Here is Fitna

The film is accurate. Will Muslims rage against the truth?

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As I said on the Fitna site, Edvard Grieg's Ase's Death was a beautiful choice for the music.

Here in Vancouver, Canada we will demonstrate publicly in support of Wilders as soon as we can, perhaps this weekend.

Public schools here in California teach all middle school students about the 5 pillars of Islam.

Perhaps High School students should be required to watch Submission and Fitna as a dose of pragmatism.

Any burning embassies yet? OMG: its Friday, kuthba day!

We need to spread the word and pass the links around like good little kaffirs.

I've all ready sent it off to all sorts of parts of cyber space. ;-)

Now Im off to get my pop corn and marshmellows ready for the fireworks this is gonna cause.

I think Wilders did a VERY compelling job!!

Liveleak seems down (after one and a half million viewers).

Just watched it on liveleak, maybe overloaded there? Very powerful movie, excellent job. Nice and short so even our ADD society can sit through it.

I was a good little anti-islamist too, emailed it to my list with instructions to make sure it was viewed.

Now I'll join DeeMack for popcorn and entertainment. heh.

I didn't think that Wilders could do much in just 15 minutes, but he absolutely did! I also expected him to cite the oft cited verses like 2:190-193, 5:33, 9:5,29,111. However kudos to him for citing new ones - 8:60, 4:56, 4:57: it sounded even creepier in the original Arabic.

Wilders also deserves a lot of credit for focussing heavily on gays, and the fate that would be theirs if Islam ever took over the Netherlands. If this movie manages to win over Leftists in Europe, it would have done a great deal.

My only mild criticism of him - by showing a photo of the Quran and then ripping off a page from the phone book made it look like actually ripping off a page from the Quran would be as repulsive as a beheading video being shown right to the end, in addition to making him look like a wuss. He does make a good point that it's upto Muslims themselves to tear off the hateful verses of the Quran, but in that case, all this looked like was a stunt that he didn't have the guts to pull off. Don't tell me that that would have earned him death threats - he's got that already.

Nonetheless, this movie is worth bookmarking. In the credits where he lists the contributions, I was disappointed that 'Islam: What the West needs to know' didn't make it.

If you have trouble accessing the film at live leak, try an indirect route.

The film went from 420,000 views to 781,000 views in about 30 minutes, so be patient and keep trying.


and tomorrow is Friday the usual rabble rousing at mosks will go down a treat ahh.. the religion of peace

The only improvement I could suggest is to add a segment on the reaction to it we all know is coming.

I just watched this at work. On their time. Told co-workers about it. Any crap from management and I will go and find another workplace that endorses this movie openly.

non-croyant, I thought that Tchaikovsky's "Arabian Dance" from the Nutcracker Suite was also a very good choice, somber and haunting.

It subtly hints again at the difference in artistic output of Dar al-Harb vs. Dar al-Islam. Islam can destroy, but it cannot create anything as spectacularly beautiful as the Nutcracker Suite.

Nicely done, but most seems like old news. Then again we here are the exception and not the rule. Hopefully this film will change that.

I agree with non-croyant. The music was superb.

Powerful and so true. I did no expect FINTA to be this good. Hopefully it will be available on dvd.

Oh - there'll be seething and rage now.

Hopefully this time from Europeans, and all others, who have been submitting to dhimmitude!

Actually, after all the accusations from certain people, even before they had seen the film, I thought it was in no way incendiary.
It just showed what is true.
Well made, not at all sensationalist - and perhaps this film will make a few more think a bit harder about what is actually going on.

Powerful and so true. I did not expect FINTA to be this good. Hopefully it will be available on dvd.

Oh - there'll be seething and rage now.

Hopefully this time from Europeans, and all others, who have been submitting to dhimmitude!

Actually, after all the accusations from certain people, even before they had seen the film, I thought it was in no way incendiary.
It just showed what is true.
Well made, not at all sensationalist - and perhaps this film will make a few more think a bit harder about what is actually going on.

This needs to be downloaded immediately by those that can. This needs to be seen by EVERYONE. And if the MSM is going to comment on this - they better see the entire thing and maybe even show it before they let one CAIR person comment on it.

Every person in Congress should be made to watch this.

Excellent job - horribly true too.

I wish it wasn't, but in the 7 - 8 years since 9/11 - Islam has only factual shown itself to be more violent and anti-Western Democracy.

Pro West! Pro Human Values! Pro Freedom.

Down with tryanny! Down with forced Sharia law!

Long live liberty, life, and happiness and artstic expressions of those values and ideas.

My only mild criticism of him - by showing a photo of the Quran and then ripping off a page from the phone book made it look like actually ripping off a page from the Quran would be as repulsive as a beheading video being shown right to the end, in addition to making him look like a wuss. He does make a good point that it's upto Muslims themselves to tear off the hateful verses of the Quran, but in that case, all this looked like was a stunt that he didn't have the guts to pull off. Don't tell me that that would have earned him death threats - he's got that already.

*** I don't think he was being a wuss. I think he refrained from Islam "bashing" and let the facts allow Islam to hang itself. It showed class to not "trash" or "insult" a religion. Makes Fitna watertight and gives it more credibility.

Network Solutions Press Release On Removing Fitna

Official word.

Network Solutions’ Statement Regarding the Suspension of

Herndon, VA — March 24, 2008 — Over the last month, Network Solutions received a number of complaints regarding the website FITNATHEMOVIE.COM. At the same time, our hosting customer for this site also made several public comments regarding their plans for the use of this site. In response to the complaints and the customer’s public comments, Network Solutions has made repeated requests to discuss the matter with our customer. We have also requested to review the planned content prior to it being loaded onto the site to determine whether the content violates Network Solutions’ Acceptable Use Policy. We are still waiting to hear from our customer. In the interim, we have temporarily suspended the site.

During this suspension, the customer has full access to the site. If the customer provides Network Solutions with the content and it is determined that the content does not violate the Acceptable Use Policy, then the customer will be permitted to post the content. However, if it does violate our policy, then the customer is free to post the content using another number of other avenues, but not with Network Solutions.

Network Solutions is by no means taking any action to limit freedom of speech or to preemptively censor content. Our company also does not proactively police the content of our customers’ sites. If a complaint is received, however, we do conduct a review to determine whether the site’s content violates our company’s Acceptable Use Policy.

Network Solutions Press Release On Removing Fitna

Official word.

Network Solutions’ Statement Regarding the Suspension of

Herndon, VA — March 24, 2008 — Over the last month, Network Solutions received a number of complaints regarding the website FITNATHEMOVIE.COM. At the same time, our hosting customer for this site also made several public comments regarding their plans for the use of this site. In response to the complaints and the customer’s public comments, Network Solutions has made repeated requests to discuss the matter with our customer. We have also requested to review the planned content prior to it being loaded onto the site to determine whether the content violates Network Solutions’ Acceptable Use Policy. We are still waiting to hear from our customer. In the interim, we have temporarily suspended the site.

During this suspension, the customer has full access to the site. If the customer provides Network Solutions with the content and it is determined that the content does not violate the Acceptable Use Policy, then the customer will be permitted to post the content. However, if it does violate our policy, then the customer is free to post the content using another number of other avenues, but not with Network Solutions.

Network Solutions is by no means taking any action to limit freedom of speech or to preemptively censor content. Our company also does not proactively police the content of our customers’ sites. If a complaint is received, however, we do conduct a review to determine whether the site’s content violates our company’s Acceptable Use Policy.

The film went from 420,000 views to 781,000 views in about 30 minutes, so be patient and keep trying.

Muslims' constant complaining has become the film's best advertising. Perfect.

"My only mild criticism of him - by showing a photo of the Quran and then ripping off a page from the phone book ..." (Infidel Pride).

No, I have to say that worked for me. It made me uncomfortable, and it made me think (the point about Muslims having to do the ripping out themselves was well made), but it was deliberately not disrespectful. If it had been, then Wilders could be criticised as a extreme right wing bigot, just deliberately being offensive. Oh, I forgot, he already has been!

I thought the film was excellent. I hope it will be widely seen by others than visitors to this site (who don't actually need to see it).

In one minor respect, the film is not accurate. The photograph that is supposed to show Mohammed Bouyeri, Theo van Gogh's murderer, is in fact a picture of Dutch-Moroccan rapper Salah Edin.


Robert Spencer, Geert Wilders, Hugh Fitzgerald lead the way to freedom and civilization and begin to loosen the bonds of 14-centuries old islamosupremacist slavery!

Posted in red at the home page of

"Welcome, and thank you for visiting Due to an increase in traffic and targetted hacking attacks, we have had to disable certain features. We hope you enjoy all that we have available at this time and we further hope that you will visit us again to explore the full range of features and interactivity that LiveLeak has to offer. If this is your first visit to we apologise for the fact your first impression of the site will be limited, check back in with us soon and you can join one of the most unique media sharing sites on the net offering everything from uncensored news through to entertainment. Thank you for your patience."

Heh, the islamists are scurrying to try to block it already. I think they were caught off guard by the early release.

Is anybody else seeing a blank screen on this page at JW where the link is supposed to be to Fitna?

Guess I will have to skulk around the net to find it.

Old Atlantic's statement about regarding suspending new business with Network Solutions while Network Solutions suspends Fitna. When NS has an explanation we shall see, until then I will take my new registrations to other vendors.

When NS finishes, I expect them to send a written apology to each and every survivor of 9-11 and of all other Muslim attacks depicted in the film.

Concerns about this video depicting a call to violence was accurate - however, not in the context the politically correct dhimmis were convinced. Wake up!

This excellent video should go viral . . .in case the video is pulled here are some additional links (via IBA):

or download here:


RapidShare (English):

The great thing about this film is,
It consists of all news articles, video clips, photos, and Quran verses that are out
there for any one to view or publish.

What he did was put them all together with a powerful truth at the end ;that
Islam wants respect but it respects no one.

This is a good model film for any one who is creative to follow.

I can bet you will be seeing soon, a lot of amateur films with the same message.

I wonder how many people have tried to upload it on “you tube” . 

"non-croyant, I thought that Tchaikovsky's "Arabian Dance" from the Nutcracker Suite was also a very good choice, somber and haunting."

Funny, also from Peer Gynt - just like Ase's Death - Grieg has an Arabian Dance - which I love. The whole Peer Gynt suite I love really.

I thought I named the wrong Grieg song for a minute after reading your comment, since I'm hardly a Classical music expert.

Those of you who have RealPlayer (the latest version), download the above video by right-click and selecting the option 'Download this video to RealPlayer'. That way, you don't have to depend on the site(s) being up, and you can post it on your blogs, home pages, wherever...

Of course we know this is false "Islam is Peace", you kaffirs how many times do we have to tell you that! huh?

The above statement sounds familiar guys...just wait this will be one of many familiar actions, words and God forbid violence and flag burning...I hope not.

I wish it would be like this: "The Ummah recognizes that this film has portrayed the Islamic doctrine accurately and that we need to reflect on these negative messages in the Koran so that the vicious cycle of violence is stopped in the name of Islam."

However, I think almost improbable, but more likely that use of taquiya is the logical choice for the Muslims.

Sad to say I use Myspace but I will be posting bulletins everyday for the next two weeks to try to get out to everyone, just like the dems and libs use it to get their message out

Also it has been posted already on Stumbleupon

Very well done! Cheers for Wilders for showing the truer face of Islam, as Mo would have it. Moderates are just fools who should quickly dump this obvious madness from a 7th century con artist.

Lets have more visual truth about the mind poison that's Islam.

Infidel Pride, people wh do not speak English or Dutch will naturally assume that a page from the Quran was ripped out. Here we go. I'm out of popcorn.

I second Joe Schmoe's comments. All this stuff is in the public domain, and he has merely compiled them. From one perspective it's disappointing: anyone could have done the same. But perhaps that is just the point -- this material is the elephant in the room of Western Liberal discourse. It is a breakthrough when someone with the exposure of Wilders says, "Oh! Look! An elephant!"

Wilders hardly speaks in this film. His voice (text actually) is heard only in the bland titles of the different sections and the brief call to Muslims to take definitive action.

Like Spencer he is simply an effective mirror: he shows what is there. If telling the truth is a crime, then Wilders and Spencer should be put away. If not, then many voices should echo these truths.

Wilders is not calling for violence against Muslims. The general sensitivity of this film makes it clear that he does not hate, not incites hatred against them. Nor do I.

jafar quoted a Network Solutions press release:

Network Solutions is by no means taking any action to limit freedom of speech or to preemptively censor content. Our company also does not proactively police the content of our customers’ sites. If a complaint is received, however, we do conduct a review to determine whether the site’s content violates our company’s Acceptable Use Policy.

Here is a link to send a (polite but firm) message to Network Solutions, to ask them why they DID limit freedom of speech and they DID preemptively censor content.

People...what is the difference if WE see this.

This movie will not make a difference to US.

WE are not the target audience.

How can we ensure those who might see this short and THINK for a few minutes before tuning on American Idol, or Biggest Loser ..GET TO SEE IT?

We understand.

How can we ensure others begin to?

Okay, that link didn't work. Try this one, and then click on "General Support".

Okay, their whole customer feedback system is not responding. Try calling them at: 1.888.642.9675, and ask Network Solutions why they refused to show Geert Wilder's movie.

Bravo "Fitna!" Thank You, Geert!

Normally, I would join in the snarkfest, but the combination of images and music moves me only to rage and tears. I can't even think, at this moment.

Thanks for the torrent link; Fitna is now on my hard drive.


The film is excellent. I didn't expect it to be so well produced. The visibility it will have is to be rejoiced at. I wish jihadwatch could be as widely seen.

A couple of images I didn't understand. The American soldier being dragged through the street in Somalia? Muslims were doing the dragging, but did that have anything to do with their religion?

Bloodied children in the "Netherlands of the future"? Why exactly? Victimization of women and gays, yes, but why children?

The analogies with which the film ends to the other dangerous ideologies from which Europe has been recently freed was a punch that should be heard around the world.

We know what will be heard around the world, however: irrational screaming - and cowardly submission to the irrational screaming.

"Bloodied children in the 'Netherlands of the future'? Why exactly? Victimization of women and gays, yes, but why children?"

The bloodied children were the victims of Shi'ite ritualistic mortification of the flesh that adults usually inflict upon themselves (self-mortification in honor of Hussain).

Even though it's shocking, repulsive, and reprehensible, the wounds are actually usually pretty superficial if my understanding is correct.

The beheading of Mr. Armstrong and his screams should be transmitted well as poor Nick Berg, Mr. Johnson and all other beheading victims. I feel these are more powerful than Fitna, and perfectly self-describe the innermost muslim mindset and behavior.

If you want to see how muslims treat prisoners of war, just search for dagestan videos.

Beware! Very graphic and horrifying. Will probably make you want to take up arms.

"A couple of images I didn't understand. The American soldier being dragged through the street in Somalia? Muslims were doing the dragging, but did that have anything to do with their religion?"

The body being dragged I think was a contractor in Fallujah, Iraq. Insurgents of that time were motivated either by the politics of Baathism, Islam, or both IIRC.


The bloodied children have to do with the Shia "celebration" of Ashoura - the anniversary of the martyrdom of Husayn, grandson of Mohammad.

The rhythm of the piece is simplicity itself.

1. Quranic text. "Behead them, burn them"

2. This text affirmed and preached today. Imams preaching "Behead them, burn them."

3. This text acted upon. Literally. Images of actual infidels beheaded. Burned.

4. Often further affirmation of the literal meaning of the text from 'the street'. "Yes if converted to christianity should be killed. Yes, if my mother committed adultery I would kill her..."

Simple as it can be. It WORKS for me.

>>The film is accurate. Will Muslims rage against the truth? --RS

Of course. They always do.


The bloodied children have to do with the Shia "celebration" of Ashoura - the anniversary of the martyrdom of Husayn, grandson of Mohammad."

That's basically what I said, wasn't it?


Sorry - that was for Novalis, but you were on it first.

WOW .........I do hope the world wakes up......

I have just watched Fitna, and unless the free world takes decisive action and stops pandering to these savages, a barbaric dystopian future will await many of our children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren 50, 100, or 150 years from now. And we will have been responsible for letting them down, not to mention letting down several generations of our ancestors, who fought for the freedoms we take for granted today, the freedoms we are gradually squandering with every passing day, and won't look too kindly upon us if we meet up with them in the afterlife, should this come to pass.

Anyone with more than a handful of brain cells should know that Islam is a religion of war, and its followers are devoted to toppling our civilization and reducing us and future generations to servitude in our own ancestral homes - in fact end all progress in our present day citadel of civilization. They've been trying to destroy us for over 1,300 years, and they won't stop anytime soon - indeed they believe we have at the most only 100 or so years left, and that drives them on. Our collective spinelessness and appeasement through our restraint-urging media, lawyers, tree-huggers and so-called leaders have helped to formulate the belief amongst Jihadis that we are nearing the end game and there for the taking.

