers of flight ZB 613 celebrate life and I celebrate their spirit. They made a clear statement in a profound and dignified manner - and in the process gave me hope.

mohammadans are the source of all airborne terror. The burden (financial, societal) of terrorism must be borne by its source. As Hugh Fitzgerald often states:

"The large-scale presence of Muslims in the lands of the Infidels has created for the indigenous Infidels a situation that is far more unpleasant, expensive, and physically dangerous than it would otherwise be."

Steven, the survival of the air transport system is more important to the government than any law about discrimination. If the air transport system is allowed to fail because the public is too afraid to fly with arabs or muslims onboard, then the public will take it out on the government and its politicians at election time.

Out of their own survival, the political class will bend to the will of the people. Finally.

And if we ever DO find ourselves facing hijackers, our security system has made it so no passengers on the plane will have so much as a nail file to defend themselves with!

Naseem, how can you said the terrorist win when the west people start to realize that EVERY MOSLEM IS A POTENTIAL TERORIST.

Of course this is a good start. You'll see the more response like this in every west country.

"And if we ever DO find ourselves facing hijackers, our security system has made it so no passengers on the plane will have so much as a nail file to defend themselves with!"

Go get some Krav Maga training, and get Israeli on their asses.

I think people are being too pigheaded here. Of course Muslims should be profiles..but do u know there are more than 1 billion Hindus?? yes they all look brown so please dont give me that shit that other 'Asians' should also feel the heat. Its QUITE easy to profile Muslims. Goddamn racist sons of bitches.

After reading about the numerous "test incidents" on US flights, the pathetic responses by US flight crews, plus the recent arrest of the young couple who were going to smuggle explosives in a baby bottle, I will no longer take a plane with anyone of middle eastern appearance or with anyone wearing distinctive muslim dress, or with a name suggesting middle eastern/muslim heritage.

Can someone beat the system? Certainly. But profiling does cut the odds.

Muslims in the US need to get with the program.

A much mocked statement, but still true: either you are with us, or with the terrorists.

I am thrilled that this happened!

Posted by: americaningermany


Bravo to the passengers, who refused to put up and shut up.

......"Muslim free" flights should be offered by airlines nowadays. {{{GOOD ONE!!!!!!!

Posted by: Kim Hartveld

3) What about the wuslims...white peoples who have converted and embraced Islam. How will you profile them...will all whites peoples with beards get profiled too.

All in all a throughly unpleasant incident ...which does not need to be repeated.

Posted by: Naseem

Naseem - you can blame your your own 'Allah'

he says...

009.123 O ye who believe! fight '''the unbelievers''' who gird you about, and let them find firmness in you.

008.067 It is not fitting for a prophet that he should have prisoners of war [slay them first] until he hath thoroughly subdued the land. {Treason

033.061 They shall have a curse on them: whenever they are found, they shall be seized and slain without mercy.

Oh - and by the way Naseem?.... he also says this...

009.039 Unless ye go forth, He will punish you with a grievous penalty, and put others in your place.

Where does that leave you Naseem?

Let the backlash begin - and let the Muslims blame their own god!

Naseem says - "2) What about other asians who get caught in the mix. Hindoos, sikhs,
l am sure Hindus,Sikhs,etc are fed up being placed with muslims as asians. l am sure they have no problem with profiling of muslims. we just need to profile muslims. islam is not a race, but an evil cult.

This PC mind set is going to get us killed, and the fact that the Politicians are more the eager to take the RISK with OUR lives may one day backfire and cost them their lives.

Just this week on CNN and FOX a rep from CAIR finally (after 5 years almost) admitted the Muslim terrorists are Muslims , although CAIR did revert back to their position that the actions were totally un-Islamic.

Thanks CAIR....I'll keep that in mind as my plane heads into a office tower while being flown by to people yelling "Allah-u-Akbar" , or maybe if I'm having my head sawed off with a dull knife
while the Quran is cited for justifying it and Verses are chanted by men in black wearing masks.

Actually the CAIR rep tried to promote Islam by pointing out that its killed less people than other faiths .
Not exactly a selling feature for a tourism ad declaring that Islamic Nations have fewer murders than our competitions Country's .

I would not knowingly get on a flight that had any Muslims at this point...especially if I had a child. And I don't view this as the terrorists winning, I see this as common sense winning.

