Sweden: Muslim woman receives $4,000 in damages for having to remove face veil

Cultural Capitulation Update: never mind the possibility of deception, and the concomitant ease of committing crimes, made possible by the face veil. Self-defense does not trump multiculturalism.

"Muslim woman receives damages for headscarf slight," from The Local (thanks to Marked Manner):

A 20-year-old Malmö woman has been awarded damages after she was asked to leave a bus for wearing a veil.

The woman has received 25,000 kronor ($4,203) from public bus service operator Arriva after an agreement was reached with the Ombudsman against ethnic discrimination (DO), according to local newspaper Sydsvenskan.

The woman was instructed to leave the bus in the southern Swedish city when she refused to remove the niqab veil that she was wearing as part of her sartorial hijab headdress. The niqab covers the entire face except for eyes.

The bus driver had asked the woman to remove her niqab so that he could identify her, however the woman was using a buss pass that did not require identification.

"The bus driver has not acted according to Arriva's values. There is no doubt where the fault lies and this is most regrettable. We are happy to pay out the money to make up for it," said Jan Wildau at Arriva.

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No identification required, well I would like to have one of those as well. I mean that is pretty stupid. I can see the real danger in this. Already non Muslims in Sweden are having to follow the law but Muslims are given special treatment and allowed to have non identity cards. Pretty stupid, I mean if non Muslims in the UMMAH are actually singled out and harassed but do not expect the UMMAH to pay a single penny for the non Muslims being singled out.

Is Malmo still Swedish?

Ahh, the ultimate global identification: a bus pass. Good anywhere in the dhimmi world. No worries now.

"ethnic discrimination"?

Islam is an ethnic group?

I am amazed at myself, but I have to say it: The bus driver was in the wrong.

The story says that the woman's bus pass did not require a picture ID, so the bus driver exceeded his authority in insisting that she remove her veil.

Even so, $4000 is excessive. The bus driver and the transit company should have been made to apologize, but I don't see how a monetary reward is justified.

I am amazed at myself, but I have to say it: The bus driver was in the wrong.

The story says that the woman's bus pass did not require a picture ID, so the bus driver exceeded his authority in insisting that she remove her veil.

Even so, $4000 is excessive. The bus driver and the transit company should have been made to apologize, but I don't see how a monetary reward is justified.

We hear quite often from Islamic Jihad apologists that all the ignorance of Islam by Westerners is at the root of all the unpleasantness. We're told, again and again, that most Muslims are peaceful, that Islam is a religion of peace, that violent Jihadists are just naughty distorters of Islam, that we should not associate Islam with acts of terrorism, etc.

But Islamic terror, and not our misunderstanding of Islam, played a definite role in the incident above. I would not relish sitting on a bus watching one of these ominous "sartorial" tented women sailing into the thing without showing her face.

"What is she hiding?"
"Why dress like that in public?"
"Is it a woman or a man posing as a woman?"
"This is exactly the way a bomber might attack!"

These are just a few worriesome thoughts which I can easily imagine might flit across my consciousness. Should I pretend I don't have such terrifying worries in order to make Muslims feel comfortable ( while they're engaged in terrifying me, no less?) The easy answer is: "of course not." But will I pretend not to notice after being sued, being threatened, being mocked publicly, being fired? This is the corrosive effect of Muslims on our society.

So it now becomes amply clear that part of the cost we endure as long as Muslims are here, will be the never ending lawsuits, the never ending losing of jobs, the never ending mockery of our feelings of terror, and the requirement for the sake of Muslim comfort, that we not utter a peep about it all.

When understood properly, it becomes obvious that acts of terror go hand in hand with Islamic denials of terror involvement. They are two sides of the same sinister coin of Islam. Constant Muslim bellyaching, constant gestures as reminders of the threat, implied or otherwise, through every vehicle available to the Muslims will be our lot. Sometimes it will be bombs. And sometimes it will be the simple seeming act of getting on a bus dressed in utterly alien Islamic garb. It is all Jihad to spread Islam with the sword of Islam.

It is not a stable situation which can last, and Muslims know it fully. They know that standing up to their terrorism requires constant acts of heroism on our part -- something which is unsustainable over time. For their part, Islamic terrorism only requires periodic atrocities, punctuated by thousands of menacing gestures as reminders. The next time a fully shrouded Muslim approaches a bus, there will be no demand to show his or her face. Now fewer bombs are needed, for Islam has triumphed again in another tiny battlefront.