The only reason why we survived the Jihad for so long is because we in the West produced people like Charles Martel, Pelayo, de la Valette, Jan Sobieski and the men and women who fought under them, who knew the consequences of failure and drove back the Jihadists, thereby preventing Sharia becoming the law of our lands. The inventions the West has produced over the last few centuries were only made possible by stopping and turning back the Jihad. And yet there are apologists out there who are enabling this end. Doesn't that picture of a three and a half year old who is already committed to hating Jews say everything about that cult? This is why there will never be peace, because the next generation of terrorists has already been born and is being nurtured for their murderous roles 15 or so years from now, and that will continue until they get their final victory, or unless we grow a spine and crush them once and for all. They are being mentally and physically equipped to take the places of those who are already out there murdering infidels, and whilst our own kids are playing with Playstations, they are playing with imitation AK47s and bomb belts and being taught that it is glorious to murder our Playstation generation, and that Paradise awaits those who succeed in blowing up our kith and kin. But we and our leaders refuse to see this. Brainwashed and crippled by 40 years of political correctness, we and our leaders are so ill-equipped and ill-informed for what is coming to us within the next 20 years or so. If we are to survive, then political correctness has to be ditched to give us a fighting chance, and criticism of Islam shouldn't be denounced any longer as hate speech by sappy politically-correct jobsworths. We are now into the third Great Jihad that is being waged against our civilization, and have been since 2001, and arguably since 1979. There certainly won't be a fourth.

Unfortunately Wilders didn't quote the terror verses from the Koran, to make the direct association with Islam and terror.

Fitna is simply Islam being Islam.
I don't know what moslems can find offensive about it.
Quotes from the Quran, beheading infidels, Friday sermons of hatred, what's not to love?

Oh, you thought I was asking the question since I headed up my post with a quote from the middle of the post of the person who asked.

I'll try blockquote again:

Testing - does this work?

It seemed like it was turned off when I tried it before.

I had been rather anxious that it would turn out to be something which could easily be dismissed as merely scurrilous.
So it was a relief to see that is actually well-made, factual, and forceful.
So I have to wonder what all the fuss was about, and if any of those witless ninnies who wanted to apologise for it in advance have now actually taken the time to watch it, and whether any of them now might be feeling very, very SILLY ?

As you watch Wilder's excellent Fitna, remember that people are going to die because this understated 15-minute fact-based movie was released. Somewhere, someday, kufirs are going to pay for this affront to Allah with their blood.

"Somewhere, someday, kufirs are going to pay for this affront to Allah with their blood."

If the past is anything to go on it will be Muslims' co-religionists who die in the immediate reaction to the film.

Here's my reaction to that possibility.

Fitna is powerful, gripping, horrifying.

"Muslims will take over the world."
"Freedom go to hell." ???


I have been lurking here for quite some time...I think I will post now.

This is perhaps the most well done short I have ever seen. I am impressed.

I am glad Mr. Spencer has the intestinal fortitude to host this, and I hope it will be seen far and wide.


That paper tarring sound at the end. Then the caption "a phone book". Then the following graphics show the Koran again. Just a thought???

If liveleak is still overloaded, here is a link to a torrent that seems to be clean and works,

I am sorry I doubted the release of the Film.

Gripping presentation.

The words of Muslims through their own Mouths and deeds-PRICELESS.

Makes one wish they would all turn to Flies.

It's up on a MSM 'blog down here:
Three cheers for Andrew Bolt! You can comment there if you like.

There was not much on it that most of us don't already know.
However it will help get the word out.

Good for Wilders, Robert and Liveleak!

"Somewhere, someday, kufirs are going to pay for this affront to Allah with their blood."

Everywhere, every day, BEFORE Fitna was released, kufirs have been paying with their blood for their affronts to Allah. Just being non-muslim is an affront to Allah.

Powerful film. I fear however, that the witless liberals who have so much sway in our societies, will merely scream "hate" and "islamophobia" no matter how watertight the facts in the film, and that will be the debate over.

Non-Croyant ...

Oh, that is sooooooooooooooooooo funny!!!!!

Thank you!!!

The time to remain timid is long past just a few days of each other, Cristiano and Geert have publicly called out the wolf. I can only hope to be as brave as either of them, and many other heroes and truth tellers, nameless and not so nameless.

You can download the film via the following utorrent link. Make sure to keep your torrent of the file open so it can be distributed much more quickly as folks find out about it being there.

Hopefully people will be able to see it, since the media are unwilling to speak of the elephant in the room lest members of "the religion of peace" murder then for telling the truth about Islamic evils.


This is going to be 5x's worse than Motoons. Especially the insuation at the end of ripping a page in the Quran. There's going to be a BIGTIME reaction!


This is going to be 5x's worse than Motoons. Especially the insinuation at the end of ripping a page in the Quran. There's going to be a BIGTIME reaction!

This fifteen-minute film must immediately be provided with versions dubbed in French, Spanish, Italian, Russian, German, and another two dozen languages, not forgetting Hindi, Urdu, Chinese, Korean, Japanese, and various versions of Bahasa. No time to waste.

And it should be seen as the first in a series, not stand-alone.

There is plenty more in the Qur'an. He did not touch Sura 9. There are the Hadith. There is the Sira, and the details of Muhammad's life.

A first installment.

The reaction, I think, will be milder than one might have expected just a month ago. The word must surely have gone out to cool it, the Infidels are watching.

Simply appalling... And with less and less being vocalized, onward it creeps.

I am somewhat surprised that so many of you think that there will be some sort of violent backlash because of this film.

Our President, the right honorable George W. Bush, has assured us not only that Islam is a religion of peace, but that Islam, translated into English, means "peace."

Just Relax!

PS: Right now, I am too busy stocking up on the essentials to worry about popcorn.

Not sure why the Orks will be getting their panties all in a wad since we've seen most of this footage before. But the way Wilders brings it together, and with that choice of music, is brilliant.

Now it's up to Muslims to make him wrong or make him right. Something tells me they won't be able to helps themselves.

Patagonia girl - Serenity now, Serenity now, SERENITY NOW!!!!

If there was a demostration in Vancouver in support of Wilders, I will be there.


American politicians must follow his example. This film is awesome, and already so many millions have seen it in one day. Everyone is coming to know the hatred that is in the Koran

You can download it on my site now also. It's in flashview format.

Geert Wilders, God bless his soul, is a dead man walking.

*Dearest ROBERT* posted this so quick,, I just wanted my comments in the correct thread,, 'scuse the same post in the Bomb Contest, thread,,


Greetings Folks,

Just watched Fitna, and it is a very powerful 15 minutes. Geert Wilders, did a awesome job on this one.

Sent it out to all my tattooed, harley ridin' biker friends, all over the planet. And of course my part of the infidel nation networks. And then on all the social networks, I blog, party and flirt at,, GRIN!!!

They will all be impressed too!!

Geert Wilders, I buy you virtual rounds, afew JD's,,,!!

Lot's of bacon too,

cos,, we all love pig roasts in the summer!!!

"don't annoy the bikers"

Here's a short video about Network Solutions' preemptive censorship of Fitna. Shows Glenn Beck interviewing bestselling novelist Brad Thor. Thor withdrew his business from Network Solutions because of the preemptive censorship of Fitna. May everyone else do the same.

Cheers to all, the release of Fitna is a moment to celebrate.

PS,, I just sent it to Tom Tancredo and Glen Beck,, ,, they are friends on a social networking site,, GRIN!!!


This film is a disgrace -completely Islamophobic and unrepresentative of Islam, which as everyone knows is a religion of.. - no wait...

Geert Wilders, God bless his soul, is a dead man walking. Posted by: Triumphant_Paladin

We're all going to die sooner or later. No one can predict when. Better to die doing something worthwhile in defiance of tyranny than in quiet submission. They can't get us all.

Hugh is right. In fact, Wilders should have titled this Fitna, Part 1. Imagine how that would have freaked out the Dutch dhimmis and the Quraniacs: "Ooooh noooo! (whine, whine, snivel, snivel) This is only part 1???!! What are we gonna do???!!!"

From the comments at the Fitna site:
Look at someone who made the movie… they are afraid of Islam!!! Lol! its surely going to take over. The quranic verses used in it are totally used out of context….lets face the fact, look at paestine, look at iraq, look at afghanistan, look at pakistan…..these are not at all disturbing images….all the europeans, americans and britishers must see the actual world…come out of the comfort zones and the media created propoganda world….look whats happening in the world and who is killin whom!!!

Same tired arguments.

Bravo! Geert Wilders rules. Let's hope millions of people are watching it right now!

What a bunch of gutless wonders over at townhall. com.

For a few minutes, there was a news piece by Toby Sterling about the release of "Fitna."

Not only is it gone, but you have to search like heck to even prove that it ever existed.

The dhimmis are beginning the whitewashing game and ploughing the official line; it doesnt matter how good an argument you make, the same old tired games and arguments get dragged out to squash debate. Head, brick wall.

"...they are afraid of Islam!!! Lol! its surely going to take over..." - dya think this fella even realises the irony of his comment in light of the films content??


If you need a .flv player I got one here:

I downloaded it on bit torrent and my PC is on...

I applaud Geert Wilders' bravey and his concern for his countrymen.

Fitna, is an expression of his beliefs and concerns just as jihad, murder, terror, female genital mutilation are the result of following the Koran.

Fitna, does not expose anything new about Islam. Nor does it expose anything new about Muslims or the Koran.

As a Pentecostal, my first and foremost concern for all people is their salvation. Yes, the violence and atrocities the Muslims commit are a grave concern but not nearly as much as seeing so many people wholly given to the idolatry of Islam. Their idolatry is what fuels their hatred, their arrogance, their murderous and destructive rages.

Idolatry is the problem.

The Koran is the means by which the fires of idolatry are stoked to a white hot fire.

G-d bless Wilders and Spencer for putting the truth up.

"FITNA" and "Obsession" should be required viewing in public schools after public schools teach the "five pillars of islam" like a bunch of dhimmis.

interestingconundrum said

Same tired arguments.

I think we've heard the entire arsenal of responses from Islam (where "you" below does not refer to interestingconundrum, it refers to whomever criticises any element of Dar al-Islam):

- You are the terrorists.
- You are racist. You are an Islamophobe.
- You took it out of context. You cherry-picked.
- You are on the side of the jihadis.
- You don't have the credentials or training to understand Islam. You don't speak Arabic.

There is never a reasoned response to the points raised. It's always ad hominem attacks.

And we kufirs are getting tired of the same tired arguments.

Larry L. Sharp -

I could not agree with you more. I despise this false and hate-filled ideology and support the efforts to expose it and fight against it.

At the same time, the millions caught up in it are precious souls to God (the God of the Bible) and need our prayers.

Well I think we all know who is going to be the winner of the International Anti-Dhimmi of the Year award.

yet another link


This great, use muslim's own unholy book and actual news accounts to show how they both relate to all the violence, bloodshed, and hatred wherever muslims are in large numbers. No fantasies, no satire, no make believe just the actual evidence. Good job geert I wish we had brave politicians like that in UK and USA, instead of these dhimmi wussies.

Hugh said:

"The reaction, I think, will be milder than one might have expected just a month ago. The word must surely have gone out to cool it, the Infidels are watching."

While I agree with 95% of what Hugh writes, I respectfully disagree here - if indeed he's implying the reaction will be mild. Personally, I think the outcry is going to be 5x's worse than the Mottons crisis. Possible things Muslims will take offence to other than the truth:

1. The lead in to Fitna shows the most 'controversial' of Motoons: the bomb-shaped turban on Mohammed.

2. The graph showing the population rise of Muslims in Holland since 1906. Obviously, most of these persons arn't connected to terrorism in any way so the cry of 'rasism' will be rampant.

3. The biggest one of all: the insinuation of ripping the Quran, 'The perfect book, at the end. We may not think its a big deal, but there's gonna be hell to pay for that. The fact that Wilders cuts out before the ripping sound, and qualifies the noise by saying 'its the sound of a ripping phonebook' will make little difference. To most muslims, he might as well have actually ripper the Quran.

Prediction: Hundreds of thousands will rally in Theran, Gaza, and elsewhere and riots will unfold in places in Europe. The possibility this doesn't happen is if the leaders of various organizations intentionally tell their proxies to cool it. Good luck with that!

I wouldn't want to own property in a Paris suberb about now!


You wasted your time sending it to Glenn Beck. He claimed to have read the Qur'an and said unequivocally Islam is a religion of peace. The guy is dead on on so many issues, but he is lost when it comes to Islam.

Ugh, I hate how the comments here always turn into a forum for proselytes.

Friday Prayers a comin'..... there's gonna be a seethin'

Thank you Mr. Spencer - I appreciate you showing it to us and not doing it via since they have been obeying the muslims and censoring the truth.

To think that they weren't going to show this film for fear of upsetting Islam - those politicians who opposed the film must feel stupid tonight - as the film is mostly done in the Muslims own words.

A big HA..HA..there !

That is why we have free speech and freedom of expression - and the film more than anything - reinforces why we should maintain our freedoms and why we shouldn't give in to Islamic threats or fears of 'offending' -- as what are we trading our freedoms in for - we really don't even want to know.

Admittedly I don't fully understand repression
and I don't want to understand it.

What is scary is how close our politicians came to giving up our freedoms or how close they came to asking us/Wilders to compromise underlying beliefs - for an Islam, which rejects freedoms and individual rights. How quickly they would trade our freedoms in for repression?


To think they would want to kill Wilders for replaying their own words!

This great clip seems like a sequel to "Friday the 13th" or "Halloween", proving once again that reality is stranger, and far more horrifying, than fiction.
Jason's hockey mask always made him seem more sinister, as do the masks of the jihadis. But isn't that the point? It's all about a bunch of self-important nebbishes boosting their weak egos by intimidating people. Boo!

Let me add reason #4 for ensuing chaos for reasons other than the truth:

One scene, and I paraphrase, went something like this:

" We defeated the third reich in 1944, we deafted communism in 1989, now its time to defeat Islam(ism)"

That's not going to go down to well.


My friend, you must be busy indeed; haven't heard much from you lately. You must be farsighted, indeed--stock up on foodstuffs, water, and ammo.

Take care, and watch out for those radicalized lesser rhea converts ("reverts") down there, called to jihad by the notorious terrorist Awastruz al-Amrik al-Sur!


To think they would want to kill Wilders for replaying their own words!

They want to kill Geert Wilders now because he has dared to stand up to their threats.
He did not fold.

The time will come when we shall practice the golden rule..."do unto them as they are doing unto us"

I'm surprised that the comments section is not getting more action. Sure, I have been enthusiastic about it - I am that guy from the cartoon who won't go to bed because "someone is wrong on the Internet!" - but the comments section of the site for the movie is a rare opportunity to communicate our opinions to all kinds of people outside of our echo chamber - including the Muslims who you KNOW are watching the film and reading the comments.

I can't resist the chance.

History! I think I just heard the first shot fired over Fort Sumter.

Does anyone know if any demonstrations in support of Geert Wilders are being planned in New York?

Fitna 2 the sequel...coming soon...

To think they would want to kill Wilders for replaying their own words!

They want to kill Geert Wilders now because he has dared to stand up to their threats.
He did not fold.

True, but here's a little update from Holland. Ever since Theo van Gogh was ritually slaughtered on a sidewalk in Amsterdam, Geert Wilders has been living under a permanent deaththreat, as well as Ayaan Hirsi Ali. The orthodox muslim Mohammed Bouyeri "stuck" that death warrant on Van Gogh's chest.

So Mr. Wilders has been forced to live for 4 years now under constant protection by body-guards, moving from one safehouse to another hideout.

Kind regs from Amsterdam,

Hugh wrote above:

"This fifteen-minute film must immediately be provided with versions dubbed in French, Spanish, Italian, Russian, German, and another two dozen languages, not forgetting Hindi, Urdu, Chinese, Korean, Japanese, and various versions of Bahasa. No time to waste.

And it should be seen as the first in a series, not stand-alone.

There is plenty more in the Qur'an. He did not touch Sura 9. There are the Hadith. There is the Sira, and the details of Muhammad's life.

A first installment." - Posted by: Hugh at March 27, 2008 6:22 PM

"And another two dozen languages": put HEBREW at the top of that two dozen. Then, just for fun, Turkish and Farsi (Infidel satellite broadcasters [yoohoo! Russia!] with a mid-east footprint could - unannounced - broadcast it in same). Thai. Tagalog (Filipino lingua franca). Portuguese. Amharic (official language of Ethiopia). Swahili. Tok Pisin (lingua franca of Papua-New Guinea, whose Melanesian kinfolk in West Papua are being subjected to Jihad and sharia creep and unlimited Muslim immigration and raiding even as I write). Top of the list should be those languages used by societies that are currently fighting off Jihad.

Yes: a first installment.

