Yemenite President: All Countries Bordering Israel Will Join the War

August 1939 Alert: "Yemenite President Ali Abdallah Saleh on Al-Jazeera TV: I Hope All Countries Bordering Israel Will Join the War; Arab Countries Should Allow Transfer of Weapons & People to Lebanon & Palestine," from MEMRITV, with thanks to the Constantinopolitan Irredentist:

The following are excerpts from an interview with Yemenite President Ali Abdallah Saleh, which aired on Al-Jazeera TV on August 1, 2006. TO VIEW THIS CLIP, VISIT:

Interviewer: "Do you expect the war to expand?"

Ali Abdallah Saleh: "Yes."

Interviewer: "To include Syria?"

Ali Abdallah Saleh: "I would certainly hope that it expands. I would hope so, but the Israelis would not dare. They are frustrated in South Lebanon, so how could they expand the war? All Israeli cities would be within the range of the Syrian missiles. Syria is armed, and is ready for anything. It would be foolish, even more than foolish... I say in all honesty that the Israeli government is defeated. The Israeli army is also defeated by any standard. The Israeli government will fall. It will fall soon because it misjudged things. Israeli strategy is based on brief wars, on swift strikes. By now it has been 19 days, and the equation has changed. If Israel were to act foolishly and wage war against Syria, I expect Israel would find itself in an extremely difficult situation. Perhaps they would even leave the region, because their society is a mixture [of identities], full of contradictions."


Ali Abdallah Saleh: "I hope that all the countries bordering with Israel, not just Syria, would enter the war. I meant the countries bordering with Israel. We will not enter the war officially, but we will open the borders to the fighters. We will allow the transfer of money and equipment, to support the Lebanese resistance and the Palestinian resistance in Gaza."


"This war has become a duty incumbent upon us. Every Muslim has the individual duty to fight on this front."


Interviewer: "The secretary-general of Hizbullah said that this is a battle of the nation. Do you agree with him?"

Ali Abdallah Saleh: "Yes, I believe this is a battle for the Islamic nation, not the Arab nation."

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Statement after statement, it's loaded with "IF."

Suppose...., then....
If....., then bla bla bla.


Every Muslim has the individual duty to fight on this front."

See, isn't Islam such a nice little peace-loving religion? They want a war, but the West seems to be too cowardly to give it to them. Pray for Israel to defeat them on their own, I guess. . .

But don't stop there. Finish those Christians in Lebanon, and in Iraq, and make sure that at long last those Alawites who massacured real Muslmis in Hama, are finally taken care of, as they sleep in their villages, with those pictures of Mary.

And don't stop there either. Take back, as having hightest priority, Sicily and Sardinia and Malta (there's a nice story about Arabic and the Maltese language in that subtle glossy propaganda magazine, Aramco World, a year or two back). Take Andalus, and make Cordoba again a centre of "convivencia" as Maria Rosa Menocal and all those who assign her "Ornament of the World" know so well (pssst: don't read the new biography of the Caliph Abd El Rahman III, published by OneWorld, because unfortunately, that biography doesn't exactly confirm the Menocal view of things, that "convivencia" we hear so much about). Then go beyond Irun, beyond Biarritz where Russians used to play, and all the way up and into France, penetrating as far as Poitiers, and then, don't stop there, because unlike the situation in 714, millions of hardened Muslims are ready, in the north, in the west, in the east, to join in a general uprising against the Infidels. By 2015, or 2020 at the latest, their numbers will have increased sufficiently, and they will have been stockpiling weapons, weapons stolen, weapons smuggled in, weapons constructed, and distributed them just the way Hezbollah does, but this time all over France. And the occasional raid on a French army depot, aided and abetted by Muslim officers and men, working unsurprisingly for the same goal, will also help. And do the same in the Balkans, in Bulgaria, in Greece, Rumania, everywhere that the Ottoman Turks once imposed islam.

Keep going, boys. Keep fighting, first to take back all the territories that were ever, for whatever length of time, under Muslim rule, and hence part of Dar al-Islam, and then to add, little by little, the rest. Keep it up, as you are told to do in your sacred texts, as Muhammad tells you to do, until "Islam dominates" all over the world, as it must, as it should, as is only right.

Yet another Islamic head of state declares war on Israel and by extension, on the entire non-Muslim world. They still publicly crucify people in Yemen. Let us also recall that Yemen is the ancestral homeland of Osama bin Laden.

If the Islamic Nation wants a world war with the non-Muslim peoples on the planet, then let's stop hitting the snooze button and get on with it. The sooner we do what we have to do, the sooner it will be over.

Where is the USA in all of this???

Just what does Syria and Iran have to do to get serious attention of the world's only superpower?

I wish president Bush would come out say to Iran that they shut up or else the USA will attack, invade and TAKE their oil.

