American woman kidnapped in Afghanistan

By an "enemy of Islam," who was no doubt acting in accord with his understanding of the teachings of Islam and of his responsibilities as a Muslim.

By Noor Khan for Associated Press (thanks to JE):

KANDAHAR, Afghanistan - Gunmen kidnapped a burqa-clad American aid worker and her driver while they were traveling through southern Afghanistan early Saturday, a provincial governor said.

The two were stopped by gunmen outside the southern Afghan city of Kandahar, said Gov. Asadullah Khalid. He blamed the kidnappings on the "enemy of Islam and the enemy of Afghanistan."

Several Westerners — including two German construction workers and two Italian journalists — have been kidnapped in Afghanistan in the last year, but this was the first kidnapping of an American in recent memory.

Traveling around Kandahar city has turned increasingly dangerous in the last year, as the Taliban insurgency has spread throughout southern Afghanistan. Western civilians who operate there often travel with armed guards and with extreme caution. The area is rife with Taliban militants but also with criminals linked to the country's booming opium poppy trade....

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Unfortunately there are many, many verses in the Qu'ran that encourage this kind of behaviour. Some may call this ignorance, bigotry or misinterpretation. It is none of these. It is fact.

"He blamed the kidnappings on the 'enemy of Islam and the enemy of Afghanistan.'" -- from the article

It took me a minute but I think I understand his logic.

The enemy of Islam is Islam.

The enemy of Afghanistan is Islam.

Of course.

This story is going to run and run. They will have a field day with this one.

Good that the governor recognises that jihadis are distorting Islam. But the moderate view is not exactly gaining ground - yet.

Just how many American women are running around Afghanistan wearing a burka? She is in a world of hurt now, unless she is worth some cash. They will probably charge her with muslimah impersonation.
I don't know that there is such a law in Shari'a.
But if they want to, they can throw something together quick. There must be a Shari'a law about non muslims impersonating muslims. I am sure that the kidnappers will come up with something. They always do...

The article stated the following:

1. The area is rife with Taliban militants and also with criminals linked to the country's booming opium poppy trade.

2. Projects run by the Asian Rural Life Development Foundation are located around the city of Kandahar and include food for work, irrigation rehabilitation, health care and restoration projects, according to the group's Web site.

My take:

Statement number 1 is a total conflict of interest. Why would any western country want to provide aid while opium is undermining all our efforts?

Why do we busy ourselves with reviewing the death sentence of Afghan journalist, when there is more important thing to do?

The money used for charity work should be more than enough to pay for aerial spray on opium cultivation, using "Round Up" herbicide, but we just have to perform other useless sham instead.

It's mental dementia.

..."Gunmen kidnapped a burqa-clad American aid worker..."

...goes to show...if you are an American woman and you go out of your way to appease the Muslims by wearing their stupid attire....they still hate you....Muslim appeasment never works...

Ban Muslim Immigration....

I was unable to open Steve Emerson's website today, I just hope the site is down and is not hijacked by the fanatics.

There must be a Shari'a law about non muslims impersonating muslims.

Wouldn't surprise me. But it just goes to show the pointlessness of even trying to meet them halfway. If you don't wear a burqa you're showing disrespect. If you DO wear one then you're "impersonating" a Muslim.

How DOES one impersonate a Muslim? Don't they think that we are all Muslims but just haven't admitted it to ourselves yet?

It's OT but you might want to check out the following article showing how Islam might be defeated in the West. The author suggests that we the people make Muslims feel unwelcome in our neighborhoods/countries. Don't employ them, don't do business with them, etc. Give them a taste of their own medicine. Do everything we can within the bounds of the law to force them to leave.

So the "beheaders for peace on earth" have grabbed a woman aid worker. But now for an indelicate question: will they rape her repeatedly before they kill her........? I mean does the need to satify Allah by killing her get in the way of a little man/fun?

After all, fulfilling Allah's demands is hard work.....don't these savages deserve a little RECREATION, once in a while.......?

(1000 megaton cynicism on)

Aiding a crocodile only makes a tougher crocodile.

Charity begins at home.

"Just how many American women are running around Afghanistan wearing a burka? She is in a world of hurt now, unless she is worth some cash. They will probably charge her with muslimah impersonation."

Posted by: duh_swami

I think Muslimah impersonation is mandatory for non-Muslim women in the hellhole of Afghanistan. I understand what you mean, though. What the hell was she doing, off the proverbial "reservation"? Why didn't her driver, her "protector", in Muslimspeak, well...protect her?