When the Muslims acted like this back during the time of Christopher Columbus, the non-Muslim people of the world disengaged from the Muslim world...hence the cause of finding another route to get spices.

It's time for the Western World to use our ingenuity and intelligence to divest ourselves of any need for oil or anything else from Muslim nations and disengage from the Muslims. Use our money to buy whatever Muslims own in our countries and send them back to their countries of origins.

One cannot be a Muslim and pledge Allegiance to a non-Muslim government. Why doesn't our government get that? They are unable to be Americans because of their belief and allegiance to Islam. And since Muslims are unable to police themselves and behave, then for our own safety, they need to leave. They have worn out their welcome.

Maldivian above is right - they brought it upon themselves. Re: Tushar's comments above, as far as security profiling by the airlines and airport authorities go, it's okay to do that on the basis of race. In terms of the passengers refusing to fly on the basis that Muslims are on the plane, it's obviously their right - no question there. But given that passengers aren't necessarily looking into the identity of the people they want excluded, they should know for sure that it's Muslims they are boycotting. Sikhs look unique, so there's no reason they should be lumped in with Muslims. Even the BNP seems to know the difference.

Question: if passengers want Muslims to be excluded from a flight, is that done on the basis of their appearance i.e. how they are dressed, bearded, or on the basis of how they look? While it is easy to tell apart a bearded Muslim from bearded Infidels, it's not as easy to separate clean shaven Muslims from other clean shaven 'Asians'.

Let's say a bunch of Indians, Slavs, Israelis, happened to fall into the crosshairs of this bunch, along with the Muslims. They'd have the same desires not to travel with Muslims. Would they then get a third flight in which they could travel? One would hope that passengers who want Muslims thrown off flights know the differences, so that innocent Infidels aren't lumped in with Muslims.

I recall an incident like this weeks after 9/11 in the US, where 2 Pakistanis were put in a delayed plane all by themselves, and flown to their destination. If the above incident becomes a trend, it should start a new trend whereby all Muslims should travel separately from the rest.

Again, congratulations to the passengers on asserting themselves.

You could just have separate flights for muslims (give the planes names like 'shoebomb express' and 'mad mohammed' and call the airline '72 Virgin') - employ Pakistani technicians to maintain the planes (most would then stand on the runway all day, leaking oil, unable to fly into any buildings).

They would employ cabin crew dressed in burkhas, serving sports drinks during the in-flight martyr videos, asking passengers to switch ON their disposable cell phones during take-off, landing and whenever entering the toilets.

The pre-flight safety demonstration would show how to strap on and detonate bomb belts during a perfectly peaceful flight between Brum and Islamabad, asking parents to assist their children before fitting their own.

The pilot will be a crazed Imam who has completed 30 minutes of training on a Microsoft Flight Simulator video game.

Shias would board at the back, Sunnis at the front, with a UN peacekeeping force deployed in between, handing out grenades and providing weapons training facilities and drafting new resolutions against the Israelis' despicable habit of drinking coffee in public places.

Goobs excellent post.

coming to what i want to say

first of all it’s such a pity that westerners don’t know the goodness of their own civilization that they have allowed this buullshit--ISLAM in their lands.

I’m surprised that u the ones who brought the world education and manners and innovation and culture and all the good things.
It really pains me. what a pity. but I also know the reason. Its becoz the west has lost its moral compass and their individuality and freedom has gone overboard ( though I know all may not agree but a simple fact to refute that-- what if Islam never had such dhimmis like Clinton and Esposito and the other white converts to campaign for them.)

At least now its time to wake up.

Some concrete steps to fight Jihad.

1. Make it difficult for muslims to live among u. (I know that some ppl will say stop muslim immigration. u cannot introduce profiling how the hell can u guys stop immigration) so commonsense make it difficult.

2. Start asking them questions in a thought provoking way abt the Koran and hadith. ( wondering what to ask -- Is it true Mo forced himself on a nine year girl) so on and so forth especially as at public gatherings and at interfaiths and before the Dhimmis and at their invite to Mosques.

3. the fight against this will need to take all fronts whether u agree or not. I mean spiritual , militarily, physiological, propaganda wise but more that all to stand for ur faith the Judeo Christian faith and to show them, that it is a better alternative. ( point here: consider the number of Ex muslims testimonies including the ex terrorists and Imams.)

