Islamic cleric: We will conquer Rome, and then Eastern Europe and the Americas

This man wants to conquer the world

As Jimmy Carter plans to meet with Hamas, this Hamas MP explains that it is an Islamic imperative to subjugate the world "thorough da'wa and military conquests."

As the EU President insists that there is no link between Islam and terrorism, this Islamic cleric explains that the conquests he dreams of are "Islamic," and that Muslims need to be prepared to carry out these conquests "by means of the mosques and the Koran books, and the history of our Prophets."

Has the world ever before witnessed cognitive dissonance on this grand a scale?

"Hamas MP and Cleric Yunis Al-Astal in a Friday Sermon: We Will Conquer Rome, and from There Continue to Conquer the Two Americas and Eastern Europe," from MEMRITV (thanks to Sr. Soph):

Following are excerpts from an address by Hamas MP and cleric Yunis Al-Astal, which aired on Al-Aqsa TV on April 11, 2008.

Yunis Al-Astal: Allah has chosen you for Himself and for His religion, so that you will serve as the engine pulling this nation to the phase of succession, security, and consolidation of power, and even to conquests thorough da'wa and military conquests of the capitals of the entire world. Very soon, Allah willing, Rome will be conquered, just like Constantinople was, as was prophesized by our Prophet Muhammad. Today, Rome is the capital of the Catholics, or the Crusader capital, which has declared its hostility to Islam, and has planted the brothers of apes and pigs in Palestine in order to prevent the reawakening of Islam – this capital of theirs will be an advanced post for the Islamic conquests, which will spread through Europe in its entirety, and then will turn to the two Americas, and even Eastern Europe.

I believe that our children or our grandchildren will inherit our Jihad and our sacrifices, and Allah willing, the commanders of the conquest will come from among them. Today, we instill these good tidings in their souls, and by means of the mosques and the Koran books, and the history of our Prophets, his companions, and the great leaders, we prepare them for the mission of saving humanity from the hellfire on the brink of which they stand.

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"Has the world ever before witnessed cognitive dissonance on this grand a scale?"

Not even close. It like the West has battered wife syndrome and Stockholm syndrome wrapped into one.

It's a new Islamic fantasy role-playing game! This guy is playing the crazy cleric! Who wants to play the merciless jihadi?

These guys seem to work very hard at trying to top each other in spinning ever more dilirious fantasies about conquering the world. They are truly becoming intoxicated from their own kool-aid.

I don’t know if this has ever been previously mentioned or not, so forgive me if I am ripping off another readers thought, but if Obama can “denounce” his pastor Jeremiah Wright, why can’t all of the those supposed “moderate” Muslims out there “denounce” all of these Imam’s venemous and insitefull statements? To me they just seem like "that kooky old uncle" at the family reunion.

It seems easy enough to me. I would think that the world press would love to spread that story.

Our esteemed politicians may want to read this:

Religion model of Islam vs. Conquest model of Islam.

Data, like the one in this thread, overwhelmingly favors conquest model of Islam.

"...we prepare them for the mission of saving humanity from the hellfire on the brink of which they stand." ~ Yunis Al-Astal

"It became necessary to destroy the village in order to save it." ~ An American major after the destruction of the Vietnamese Village Ben Tre

I really don't understand our leaders. I came to Jihad Watch because I was already convinced that the muslims were intend on conquering the world. I needed to understand why. Thank you Robert for making it so clear. Please keep up the good and necessary work.

I'd like to give this lunkhead an old-fashioned punch in the nose. I'd probably hurt my hand in the process since I've never punched anyone in the nose before, but it would be worth it. He deserves it.

...Ironic with all of this talk while the good news of the Gospel is going out and even Muslims are leaving Islam in numbers to embrace the real Jesus and the Gospels.

Carter's welcome is worn out (finally)

Israeli leadership refuse to meet Dhimmi Carter and its security teams will not assist with protecting him (rightly so)!

Deluded, yes. But his words do contain a grain of truth. He may be right about our civilization being taken over by the children and grandchildren of muslims.

And there's that finger again! Always with the finger.

Excellent! I don't even know why they let him in there in the first place. He's just a trouble-maker for Israel.


Or rather there will be violence often in the streets of western societies.

Reminder - non-sectarian site.

Look at the expansionist and imperialistic attitude that is inherent in Islamic doctrine. Take over the riches of other cultures. Not a work on improving the world or bringing about reform in the UMMAH. Instead we want to conquer the world. The way I see it we will not let it happen. I do not want to live in societies like the UMMAH: constant sectarian violence, no human rights, no freedom of thought, speech or choice, human value and dignity is out of the door. Only the Muslim Men will have the major status, non Muslims will be persecuted, women will be beaten, harassed and denigrated.

Rome has the biggest mosque in Europe. See a photo of the mosque.

It is important to understand that Younis Al-Astal is not just a Muslim politician...he is a Muslim cleric.

Imagine the outcry among Westerners if a Catholic priest made similar statements about conquering the Islamic world for Christianity? There would be a deafening cacaphony of repudiations and disavowals.

But from our Muslim brothers and sisters?...not a peep.

What religion in history, with the possible exception of Communism (an atheistic belief system, if not technically a religion) has seen its mission as one of global conquest?
A good example of what comes with Islamic conquest can be seen in Bethlehem. The once-dominant Christian majority, who just happen to be Palestinians themselves, are leaving. Israel has been forced to wall off the city to prevent terrorist attacks in surrounding towns and in Jerusalem. There is 50% unemployment. Tourism is dropping. The world saw what Arafat's henchmen did to the Church of the Nativity. The ummah is self-limiting. They should be careful of what they wish for. They just might get it.

Has the world ever before witnessed cognitive dissonance on this grand a scale?

It's worse than that. His spiritual intoxication has crossed the line into psychosis. Seems to happen a lot with muslims. Paranoia, delusions of grandeur, the whole works. Islam could well be described as 'armed and unstable'. Al-Astal is then, a cleric of instability, with one foot into violence and the other on a banana peel.

Carter wants to meet with other men of faith, in Hamas, and Hamas, who don't believe Carter has faith, at least claim he is an honorable man, who understands the Palestinian condition, and can help fix it.
Is he going to turn the Palestinian hatred of Jews and their desire to over run Israel, killing everyone they can get to, into 'LOVE'. Is this a 'Love In'? Carter is going to 'fix' thing all right.
Doe's Carter actually think his fellow 'men of faith' (muslims), love him? Or even 'like' him?
Or even respect him?

