Germany on alert after Lebanon warns of jihadist attacks

Eurabia Alert. "Fears of terror attack in Germany," from the Associated Press:

BERLIN, Germany (AP) -- Lebanese authorities have warned of terrorist attacks being planned on targets within Germany, prompting the Justice Ministry in Berlin to increase its security measures, authorities said Saturday.
"There was a tip from Lebanon -- a warning tip," said Stefanie Amft, a spokeswoman for German federal police.
She said that the threat was related to the worldwide terrorism threat, but would not give further details.
"It is known that Germany is part of this worldwide threat," she said.
The comments come after two magazines, Focus and Der Spiegel, reported that the German Embassy in Beirut had received a phone call earlier this month threatening attacks on German military or judicial targets.
Following the threat, Lebanese authorities on Friday arrested a Syrian al Qaeda suspect identified only as "Mohammed N.," Focus magazine reported.
The suspect allegedly said a German-Turk, a Saudi and an Australian were already in Germany planning an attack on Berlin's Justice Ministry or other such agencies in order to avenge the prosecution of al Qaeda suspects in Germany, Focus reported, without citing sources. The report said explosives for the plot were already within Germany.
A spokeswoman for the Justice Ministry, speaking on customary condition of anonymity, refused to confirm any details but said they were aware of the issue and had taken "increased security measures" to protect employees.
Amft said the tip received by federal police had been passed along to all relevant agencies in Germany, but would not elaborate nor comment on security precautions.
Der Spiegel magazine, also without citing sources, reported that explosives were still on their way, and were thought to be coming in to the northern city of Rostock through Russia and Finland.
It said the potential attackers were looking for revenge in particular for Germany's September, 2007, arrest of Fritz Martin Gelowicz and other suspects who allegedly were plotting to attack a U.S. military base in Germany and other targets.
The group was also inspired to act against Germany by the prosecution of Youssef Mohammed el-Hajdib, Der Spiegel reported.
El-Hajdib, a 22-year-old Lebanese citizen, is accused of attempting to blow up two commuter trains in July 2006 along with Jihad Hamad, who was sentenced to 12 years in prison by a Lebanese court last month.
The magazines reported that German federal prosecutors had opened an investigation of the alleged plot, but spokeswoman Sonja Heine refused comment.
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"The group was also inspired to act against Germany by the prosecution of Youssef Mohammed el-Hajdib, Der Spiegel reported."

...I submit they were also inspired by some crazed , bearded , fingerpointing cleric in a Mosque somewhere along in their journey who undoubtedly cites some chosen passages from the Qur'an....something along the lines "kill them where you find them"

You must be Mistaking ?

Moslems from the religion of peace activly pursueing terrorism againt innocent non-moslems .
This cannot be. I
am so shocked ,please check your fact's because we all know that President Bush(who does not lie) said that Islam was a religion of peace.
They must be converts to some other religion.

"The magazines reported that German federal prosecutors had opened an investigation of the alleged plot,"

....I would hope the German Federal Prosecutors team includes some people knowledgeable in Islam, as well as some knowledgeable military personnel and knowledgeable police officials....all have a need to know....

...defeating Radical Islamists requires teamwork.....

by the way:

"Moslems from the religion of peace activly pursueing terrorism againt innocent non-moslems "

Posted by: rocketman may interest you to know...being a Muslim does not protect you from radical fact, Muslims die more frequently by Muslim hands these days than do non Muslims...death at the hands of Muslims is a concern by all...but it is the takeover of your land that is the goal of the radical Muslims....

This news report probably will not register with those who think Islamic terrorists are upset with America and the West due to western foreign policy, interpreted by Muslims as a war against Islam. But the Germans have distanced themselves as much as possible from the actions of the US and Britain in the war on terror, yet they face the wrath of the jihadists anyway, and it seems the Islamists’ plan to strike in Germany is nevertheless retaliatory. The jihadists are apparently upset about German prosecution of a known terrorist.

I don't even want to know what pissed off el-Hajdib in the first place, and neither do the Islamic nut balls who want to avenge his conviction.

The point is, those oblivious to the nature of the global jihad, who insist our actions are provoking the terrorists, are correct, as far as they go, but this is like noticing the rain but not knowing how to come out of it. The jihad is fueled by any adverse action on our part against Muslims, even simply protecting ourselves by removing from the streets those already trying to kill us. These are people incensed by cartoons, teddy bears, and falafels, for God's sake, but we're not supposed to provoke them.

The Germans have tried hard to follow this laissez-faire dogma, and I'm guessing they're a little perplexed now as to where they went wrong.

I can just see them, scratching their heads, standing in the rain.

One of the plotters is..."an Australian".

More correctly, either "an 'Australian' Muslim convert", or "a Lebanese Arab Muslim from Australia" (since it was the Lebanese who fingered the plot, and we Australians are cursed with a great many Lebanese Muslims who have made themselves conspicuous by such things as gang rapes of kafir girls and by extensive involvement in organised crime with extreme violence).

I hope the Germans catch this 'Australian'.

I hope he gets taken to the cleaners.

What has Germany done to upset the moslem world?
Why do they hate them?
Foreign policy?
Their stand on Israel?
They are kuffaar?

A new form of Hitler comes Germany's way walking.

Hold on;

In Germany it's the Turkish Germans, In the UK it's the British Pakistanis and in France it's the North Africans. Colonialism comes back to bite Europe right on it's ass!

"The magazines reported that German federal prosecutors had opened an investigation of the alleged plot, but spokeswoman Sonja Heine refused comment."
-- from the article above

The spokeswoman was no doubt reluctant to speak this early in the investigation, for fear she might be skating on thin ice.


And those that stand in that rain shall drown.

IF the muslim maggots attack and destroy any German political or civilian targets than I hope the Germans would train and rebuild certain military units from WW 2.

Deutschland division would be a superb start.

GSG 9 would need the help.

These plotting, muslim, mass murderers need the utmost ruthless and merciless responses thrown against them that has not been seen since 1941.

Turn them into sausages.

Hugh-- you have no idea how tempting it was to include something about that in the main posting. I even double-checked before posting, but the skater was Henie, not Heine.

Still tempting. But I thought the reference might be too obscure.

The "skating on thin ice" line would have been very amusing in the published post--and not hardly "too obscure" for Hugh.

"The Germans have tried hard to follow this laissez-faire dogma, and I'm guessing they're a little perplexed now as to where they went wrong."

....lesson #4....Muslism do not care about appeasment efforts to calm the radical Muslim masses.

....lesson #1 ...Muslims do not honor peace agreements...

....lesson #2....Muslims do not like non Muslims..

....Lesson #3....Muslims love to dish out the violence, both physical and verbal...

....Ok , so the Germans are slow learners, but they are learning...