Video of Kidnapped Journalists Released

"The powers of evil are united in waging wars against Islam and their people..." No, we aren't. On our side, evil or not, we refuse to acknowledge that Islam has anything to do with this, and so decline to take the necessary steps to stop jihadist recruitment, limp along in sham alliances with states that are working against us while working with us, and more. From AP, with thanks to Mackie:

GAZA CITY, Gaza Strip (AP) - A previously unknown Palestinian group released the first video Wednesday of two kidnapped Fox News journalists and demanded that Muslim prisoners in U.S. jails be released within 72 hours in exchange for the men.

In the video, correspondent Steve Centanni and cameraman Olaf Wiig appeared to be in good health, seated on the floor in sweat suits against a black background with no logos or banners. No armed men were shown.

The two had not been seen since they were kidnapped Aug. 14 near the Palestinian security services headquarters in Gaza City.

"Our captors are treating us well," said Centanni, 60, of Washington, D.C., adding that they had access to clean water, showers, bathrooms, food and clothing.

"So, just want to let you know I am here and alive and give my love to my family and friends and ask to do anything you can to try to help us get out of here," he added.

A written statement accompanying the video was issued by a group called the Holy Jihad Brigades. The statement railed against the U.S. wars in Afghanistan and Iraq.

"The powers of evil are united in waging wars against Islam and their people," it said....

The militants' statement was peppered with verses from the Koran and written in a literary, poetic style - a sharp departure from the terse statements usually issued by Palestinian militant groups....

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These bastards have more ‘previously unknown extremist groups’ than land developers have ‘Limited Liability Corporations’. This game needs to end.

Thoughts and prayers are with the captives.

This is a bit off topic but I think its of intrest to people here from the UK. From the BNP website .
Heres the meat of it;
"In the last few weeks the entire nature of the laws that regulate the internet have fundamentally changed. Though the Police have long had the power to prosecute people for their actions on the Internet they have in the past been unwilling to do so. This policy began to change last year when individuals were prosecuted and jailed for posting information on a website that was considered to be part of a campaign of racial harassment.

Since then two individuals have been charged with crimes related specifically to posting illegal information on the internet. Mr. Simon Sheppard has been charged with ten counts of "Incitement to Racial Hatred" and Mr. Luke O'Farrell with two counts even though the website of Mr. Sheppard is hosted in the United States. This means that those individuals who post information on forums, bulletin boards and websites hosted in the US, can now be prosecuted for incitement to racial hatred, incitement to violence and glorification of terrorism in the United Kingdom.

The time limit on the nature of what is considered as ‘ terror ‘ is not specified, so includes those who glorify the 1916 Easter Uprising , the Bolshevik Revolution , the Nazi era and Islamist violence worldwide.


This law also covers those who wish to propagate and encourage political activities and actions that are based on following the methodology of those groups that used terror in the past as part of their political programmes.

Therefore those that seek to encourage people to follow the political methodology of political movements linked with violence and terrorism as defined by the CPS and the Attorney General, such as Islamic terrorism and Nazism, as part of a contemporary political programme, or who glorify or encourage such political methodology as part of a contemporary political programme, will now be under the scope of the law. It is not what ordinary people think, it is how the politically motivated operatives of the Labour government, the senior police chiefs, the CPS and the courts decide how the law should be applied.

No actions have to have taken place in order for the law to be triggered, all that needs to happen is that the words used can be seen as encouraging or glorification of violence such as against an ethnic group or religion. This includes the encouragement of people to follow political ideologies based on violence or that use violence as part of their political methodology.

In effect this law bans the promotion, glorification and encouragement of political ideologies that in the past have used violence, or applied violence, as part of their political programmes. It also applies to those political ideologies that have used violence as an integral part of its methodology or whose actual social and political manifestation would result in violence against groups in society. The nature of the commission, preparation or instigation of acts of terrorism are not defined and therefore include those that follow a political ideology with the intent that upon gaining power acts of terrorism directed against specific groups will follow.

Indirect encouragement

Indirect encouragement statements include every statement which glorifies the commission or preparation (whether in the past, in the future or generally) of terrorism and therefore includes those who promulgate ideologies that have used violence in the past and who would use violence in the future. As the definition of commission or preparation of terrorism is not defined, it can include taking part in the political process itself if the ideology being followed has its basis in violence or been linked to violence in the past. It can also apply to those followers of violent historical ideologies who use non-violent means today in order to take power but whose ideology is rooted in terror in the past and also whose attainment of power would result in violence in the future.