4. Spread the message. Take it to ur church pastor. Print and Start distributing. do whatever it takes.

5. When any mosque is going up in ur area to come file an objection. (point -- 911 hijackers used Hamburg mosque. Show proof how this one wont be used for similar purposes. Hence don’t allow)

6. Write to the foolish senators abt that bull shit land called Saudi where they wont even allow a crucifix while the dhimmis allow such huge mosques to come up with Saudi funding. It’s a pity they lack an elementary grade brain.

7. support conversions of Mulims to Christianity (point _ walid Shoebat et al) U reduce the threat.

8. Fund the Muslim outreach ministries in US and everywhere. every convert reduces threat to ur LIFE.

9. Isolate their businesses.dont give them a a stake in ur corporations. don’t allow them on any positions in educational d judiciary and so on.

I can go on and on but this is enough.

Tushar Saxena, mts,

As far as the Indian Hindus is concern, they would be clapping their hands and thanking those people for standing up to any possible terror threats on the airplanes after they own experence with the bombing of commuter trains in India this summer. It is time for the common everyday people to take on the fight that is at hand.

Also when it comes to wrongful actions done by people who are Christian, at least we who are Christian accept our responsibilities which includes condemming any wrongs done.

This topic was posted on, a very big aviation website.

Most of the posters condemned that passengers. But then again there are a lot of muslims on that site and very advanced liberals. LOL

Someone noted the jihad connection to islam. So, one poster said that Islam does not call for the killing of anyone. So I refuted that contention and posted quotes from the Koran and hadith to refute that claim.

Naturally a couple of muslim posters demanded that my post, with the quotes from their holy book, be removed. And sure enough, within minutes it was. So I posted it again, challenging them to let both sides of the issue be heard, and it was removed again within minutes.

Remarks aimed at me were "loser", "idiot" etc. . One muslim poster remarked that he could not believe someone from Toronto would believe such a thing. Meaning people from Toronto are supposed to be smarter than that. He asked, "What about all those muslims in Mississsaga?" Evidently he was unaware of recent events! LOL

Muslims conspire to control what is discussed, not only on TV and radio, but on the internet. There are many muslim moderators on that site, so a post such as mine, quoting the Koran and the smoking gun passages, could not last more than 5 mintues.

There is an ironic element to all this. When books are censored, it is usually by people who do not approve of such publications. In the case of muslims, however, they censor their OWN book. They don't want non-muslims to read what is in it. That is how bad it is.

The quotes used:

Allah is an enemy to unbelievers. - Sura 2:98

On unbelievers is the curse of Allah. - Sura 2:161

Slay them wherever ye find them and drive them out of the places whence they drove you out, for persecution is worse than slaughter. - 2:191

Fight against them until idolatry is no more and Allah's religion reigns supreme. (different translation: ) Fight them until there is no persecution and the religion is God's entirely. - Sura 2:193 and 8:39

Fighting is obligatory for you, much as you dislike it. - 2:216
(different translation: ) Prescribed for you is fighting, though it is hateful to you.

..... martyrs.... Enter heaven - Surah 3:140-43

If you should die or be killed in the cause of Allah, His mercy and forgiveness would surely be better than all they riches they amass. If you should die or be killed, before Him you shall all be gathered. - 3:157-8

You must not think that those who were slain in the cause of Allah are dead. They are alive, and well-provided for by their Lord. - Surah 3:169-71

Let those fight in the cause of God who sell the life of this world for the hereafter. To him who fights in the cause of God, whether he is slain or victorious, soon we shall give him a great reward. - Surah 4:74

Those who believe fight in the cause of God, and those who reject faith fight in the cause of evil. - 4:76

But if they turn renegades, seize them and slay them wherever you find them. - 4:89

Therefore, we stirred among them enmity and hatred, which shall endure till the Day of Resurrection, when Allah will declare to them all that they have done. - 5:14

O believers, take not Jews and Christians as friends; they are friends of each other. Those of you who make them his friends is one of them. God does not guide an unjust people. - 5:54

Make war on them until idolatry is no more and Allah's religion reigns supreme - 8:39

O Prophet! Exhort the believers to fight. If there are 20 steadfast men among you, they shall vanquish 200; and if there are a hundred, they shall rout a thousand unbelievers, for they are devoid of understanding. - 8:65