Isn't that his function, or does a male driver serve only to make certain that females don't drive? Nah, can't be that. The Saracen assures us that women are equal to men in Islam.

Was her driver in on it, maybe? It stinks, you know. Without inside info, how would the kidnappers have known it wasn't a Muslimah, under that shroud? What agency does she work for, that she rates a driver, in the first place?

A brave bunch, these kidnappers. It's not terrorism, though. Unless, like me, you believe in the possibility that individuals can be terrorized.

As devorgilla says, this story is going to run and run. If she's not a Muslimah yet, she will be, just like the Korean missionary women.

Rape, as dawa. Sounds peaceful to me.

Ref. this and sentencing of young journo to Death , it might appear stupid but can't let it go off head otherwise,

may google ' Haqiqat Rai ' to reach somewhere. Things hav'nt changed .may google ' Basant '.

What's a (burka-clad) girl like her doing in a place like this?

sheik, she was probably there having an exotic "Arabian Nights" adventure. The men there are all tall, dark, and mysterious; and they're manly men, ready to take charge and protect a damsel. Sure, there were stories of danger, but underneath it all, we're all the same, we all believe in the Judeo-Christian values of tolerance and mutual respect for all people, so how dangerous could it be?

And now she's getting a lesson in the true core beliefs of Islam, as regards the treatment of women, especially infidel women. I hope she survives.

PMK said

If you don't wear a burqa you're showing disrespect. If you DO wear one then you're "impersonating" a Muslim.

That one is easy. What they want is for kufirs to stay out of Dar al-Islam, burqa'ed or not.

If you're not working in the Saudi oil-fields to produce their oil for them, or working as an aid worker bringing food and money from the infidels, be ready to pay the price. And even if you are one of those, still be ready to pay the price, because your right to exist as a kufir is tenuous at best.

This is The Asian Rural Life Development Foundation's web site: It has one of those convenient links for contact:

They are based in the Philippines, so what in hell are they doing in Islamistan?

Maybe they could explain why they are sending women into so much danger. Don't hold your breath waiting for a reply.

Charity begins at home. by profitsbeard

Hell yes? Not much information is provided about the kind of work this woman was doing. I'm sure there are places in the rural South or Southwest US that could use the same kind of help that she was providing for the ungrateful Infidelophobes. I will also guess that she votes Democratic and dislikes her home country.

Maybe later I can conjure up some sympathy.

From the days of Mohammed, hostage-taking as a source of income has been a mainstay of Islam, to the extent that there are complex rules about it in the Koran and hadith. The recent capture of the Korean missionaries turned a nice profit, and offered the warlord a chance to allow his men to "enjoy" the female right-hand possessions before their resale. (It's astonishing how Islam has poisoned words like "honor" and "enjoyment," isn't it? Honor means murder, now, and enjoyment means rape.)

Perhaps the aid worker was there to try to help Afghani women, who kill themselves in astonishing numbers from despair. There have been some uplifting stories about such efforts, and it's hard to criticize people who truly are intent on improving the lot of the most miserable people on Earth.

Finally, wearing a burka is not "impersonating" a Muslim -- in Islam, all women are compelled to adopt the degrading, uncomfortable dress mandated by the mullahs, lest they "tempt" good Muslim men with the "awrah" of their faces and bodies. Rape victims in Europe and Australia, as well as imams all over the world who warn us women that failure to wear an ugly, itchy, muffling bag on our heads is an invitation to Muslim "enjoyment," can attest to this.

I do not wish any ill will toward the "burqa clad" American-aid worker. The West has a long tradition of unconditional giving toward the needy - though they be ungrateful and undeserving. Unconditional giving is rooted in Judeo-Chritian morality and ethics. That, in part, explains why western civ is superior to any culture emanating from the ME.

I wish this American-aid worker no harm.

I must say I do not approve of her wearing a burqa even (or especially) during work hours. I doubt the aid worker wears a burqa when at home in the West. Why then pretend to be something you're not when elsewhere? Ashamed of the culture you come from? Ashamed to be who you are in order to placate an alien culture? Really? Why? It would never occur to the aid worker to demand that a burqa clad female from Afghanistan remove the burqa on her visit to America, would it? Of course not. That would not be multi-culti. That would be insensitive and rude. Yet the opposite is not true. Hmmm.