The new laws on ‘ Encouragement and Glorification of Terrorism ‘ under Section 1 of the Terrorism Act 2006 include the crime of Encouragement of terrorism (section 1): This prohibits the publishing of "a statement that is likely to be understood by some or all of the members of the public to whom it is published as a direct or indirect encouragement or other inducement to them to the commission, preparation or instigation of acts of terrorism or Convention offences." Indirect encouragement statements include every statement which glorifies the commission or preparation (whether in the past, in the future or generally) of such acts or offences; and is a statement from which those members of the public could reasonably be expected to infer that what is being glorified is being glorified as conduct that should be emulated by them in existing circumstances." The maximum penalty is seven years' imprisonment.

Disseminating terrorist publications (Section 2): Prohibits the dissemination of a publication which is either (a) likely to be understood as directly or indirectly encouraging terrorism, or (b)includes information which likely to be understood as being useful in the commission or preparation of an act of terrorism. The maximum penalty is seven years' imprisonment.


We now know that a dedicated team of officers within the Police are actively monitoring and compiling information on those who run and post on various websites for future prosecutionThe BNP cannot and will not tolerate any member who posts information on the internet that breaches race relations legislation or who facilitates the posting of such information on the internet. Facilitation can also be interpreted as moderation on sites where illegal information is being posted, or assisting sites where illegal information is being posted, or assisting or moderating on internet sites.

As a result of this new law the Internet will be used for entrapment, infiltration by paid security agitators mainly to destabilize and criminalize legitimate political organisations that follow and abide by the law. Our members are advised of these important changes in the law and that the luxury of expressing individual opinions on various public and visible forums must be balanced by their responsibility ."
So be carefull what you say or the rozzers might come a knocking.

I do hope Centanni and Wiig come home free - obviously without any exchanges. Going forward, FNC and all other Western news outlets - those that aren't on the side of Jihad, that is (e.g. Reuters, BBC, CNN, et al) should avoid sending reporters to s#!*holes such as Gaza, Ramallah, Beirut, Tyre, Sidon, Damascus, et al.

It is intolerable to have innocent reporters - and FNC, despite reservations people might have on their coverage of either Islam or the war in Iraq, is by & large fair, and shouldn't be in this predicament. Get such hostages, and future potential hostages out of there. Let them do their reporting from Israel, or embedded with the IDF, if the latter allow - it's close enough to the action.

Just a quick test... nothing to see here... move along...

Wasn't it Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice who negotiated the unimpeded flow of weapons and international terrorists through the Rafah border crossing between Egypt and Israel, despite Israeli objections? Ms. Rice, and I suppose President Bush, were certain this would bring peace to the region as would the ethnic cleansing of thousands of Jews from Gaza.

I've found it impossible to post goung through my usual shortcut - got here via the Black Dog Brigade.

Problems at your end?

Or mine?

"The powers of evil are united in waging wars against Islam and their people..." No, we aren't. On our side, evil or not, we refuse to acknowledge that Islam has anything to do with this, and so decline to take the necessary steps to stop jihadist recruitment, limp along in sham alliances with states that are working against us while working with us, and more...........How true are these words...Iran is called the Islamic Republic of Iran...all the leaders of Iran in the last few days have talked about bringing the World " pure Islam" they are in Iraq stirring the pot...But still people refuse to see Islam as the problem.........Danger - if you meet it promptly and without flinching - you will reduce the danger by half. Never run away from anything. Never!
Winston Churchill
I am afraid you where right Robert....There are no more Winston Churchill's....that is sad.

"Our captors are treating us well," said Centanni, 60, of Washington, D.C., adding that they had access to clean water, showers, bathrooms, food and clothing.

Which is more unbelievable, the claim of being treated "well" or the very fact that they have "clean water, showers..."???

What about access to a Koran? Or a prayer rug? Where's the arrow in the background of the picture pointing to Mecca? It sure sounds like our perps at Gitmo are getting better treatment than our collared journos. It's probably out of the question for them to get some net access to keep up with Jihad Watch!!!

Prayers to the two kidnapped Fox News reporters.

I've had trouble posting all afternoon.

Me too Carolyn2.

So the Gaza mafia have finally decided that they have got a name for their hostage taking extortion venture. It only took nine days to come up with it.

Good thing that one of the goons was watching a re-run of Batman and Robin.....”Allah be praised, that’s it!”