It is not for any Prophet to have captives until he has made slaughter in the land. - 8:67

Allah will humble the unbelievers. Allah and His apostle are free from obligations to idol-worshipers. Proclaim a woeful punishment to the unbelievers. - 9:2-3

When the sacred months are over, slay the idolaters wherever you find them. Arrest them, besiege them, and lie in ambush everywhere for them. - 9:5

Believers! Know that idolators are unclean. - 9:28

Fight those who believe neither in God nor the Last Day, nor what has been forbidden by God and his messenger, nor acknowledge the religion of Truth, even if they are People of the Book, until they pay the tribute and have been humbled. - 9:29 (another source: ) The unbelievers are impure and their abode is hell. (another source: ) Humiliate the non-Muslims to such an extent that they surrender and pay tribute.

Whether unarmed or well-equipped, march on and fight for the cause of Allah, with your wealth and your persons. - 9:41

O Prophet! Make war on the unbelievers and the hypocrites. Be harsh with them. Their ultimate abode is hell, a hapless journey's end. - 9:73

Allah has purchased of their faithful lives and worldly goods, and in return has promised them the Garden. They will fight for His cause, kill and be killed. - 9:111

Fight unbelievers who are near to you. 9:123 (different translation:
Believers! Make war on the infidels who dwell around you. Let them find harshness in you. (another source: ) Ye who believe! Murder those of the disbelievers....

As for those who are slain in the cause of Allah, He will not allow their works to perish. He will vouchsafe them guidance and ennoble their state; He will admit them to the Paradise He has made known to them. - 10:4-15

Allah has cursed the unbelievers and proposed for them a blazing hell. - 33:60

Unbelievers are enemies of Allah and they will roast in hell. - 41:14

When you meet the unbelievers, smite their necks, then when you have made wide slaughter among them, tie fast the bonds, then set them free, either by grace or ransom, until the war lays down its burdens. - 47:4
(different translation: ) When you meet the unbelievers in the battlefield, strike off their heads, and when you have laid them low, bind your captives firmly.

Those who are slain in the way of Allah - he will never let their deeds be lost. Soon will he guide them and improve their condition, and admit them to the Garden, which he has announced for them. - 47:5

Muslims are harsh against the unbelievers, merciful to one another. - 48:25

Muhammad is Allah's apostle. Those who follow him are ruthless to the unbelievers but merciful to one another. Through them, Allah seeks to enrage the unbelievers. - 48:29

Prophet! Make war on the unbelievers and the hypocrites and deal sternly with them. Hell shall be their home, evil their fate. - 66:9

The unbelievers among the People of the Book and the pagans shall burn forever in the fire of hell. They are the vilest of all creatures. - 98:51

So when a muslim sees those quotes posted, he says to himself, "Oh, shit. Someone is on to us. Pull it. Pull it! That is for OUR EYES ONLY. Get those quotes off the screen. Now!"

And sure enough, they disappear.

This is why it is so hard to fight the jihad by educating the public. Essentially, the mainstream internet sites won't allow such education.

Also, what are your suggestions, Tushar Saxena, on profiling muslims and muslims ONLY without profiling the "wrong" people?
First you have passengers before checking must wrap the Israeli flag around themselves, that way you can avoid Nazis from boarding, killing two birds with one stone, next you could put a matt of Muhammud's face just as they board avoid muslims from faking. Seriously all the airlines need do, is to follow steps taken by the Israeli airlines, to avoid terrorists onto planes. that simple

As usual, the Mail has selected only the comments they wish to expose -- and they are all pro-Islam. Many other comments have been sent, but the Mail has no intention of allowing the real comments to be posted. Too bad you can't believe what you read in the Mail.

We're waiting for our comments to show up. You guys keep up the good work.



I have copied and pasted the koran quotes and have placed them in a Word document for reference if I see anymore references of Islam as a "religion of peace" stuff. Thanks for the list.

Naseem -

You stated, "think about their feelings"

Oh brother!!! We are fighting a war on terror, Naseem, and it's more important to save precious lives than to spare someone's feelings.

Rosa Parks had her bus. Western moms have their airplanes.

I think the west countries should use collective punishment for the Moslem terorist. This is like Israel what has done to the Moslem suicide bomber by destroy their family house.

