"A Muslim teen who fled from Ohio to Florida after becoming Christian swears her father will kill her if she goes back home. Florida authorities appear willing to take that chance."

Rifqa Bary is in serious danger. Here is Pamela's report on the hearing in Orlando yesterday. And "Fathima's Fears," an Investor's Business Daily editorial from September 21 (thanks to all who sent this in) explains what's at stake:

Islamism: A Muslim teen who fled from Ohio to Florida after becoming Christian swears her father will kill her if she goes back home. Florida authorities appear willing to take that chance.
The state believes her fears are unfounded after talking to the devout Muslim father and his lawyers, who work for the Council on American-Islamic Relations. And it's expected to return her to his care....
In their report, Florida authorities found: "Ms. Bary's concern that she may be killed because of her conversion from Islam to Christianity remains a subjective and speculative concern."

Based on the facts of the case -- along with prior Muslim father-daughter "honor killings" inside America -- we would argue that the concern is, on the contrary, very real. Consider that:

• Bary swore in a court filing that her father confronted her in her bedroom and said: "If you have this Jesus in your heart, you are dead to me!" And then, picking up a laptop as if to hit her, he allegedly added: "I will kill you!" A friend reported the incident to local police.

(The father, Mohamed Bary, admits grabbing the computer but says he meant only to throw it. He denies threatening her life.)

• The daughter also swore that her father punched her in the face on the way to mosque one day because she complained about wearing a hijab. (The father denies striking her.)

• Bary also testified her family's radical mosque told her father to "deal with the situation" of her Christian conversion, a thinly veiled reference, she says, to honor killing.

The CAIR lawyers assured Florida investigators that there's no such thing as honor killings in Islam. In fact, there is a requirement in Shariah, or Islamic, law for killing publicly declared apostates, and Bary announced leaving Islam on her Facebook page.

CNN and others in the mainstream media have made an issue of Bary's truthfulness, and some details of her story don't hold up. Notably, she said she hid her cheerleading because she feared her father's disapproval.

But investigators say they saw photos of the girl in her cheerleading uniform prominently displayed in the family room of their Ohio home. (It's not clear when the photos were put up, however, and investigators confirmed that at least the mother had denied her permission to join the squad.)

Bary's mother told authorities that her husband believes that if their daughter returns home, she should practice Islam as long as she's underage and living under their roof. What if she doesn't? What then?

Good question.

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She's 17, so when she's 18, she's legally an adult, right? When's her birthday? Can she appeal the ruling and delay until the issue is moot?

That poor girl, How could a country that repatedly takes children away from there parents for the slightest hint of any wrong doing, real or false. Have the hipocrisy to say that this girl should be sent home.

Has she filled a police report against her father for threatening her life? Its a crime, and he will be arrested (suposedly) If one of my kids filed a police report on me saying that I threatened her life I would be arested on the spot. The kids would go to a foster home that day.

I am so sick and tired of dubble standerds for muslems.

Rifqa should immediately as a protective move, have her attorneys seek a protective order from children's services in Ohio against her parents. She should make an affidavit to Ohio authorities of the hitting and the threats of her parents. Also all the information on islam should be sent to flood Ohio children protective authorities and whoever is assigned to the case. If the Florida court turns her over to Ohio, childrens' services in Ohio will be on the hook to make a required investigation themselves. Ohio protective services will have to make an independent determination if she is in any danger or if she should be turned back over to her parents. An Ohio judge and Ohio protective services will be on the hook if they turn her back and she is harmed. Also, the allegations before the Florida court appear substantial enough that Ohio will have to re-determine the facts of her safety in any event. Indeed, Florida may turn her back to Ohio merely because they lack jurisdiction and not because of any finding she is in imminent danger. The Florida court may not get that far if it determines this case on jurisdiction, it will expect Ohio courts to determine if she is in danger.