Part Two: "Itbah al-Yahood!" (critically urgent, given the hysterical pitch of genocidal antisemitic rhetoric spewing forth right now). Get Bostom and Bat Yeor together with Magdi Cristiano Allam, Phyllis Chesler, Pierre Rehov, Itamar Marcus, and follow precisely the same format: what the Quran + Sira + Hadith say about Muhammad & Muslims & the Jews & what Muhammad did & said; what the Muslim theologians, past & right now, said and say; what Muslims did and do to Jews and what they intend to do - quote Jacques Ellul - "the dreadful jeopardy (l'horrible aventure) of the present Age: both the Shoah the Nazis committed, and that which the Muslims have prepared". If it can be done, get this one out before the end of June.

Dedicate it to the following: the three Jewish women Muhammad raped and put in his harem, after all their menfolk were killed in battles he had initiated: Juwariyya, Safiyya, and teenage Rayhana who (brave girl!) chose the low status of concubine rather than abandon her Jewish faith; the Banu Qurayzah; the Banu Nadir; and the Jews of the Khaybar Oasis.

Another part could be historic: 'Islam in Persia and India'. The Quranic and theological teachings + historic examples could put the spotlight on Muslim attitudes toward, and treatment of, those who are NOT 'people of the book'. (Thus, the destruction of Hindu temples in Malaysia, and the beheadings and shootings of Buddhist monks in Thailand, and the blowing up of the Bamiyan Buddhas, could be related to the source texts).

One part of the series could be called simply 'ABEED' (subtitle in English colloquial - 'nigger!') - plenty of stuff in Quran, Sira and Hadith, and in historic and contemporary theology/ jurisprudence and historic record about THAT. Main focus and target audience = Africa and the African diaspora worldwide. Begin with accounts of Islam and its black slaves in the 8th/ 9th century; end with what is happening in S Sudan and Darfur.

Another part: The Perfect Man. (Boil down 'The Truth about Muhammad' into fifteen hectic minutes).

Another: 'Protected'. 15-minute exposition of Islam's treatment of dhimmis, as prescribed by the texts, as preached, and as playing out in practice. Contemporary evidence from, for example, Coptic Christians, Pakistani Christians and Malaysian Chinese, relating how the way they are being treated conforms precisely to the patterns established by Islamic theologians and jurists, and recorded in 1300 years of the Empire of Islam.

Final remark: good on all of you who have already begun to scatter Wilders' film far and wide across cyberspace.

Together with a dvd of 'Submission', and copies of 'The Truth About Muhammad' and 'The Politically Incorrect Guide to Islam and the Crusades', a dvd copy of Wilders' film requires to be presented to every Infidel high school across the West - and beyond. It should be classified M15+ and shown to every kid in senior class (Years 11 and 12, in Australia).

As soon as my husband has managed to sort out a decent quality download of this, we will be burning it onto disc and presenting copies to the two high schools our children attend. There are also the high schools that WE attended, long ago; they also will be receiving copies, with covering letters.

Jewish schools (for high school age kids), and Catholic and other Christian high schools, should be getting copies of this and showing it to the older kids, ASAP.

From what little I've seen so far (I couldn't watch it all because my 10 year old daughter was peering over my shoulder and I had to pause it) it appears to be both ruthlessly accurate and tastefully, even beautifully, presented.

It is interesting, in light of Hugh's remark that Wilders did not touch on Surah 9, that even without mentioning Surah 9 one can show that contemporary violent speeches and acts of violence by jihadis are in perfect conformity to the canonical texts of Islam.

Now I remember...

Islam sucks!

It sucked in the 6th century, It sucked in 12th century, It sucked in 17th century, It sucks in 21st century...

The Kingdom of Islam is like the lost planet! They are stuck forever in their “golden age”. The faster this religion goes the way of the faith of the Aztecs…the better. I would put the chances of them ever reforming it at 1%.

Thanks, Mr. Wilders…keep up the good work.


I don't know what to say........ And the effects are just beginning to ripple accross the world.

Time for talk now.

Just what does your neighboring Muslim believe?


You wasted your time sending it to Glenn Beck. He claimed to have read the Qur'an and said unequivocally Islam is a religion of peace. The guy is dead on on so many issues, but he is lost when it comes to Islam.

HI Elric66,,

That's ok,, I send him stuff all the time. I figure, the more info he reads the more educated he will hopefully get one day.

fingers crossed,,

PraiaFlamego, they didn't exactly fire "over" Fort Sumter.

I certainly hope that Wilders movie has a similar result.

Geert's film is magnificent. It's powerful, and speaks the truth.

Geert is the Churchill of our times.

Long live Geert!

We all need to give Obama and his spiritual guide, the right Rev. Wright credit for having been so timely in setting the stage for Wilders film. The good Rev. Wright and his Spiritual message really pales in comparison to what the Imans and spokesman for Islam have to say. If Americans found what the Good Rev said was repulsive then can you imagine...

Fox news did announce the release of the Film,now the question is will they actually cover it? Will the 4th estate do a Networks Solution writ large?


I sat at my computer screen for 10 minutes feeling bothing numb & nauseous before able to comment.

This film shows both the word of the Qur'an and the evil actions of Muslims that line up with what's written - and not a word from Wilder - and yet he and others will be the target of outrage and violence because the truth about Islam has been compiled and revealed.

Twisted and backwards justice is the response we can expect from Muslims over this. Such an evil and pathetic religion.

..."both"...not bothing

Maybe this will finally serve as a wake-up call to Europeans. On the Amazon (US) page for Bruce Bawer's "While Europe Slept" there are 203 comments; on Amazon UK: 15; on Amazon FR: 0.

People are worried that Fitna will inflame the Muslims which could provoke a reaction from the hard right-wingers - so the party line is that we should all be polite and keep quiet while the hate crimes continue (didn't hate speech become illegal in Germany at least after WWII? Why are imams issuing fatwas exempt?). Bawer points out that the Euro governments policies of ignoring the problem will set the stage perfectly for populist right-wingers to mobilize hate and fear in the Judeo-Christian majority, just like the Fascists and Nazis did.

A free society can't tolerate intolerance - and the Muslim fundamentalists are the most intolerant bunch known to history.

A powerful few minutes of film!

Thanks to JW we've seen it

Geert is brave and done a very good..VERY GOOD.. work on Fitna.....the documentary and more...I've forwarded it to my three adult children and all my friends in very MANY US states immediately..with all the, yes, necessary hype on our US election in NOV, the overlay on the 1st page by JW on Fitna ie "no particular place or time" just Islam for 1400 years was not lost on me (not particularly bright)and therefore will not be lost on many, many very necessary others..thanks Robert, Hugh, Marisol and Dennis...Nodak

Do I hear hints of cowerdice from some posters as to the muslim reaction to this film? Are they scared as what these muslims will do if they see this film and it's contents? Well, I say bring it on. Bring on the jihad and violence right now, get it over with. I would rather a have a real war with islam that a slow and steady jihad as in the present. Anything is better than the slow strangulation of creeping islamisim.

Infidel Pride:

Oh yeah, sure, you think he did a fine job highlighting gays. I'm sure you care about their fate.

Um, excuse me, but when exactly did Islam rule the entire world?

Yeah, I didn't think so.

Hola John C.,

Great to hear from you.

Unfortunately, the Chavez loving Southern Wicked Witch of all points of the compass has instituted policies that have royally peed-off the farmers. She seems to want to take one of the greatest agricultural producers in the world and turn it into a starving nation.

The farmers are blockading the highways preventing food from reaching the big city, and, they are not bringing in the fall harvest.

I just returned from a protest against her. These people are not going to just roll-over as others have. They are fighters.

Tough times are ahead!

PS, Everyone, Sorry for being off-topic!

Do I hear hints of cowerdice from some posters as to the muslim reaction to this film? Are they scared as what these muslims will do if they see this film and it's contents?
Posted by: desidude at March 27, 2008 9:06 PM

The irony is that those who do fear the muslim response accuse others of being islamophobic...

Thanks for posting 'Fitna'. Not knowing how long it might stay available, I considered it important to acknowledge your efforts (and risks).

While nothing in the short film is all that surprising, it will be interesting to note the various reactions of Europeans, Americans, and Muslims.

Wow! Enough to wake up Europe and the rest of the west? Nah. It will take a nuke in a major western city to do that. And even then...? Still it will be fun to read about Muslims burning rioting and killing each other tomorrow to show how wrong the film is and how peaceful Islam is. Rock on my Muslim brothers. Educate us about the peace of Islam and it's true nature.

Infidel Pride:

My only mild criticism of him - by showing a photo of the Quran and then ripping off a page from the phone book...looked like was a stunt that he didn't have the guts to pull off.

I don't agree. It was done for a reason. The lengthy pause after the ripping sound gives Muslim viewers time enough to work themselves into a frothing rage at the thought of their hate manual being desecrated... only to made to feel foolish seconds later when they find out that it was just a telephone book being torn. Wilders knows what he is doing.

But I have to agree with poster Flying Dutchman - getting the Mohammed Bouyeri photo wrong was a bad error for such a well-produced film, and will unfortunately give ammo to critics who say that Wilders doesn't know what he is talking about. The Dutch media has already picked up on it.

But all the same, it was excellent. Its imagery - the ranting speeches, the sinister rallies, the goose-stepping children - was perfect for getting the message across to European viewers that Islamism is fascism with a Middle Eastern accent. And hearing the Sura passages spoken aloud in Arabic, while reading their translations... that was truly chilling.

Wow! Enough to wake up Europe and the rest of the west? Nah. It will take a nuke in a major western city to do that.

***Im afraid that's not too far away my friend. God help us.

Just make sure you and your family is as prepared and educated as can be (and hope you're not caught in the blast).

Not much more one can say? Darcy wrote exactly what I was going to post - Bravo, Geert Wilders! This little film is better than I expected.

And thanks, once again (and again, and again, and again!), to Robert for providing this site for us, and sharing his vast knowledge of the subject.

Margheri, I am interested in the question you've asked, too. Will post if I do see anything about any NYC Wilders-support rallies. Speaking of which, I've been aware of heightened visible security here lately; wonder if any of it is in anticipation of this film's release?

"Um, excuse me, but when exactly did Islam rule the entire world?

Yeah, I didn't think so."

Posted by: Isabellathecrusader

Isa, in their own Islamic history books, that's when! :-)

The movie is marvellous, is the best example of that the quoran is filled with hate to all the infidels and apostates , and that the quoran is the root of everything what we (the kuffirs and apostates)are suffering.
Nobody can invoke that it is a lie what is says in the movie ,just read the quoran and check it,two thumbs up to this movie and to Wilders!!

Thank you, Mr. Spencer and Mr. Wilders. FITNA is well-made and powerful. It is also accurate in its linking of Koranic verses with Muslim calls for and acts of violence. And, overall, a rather restrained effort for an "Islamophobic" "right-wing" politician.

The movie is now on YouTube, in two parts. I have no idea how long YouTube will keep it, but here's the address for part one:

And part two:

The first is not flagged for adults, but the second one is. They were uploaded about 6 PM, EDT.

This keeps getting better, a mohammed the sex pervert toon film from an ex muslim? hope to see this soon.


I didn't pay attention to the Argentine farm protests, but my ears perk up when alignments with Hugo Chavez are mentioned. I ignored news stories that associated Argentina with the "Bolivarian" bloc at the OAS. I didn't link Argentina with Chavez and Ortega, with Bolivia and Ecuador. Chavez is a dangerous, antisemitic, megalomaniacal ally of AHMADINEJAB; the only comforting(?) thought is that he bring about his own downfall--but at what cost? Yes, this all ties-in to threats against Western freedoms, progress, and our very way of life, as does Islamism and global jihad.

Anyone know of software to divide this flash movie into two so we can upload it to Youtube? Of course they will try to remove it, but if hundreds of us try to upload it continually, maybe they will give up.

I also was able to use the free software called Riva to compress it down to 8 megs at 320 by 200. Its choppy but emailable.

Someone must make Chinese, Spanish, and Hindi subtitles for the movie so more human beings can understand that something is rotten at the core of Islam.

Of course, someone needs to have a version in Arabic so Muslims can hear the terrible truth about Islam and thereby leave this ugly religion.

Sorry for the double post. Fitna is also on the newsgroups. Try alt.binaries.movies.divx, alt.binaries.multimedia or for the flv file. And checking for a torrent, I found a 735 MB avi file on mybittorrent, along with caption file. Probably the AVI file will be posted in the newsgroups in a day or two.

I'd say this film has gone viral.

Overall, I thought it was a good film. But I believe that more Quran quotes should have been used. There are literally tens of quotes that more strongly represent, for instance, the demand for open-ended war of Muslims against unbelievers, the degrogatory terms used for non-Muslims (the only mention of that in the film was the little girl who stated that Jews are pigs and apes; isn't that directly in the Quran?), the sanctioned subjugation of women, etc. There are more offensive, shocking, and barbaric quotes to come from that book than the small handful Mr Wilders used.

I also think he could have used headlines that more strenuously showed the Sharia creep across Europe -- the cemeteries being built facing Mecca; jail cells being painted with an arrow pointing to Mecca; pig and pork references, toys, and food being placed off-limits so as not to offend Muslims; British history being altered and re-written so as not to offend Muslims while also giving them more credit for small accomplishments around the world; the drastic increase in honor killings; etc.

I would have liked to see more quotes from the Quran that sanction lashings and stonings as punishment for 'adultery' -- especially with the recent uproar over the Saudi rape victim who received 200 lashes. In the same vein, I would have liked to see some Quran quotes regarding beheading, and also about the amputation of limbs as punishment for crimes such as theft (I've seen some really awful, graphic pics of victims of these amputations; I've heard it's in the Quran that this punishment is meted out with NO anethesia given to the victim, but I do not know if this is true).

Lastly, I also would have REALLY liked to see a short montage of 'moderate' and recognizable Muslim leaders all stating that Islam forbids violence against innocent civilians, and afterwards, running a clip from Anjem Choudhury speaking in a UK interview and calmly, clearly stating that by definition, non-Muslims are not innocent because they have chosen to not accept Islam (that video is at JihadWatch here: null).

I understand he only had 15 or so minutes, and I also understand that the information Mr Wilders DID include is incredibly enlightening, and is also more accurate than nearly every MSM piece about Islam... but I still think that he could have made a strong point. I also recognize that by keeping it a bit lighter than the issues I raised above, he has more of a chance at not putting-off some ppl who would normally never watch anything like it.


You can use to download a movie from youtube and then upload it to your account. Let's make them busy!

Hello Mr. Spencer,

I have read your writings for many years. Wow. I already sound like a kook. But, I'll just say, I have admired and appreciated your style. Benizir Bhutto mentioned you by name in her book ? Yes, incorrectly, but she tried. Adam "I hate my parents" Gadhan ? I don't care enough about him to spell his name correctly. I only mean, you are legit. Obviously, people pay attention to you. So, I have a question. Seems like an easy question.... I have read your comments on the Koran. I will read them again. I want to read the Koran. Do you have a publisher you recommend ? That's all. I know the Koran needs commentary. Of course, you will be one of my commentators. Yeah, I heard every Koran is the same. I'm not sure about that. I thought I would ask you. For the record, I like Tao te Jing, by Stephen Mitchell. Not the most accurate, but the best for me.

Thank You,


Manuals. Man made manuals, and those who adhere to these manuals, and those who are commanded by these manuals to kill, butcher and maim.

Yes, these manuals confounded me.

I'm having a lot less trouble understanding the manual that instructs me on the operation of my 80 to 90 mpg scooter.

And NO Hugh, I'm not wearing a dustcoat.

John C.

Chavez has been giving the Wicked Witch billions of dollars for foreign reserves. (Ironically, those billions come from U.S. consumption of his oil.) In return, Argentina is feeding Venezuela. Without Argentina's harvest, Chavez would be screwed. The ensuing riots in Venezuela would finish Chavez off.

The reason why Argentines currently pay through the nose for things like dairy products, is that a large percentage goes to Chavez to feed his people. Venezuela used to be able to feed itself. Not anymore. If this witch keeps it up, the same will happen here.

The only up side to the blockage continuing, is that Chavez will be in a royal pickle (as will I and my family). It isn't easy to all of the sudden find an alternate food source.

God how I hate Communists and Socialists.

Robert, Hugh, for me this has been absolutely electrifying! I've watched the film four times today. It's a work of art, patched together with the horrors of Sharia and their terrible images, accompanied by riveting music in the background.

Bravo, Geert Wilders! Bravo, Robert Spencer and Hugh Fitzgerald, Michelle Malkin, Diana West, Debbie Schlussel, Stephen Coughlin! Thank God for a few brave men and women in these dark days!

And the uploading onto YouTube that is going on is absolutely and deliciously hilarious! I hope the cowards are tearing their hair out trying to find and remove all the entries, like a good game of Whack-A-Mole!

Now comes the Friday evening in Europe. Pray for them - this may be a terrible and bloody weekend. We shall see.

It appears the Washington Post has freaked out already...

Such highlights as...(I put a few words in caps)

"Mohamed Rabbae, chairman of the MODERATE National Moroccan Council in the Netherlands, appealed to Muslims to "react calmly and within law" after viewing the video."

Notice the important use of "moderate"..

"The pictures are horrible and very bloody," Rabbae said in an interview. "It is a film according to the ideology of Mr. Wilders -- he always tries to make a link between violence and the Koran."