Is Carter a fool???

Part of me right away agrees with the statement that Jimmy Carter is a fool. However, part of me is not so sure about that, because this man has gone to great pains, when it mattered, to cultivate an image about himself that is patently false: that he is a nice, decent man of correct moral rectitude. Assuredly, he is not. So, can a man this cunning be a fool? What if he really does hate Jews and Israel? I've considered that possibility and I find that in the light of his actions it is difficult to convince myself that I might have been jumping to the wrong conclusions.

"..We will conquer Rome, and then Eastern Europe.."

Ow-ow such a dummy, revealing his battleplan. First Rome and then Eastern Europe?
So what is this choleric cleric dreaming of? The Palestinian navy steaming up the Tiber to pay Benedict XVI a hostile visit, sack Rome and then on to Budapest?

To repeat the Q posed by Mr. Stalin: "How many divisions does the Pope have?"
I reckon, by the time the Hamas flag is approaching Rome on a floating dinghy,
quite a few ;-)

Kind regs from Amsterdam,

So what is this choleric cleric dreaming of? The Palestinian navy steaming up the Tiber to pay Benedict XVI a hostile visit, sack Rome and then on to Budapest?

Not at all. He dreams of Muslims populating Rome and turning the capital of Catholicism into another outpost for Islam. Eastern Europe will be what he thinks it could have been had the Muslims not been stopped at Vienna.
The tools are different this time. It's the women who are the warriors. The women will bear seven or more Muslim children and crowd out everyone else. They will force the others to flee for their safety. Who needs a navy? His weapon is demography. In his dreams he sees a mufti occupying the Vatican and St. Peter's Basilica turned into a glorious mosque. Were it not for the cold winters, he might go all the way to Moscow.
They think long term. It won't be like Hitler conquering Europe. It took centuries for them to take Constantinople. They're willing to wait a few generations but their demographic conquest of Europe and the Americas will happen if we don't let go of our arrogance and our political correctness. We have to stop laughing at them and start taking them seriously. To be forewarned is to be forearmed.

islam and terrorism linked? Yeah. Like the two ends of a logging chain.

When will they learn??
For approx 1500 years they (muslim clerics) make their stupid prophetic remarks about how they will rule the world -ALLAH WILLING - -
Can YOU figure this out YOURSELF by now...


Why are jihadists so fixated on the West? Are they afraid of China?

Scary scenario:

Jihadists unwittingly aid Red Chinese Nuclear World Conquest

A council has sparked a row after it shut a swimming pool to hold Muslim-only sessions on a Sunday afternoon.

The swimming sessions - which are for men only - are held for two hours every week at a leisure centre in London.

Non-Muslims may swim during this time but only if they follow the strict dress code of swimming shorts that hide the navel and extend below the knee.

Women are completely banned from attending but have their own special swimming sessions outside opening hours.

During their sessions bathers must be covered from head to foot with their swimming costume covering their body from the neck down to the ankle.

Last night furious members vowed they would hand in their membership at Thornley Heath leisure centre in Croydon, London.

Daniel Foley, 44, said: "I turned up and saw a sign saying it was closing early for Muslim afternoon - I couldn't believe it."

Alex Craig, 34, said: "I think it is preposterous that a council should be encouraging this type of segregation over municipal facilities.

"It seems the issue here is over modesty. Surely if Muslims want to swim then they should just turn up with their modest swimwear at the same time as everyone else.

"To make a special provision for them is just ridiculous and strikes me as imposing an 'Us and them' mentality which is wrong."

The leisure centre is extremely popular locally as it is the only swimming pool offering cheap sessions for miles around.

Sarah Fellows, 37, said: "I take my kids all the time but I did notice they had introduced the men-only Muslim afternoon a while back though they've now changed the times as well.

"I am not opposed to swimming sessions divided by gender but I am opposed to sessions divided by religion. How inclusive is that?"

But the nearby Croydon Mosque has defended the introduction of Muslim-only swimming sessions at the council pool.

A spokesman said: "Muslims are not allowed to show intimate parts of their body. This is non-negotiable. Muslims have as much right to go swimming as anyone else."

A spokesman for Croydon Council said: "We are keen to ensure sporting facilities in the borough are accessible to the whole community. "We appreciate that certain religious groups, such as Muslims, have strict rules on segregation for activities including sports, so in response to requests from the local community, we have been running these sessions at Thornton Heath Leisure Centre for the past year, with a women-only session on Saturday evening and a male-only session on Sunday evening. These have been successful and well attended.

"Croydon is not unique in offering such sessions to minority communities, many local authorities do the same. We are not giving preference to any one group but simply taking practical steps to create access to all."

Eariler this year plans for a Muslim-only day at Alton Towers had to be cancelled due to poor ticket sales.

Officials hoped up to 28,000 Muslims would attend the event on September 17, drawn by the opportunity to enjoy the Staffordshire theme park's attractions without alcohol or gambling.


Non-muslims are najis and water spreads it.

"This man wants to conquer the world"...



Because we're stuck on stoopid.

Peanut Khadr leads the way.

We have an agent for Islam run for the presidency and America's political elite keeps their heads in the sand.

The ummah is winning!

Yeah, of cause, he wants the whole world. He forgets one thing: Muslims were trying to subdue the Eastern Europe for more than 700 years. Their success usually has been temporary, but this part of the world has gained a some kind of a immunity. Even local Russian Muslims (not from Chechnya or from someother parts of the North Caucasus but tatars and bashkirs) are annoyed by the Arabic Jihadists.

This Muslim cleric expresses Allah's will to use men as instruments of conquest. We must ask what kind of god is this.

What is the nature of a god requiring men to wage war one on another? If Allah made the world, what need does he have of human warriors to establish His religion?

Allah made the world. Why not simply use this divine power to sweep away the infidels. Doesn't Allah's desire for man to wage war, mean that Allah is not omnipotent? Or if omnipotent, then doesn't it means that Allah hates man, wishes to torment him, and sees him as a slave?


"Conquer the world" Well..enthusiasm is not a substitute for competence.