Given all the publicity to this case one assumes that even CAIR, and even the most naturally violent of clerics -- who in any other situation would gladly see the father do what he thinks he should to his errant, nearly-traitorous daughter -- are counselling no violence at all. Not because it would be morally intolerable, but because such violence would at this point damage the image of Islam. And the killing of apostates is all about protecting Islam, especially from those who not only leave the faith, but dare to discuss their leaving with anyone else.

The fact that Rifqa Bary is unlikely to be harmed, given these considerations, does not mean that if she is not harmed the defenders and apologists for Islam can say: See, I told youy so. Nothing wrong with Islam. Nothing to worry about." It is the unpublicized cases that should give the most cause for alarm.

And then there is one other consideration:

Even if considerations of Muslim Realpolitik at this point argue against the infliction of punishment, or even of killing, we have so many examples of Muslims going ahead anyway, with their violence. Mohammad Bouyeri, the man who stabbed Theo van Gogh dozens of times, was not thinking clearly, for had he done so, he would have realized that such an attack, while from the viewpoint of many Muslims perfectly justified, did more harm to the image and cause of Islam than the removal of Theo van Gogh did, for Islam, any good.

So despite the likely counselling by Muslims of the cleverer kind to leave Rifqa Bary carefully free from physical attack, psychological tortures of all kinds will of course be inflicted upon her, to see if she can be broken. She's a 17 year old girl and it may well work.

And the most worrisome possibility is that some lone Muslim fanatic, not thinking about the greater effect on Islam and its image, will indeed take the Shari'a into his own hands, and act accordingly. It could even be a member of her family.

Think of the founder of Bridges TV, who decapitated his wife. Was he, who had founded Bridges in order precisely to conduct propaganda and present the Sweet, Kindly, Tolerant Public Face of Islam, thinking clearly about the effect on the image of Islam when he cut his wife's head off? No. Was the Said who murdered his two daughters, then fled the country, thinking clearly about the effect on the image of Islam?


The Furor Islamicus can strike at any time. Why, I've heard, and often, the smoothest tariq-ramadans suddenly become quite different when certain topics are raised -- say, that of little Aisha. They forget their carefully-prepared text, their prepared smiles suddenly contort into a rictus of hysteria and hate.

It could happen here. It could happen in Ohio.


Robert, I will take this girl. Give her my email address if you can get it to her.


Nine year old brides, 17 year old children. Islam can't seem to make up its mind.

Why can't Rifqa's lawyer apply for her to become an Emancipated Minor? I read somewhere online (can't remember where) that Florida does not allow that without parental consent. That doesn't seem logical, first of all, since the whole point of being an "Emancipated Minor" is to get out from under your parents authority and make your own decisions, so expecting parents to agree is pretty ludicrous in its face. Also, since any teenage girl can go before a judge and get an abortion without informing their parents, it seems especially bizarre that this girl could kill her unborn baby, but can't save herself. Just very bizarre.

I understand that she is an illegal alien. So are her parents, apparently. Is there any hope of Rifqa getting political or religious asylum?

have her run to Canada and file a request for refugee status by the times its turned down she would be 18 and beyond the reach of cps in ohio

I think Hugh is correct with his assumption that it's too late for Rifqa's parents to do her harm. But there is also the option to sweep her back to Sri Lanka where she can be.... pampered.

Well said, Hugh.

She's going to be forever in danger of Muslim kool-aid drinkers.

There is no stronger indictment of Islam that it's policy of murdering apostates. Mohammed clearly states that "hypocrites" (that is, Muslims who stop practicing Islam, like Rifqa Bary) are to be killed. All four schools of Islamic jurisprudence agree that apostates should be killed. Roughly 1400 years of Islamic exgesis supports the death of those who leave Islam. Famous Islamic apostates must live with bodyguards or in hiding simply to survive.

Hugh may be right that the "word" has be passed that Rifqa Bary should not be harmed. For now. But there is no way to stop her family from fleeing Western justice to live in any of the "Islamic Paradises" that litter the globe like rat droppings. There the full force of Sharia law can be brought to bear. Since her father dissolved his business ten days after Rifqa went missing, that is the likely course.