Really? Looks like he made the link to me...maybe it is this evil western concept called "logic".

The best part is the UN today said...

""The U.N. Human Rights Council adopted a resolution Thursday deploring the use of the media to "incite acts of violence, xenophobia or related intolerance and discrimination towards Islam" or other religions.""


This keeps getting better, a mohammed the sex pervert toon film from an ex muslim? hope to see this soon.

Posted by: desidude at March 27, 2008 10:02 PM

He says it will be released April 20.
Screenshot from a preview

>>Darcy wrote exactly what I was going to post - Bravo, Geert Wilders! -Vee

Thanks for the mention, Vee! Let's say it again, shall we?

Bravo Geert Wilders! "Islamorealism" is the word!

Really? Looks like he made the link to me...maybe it is this evil western concept called "logic".

I would say that he didn't make the link; he reported on the link.

Even though I've seen 90%+ of the content used, I still thought that it was put together very well, and in an emotively convincing manner.

Cue Muslim outrage.

The so-called "U.N. Human Rights Council," (what a farce), can go to hades.

It is sickening to know how the three remaining candidates would all suck-up to those mendacious murdering bastards.

The U.S. must withdraw from the U.N. and expel its headquarters from its territory.


True. The link has been around from the first moment Islam was a reality. That still does not mean we cannot redo a classic experiment for educational purposes.

As has been noted by some,the film's content had to be condensed into a form that could convey the cold reality of this topic in a fashion which would be most digestible to the ignorant or those victimized by the well planned campaigns of deception which have managed to infiltrate various western institutions. Now a companion film is needed. A film highlighting those politicians,industries and international entities, without whose cooperation,this nearly 1400 year old imperialistic ideology would not be making such dramatic inroads. There was once a common term for such persons.

To Mr Spencer and Mr Fitzgerald and Ms Seibold and other members of the Jihadwatch board

Millions of people are downloading this film for free.

Public-spirited Mr Wilders has done us all a HUGE favour by summing up, very graphically and in a brief compass, all sorts of things we need to convey to family, friends, workmates, our political representatives, our religious leaders, and on, and on, and on. A picture is worth 1000 words...

If Mr Wilders had $10.00 for every copy of the film that the members of the Counter-Jihad make and pass on, electronically or on disk, to those we wish to educate, he could pay for a pretty good security detail...and have money left over to finance the work that needs to be done on 1. translating Fitna into multiple languages and 2. producing the sequels, such as Hugh and I suggested.

Is there any way that can be arranged for some of us highly satisfied customers to put a little money in Mr Wilders' hat? Each of us who views it should perhaps consider what it might have cost us to see it in the cinema, and pay accordingly, plus a couple extra 'virtual tickets' for the friends we've 'invited'.

If, for example, we were to donate amount X to jihadwatch and ask you guys to just discreetly pass on, say, 20 % of what we'd donated, to Mr Wilders?

Another thought: to judge by the opening segment, which is all I have seen so far - mesmerising - someone should nominate 'Fitna' in the 'Best Documentary' section for next year's Oscars - or at the Sundance, or at Cannes.

It should be getting discreetly booked for showing at every single Film Festival in the Infidel world (if folks are really smart and creative there are ways and ways of getting around the security problem). Team it with 'Submission' and 'Persepolis'.

From a news report:

"'ome in the Muslim community rejected the film as nothing more than dangerous anti-Islamic propaganda.

"'This film is a direct attempt to incite violence from Muslims and help fan the flames of Islamophobia,' Arsalan Iftikhar, a contributor to Washington-based Islamica Magazine, told CNN on Thursday. 'Any reasonable person can see this is meant to spit in the face of Muslims and insult our religion.'

However, he called on Muslim leaders to react peacefully: 'Calmer heads should prevail.'

Iftikhar said he doubted the film would spark the same type of violence that followed the caricature of Mohammed, adding, 'We in the global community learned a lot from the Danish cartoon controversy ... I don't think it will be anything remotely like that.'

Yes, "we in the global community [he means the Umma, the commmunity of Islam]learned a lot from the Danish cartoon contoversy." And it is not that Muslims would not like to riot, would not delightedly see one of their number eliminate Geert Wilders, and no doubt while they were at it Magdi Allam as well, but that they realize that this would do damage to Islam's "image" and right now -- and only for now -- they can't afford it.

This was predicted.

Less predictable, however, will be the primitive masses of Muslims, less worried about the "image" of Islam, and more about seeing Islamic justice done. There will be disruptions. But whether they are kept under control, or not, the real fury underneath remains. And the real fury, on the part of Infidels who are becoming better informed despite the best efforts of their craven elites (see Jan Balkenende), and hence much more wary, and much angrier.


Looks like some idiot just flagged your video, it seems islam, once again has proven that criticism is not easily taken, in fact, it has the same fuse as the moHAM-mad toon, really small and ready to blow up :P

Newt Gingrich gets it and says so in no uncertain terms before Fitna came out. Check out the video at

Islam is a cult of war. Thank Christ they are stupid enough to not realize their days are numbered. However, we must remember that the only thing that good men (and women) must do to allow the triumph of evil over good is nothing.

Perhaps the release of Fitna will make people realize that in order to defeat islam and protect our free civilization, we are going to have to sacrifice the same principles on which our civilization is founded until we can free ourselves of this scourge. This means open war until it is over. Bring it on.

This movie shoud not upset muslims at all. Muslims will see nothing out of the ordinary in this. This is simply quotes from their outline for world domination that they call" the recital". Islam is not a religion so much as political ideology which does need to be stamped out asap. Tax it to death in the west, prohibit all religions from tax exempt status, tax all religions out of business.
I find it absurd that the media call wilders right wing or extreme right wing. wilders seems to me to be more left wing with his concern for the lives of gays, women and children, education, welfare, and his interest in the historical destruction of Naziism/Communism in europe.
I find it frightening that the left wing crazies and the muslim nazis have such a cozy marriage.
If Wilders is extreme right wing than so am I, good luck Geert!

Thus far I've read the following statements put forth against 'Fitna':

1. "This film has no other purpose but to perpetuate a growing sense of division"

2. "We believe it serves no purpose other than to cause offence"

3. "The film equates Islam with violence. We reject this interpretation."

4. "The film is nothing more than dangerous anti-Islamic propaganda"

5. "This film is a direct attempt to incite violence from Muslims and help fan the flames of Islamophobia"

6. "Any reasonable person can see this is meant to spit in the face of Muslims and insult our religion"

I viewed the film as if I were a historian from the future researching this epoch in history with only a cursory understanding of the times. It certainly made an impression.

In the here-and-now, it was rather tame for all its controversy.

What we need are many more "Fitnas" order to work on the 'shame' facet of Islamic culture. If generations of Muslims are constantly pre-occupied with defending their faith from the skeptical entreaties of outsiders, there will most certainly be a sense of wear...and eventually (for some) a sociological and psychological pull to apostate.

At the U.N., the Islamintern International has worked its magic. It never fails:

"The U.N. Human Rights Council adopted a resolution Thursday deploring the use of the media to 'incite acts of violence, xenophobia or related intolerance and discrimination towards Islam' or other religions."

What gets on the internet, stays on the internet. The muslims can never stop the distribution of this movie now. I hope that this will be the start of the end of islam, a pervert ideology and death cult that hasn't the right to exist.

Way to go Geert! I'm behind you all the way.


What gets on the internet, stays on the internet. The muslims can never stop the distribution of this movie now. I hope that this will be the start of the end of islam, a pervert ideology and death cult that hasn't the right to exist.

Way to go Geert! I'm behind you all the way.


McCain's trial balloon of a 'League of Democratic States' is the elixir that could eventually render the UN obsolete.

It would be useful if we could download the movie and distribute it

It would be useful if we could download the movie and distribute it

Holland, how could you let this happen?

An uninvited stranger appears at your door cold and hungry, so you take him in as a guest; how very Christian of you. He eats all your food, dirties your linens, breaks your dishes, and leaves garbage all over the house; you give him some money so he can pay for his own groceries and laundry. He tells you to turn off your television and radio because he finds the music and images offensive, you oblige, and give him some more money to pay for his wife to come join him.

His wife and children arrive, soon his entire extended family is living with you, and the women are pregnant. You mutter to yourselves that this is a bit annoying, but cheerfully tell your neighbors that they are a colorful addition to the household, although to accommodate them you've reluctantly decided to give up eating pork and drinking wine at home, because your visitors say it disgusts them, and given them exclusive use of one of the bathrooms when they complained that they didn't want to share one with your family, since they consider you "unclean"; also the family dog must be banished from the house.

They begin having loud religious meetings in a room you've thoughtfully provided for them. You politely ask them if they can be quieter, and they become enraged at the insult they feel you've dealt them. In return they begin to insult you, calling you and your kind filthy pigs, and denounce your decadent lifestyle. They tell your wife and daughter to cover themselves because they dress like whores; not only do they find this offensive, they further explain that your women therefore deserve to be raped! To this you gently reply that "we do things differently here, you just don't understand".

When your gay or Jewish friends visit, the stranger's children taunt and bully them, so you ask for their indulgence, explaining that their kids don't understand our culture, not surprising since they were sent away to school back in the homeland (or a segregated school here, which you helped them build), and the girls are not even allowed out of the house. After your visitors leave, you have a small talk with your house guests about tolerance of other religions and sexual orientations; but you're still not sure if they understand...the next day you find your car is burned and a message of hate painted on your door. You wonder who would do such a thing; perhaps the neighbor's children?

Other strangers have meanwhile arrived at your neighbors' homes, also seeking shelter. One of your more reactionary townsmen advises against taking them in, citing the increase in robberies and rapes since their arrival, but together you dismiss him as a xenophobic racist. Your guests hold a meeting and call for his execution; the next day he is brutally murdered in the street, a note pinned to his chest by a knife stuck in his heart, warning that any and all of you may be next.

What do you do now? Leave the house to them and move to another town? Apparently so if you're Dutch.


I'm a liberal American. I oppose the cronyism and most of the policies of the Bush administration, and have done some of what the Republicans might call America-bashing, but what I consider to be patriotic, constructive criticism of a government out of control. I recently went through a long medical problem and have been dealing with insane amounts of bills from twenty or more companies; after seeing Sicko I desperately wished we had socialized medicine here. I've lived in London and loved it; although I haven't been, I always thought that Amsterdam and Paris must be heaven, and that in America we have abandoned the common good to private greed; we definitely need more socialism in America.

BUT - I see now what our Right here fears most: the kind of nanny-state liberalism you have in Europe. I live in California, the leading edge of the Left, so I know lots of radical lefties with similar philosophy. The more moderate among us here have a saying: "Don't be so open-minded that your brain falls out!"

However I hope my little parable above doesn't incite anyone to join a neo- Nazi group; here are a couple of more moderate suggestions:

1) "We've got to do something about those asylum-seekers" Yes: like many other immigration issues, that's a matter of a policy change, so shouldn't require major political effort to do. How about this? Since everyone must have ID to board a plane (right?) then anyone who claims not to have papers when they land MUST have destroyed them en route. Send em back to to where they came. Or: have the gate attendant collect passengers' passports at boarding; put them in a locked box, give this box to the Customs agent when they land, who then picks them out and calls names. Since the last thing you do when you board a flight is line up to show your ID and boarding pass, and the first thing you do when you land is get your luggage and stand in line to show someone your passport, this procedure will cause no inconvenience to the passengers. It might even go faster since Customs can pre-sort the passports into obviously native returning business or pleasure travelers and potential problem foreigners, e.g. if they are listed as wanted by Interpol. Yes this is discriminatory racial profiling, if you don't like it, don't fly, it's a fact of life now. Or: instead of granting anyone asylum in Europe, make it clear that this can only be done at the foreign embassy in their home nation; where your officials there can query the locals about this asylum seeker's history.

2) I don't know the law in your country, but here in the U.S. if you order someone's execution this is called conspiracy to commit murder, and is punishable by imprisonment. I can't imagine an Italian mafioso announcing in public the impending assassination of one their enemies; why is a fatwa calling for the death of a writer protected as freedom of speech and religion? In the US we would deport any foreigners advocating the overthrow of our government. If you think I'm a hypocrite cause I've criticized our administration and won't let them do it too, let me point out that there are lots of rights, privileges and protections that citizens enjoy that non-citizens don't, like voting. I can't believe you let people vote who don't even speak your language, even when they're convicted criminals in prison!

I'm sure there are hundreds of other suggestions like this that can help stem the tide, and Mr. Bawer mentions a few that have been implemented already, but much more needs to be done.

If the thought of losing the right to live by your culture in your own country isn't scary enough, rest assured that the radical Islamists won't stop there. Here's a frightening scenario for you: What if the oil-rich Arab countries that the US, UK and France have been selling weapons to all these years decide to donate them to radical groups that re-import them to attack you on your own soil? I don't want to read BBC news saying that Hezbollah is firing rockets into London and Paris as well as Israel. The world is worried about Iran getting the atomic bomb, but wouldn't it be better for the jihad to conquer France, which has a full complement of traditional and nuclear weapons, and reactors to make more plutonium?

Do you think I'm crazy, a paranoid? Don't listen to the appeasers, saying not to worry, and dismissing this craziness. If I can think of these things, then there are militant Islamists thinking the same things right now, and some believing them possible, and planning how to do it! THEY are the crazy ones. Be afraid! But don't lose yourselves in fear and join the skinheads; if you go that way Europe will descend into chaos.

Take control of your government and your country before it's too late, you can still do it peacefully if you act quickly.

Hugh Fitzgerald wrote an eloquent and brilliant refutation of the disingenious term "right wing" as it applies to Geert Wilders a few weeks back, as I recall, but I can't seem to find it.

Does anyone have it at the ready? This commentary by Hugh would be timely.

The mainstream media has done an excellent job of ignoring the release of Geert Wilder's movie Fitna. Let's see how good of a job they can do of ignoring the response to it.

Oh, and the hit-counter at JW/DW just went over 20 million. Congratulations to Robert, Hugh, Marisol, and everyone at JW. It's a good day.

Am I the only one disappointed with Fitna?

Most of the video was lifted from the previously released films; "Obsession" and the excellent, "Islam, What the West Needs to Know", as well as from the websites, "MEMRI", "LiveLeak", and even from the archives of Jihad Watch. Nothing was mentioned about Muhammad's terror raids and murderous behavior against poets and women who "insulted" him. Not a word on how Muhammad is considered by Muslims to be the perfect man for all mankind for all time. The most relevant verses, especially 9:29 and 9:11 were omitted.

Too much time spent dwelling on the sensational 9-11 footage (window jumpers) and Madrid bombing corpses, and Female genital mutilation (not even found in the Qur'an)...just to elicit EMOTIONAL shock value. Robert Spencer appearing on 3 minute segments has been just as convincing as Geert was in his 15 minutes of fame.


you mentioned $$$$. Apparently Wilders needs it for impending lawsuits.

Just came across this:

Apparently money would be helpful.

Perhaps some other 'bloggers could put this on their sites as well?

A very brave and compelling film. I wish it had been paced more slowly but i understand the need to pack in as much material as possible in as concise a form as possible. I also wish he had put the population charts at the end with no accompanying music. Just raw demographic facts for viewers to ponder after all that came before. Other than those quibbles I give full credit for a courageous and effective presentation. Thank you Mr. Wilders!

Yes the film is a montage, but most people haven't seen most the material in it. yet. The more vehicles for such content, the better.

Fighting For the Freedom!

Muslims reactionaries and clergies rhetoric shown in the movies is nothing but a retaliatory verbosity of a weak, defenceless victims of aggression, oppression and subjugation; urging others to fight for their freedom.

Love for All,Hatred for None

So that was it?

In a so well publicised 16:48 min short movie-Fitna; there is nothing new that we didn’t know earlier?
Love for all, Hatred for None

This film is in no way violation of ones human rights. The moslem religion is hopelessly antiquated, needs to be reformed, and in the meantime needs to be held in check in the west. If moslems want to live in the west- they need to be mind full of our values. I have been to many moslem countries during my lifetime, and I have lived in Holland. I now live in Berkeley, California. If people are living with the hatred of non- believers - than they have no business living in places like Britain, Holland, or the San Francisco Bay area.
They need to live in places like Russia, or Serbia where they can live amongst other hard headed, rigid, thinking individuals. There, they can duke it out with each other.
Holland must stand tall, strong and be forceful. The dutch must not be meek - They must say NO - adopt our values -or leave !
All of these individuals have come from countries with a this type of mindset. They will not be offended when you give them an ultimatum. They are playing the dutch for fools.
Long live the Netherlands !!!!!!!!!