A spokesman said: "Muslims are not allowed to show intimate parts of their body. This is non-negotiable. Muslims have as much right to go swimming as anyone else."

Well, the rest of us aren't Muslims. Unless the pool has a dress code that forces Muslims to show "intimate parts of their body", this statement is beside the point.
What the man meant was: Muslims are not allowed to LOOK at intimate parts of SOMEONE ELSE'S body, which for them includes the thigh. This means everyone else must get out of their way or else follow their dress code.
Muslims have as much right to go swimming as anyone else. They have no right to exclusive use of a public facility. The problem is the Muslim mindset, not infidel behavior. People call Americans arrogant, saying we expect the rest of the world to be like us. What about Muslims? Here they are, calling for apartheid in a public facility, and no one bats an eye. What's next? Will a public beach be closed to allow Muslim-only use of the ocean?

Robin Starveling,

...In other words, SATAN the devil.

The United States has a great deal of collective knowledge fighting Tribal types. Rot the most part, the wars were Guns against Bows and Arrows. Sure, some Tribes acquired Guns. Sometimes even better ones than our Troops had. In the end, they lost.

Today, circumstances are somewhat similar. Today the Tribes all have Guns. We have Robots. Just where does Yunis think he is going?

They have Allah and we have the Cylons. Just who do you think is more conniving and blood thirsty?

Robin ~ exactly.

Muslims feel that this is a test of their faith. If Allah knows all, doesn't he know how his slaves feel about their faith? Why place a seal on the hearts of infidels so that they don't know islam in their hearts?

Islam is not truth because any close look shows it's flaws.

"Just who do you think is more conniving and blood thirsty?"


This cleric looks dressed for the Conquer The World Party in his nicely starched and pressed Moo-Moo, and he's undoubtedly wearing a bomb belt beneath that get-up because he is just like all the other devoted Muslims ready for jihad, right?

No! You mean he's expecting the minions to blow themselves up while he remains crisp and clean in his air conditioned sanctuary so these suckers can do the dirty work? How very unIslamic of this cleric, because didn't Muhammad get his hands soiled by the blood of innocents?

How do you fire a cleric?

Wow my comment was deleted.

That's pretty disappointing especially since I just saw a video of Robert at a Freedom of Speech conference.

I believe that our children or our grandchildren will inherit our Jihad and our sacrifices, and Allah willing, the commanders of the conquest will come from among them. Today, we instill these good tidings in their souls, and by means of the mosques and the Koran books, and the history of our Prophets, his companions, and the great leaders, we prepare them for the mission of saving humanity from the hellfire on the brink of which they stand.

So sayeth the Islamotard... But what I read is...

I believe that our children or our grandchildren will suffer and die for our Jihad and our human sacrifices, and "Flying Spaghetti Monster" (As good as any other made up deity.), willing, the new human sacrifices of the suicide mission that is Jihad will come from among them. Today, we instill hatred and a willingness to kill in their souls, and by means of our hate centers and the Manuals of War, and our ability to ignore history, and blind obedience to our perverted prophet, our hate filled leaders, we brainwash them for the mission of destroying as many lives as we can, and bring hellfire to all of humanity.


The folks at JihadWatch really do care about our unalienable rights, grounded in equality and free speech. Having said that, we should keep in mind that JW/DW are private forums with a clear set of objectives, and in the service of those objective, there are purposes to be fulfilled and rules of decorum to be observed, very much like the house rules of a parliament anywhere on Earth. No, mate, I'm not trying to talk down to you or anyone.

We need those cars that run on solar, hydrogen, electric, etc.

We need them now.


I agree. We could also be tapping our natural resources as we speak until we can develop a viable energy alternative.


I know, I know.. nothing to be laughed at here. You're preaching to the converted though, except for the laughing part. Furthermore, I think a little sarcasm now and then doesn't obscure the fact that the imperialist doctrine of Islam must be taken seriously and - even more important - must be resisted at every level. Not just by merely being - or sounding - serious, broadly speaking about what "we" should or shouldn't do, but by actual courage in the struggle ahead. I reckon you and I will be around as the battle for a free Europe unfolds, and I hope to cu there, if you don't mind me laughing at our esteemed adversaries every once in a while ;-)

The arrogance of which you speak is predominantly a feature of the power elites, and with every day that passes, ordinary people are becoming more and more aware of the fact that Islam has revived its ancient dream to conquer the West.


Its not an ancient dream to conquer the West.

Constantinople fell 500 years ago. Only 300 years ago we beat them back before the gates of Vienna. 200 years ago Thomas Jefferson fought the Barbary Pirates. In the last 100 years Islam spread continually throughout Africa and Asia. The Armenian Christians and the Greeks of Turkey were all but wiped out. Cyprus was overrun only 30 years ago and the West is not united in demanding the Turks to return it. The global jihad continues in 30 + theaters of war around the world.

And we still allow them to infiltrate our countries, to spy on us, to subvert our laws and abuse democratic institutions to further their cause: all of that is jihad.

the jihad is permanent and relentless...

Borg...I don't think I can build a hydrogen only car, but I am in the process of building a hydrogen device (as shown in several Youtube videos), to manufacture and pump hydrogen gas to the air intake.
I'm having slight difficulties finding some parts locally. Some people say they don't do anything for your car or your gas mileage, but others who use them, say 'yes', there is a marked benefit. I will find out for myself. It's going in a 1993 Honda Accord that has only 60,000 miles on it, and already gets excellent gas mileage...

Sorry for the off topic diversion, but it's inventive screwballs tinkering in the garage, that could save the world...or at least improve it some...

Wish I could stuff a sock in his pie hole.

"The Borg are depicted as an amalgam of cybernetically enhanced humanoid drones of multiple species, organized as an inter-connected collective with a hive mind, inhabiting a vast region of space with many planets and ships, and sophisticated technology. They operate towards one single minded purpose: to add the biological and technological distinctiveness of other species to their own, in pursuit of perfection. This is achieved through forced assimilation..."

Sound familiar?

Has the world ever before witnessed cognitive dissonance on this grand a scale?

"Hamas MP and Cleric Yunis Al-Astal in a Friday Sermon: We Will Conquer Rome, and from There Continue to Conquer the Two Americas and Eastern Europe," from MEMRITV (thanks to Sr. Soph):

I really am convinced that there is no cognitive dissonance between Western leaders and islamic clerics; actually, they are wanting the same things -- namely, to rule the world.