Apparently, even in America, Muslims are not free to practice another faith. Someone should ask Congressman Ellison for some answers about Muslims apostates. Someone might also want pose the same questions to the President.

The CAIR lawyers assured Florida investigators that there's no such thing as honor killings in Islam.

If this is true then the lawyers, sworn officers to the court, are guilty of malfeasance and subject to contempt charges.

Apparently the judge had forbearance for these lying lawyers knowing that factual reality does not apply, indeed may not apply, when it comes to Islam.

*** 47:24 ***

Even Prez is allowed to lie about Islam. Must be part of the glory of Islamic Science.

Check out this cyberscam I just recieved... Awsome!!!
They were so stupid that they used there personal email address, and used there PERSONAL PHONE NUMBER!!!
It works, I called it and talked to a man with a thick accent. Mexicana I think. I asked if he knew about the email and said no, so I asked to be transferd to the security department. At this point he pressed a few buttons on the phone, waited a few seconds and then said,
"Ello? dis is Frank." It was the same guy of course.
I asked him if this scam was "clocking any grits."
His responce was, "Ello dis is Frank."
"Hello... Frank, can you hear me?"
"Ello dis is Frank, who dis is?"
I answerd. "This is Mobamad Mohammet Mohammad, ibn Mohammad Mohamet Mobamad, of Saudi Arabia." "I am a lawyer representing Mr. Ahmed Khalid from Saudi Arabia and his accomplices." "Mr Khalid, is aware of what you are doing, and is pushing for legal action to be taken against you personaly..." "Hello?"
"Ello dis is frank."

Call them. The number works. I am also in the process of sending an email saying that I work for the FBI cyberfraud task force. This is more fun than telling "Mikey" that the BMX bike that is Islam, has no seat.

Im not joking this is the actual email.

fromChase Bank (His actual email)
dateTue, Sep 22, 2009 at 10:33 AM

hide details 10:33 AM (2 hours ago)


TEL:323-319-4680 (This is his actual phone number!!!)

Payment Reference #:35460121
Allocation #: 674632
File Pin Code: 55674
UN Certificate of Merit #: 113
Date: September 22, 2009


Attn: Fund Beneficiary,

In the course of our General Auditing and Account revision of this year
2009, we discovered that Bank Accounts belonging to some Benefactors have been changed on the basis that the owners have died some time last year or have given out an authorization note of change of data.

After our investigations it was revealed that there are foreigners(Saudi Arabians to be precise) who are collaborating with retired staffs to make these changes illegally without the knowledge of the Bona fide Benefactors and one traced to your own change is this Mr. Ahmed Khalid from Saudi Arabia who stated that you are dead and that he is your attorney hence he has forwarded some vital documents of funeral service held for you so as to divert your fund.

He also forwarded the following Bank account details as the new account
that will receive your money.

Account Name: Maximum Financial
Account Number: 6110495 4021
Routing Number: 011075150
Bank: Sovereign Bank
Bank Address: One Federal Street, Boston MA, 02110 U.S.A
Swift: SVRNUS33

But we wanted to confirm if actually this is true and hence decided to
write to your email address which after three (3) days from now and there is no response, we will confirm that you are dead indeed and go on with the transfer
process. If proved otherwise by you that you did not die, please forward to us all the related Benefactors particulars as stated below:

1.Full Name:
2.Phone Number:
3.Fax Number:
4.Address :
6.current occupation:

These details from you will help us reach a conclusion that you are not
dead. Anything contrary to this claim will help us charge this man to court and prosecute him while your fund will be paid to you immediately without any further delay.
You have to get back to us on time for us to commence legal proceedings
against Mr. Ahmed Khalid from Saudi Arabia and his accomplices.

TEL:323-319-4680 (seriously, call him its hilarious.)

BTW, if you call and ask for Mr James Simon, and he is still out to lunch could you please tell him to return my call.


