UK will tackle "ethnic tensions" with "fact, not myth" -- but will not discuss "perverted form of Islam"

Myth, not fact, from dhimmi British fact-finders who steadfastly refuse to discuss the real source of the troubles of non-assimilation they're scratching their heads over: the teachings of Islam, and their reinforcement by Muslim leaders who have preached against assimilation for years. "UK 'must tackle ethnic tensions,'" from the BBC, with thanks to JE:

Tensions between people of different ethnic groups and faiths in British society must be tackled, says Communities Secretary Ruth Kelly.

Ms Kelly launched a Commission on Integration and Cohesion, calling for a "new and honest" debate on diversity.

The body, which will start work next month, will look at how communities in England tackle tensions and extremism....

The launch of the commission comes amid growing fears of alienation, especially among young Muslims....

In a speech in London, Ms Kelly said the UK had moved away from an era of "uniform consensus" about multi-culturalism.

People were now questioning whether multi-culturalism instead encouraged separateness, she said.

But the new debate had to be based on "fact, not myth".

Ms Kelly promised the commission would not be a "talking shop" and would not focus on tackling the ideology of a "perverted form of Islam" - something the government was examining in other ways.

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Of course, if they were concerned to tell the truth - can anyone imagine that? - they would have said that they will tackle "ethnic tensions" with myth not fact.

What a joke!

"a perverted form of Islam"

As opposed to which kind?

Ruth Kelly - alleged member of Opus Dei & devout Catholic.

Yes, the Jihadi's, The Muslim Peers & Knights of the Realm & the much vaunted, yet never voted for, "Muslim Community Leaders" are really interested in listening to you in your cosy talking shop.

More stall tactics from the recycled communists of New Labour.

From the BBC report:

"...she did suggest faith schools could be encouraged to play sports matches against each other..."

The Muslim team versus the non-Muslim team. How could you possibly promote integration better than that?

Ms. Kelley is working overtime to win that Dhimmi dimwit of the Year Award.

albion ,

Ms Kelly's "cilice" is obviously too tight and has cut the circulation of blood to her brain...dont know what excuses the rest have for this hairbrained scheme. WE are ruled by a bunch of intellectual dwarves .....who feed us so much drivel.

Appeasers each and every one of them !!

Ruth Kelly is a traitor, as is Tony Blair. They are only interested in their own careers and lining their own pockets. During one of hte niggest terrorist raids in this country where is papa Tony? In Barbados sunning himself. Did he immediately jump on a plane and come home? NO.

Multiculturalism was an ignorant experiment, intercultaralism will make things worse. Our country has been sold out by this government. The children have been brain washed in the best stalinist traditions by papa Tony.

And another thing.

The racial tensions Ruth Kelly is spouting on about were created by people like her. By constantly telling ethnic minorities in this country that they are justified in their hatred of us they have merely confirmed in the minds of these people that they were right about "us" all along. It's about time we loked at the REAL facts instead of crawling up the arses of those people who come to our country for the free hand outs. A few years ago all you heard was how hard the muslim population worked compared to the sad white people. NOW we hear they have more unemployed than any other group. Surely what they mean is that they have the most people demanding state benefits. Now, whereas I am loathe to ask for state benefits because I would feel that I am living off of others, the muslim "unemployed" happily take benefits with the justification that they are "striking a blow against the infidel".

By taking a close look at the creator of islam, mohammed, it is easy to see that he was really not much more than a con-man, constanly justifying anything he wanted by convenient visits from God, even if it meant contradicting what God had told him on the last visit.

This country has many "racial" problems, sadly they are mainly caused by the other races that have taken up residence here. I say this from my direct observation of town, city and country I live in and is NOT based on statistics fiddled by the government.

Wake up and smell the sharia people.........

Multi-Culturalism is Dead - Long Live Forced Integration...

While at the same time free speech is further diminished...