In fact, if you compare their actions it would appear that the Western leaders and the islamic supremists are part of the same team.

Just as the leaders of the so-called "gay community" have furthered their agenda through the courts despite what the majority of the population apparently believes, so too will the islamists come to rule the entire world through the courts, despite what anyone else thinks about it.

Tactics used in Western courts can put into reality thereby implementing strategies of any group be they "gay," "islamic," "environmentalist," or what have you.

Courts have become defacto legislative bodies and judges have imposed their personal will over whole societies regardless of what the masses want or believe should be.

It is clear to me now that indeed, islam will one day rule the western world as they have avowed to do.

It is also clear to me that the western leaders will do anything in their legislative or judical power to bring this about -- and it will come about.

The only question in my mind is how the western leaders will profit once that happens.

Will they prosper through the illicit sale of organs used by human livestock as the islamic albanians have done in Kosovo?

Or will they simply profit from postitution and drug sales just like the sleazy pimps they really are?

I think they will prosper for a time -- then their islamic commrades will turn on them like wild animals and murder them just as they have murdered so many others before them.

Unfortuanately, Western society will soon enough come to a bitter end thanks to a handful of pompous pukes who have a strangle-hold on the reigns of power in the West.

Sagunto says:

So what is this choleric cleric dreaming of? The Palestinian navy steaming up the Tiber to pay Benedict XVI a hostile visit, sack Rome and then on to Budapest?

Perhaps you ought to look a bit closer to home. In 1970, there were a mere 15,000 Muslims living in Holland. Today, there are more than 1 million Muslims living there. Quite a change over the last 38 years, don't you think? So, looking at the trend we have seen since 1970, how many Muslims do you suppose will be living in Holland in 2046?

duh swami - youtube has lots of videos posted by guys who worked out a solution in their garage. Look under electric cars, solar cars and hydrogen cars and even air and water cars for ideas. Many of the videos allow comments. You can ask about parts.

We've gone around about this on various threads before.

There are small companies that are doing conversions. And University projects that are posted on youtube also.

Plus the major car makers are working on this, but they are just so slow.

Spirit - Plus they will control all the major cities.

sheik- you are so right. People forget it has never stopped. ( And it never will.)


"..Its not an ancient dream to conquer the West.."

Okay, my mistake, perhaps my Dutch is a bit unclear. I meant "ancient" as in "going back a long way, from the date of its inception some 1400 years ago (pretty ancient to me), right up 'till the present". Thnx for the history lesson, which I'm pretty familiar with, but never mind; it cannot be repeated enough on the net.

@spirit of 1683,

What exactly is your point? Obviously, I was being ironic with my comments about a Palestinian naval charge against the pontiff, and you come up with Muslim demographics everyone in Holland who's paid a little attention already knows. So what's the deal here, no more jokes about the infamous Palestinian navy then? ;-)

Borg says:

Spirit - Plus they will control all the major cities.

Will? They already do, and that is before they reach 50% of the population.

The only question in my mind is how the western leaders will profit once that happens.

Will they prosper through the illicit sale of organs used by human livestock as the islamic albanians have done in Kosovo?


The question would seem to answer itself. The only people profiting in Kosovo are Muslims. Any non-Muslim Western leader, Christian, Jewish or otherwise, who thinks he'll benefit from an Islamic takeover needs to be removed from office and sent to the funny farm.
If business leaders, such as oil executives, think they'll do better by working within an Islamist framework they need to have their heads examined.
Does Bill Gates think Microsoft will increase its business once we worship Allah? Shareholders will need to remove him at their next meeting.

everyone in Holland who's paid a little attention already knows.,/i>

In other words, around 20% of the population, and that includes the 7% Muslim population.

"This man wants to conquer the world"

Darn! I thought the Anti-Christ would be better looking. What a disappointment.

That's the @Spirit!

You do the math y'rself, it's not too difficult.
(denk dat we 't wel eens zijn).


Here's a new essay I just wrote on how
Mohammed God Away with Murder:

A World Where the Bad Guy Won

A spokesman said: "Muslims are not allowed to show intimate parts of their body. This is non-negotiable. Muslims have as much right to go swimming as anyone else."

Now if our politicians made non-negotiable demands of Muslims, we would stop this Jihad.

This is non-negotiable.

I think we in Britain are entering into a new phase of the Jihad, i.e., when Muslim spokesmen start to set out non-negotiable demands and conditions.

Time is getting really short.

Darcy, punch in the nose? Try one of these and you will not hurt your hand.

Panentheist, Allah ain't willing? Well, why did God (or Allah?) put so much oil under the Arabian Peninsuala and not Israel? I would ask my Sunday School Teacher, if I had one, and if I ever went to Sunday School.

"We will conquer Rome, and then Eastern Europe and the Americas"

No need to put yourself out "conquering", sir. Our Infidel Western leaders are holding a garage sale. You can get us all dirt cheap.

Is Carter a fool???

Posted by: duh_swami at April 14, 2008 10:31 AM

Uh, yeah, Mr. One-Term Pres is definitely a fool.
Pelayo, I thought about "brass knuckles," but I've never even seen them!

"Today, we instill these good tidings in their souls"....from headline.

Good tidings?! If Islam brings good tidings, then what would bad tidings look like to them? What a backwards and perverse religion. Good tidings...LOL!!!!

DP111, to a Mohammedan, it is not allowable for a man to show anything between the navel and knees. For women we know that they cannot show anything but their eyeballs. That would make swimming very unenjoyable.

That fatwaaah applies to men who are together and no women are around. I sure showed my satar in phys. ed. way back when.


"Bang - you're Dead!" he blows on his fingertip pretending to shoot us all.

Predator drone + Hellfire missile = no Al-Astal.

Yunis sez, "...this capital of theirs (Rome) will be an advanced post for the Islamic conquests, which will spread through Europe in its entirety, and then will turn to the two Americas, and even Eastern Europe."

Huh!? Europe in its entirety doesn't include Eastern Europe? I never would have suspected it, and Central America doesn't exist!? Are there only North and South? I know that can't be true because I have personally met illegal aliens from Mexico and Guatemala, and they have assured me that Central America does in fact exist.

