Replace Muslim schools, says top Blair aide

Watch for Sir Cyril Taylor to be called an "Islamophobe" and worse. "Replace Muslim schools says top Blair aide," by Rob Waugh in the Yorkshire Post, with thanks to Twostellas:

SCHOOLS which are dominated by children from Muslim families should be closed and replaced with "multi-faith" academies, a senior Government adviser has said.

Sir Cyril Taylor, chairman of the Specialist Schools and Academies Trust, said police faced problems in areas where different communities were concentrated in separate schools.

He suggested that such "segregated" schools should be replaced with privately sponsored academies.

Bradford and Leeds were among the areas where such changes could be implemented, Sir Cyril said.

But his comments were severely criticised by one senior Bradford councillor who described them as "staggering" and unfairly singling out Muslims.

That someone would say that after the Dispatches documentary, to say nothing of 7/7, is...staggering.

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Singling out Muslims is not unfair-it is simply self defense.

Aren't these kids beautiful?

3/4 down on page

Before they are twisted and corrupted.

Greetings in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.

Yes, the children are beautiful, but it's also striking and heartbreaking that they are all boys.

It's so sad that no females are allowed to be out playing, to have a chance to have their pictures taken or to live a normal child's existence.

How long before Sir Cyril is sacked?

"That someone would say that after the Dispatches documentary, to say nothing of 7/7, is...staggering."

We live in curious times, when what staggers does not surprise.

How long before Sir Cyril is sacked?
Posted by: wrathofasma

Sacking him would cause too much noise.. they've gotten more insiduous.. they'll probably "reassign" him a few months from now.. or he will "resign" so he "can spend time with his family".

I truly have no idea why all our gubments are so very afraid of islam that they'll decapitate and silence anyone who bucks the line.

I used to think long before 9/11.. WHY on Earth do all our Western countries allow these alien-thinking people to come into our countries?

At the time I thought maybe the islamic countries have nukes hidden which they threaten to set off if we don't allow these people in.

I simply couldn't think of any other good reason but blackmail.

Now I think they are simply foolish and misguided.

Replace muslim schools? How dare he? Blair said that Koran is inclusive and progressive!

"Yes, the children are beautiful, but it's also striking and heartbreaking that they are all boys."

....In the 17,000 or so Student Visas the US government allowed from Islamic Countries virtually the entire allotted Visas were to males....mmmmmmmm. see a trend?

Do Islamic countries not want females to receive an education?...mmmmm.....

allat - Where are the girls? The brainwashing has already begun.

How about "eliminate" Muslim schools and the Mosques.....both are dens of evil teachings....

Islamists do not have 'schools' per se. Schools are places where education takes place. Indoctrination via intimidation is not the same thing as education. The results of intimidation - ignorance and fear - are as obvious as the results of education - intellectual competence and liberation.

For stating the obvious, the honest and brave Sir Cyril Taylor, sadly, now needs to be worried about more than his job .. he'd better (literally) watch his neck.

muslims HATE multiculturalism more then anyone, even more then extreme rightwinged people who only want their lands to be mono and not the world, muslims want that the whole world becomes a mono islamic world!