US gov't blacklists Hizballah "charity" that allowed donors to earmark funds for weapons

A case that gives new meaning to "guns and butter." From AFP: "US targets Hezbollah fundraising arm"

WASHINGTON (AFP) - The US government blacklisted a fundraising arm of the Lebanese militant group Hezbollah which it said makes no pretence of hiding the deadly aim of its activities.
The Treasury froze any US assets held by the Islamic Resistance Support Organization (IRSO), and banned any transactions with the outfit by US citizens.
The department released fundraising literature from the group that gave donors the choice to direct their funds to buy rockets and bullets, or to aid children and build homes.
"While some terrorist-supporting charities try to obscure their support for violence, IRSO makes no attempt to hide its true colors," said Stuart Levey, the Treasury's undersecretary for terrorism and financial intelligence.
"IRSO's fundraising materials present donors with the option of sending funds to equip Hezbollah fighters or to purchase rockets that Hezbollah uses to target civilian populations," he said.
"IRSO works to inflict suffering rather than alleviate it."
The Treasury said the fundraising group operates out of Beirut and is also known as the Islamic Resistance Support Association or Hayat al-Dam Lil-Muqawama al-Islamiya.
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Let's hope all the phones of the donors are now being monitored by the NSA.

WASHINGTON (AFP) - The US government blacklisted a fundraising arm of the Lebanese militant group Hezbollah which it said makes no pretence of hiding the deadly aim of its activities.

What does Hezbollah need a fundraising arm for?

George Bush with Congressional approval, has already given Hamas and Hezbollah 230 million dollars in free money, courtesy of American taxpayers already!

George doesn't like competition; so this fundraising arm needs to be shut down!

Besides, the American people (at least the ones still employed) have their purses and wallets WIDE OPEN, in case either Hezbollah or Hamas needs more cash!

(Maybe Hezbollah is thinking: "Too bad we don't have Regan! At least he would give his despots a signed blank check and they could fill in any amount they wanted! We're shafted with fixed amounts!"

Or maybe: "And Clinton at least would let his despots sleep in the White House after the pot parties and orgies in the Oval Office -- before giving away cash! We're never invited to Oval Office orgies! It's discrimination I tell you!)

Is this really surprising to anyone? Do they think these yahoos spring up spontaneously? Suicide by explosive belt is not a natural tendency for man. To destroy a person's inate instinct for survival takes proper preparation and years of propaganda. Start them off young, with Quran, video games, promising them gifts in the after-life. Iran, Hezbos, Hamas are all pros at this. I weep for those children.

Luckily for me, I was brought up on Playboy magazine and Lucky Charms.

Hugh Hewitt wrote an excellent article about Muslim attacks against Americans in the USA:
"A Different Sort of Virus"

How can I donate and earmark the money for birth control?

or pest control

Our government is giving 230 million to Lebanon, so what's the difference? Hezbollah will benefit either way.

No more jizyah.

Be interesting to see a donor list. I'd love to know if any of my "colleagues" have contributed.

I can see it now.... thousands of Muslims in Dearborn having tizzy fits.