Gay-rights activists decry Iran's abuses, but reject action, in fear of being labeled "Islamophobes"

Typical liberal indecisiveness. Portray Iran as a great human-rights abuser, but insist on no action. Sometimes it's hard to have it both ways -- to both defend the rights of the oppressed and appear "tolerant" at the same time. That's where priorities come in. "Gay rights in Iran: walking the fine line between Tehran and Washington," from Therion, July 20:

[According to gay rights activist Peter Tatchell] “Ahmadinejad leads a regime that arrests, jails, flogs, tortures and sometimes executes gay people. It also terrorises trade unionists, students, women activists, journalists, bloggers, Sunni Muslims and ethnic minorities like the Ahwazi Arabs, Baluchs and Kurds.
That said...
I don’t support a military attack on Iran, but I do urge greater international solidarity with democratic, liberal and progressive Iranians who are struggling to overthrow the clerical dictatorship from within.”

Tatchell has been unfairly accused of being Islamophobic, whereas in fact he is opposed to religious fundamentalism and bigotry in all religions. He has defended Muslim victims of injustice and in his writing has pointedly condemned Islamophobia: "Any form of prejudice, hatred, discrimination or violence against Muslims is wrong. Full stop."

Interesting outlook. Reminds me of a gay Iranian man who, after harrying me about my writings on Islam, wrote to me saying "After what I've been through, I never thought I'd be defending Islam!" Whether or not Islam unequivocally condemns homosexuality does not seem to matter to such humanitarians.
Taking on the Iranians for their human rights record, is viewed by some on the left as giving comfort to American hawks. Given the record of the Iranians when it comes to the treatment of homosexuals, looking the other way is simply not a viable option.
Yes, that's why a bit of decisiveness helps, even if it appears to favor the dreaded "hawks."
During his trip to the US, Ahmadinejad said "In Iran we don't have homosexuals like in your country (US)."

This is a preposterous lie that masks an ugly reality. Gay Iranians live in fear of persecution. Many have fled to Turkey and destinations in Europe to escape the suffocating climate in Iran, where "coming out" in an overtly public fashion can have dire consequences.

The Iranian people deserve better. But the choice has to be theirs. American aggression is not the answer.

Those activists who support the right of Iranians to live in a society free of oppression, are walking a fine line between the politics of Tehran and the politics of Washington. But it is a line that has to be staked out in the name of justice and human rights.

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I am not gay and I do not support the gay lifestyle. However, I do know that if people do not speak up against evil, then evil will triumph. In other words, if gays want better treatment within the Islamic world, they should speak up against injustices there and they should not be afraid if people call them Islamofobes. If gays speak up, then other dhimmis could follow their example and speak up as well.

"During his trip to the US, Ahmadinejad said "In Iran we don't have homosexuals like in your country (US).""

Oh, it's too bad someone didn't ask him why this is the case, isn't it? Not that he would have told the truth, but it would have been a Kodak moment, watching him squirm.

That's liberals for you. The point is not, as Marx said, to change the world; rather, it is to draw attention to the fact that you hold the correct beliefs. Heaven forfend that you might actually back them up with deeds. Cf. Tibet, Darfur, Zimbabwe...

Way to stand up for yourselves! Mail Barney Frank packets of pink triangles that he can send on to Tehran.


Kind of interesting that the folks who invented "homophobia" appear to be "islamophobia-phobic."

There must be some conservative gays somewhere who will loudly condemn Iran. Where are they? Will the two of you please step forward...

Gay rights activist Peter Tatchell: "Any form of prejudice, hatred, discrimination or violence against Muslims is wrong. Full stop."

Ahmadinejad:"In Iran we don't have homosexuals like in your country."

Evolution in action.

I'm openly prejudiced against muslims, as I am against Nazis and communists (and socialists for that matter).

Muslims, Nazis and communists have given me no good reason not to be prejudiced against them.

First gay "honor killing" feared in Turkey

Stephen Gash SIOE England:
Muslims, Nazis and communists have given me no good reason not to be prejudiced against them.

Obviously, you haven't been to enough Diversity and Sensitivity Training sessions, since you still have some survival instinct.

Report for your Thorazine treatment ASAP!

Iranians should revert - to Zoroastrianism!

Its not about “walking a fine line between the politics of Tehran and the politics of Washington”, it’s all about PC hysteric islamphobia. It have really noting to do with if Iran going to be attacked or not, that’s only a subterfuge. No one going to attack Iran or anybody else because of discrimination it’s about nukes and geopolitics.

On could thought that Bush latest official visit to the gulf and hugging and cuddling with Saudi royals should have been a golden opportunity for the left and anti-imperialists to make headlines about Bush and this repressive medieval dictatorship that treats the nation’s wealth as their personal possession. But not much was heard, obviously because one can’t attack Saudi without attacking Islam. And to my knowledge there is no plans what so ever for an “imperialistic” attack on Saudi despite how ever they treat gays and woman.

Stephen Gash SOIE England-exactly-it's not prejudice if it's based on facts and reality!

Shahryar-I support my Aryan brothers in Iran (and everywhere) and I am certain one day America and Iran will behave like the brotherly nations they are!