This film is in no way violation of ones human rights. The moslem religion is hopelessly antiquated, needs to be reformed, and in the meantime needs to be held in check in the west. If moslems want to live in the west- they need to be mind full of our values. I have been to many moslem countries during my lifetime, and I have lived in Holland. I now live in Berkeley, California. If people are living with the hatred of non- believers - than they have no business living in places like Britain, Holland, or the San Francisco Bay area.
They need to live in places like Russia, or Serbia where they can live amongst other hard headed, rigid, thinking individuals. There, they can duke it out with each other.
Holland must stand tall, strong and be forceful. The dutch must not be meek - They must say NO - adopt our values -or leave !
All of these individuals have come from countries with a this type of mindset. They will not be offended when you give them an ultimatum. They are playing the dutch for fools.
Long live the Netherlands !!!!!!!!!

This film is in no way violation of ones human rights. The moslem religion is hopelessly antiquated, needs to be reformed, and in the meantime needs to be held in check in the west. If moslems want to live in the west- they need to be mind full of our values. I have been to many moslem countries during my lifetime, and I have lived in Holland. I now live in Berkeley, California. If people are living with the hatred of non- believers - than they have no business living in places like Britain, Holland, or the San Francisco Bay area.
They need to live in places like Russia, or Serbia where they can live amongst other hard headed, rigid, thinking individuals. There, they can duke it out with each other.
Holland must stand tall, strong and be forceful. The dutch must not be meek - They must say NO - adopt our values -or leave !
All of these individuals have come from countries with a this type of mindset. They will not be offended when you give them an ultimatum. They are playing the dutch for fools.
Long live the Netherlands !!!!!!!!!

This film is in no way violation of ones human rights. The moslem religion is hopelessly antiquated, needs to be reformed, and in the meantime needs to be held in check in the west. If moslems want to live in the west- they need to be mind full of our values. I have been to many moslem countries during my lifetime, and I have lived in Holland. I now live in Berkeley, California. If people are living with the hatred of non- believers - than they have no business living in places like Britain, Holland, or the San Francisco Bay area.
They need to live in places like Russia, or Serbia where they can live amongst other hard headed, rigid, thinking individuals. There, they can duke it out with each other.
Holland must stand tall, strong and be forceful. The dutch must not be meek - They must say NO - adopt our values -or leave !
All of these individuals have come from countries with a this type of mindset. They will not be offended when you give them an ultimatum. They are playing the dutch for fools.
Long live the Netherlands !!!!!!!!!

This film is in no way violation of ones human rights. The moslem religion is hopelessly antiquated, needs to be reformed, and in the meantime needs to be held in check in the west. If moslems want to live in the west- they need to be mind full of our values. I have been to many moslem countries during my lifetime, and I have lived in Holland. I now live in Berkeley, California. If people are living with the hatred of non- believers - than they have no business living in places like Britain, Holland, or the San Francisco Bay area.
They need to live in places like Russia, or Serbia where they can live amongst other hard headed, rigid, thinking individuals. There, they can duke it out with each other.
Holland must stand tall, strong and be forceful. The dutch must not be meek - They must say NO - adopt our values -or leave !
All of these individuals have come from countries with a this type of mindset. They will not be offended when you give them an ultimatum. They are playing the dutch for fools.
Long live the Netherlands !!!!!!!!!

All the bombs kill and leave us with destruction, pain and scars.

In a pentagon orchestrated 9/11 aircraft attack on USA Trade centre; none of the alleged terrorist were from Afghanistan; but entire Afghanistan is being bombarded since. Iraq is already occupied. Thousand of innocent defenceless people are killed and million displaced. It is a planned crime against Humanity in order to win Imperialistic Hegemony.

Let’s fight the oppression together and find the common terms to build the bridges; not the barriers.
Love for all, Hatred for None

I was not sure what to expect with FITNA, so I am neither disappointed nor overjoyed with the end product. I found it a compelling, harrowing watch, and whilst I did not learn anything new, I felt that it did accurately link the modern-day 'fruits' of islamism with the teaching of the Quran.

Clearly, it is not intended for those who are well-read on the subject, but rather for those who will not engage with the real issues, or for those who simply have not yet linked the violence and oppression with what Mo actually taught.

I really hope it will do some good. I am not sure that the anticipation of a Muslim backlash is particularly helpful - the message of the film needs to be absorbed by Western politicians and academics who currently have their heads in the sand.

Just left feeling very sad that human beings, under the guise of ANY religion, would feel that it is appropriate to deal with other human beings in this way. It seemed to me that the Muslim imams and activists shown have actually negated their own humanity.

This morning I woke up to France Inter, associated radio station with that bastion of truth France 2 (sarc). First thing I heard was that Wilders was extreme right, what a joke and then said the film was racist. About par for the course from them.

I had seen most of it, but the telephone conversation with the woman in the WTC was horrible and new to me.

I think ripping the page out of a phone book and the comments made that Muslims needed to clean up their religion was excellent.

THank you Mr Wilders.

Please people do not respond to A Kokar, don't waste your breath he is past saving and irrelevent.

What can I say Im sickened to the core.

Wilders has done a fine job.

Amazing job,
I just hope that the momentum created will be used correctly and won't disappear...

Nabi ZK notices how AK wants to build bridges by telling us that the pentagon attacked us on 9/11. All that hateful rhetoric in the movie is just poor oppressed people spouting off. No danger at all.

i, nabi ZK proclaimn that AK is just a left wing pseudo mohametan.

nabi ZK was OK...nothing new...and nabi ZK predicts little seething...we need a good pedo movie to get them going...

It'll be interesting to see what if any debate, in particular in the Netherlands, gets ignited as a result of this short movie.

Willem Velthoven with his 355 times "I am sorry" campaign wanted to discredit the film befor even having seen it - simply by playing the man.

When Wilders says that communism has been defeated his is strictly right but wrong in substance - all the lefties have not just evaporated. They are hard at work tearing at the foundation of the West. Their motto is "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" and so it is with Islam.

They are blind to the human rights abuses, the trampling on universal freedoms and blatant institutionalized racism (see Wilders movie) of muslims acting in the name of Islam. They are blind to these only so that they can advance their own ideological agenda or pet project.

Why are we brain-washed that multi-culturism so much better than integration? Why should we allow the proliferation of a supposed religion (ignoring the legal and political dimensions) that is clearly incompatible with hard won western values? Why this experiment? For what end?

No with me.

Fitna- a disappointing Hoax

The trumpeters were all out, gleefully publicising the anti-Islamic movie- Fitna; but alas; it just prove to be a disappointing hoax. There was nothing new that we didn’t know earlier. A usual Muslim rhetoric against their oppressors!

It reminds me of an Oriental anecdote; they say; ‘Trumpeters were all out exaggerating at high pitch about the big tail of the elephant; but alas; when we saw it; it was jus a little rag dangling down his rear.’

(Bara shore suntay thay hathi ki dum ka; jo dekha to salay kay dhujia tangi thi)

I can't agree to Wilders general politics. I am 100% with him to defeat Islam no matter what.
For the fool around here - 9/11 was completely planned and training was given in Afghanstan-Pakistan-SA under the eyes of their Governments. Contrary to what some folks say, Sadam made several attempts to assassinate Bush Sr. and he started the program for WMD. He could not finish it, which is another issue.

We need more FITNA movies to get the ball rolling for every Tom-Dick-&Joe to wake-up and shape-up against Islam.

"Bara shore suntay thay hathi ki dum ka; jo dekha to salay kay dhujia tangi thi)

Posted by: A Khokar "

Extremely cheap sher khokar.

And BTW, do you actually understand the meaning of "haathi ki dum" ? The complete pharse, which you will be unable to quote because the jihadi who wrote the cheap sher above does mean that it is very small in contrast to the size of the creature. But then, one jihadi wrote a sher, and millions of jihadis recite it. That's islam, bottomline, from muhammad onwards.

I liked it, thought it dipped a bit in the middle though. They should sack that pilot.
Can't wait for the sequal.
I bet the next person who picks up that phone book, will want a number out of the page that's been ripped out. Typical, but that's Allah's will for you.


Be a man. Anecdot is anecdot. Don't stretch too far?

Powerful and to the point. This is not for the habitue of the subject (Islam on jihad) but for those who still acept Islam as a "religion of peace" with a "compassionate allah" as touted by G.W. Bush and others who have not bothered to go further than listening to Moslem deceit and lies.

Thank you Geert Wilders and thank you Robert Spencer for hosting this film on your site.

Powerful and to the point. This is not for the habitue of the subject (Islam on jihad) but for those who still acept Islam as a "religion of peace" with a "compassionate allah" as touted by G.W. Bush and others who have not bothered to go further than listening to Moslem deceit and lies.

Thank you Geert Wilders and thank you Robert Spencer for hosting this film on your site.

The people of which country will be the first to take a stand and stop their government from catering to Islam on jihad?

OOP,for those who forgot what written in the bible

Kill People Who Don't Listen to Priests

Anyone arrogant enough to reject the verdict of the judge or of the priest who represents the LORD your God must be put to death. Such evil must be purged from Israel. (Deuteronomy 17:12 NLT)

Kill Witches

You should not let a sorceress live. (Exodus 22:17 NAB)

Kill Homosexuals
"If a man lies with a male as with a women, both of them shall be put to death for their abominable deed; they have forfeited their lives." (Leviticus 20:13 NAB)

Kill Fortunetellers

A man or a woman who acts as a medium or fortuneteller shall be put to death by stoning; they have no one but themselves to blame for their death. (Leviticus 20:27 NAB)

Death for Hitting Dad

Whoever strikes his father or mother shall be put to death. (Exodus 21:15 NAB)

Death for Cursing Parents

1) If one curses his father or mother, his lamp will go out at the coming of darkness. (Proverbs 20:20 NAB)

2) All who curse their father or mother must be put to death. They are guilty of a capital offense. (Leviticus 20:9 NLT)

Death for Adultery

If a man commits adultery with another man's wife, both the man and the woman must be put to death. (Leviticus 20:10 NLT)

Death for Fornication

A priest's daughter who loses her honor by committing fornication and thereby dishonors her father also, shall be burned to death. (Leviticus 21:9 NAB)

Death to Followers of Other Religions

Whoever sacrifices to any god, except the Lord alone, shall be doomed. (Exodus 22:19 NAB)

Kill Nonbelievers

They entered into a covenant to seek the Lord, the God of their fathers, with all their heart and soul; and everyone who would not seek the Lord, the God of Israel, was to be put to death, whether small or great, whether man or woman. (2 Chronicles 15:12-13 NAB)

Kill False Prophets

If a man still prophesies, his parents, father and mother, shall say to him, "You shall not live, because you have spoken a lie in the name of the Lord." When he prophesies, his parents, father and mother, shall thrust him through. (Zechariah 13:3 NAB)

Kill the Entire Town if One Person Worships Another God

Suppose you hear in one of the towns the LORD your God is giving you that some worthless rabble among you have led their fellow citizens astray by encouraging them to worship foreign gods. In such cases, you must examine the facts carefully. If you find it is true and can prove that such a detestable act has occurred among you, you must attack that town and completely destroy all its inhabitants, as well as all the livestock. Then you must pile all the plunder in the middle of the street and burn it. Put the entire town to the torch as a burnt offering to the LORD your God. That town must remain a ruin forever; it may never be rebuilt. Keep none of the plunder that has been set apart for destruction. Then the LORD will turn from his fierce anger and be merciful to you. He will have compassion on you and make you a great nation, just as he solemnly promised your ancestors. "The LORD your God will be merciful only if you obey him and keep all the commands I am giving you today, doing what is pleasing to him." (Deuteronomy 13:13-19 NLT)

Kill Women Who Are Not Virgins On Their Wedding Night

But if this charge is true (that she wasn't a virgin on her wedding night), and evidence of the girls virginity is not found, they shall bring the girl to the entrance of her fathers house and there her townsman shall stone her to death, because she committed a crime against Israel by her unchasteness in her father's house. Thus shall you purge the evil from your midst. (Deuteronomy 22:20-21 NAB)

Kill Followers of Other Religions.

1) If your own full brother, or your son or daughter, or your beloved wife, or you intimate friend, entices you secretly to serve other gods, whom you and your fathers have not known, gods of any other nations, near at hand or far away, from one end of the earth to the other: do not yield to him or listen to him, nor look with pity upon him, to spare or shield him, but kill him. Your hand shall be the first raised to slay him; the rest of the people shall join in with you. You shall stone him to death, because he sought to lead you astray from the Lord, your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, that place of slavery. And all Israel, hearing of this, shall fear and never do such evil as this in your midst. (Deuteronomy 13:7-12 NAB)

2) Suppose a man or woman among you, in one of your towns that the LORD your God is giving you, has done evil in the sight of the LORD your God and has violated the covenant by serving other gods or by worshiping the sun, the moon, or any of the forces of heaven, which I have strictly forbidden. When you hear about it, investigate the matter thoroughly. If it is true that this detestable thing has been done in Israel, then that man or woman must be taken to the gates of the town and stoned to death. (Deuteronomy 17:2-5 NLT)

Death for Blasphemy

One day a man who had an Israelite mother and an Egyptian father got into a fight with one of the Israelite men. During the fight, this son of an Israelite woman blasphemed the LORD's name. So the man was brought to Moses for judgment. His mother's name was Shelomith. She was the daughter of Dibri of the tribe of Dan. They put the man in custody until the LORD's will in the matter should become clear. Then the LORD said to Moses, "Take the blasphemer outside the camp, and tell all those who heard him to lay their hands on his head. Then let the entire community stone him to death. Say to the people of Israel: Those who blaspheme God will suffer the consequences of their guilt and be punished. Anyone who blasphemes the LORD's name must be stoned to death by the whole community of Israel. Any Israelite or foreigner among you who blasphemes the LORD's name will surely die. (Leviticus 24:10-16 NLT)

Kill False Prophets

1) Suppose there are prophets among you, or those who have dreams about the future, and they promise you signs or miracles, and the predicted signs or miracles take place. If the prophets then say, 'Come, let us worship the gods of foreign nations,' do not listen to them. The LORD your God is testing you to see if you love him with all your heart and soul. Serve only the LORD your God and fear him alone. Obey his commands, listen to his voice, and cling to him. The false prophets or dreamers who try to lead you astray must be put to death, for they encourage rebellion against the LORD your God, who brought you out of slavery in the land of Egypt. Since they try to keep you from following the LORD your God, you must execute them to remove the evil from among you. (Deuteronomy 13:1-5 NLT)

2) But any prophet who claims to give a message from another god or who falsely claims to speak for me must die.' You may wonder, 'How will we know whether the prophecy is from the LORD or not?' If the prophet predicts something in the LORD's name and it does not happen, the LORD did not give the message. That prophet has spoken on his own and need not be feared. (Deuteronomy 18:20-22 NLT)

Infidels and Gays Should Die

So God let them go ahead and do whatever shameful things their hearts desired. As a result, they did vile and degrading things with each other's bodies. Instead of believing what they knew was the truth about God, they deliberately chose to believe lies. So they worshiped the things God made but not the Creator himself, who is to be praised forever. Amen. That is why God abandoned them to their shameful desires. Even the women turned against the natural way to have sex and instead indulged in sex with each other. And the men, instead of having normal sexual relationships with women, burned with lust for each other. Men did shameful things with other men and, as a result, suffered within themselves the penalty they so richly deserved. When they refused to acknowledge God, he abandoned them to their evil minds and let them do things that should never be done. Their lives became full of every kind of wickedness, sin, greed, hate, envy, murder, fighting, deception, malicious behavior, and gossip. They are backstabbers, haters of God, insolent, proud, and boastful. They are forever inventing new ways of sinning and are disobedient to their parents. They refuse to understand, break their promises, and are heartless and unforgiving. They are fully aware of God's death penalty for those who do these things, yet they go right ahead and do them anyway. And, worse yet, they encourage others to do them, too. (Romans 1:24-32 NLT)

Kill Anyone who Approaches the Tabernacle

For the LORD had said to Moses, 'Exempt the tribe of Levi from the census; do not include them when you count the rest of the Israelites. You must put the Levites in charge of the Tabernacle of the Covenant, along with its furnishings and equipment. They must carry the Tabernacle and its equipment as you travel, and they must care for it and camp around it. Whenever the Tabernacle is moved, the Levites will take it down and set it up again. Anyone else who goes too near the Tabernacle will be executed.' (Numbers 1:48-51 NLT)

Kill People for Working on the Sabbath

The LORD then gave these further instructions to Moses: 'Tell the people of Israel to keep my Sabbath day, for the Sabbath is a sign of the covenant between me and you forever. It helps you to remember that I am the LORD, who makes you holy. Yes, keep the Sabbath day, for it is holy. Anyone who desecrates it must die; anyone who works on that day will be cut off from the community. Work six days only, but the seventh day must be a day of total rest. I repeat: Because the LORD considers it a holy day, anyone who works on the Sabbath must be put to death.' (Exodus 31:12-15 NLT)

desidude, I agree.. the sooner we have a full-out war with islam the more decisively we will win.

Only such a war will bring Russia and China into the fold.

And the Americans will have to give up such stupid ideas like giving chunks of Europe to the islamofascists [Kosovo].

We can LICK them so easily if we just started the fight!

In one minor respect, the film is not accurate. The photograph that is supposed to show Mohammed Bouyeri, Theo van Gogh's murderer, is in fact a picture of Dutch-Moroccan rapper Salah Edin.