Now, I don't want be an Islamophobe or anything, but it appears to be the case that Hamas Cleric Yunis Al-Astal, MP, has devoted more time to praying for world conquest than he has to learning his geography and how to read a map.

More on the "peaceful" intentions of the PA, the supposed peace partner?

"The PLO is the sole legitimate representative [of the Palestinian people], and it has not changed its platform even one iota. In light of the weakness of the Arab nation and the lack of values, and in light of the American control over the world, the PLO proceeds through phases, without changing its strategy. Let me tell you, when the ideology of Israel collapses, and we take, at least, Jerusalem, the Israeli ideology will collapse in its entirety, and we will begin to progress with our own ideology, Allah willing, and drive them out of all of Palestine."

"...has planted the brothers of apes and pigs in Palestine"

Again with the gratuitous insult. Lets see now, they refer to Jewish as being the sons of apes and pigs, so they must mean the palestinian arabs as being the brothers of apes and pigs?

According to the old texts, Abrahams progeny Ishmael came from his wifes Egyptian slave, Hagar. Abrahams wife Sara was a relative of Abrahams, so someone should teach our Islamic teachers the fundamentals of genetics, apes and pigs cannot mate with each other, neither can human beings have progeny through other species.

Thinking about it, the sons of apes and pigs insult must rebound to the detriment of those arab supremacists. Since where did those ape and pig genes get into the mix? it must be a way of calling the one that they pretend was an integral part of Islam (Abraham) the original ape or pig?

Then the entity that called itself Gabriel and whispered into Mahommets ear, probably was having a good joke at the expense of the UNlearned.

Another possibility is that the Iranian strand of aryanism is making a comment about the arabs genes, but then they are following a religion founded by a family sired by an ape or a pig?

Shhhheeeeesh, evidently the Hamas cleric never took any time to think that whole ape and pigs through. The insult is as much an insult to themselves as anyone else. Worse since in a way they are degrading themselves to no purpose, other than a gratuitous insult. It would be like a boy calling his cousin a troglodyte.


I checked your link and could scarcely believe my eyes, but then I remembered that were talking about Islam here.

"It is compulsory for males to cover the area between the navel and knees and it is a sin for anyone to look at another person’s Satar."

I assume that devout Muslim surgeons have sought and secured an entire library of fatwas that exempt them while performing their duties as surgeons, from Allah's will to CONTROL every imaginable detail of their lives, such that they would and should feel guilty about every conceivable infraction, even if accidental, and even if only imagined, that isn't covered by a fatwa.

Under this maddening form of bondage, I expect that the hyperscrupulous Martin Luther would have committed suicide.

"We will conquer Rome, and then Eastern Europe and the Americas"

Yeah, because history shows you are so good at that. No, wait, you got your ass kicked last time you tried that.

HISTORY shows that your ideology ALWAYS fails. Your belief system relies on violent suppression. Your ideology relies on hatred and spite. Your ideology relies on an the example of a man that you are so unsure of that you NEED violence to stop people questioning your "perfect man".

Even YOU know that he was wrong, that's why you need to use violence and intimidation to stop people questioning him.

That's not belief, that's fear of facing the truth.

YOU KNOW YOU ARE WRONG. WE know you are wrong.

You can't win, you can only kill. That's all you have. You even boast that you love death over life. You think we are impressed by that, you think we are cowered by that sort of thinking.

We've seen it before. Your problem is that you think you have US worked out. Problem is, we have YOU worked out. We KNOW how you think.

And that's why you will never win. It's just a matter of time.

Trying to locate the hadith where Mo says first conquer Constantinople then Rome. I have managed to find this from MEMRI - lots of clerics quoting or referring to it but none actually providing the citation:

Then I found this:

But "al-Hakim" is not a reliable hadith.

Anyone know? This helps us to be able to refer more convincingly that they have doctrinal grounds to desire the conquering of Europe.

It's the women who are the warriors. The women will bear seven or more Muslim children and crowd out everyone else.

If the women were educated they would have less children. The men who are in charge of the religion keep the women uneducated and pregnant so their religion because it is the best way for it to expand.

Lex, I used to spend hours just browsing these fatwa sites; I would only stop when my butt would get mumb, and my brain too. They have everything covered by a rule. These poor Mohammedans ask about everything from sex to eating to what to wear and what not to wear.

There's not a single Muslim in Muslim heaven because they cannot possibly get everything correct. Everything is a sin.

No prayers are ever answered either.

For everyone's enjoyment:

That explains baggy, pleated Dockers.


"Bang - you're Dead!" he blows on his fingertip pretending to shoot us all.

Posted by: champ "

More like: "Phew, I"ll bet you can't guess where this finger has been!"


Did you ever ask some totally off the wall question at one of these fatwa sites "in all seriousness" just to see what kind of crazy answer you'd get? For example:

Question: If I fart quietly while at prayer and it doesn't smell until it gets ignited by a nearby candle, does my prayer still count, or do I need to repeat it?

BTW, at Islam Q&A There's a link titled The Anti-Islam Dutch Film You have got to check out the Islamospin!

The question would seem to answer itself. The only people profiting in Kosovo are Muslims.

Any non-Muslim Western leader, Christian, Jewish or otherwise, who thinks he'll benefit from an Islamic takeover needs to be removed from office and sent to the funny farm.

If business leaders, such as oil executives, think they'll do better by working within an Islamist framework they need to have their heads examined.

Does Bill Gates think Microsoft will increase its business once we worship Allah? Shareholders will need to remove him at their next meeting.

Posted by: PMK at April 14, 2008 3:21 PM

Unfortuantely, I have to point out that some of the big (former) US corporations have taken their world headquarters to countries that are islamic.
The Oil execs working with the house of "sowed" are having pretty good returns if I look at their balance sheets.

I'm sure Mr. Gates will come up with a new OS once we start worshiping allah and probably a new Office package too -- geared to running mosques, automating daily prayers, and perhaps self-help tutorials on how to grow beards and such.

As long as Gates can turn a profit the shareholders have no reason to approach the board and demand his removal.

This I believe would be true of any corporation.

I agree about Kosovo -- that whole thing just sickens me -- but our esteemed Presedient of the United States couldn't wait to jump at the chance to recognize the new muslim state.

Does anyone really believe we did not know this years ago?

And just where to you suppose the organs of those murdered Serbs ended up?

