Woman jailed in housekeeper slavery case

Colorado Slavery Case Update. From AP, with thanks to Mackie:

CENTENNIAL, Colo. - A woman was sentenced to two months in jail Tuesday for effectively stealing the services of an Indonesian woman who prosecutors said was held as a virtual slave for four years.

Sarah Khonaizan, 35, a Saudi citizen who lives in suburban Denver, also was ordered on the theft charge to pay $90,000 in restitution and was ordered not to have any contact with the 24-year-old woman.

Last week, a federal judge sentenced Khonaizan to five years' probation and ordered her to pay $26,275 in restitution after pleading guilty to harboring an illegal immigrant.

Her attorney, Forrest Lewis, has said she wants to return to Saudi Arabia and will not fight deportation.

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Two months!!!!!TWO months!!!!!!!!!!!!

Are they f*ck*ng taking the piss?????????????

Two months for 4 years! Let's see, six slaves for 4 years each is 24 years of no cleaning up (do they mow the lawn and do windows, too?), for only one year in jail. And they get to have sex with them, too, right?

What a country! No wonder they like it here. (Oh, she chose voluntary deportation? Guess we should lighten up).

The minimum penalty should be 4 years of indentured servitude for each offence.

Way too lenient! I hope she is housed with violent drug addicts, and that the door hits her in the ass on her way out of the U.S.

It's always amazing how they overlook things when it comes to Muslims. I live in Texas and the "reporting" on the Colorado slavery case involving the Saudi Arabian couple was nothing but a few sentences buried deep within other articles on page 12 of the newspaper. If a white person had, for example, had a black person from Africa as a slave, it would be all over the front page of the papers and on every news show. The white person would have gotten a much harsher sentence, but if the person is Muslim, just a slap on the wrist and a few sentences written at the back of the newspaper.