Instead to destroy their family house, west countries can use another collective punishment method, by deport their family or freeze their family properties asset.

Subsunk, AiG:

I tried posting on the Mail a couple of days back supporting Chief Superintendant Humphreys.

As you might guess - no show (and that's the paper Melanie Phillips writes for).

I see names here that I see arguing with the Dhimmis on CiF (Guardian Unlimited) - Sobieski, Jihadisbad, for example. Why not join us? I know it's soul-destroying trying to argue with them, but we have to at least try. The Brits ("Middle England") are slowly waking up and starting to take a look around at the real world outside their oh-so-comfortable homes. I don't think it will be too long before we start really taking a bulldog grip on Islam.

There is an anti-Islam poster on CiF goes by the name of HeiGou - he or she is formidable. Try looking at it for a while. No harm in that.

Click "comment" on the top bar, and take it from there. When you can get Guardian - a paper that makes American Liberals look like rabid nazis - readers to start thinking seriously about the danger of Islam, then we are on a winning roll. Even one or two of their longstanding columnists - a la Toynbee - are starting to come around. Progress. And the Observer - a Guardian stablemate - had a promising editirial a couple of weeks back.

Get in there and mix it with them. It's the only way.

Profiling is not arbitrary! Profiling seeks the most likely terrorists. It is not 100%, but it is much better than arbitrary inspection. Profiling is one of the best defensive tools we have now and we must use all we have, defensive and offensive.

Posted by: The Goobs at August 20, 2006 01:07 PM

Your scenario could be made into a screenplay for the next installment of the "Airplane!" franchise;

"Airplane! 3 - Captain Mo's nonstop ticket to Hell"

"2) What about other asians who get caught in the mix. Hindoos, sikhs and Pakistanis..these peoples will be completely innocent...think about their feelings."

pakistanis are widely muslim so they should be profiled on the base of their birth country. Period. The chance to find a pakistani that's christian is very little, thanks to pakistan murdering all other religions.

SEcondly, any hindu or sikh would do ANYTHING to dissociate himself from the devilish fanatic death cult that's islam.

I suggest a copy of the koran brutalized in front of their eyes. That way you catch any muslim, white, asian etc. And finally even nasheem won't be allowed anymore to our planes (and our countries)

Naseem, noone gives a rat's rosy red rectum about muslim "feelings" any more. Think how bad the other passengers would feel if thye were blown up mid-flight by muslims. Screw islam. We tired of your lies and are fighting back. If the muslims don't like it, let them ride a camel to their destinations. As for the Sikhs, God bless 'em, they know how to handle muslims.

Naseem mentions other asians feelings forgetting that only the media call muslims asian. Muslims are easy to spot shaded as they are by a dark cloud of there own haterid and contempt for all others. the passengers did the right thing and lets not forget they dident point the finger at a Hindoo or a Sikh they correctly identified a Muslim which goes some way to proving my point. Profiling for Islam is not the same as profiling for asians.
ps whats this about wusslims. Isent a wuss somebody who is weak and or cowardly seems strange that someone like Nas would describe there fellow cultists like that ;)

Naseem mentions other asians feelings forgetting that only the media call muslims asian. Muslims are easy to spot shaded as they are by a dark cloud of there own haterid and contempt for all others. the passengers did the right thing and lets not forget they dident point the finger at a Hindoo or a Sikh they correctly identified a Muslim which goes some way to proving my point. Profiling for Islam is not the same as profiling for asians.
ps whats this about wusslims. Isent a wuss somebody who is weak and or cowardly seems strange that someone like Nas would describe there fellow cultists like that ;)
pps sorry if this multi posts JW seems to be having trouble today as well.

I agree with the majority here. I would not fly on a plane that had Arabic looking people on it. Not that I am a racist, I am not, but the muslim's state openly they want to kill us, and we cannot trust them.

A couple of years ago when going through Brussels airport carry-on luggage check, Security pulled out a box cutter from a Middle Eastern man's carry-on. They pulled him out of line, then they released him less than 5 minutes later. I mentioned my concern to one of the Belgium security there, but he only shrugged.

My eyes followed him to make sure he was not getting on my plane to America. If he had, believe me that airport would never have forgotten me. I have no doubt that in this particular case at the Brussels airport, this Muslim was checking out the security.

Do I profile? Yes I do. Box cutters on an airplane. You bet I profile!