The US was belittled over and over for the myth that the Iraq war was about oil. With Iran, TELL them that it is!

August 1939 alert? Personally I reckon its September 1st 1939, 4.00 am alert.

The US was belittled over and over for the myth that the Iraq war was about oil. With Iran, TELL them that it is!
Posted by: myiironu

I would say to Iran and Syria, we are out of the nation-building business. "We will tear you down and leave you there"

I like how he says we will not enter the war officially! Ha he knows if they do they would be destroyed! If there was an all out attack from Syria and the other terrorist nations ie., "all the Muslim nations" the would be wiped out! but like the scared terrorist they are the will hide and blow themselves up for as long as theres virgins in the heavens! In a strange way I hope Syria or Iran tries something I am sick of those countries and would like them (destroyed)!

It is the Iranians who wage war because of oil. They realize their oil is running out. They plan to conquer other lands to capture their oil,land and other natural assets. They realize that when their oil is gone, they really do have ZERO.
It is convenient to have Israel to use as a scapegoat, since they really do not like Israel.They boldly claim it is the will of Allah, but in truth, it is the lack of oil. (Psych)

Easy for him to say - Yemen ain't one of Israel's neighbors.

Do they call this guy Yemenite Sam?

Visit my blog where I poke fun at Islamic fundamentalists:

Welcome to Torontonistan!

I think our leaders just need to ask themselves..
"Are we going to allow another Holocaust?"

If they are willing to allow another, then stay out of the middle east, look the other way. Don't lift a finger. Don't talk peace, don't talk cease fire, just shut up and turn our heads.

If they AREN'T going to allow another, why in Hell are they standing by waiting and letting Iran threaten them instead of going in and taking out whatever facilities they possess?

We seem to be like we're scared of making them mad. Who cares? They're always mad.

If China, Russia and France don't like what we do, stop doing business with them first of all. Don't feed them. The muslim problem is already out of hand and it's just going to get worse.

We've dug a hole and are slowly covering ourselves up in it. We should NEVER let a loud mouth go for months threatening us and not do anything about it.

Where is the USA in all of this???

Posted by: myiironu at August 3, 2006 03:38 PM

If only Dubya understood a simple Islamic concept of Dar-Al-Islam / Dar-Al-Harb. Dubya and Condi know nothing about Islam other than parrot
'Izlumis a Religion of Peace', 'We know the belevolence in the haart of Islam',respectively. One wonders which is greater,their ignorance or their timidity?

Good Luck, America.

Isaiah 17:1 states that Damascus will be "completely destroyed".

To date -- Damascus is the oldest city known to man. Perhaps Isaiah is predicting a future event for Damascus. We shall see.

Easy for him to say - Yemen ain't one of Israel's neighbors.

Posted by: Infidel Pride at August 3, 2006 04:12 PM

.. but the point is: UMMA knows no boundries!


The msm is a joke!!! they know abolutely nothing abou the middle east or the countries they are reporting in...yet they pretend and bluster in the tv cameras and bring on all these "experts" who in reality are con men getting paid to spew garbage into the ears of the west. For instance does anyone know that in the middle east there are paid professional "criers"...yep you pay these people to come to a funeral or whatever and cry and it helps other people cry...i once attended a funeral/wake and these people were so good they made me cry for 3 days straight...non-stop..i was dehydrated at the end. Yet they make sure to get all these women crying their eyes out on make me and you feel bad. IT AINT WORKING JACKASSES!!! I think im going to stick to the blogs they have a little more truth and honesty in them.

Anyway in relation to this Sheik Kissmyass ibn pieceofshit I have one question to him...why dont these muslim fuckers ATTACK ISRAEL WITH FULL FORCE...yalla!! forget letting the fanatics run through the gauntlets let your armies go in c'mon the joos are afraid of you.

Or is it that you are all a bunch of stinking cowards who prefer to let your in house crazies and that uneducated ass licking rabble that is called Hizballah do your dirty seems alot of the regimes want to clean house of some fanatics...good ploy up the borders with Isreal and let them all get wasted no more problems at home...then when it all goes bad they say we arabs should have been united while they are in their palaces screwing european whores?

Isreal was attacked three (3) times since its founding in 1948...each time it kicked the arab armies collective asses and grew in size by about 40%. The Sinai was retuned to Egypt as part of the peace agreement with Sadat not because of any military defeat....Sadat showed that Isreal could be a good neighbour...but hey peace is not good for business. Isreal has never lost a major campaign to an arab 1984 it shot down 81 syrian mig fighters without losing a plane...there were 15-20 airforce aces made that day...why do these morons insist on living in fantasy land making up stuff as they go along?!?!