You are right, many western leaders should be removed from office -- but it doesn't seem to be happening does it?

Or did I miss something?

More like: "Phew, I"ll bet you can't guess where this finger has been!"

Posted by: pulsar182

LOL!! I'm sure it went through the sanitary cycle between his lips after use, so it must be squeeky clean. Yummy!

"If the women were educated they would have less children. "

From an above posting.

Perhaps 5 instead of 7?

Not: the jihadists are the better educated ones. Doesn't work.

Well that must mean Australia, East Asia and India are safe. Whew!


I was asking if these people really thought they could have better business prospects in a world ruled by Islam, which is what I thought your post was suggesting.
The oil companies aren't Islamic-only. Most are run by Americans or Europeans who aren't Muslim. Their businesses are incorporated in countries that don't have sharia law. How long will those companies remain profitable once sharia is the norm worldwide? How long will those leaders, who have all the industry experience, be allowed to operate without first converting to Islam? Otherwise they'll have to pay the jizya. Do they realize that? There go their profits.
That Bill Gates and company would accede to sharia law would be a travesty. They would be consenting to the limitation on freedom of expression in return for profit. They would have to close down sites (like JW) that don't conform to sharia law. All in the name of profit? We shouldn't be surprised, given what Microsoft is doing in China.
Even so, the question is: does Bill Gates think he will have an easier time running his company under sharia law? If the answer is yes then he needs to be committed, pronto.
Our business leaders still don't realize that they will only cut off their nose to spite their face. All they need do is look at the history of business in Islamic countries. Is that what they want? As shareholders, we have to ask ourselves if the short term gain is worth the long term devastation. If we say yes then we deserve whatever we get.


It would be foolish for any business to think that it will prosper in a sharia based enterprise. I agree with what you say and that in any business the best model has been the free enterprise system and a limited government involvement. I think also that innovation and creativity has to be there for business and markets to evolve and continue to thrive. This model cannot work in Islamic countries because of the very restrictive and limiting laws of the sharia and Islam, it is primarily a totalitarian and anti free enterprise. Their only enterprise is to take from those who have achieved great riches in all aspects of life, such as science, arts, etc.

That is why what is talked about as the Islamic golden age was just a matter of them looting and pillage other cultures riches and gaining knowledge as they were expanding Islam, they did not contribute anything but destruction of other cultures. Maybe the architecture, calligraphy and poetry a limited contribution. But then again I do not know if these ideas where from Arab Muslims or these where ideas from those who were converted peoples.

They reason they are thriving is mainly in my opinion the oil, if there is something else I would like to know. Oh and also western aid and debt forgiveness--I call it jizya and appeasement mullah.

A bit of GIMP handiwork and he'll be singing
"I'm forever blowing bubbles"

Sharia law one day ruling and efficiently governing the world? Don't count on it,despite what the doom and gloom demographic "chicken littles" have to say. Self devouring belief systems do not reign over anything but chaos. This is not to say there may not be dark times ahead for future generations caught up in a potential worldwide Shia/Sunni family feud. Each generation in every age seems to find a means to counter this 1,400 year stain on the world. This will never change as long as our species exists,regardless of PC minions.

We Need George C Scott,

Your optimism is laudable, but demography is - as they say - destiny.

America still has a chance to avert the demographic time-bomb, but barring dramatic changes in immigration policy and lifestyle (fertility) - changes that are highly unlikely, Europe is a goner...and all your protestations to the contrary will not change that.

Even so, the question is: does Bill Gates think he will have an easier time running his company under sharia law? If the answer is yes then he needs to be committed, pronto.

Our business leaders still don't realize that they will only cut off their nose to spite their face.

All they need do is look at the history of business in Islamic countries. Is that what they want?

As shareholders, we have to ask ourselves if the short term gain is worth the long term devastation. If we say yes then we deserve whatever we get.

Posted by: PMK at April 14, 2008 11:16 PM

Well PMK, we can't answer specifically what Mr. Gates thinks, but as you point out about his relationship with China -- certain compromises are not out of the question.

Board rooms are amazing places, if you put a $1000 suit on someon; surround them with walnut paneling and overstuffed leather chairs; give them some title with at least 20% stake -- they can blather complete insanity that will ruin the organziation, yet no one dares to stop them.

Look at Enron, look at what is happening with the mortgage industry, etc. etc. No doubt a lot of nonesense was spewed in these boardrooms and look at the sad result.

Many years ago I was talking with some airline execs that were going to open up new routes to Saudi -- a shariah based country. The only concern they had was how not to offend the Saudi's.

There were a number of considerations including the appropriate dress for women; no bibles on board; and no Jews!

There were a lot things that a normal person would consider "insane" but these gentlemen were only concerned about one thing -- "this quarter's profits."

While we think it would be foolish for any busniness to believe it could flourish under shariah, I am here to tell you that we have many fools running corporations apparently because they see shariah as almost a non-issue.

In any case PMK -- I agree with you on these points.

He'll conquer 'Rome' first, eh?

Somehow I suspect that Benedict XVI, and all those thousands of ex-Muslims who've truly gone over to Christianity (and are not at all interested in going back into the swamps), will have something to say about that. And I do know that at least one person in the College of Cardinals - George Pell, of Australia - has read Bat Yeor and, I think, taken notes.

Oriana Fallaci sounded the tocsin a long time ago, for Italy. Her books circulated merrily amongst the populace.

Magdi Cristiano Allam should be picking up where she left off.

Italy may yet awaken.

As for Eastern Europe - last I heard some Poles were busy making a film about Jan Sobieski and the great ride of the Hussars to rescue Vienna in 1683. By-line of the film - 'we came, we saw, but God had the victory' [deus vicit]. (Soli deo gloria, and all that). Poland and other Eastern European countries might turn out to be the wild card in the pack.

The 'PIG to Islam and the Crusades' was translated into Spanish - how are the sales of the Spanish version going, Mr Spencer?

'Fitna' was rapidly translated into Spanish. If it 'takes off' amongst Spanish-speakers in the Americas, and re-awakens deep historic memory of Moors, and El Cid, and the horrors of the Muslim occupation of Iberia...the Muslims may find Latin America a tougher nut than they think. Do they REALLY want to find themselves fighting people who descend from conquistadores on the one hand, and Inca or Aztec warriors, on the other?