"Holy Jihad!"

Earlier today I listened to the BBC as usual giving far too much credence to these criminals by associating them with the other nonentities who exist only because of the media...AQ...

Personally I would rather all "news" organisations stopped acting as conduits for Islamo-fascist propaganda and letting themselves be led by the nose like the gullible anti-western idiots they are.

All I can say is if self obsessed media quislings did not give time to worthless Muslim criminal turds and STAYED OUT OF THE WAR ZONE then they would not be encouraged to carry out these acts.

I have no sympathy.

All news organisations STOP reporting for the enemy.

Which is more unbelievable, the claim of being treated "well" or the very fact that they have "clean water, showers..."??? Posted by: MadrassasippiBurnin
I don't think anybody really believes the statements of hostages while they are still hostages - it's well known that such statements are made under pressure.

If and when they are released and tell their story, that'll be the story to believe.

IP, I hear ya and most JW readers get it, but the majority of our fellow Amerilemmings don't get it. They'll see the video and say, wow, there are some nice jihadis out there - "see how they treat our guys (showers, mach 3 razors, clinique facial products, Starbucks etc.) as opposed to what abuses we engage in at Abu Grabass and Gitmo!" Scoundrels!!! Then they'll point to Jill Carroll's release and the rescue of those two bozo girls in Afghanistan from a while back. So lame... not the way to win the war. Remember, free speech is the best way to fight jihad in PC nation!!! LALALALALALALALALALALALA

Prayers for these two. Where is Alwaleed bin Talal, the Saudi Princess who owns part of Fox?

Why isn't he making appeals for the release of these two gentlemen?

Wasn't it Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice who negotiated the unimpeded flow of weapons and international terrorists through the Rafah border crossing between Egypt and Israel, despite Israeli objections?

Posted by: monk at August 23, 2006 06:56 PM

Yea.. Condi also wanted to distribute American tax-dollars ($100/- per weapon) to terrorists who turned in their weapons. Like, terrorists can't buy ab AK47 for $50/- and turn it in for $100/- and get 2 for the $100/- and turn them in for $200/-... and so on, thanks to the Sec. of state who parrots 'Benevolence in the heart of Islam'.

Test only, trouble posting

Hmmmm... Since WHEN does defending oneself against those who wish to take over the entire planet by means of slaughter and other forms of violence constitute 'evil'??? I'd also like to know why fighting those who would take over the world and deny all human beings the right to exist as autonomous individuals constitutes 'evil'. Yeah, and I'd also like to know why fighting those who plot to take over the world using one-sided, bogus rhetoric used to keep everyone muddled thereby buying the terrorists more time with which to take over the world constitutes "evil". Some folks evidently have a pretty warped sense of good and 'evil'. If a poll were to be taken most people would probably say getting rid of such people would be a GOOD (as opposed to 'evil') idea.

If doing the right thing is 'evil' to Islam I'm all for it.

Time to go get them apes!!

I'm outraged. But not surprised. One of the FOX reporters last story's was a poster of Zarqawi in Gaza. He was talking of the rise of Al Quada within Gaza. This move has been in the works for a year--the rise of this organization. This appears to be an Al-Quada inspired 'hit' for attention, whatever. So, this is the 'finished product' of the PA? Iraq in Gaza? No one could accuse Centeni for being Pro-arab, or Pro-Israel. I, for one, respect this. His was no NPR operation. He simply reported the news, didn't try to shade it. I also think that with a truly skilled reporter, you can't see his bias(not Peter Jennings--maybe more Tim Russert who looks confortable with Rush Limbaugh or Howard Dean).

A poster above has the most astute calculation in the sense that a reporter in Gaza or the West Bank should no longer feel he has the run of the house . . . there's Al Quada in them there hills. Would a reporter go unescorted around Baghdad? This should change things in the PA; too bad it had to occur at the expense of Steve's kidnapping.

While I winced at this video today, I found great irony that brought a smirk to my face. In one of the written passages by the kidnappers, they said something to the effect that, "we are not easily outraged or offended." Really! I thought it was the Religion of grievances! By the way, you see the government of New Zealand all over the map trying to get their guy out. Where the hell is Bush or Condi??? I hope W speaks out on this soon. And as for the 'new named group stuff.' That gets a bit old when every group has a new snazzy 'name.' But it's the same dreadful ideology of hate. Also, Gaza is too cramped for everyone to grow mute over there!!! They were kidnapped outside of the security services !!! Nobody sees anything? BS.