About "emancipated minor" - there is quite a bit of comment at Atlas' site about this from someone who appears to be an Ohio attorney. According to him it does appear to be possible, but the supporters of Rifqa are engaging in a strategy of running out the clock until she is 18 years old.

It was also stated in Pamela's story that Rifqa's parents are illegal aliens. Whey, then, are they themselves not the subject of prosecution and deportation?

There was another idea proposed in the comments that I liked: "We need a new Underground Railroad to support people like Rifqa who wish to escape from Islam." To non-American readers, the Underground Railroad was a system of safehouses, assistance and support in the pre-civil War (1861-1865) days to help runaway slaves from the American South escape to freedom in the North, where there was no slavery.

I don't believe the father's ("Mohamed") denials one bit.

Gee, I wonder why that is?? (sarcasm, people).

Could it be because of this:

"If anyone changes his Islamic religion, kill him." - Mohammed (Bukhari 9.84.57).

Hugh wrote:

It could happen here. It could happen in Ohio.

Yes--one of those rash fellows from the parents' radical mosque might "deal with the situation"--or, as poster Krazy Kaffir notes, she might be whisked away to Sri Lanka, where the arm of American law does not reach.


Bary's mother told authorities that her husband believes that if their daughter returns home, she should practice Islam as long as she's underage and living under their roof. What if she doesn't? What then?

What indeed? So far, Mohamed Bary seems, like many Muslim men, to have poor violent impulse control. Despite the terrible headlines that would ensue, I wouldn't trust him to do the "prudent thing"--and stay his hand--if Rifqa were to defy him.

I have read a number of news stories about this case, but have not been able to determine when Rifqa Bary will legally become an adult. Does anyone know the answer to this question?

"The CAIR lawyers assured Florida investigators that there's no such thing as honor killings in Islam."--from the article.

Rifqa's father is also making the same denial. Of course, it's not true. In Islamic law, if a Muslim woman has any sexual relations with a non-Muslim man, they are put to death. Islamic law allows parents to kill their children, with a reduced penalty or no penalty. Even "moderate" Islamic countries such as Jordan have reduced penalties for these types of killings. Moreover, the reasons for the honor killings almost always have to do with punishing the person (usually a woman or girl) for actions or alleged actions that happen to violate Islamic law (e.g., premarital sex, relationship between Muslim female and non-Muslim male, seeking divorce without sufficient Islamic justification, etc.) or injunctions in the Quran and Hadith (e.g., the requirement for women to cover themselves in public).

See this:
"Violations of 'Islamic teachings' take deadly toll on Iraqi women"

This is yet another reminder, as if we who frequent Jihad Watch needed it, of the gross ignorance across the United States about the reality of Islam. The death penalty for leaving Islam is a fundamental tenet of Islam, The Prophet was very clear on that. Yet people continue to insist Islam is a religion like any other.

And now that our President is an Apologist-In-Chief-For-Islam, I don't expect any improvement in the awareness level of Islam across the country. As bad as GW Bush was, insisting to the end of his administration Islam was a religion of peace, Obama will be worst. These are indeed good times for all enemies of the United States, be they Islamic or Kafir.

Another aspect to CAIR's denials about honor killings may be that they are trying to deflect as much attention as they can away from the apostasy penalty. (Glad to see Investor's Business Daily immediately follows CAIR's denial about honor killings with a statement that sharia requires the death penalty for the public apostate). Public apostasy has always been very damaging to Islam, so pious strict Muslims historically have sought punish apostasy as harshly as they possibly can. By killing apostates, strict Muslims manage to turn an event that is potentially damaging to Islam into something that instills fear in the Muslim population, thus preserving Islam and reducing losses from the Muslim population. Killing just one apostate, or even threatening to kill him or her, can have a strong impact in terms of restricting what Muslims say publicly and even privately.