More Sharia law.

If we're going to fight terrorism, we will have to be willing to identify ourselves. Dressing up in a cloth Hefty bag maybe some sort of silly custom invented by inadequate males, but it has no place in a state of war.

If it is too bothersome, move back to the Islamic paradise of your choice.

Not bad for a day's work of soft jihad.


Yobbish behaviour in the city has reached a new depth following reports that kids from a council estate are throwing missiles at the children attending a local nursery

A group of kids has been harassing a nursery school in the Nørrebro district of Copenhagen, throwing rocks at teachers, parents and even the young children at the facility.

Daycare facility Midgård is situated next to the Mjølnerparken council estate, from which five or six 10 to 12-year-old boys - all from ethnic minority backgrounds - have been causing trouble for the nursery school’s personnel and patrons over the past two weeks.

Although harassment from estate kids to a lesser degree has been tolerated by the facility’s staff and administration for some time, the incidents over the past couple of weeks have now crossed the line, said Annette Zahle, Midgård’s administrative director.

‘We’re used to a lot but this is simply too egregious,’ Zahle told Nyhedsavisen newspaper.

‘We’re naturally deeply concerned, especially because these kids probably don’t realise their actions can have serious consequences if one of our children was hit in the head.’

A mother was recently struck on the leg by a projectile thrown by the young troublemakers, who also attempted to enter the building last week, threatening the staff with crowbars.

And last week, a child at the nursery school was nearly struck by a large rock thrown by one of the youths.

‘The daycare workers have started telling me they’re afraid to send the children out to the playground, which is a very disturbing development,’ said Zahle.

The district police are taking the situation very seriously, revealed officer Søren Wiborg.

‘It’s completely unacceptable when groups of young people are throwing stones, particularly when it is directed at a nursery school,’ he said.

‘So now we’re keeping a much closer eye on the situation



The ethnic children are causing the whole area to be afraid. Sad. And nothing is done to stop it.

"We are happy to pay out the money to make up for it," said Jan Wildau at Arriva."

Happy? Happy to be a part of the piecemeal destruction of our society and culture. Soon enough it will be wholesale destruction.
Congratuations Jan!

If I were a bus driver, then I wouldn't let anyone wearing a mask board my bus! Hell No! I don't care if the Queen of England gave special permission to board my bus; if you're wearing a mask, then either remove it, or get off before I kick you off.

Not only was this bus driver responsible for the safety of the other passangers, but he also has a responsibility to look out for his own safety; and if he has a wife & family at home, that he has a responsibility to them as well.

Who of us would have done it differently?

Sharia sucks!

He has every right to do so. If I was in the bus driver's shoes I would have done exactly the same thing. Furthermore if I were a bank manager or a store owner, I still would have done exactly the same thing.

This act of apology and appeasement is DISGUSTING!
and anti-capitalist.

If rank and file locals will put up with this kind of tripe they derserve to be defeated. People on the bus should start pulling their own "Rosa Parks." When a person enters a bus with a mask, any kind of mask, riders ought to get off their seats, ask for their money back and get the hell off. I know I certainly would. I'd make a stink about it so all could hear! I'd throw a fit and get arrested, and then I would sue the bus company for emotional distress that was caused by allowing a masked person on the bus. What's good for the goose is good for the gander. I'd be just anothter peaceful Crusader.

In an Absolut world, Sweden will be muslim.

this is like the flyinginman incident only they manage to pull the wool over the courts eyes they say justice is blind I guess it really proves that it is when this happens and if someone got on a bus unless it was freezing cold and they were in ski mask I would be very worried

How long till they start issuing passports for muslims that don't require identification?

Imagine a society where everybody did use hoods and cover their faces in public life, we should pretty soon start to get scared of each other if we couldn’t read of if the persons we meet in public life where friendly or not. Scared people are dangerous people.

next time they want to take a security picture for a card, put a paper bag over your head or cover face with hands, saying that since muslim women don't want to show their faces, you have the same right not to show your's. That will show them.

Bending over for Islam. The fun never ends!

