'Withdraw Or Be Ready for-Full Scale War' - Somali Islamic Courts chief to Ethiopia

Somali Jihad Update from The Ethiopian Reporter: "Somalia: 'Withdraw Or Be Ready for-Full Scale War' - Aweys to Ethiopia"

"We call on Ethiopia to withdraw its forces from Somalia, otherwise be ready for full-scale war," Sheik Hassan Dahir Aweys, leader of the Union of Islamic Courts (UIC) of Somalia, warned on Thursday.
Ethiopia, despite numerous witnesses who say they have seen its troops in Somalia, has denied the statements.
Aweys' statement comes a decision made one week ago by defense chiefs from the regional Inter-Governmental Authority on Development (IGAD), that the first deployment of a nearly 7,000 African peace support force is to assemble in northeast Kenya near the Somali border late September. The troops are to be comprised of Sudanese and Ugandan soldiers.
"We say again that Ethiopian intervention in Somalia will never be accepted, no one can dare divert us onto a path other than Sharia law," added Aweys during an inauguration ceremony that saw the opening of Mogadishu's International seaport.

And the conquest continues:

On Thursday several hundred gun men went into a town called Doul, some 40 kilometers south of Galkayo bordering Somaliland.
There are reports that the UIC militia are preparing to fight the warlords in Bandiiradley, and expand their territory further north into Galkayo and the semi-autonomous north-eastern region of Puntland.
Warlords that were defeated and chased out of Mogadishu by the UIC are also bracing themselves for battle in Doul, according to reports from the residents of Galkayo.
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One wonders how long it will be before Islamic mujahidin armies illegally enter Ethiopian territory via Somalia and initiate a jihad against Ethiopian Christians.

From the looks of things, we'd say not very long.

And the conquest continues

I hope the commie subversives (a.k.a. “democrats”, “actors”, “I have been in Vietnam”,…and the First Bubba Lady) duly appreciate the fact that America is no longer the “policeman of the world” and that we quietly allow the hordes of shari’a to expand their empire.

I don’t know exactly what the commies expect from the expansion of the islamic empire worlwide, but if they are happy I am happy for them. Aren’t I a good man ?

On the other side, quietly too, my age tells me that the above-mentioned hordes will not have the time to put their dirty hands on my own way of life.

So, everything is well and in order.

Or, to say it in a fashionable way for the Thirties:


/background, the anthem of the SS playing…

//sarc tag, just in case a casual Reader steps into this post without knowing me.

Ethopia should conquer Somalia and drive all their Muslims into the Arabian Sea. That will also give them a coastline - something they lost with Eritrea's seccession, and a port that can be an alternative to Aden (Yemen).

Incidentally, one thing I'd like to know - was Eritrea's secession from Ethiopia something done on Islamic grounds (like, say, Pakistan from India)? This is something I've never found any reference too. I've generally wondered why Ethiopia coming apart, somewhat like Czechoslovakia, was due to Muslim desires to secede, or other geo-political rivalries between Ethiopians and Eritreans (other than Islam, what's the difference between them anyway? And what % of Eritreans are Muslims?)

I hope the commie subversives ... duly appreciate the fact that America is no longer the “policeman of the world”

Really? We've pulled out of Iraq?

We haven't forced Israel to lose its very first war and sign on to a worthless cease fire thus allowing Hamas and Hizballah to rearm?

No, the politicians in America still think the US military should be the UN's "policeman of the world" rather than defenders and protectors of America.

...and that we quietly allow the hordes of shari’a to expand their empire.

Actually, the democracy that we have in Iraq specifically approves sharia law as far as I can tell from some of the buddies still over there with whom I have occasional contact; so you are correct about this point.

I don't think you will see American troops in this conflagration because there are no vital American interests there for the globalists.

You have to ask yourself "how can the globalists interests materially profit or suffer material loss" to discover if American forces will be involved or not.

to answer the question above.:

The four principal religions in Eritrea are Sunni Muslim (appr. 50%), Orthodox Christian (appr. 40%), Eastern Rite and Roman Catholic (appr. 5%), and Evangelical Protestants (appr. 2%). Other minority groups include Seventh-Day Adventists, Jehovah's Witnesses, Baha'is, Buddhists, and Hindus.

Ethopia should back off the warlords are also muslims. As far as I am concerned the sammies made thier choice in the 90's let them suffer under sharia. If I want another crack at a somali I'll go to an airport and hail a cab.

I hope the commie subversives (a.k.a. “democrats”, “actors”, “I have been in Vietnam”,…and the First Bubba Lady) duly appreciate the fact that America is no longer the “policeman of the world” and that we quietly allow the hordes of shari’a to expand their empire. Posted by POITIERS LEPANTO

Man you sure do have issues don't you, besides being irreparably mentally disordered, and an obvious coward. No doubt in my mind that you are one of those chickenhawks who would never die for their country but call others who have "cowards" and cut and runners.

Yeh asshole I've not only been in Viet Nam, but fought in Viet Nam, and am a sole survivor of my team...I've seen more dead bodies, more shredded bodies than the LA country coroner or any emergency ward.

And no America is not and should not be the policeman of the world... better save our money and treasure (including the precious blood of our sons and daughters) and let the rest of the world devour itself while we stand on the side, cheer and build our own strength and strengthen our own borders.

I hope the commie subversives (a.k.a. “democrats”, “actors”, “I have been in Vietnam”,…and the First Bubba Lady) duly appreciate the fact that America is no longer the “policeman of the world” and that we quietly allow the hordes of shari’a to expand their empire. Posted by POITIERS LEPANTO

Man you sure do have issues don't you, besides being irreparably mentally disordered, and an obvious coward. No doubt in my mind that you are one of those chickenhawks who would never die for their country but call others who have "cowards" and cut and runners.

Yeh asshole I've not only been in Viet Nam, but fought in Viet Nam, and am a sole survivor of my team...I've seen more dead bodies, more shredded bodies than the LA country coroner or any emergency ward.

And no America is not and should not be the policeman of the world... better save our money and treasure (including the precious blood of our sons and daughters) and let the rest of the world devour itself while we stand on the side, cheer and build our own strength and strengthen our own borders.

I imagine you huzzah Anne Coulter who said that she welcomes the Muslims help in the "culture war" , a sentiment also espoused by Pat Buchanan, (who said just today that "Muslims have served and died for America". LOL. Cassius Clay became a Muslim so he could claim conscientious objector status, Bush went AWOL and used his dads connection to land a cushy spot in the Texas Air National Guard, and avoid Viet Nam, and Cheney and the rest of the chickenhawks used student deferrments to avoid serving.. You be just another of these cowardly chickenhawks.

I've always liked those descriptions of Islamic fighters:

On Thursday several hundred gun men went into a town called Doul, some 40 kilometers south of Galkayo bordering Somaliland.

They're always "gun men" or just "gunmen". Sounds like a Zane Gray novel.

Don't they have armies anywhere is IslamTown? At least the Ethiopian fighters are called an "Army".

Is it an Islamic thing to be considered just a "gunman"? They don't have to wear uniforms - something jihadists haven't encouraged (that I can tell).

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