Strange: I have no sincere sympathy for a burqa clad American aid worker taken hostage in Afghanistan. I would, however, have enormous sympathy for an Ameican aid worker taken hostage in Afghanistan - one who REFUSED to wear a burqa.

I don't know exactly what that says about me but it does describe my thinking.

Muslim gals! Even the burqa is no protection from Muslim males!

I doubt the aid worker wears a burqa when at home in the West.

Probably not. But she wasn't in the West. She was in Afghanistan. She could justify her behavior by the old adage "when in Rome, do as the Romans do". One problem is that Muslims who demand such behavior (respect?) of visitors don't reciprocate when they travel outside of dar-al-Islam.

Will these "anti-Islamic activities" never end??!!

"Strange: I have no sincere sympathy for a burqa clad American aid worker taken hostage in Afghanistan. I would, however, have enormous sympathy for an Ameican aid worker taken hostage in Afghanistan - one who REFUSED to wear a burqa.

I don't know exactly what that says about me but it does describe my thinking."

Posted by: omvi


They (female American aid workers) might believe that there's still a law enforcing the burqa. Until recently, it was the law, and little has changed in Afghanistan since the Taliban left, taking this particular law with them.

I'm sure they have been encouraged to wear cover, when out and about. That they might do so is no surprise to me. It would be the path of least resistance, and that's important if you're on an aid mission.

Women face enough danger in Afghanistan, don't you think? Western women are probably in more peril there than the native women.

I don't think it's quite fair for female aid workers to be expected to flout the strong local customs in any place in Afghanistan. They are there for a specific purpose--not to make a "statement".

Abscedere said

I don't think it's quite fair for female aid workers to be expected to flout the strong local customs in any place in Afghanistan. They are there for a specific purpose

The aid workers, especially women, are in peril in Afghanistan. They are there to help the people, the people who put their lives in peril.

That specific purpose could be accomplished in countries where the recipients won't put your life in peril, where the recipients are honestly grateful for and appreciative of the assistance.

If they're going to be there, they should do whatever they have to to be safe. But, should they be there?

Helping your fellow person is noble. Helping the person who is trying to harm you is kind of silly.


Yep. You do have a point. So does profitsbeard, when he says, "Charity begins at home."

I would much rather see needy U.S. citizens, or even the needy among our Western allies, receive our help.

I don't know why it seems that assistance has to be given to "exotic" people, in order for it to seem worthy and noble. It's a shame, when there are hungry, undereducated children, who get little if any medical care right here in the U.S..

The situation is what it is, though. An American aid worker has been kidnapped, in Afghanistan. The later in the day it grows, with no word from the fiends who did this, the more uneasy about it I feel.

The only thing new on this story is the name of the victim, Cyd Mizell, and that she teaches English at the university there, and embroidery classes in a girls' school.

Several points:

The burka-babe could be an "American-in-name-only". The majority of all those "Europeans" "rescued" from Lebanon during the Israeli bombardement were simply lebanese moslems who had somehow scammed EU-passports of convenience.

Or this babe is caught up in the romanticism of it all. To say that she doubtlessly listens to npr and not to Michael savage would be stating the obvious.

I say that since we know the fate that befalls any helpful civilians in these places that all Western guvmints ought to state ONCE and FOR ALL that there will be NO negotiations for the release of anyone who acts in the face of these warnings.

There is no reason the taxpayers of the West should have to waste any of our hard-earned money to spring these fools.

We've even heard of fake "Germans", ie, Afghans with a German passport getting "kidnapped" and the Left in GErmany is loudly clamoring for the guvmint to do all it can to ransom the bastards out.

It's sick out there ana getting sicker..

It is indeed hard to understand whether the Left truly believes that islam is not the perfidious pernicious cult that it so clearly is - as demonstrated by the daily rising mountain of evidence. Or does the Left act the way it does out of some kind of fear? Or do they possibly think that these people can somehow, magically be "changed"?

By now, in the year 2008, any of these "resonings" should be considered as cases of extreme dementia.

Which should be grounds to disqualify those thusly affected from voting.

This is yet another argument that the "Marshall Plan" or the "Kerry Pottery Barn Rule" should NOT apply to Mohammedan holdings.

I recommend “SCORCHED EARTH”. We should bomb the bridges, damns, tunnels, cell towers, and power plants. After all if they so love living like 7th century savages, we should help them out in that way.

We can then let the House of Saud drain their coffers to repair it all for their Mohammedan “Brothers and Sisters”. The same way they helped the Tsunami victims in Indonesia.