(Little known fact - both Catholics and Evangelicals, in Latin America, have lately been experiencing a massive revival/ renewal movement; thanks to Bible translations into the mother tongues, and audio recordings of same, the Quechua and Aymara have been avalanching into the Christian church).

Furthermore: lets allow our minds to dwell on the vision of would-be jihadis floundering in the bug-infested disease-infested Amazonian jungle swamps - with tiny, soundless poison arrows wafting from the dark recesses.

This imam is saying the same words in his speech.

Here's another imam saying the same words about conquering the world only he says they will do whatever including chemical and biological weapons to raid the world to bring the word of allah. And he is in a room full of suits.

The more and more I think about it the more I feel hopeful that Islam is going to have a very tough time conquering the West. Not long ago I used to get really down about it because they certainly are having some success abusing our freedoms and using our politically correct idealology (perpetuated by liberals)against us. But then I considered the fact that the liberals and Islamic sympathizers might be sitting on their a**es now, wanting to hold hands, be tolerant and "dialogue" but they will stop the friendly act when Muslims actually start to squeeze the life out of the rights the liberals hold so dear: the right to have abortions, the right to have sex whenever and with whomever they choose, the right to have as few (or none at all) babies as they want, the right to practice no religion, the right to engage in a homosexual lifestyle, etc. Oh yes, the liberals will suddenly cease to be so faint of heart when they catch on that Islam very much wants to destroy the liberals' way of life. For now, the liberals just think the opposition against Islam is just from a few conservatives and over-zealous right-wingers who are intolerant.

Just wait.


I think Scott was aiming more for the quality of life,or lack though of,under Sharia. The war would merely continue under a different name should Islam ever come close to critical mass in every nation.

As John Quincy Adams said: "As the essential principle of his faith is the subjugation of others by the sword;it is only by force,that his false doctrines can be dispelled,and his power annihilated."

Well Cornelius, perhaps their is still time to put in an order to the Blant corporation for that clone army,to go hand in hand with their robotic brothers naturally.

Lex, No one has to visit a fatwa site and make up fart questions. The Muslims entertain us already.


Perhaps this Sharia promoter Yunis Al-Astal would be kind enough to highlight that historic success of the Islamic state so prevalent in nations such as Sudan,Somalia,Pakistan,Afghanistan,Yemen and a host of others,who unlike the emirate kingdoms,fail to reap the benefits of the largest transfer of wealth in human history and possess little in the way of exportable commodities,due largely in part to the mental,spiritual,economic stagnation which springs from the attitudes and atmospherics fostered by the tenets of Islam. This coupled with some historical perspective as to how that same successful formula has turned the once vibrant lands of the mid-East into a veritable wasteland along with the once vibrant culture of the Assyrians,the Greeks of Asia-Minor,the Balkans,would a suitable starting point toward an unbiased account of the true track record of life for subjugated people under the yolk of this ideology. Perhaps a few anonymous voices from a Mr. Gold or a MS Patel can chime in to offer Mr.Al-Astal some theories as to why the so called "golden age of Islam" came to a screeching halt once the vital human element was exhausted.

We Need G C Scott,

You may be on to something...Japan looks to avoid the immigration deluge through robotics.

Kafir World,

Great quote. The founders were certainly not the intellectual lightweights that today's politicians are....(Newt Gingrich excepted).

We Need G C Scott,

You may be on to something...Japan looks to avoid the immigration deluge through robotics.

Kafir World,

Great quote. The founders were certainly not the intellectual lightweights that today's politicians are....(Newt Gingrich excepted).

Quite true,Newt was on the tube a few hours back. Clear as a bell,pity he isn't on somebody's ticket.

Re: PMK's Comments - "It's the women who are the warriors. The women will bear seven or more Muslim children and crowd out everyone else. They will force the others to flee for their safety. Who needs a navy? His weapon is demography."

One wonders if the fundamental, ancient Christian beliefs are not in fact the salvation of this civilization. I'm speaking of what John Paul The Great referred to as the "Theology of the Body".

We limit the number of children to be born so as to increase our economic comfort. We tolerate the wholesale slaughter of millions in abortion clinics.

We must repent of our murders and embrace Life. We must repent of our contraception and embrace children. We must embrace the Divine purposes for which our bodies were made.


even if all contraception was banned, those of us who are western Christians couldn't 'outbreed' the Muslims.

Because we simply could not ever bring ourselves to dehumanise and enslave our women to the extent that Islam does, to achieve its over-breeding. We could not bring ourselves to compel girls aged 10, or 12, or 13, to endure marital rape and then spend the next forty years having a baby every year. Marrying off barely-pubescent or pre-pubescent girls - so as to get them 'producing' new jihad fodder and jihadi-breeders as early as humanly possible - just isn't for us.

Furthermore: even if contraception and abortion were banned, given the fact that in 'western' countries women have got used to freely choosing their own mates, not all women would marry, because not all would find a mate to their liking. Somehow, I suspect that draconian legislation decreeing that all girls sixteen and over (12 and over? 13 and over? 14 and over?) MUST be married and pregnant ASAP, whether they want to be or not, would sink like a brick.

In Catholic and Orthodox countries, you'd also be up against the fact that some women, and some men, choose dedicated religious celibacy (this also applies in some Buddhist cultures).

Ask a midwife what it does to a woman's body if she undergoes intercourse at 10 or 12, then one pregnancy a year, say, every year till she's fifty (unless she dies in childbirth first). Ask what happens to her abdominal muscles, and her pelvic floor, and to her chances of suffering massive postpartum haemhorrhage, once she's had five or six or seven or eight children, one a year. Anne Donne had one baby a year for eight years and died in childbirth with the ninth.

This is why a ban on ALL contraception would sink like a brick - because plenty of perfectly happy, virtuous Christian married women like being able to 'space' their babies so as to give the body time to recover properly between pregnancies.

And polygamy just isn't an option. Not for Christians, anyway. Not for Jews, either, and hasn't been for over a thousand years.

How does even an old-fashioned Irish Catholic Christian, Amish Christian, or Orthodox Jewish paterfamilias, with ten or twenty kids from his monogamous marriage to his one and only life's partner, compete with Osama bin Laden's dad...56 kids from assorted wives all breeding like mad?

I do get so tired of the notion, freely tossed around in certain circles, that all smaller families in modern 'western' countries are due to 'selfishness' and 'greed'.