On another note, I'm not aware that anyone has yet discussed the interrelationship between Islamic apostasy and blasphemy laws. Public apostasy often amounts to blasphemy; likewise, public blasphemy by a Muslim often amounts to apostasy in the eyes of those who are eager to impose the penalties. Indeed, in Pakistan, apostates have been prosecuted under the blasphemy law. Rifqa has made statements that would probably be viewed as blasphemous against Islam and thus in violation of Islamic law. (Note that in Islam, true statements that "annoy" Muslims or damage Islam can be considered blasphemous, seditious, slanderous, etc.). Groups such as CAIR lack the power to implement the blasphemy penalty as such, but they do the best they can in their "struggle" in the North American context to try to impose it, through propaganda warfare, lawsuits, etc., against anyone who hurts Islam's public image.

"I'm not aware that anyone has yet discussed the interrelationship between Islamic apostasy and blasphemy laws."

i.e., in the context of the Rifqa Bary case.

For an example of a discussion of the relation between blasphemy and apostasy, see

Don't be so sure "The One" has a lot of influence on independents and Republicans - any conservative for that matter.
Don't give in - EVER

I talk about apostasy even in the check out line at the grocery store.

Take EVERY opportunity to reveal the true Islam.

I generally call ignorance of Islam "A Great Disadvantage"

"And now that our President is an Apologist-In-Chief-For-Islam" -- Proud Infidel

It's not only that - Hussein IS a Mohammedan.

Remember "My Muslim faith" in the interview with George Stephanopolous last year???

Hello! How does one say "Freudian slip?"

You Communist snakes need to stop insulting OUR President. We are at war, you're either with the U.S. (and its leader) or you are against the U.S. (and its leader). It is of course no surprise to anyone with a quarter of a brain that JihadWatch would harbor people who are ideologically aligned with Usama been Hiding since Spencer's entire career consists of restating whatever Bin Laden says. He's like a smaller hairier version of Zawahiri, except he gets paid well for promoting Usama's views and can add to that big fat belly of his.

"You Communist snakes need to stop insulting OUR President. We are at war, you're either with the U.S. (and its leader) or you are against the U.S. (and its leader)."

You blind moron. You are right we are at war and the enemy is traitors like you, that swear allegiance to the president. My allegiance is to the constitution of the United States of America. You give away your freedom if you want I will use mine. You are the Communist.

Obama is a traitor!
Obama is a traitor!
Obama is a traitor!
Obama is a traitor!
Obama is a traitor!

1. Hugh's post is right on target.

2. How "moderate" can the Bary parents be, when, after the Florida judge ordered them to mediate with their daughter, they instead prosecute their daughter as a criminal in order to bring her home, where she may have to live as a Muslim? From another article:

"[...] A court in Columbus was supposed to take up one of the matters involving Rifqa today, but a magistrate judge decided Monday to set both cases -- a criminal case and a dependency case -- for a hearing Oct. 27, said Ohio lawyer Kort W. Gatterdam.

Gatterdam is representing Rifqa in the criminal matter. That case was prompted by a filing by Rifqa's father, Mohamed Bary, asking a judge to declare his daughter incorrigible for repeatedly being disobedient.[...]"


DustanH It is of course no surprise to anyone with a quarter of a brain that JihadWatch would harbor people who are ideologically aligned with Usama been Hiding since Spencer's entire career consists of restating whatever Bin Laden says. He's like a smaller hairier version of Zawahiri, except he gets paid well for promoting Usama's views and can add to that big fat belly of his.

Wow! Have you actually read anything posted here or are you just venting on the fact it's got the word 'jihad' in the website title?

Calm down, have a read and a relax and get back to us, ok?

A few things have become clear about Rifqa's case.

1) Its going to end up in Ohio
2) She is going to need a good group of lawyers. Ones
who can play the system for every advantage.
3) This is becoming less about Rifqa and her parents
and more about CAIR winning.IF they do win we as
well as every other truly moderate Muslim loses.