This reminds me of the case in the U.S. a few years back where a Muslim teacher tried to sue her public school because she was asked to remove her veil (which also covered her face except for eyes) because 1) it frightened the young children she was teaching and 2) the children could not properly hear/understand her through the veil. Luckily, reason prevailed and her case was thrown out (or never made it to court I don't remember which). I recall also the case in the U.S. where Muslim women were kicking up a storm because the local DMV would not grant them IDs becuase they refused to remove the veil (face covered) for their photograph. They were screaming about their "modesty" and the DMV was explaining that a covered face is not acceptable as identification. Duh. Reason prevailed in that situation as well.

For now.

"...We are happy to pay out the money .."

Be ready to start paying more! Sometime in the near future you may have to provide "Muslim ONLY" buses..

Two days ago I travelled back into London by tube on the Central Line from Stratford where I had been visiting with some friends. At Bethnal Green five veiled women(?) got into the carriage I was travelling in. I didn't immediately notice but when I did I felt distinctly uncomfortable. I decided to get out and change carriages at Liverpool Street (or wait for the next train). At Liverpool Street I exited my carriage as, I noticed, did almost all the other non-veiled females and most of the males (of many and various nationalities from what I could observe).

Obviously, my curiosity was peaked so I stood still on the platform - not an easy feat on any London Tube Station - and looked carefully at what happened next. I would estimate that some eighty per cent of the passengers who had vacated the carriage with me rejoined the train in different carriages. A few, like me, obviously decided to stay on the platform and wait for the next train - no hardship for it was due in four minutes. The remainder appeared to leave the station or went on their way, perhaps to change lines, in the normal way.

The remarkable thing about the whole episode is how many rejoined the train but in a different carriage from the five veiled women(?). Obviously, I was not alone in seeing the potential threat posed by these people. OK, I'll admit that this is just one example of how we British appear to be better educated about the Islamic threat than those who govern us appear to be, but, nonetheless, I am heartened that on this one random occassion, if any inference at all can be drawn from such a tiny sample, that the travelling public in the UK are not being fooled by the weasel words of dhimmi politicians, but are making their own decisions based on the real evidence of Islam inspired terror which has been seen by almost all of us over the last few decades.

Incidentally, I watched that train pull out of Liverpool Street Underground Station and as it left heading west I noted that very few people had entered the carriage which contained those five veiled women(?) but that many of the other carriages were full to standing room (strap-hanging) capacity only. I played the part of the coward I'm afraid to say. I waited for the next train to Holborn in order to get home to Knightsbridge.

Better safe than sorry, but I still feel slightly ashamed. I wish I was hero material, but I'm not.


How would they know they're giving it to the correct woman?

"The bus driver has not acted according to Arriva's values."

I wasn't aware that bus drivers were supposed to act according to Islamic values, but they seem to have corrected that in this case.

How would they know they're giving it to the correct woman?

Posted by: profitsbeard


At least biometrically scan them. Then you would know who is who without even lifting their veil. I worked with some folks that do the “iris scans” in the ME combat zones. The technology exists. Heck, I did it to get a “Clear” card. If that is what it takes to allow the modest moslem women to “stay covered” then make it as difficult for “them” as possible. There is plenty of room on the magnetic strip of a states driver’s license or ID card to collect and store the data. I know this idea sucks, and no, I don’t want to pay for it! But I always get mad when a group wants to remove themselves from the norm, or “society”, and then claim special privilege!

The sight of a woman (or who knows it it's a woman?) in a burqa or face-covering niqab disgusts me. I was shocked by how many I saw when I visited London six years ago. You see an ever-increasing number now in Canada. All Western countries should have made laws against the wearing of them in public back when they had the chance.

When I was on a ferry in Western Canada last year there was a woman on board wearing a niqab, still a thankfully rare sight in that part of the country. There was something "not quite right" about her, though. She was wearing elaborate eye makeup, and dressed in very colourful, "ethnic-funky" clothing, with lots of jingly silver jewellry all over her, and she gave off a strong scent of patchouli perfume, and maybe a bit of cannabis too...in other words, I had my doubts that she was really a Muslim, just a silly young woman making what she thought was a daring fashion statement, or maybe an exotic dancer promoting her latest routine...who knows. I should have politely asked her, when we were briefly corralled together in the Ladies' room, what she was playing at, but that patchouli was just too much for me.