In my own experience, most of the couples *I* know with no children, are childless because of pure bad luck - they wanted children but couldn't conceive.

The 'small' families I know about, don't fit the 'greed/ selfishness' paradigm either.

Example: a woman with two children. She married young; had a baby; then got galloping cancer, had to go through chemo, operations, the works. Cancer went into remission - she has just had a second, miraculous baby, but the cancer may well return, she may not see her children grow up. Someone minded like you, seeing her in the street - a young woman with ONLY two children in tow -might sneer at her for her 'selfishness', not knowing that it's a medical miracle that she's alive, let alone has even two children.

Another couple - immediately after the woman had her second child she was diagnosed with a rare cancer necessitating an instant hysterectomy.

DO NOT ever assume that that woman or couple that you see in the street, with *only* one, or two, or three children, have done so because they are 'selfish', that if they were 'better' people they would be trailing a brood of six or ten or twelve. What they have may be all they were ABLE to have.

I have four children: 18, 14, 10 and 7; the first born when I was 23, the last when I was 36. I would NOT have wanted to space my children any closer together than I did - I am so grateful for barrier contraception. Nursing baby #3 while being pregnant with baby #4, was stunningly exhausting. After baby # 4 I had to have abdominal surgery to correct a hernia caused by the splitting-apart of abdominal muscles during late pregnancy - so, not wanting to subject the scar to the possibly catastrophic strain it would undergo in another pregnancy, that was it.

One sister married at 20: had one miscarriage, then six children. She stopped at *only* six. Why? The last four labours were slow, agonisingly painful 'persistent occipital posterior' presentations. She decided, after baby #6, to call it quits. Don't you dare call her 'selfish!'

Another sister had three - and the third was at death's door, in and out of hospital, for its first 4 years of life. There is NO WAY my sister and brother-in-law could have handled having more babies during Bethany's first four years; keeping Bethany alive was a full-time task and then some, demanding all their mental and physical energy; thank God for barrier contraception! (By the time Bethany was four, and [sort of] out of danger, my sister was in the late 30s and disinclined to risk further pregnancies).

A friend's daughter had one baby, at 19 - an emergency delivery due to sudden severe toxaemia (she nearly died). Subsequently she has developed lupus - which affects fertility. One child may be all she'll ever have.

Take a look at the rates of caesarean sections. Say a woman has a caesarean (for major medical reasons, not fashion) first time around; most doctors will not risk a 'normal' birth for subsequent children; the most caesareans anyone dares risk, in a row, is three. That woman you see with three may have undergone three caesareans, and been told by her doctor: "no more".

End of rant.

Bottom line: we CANNOT and ought not do to our women and girls what the Muslims do to theirs. Given that: sure, we could have more kids than we're currently doing, but we'd still be behind in shoving out the cannon-fodder.


"That woman you see with three may have undergone three caesareans, and been told by her doctor: "no more".

Hi, DDA. I have four children too (27,25,21,19), and they were all C-sections (for medical reasons), so your above comment is true; that doctor's discourage having more than 3 C-sections.

I wanted to have more children after my youngest was born, but my doctor warned me after giving birth to my third child, so I was taking a chance by having a fourth baby - and of course everything was fine - but he insisted I get my tubes tied after Richard (19) was born, so that's what I did (we did)....:-(

Fo' U an' All U Brothas in HAMAStan:

Fat chance if U ain't B CONQUERED by Rome, Goatsbeard. U an' Buraq B trippin' out on D Tiber, Camelsbreath. Kno'what I'm sayin'?


shear numbers do not guarantee success in war, history is riddled with small armies that destroyed much larger ones.


I think you are reading a lot into Senator's very general comments about the contraceptive mentality. I agree with your revulsion to the kind of draconian measures that COULD arise if the principle were taken too far (coerced pregnancy of women far too young for that much responsibility and physicial stress, etc.) and I do also agree with your contention that not ALL of the reduction in fertility in the West in recent decades is a result of "selfishness", but there is no doubt in my mind also that we do have to reconsider our contraceptive culture and embrace a much more natalist policy if we're going to have any hope of survival in the long run.


I suggest that alongside the kind of wholesome natalism that I THINK (and hope) you are proposing and a downgrading of the population control hysteria we've been obsessed with since the 1970s, we need also to downgrade the politically correct restraints on aggressive action against the demographic conquest by reframing the debate about human rights such as to prompt a much greater consideration of reasonable limitations on rights in favour of national and global security. The kind of measures I would propose should come out of this process would include:

1. Lay down the law to Islam as to what kind of religious freedom we are prepared to offer Muslims living in the West; every aspect of Islam that reflects political ideation or supremacist ideology is banned (the Koran either greatly reduced or watered down with editorial and interpretive commentary removing any possibility of literal force being applied to anything in that suggests or justifies violence or chauvinism), including anything that can be construed as hate speech, and violaters are incarcerated - permanently if need be - under strict isolation, with no access to any religious literature or ministry from Islam.

2. Adopt a program of expulsion for those who will not agree - or those who agree but then reneg - on these terms (not excluding that we be prepared to pay some of them to leave if that's what it takes).

3. Be prepared to open detention camps for recalcitrants - supervised by the military - in which strict sexual segregation is enforced in order to put an end to their breeding program and reverse their population explosion.

4. Make life unpleasant for them with measures ranging from police monitoring to restrictions on the building of mosques and strict requirements to enrole their children in our public schools (no Islamic schools), special taxes to offset the costs of security measures that the presence of Islam imposes on us.

5. Cut off all foreign aid to Muslim states - especially those enforcing Sharia law. (A population needs to eat to survive - much less thrive, and even more so to carry out global ambitions - and given Islam's famous ability to stifle economic and technical progress, they will not be able to maintain their numbers without our subsidies.

6. Foreign policy measures to rehabilitate nations and cultures damaged by Islam (like establishing secure sovereign states for groups like the Assyrians and Copts as well as continued support for Israel) to contain and roll back Islam's influence in the world.

Finally on a note not specific to our response to Islam, but on a cultural matter very much at the root of our current conundrum with it, we also need to carry out an extensive reconsideration of the valuation of productive work in our society so that we don't need immigrants to carry out essential functions like driving taxis or caretaking our buildings and infrastructure.