Well guess what all you islamic holy warriors of the dog muhamed out there...if that is the type of foe Isreal will have to face...there will be no lebanonistan and there will be no islamic republic of lebanon. Lebanon is not part of the Umma and never will. We are certainly not disgusting arab sand digging sweat hogs! Isreal will clean house, Syria will keep its mouth shut, the mullahs in iran will think about a new plan to stave off the comming storm on their "peacful" nuke facilities and Egypt and Jordan will remain CALM and tow the line like a good beAtches...but best of all Hizballah will be liquidated with extreme prejudice first by the Isrealis and then by the lebanese who have had enough of Nasrallah and Assad and the mighty midget and pekers like this half baked monkey Sheik from yemen.

Go Isreal do what we did not have the political balls to do because we were worried about losing our mercedes in a fight...protect your people and make sure the rest of the middle east gets the message...screw with us and you will pay. i have clearly gotten the message, how bout you guys?

When its all said and going to go into those Shiite suburbs and buy their land from them and build a clean little development for anyone muslim christian druze I dont care who wishes to buy...but not for sale to any hizballah shit...if they dont like it GO LIVE WITH YOUR WIVE(s)IN IRAN!!!

Yep blood pressure is going back to normal.



Sell that land to anyone but Muslims, or else, the problem wouldn't have gone away. Oh, and send that Syrian puppet Lahoud back to Damascus.


You are right, but had Yemen been one of Israel's neighbors, instead of a country well away from Israel's borders, it would have been interesting to see him put his money where his mouth is.

In one sense I hope he gets what he wants. If all of Israel's neighbors get involved, that means general war. Lifting the current rules of engagement in favor of "kill 'em all" can only help Israel.

Somehow I think there is far more talk than action coming from Yemen.


Things couldn't be more clear.

Turn on the television or pick up a newspaper, things couldn't be more murky.

610 * 623 * 732* 1066* 1215 * 1453 * 1492 * 1683 * 1928 * 1938 * 1948 * 1996 * 2001

What is that? (Cf., George Orwell and Marshall McLuhan).

We should demand that Tim Russert or Bill O'Reilly or Wolf Blitzer white board this logic chain. Put the lines on the board and run through the syllogism. Deduce the logic.

From the clarity of the Yemeni Prez to the groping of Tragedy TV.


No, I am wrong, it's not whatever.

Imcremental victories for Moslem cause is what this murky fog amounts to, that's what.

yes let every muslim come into the line of fire, so they can meet their precious allah, we will be glad to send them on their way.

For months I read these posts and watched the TV and couldn't understand why our leaders had their heads so far up their asses. About two months ago, I began to understand that to the contrary, they do know what is going on and hopefully, understand how we must respond to Islam.

There is a lot of noise coming from Islam, but here again, if you look closely, all they can do is make noise. Israel, has made a major decision, much to the surprise of Islam, especially Iran not to bow down to their aggression.

As for the countries bordering Israel joining in, chances of that are somewhere between slim and none. In conventional warfare, Israel is nearly as good as the U.S. which I can say without bragging is the best in the world. Israel will hand them their heads and they know it. Ali Abdallah Saleh's plea for action was strictly for Islamic consumption.

Infidel Pride,
Do note that the nut says that 'Israel does not dare', meaning muslims don't have the guts to start something with Israel. She has to do it.

But what this pea brain doesnt realize is that the Amiercan Military is right next door ready to "F" up whatever Arab country directly attacks Israel.
Gool call Mr. Ali Abdallah Saleh

Yemenite President Ali Abdallah Saleh may well be right that countries bordering Israel may soon enter the fighting. However, one thing is abundantly clear by now and that is Israel is unlikely to hold a committee meeting. The reaction will be swift, brutal and devastating.

Olmert said the other day that there is now a high price to pay for firing rockets into Israeli territory. If any of the surrounding countries doubt this they'd better have a look at a few photos of how Israel can turn towns into rubble.


I am following this on the website and I am grateful that the Daily Mail is in the vanguard of the Main Stream Media to finally be waking up to the threat faced by all us Infidels and the poor Dhimmi's in the world of Islam. We are living in Dar El Harb (Land of War) according to Islam and we will never know peace until we are converted to Islam or eliminated.
All bleeding heart liberals will be responsible for many more casualties by trying to prevent direct action against Terrorists (they are not militants). Dont they know the Nazis in WW2 packed munitions factories with children and when these were struck used this as propoganda? Anyone who says 'we are all Hizbulla now' are traitors and actually supporting a terrorist cell that blows people up indiscriminately by suicide bombing or rockets aimed at civilians. Moral equivalency is a dangerous game when they know nothing of the Koran, Sura's or Hadiths, where Mohammed exhalted the killing of Infidels.

Just one more ugly face on the big picture of Islam. As if Yemen would have enough guts to fight Israel.
It is always the cowards who yap the most...

Yemen, just like all Muslim countries, has nothing to offer the world and and not contributed anything that would benefit its own citizens.
Yemen, just like all Muslim countries, offer only death.
All of them, worthless slugs.