Hugh writes of Mohammed Bouyeri that he was not thinking clearly. It was not merely Bouyeri who was apparently not thinking clearly -- it was an entire cell of Muslims who planned and ordered that hit on Theo Van Gogh, Muslims from various parts of Europe and the Maghreb. I don't think this theory of Muslims who jump the gun as being impetuous necessarily holds water. Islamic Jihad is a multifarious operation: some smile and do Taqiyya -- they are the Good Cops. Others go ahead and slaughter -- they are the Bad Cops. It is painfully easy to see that this strategy of a symbiotic relationship between these Good and Bad Cops is not necessarily deleterious to the Jihad cause. What have we seen overall since Muslims have stepped up their revival of Jihad in the past decade? We have seen the West perversely defend Muslims more, not less. Muslims are not oblivious to this. Indeed, recall Hassan Butt, the Muslim jihadist from the UK who claimed to have "reformed" and then admitted that while he was among is fellow jihadists --

I remember how we used to laugh in celebration whenever people on TV proclaimed that the sole cause for Islamic acts of terror like 9/11, the Madrid bombings and 7/7 was Western foreign policy.

It is reasonable to suppose that Muslims have become aware of this perversity of our PC MC-dominated culture, and are exploiting it. Thus they know that not only can they get awway with Bad Cop violence -- it positively helps their overall cause because of our PC MC weakness that desperately seeks Good Cops among Muslims even when they cannot be found, and in doing so, forever marginalizses the Bad Cop violence as "extremist" and a "twisting of Islam" and thus nothing to do with Islam. The perverse mechanism here is that everytime Muslims attack, it strengthens our PC MC dogma that such Muslim attacks have nothing to do with Islam, it does not weaken it.

Frankly, I don't think most Anti-Islam analysts quite have a handle on the insanity of their own Western PC MC. They continue to indulge in understandings based on the premise that PC MC operates somehow with just a toe-hold on rationality. And one part of this inertia to understanding is a resistance to the fact that PC MC is based on Reverse Racism -- but most Anti-Islam analysts are so focused on their mantra that "Islam is not a race" and are so hypersensitively worried about being accused of racism themselves, they tend to bracket out this crucial element of the equation.

Just out of curiosity...
Robert, were you asked (or did you ask) to testify in the Rifqa Bary case?
If not, why not?

Because I have my suspicions here. And I'll open them up to all of you (because I believe in full disclosure: if I'm going to ask a question, you need to know the context).

Are we considered to be racist?

Now, before you all go off the deep end - "No of course we're not racist, Mikey! What a thing to say!" look at the question again: Are we considered to be racist? Is there a perception that we (and by association, Robert) are a bunch of intolerant racists?

Which is kind of ironic when you think about it. Our fight is against Islamic intolerance, against the imposition of Sharia upon those who would see one democratic law for all.

And I'm wondering, could it be that this perception has damaged Robert's reputation to the point where he is not welcome in the witness box? To my mind, there couldn't be a better chance to expose Islam's agenda - Robert Vs CAIR's lawyers in court.
I'd buy tickets.

Her blood is on the hands of these ignorant judges. How could they be so ignorant concerning "honor killing" in Islam? Have these two judges been shoving their heads in the sand for the last 10 years?!?!!!

Those of us here that are Americans, like myself, have got to wrap our teeth around the fact that, as a nation, we are becoming a crowd of sleaze bags that abandon our friends and dependents whenever they become inconvenient to us. Wrap our teeth around it and bite down.

It's not who we traditionally were. It's not who at least half of us want to be.

But it does seem to be who we are becoming.

I for one hate it. It is not the America I know and love.

But I fear that until enough of us bite down on the nasty facts in front of us and taste the real personal bitterness of shame and anger that comes, we will never muster the spirit to spit the poison and the poisoners out of America's mouth.

And you bastards in Florida and Ohio that are charged with protecting Rifqa's rights -- know that many eyes are on you.

You will be judged.

DunstanH said--
...stop insulting OUR president...

