UN calls for peace as fighting continues

If I had a dime for every "lasting peace" agreement in the Middle East, I would be able to retire in luxury. Al Jazeera.Net includes a bonus picture of all powerful Green Helmet Man in a charming ensemble that includes gloves but no orange vest, which is good, because orange is so last season.

Condoleezza Rice, the US secretary of state, said that the UN text should "open a path to lasting peace between Lebanon and Israel that will end the suffering and violence of this past month".

I suspect that lasting peace will come to Lebanon when Hizballah and their backers are crushed by overwhelming force so that they no longer have the ability to make war.

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What a terrible disservice to Israel, Rice did.
The continual denouement of Israel by the UN is par for the course.

Rice of course is aided and abbetted by Olmert and the appeasement Lemmings of the government who've been pushed into power over the last 13 yrs, and forced to yell, 'land for peace' and with all the bombings from the land given over.... no peace.

It is 'disproportionate' to use a currently popular term, to force Israel to eat the homicidal attacks of a terrorist front for Iran and Islam, and then have the media and the UN play deaf, dumb, stupid and finally malevolent to that small state, in the face of the hatefilled politics and tactics of the arab states and the 'religion of airline safety'

The people of Israel have been forced to eat this appeaement and weakening of them, and may it finally blow up in our face and Europes.

You'd think after all the muslims killing each other this year in Iraq, the EU, the US and everyone else would get an epiphany, and understand, it has nothing to do with anything except dominion, and the Islamic desire to rule, everywhere.

Even killing each other, in their mosques and schools- there is nothing the Jews can do, for such a religion, except fight and give nothing at all.

The small land of Israel is theirs, and no where else, and any attempt to play 'Roadmap' or anything like that, only brings the Achmaninejad's out for a walter duranty moment and the terror threat to everyone unchecked.

Shame on Rice.

The UN doesn't seem to care very much if things go sideways in Africa, but any military action performed by Israel, even in self-defence, is wrong and must be condemned every single day. Nazi Germany did nothing to even diminish anti-semitism in the world, people just pretend to be horrified and then go back to Jew bashing.

NOT a single UK or US soldier to be part of this accursed, toothless and likely doomed UN sop to the appeasers.

Why is the US throwing Israel to the wolves? So much for the Jews' last friends! I guess Israel is on its own now, just as Europe's Jews were until the Allies finally woke up to the real threat. Well, I expect the peace may last for quite a while. Israel has set back the Hezzies significantly, so it will take the Hezzies quite a while to rearm before they launch their next attack. And they will want to make sure they have the weapons it takes to wipe Israel off the map. This fighting was just the appetizer. The next war will be the main course. And once Israel falls into Islamic hands, Europe will be swallowed for dessert.

Wasn't it disgusting to see the corrupt Kofi on TV scold the Security Council for taking so long in reaching this cease-fire? He drew himself up as the grand moral arbiter, so devoted to peace in our time...
-what a mendacious, self-serving twit. No, not 'twit' - rather 'dirtbag'.
Need we point out that he gets all paternally righteous only when he's trashing Israel?...he should use some of that paternal muscle on his thief of a son...
Given his shady dealings, why does the U.S. continue to tolerate him?

Just do like I do keep notes, remember this next election. Part of this is our own fault we elect idiots and appeasers and we all pay a terrible price for it. Sorry Condi you lost at least my vote.

why does the U.S. continue to tolerate him?

Posted by: sonnyboy

Simple we love bad propaganda. Remember Baghdad Bob? He would have made a fortune here in the US. Any comedy club or sitcom would have been glad to get um and we would have watched.

While the UN Security Council passed its resolution in New York, on Friday, another resolution was passed in the 2nd Special session of the United Nations Human Rights Council, in Geneva, 11’th August 2006.

The session of the "Human Rights Council" was preceded by a 7 page statement of Louise Arbour, UN High Commissioner for Human rights.

Faking an even handed approach Ms. Arbour first deplored “the accumulated and increasing toll of civilian deaths and injuries in Lebanon and Israel”.

After feigning an unbiased stance, the High Commissioner then quickly cut to the chase. “The massive displacement of populations and the destruction of civilian infrastructure in Lebanon require the intervention of this Council”

But beyond the obligatory referrals to an alarming “choice of targets by all sides” Ms Arbour incriminated Israel alleging it was targeting civilians.

“The death of hundreds of civilians in documented and corroborated incidents, involving either random or targeted attacks on civilian vehicles or buildings strongly suggest the indiscriminate use of force. On 30 July, the world was shocked by the Israel attack on the residential building in Qana that killed scores of civilians, including a large number of children, who had sought shelter there. Hundreds of people have died in Lebanon, while the survivors continue to endure large-scale destruction of critical infrastructure and utter devastation. But to date, Israeli attacks affecting civilians continue unabated.”