Yobs are free to behave worse than animals while decent people are murdered...,,2-2006390293,00.html

EU Immigrants can avail themselves of a £10,000 golden 'Hello' and UK benefits are sent back home...

Daily Express 24th Aug, not online except for...

The 'perverted form of Islam' which is mainstream Islam, based on the Koran & the Sunnah, is to be discussed or not discussed?

I wouldn't mind to tell this lady a few things eye to eye....

Doesn't the name Commission on Integration and Cohesion sound like it came from the Committee on Vice and Virtue or the The Zayed Center for Coordination and Follow Up or the Center for Equal Opportunities and Opposition to Racism? What a draconian sound it has! Designed to mask the fact its goal is to promote the establishment of Islam in England.

This news should be a wake up call for the UKs public,pandoras box lid has finally opened,i cannot see how so called educatied persons in power could not forsee the final outcombe of there social experiment,the UK has been on the route to becomming a third world nation for sometime now.Okay we have lots of diffrent races in the UK so why are we forced to see only muslims and there ways,are there not other cultures in the UK? why do they take a back seat?.Other cultures in the UK will see the progress made by using violance and follow the islamic way,they the war mungers bring there wars with them into the UK,we are on route to absolute chaos.

Okay, fine, at least they see there's a problem. Let them talk and talk and talk and when they come up against a brick wall with nowhere else to go from there besides the obvious ...will they then finally see?

"People were now questioning whether multi-culturalism instead encouraged separateness, she said."

Well, of course, that's what multiculturalism is all about - encouraging ethnic minorities to develop separately instead of making an effort to assimilate to the native culture. But now she doesn't like the inevitable consequences of that policy.

In the box next to the BBC article, there's the following interesting quote:

"The government is aware that society is fragmenting into tribes - but if they are talking about creating common values for different faith groups, what are they?" -- Munira Mirza, multi-culturalism researcher

If Ms. Kelly wasn't such a multiculturalist dingbat herself, she should have had an answer to that question. But he's not going to get an answer to that question, the way Ms. Kelly is going about it.

If anybody in the British Government had any guts, they would simply say that there is no place for political violence in British democracy. And British Muslims must not carry around the option of violent jihad in their hip pockets like a credit card, ready to pull out and employ whenever they think they have a grievance. In a modern democracy, no political grievance ever justifies violent jihad.

That's all it would take, basically. They could even quote me directly if they want.

All of the posters before me are quite right. I agree with all of their points. However, I am slightly, only slightly, encouraged by an email which is circulating amongst the indigenous people of my country (the UK). Some of you may not have seen it yet so I have given the text here (below) but I think that this email has probably been seen and forwarded by about seventy percent of the indigenous population.

Our government may be selling us out but we, the people, know exactly what is going on - even if we don't yet know what to do about it.

The text of the email:

> The Rat
>> A City Gent walked into a curio shop in Notting Hill. Looking around at
>>the exotica, he noticed a very life-like, life-size bronze statue of a
>>rat. It had no price tag, but it looked so striking that he decided he
>>must have it. He took it to the owner and asked "How much is the bronze
>>rat?" "Twelve pounds for the rat, a hundred pounds if you bring it back,
>>"said the owner. The City Gent gave the shop owner twelve pounds. "I'll
>>take the rat; And I won't be bringing it back." As he walked down the
>>street carrying the bronze rat, he noticed that a few real rats had
>>crawled out of alleys and sewers, and began following him down the street.
>>This was a bit disconcerting, so he began to walk a little bit faster.
>>Within a couple of blocks, the group of rats behind him grew to over a
>>hundred, and they began squealing. He started to trot towards the river
>>Thames . He took a nervous look around and saw that the rats numbered in
>>the thousands, maybe in the millions, and they were all squealing and
>>coming towards him faster and faster. Terrified, he ran to the edge of the
>>water and threw the bronze rat as far out into the river Thames as he
>>could. Amazingly, the millions of rats all jumped into the water after it,
>>and were drowned. The City Gent walked back to the curio shop. "Aha," said
>>the owner, "You're bringing it back !""Actually no," said the City Gent.
>>"I've come back to see how much you want for that little bronze Muslim
>>over there!"