Some have wondered why the Committee to Protect Journalists hasn't spoken out more about this kidnapping, nor have most other journalists. Bob Laurence, TV Critic for the San Diego Union-Tribune, actually thinks these Fox News journalists deserve what they're getting because Fox News is so awful:

I'd like to offer a couple of possible reasons for the lack of attention given to the kidnapping of the two guys from Fox:
One is that, sadly, they are far from the first to be kidnapped, injured or killed. They are, alas, only the most recent two of many. The kidnapping or targeting of journalists in Iraq isn't the story it once was.
Second, Fox has deliberately set itself apart from other news media. Starting at the top with Roger Ailes, the Fox sales pitch has been to deride other media, to declare itself the one source of the real truth, the sole source of 'fair and accurate' news reporting. As a result, there's not a reservoir of kinship or good will with Fox on the part of the rest of the news media. You can't keep insulting people and then expect friendship when you need it.
They've made it a policy to keep a distance between themselves and the rest of the media, far beyond the usual competitive spirit, so that's where they are: at a distance.

Absolutely sickening. I guess if a journalist from a conservative news organization is threatened, liberal journalists think he deserves what he gets.

Holy Struggle? Sheesh! Does generic name come to mind??
These guys must be very poor, as they didn't have the fancy embroidered curtain backdrop for those poor Fox journalists.
I was a reporter for a long time, and I tell ya, if you make one mistake on a story, say, about a fire dept. tax levy, expect threats. I had a chief tell me after his levy failed that it was my fault... for balancing the story. He told me I better not get into an accident in his fire district.
I can imagine this group finding anything and everything wrong with the Fox guys if they choose to. Very scary indeed.

Didn't know where to post this, so I figured the most recent thread is good enough. I understand if this is deleted since it's off topic. There's a story at the Daily Mail, UK about the two "Asians" who cause the passengers to refuse to fly on the Malaga-Manchester flight. They said they were "Just two ordinary lads who wanted a bit of fun." The story didn't go into detail about the kind of "fun" they were having trying to create a panic. If I were one of the passengers, I'd have some "fun" bringing a lawsuit against them. Here's the story...

Sad as this situation is, this is a war and if reporters mix with the "devil" they should not be surprised when they are captured or worse. The "men" who kidnapped these two have no compassion for any Westerner. They are not "just like us." They have been schooled in hatred from birth. Mom is proudest when they parrot some murderous pledge to become a shaheed There is just something missing in these people.

Prayers for these two. Where is Alwaleed bin Talal, the Saudi Princess who owns part of Fox?
Why isn't he making appeals for the release of these two gentlemen?

Posted by: DCWatson at August 23, 2006 08:45 PM

If the west is going to win this war they need to make an example of this individual. He should be forced to go on Fox network and directly appeal for the release of the two detainees.

In fact as a sign of gratitude for all the filthy luka his kufr friends have bestowed on him he should as a Prince offer himself in exchange for the two prisoners.

It’s the only Regal thing to do.

Prayers for these two. Where is Alwaleed bin Talal, the Saudi Princess who owns part of Fox?
Why isn't he making appeals for the release of these two gentlemen?

Posted by: DCWatson at August 23, 2006 08:45 PM

If the west is going to win this war they need to make an example of this individual. He should be forced to go on Fox network and directly appeal for the release of the two detainees.

In fact as a sign of gratitude for all the filthy luka his kufr friends have bestowed on him he should as a Prince offer himself in exchange for the two prisoners.

It’s the only Regal thing to do.

A written statement accompanying the video was issued by a group called the Holy Jihad Brigades.
Doesn't Jihad already mean holy stuggle, making this a redundantly named operation, or does it simply mean 'struggle', thereby making something like 'Islamic Jihad' an Islamic unholy struggle?

A couple of Faux News reporters?

Do we have to take them back?


The really amazing thing about this story is that the Palestinians, despite the hardships they've been through for so long, have not sunk to the level of the Sunni terrorists in Iraq. You'd expect lots of kidnappings, beheadings and suicide attacks on Westerners in Palestine, but in fact very few Westerners have been attacked there.

So why are Palestinian Sunnis so much more civilized than their Iraqi counterparts? I believe it is the effect of Israel's civilizing occupation of Palestine.