Praxis wrote: "I worked with some folks that do the 'iris scans' in the ME combat zones."

Don't get your hopes up; no sooner will iris scans become routine than Muslim women starting declaring their right not to show even their eyes.

Oliver wrote, in his anecdote about passengers leaving a British train compartment after a group of veiled women got on: "I am heartened that on this one random occassion, if any inference at all can be drawn from such a tiny sample, that the travelling public in the UK are not being fooled by the weasel words of dhimmi politicians..."

Yes, sane, rational people can certainly draw that inference, but the very same dhimmi politicians who run your country will more than likely see it, if they ever hear of it, as rather more evidence of the appalling Islamophobia and intolerance of the travelling British public, and demand yet more compulsory re-education for all, at taxpayer expense. They will probably also seek out those five women so they can convince them to press criminal charges against all the passengers who left the compartment, for hurting their feelings. There will be a new law passed forbidding train passengers from leaving a train compartment because they don't like the look of someone who just got on (unless that someone is just a run-of-the-mill, drunken, foul-mouthed white British native, who may be treated as rudely as one pleases), because such actions go against the ideals of a diverse, open, and tolerant society. Plainclothes enforcers will henceforth be placed in every train compartment to ensure compliance. Occasionally they will deliberately place "plants" dressed in burqas to bust repeat offenders. Violators will be given the choice of jailtime or "diversity-awareness training" until their eyeballs drop out. All of this, of course, is to the greater good.

Having been born in Britain, I suppose I haven't completely lost the British penchant for irony...

Na na na na, na na na na, hey Sweden goodbye! Islam never loved you, the way that America loved you, 'cause if Islam did, no no, Sharia wouldn't make you cry! So go on and kiss your freedom goodbye! Na na na na, na na na na, hey Sweden goodbye!

Oliver, don't be too hard on yourself. Lots of us, myself included, wouldn't have gotten back on that train either.

The British are being 'polite' and politely pushed out.

Move away, move away, move away.

Where will you go?

They'll soon be in every carriage and in every neighborhood.

Where will you go?

They'll be taking over every town, city and country.

Where will you go?

Absolute peanuts they have only started in Sweden.

About five years in London the Metropolitan Police ran a diversity training course for detectives which was attended by a complete cross-section of the force. As part of the training individual officers were asked to talk about various minorities including Islam.

A detective with about 20 years' experience was asked to say what he knew about Islam and in the course of a light-hearted presentation he remarked that as Muslims weren't allowed have sex during Ramadan he “Would not like to be one of them”. At least one young female Muslim detective objected to this remark as racism and Islamophobia. Cut to the chase, the then Head of the Metropolitan Police, Commissioner Blair (No relation the former and unlamented Prime Minister) World Champion Dimmi, said he wanted the officers responsible “Hung out to dry”. To be fair the case was investigated by London’s senior Muslim policeman who said the whole thing was an over-reaction and they should just have been sent on further diversity training.

Nevertheless the officers complained about were suspended for up to two years and I believe at least one had to retire whether as a result of stress or being pushed I cannot say.

The Muslim policewoman who made a complaint received £30,000 ($60,000) compensation for emotional injury. There were several other payouts to muslim officers but I forget how many or how much.

Only $4,000 for being made remove a veil! In the UK she would have been able to retire on the compensation and the driver would have been fired and probably prosecuted.

Like I said, they haven't really got started in Sweden yet.

This Muslim Woman in Sweden is a terrorist for she is perpetuating (faciliating) future acts of terrorism. Future terrorists (fugitives or Bombers) will be able to hide behind this mask like veil. Thanks to this woman.

Any emotional compensation for young Swedish girls,err,"uncovered meat", cut while dancing in clubs?

That bus comany is 'happy to pay the jizyah'. Maybe Jan Wildau at Arriva will be happy when I spit in his face.


Wasn't Sweden the land of Beowulf..? The guy who kicked the butt of the snivelling monster Grendor..?

It's yet to occur on a regular basis here in the US,but you can just bet preparations are being made for full body head to toe banking transactions with the express purpose of provoking the natural response from security thus clearing the way for staged victimization with a side dish of monetary compensation perhaps.