Then, the High Commissioner made her recommendation:

“Mr. President, There have been calls for a comprehensive, high-level inquiry into reports of serious violations of human rights law and international humanitarian law in Israel and Lebanon to be led by internationally renowned experts. …. The Council’s commitment to exposing all human rights violations and addressing the calls of al victims for reparation and justice will help those affected by this conflict to start rebuilding their shattered life”

The text of Louis Arbour's statement can be found below:


“Mr. President, There have been calls for a comprehensive, high-level inquiry into reports of serious violations of human rights law and international humanitarian law in Israel and Lebanon to be led by internationally renowned experts. ….

Watch for the demand for war crime tribunals.

Funny, I suspect that lasting "peace"--Islamic style--will come to Lebanon when Hizballah and their backers use overhwelming force to crush the Christians and secular Muslims living there.

The United States should be careful by giving in to terrorist and not standing by Isreal. In Ezekiel 38 those who are against Isreal will be distroyed. Muslims don't ever want peace they want to spread Islam throughout the world and take over. Just glance throuh the Koran like I have, those people are brainwashed and very disturbed. This is the last days of good versus evil.

The draft text of the resolution passed by the United Nations Human Rights Council in Geneva on Friday 11'th August 2006 can be obtained on this link.


The resolution has been proposed to the Council by Afghanistan, Algeria, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Egypt, Guinea, Indonesia, Iran, Jordan, Kuwait, Kyrgyzstan, Lebanon, Libya, Malaysia, Morocco, Palestine (sic), Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Syria and Tunisia.

In the preamble, the resolution makes some statements reaffirming that peace and security are the pillars of the UN system. After the customary reference to motherhood and apple pie, the resolutions recalls the commitments of the High Contracting Parties to the Geneva Convention relative to War Crimes and Crimes against Humanity.

Subsequently, the resolution condemns “Israeli military operations in Lebanon, which constitute gross systematic human rights violations of Lebanese people….resulting in the massacre of thousands of civilians…indiscriminate and massive Israeli air strikes, in particular on the village of Qana on 30 July 2006, and the targeting of UN peacekeepers at the United Nations observer post in southern Lebanon on 25 July 2006”

There a little bit of something for every NGO (WWF, Amnesty you name it), as the resolution “notes with concern the environmental degradation…Outraged at the continuing senseless killings by Israel, with impunity, of children, women, elderly and other civilians in Lebanon”.

The resolution was accepted by 27 states. In addition to the Arab and Muslim states, it was also supported by China, Russia, India, South Africa and most of the Latin American members of the Council. 11 countries voted against the resolution. Some states such as the EU countries voted against the resolution because as the Finnish envoy in Geneva, Vesa Himanen, explained “the EU condemns the death of innocent civilians by Israeli air attacks just as well as by rocket attacks of the Hezbollah”.

Look on the bright side. \the French are going to regret the position they have taken. In 1978 they sent a peace keeping force to Lebanon, led by a particularly charismatic commander -one with a dynamic presence, one who could get things done. Within weeks he was on a life-support machine.

Loved the "fashion" joke, but on a diferent note I don't think that there will ever be lasting peace in Lebanon or in the Middle East for one simple reason: Muslims love death.

The only people that managed to fully subdue Muslims were the Mongols, and they managed to do that by leaving Afghanistan in the sorry state it is to this day, and by burning Bagdad and more than 200,000 of its citizens with their city. The West won't go down to that level (actual genocide), so we can never win. That doesn't mean that we will lose, it only means that we can't win.

The other solution, would be to expel certain populations from the Middle East (example: Shias from Lebanon). I don't see that happening either.

"Funny, I suspect that lasting "peace"--Islamic style--will come to Lebanon when Hizballah and their backers use overhwelming force to crush the Christians and secular Muslims living there."

I have a strange feeling that there are no 'secular' muslims. The muslims that are described as 'secular' are only the ones that have not started on the infidel populations as yet.

I believe that there are only two kinds of Homo Sapiens. One non-muslim, the other muslim.

**I suspect that lasting peace will come to Lebanon when Hizballah and their backers are crushed by overwhelming force so that they no longer have the ability to make war.**

The only way to do that is to crush Iran and Syria. As long as those countries are allowed to exist, Hezbollah will thrive. Diplomacy is for dipsh*ts.

The rules of engagement for the international peacekeeping force look like being a commplete farce since they won't have a chapter 7 UN mandate because of Lebanese objections to infringements on its sovereignty. .The UNIFIL commander said on CNN that it will have a chapter 6 and a half mandate!

Green Helmet Man in a charming ensemble that includes gloves but no orange vest, which is good, because orange is so last season.

Green is the new black.

I believe that there are only two kinds of Homo Sapiens. One non-muslim, the other muslim.
You got THAT right!

I agree with Ronin and others, and I plan to have the upcoming Nasrallah-Rice-Olmert kissy-kissy photo framed for my desk to remind me to


Shameless media-whore.

Peace in our time!! Long live Neville Chamberlain!

Cruzado, you'll find a very interesting explication of the Islamic love of death - and how it draws from the 20th c. totalitarian philosophies of Europe - in Berman's *Terror and Liberalism*. (That is , if you are not already familiar w/ the work. )It's really good stuff...