It remains to be seen if this occupant of the White House
even Constitutionally qualifies to be there. Until he
releases official, undeniable records in accord with the
various law suits he's been dodging, he's still just Mr. B.H. Obama, usurper extraordinaire.

Various comments in this thread, and in earlier threads about Rifqa Bary, have suggested the re-creation of the Underground Railroad to convey escaped Moslems to safety. That sounds like a good idea, but where would it lead? The original escorted escaped slaves to Canada. NOT simply to the North. The Northern States may not have allowed slavery, but they had to allow slave-takers to pursue and capture escaped slaves and return them to the South. Helping slaves to escape, and assisting runaways was illegal. Slaves were property, and so assisting runaways was akin to helping a thief make off with stolen property. That's why the Railroad was underground -- its operators were violating the law. And that's why it led to Canada, where American law didn't apply. But that was then, and this is now, and given Canada's record, I doubt that runaway Moslems would be any safer there than in the U.S.

That "Dustan" character above referred to us as "communist snakes!" lol - that's hilarious!

Dustan, you want to see a "quarter of a brain?" Look in the mirror.

Bary's mother told authorities that her husband believes that if their daughter returns home, she should practice Islam as long as she's underage and living under their roof. What if she doesn't? What then?

She doesn't want to live under their roof and she certainly wants no part of their filthy religion. It would be extremely cruel to forcibly return this girl to her hostile family, even if the extensive media coverage of this sad story might temporarily prevent them from exercising their islamic duty to murder her. I can only imagine the living hell that awaits her. I can visualize her parents standing over her with qur'ans in hand, ordering her to memorize every word in Satan's masterpiece and forcing her to grovel to allah five times a day. Why can't they just leave her be?

She renounced islam on her own and chose Christianity. To send her back to Ohio to have islam shoved down her throat is un-American and reprehensible. If this scenario involved a Christian family with a child who converted to islam, I'll bet the legal system would find a loophole in favor of the minor child. I hope she can escape the trap that CAIR has set for her. She is too young and innocent to be on her own but with a little help from anonymous sources, she would be fine. Unless CAIR knows where she is and has thugs posted outside to make sure she can't escape, I truly believe her only hope for survival is to run as fast and as far away as she can get.

Bosch Fawstin, GravenImage - our Artists in the House.

Can you draw us something for this case? Something that could go on T-shirts? And/ or posters and fliers?

Do us a portrait of Rifqa Bary - standing in the Light.

Do us a portrait of Lady Liberty as the Angel of Freedom - weeping in bitter shame as her two-hundred-year-offer of freedom and hope and life is denied, and stupid self-deceiving dhimmis prepare to obediently hand the escaped female Muslim slave back to her murderous Muslim slaveowners.

Rifqa seems to me to need more than lawyers now. She needs St George and St Michael the Archangel...but perhaps they might just manifest as big hairy infidel Knights in Shining Armour, riding not steeds but Harley-Davidsons...

Question: would the patriot bikers, those former GIs who turn up on their bikes to form the honour guard at the funerals of US soldiers, be willing to make their presence felt outside the Orlando courthouse...for the name and the life of a little lady, a Defector from the Muslim Mob? Could ACT for America call them in?

Final thought: the editor of the Investor's Business Daily should be receiving suitable commendation for that editorial we have just read.

This young lady will never be safe, no matter how old she is. I still think she should be emancipated, and not returned to her family.

That said: When underage kids decide to leave Christianity and practice Wicca, they are not murdered by their parents. My advice has always been to respect your parents and live by the rules of the house. Wicca, and Paganism do not need props, nor does it deny Christian deity. I have no problem defending Christianity at the other site, and most posters do not tolerate bashing Christianity either.

One's personal beliefs can never be threatened and worship of deity is a personal thing and confrontation is not necessary. Thing is Muslims have a history, up to the present, of killing those who have left Islam, where Christians do not kill apostates and have not done so for centuries. My Christian sons pray for me, they do not threaten me with death.