To paraphrase Nicolo Machiavelli (1469AD -1527AD) in "The Prince" printed in 1513AD

"It is better to be feared then loved by ones enemies."

I don't think western women (or men for that matter) should be entering countries operating under sharia law. We're just condoning all the inequalities and violent punishments meted out by islam.

Charity can begin at home or at least in democratic countries with full respect for human rights.

Foreign aid cannot help these savages because they do not want help. It's nice to know that American women have to parade around in burkas while in Afghanistan; President and Mrs. Bush have both assured us that the burka is no longer a requisite for the liberated women of that islamic shithole.

Any Western female stupid enough to venture into the badlands of Afghanistan should have her head examined. Why can't otherwise normal and intelligent people grasp the obvious fact that people in that part of the world are savages?! They are centuries behind the rest of the world and the most modern, advanced technology they've ever seen are the guns they somehow manage to appropriate from the modern world. And they're quite content to remain frozen in time as long as guns and ammo are available to fight their perpetual wars with each other or occupiers.

I hope this woman will be rescued or released and the next time she wants to help people in need, she can find plenty right here at home. They would be appreciative and grateful and she would be safe.

What information exists suggests that Ms. Mizell is no Jilbab Jill Carroll, living out cheap-paperback fantasies of interviewing romantic, heroic Muslim warriors (until, of course, they began behaving as Muslim "warriors" do -- kidnapping, threatening, propagandizing, terrorizing, etc.)

Ms. Mizell was involved in projects that would give Afghan women money-earning skills so they could independently feed themselves and their children. She taught English so they might have a shot at learning something other than Islam's decree that they are disposable, essentially nonhuman objects. I imagine she knew the risks she faced -- she must have seen beaten, starving, terrorized, hopeless women every day.

I understand that charity might begin at home. But women like Ms. Mizell really are on the front lines of the fight for freedom and dignity for Muslim women. I'll bet she'd laugh in the faces of the well-fed, secular-law-protected Muslimahs in the West who prance around in "My Hijab -- My Choice" T-shirts. I hope she gets out alive.

The Woman went Native. Chose Native ways. Lived a Native Life. Now suffers Native habits.

This is no Master Card moment in her life.

The "burka-babe" is somebody's daughter. She could be somebody's mother, sister, and at her age, even somebody's grandmother. I'm quite sure she's somebody's friend.

The "burka-babe" is in a dangerous place, but she has been playing by the rules of the land. At the time she was abducted, she was doing nothing provocative.

Why, it's even possible that the "burka-babe" could be (gasp) a feminist, and trying to do something about the situation with Afghan women.

I'm sorry, but I don't think it's right to blame and dehumanize the victim with slurs. Doing so makes us more like the enemy, who have always found an excuse to kidnap, rape, force their captives to 'revert', or murder them.

Whether she's foolish, brave, or both, she did not deserve this. Even if she was well informed of the dangers of her mission, and assumed the risk with open eyes, she didn't deserve this.


All you say maybe true, but the fact remains she went to a war zone. Not only a war zone, but a Mohammedan Fiefdom that the inhabitants have a habit of kidnapping for ransom and executions. She has my piety, but I will not allow my government to "buy" her back. The money will be used against our interest. She made her choice, now she can live with the results of her risks. Our government is NOT a world wide insurance agency for stupid behaviours, and yes that domestic issues. Your life, your responsibility!

Senor doeboy,

I didn't say she made a wise choice, in going to Afghainistan. It's something I wouldn't do--I haven't the courage, nor anything to offer the people there.

I don't agree with the notion of 'nation building', nor do I think trying to establish democracy is our responsibility. What our powers-that-be don't seem to realize is that there is a difference between a democracy and a republic. In the places where democracy has been installed by our government, the result has been mob rule, which our forebears knew would never work.

I'm all for creating rubble, and allowing the enemy to deal with it. That's what real war is, and it's certainly what keeps happening to us in infidel nations. (Where Islam is Peace)

Americans join the Armed Forces voluntarily, with a clear understanding that doing so is likely to endanger their lives. If this incident involved a PFC Cyd Mizell, would your views be any different?

I don't know what this poor woman's motive was for going to Afghanistan...I assume her reason was noble. Having said that I now need to say that going there as a female civilian is just crazy..more than crazy, it is counter productive as the energy wasted on her behalf should be spent kicking taliban butt.