"Dutch Jews suffered tenfold increase in anti-Semitic attacks during Gaza war"

"The 43-page report also speaks of an increasing trend of anti-Semitic statements and incidents in schools. This included an incident in an Amsterdam school which suspended lessons after students chanted anti-Jewish slogans. A Rotterdam did the same, after pupils sang: "Hamas, Jews to the gas" and "Jews are murderers.""

Hmmm. I wonder who those students could be?

"'Dutch Jews suffered tenfold increase in anti-Semitic attacks during Gaza war,'" by Cnaan Liphshiz for Haaretz, September 9:

The number of anti-Semitic incidents documented in Holland in January almost equaled the number of attacks recorded throughout the whole of 2008, according to the annual report by the country's watchdog on anti-Semitism.

The report by the Hague-based Center for Information and Documentation (CIDI) presents 98 attacks in January, as the Israel Defense Forces was attacking in Gaza. The total number of attacks in 2008 was 108.

Unusually, CIDI criticized the justice system and police for allegedly not acting with sufficient promptness to ensure safety and security, and for not imposing a ban on Holocaust denial.

The month of January saw a tenfold increase in anti-Semitic attacks compared to the average nine attacks per month in the previous year.

The number of physical attacks during January was nine. Only three such attacks were recorded in 2007, and five in 2008. The remaining attacks were of hate speech and mail.

CIDI says the volume of circulation of hate speech and mail was larger than in recent years. Most cases of physical harassment, intimidation and assault were the result of the actions of perpetrators of North African descent, said the report by CIDI, which has in the recent past been involved with dialogue between Jews and Muslims.

An analysis of hate-mails revealed most denied or downplayed the Holocaust by comparing it with Israel's attack in the Gaza Strip, which came in retaliation for the targeting of Israeli citizens by Palestinians.

The 43-page report also speaks of an increasing trend of anti-Semitic statements and incidents in schools. This included an incident in an Amsterdam school which suspended lessons after students chanted anti-Jewish slogans. A Rotterdam did the same, after pupils sang: "Hamas, Jews to the gas" and "Jews are murderers."...

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This happens in the Netherlands, Europe's most tolerant country. Anti-Semitism is totally alien to Dutch people, but not to these Mohammedans. They wallow in hatred towards Jews. They want to kill us, wherever we are, they compare us to apes and pigs. But apes and pigs have more human kindness than Muslims have.

The Muslims will be attacking sooner or later...they are already making plans to do so...attacking is in their Religion..blood will flow...

If pupils are going to sing, let's give 'em a Muslim theme:

Jews and Christians, for friends say no
They're apes and pigs, don't you know
Fight 'em, kill 'em, slay 'em as you can
Behead and dismember, just do it man

Honor Killings, Honor Rapes
Righteous deeds for heavens sakes
Several wives, many slaves
Beat 'em right 'til they all behave

Many battles, many slaughters
Then we get to take your daughters
Mo on Aisha - six times older
Dare don't fight us, we'll just get bolder

All*h Akbar is what we scream
It's not a nightmare, it's not a dream
We love death more than you love life
We don't want peace, we just want strife

We love the humble, we adore the meek
Your destruction is what we seek
Turn the other cheek, many say
We behead, that's our way

Mo's our man, you best not diss
Our ancient, wise ones drank his piss
Alcohol is the devil's brew
Wine in heaven, next to rivers blue

I knew right away what kind of students were chanting anti-semitic slogans. It was 'youths'.

"Asian youths", no doubt!

That these attacks are happening in the country which harboured and protected Anne Frank and her family is a pitiful shame.

That is not true.
Someone betrayed Anne Frank and her family.

Are they tasting the bitter fruit of Zionism?

I find it did not increase, "antisemetism" that is, until the IDF started murdering Gazan civilians...


Are they tasting the bitter fruit of Zionism?



Palestinians kill Palestinians everyday.
Doesn't that bother you?

Arabs have more freedom in Israel than they have in most Arab countires.

For this is what the LORD Almighty says:
whoever touches Israel touches the apple of his eye- Zechariah 2:8

"Dutch Jews suffered tenfold increase in anti-Semitic attacks during Gaza war"

I can't imagine what the Dutch, and other European governments, hope to accomplish by ignoring this kind of behavior in their societies. Do they really think that, in time, Muslims are going to change their attitudes? It should be obvious by now that things are going to get worse, not better.
What will it take to wake them up?

What will it take to wake them up?

Its like a zombie movie. The evidence is all around us that Islam is dangerous. Yet the governments are in denial.

We need the blinkers removed ASAP

Rotterdam has become effectively a Muslim city. It has a Muslim mayor and a Muslim commissioner of police. In 2002, according the site below, Rotterdam had 45% "foreign residents". At the time, politician Pim Fortuyn said, sensibly, that the Netherlands should reduce immigration from 40,000 to 10,000 a year, and there should be no Muslim immigrants. Forutyn was assassinated soon after in the cold blood of hot fanaticism by a Leftist animal rights nut who himself said he did it to "protect Muslims".

hey the forever victim status belongs to the poor Muslim dont you know! how dare you bring up Jews!
my Gods these poor African Muslims are so upset at being the victim of infidels got to remind you of your place. their prophet mo told them to kill all infidels. but what the heck who reads the kkkoran.

You should be deeply ashamed, Abdullah Mikhail, for your lies about the IDF, which goes out of its way, including putting its own soldiers in extra danger, to spare Palestinian civilians from harm. Unfortunatley, Hamas (and many other Islamic terrorist organizations) deliberately seek civilian deaths to win a propaganda war which lesser human beings buy into foolishly and even willingly.