Don't be fooled by our government - the people here know what is going on even if we don't know what to do about it, yet!


Apparently that touchy-feely multiculturalism, so beloved of Britain's elites, isn't going over so well with the average Brits anymore:

Britons 'Scared Of Islam'
Updated: 02:15, Friday August 25, 2006
A majority of people in Britain feel threatened by Islam, according to a new survey.
The revelation, in a YouGov poll for The Daily Telegraph, comes the day after the Government launched a bid to tackle inter-faith tensions.
The survey found that 53% were concerned about the impact of the religion - not just fundamentalist elements. This was up 21% from a similar poll in 2001.
There has also been a near doubling of those agreeing that "a large proportion of British Muslims feel no sense of loyalty to this country and are prepared to condone or even carry out acts of terrorism".
Some 18% backed the statement - compared with just one in 10 in the wake of the terrorist bombings in London last July.
There was a seven point drop - to 16% - in those believing "practically all British Muslims are peaceful, law-abiding citizens who deplore terrorist acts as much as anyone else".,,30000-13539642,00.html

Of course, some of those responding to the poll must have been Muslims themselves. So if their responses were excluded, the poll's results would tip slightly further toward being worried about Islam.

Steven L./

Yep, we know what's going on, but what the h**l do we do about it? Any ideas?


I'm sure if someone here at DW from the United Kingdom investigated Ms Kelly's family tree the name Neville Chamberlain would pop up sooner or later.

Hey, maybe Kelly means that they will really talk about islam, not the 'perverted myth' of the Religion of Peace??

Bets anyone?

"Ms. Kelley is working overtime to win that Dhimmi dimwit of the Year Award."

Actually this isn't a bad idea. Maybe we could take a vote every December on who we think should have this award. It would certainly upset them.

I'm trying to dream up a form of words which could be put at the head of some sort of generalised petition critical of Islam - or a letter to Ruth Kelly, for that matter:

"Despite its longevity and the number of its adherents, and whatever wealth, power and historical prestige its followers may possess, Islam promulgates a system of beliefs and values which are unacceptable by the standards of the other great religions of the world or by any rational, civilised agnostic / secularist. Furthermore, inextricably embedded within this religion are mandates which must inevitably lead not only to discord between Muslims and non-Muslims but actual aggression and violence by Muslims against non-Muslims. Where there is less friction or conflict than one would expect - between Muslim countries and their non-Muslim neighbours or between Muslim immigrant populations and their host communities - it is a result of the tendency of human beings to behave moderately, not because of any moderating tendencies fostered by Islam. By its very nature, especially the institution of shariah law, this religion is also inimical to the practices of any form of liberal democracy. Because it attributes to itself a uniquely authoritative, literal and prescriptive source of divine revelation for its tenets, this religion is to all intents and purposes incapable of any meaningful reform beyond a tacit agreement by its followers to sideline its practice into the sphere of personal devotion or the performance of rituals. By its very nature, especially the institution of shariah law, this religion is also inimical to the practices of any form of liberal democracy."

sorry, scrub repeated last sentence

If we in the West had grown accustomed to Sufism and reasonably ‘secular’ Islam, and that that Sufism was to be expected from the Moslems entering infidel lands, then employing that logic, yes, we could say that 'true' Islam is a arguably a perversion of sorts. Is that what he meant?

Don't be fooled by our government - the people here know what is going on even if we don't know what to do about it, yet!

Maybe, but I'm skeptical.

Even if they do know, we can't talk about it. And cuz we can't talk about it we can't organize. Unable to organize, we can't make a response to protect ourselves from the perdition that awaits us.