Posted by: Flying_Dutchman


You should have added that this rapper is promoting his newest and greatest: "Nederlands grootste nachtmerrie" - "Holland's greatest Nightmare".

Honest kids, you can't make this stuff up!

Kurt Westergaard is applying for a temporary injunction to get Fitna banned, for what he says is a misuse of his cartoon at the beginning and end of the movie.

What's with the talk about the "mistake" to use the pic of a Morocco-Dutch islamist rapper who deliberately styled himself to be a look-alike of the jihadi who murdered Theo van Gogh?

Is this a mistake by Wilders? Don't think so. It could very well be another telling example of how little "respect" some muslims show, even after such a horrible terrorist act against Theo van Gogh. I don't know for sure but chances are that Wilders deliberately put this rapper's pic in Fitna. Already the "mistake" prompted the poor abused fellow to launch a law-suit against Wilders.

regs from Amsterdam,

It's intense, concise, says nothing new but very compelling.

I confidently assume that no MSM agency will run it or comment on it without a heavy coating of whitewashing of Muslim intentions and of course the ever-present "racist" card.

Israel, of course, can be labelled racist, supremacist and "worse than Nazism"(as happened alread this week on the radio) anytime, all the time, without any protest by media.

To janeabraham

You tried to put old biblical citations and kuran on equal footing but you miserably failed

Old biblical citations you quotes were amended in the talmud from 200 to 500 AD

For instance, nothing will happen to gays(There are synagogues for them in the USA..)

The great philosopher Spinoza wrote treaties againt jewish faith and he was excluded fom the jewish community

We survived millenia of opression because our faith evoluted thru time
I.slam woud better try to emulate us (in my dreams ...)

Trumpeldor,proud son of ape and dog


I only know that 'Hathi ki dum' means the tail of an elephant. Do you know of any other details? I would like to share that.

Any how there is no Islamic Jihad going on here. Film also shows only a hollow sheepish rhetoric of some Muslim activists against the transgression defying the occupation forces; urging and awaking others to fight back their oppressors. A retaliatory anguish is demonstrated in defence; which may or may not be able to deter any body?

They probably don't know that their verbal rhetoric may not help them at all till they come at par with the so called civilised world, achieve advancement in technology and are able to create and demonstrate some deterrence to keep their enemies at bay.
Love for all, Hatred for None

We are all falling victim to our own political correctness, as a society. They (Muslims) are the masters of manipulation, and will cross generations to achieve their endstate. They know our laws better than we do and will use them against us.


There is a storm coming, of cataclysmic proportions.

Personally, I was very disappointed with Fitna. All the hype for that...a montage of video footage which has been seen over and over again?

I am not saying this because I am posting on JW, but Robert's film, "Islam: What the West Needs to Know", was a much better movie. Why? Because it goes to explain things in a rational manner without the beheading, 9/11, 7/7, videos (which I had expected to see in Robert's film). On that end, Robert's film was more powerful.

Fitna is a glorified propoganda film. Similar to what the Islamic-extremists use to incite violence.

Hey JaneAbraham,

Thanks for the ancient history lesson. Now continue your research and read the New Testament. I challenge you to pick up a copy and then give us another lecture on how the Christians are just like the Muslims. Maybe you could make a movie out of it...if you can find anything of interest. For starters, be sure to check out John 8:1-11 to see how Christ dealt with adultery.

Now why do I think your name isn't really JaneAbraham? Nice try, Abdullah.

janeabraham-While the passages that you listed are indeed contained in the Bible (all except one in the Old Testament, I believe) can you point out any examples of mainstream Jewish or Christian groups with large scale support that actually want to bring back these types of punishments? Are they the law of the land in majority Christian or Jewish countries? Are such punishments written into the Israeli penal code, for example? (By the way, I tend to be extremely critical of Israel and its actions, when I feel that it is deserved.)

Are there any accounts of Jesus leading massacres, declaring war or urging his followers to kill those who disagreed with them, or offended him?

Are those who have left Christianity or Judaism forced to fear for their safety or for their lives?

What are the elements of Christianity or Judaism that have permitted so many Christian/Jewish societies to evolve into modern (if still imperfect) societies, with respect for personal freedom and individual rights? Why has no (not even one!) Muslim society evolved in such a way, even wealthy countries such as Saudi Arabia, or even more "moderate" Muslim countries like Kuwait? (Which is, by the way, a country which I have visited and even liked in many ways, but that is another story.) I look forward to your response.

I've noticed some comments by people who were disappointed by the film. I personally think that Wilders was more interested in reaching people who don't know much about Islam, the Koran, or Mohammed; who might sit down to watch a fairly straightforward, short film and end up surprised by what they see. I don't think that the film was necessarily meant to educate the kinds of people who are already knowledgeable about Islam and its history and teachings. While those of us who have studied Islam, or have read Robert's books, or visit this site frequently may not have learned anything from the film, there are billions of people in the world who could learn from it.


Interesting list.

Anyone, er, actually doing those things? Other than in dar-al-islam, I mean.

Prophet Geoff

Ladies and gentlemen

observe the latest pair of spin-doctors, A K and 'janeabraham' trying to throw dust in the eyes of any newbie readers at this site. Trying to counter the devastating effect of Wilders' summary of just some of the things that are dealt with here, at length, all day, every day.

Mad hattery, mad hattery. Conspiracy theories, insults, a bizarre and indeed ridiculous attempt by A K to play the victim card, and some boringly predictable 'tu quoque' from 'janeabraham' (Way to go, trumpeldor, exposing the flimsiness of that attempted 'tu quoque' - you did a great job).

All of us regulars here, we naughty Infidels with our reasoning faculties intact, have read the Qur'an (and some of us, lots of other Islamic writings besides it, many of those things even nastier). We know Mr Wilders could have quoted many, many more verses, some much worse than the ones that he DID quote. We also know that the mad-hatter preachers seen in the film are a representative sample. Plenty more where those came from!

We know, too, that the list of examples of contemporary jihadi supremacist wrongdoing - indeed, their acts of evil - is far from exhaustive; that Wilders' film could have been 50 minutes long, or 150, and would not have got to the end.

Let's all remember the children of Beslan; or the jihadi bombing of packed commuter trains in Mumbai only a few years ago; or the murders of unarmed schoolteachers and elderly rubbertappers and Buddhist monks, in southern Thailand. Or the burnings of churches, the murdering of priests and mass murders of unarmed non-Muslim civilians, in southern Sudan and in the Moluccas, in the 1990s. Or the Muslim youths who bashed up a Christian priest in London and yelled that his church ought to be a mosque; or those who bashed a Jewish rabbi in Brooklyn.

We know that mad hatred of Jews - of all Jews, everywhere - and a psychopathic, sadistic desire to kill them, hurt them, humiliate them, are not uncommon in the Islamosphere; that the hatred and the will-to-kill are all there, loud and clear, in the Sira, the Quran, and the Hadith and in the works of Islamic theologians and jurists and have been acted out in hideous ways, many times in many places, by Muslims, long, long before the restoration of the Jewish state of Israel.

Mr Wilders did not tell us that Islam fails to teach the Golden Rule, nor did he quote Qur'an 48:29, 'those who follow him (Muhammad) are ruthless toward the Unbelievers but merciful to one another' (though he did cite other Quran verses that forbid Muslims to befriend Unbelievers) . Nevertheless the whole film shows that a great many Muslims take the teaching about being 'ruthless' (or harsh, or stern, or cruel) to non-Muslims very seriously and do their level best to act accordingly.

The film is about facts. Mr Wilders has reported facts: the contents of the Quran; the all-too-common, even the taken-for-granted general Muslim interpretations of those contents; and what Muslims, many Muslims, then go out and do as a result.

No amount of mad hattery can obscure the facts.

I have to agree with Daffersd:

Please people do not respond to A Kokar, don't waste your breath he is past saving and irrelevent.

Posted by: Daffersd at March 28, 2008 3:38 AM

Really, don't waste your breath and fill up the thread with more of his cr**.

I must admit I was somewhat dissappointed by the "film". I don't see how it adds anything that us JW requlars didn't already know, and I found the way Wilders uses newspaper headlines - which we all know can be totally misleading - as "evidence" of the devastating effect of Muslim immigration on Dutch society quite unfair.

Of course, the video Wilders probably wanted to make is already on Youtube

I think it would have been a much greater stunt if he had never actually released the video. Then the ridiculousness (if it weren't so bloody frightening) of the pre-emptive attempts at violating his right to free speech would have been even more apparent.

To be honest, I am way more afraid of "tolerant" Europeans throwing away our culture, so as not to offend the permanently offended, than I ever could be of the entire Islamic world. Their numbers seem to increase rapidly - the last tally stood at 1.5 billion, according to Palestinian "analyst" Khaled Amayreh ( - but as long as they wouldn't know how to hammer a nail into a turd without trashing both, I'm not afraid.

Go Mr. Wilders! Great job! Short and to the point, very powerful! I want my Fitna DVD too! Behold the multitudes of crawling and cowering Dhimmis. It will be interesting to see how many of them will watch this. Eventually, most probably will. SPREAD THE WORD to the world everyone! :)

All freedom starts with freedom of speech. If there is no freedom of speech, there will be no freedom. The Christians and Jews don’t riot when somebody makes fun of Christ or Jews. People must learn to be civilized. Rioting MUST not be tolerated.

That’ll be great if there’s no rioting, how very mature that would be. Geert Wilders is a hero telling the painful truth. Definitely show it in Denmark ASAP.
absurd thought -
God of the Universe says
weak and insecure is BEST

the best way for religion
KILL those who question it

absurd thought -
God of the Universe wants
Islam for everyone

submit to glorious life
slavery and servitude

absurd thought -
God of the Universe says
outlaw self-defense

exposing violent crimes
shall be deemed hate speech



I'm WAY at the bottom of a bunch of other postings, but here are my thoughts:

The United States, Israel, and all other freedom loving nations should immediately grant citizenship to Geert Wilders. They should ALL contribute to his personal security and protection.

That is, if we actually care about the freedoms and values we have fought for and won in the past few centuries, such as: the dignity and worth of each human being; freedom of speech; freedom of religion; representative government; women's absolute equality with men.

Geert Wilders is TRULY a world citizen. He represents all of us, no matter what country we are from. Most importantly, he is not afraid to stand up and be counted.

Geert Wilders is actually fighting the battle for freedom and against the Muslim Mafia. We ALL need to stand with our General Geert Wilders in this epic struggle of civilization vs. barbarism.

This is a very good video. Short enough to be shown on the internet and concise enough to be effective. And I LOVE all the publicity it has received ahead of time. I have forwarded the liveleak link to all my friends and family. Go Geert!

In my last posting, I said "women's absolute equality with men". I meant to say "women's absolute equality with men in terms of value, dignity, and rights".

Life would be pretty boring if women and men were absolutely equal in every way.

Any how there is no Islamic Jihad going on here. Film also shows only a hollow sheepish rhetoric of some Muslim activists against the transgression defying the occupation forces; urging and awaking others to fight back their oppressors. A retaliatory anguish is demonstrated in defence; which may or may not be able to deter any body?

Khokar is peddling his thinly veiled islamist wares again. Muslims can do no wrong. All burning, torturing, mutilating, raping and killing of infidels is defensive, all the time.

Love for All(Muslims),Hatred for Non(-Muslims).

thanks for the bible reading janeabraham, but have you noticed any Jews doing these things you claim the bible requires them to do? Are gays being put to death in Israel for example? No.

As far as what the old testament requires Christians to do, the answer is nothing. The new testament is where they get their guidance from. See how Jesus handles "fallen" women and then compare that to what Mohamed does. Don't ask "What would Mohamed do?", you don't want to know...


We interrupt your regularly-scheduled jello brain programming for this important message.