My point is that there is a distinct difference in the behavior of Christians, who tend to pray for those who have left Christianity, and Muslims who have a mandate to kill those who refuse to "revert" back to Islam.

Our regular troll solkhar is also onto it:

Submitted on 2009/09/22 at 9:22pm

Interesting blog-owner that you are so easy to declare – because it is your blog – that I avoid debate and lie.

We should remember that you claimed that the Five Schools of Islam declare, support and instigate a jihad that actually does not exist.

Also that you have declared that the Qur’an was not turned into the Book that it is until 200 years alter, though there were in that time two universities built (and still running) , thus without its prime text book, let alone all the other references to something non-existant.

You have also stated other rubbish and lies simply because the word Islam is attached. That includes assuming that an individual whom is not just a patriot but an awarded and successful crime-fighter and has improved and helped the US’s battle against terrorism is a traitor and deserves the death penalty.

I think we know whom is spouting lies. In fact I want you to name one that I have given.

As for your logic on searches with the word Allah and hate in it, the logic that comes from that is very simple, in fact the simple answer is often the right one. Muslims constantly saying that there are so much hatred showing, bias and histeria, then perhaps there is a point. If there is a lot of smoke, there will be certainly be a fire, or there is some truth behind all the rumours. The same goes both ways and of course we do know there are militants and radicals blowing up people and demanding the unacceptable.

The other point is that the organisation and strength of right-wingers and other agenda based groups is very well documented. Since 9/11 over 3,800 hate-sites were created in 12 months, almost all of them in the southern US Bible-belt and by religio-Zionist groups with similar agendas as this one.

No spinning here, just facts – something lacking in your posts.

In he comments of this posting here if you wish to respond:


Our regular troll solkhar is also onto it:

Submitted on 2009/09/22 at 9:22pm

Interesting blog-owner that you are so easy to declare – because it is your blog – that I avoid debate and lie.

We should remember that you claimed that the Five Schools of Islam declare, support and instigate a jihad that actually does not exist.

Also that you have declared that the Qur’an was not turned into the Book that it is until 200 years alter, though there were in that time two universities built (and still running) , thus without its prime text book, let alone all the other references to something non-existant.

You have also stated other rubbish and lies simply because the word Islam is attached. That includes assuming that an individual whom is not just a patriot but an awarded and successful crime-fighter and has improved and helped the US’s battle against terrorism is a traitor and deserves the death penalty.

I think we know whom is spouting lies. In fact I want you to name one that I have given.

As for your logic on searches with the word Allah and hate in it, the logic that comes from that is very simple, in fact the simple answer is often the right one. Muslims constantly saying that there are so much hatred showing, bias and histeria, then perhaps there is a point. If there is a lot of smoke, there will be certainly be a fire, or there is some truth behind all the rumours. The same goes both ways and of course we do know there are militants and radicals blowing up people and demanding the unacceptable.

The other point is that the organisation and strength of right-wingers and other agenda based groups is very well documented. Since 9/11 over 3,800 hate-sites were created in 12 months, almost all of them in the southern US Bible-belt and by religio-Zionist groups with similar agendas as this one.

No spinning here, just facts – something lacking in your posts.

In he comments of this posting here if you wish to respond:


Another thing that would help Rifqa out would be to have
some heavy hitters weigh in her favor. Such as Mrs. Palin,
Mr.Rommney, Rush, Glenn Beck, O'Reilly , a few actors
somebody like Mel Gibson (yes he is a little crazy but he is
still popular and passionate), a few powerful pastors.Turn
up the heat on CAIR and this case as high as it can go.

"Do us a portrait of Rifqa Bary - standing in the Light." - DDA


Photoshop tennis, anyone?

Ah yes, there is doubt because he is a "nigger," just come out and say it. Do we have any conclusive proof that President Bush or Clinton were born in the U.S., give me a break and go back to Moldova.

Ah yes, there is doubt because he is a "nigger," just come out and say it. Do we have any conclusive proof that President Bush or Clinton were born in the U.S., give me a break and go back to Moldova.