Quote: They have been schooled in hatred from birth. Mom is proudest when they parrot some murderous pledge to become a shaheed There is just something missing in these people.

The thing thats missing in muslims is...the light of christ.

George; I’ve been wondering the same thing. I can’t figure out if it’s the civilizing effect of the Israeli’s, a political calculation, or the complete dumbness of the population.

Regardless of the reason, a line has been crossed with the good man Steve Centanni and his photographer.

from Steven L's link story above:

"The kidnapping or targeting of journalists in Iraq isn't the story it once was."
What a moron this guy is! They were in Gaza, not Iraq.

God Bless Steve and Olaf and bring them safely home.

"I don't think anybody really believes the statements of hostages while they are still hostages - it's well known that such statements are made under pressure. "

Here in NZ the media present it as the absolute truth. When the kidnapping first happened it was "it'll be OK, after all we're not seen as enemies the way the nasy Americans are".

Now, the opinions on the National Radio channel are "it'll be OK, they're obviously ready for negotiation now. They'll be released soon".

Nobody, but NOBODY, is discussing the wider context, the fact that NZ's appeasing stance won't help, the fact that all westerners are seen as enemies by these people. And nobody has mentioned the murders of other hostages...

Whatever happens, however bad, NZ won't wake up. Ever.


The thing that's missing in muslims is...the light of christ.

While i certainly have the utmost respect for the role that much of "christendom"is playing in the modern world to oppose the forces of jihad, I respectfully submit that the hindus, buddhists, jews and hundreds of millions of other non christain peoples are also missing the "light of christ" and they don't subscribe to jihadlike goals or tactics. What the muslims are missing is "the light" period, not the "light of christ". i was surprisd to read these words coming from you.


"i was surprisd to read these words coming from you."

I think you are confusing me with Robert Spencer, this is not him, just another person named robert, sorry for username i used.

I think you dont understand what I mean by "the light of christ". What the light of christ is - is the notion of right and wrong that is given to all mankind, from the creator, for christ is a light unto the world,irrespective of what religion you are. But when a person strays so far into sin that they see murder, beastiality and such as justifiable behavior then all influences of the divine withdraw and the person is left to the will of the devil.

I realize that many on this website are most likely athiests, if I offend anyone I appologise, but like it or not, this is a holy war, even if the holy part is just one sided, just because the world rejected Christ, dont stop him being the son of god and the savior of mankind. The greatest trick made by Satan was to convince the world he doesn't exist.
Is he fooling you?

I will change my postname to avoid any further confusion. Sorry.

Robert, Thankyou for clarifying that you are not Robert Spencer. He should be made aware that his name is used by someone other than himself so i hope he reads this post. I understand that you perceive christ to be a univeral force for good and the savior of all mankind, and i, (a non believer in those propositions, particularly the latter) am not here to debate that point.

My point to you would be, christianity has many actual and potential very fine, good and holy allies in the war against islamic fascism. Please don't marginalize them in order to glorify your own concept of the devine. Holy war against islamofascism, yes! Christian holy war against islamofascism? ok, but inadequate and sorry to say, narrow minded.

Robert Spencer, anything to say?

Robert, you are certainly right. This is absolutely a holy war by them "which threatens us all" . Now i say, and what i beleive the point of this website is, that what we need is a "holy war" against islamafascism from whatever religious or secular orientation the whole rest of civilized mankind consists of, including christians, hindus, jews, buddhists, agnostics, atheists, democrats, republicans, socialists, capitalists, even communists, and yes especially muslims of good will. This war must be fought on many fronts, not just militarily, but militarily to be sure. Let's all stand togther agianst this menace to us all in the name of civilization, of which christendom is an important but not the only signifigant part. If all of civilized mankind should be able to agree on one thing it should be that the eradication of islamobarbarism should be our highest priority. Sadly, a good chunk of civilized mankind is soundly asleep at the switch and is in for a rude awakening.


Thanks. Just so you know, in these parts, we have our own shehada: "There is no Robert but Robert, and Hugh is his VP".

You can still call yourself Bob, or Rob, or something similar. Just not Robert. ;->

I'm an atheist/agnostic and you don't offend me. I recognise that Jesus reportedly had a lot of good things to say, good principles for anyone to follow. You may call that the 'divine light'. I also recognise that much of European culture, thought and government is based on Christian principles, and I'm happy with that except where a compulsory element is introduced.

And certainly the more I find out about islam, the more I realise that other religions have a lot of advantages.