Now we return you to the Britney Spears News, and Sex Gossip Round Table you enjoy so much.

~~~Look at the shiney object. You are getting sleepy...sleeeeeepy...~~~~~~

Hopefully a whole bunch of FITNAs will spring up -- other people making realistic movies about the REAL Islam.

How in the world will they stop that?

Dear Jane Abraham and All,

Janeabraham; have you noticed? This is strange little word; all the freedom lovers on this website in one breath say that they are the most staunch and thorough bread Christian or Jews and in the very next breath; rather next sentence (because they are writing) they are simply distancing themselves to stay clean and clear from what all is put in front of them right from their own Holy Books. Some of them also say that look; in Bible or Old Testament Torah; these things may well be there but look; we don’t practice them. Rather there is a challenge for all the on lookers to find it; if they can ever catch them practicing it?

Bottom line for my friends would be; either you are in it or you are not in it. If you are in it then better own it.

And if you are not in it then please don’t claim Christianity; because Christianity for Muslims is a very sacred thing. Truth and Teachings of Jesus in Christianity are the stepping stone to the summit; which God has chosen for mankind called…Islam.

If you don’t own it, the way it demands of you; then, you are humbly requested to please leave it to the Muslims who validate the Christianity; own it and honour it and are ready to lay their lives!

Look not a bad bargain; you will have more of free scot Freedom at your hand.

But in the wake of present scenario depicted in the discussions in this thread; I can only say it is funny… very funny?
Love for all, Hatred for None

Personally I thought "OBSESSION: RADICAL ISLAM'S WAR AGAINST THE WEST" is a far more effective piece than Wilders' documentary ( which includes actual footage from "Obsession" as well).

But I will give Wilders credit for his attempts to bring the issue of jihad against the west into the mainstream (which he may yet succeed in doing).

Here is my question for Network Solutions I just posted:

A Khokar:

Nice try, but forget it. Muslims murdered over 50 MILLION Christians during the twentieth century in countries like Armenia, Nigeria, Lebanon, and Indonesia in an endless series of pogroms orchestrated by mosques.

Christianity and Islam have ABSOLUTELY NOTHING IN COMMON WHATSOEVER--not even the same deity. al-lah and Yahweh are NOT the same being. Islam nominally invokes Jesus, but uses him for its own propaganda purposes while ignoring his teachings.

Christianity does NOT teach first degree murder (and outlaws it through the ten commandments in the Old Testament) while Islam DOES teach first degree murder as in the Surah verse of the Kuran (9.5)--which it routinely invokes to massacre "unbelieving" Christians and others.

Are you a Muslim? I thought so.


Muslims believe that there is no other God besides Allah and that he is the God of the universe. They claim that not only is he their God, but that he is the God of the Jews, the Christians and everyone else. When examining the profile of the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and comparing it with Allah’s profile, there are a number of distinct differences between them that can only result in one conclusion: These profiles simply do not match! Allah is NOT the God of the Bible!

The Islamic faith, through the teachings of Muhammad, asserts that Allah is God and attempt to place him within the confines of the Holy Scriptures. When the Bible contradicts their teachings, they allege that it is flawed, has been tampered with, and has many errors. They further claim that the Koran, through the teachings of their prophet Muhammad, corrects them. However, it has already been established that Muhammad was both a false prophet and teacher. Therefore, Islam’s allegations are unsupported, baseless and without merit.

There are a number of major differences between the God of the Bible and Allah. This chapter will focus upon five reasons why they are not the same. According to the Holy Scriptures, the God of the Bible is the one true God while Allah is a false god.

Above is an excerpt from this link:

Dear All,

One Geerts Wilders or thousands of them; mocking and slandering of prophets and new commandments like depicted in short movie; Fitna is not new thing in the reigion.In case of Islam first and foremost will be that we should bear in mind that Islam has not come as rival of other religions as we want to see it. Rather Islam confirms and validates the previous divinely teachings [1] and offers higher degree guidance in accordance with universal divinely plans of God Almighty which has been destined for the future of the mankind. A higher education is never against the basic or primary educations; rather they are interdependent in bringing the improvement and enlightenment in the society.

It has always been difficult for the humans to shed and shake the adopted myths because humans by nature love and relish to remain restrained and bound by mysteries and illusions. And if these myths happen to be religious myths; it is more so difficult in leaving those self imposed mythical confinements because these myths are also influenced and rightly or wrongly, strongly guarded by the religious authorities and other groups having their vested interests.

The preset mind and preconceived ideas so created keep us at distance. It keeps us bound in the old ruts and restricts us to think without prejudice.

Let’s build the bridges; not the barriers and find the common terms.
Love for all, Hatred for None

[1] Primary Teachings contained in the books of Torah, the Bible and other Holy Books

all the freedom lovers on this website in one breath say that they are the most staunch and thorough bread Christian or Jews and in the very next breath; rather next sentence (because they are writing) they are simply distancing themselves to stay clean and clear from what all is put in front of them right from their own Holy Books. Some of them also say that look; in Bible or Old Testament Torah; these things may well be there but look; we don’t practice them.

Posted by: A Khokar at March 28, 2008 1:06 PM

A Khokar: As far as the Jews being directed by their Scripture to "kill everyone", and why don't they do that today:

This was clearly directed at only certain nations, and at the time that they actually entered the Promised Land. Basically, they were supposed to totally wipe out about seven or eight nations, and then that was the end of the "wipe out" period. The only exception to that was when God commanded King Saul to totally wipe out the Amalekites, because of what they did against Israel during their journey through the wilderness.

Since then, there has been no such command to Israel from God. And, since then, whenever Israel did that kind of thing in the Bible days, they were reprimanded by God for it.

There certainly has not ever been any such command given by God to Christians.

However, Islam has always believed in, and practiced, cutting people's heads off, chopping off hands and feet, fathers and brothers killing their own daughters and sisters for not being muslim enough ("honor" killings), female genital mutilation, enslavement of women, enslavement or killing of non-Muslims, mob violence and vigilantism against non-Muslims (with the authorities looking the other way), and many other such barbaric practices.

In short, you muslims are still doing this kind of stuff; but the Jews and Christians haven't done anything like that in thousands of years.

How do you explain this, Mr. Man of God?

One Geerts Wilders or thousands of them; mocking and slandering of prophets and new commandments like depicted in short movie; Fitna is not new thing in the reigion.
Posted by: A Khokar at March 28, 2008 2:22 PM
A Khokar: Please explain something to me (and I'm sure others on this site would also like to hear your explanation):

How is it slander or building barriers if we simply record on video the things Muslims do and say, and then show the video?

Because that's all FITNA is: a recording of the things Muslims actually do and say every day.

Con Man, A Khokar - take your BS and flush it. We aren't buyin' what your sellin'. Most notably your "Love for All, Hatred for None" ....what a line!

"This is strange little word; all the freedom lovers on this website in one breath say that they are the most staunch and thorough bread Christian or Jews and in the very next breath; rather next sentence (because they are writing) they are simply distancing themselves to stay clean and clear from what all is put in front of them right from their own Holy Books."

A Khokar: Not everyone who reads or posts on this site is a "staunch and thoroughbred Christian or Jew." I, for one, consider myself to be Christian, as my background is Christian and I celebrate major Christian holidays (in a more "secular" way), but I am not particularly religious and I never attend church. Other readers/posters belong to other religions, or are atheist or agnostic.

In regards to your remark about people "owning" what is written in their holy books, you might be interested to know that there is a variety of ways to interpret the Bible. People are encouraged to understand the various books of the Bible in accordance with the time and the culture in which they were written. (The Egyptian Nasr Abu Zayd argued that the Koran should be seen in context of the time and culture in which is was written and he was declared to be an apostate and forcibly divorced from his wife by the court. They ended up leaving the country.)

No one denies that these verses are contained in the Bible-they simply regard them as relics of an ancient time, which are no longer relevant to today's world. They are not claiming that every word of the Bible is the divine word of God and is valid exactly as it is written, for all time. Yes, I am aware that some groups choose to interpret the Bible literally, but they are not a majority, and at any rate, even they seem to have ignored the more barbaric punishments. Not to mention, they are not persecuting, threatening or killing those who interpret the Bible differently.

I once watched an interesting show in which various historians and scholars compared and contrasted certain New Testament verses, which described events in Jesus' life, with historical and archaeological evidence. Can you imagine such a show in which various scholars contest Koranic verses?

Can everyone see here how Freedom of the Press and Freedom of Speech are huge crimes and sins in the mind of the muslim?

All FITNA is is a recording and replaying of what Muslims do and say everyday.

And that's all the newspaper or nightly news is: a recording and replaying of what goes on in society every day.

So we must choose between making allowances for the Religion of Perpetual Offense and Civilization.

I choose Civilization.

Thank you SO much for providing the link to "Fitna."

This movie is wonderful, heart-wrenching, and I hope it thoroughly pisses off all Muslims (not that they ever need much provocation - they live in the mindset of permanent mental constipation).

Any religion that says their "allah" is "happy" when non-muslims are killed is an obscenity, and should be eradicated from the face of earth.

We've never done anything to hurt those people. Why don't they just leave us alone? But, since they WON'T leave us alone, let's give 'em the hell they so richly deserve. And yes, their blood-bathed, anti-Semitic indoctrinated children, too.

But what really got me was the Dutch newspaper headlines. What in the world is the Dutch government thinking? Are they so hopped up on the available legal mind-altering products that they don't see what's happening? Time to get your heads out of the canals, folks. "Islamists Seek Takeover" says it all.

May their burqas be their shrouds.


allah is an idol, set before the deity of Israel and contrived by its inventor mohammed to be the last.

purloining the characteristic of the deity of Israel, mohammed fashioned his idol as an invisible one, but as his own alter-ego. he, mohammed, declared that his idol was the final deity for mohammedans (his followers) and for all humanity that he, mohammed, declared had to be conquered to bow down before this idol he had fashioned.

it is satifying, for an ego-maniac, to construct an idol of the mind and have it allow you every desire that enters your mind--no matter how at odds with the "morality" that you devise to control your followers (dupes). But that is what the wily mohammed did.

finding that he, as the only interlocutor between the unseen idol and the rest of humanity, could allow himself such "pleasure" (to him) as sex with a nine-year-old child, taking any woman that attracted him any way that he saw fit, etc. ad nauseam.

he, mohammed, thought that he had circumvented the command not to worship idols by making his idol exist only in the mind--his mind. cleverly, he believed that no one would be the wiser, and that he could have his idol, that he dubbed with an older name of an older god representing a heavenly body, could be merged by him with the deity of Israel.

whenever there was opposition to this substitution, the resort was the sword. violence was the answer to critique, to doubt, to opposition. and so it is to this day. the followers of the cunning charlatan of makkah asnwer any criticism with violence.

Geert Wilders has shown this very well. but no matter how mohammedans rage, they worship an idol created by a man, an evil, immoral man, who brought more pain and suffering into this world--for his followers as well as for those who oppose them than he ever could have imagined. or perhaps he did, this perverted, evil, mentally impaired megalomaniac of the arabian desert.

A Khokar: Have you seen Fitna yet? If so, please inform us as to which elements that you find to be slanderous of Mohammed, or of the religion in general. If you believe that Wilders has misused the Koranic verses used in the film, then how do you personally interpret them?

I would agree with your statement, "Let’s build the bridges; not the barriers and find the common terms." However, I'm sorry to say that I don't see much reciprocity on this from the Muslim world, and especially from Muslims living in the west.

Finally, wouldn't you think that a prophet bringing a religion that "offers higher degree guidance in accordance with universal divinely plans of God Almighty which has been destined for the future of the mankind" would have conducted himself in a more peaceful, less vicious manner?

Thanks, unicorns62000!

I agree with your assessment of allah & Muhammad.

The link I provided in my above comment also debunks Muhammad by calling him a false prophet. If you would like you can check it out by clicking on the above link, then click on the subject, "Islam", at the top of the link - and then click on the subject, "Muhammad: The false Prophet", on the left hand side of the link.

Anyone reading both your comment and the link are bound to find enough information to confirm Muhammad's hoax on humanity.

Muhammad & allah = the demonic duo.

"Let’s build the bridges; not the barriers and find the common terms."


This will not work, especially with the likes of Khokar, as not even the words, the "common terms", mean the same. This guy may come sniffing flowers and barefoot, but don't kid yourself, he as a sword behind his back. On a recent thread, when presented with ahadith about rape of prisoner's wives, Qur'anic ayahs about mutilating/dismembering captives, etc., his comment was

"BTW; what is the issue and why you are so perturbed; After all you don’t present flowers to your foes?"

That said it all for me.

I want to express my congratulations to Wildeers, at first one, to Robert for putting in the web and the third one, the nice commenter that have put a link to download it.
As catholic, european and white I am very proud of people like Wilders, they have blood in their body. They aren´t blind but they are watching the process of substitution that it´s happening here.
This with the Brussels news, I am some worried but I think with the peak-oil, the credit crunch and other things, the dhimmitude and other things will be susbstituted by the common sense. Because our world have to be reconquered. short, you muslims are still doing this kind of stuff; but the Jews and Christians haven't done anything like that in thousands of years.

How do you explain this, Mr. Man of God?...

I nabi ZK, being nabi to the mohametan and pseudo-mohametan trolls, Mr. Khokar is of the second kind, am uniquely qualified to answer for AK, since I am his nabi and I know his heart. CC has hit upon the exact thing in his post just above.

Channeling AK, one moment....


OK, now nabi ZK has the Vulcan mind meld on AK and can answer for him.

AK: "All these things which you Christians and Jews abandoned are actually an important part of the religion. Your very attempt to fashion your beliefs in a peaceful manner shows that you are out of touch with God's true religion. Did I mention which religion that is?..."

And so on.

nabi ZK

An absolutely stunning piece of work.

Spread the word.

Thanks Geert & thanks Jihadwatch for posting it.

>>>I've noticed some comments by people who were disappointed by the film. I personally think that Wilders was more interested in reaching people who don't know much about Islam, the Koran, or Mohammed; who might sit down to watch a fairly straightforward, short film and end up surprised by what they see. I don't think that the film was necessarily meant to educate the kinds of people who are already knowledgeable about Islam and its history and teachings. While those of us who have studied Islam, or have read Robert's books, or visit this site frequently may not have learned anything from the film, there are billions of people in the world who could learn from it.

>>>Posted by: margheri


I agree with margheri,,

I also think Wilders is reaching the people who see the violence in the news and media, but do not understand why this is happening on a global scale. I am actually seeing this, happen today,, based on feedback, I have gotten from my pals.

ALOT of people out there, just aren't knowledge seekers,, they are concerned YES, but, know NADA about islam. They just know they are sick to death about the constant WHINE, that islam and it's followers have.

This film basically in 17 minutes,, gives the reasons why

in a "EASY" package.

Feedback I got from people today,

was very surprised at what they saw,,


and are now motivated to learn alot more.

I also got 3 new subs, on my private friends only blogs today,, people I would have never thought subscribing,, LOL!! Just in my circle,, Geert Wilders,, kicked a whole bunch of people into a reading frenzy.

Me bad,, too,,

I like to re-inforce my gift of knowledge to my bro's and sisters,,

with the Global Incidence Map,
and the muslim percentage demographics.
and of course the Terrorist Scumbag Report Card,,

Now that really wakes up folks to look at the violence in the islamic world,, bombs GALORE!!

LOL, I said,,

watch,, the map,,
everything we are saying,, about this death religion,, will prove itself,

the map will light up with all kinds of violence,,

as the islamic hissy fit starts again,
blowing up stuff all over alah's paradice,,


Of course,, I always give em my favourite list of sites,, *Dear Robert's* at the TOP of my list,, then TROP, and so on,,, when they start thirstin' for the truth.

I think everybody should make information packages,, LOL,, you could give a wack of training in a tidy little email,, blog,, BULLETIN,, group, network,, LOL,, yahooim,, ETC ETC.

And instruct the recipient, to FIRST watch FITNA.

LOL,, after that, it's all there,, because that will get their attention,, just like my friends are saying,,

Heck,, you can even throw in arabic/english web qurans,, just so they can do their own,, ugghh, digging into islam's historical past.

and for sure,, Sheik yer Mami's site, for some rockin' tunes,, too,,


Have a rockin' weekend


"do not annoy the bikers"


Does that hurt? Do you feel dirty afterwards?

Please be careful, ZK! He's a real creep.

Does that hurt? Do you feel dirty afterwards?...

Thank you CC for your concern. But what else could nabi ZK expect from one who's handle is Concerned Citizen. Yes. This is painful and very dangerous. This should be attempted by professional nabis only. Kids, don't try this at home.

That being said, it's a lot safer than huffing cat urine.

nabi ZK


I feel your pain - I drive a diesel too.

So predictable. Isn't it funny how whenever one of us calls a Muslim on the carpet for trying to impersonate a Christian or a Jew, they go poof! and disappear?

JaneAbraham, oh JaneAbraham, where for art thou, JaneAbraham? Don't try to impersonate a Jewish or Christian woman, honey. You haven't got the gonads for it.

Posted by: janeabraham

I see you've given up trolling on Kim Riddlebarger's blog and have moved onto greener pastures. Remember this antisemitic Jew-paranoia you emailed me?

Jewish Professor of American History at Aberdeen University in UK, Prof. Nathan Abrams. He boasts that Jews were the driving force of the modern pornographic industry and that their motivation is in part to destroy Gentile morals.

Jewish Professor Says Porn Industry is a Weapon used by Jews Against

The following is an excerpt from one of the new additions to my book,
Jewish Supremacism. It offers more powerful evidence that reveals the
Jewish extremist war against Gentiles, a struggle that we Gentiles are
not even allowed to know about, much less resist. The new edition of
Jewish Supremacism will be available for purchase in about three weeks

From the new 2007 Edition of Jewish Supremacism by David Duke

After learning about the inordinate Jewish involvement in organized
crime, historical slavery and modern white slavery, it did not
surprise me when I began to learn of their domination of pornography.
Just as Jewish scholars faithfully recorded the Jewish domination of
the African slave trade so they have also documented their prominent
role in pornography.

In a respected and scholarly magazine of Jewish intellectuals, (The
Jewish Quarterly, winter 2004) Jewish professor Nathan Abrams in an
article titled, "Triple Exthnics," proudly documents the leading role
of Gentile-hating Jews in pornography.

A story little told is that of Jews in Hollywood's seedier cousin,
the adult film industry. Perhaps we'd prefer that the 'triple
exthnics' didn't exist, but there's no getting away from the fact that
secular Jews played (and still continue to play) a disproportionate
role throughout the adult film industry in America. Jewish involvement
in pornography has a long history in the United States, as Jews have
helped transform a fringe subculture into what has become a primary
constituent of Americana. These are the 'true blue' Jews.

Jewish activity in the porn industry divides into two (sometimes
overlapping) groups: pornographers and performers. Though Jews make up
only two per cent of the American population, they have been prominent
in pornography. ...

In the postwar era, America's most notorious pornographer was
Reuben Sturman, the 'Walt Disney of Porn'. According to the US
Department of Justice, throughout the 1970s Sturman controlled most of
the pornography circulating in the country. ... It was said that Sturman
did not simply control the adult-entertainment industry; he was the
industry. ...

Many are entirely secular, Jews in name only. Sturman, however,
identified as a Jew - he was a generous donator to Jewish charities.

Abrams shows how the corruption and debasement of Gentiles and
Christian morality is a primary part of their motivation for
intentionally infecting the Gentile community with pornography.

Is there a deeper reason, beyond the mere financial, as to why
Jews in particular have become involved in porn? ...