The readers of Al-Guardian and other left wing propaganda outlets don’t get it because they never will. If a Taleban fighter pressed the muzzle of a rifle to their head the last thought they would have is how America could infuriate the Muslims enough to do this to me.

The readers of the right wing newspapers, if they got their way wouldn’t need to worry about the Taleban fighter because the SAS would have double tapped him.

The ones in the middle are the ones who choose the ‘Don’t Know’ option when they fill out these polls. Either because they haven’t given it thought or they are too busy living life to get involved. Either way they are the ones we need to fight over and the fast jihad is helping us to do that job.

Everybody in the world thinks we are a bunch of sarcastic, ignorant bastards so we can’t be that multicultural.

The Sky News link has a Blog. It is good to see that under the article on profiling most of the comments were in agreement with it and they also seemed aware of the islamic threat to the country somewhat. Of course the muslim posters were not and put in their dawa about islam being peaceful and everything is the fault of the USA foreign policy, blah, blah, blah... No one called them on all the terrorism in India, Thailand, Nigeria,....

tony blair, ruth kelly and the whole of the govermant know what's going on. They are just frightend little kittens when it comes to the p.c. crowd. (same with many U.S. government officials, as well, most of the West.) Stop the importation now! It may be to late however, as many 3rd world countries have an exponential birth rate. Just sayin it as I see it.

I was reading an article in connection with this story in a London free paper. In it, a "Muslim Leader" was complaining that integration was a "two way street".

Doesn't this just take the biscuit? Basically, it means, Muslims don't have to integrate if they don't perceive that we are acting to accommodate them. And ultimately it is a concealed threat isnt it? Because what he is saying that while there is no integration, people will live in fear. The impotus is placed on us to act to rid ourselves of the fear - and we have two choices, fight or surrender. But I'll come back to that.

The reality is that Muslims have the sort of direct line straight to Blairs cabinet that no other group has. The police bend over backwards to accomodate Muslims; standing guard outside mosques, wearing purple ribbons of empathy and other displays of Leftish drivel. On top of that, in our long standing tradition, the people of Britain have just tolerated Muslims. I think that we have done more than enough to expect the Muslims to hold to their part of the bargain.

But no. They continue to spin the lie that we are not doing enough. And of course we are not. Because what they want is a submission to Islam. Nothing more, nothing less. This is their idea of integration. Intergration for us into Islam.

What do we do about it? If you have a Conservative MP - because I don't think that the Labour and Liberals will quite get it, they don't understand about freedom quite in the same way a Conservative should - write to him or her, and tell them what you understand about Islam, and how you are worried that it threatens our Parliamentary Democracy. In fact, write to your prospective Conservative MP - I think that he or she will get in next time. I would also recommend writing to David Davis MP - I think he is going to be our next Home Office Minister, and I was impressed with the way that he rejected calls for British foreign policy to be altered according to the wishes of the Muslim Council.

I think that it is important that an idea is transmitted to the clearest thinkers amongst the law makers or our land that we are not going to tolerate a slide into tyranny - especially not after spending the last thousand years as a people developing freedom. We have to remind them that they are there to ensure our freedom, not to prohibit it.

If you are concerned about the replacment of Common Law with Sharia Law, I would also like you to consider getting involved with the fight against the introduction of Napoleonic Law; the system of Law which is (symbollically at least) associated with the Evil European Union. Here is another threat to our freedom, folks. The UK is in danger of slipping out of the Anglosphere - which is the bastion of free thought and expression, and the check against the rise of any tyranny. Read:

Just one more thing: don't be beguiled by the BNP. They are an odius organisation, and they will try to hijack this issue. Freedom is for all men, not just white ones. When the BNP get involved it will just make it easier for the Lefties to discredit us.

If one examines traditional islam, Mohammed (Pigs Be Upon Him) was a terrorist, a rapist, murderer, slaver, tribal warlord, liar, cheat, thief, brigand, false prophet, pedophile, lousy poet and in general not a very nice fellow.