Philippines: Largest Muslim rebel group 'on a war footing'

Despite government efforts to come to a peaceful settlement with the group.

From AKI (thanks to Sr. Soph):

Manila, 11 Jan. (AKI) - The Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF), the Philippines’ largest Muslim rebel group (photo), has announced it is ready for war, if attacked.

The statement, made by Eid Kabalu, MILF military spokesman, is a response to a recent comment by interior and local government secretary Ronaldo Puno threatening to stop talks with the MILF.

"We are open to all possibilities. We have the right to defend ourselves in our homeland," Kabalu said, quoted by daily The Sun Star’on Friday. However, he asserted that war was the last resort.

A day earlier, the MILF official website, Luwaran, cited Puno as saying: "If the MILF doesn't want our agreement, if they do not want to respect our Constitution, then let us stop negotiating and just continue with the war.”

The rising tension follows the latest stumbling block that has, at least temporarily, halted peace talks between the two sides.

In December, the MILF negotiating panel in Kuala Lumpur, for a round of consultations, refused to meet their government’s counterparts after they were presented a draft of a proposed memorandum of agreement that omitted most of the ‘consensus points’ on a homeland or 'ancestral domain' that two sides had previously agreed on.

The consensus points – first agreed in October 2004 - allegedly include the boundaries of a new Muslim controlled homeland, its maritime borders and details of natural resource sharing with the central government.

Manila’s condition that any agreement is implemented via constitutional means - meaning a referendum - especially angered the MILF....

Perhaps indicating that they have little popular support.

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It has been pointed out that I have gotten old without becoming mature. Fellow readers, please accpt my apology in advance. All right here goes: Got Milf?

We have the right to defend ourselves . . .

Which is muslim speak for "no matter what you say or do, we will continue to attack you".

"...the Philippines’ largest Muslim rebel group (photo), has announced it is ready for war, if attacked. ..."

....loosely translated:...."do not be home when we come through...your presence will contrue an attack...'

.MILF....still too funny....

On a more serious note, perhaps the referendum would be national rather than regional. It is unlikely that such a constitutional change will be popular with the majority.

The story plays out similarly across the worlds landscape when it comes to the non assimilating ideology that is Islam.

It reflects the same attitudes that are found in the Israeli/Palestinian conflict at almost every turn, only the demographics, and geography are different.

The Phillipines operates as a democracy and its majority religion is over 82 Pct. Catholic,Muslims representing a little over 5 Pct of the population in the southern islands, and in particular Western Mindanao.

The Moro liberation front might as well be the Hamas of Palestine or any number of the 26 major Islamic terrorist groups the United states State department recognizes throughout the world.

Does the Phillipines have trouble with its Hindu/ Buddhist population that are nearly 3 1/2 Pct. of the population of the Phillipines? Ans: No! And why is that-- I bet Stephen Coughlin could tell us.

As corrupt as Marcos was at least he fought against the dismemberment of his country by battling against these murderous minions. A Koranic state within the Phillipines is almost a reality-once achieved it will spread like an oil slick until the entire nation is finally of the ummah.

And the Muslim population of the Philippines is less than 6%. You've been warned.

Attacking innocent others was never 'self defense' in the past for MILF.

So now that they have been given land in a peace treaty that MILF is already not honoring, they will be able to attack and call it 'self defense'.

Even though it is 'MILF' on the OFFENSE.

We should see the goverment of the Philippines bring them back to the talbe for more land. MILF will probably start asking for money to run their land too. Taken out of the Palestinian Playbook, it has worked for the Palestinians why not the MILF.

When is the MILF not on a "war footing"?

"We are open to all possibilities. We have the right to defend ourselves in our homeland."

I love that. Muslims always say that, right before they cause a lot of havoc and kill other people when they are trying to take over somebody else's territory.

I bet a couple of AC-130 Gunships could make a little mess of their war footing.