Al Goldstein, the publisher of Screw, said "The only reason that
Jews are in pornography is that we think that Christ sucks.
Catholicism sucks. We don't believe in authoritarianism." Pornography
thus becomes a way of defiling Christian culture and, as it penetrates
to the very heart of the American mainstream (and is no doubt consumed
by those very same WASPs), its subversive character becomes more
charged. ...

Extending the subversive thesis, Jewish involvement in the X-rated
industry can be seen as a proverbial two fingers to the entire WASP
establishment in America. ...

Opposition to Jewish extremist subversion of Gentile, Christian or
Muslim morality is frequently defined as anti-Semitic "hatred" in the
Jewish dominated media. Abrams writing in a Jewish journal for a
presumably Jewish audience writes matter-of-factly about the
"atavistic hatred" against us by Jewish pornographers and their
motivation to "weaken the dominant culture in America by moral

Jewish involvement in porn, by this argument, is the result of an
atavistic hatred of Christian authority: they are trying to weaken the
dominant culture in America by moral subversion. Astyr remembers
having "to run or fight for it in grammar school because I was a Jew.
It could very well be that part of my porn career is an 'up yours' to
these people." ...

Obviously, there are no articles in the mainstream media exposing
Jewish "atavistic hatred" against Gentiles by the promoters of
pornographic depravity. Abrams even goes on to talk about the roots of
this revolutionary Jewish attack on European values.

Jews were also at the vanguard of the sexual revolution of the
1960s. Wilhelm Reich, Herbert Marcuse and Paul Goodman replaced Marx,
Trotsky and Lenin as required revolutionary reading. ...

Pacheco was one Jewish porn star who read Reich's intellectual
marriage of Freud and Marx. ...

In light of the relatively tolerant Jewish view of sex, why are we
ashamed of the Jewish role in the porn industry? We might not like it,
but the Jewish role in this field has been significant and it is about
time it was written about seriously.

Notice that all those mentioned: Reich, Marcuse, Goodman, Marx,
Trotsky, Lenin and Freud are Jews. From Freud to Goodman, all
represent a Jewish revolution against traditional European values and

When sick Jewish pornographers are part of the brutality of Jewish
organized crime, the results can obviously be horrifically tragic for
our people. In 2000, a Jewish "Russian" organized crime ring was
uncovered that specialized in kidnapping Russian children, some as
young as two years old, from parks and orphanages and then subjecting
them to rape, torture and murder, all on video tape. These tapes were
sold to thousands of Jewish and Gentile perverts all over the world.
When police in Italy were frustrated by lack of action by the
authorities they released some of the video footage to an Italian
network which then showed some of the graphic images hoping to cause
public outrage. Instead of outrage against the Jewish murderers the TV
producers suffered outrage for showing the disturbing images.

In spite of the horror and obvious newsworthiness of this
international Jewish child porn/murder operation, it received little
coverage in the media in the United States. When Seth Bekenstein, the
ring's American distributor was arrested, there was little publicity,
and in spite of being a part of one of the most horrific criminal
activities imaginable, he was sentenced to only 18 months on guilty

Porn is no longer 1950s pictures of voluptuous nude women on a
deserted beach. It has become permeated with sadism, masochism,
scatology, even sexual molestation, rape and murder of young children.
I am no prude. I love the beauty of the human body. But, I do think
that this kind of sick criminal activity, in which there is so much
exploitation, so much degradation, so much catering to the depths of
human depravity, should be fought with constitutional law.

Ironically, with Jewish influence over media, societal mores, and
government today, it is legal, even chic to make and sell the sickest
pornography showing the sick defilement of women. But, if you have
unacceptable political opinions about Jewish supremacism, you may find
yourself a political and social pariah, or at worst in prison. We live
in a Jewish supremacist world where often the sickest porn is legal
while political incorrect opinions will land you in prison.

I've still got all your emails, Jane. Kick rocks and beat it.

Nabi ZK,

I think you should have your own website so the mohametan and pseudo-mohametan (and pseudo-pseudo-mohametan?) trolls would have 24/7/365 access to...

Ask the Nabi
--Matters of theologicopoliticotheatricality
About the Nabi
--What makes the Nabi nabific?
Nabi ZK WebCam
--Check in on the Nabi to see what's up
Nabi Accu-Forecast
--Good day, bad day, why wonder?
--Watch the Nabi exploring new cultures
What Would the Nabi Do?
--Would I look fat in this? The Nabi knows...
Sing-a-Long With Nabi ZK!
--For kids (...or members of repressed societies)


Very restrained.

Unlike the Islamic reaction.

Geert Wilders is exposing their dogmas of death.

An act which Muslims think should be fatal.

Maddened by the Koran.

David Miliband, the British Foreign Secretary, said “we hold fast and firm to European values of freedom of speech”. However, speaking in Slovenia where he was attending talks with his EU counterparts, he added that “in each of our countries there are legal and judicial systems to ensure that freedom is not used to incite religious or racial hatred”.

Extortion is a criminal offence whereby an individual obtains desired behavior from another by wrongfully threatening or inflicting harm to his person.

As a result of serious death threats, LiveLeak withdrew fitna from its servers. It will be interesting to see if the British hold "fast and firm" to criminal justice and investigate those who used extortion to obtain the removal of Fitna from the public forum.

While the movie is less than inspired; it does bring up a few good points. What is more interesting is the reaction that it is provoking.... death threats, website suspension, and threats to anyone involved in it... so much so that no one wants to touch it with a ten foot pole. When books and movies come out that are less than flattering towards the other two major religions you mostly get a lot of complaints. Was the da vinci code banned due to death threats? Nope. If nothing else, this does show that Islam is inherently a violent religion. While the vast majority of Muslims may not agree with that aspect of the Quran, it is still there. The problem is that this book is seen as THE word of Allah(at least the suras). This makes discussing it and finding faults in it basically a sin. It is my opinion that Islam is at the same stage as Christianity was in during the middle ages. I just hope that it doesn't take hundreds of years before an open debate can take place without death threats.

While the movie is less than inspired; it does bring up a few good points. What is more interesting is the reaction that it is provoking.... death threats, website suspension, and threats to anyone involved in it... so much so that no one wants to touch it with a ten foot pole. When books and movies come out that are less than flattering towards the other two major religions you mostly get a lot of complaints. Was the da vinci code banned due to death threats? Nope. If nothing else, this does show that Islam is inherently a violent religion. While the vast majority of Muslims may not agree with that aspect of the Quran, it is still there. The problem is that this book is seen as THE word of Allah(at least the suras). This makes discussing it and finding faults in it basically a sin. It is my opinion that Islam is at the same stage as Christianity was in during the middle ages. I just hope that it doesn't take hundreds of years before an open debate can take place without death threats.

[Since then, there has been no such command to Israel from God. And, since then, whenever Israel did that kind of thing in the Bible days, they were reprimanded by God for it………………How do you explain this, Mr. Man of God?]

It was posted by: PersonOfTheBook at March 28, 2008 2:26 PM

Dear Person of the Book,

It is not difficult to explain; It may be bit surprising for you to know that this portfolio is no more with Israelites. You seems to be still sitting under the old yum yum tree and missed the train wagon; Please look around; you will find that the scenario is all changed; it is changed ever sine Israelites hanged their Reformer; Jesus the Christ on the cross, some 2000 years ago.

This is also added for you kind information that there used to be Christianity who came; when your ancestors left and disappeared; there after were some courageous people who against all the odds accepted Christianity. They were able to pick up the Teachings of Jesus and they very rightly excelled in taking the word of God to its new heights. It is all God’s design and His Sweet Will to whom so ever He wills and prefers and depute the responsibility; it is sole His prerogative.

After the lapse of some about 580 years that Christianity was able to impart its contributions (the way it was required of them); till this job was assigned to Muslims. These Muslims are given the Final Book of Commandments called Quran and now Islam is the religion selected for the future of mankind and its believers are given the glad tidings to be the recipient of the bliss and blessings of the God’s perfection-Islam; now available at its summit.

I hope; you are updated now.

It is also pointed out that out of sheer envy; you may also find many a forces in operation pitched against this perfect Religion; its arch rivals boiling in rage and also picketing ferociously; sparing not a single moment to see that it is defamed and maligned.

This Poor lot will never know that; this useless effort will earn them nothing except desperation and desperation only and leave them ever frustrated. Movie Fitna is such like a futile effort that you may find?.
Love for all, Hatred for None

Yes, the Perfect Religion®, the worshipful imitation of a 54 year old loose, white skinned acromegalic man boing-boinging a 9 year old. Legal rapes of slaves and captive women, only disagreements on whether to ejaculate in or out. Mutilations, dismemberments, and stonings just for the fun of it (don't tell me you haven't noticed the revelry). The Perfect Religion®, replete with thought crimes punishable by whoever is nearest. An ideological prison from which the only escape is death.

Enjoy your prison, Khokar. So pious. So holy.

Oh, and study archaeology sometime. Not much Islam before Khadijah bankrolled the beggar.

sparing not a single moment to see that it is defamed and maligned.

And properly mocked.

A Khokar,

Would you explain, please, the relationship between love for all and the Muslims penchant for cutting off people's heads?

Thanks ahead of time.

I see that the snake oil salesman, AK, is back; pushing his "Love for All" one liners on us again. He may begin and end with sweet talk, but take note of what's really between those sugary statements of his: Lies and more lies; and good luck getting a straight answer from him, or one that makes a lick of sense, because you won't get it.

Bye snake oil salesman! No solicitors wanted! Move along!

it is changed ever sine Israelites hanged their Reformer; Jesus the Christ on the cross, some 2000 years ago....

Hi CC. Don't hang the mohametan tag on AK. He is clearly not. This reminds me of the time when another long time troll mocked the idea that Jesus was born of a virgin, apparently unaware that this is also the mohametan belief.

PRcal noticed that one of our trolls was actually a white supremacist who has issues with the Jews. I have talked to such before on this forum. None of these people are who they say they are.

Also thank you for your message of support for my ministry to the mohametan and pseudo mohametan trolls. Actually the nabi is operating on limited funds so a whole web site is out of the question at the moment. Also Also it seems that the trolls like to hang out here on Mr. Spencers site. Maybe Mr. Spencer could add a link which says something like "mohametan trolls click here".

Do you think they would like to have a place of their own? A place where they can feel free to share their rants in a supportive environment surrounded by friends and receiving spiritual sustenance from their one true nabi, me nabi ZK. Perhaps a blog like or myspace page would be a good place to start.

I like the Nabific Accu-Forcast idea since the non-nabific meteorologists always get it wrong. It is, however, somewhat redundnant to mention that the forecasts are accurate once it is clear that they are the forecasts of me, nabi ZK, the one true nabi for all mohametan and pseudo-mohametan trolls.

nabi ZK

Dear All,

Where as the local wars are fought mainly on three issues like women, wealth and land; the international wars stem from the rapacious greed of the oppressors. In pursuance of the greed, the assailants coerce, subjugate and oppress the targeted nations to deprive them of their land and siphon up their economic resources; like the one we see in Middle East; where inhabitants are deprived of the land and usage of its resources and they are driven off forcibly from their own home land on very flimsy pretexts.

The current Middle Eastern occupations after invasion of sovereign nations like Iraq and later war in Afghanistan; where oppressor forces are in physical occupations of Arab lands and their forces are all out in subjugation, coercion and forcing the inhabitants to shed their sovereignty and forsake their rights on their mineral resources. We also find that Arabs are virtually defenceless and with no arms and arsenals to fight back. They also find that oppressor is all out; not only to defeat them and grab-n-siphon out their land resources like gas and oil to run their own economy machines but also is bent upon hijacking and targeting their ideology and faith—Islam which bears God’s latest commandments issued through Quran-e- karim. The oppressor also want to see their religion go down defeated, maligned and for good. It is two prongs invasion in operation; a double whammy attack on lands as well as on Muslim faith. ‘Fitna’ movie of Geert wilders is one of the examples; where an effort has been made to depict Islam and Quran pitched against the life found in the west called free world.

Armed forces of any country are meant to defend their land. All the soldiers they know well that their lands and their Borders; may these be physical or the ideological borders; these borders always take the toll of their lives and demand a spillage of blood of their patriots to remain in tact.

The oppressors can easily be checked at borders or driven out, if the inhabitants have the ability to fight back in equal coins; provided they are equipped with reasonable potent forces and the lethal deterring arsenals and able to stage counter tactical attacks. The weak nations have no dignity and no place to stand in eyes of the World.

The humans are born free and bear a natural instinct to fight back for their freedom; they fight back always and under all the circumstances. The Armed Forces may surrender and people might have been forced to bow their heads but mind never bows! The next action starts and underground forces get gather to fight back more vehemently to free their Home land. The oppressors should be ready to face that.
In the situation like this it may not be difficult to understand that lucrative Arab lands are the targets and oppressors forces are all out to grab, annex and bring the area along with the inhabitants subjugated and into their folds.

To fight back is the right of natives; feeble and destitute or armless they may be (that they are deprived to possess potent defensive arms) but they are not mindless. To retrieve their honour, dignity and home lands; they have learnt it well that a right sting by the little dog fly at a right place can spin even the ferocious terrier bull dog. Thus the natives are resorting to some terrifying activities and tactics which can easily be resolved; when oppressors take a heed and leave them.
Love for all, Hatred for None

The film "Fitna" is not only malicious but smacks of ignorance and bad taste.Mr.Wilders probably does no understand or know that there are reference in the Bible that could be used to make a similar documentary on Christians and Christianity;But no muslim would ever think of playing dirty like Mr.Wilders.In regard to irrational prejudices in case of women refer to Ephesians 5:22-24:adultery -Levitieus 20:10-11-same sex relation :Genesis19:4-8:blatent sexuality:Genesis 39:7-15.There are far too many examples that can be referred to but I do not see a good reason to spread hatred in the minds of people.
Mr.Wilders is not only irrational,he is delusive too.What is he trying to do:Change history,or,is he trying to endorse a New World Order that would mark the elimination of all the down trodden people in the world,a world that will be run by the International Bankers!And if his mind is not as feertile as this,then what will he achieve!Hatred of some nuts who have already done iredeemable harm to a religion that has withstood many an onslaught for hundreds of years.
Mr.Wilders love begets love.A policy of hatred has never been any good.Do not be another Adolf Hitler.

The film "Fitna" is not only malicious but smacks of ignorance and bad taste.Mr.Wilders probably does no understand or know that there are reference in the Bible that could be used to make a similar documentary on Christians and Christianity;But no muslim would ever think of playing dirty like Mr.Wilders.In regard to irrational prejudices in case of women refer to Ephesians 5:22-24:adultery -Levitieus 20:10-11-same sex relation :Genesis19:4-8:blatent sexuality:Genesis 39:7-15.There are far too many examples that can be referred to but I do not see a good reason to spread hatred in the minds of people.
Mr.Wilders is not only irrational,he is delusive too.What is he trying to do:Change history,or,is he trying to endorse a New World Order that would mark the elimination of all the down trodden people in the world,a world that will be run by the International Bankers!And if his mind is not as feertile as this,then what will he achieve!Hatred of some nuts who have already done iredeemable harm to a religion that has withstood many an onslaught for hundreds of years.
Mr.Wilders love begets love.A policy of hatred has never been any good.Do not be another Adolf Hitler.

Why are humans still believing in religion, superstitions, mythology in the 21st century? Bugs me. Lincoln said "God must have loved the odd ball, he made so many of them". Must be true!
Especially in the muslim world.

Just to show how deceptive and liers that the islamics are, notice this link that was posted by this individual below, it tell you how to see the movie but click on the link and it takes you rite to a muslim site that has been quickly put up to counter the movie. How typical of the muslims to do that, when they can't argue with the truth they cheat and lie.

If you have trouble accessing the film at live leak, try an indirect route.

The film went from 420,000 views to 781,000 views in about 30 minutes, so be patient and keep trying.


Posted by: Nomoors at March 27, 2008 4:36 PM

This link is a lie>>

To the person who said the 5 pillars is taught in CA..
If I were you I'd be a raging lunatic about this. What would people do if we were teaching the 10 commandments in school? Islam MUST be stopped.

First thing I would like to state here is that I am a Muslim,
and I am not one of those people whom you saw in the video.

Before you misjudge me for being a Muslim,
I want each and every one of you to think about the world and what is happening.

Violence is, inevitably, a characteristic that everyone is born with; the question is, are YOU violent?

If you eat meat, you are violent, in a vegetarian's eyes.

If you go hunting, you are violent.

If you are one of the matadors, killing bulls is considered a violent act.

This video focuses on violent acts, which are unfortunately, done by Muslims who may or may not be misled.

The Koran does not promote violence, and neither does the Bible nor the Torah.

Every religion, even Buddhism and Hinduism, promotes peace.

It is the people who represents the religion that makes it how it is.

This video quotes certain verses of the Koran and for ignorant people, it might seem like the truth. Pick up the Koran, read it. The truth is not in these chosen verses. It will be in your heart once you read the Koran.

If you still disagree in what the Koran says, then it is your choice.

Islam is a religion.

What the video shows is not Islam.
It shows people acting on their own thinking.

People decide on what they do.

Why are we blaming the religion on what these people have done?

In case you haven't noticed, other people, non-Muslims, are also violent.
Some Christian extremists torture themselves by wearing a chastity belt.
People everywhere are raped, murdered, kidnapped without mercy but who is to blame?

What about Adolf Hitler? Was he Muslim?
Jack the Ripper?
The Mason Family?
Ottis Toole? Henry Lee Lucas? Jeffrey Dahmer?
All serial killers alike?

They and their followers are all violent. Why aren't they blamed like this?

You speak of what happens to the prisoners of war.
Have you seen what happened to Muslim prisoners of war?

It is just the same.

Why are we attacking each other over our religion?

Yes, I am offended by the video because I, and my relatives, and our friends, do not practice what is shown in the video.
This does not mean that we are not Muslim.
This does not mean that I am going to pick up a gun and kill the maker of this film, like all of you assume it.

This simply means that all of you are searching for something that can take the blame of what is happening to this world.

So you blame, you show images, footage and this and that, but the truth is, it is on everyone's shoulders that the blame should go to.

If you really want peace, stop the war.

Stop the war and we watch which side continues to attack.

If you really want peace, stop this march on "showing the truth of" this and that.
How do you know what is true?
Are you God?

You are assuming that this video is true, because you, like the 3 year old, have been taught to believe that Muslims are bad.

Imagine if you are really, really neutral.

Take a minute to think.

We are all biased.

Why can't we accept that this world is screwed up?
It is ugly, it is dirty and it is wrong.

But as people who are living in it, we shouldn't make it worse.
You say this film are going to enrage the Muslim community.
If you "know" that it is going to happen, then why make it happen?
Why do you want to enrage the Muslims?
If it is really the truth, why are we going to be enraged?

If you really want peace, you should not start a war.

A religion is a religion.

If you disagree with one, it is your freedom to practice another.

To each his own.

What I'm trying to mean is, ((in case any of you can't see it)) the footage and images of violence that are shown in the film are of people acting violently, but why not blame them and their actions? Why blame Islam?

We can all easily say that some people die and kill because of their religion but I would like to mention that Jihad is fighting against those who are against Allah's religion - Islam - but ONLY if the non-muslims attack FIRST.

Jihad is not attacking without reason.

Yes, those who attacked with the reason of "going to heaven", without being attacked by non-muslims first, are wrong.

As for the infidelity, homosexuality, adultery and such, these are sins, and the Koran only states the appropriate punishment DURING the time of Prophet Muhammad.

Read the Koran before you make such assumptions.

Do not blame the religion for you are not in it.