Here's a question for you which puts all things on the line. If you, Abdullah Mikhail, tonight had to choose between the leaders of Hamas or the leaders of the IDF to run the world over the next ten years and there were no other choices, whom would you choose? No evasion here. Done here.

You should be deeply ashamed, Abdullah Mikhail, for your lies...

Posted by: Wellington

You must be joking, Wellington.
A good mohammedan is never ashamed of his lies. How can he when his god Allah is the Lord Of Lies? Mikey Mouth is a good mohammedan!

AbdullahMikail, if Islam is a religion of peace and tolerance, why would a pious adherent such as yourself wish ill upon anyone for the deeds of others in countries a thousand miles away?

Are you really wishing ill upon innocent bystanders thousands of miles from the conflict? Is this what we should call a peaceful religion?


Abdullah Mikhail (AM) proceeds by induction, not by deduction: He begins with the conclusion -- Islam is innocent -- then more or less tirelessly works from there to deflect and contextualize the mountain of data (and it keeps growing, like a volcano with fresh hot lava, every day) that would indicate to anyone who still has reason that there is a problem, Houston, with Islam. In the pursuit of that goal, AM has learned to use many of the templates of the PC MC paradigm of the helpfully suicidal Westerners around him:

"the violence is exculpated because it's a war zone"

"it's the 'culture', it's not Islam"

"the Muslims are only using violence in self-defense desperately against an oppressive 'Apartheid' regime"

"Muslims are only using violence against the West because the West started it first with their Colonialist, and then post-Colonialist, meddling"

And so forth.

Unfortunately, AM's tactics have more traction in the West than ours do. And does he give the West props for that? No. Ungrateful ass.

Well Thomas_h, I just can't help myself from holding everyone, including Mohammedans, terribly confused though they be, to a standard of truth which is rooted in the Judeo-Christian ethic, Western legal systems like Roman Law and Common Law, ancient Greek philosophical thought and ordinary common sense, though I do admit it is a tall order for Muslims to meet, distorted in their thinking to a high degree which they are because of their placing such an unfortunate emphasis on such phenomena like Mohammed, the Koran and Sharia. Still, I cut Mohammedans no slack, and even though mendacity (and weird cognitive endeavors in general) is a regular feature of their thought processes, I feel compelled nonetheless to adhere to the closest thing humans have to an absolute standard.

But, yeah, I was kind of joking. It's usually a good approach when confronting ignorance or evil.

"IDF started murdering Gazan civilians"

Silly AM!

There are NO civilians in Gaza.

Only believers(cultists)and NONE of them are anywher near civil.

At any rate,You should be thanking the Jooos
for martyring your co-cultists and sending them to paradise.


Ultimately the only answer to this sort of thing is superior violence.

This is far far beyond the reach of reason and appeals to humanity and decency fall on deaf ears.

Due to the nature and behavior of human consciousness (and specifically the mechanisms of projection and displacement) the only method that will work against mohammedan aggression is to respond with exactly the same sort of treatment that their culture prescribes for outsiders.

The jihaddi mentality simply will not comprehend anything else.

The same is true of violent mentalities in general, whether of the individual criminal sort or (as in this case) the tribal mass-murder sort.

The nazis stopped being nazis when they were rendered physically incapable of doing so.

The same principle applies here.

There is no evidence whatsoever that any non-physical method will have any effect on the sort of people that do these sorts of things.

There are rare incidents of defection and self-elevation to a civilized level, but those are universally motivated from within and not due to any influence by outsiders.

There is no existing evidence that outsiders practicing non-violence have any effect on such people at all, except perhaps to boost their self-assurance and thus make matters worse.

Personally I urge the Jews of Holland to risk the comparatively mild wrath of the EuroFreaks, acquire (illegally if need be) and learn to use hand guns.

Self defense is a natural right.

But, yeah, I was kind of joking. It's usually a good approach when confronting ignorance or evil.
Posted by: Wellington

Wellington, you are very eloquent, gracious and truly patient man. But I think you are wasting your time debating MikiMouth. He was not born Mohammedan and did not have his mind and soul corrupted from his earliest days through the exposure to Islam. It was he, himself, who had chosen stupidity, ignorance and evil through a most perverted act of soul mutilation. In my long life I have stumbled upon the phenomenon of people inventing themselves through such an act. What is common to all of these cases is their conceit, and sick vanity. They love to discuss, but not for the sake of truth, rather to demonstrate that they are able to demolish and mock the truth. That gives them feeling of power.

I very much respect your reflex ”of holding everyone, including Mohammedans…to a standard of truth which is rooted in the Judeo-Christian ethic, Western legal systems like Roman Law and Common Law, ancient Greek philosophical thought and ordinary common sense.” Still, being Mohammedan almost per definition, involves rejecting all these things. Yes, even their common sense is not common anymore. It is their own.

In a discussion or negotiations we make an assumption that the parties share fundamental moral values and intellectual standards. Without a basic common ground there is no chance not only for an agreement, but even communication. The minimum required is common perception of reality.

When we want to talk about Islam and the danger it poses for the survival of our civilization it is important that we align our standards, especially moral ones.

I admit I do enter such discussions occasionally, but prior to it I want to know if my partner shares my perception of good an evil by applying it to the person of mohammed.

So I make a quick simple check by asking a simple question:

“do you agree with me that Mohammed was a pig?”

If I don’t hear a clear “yes!” then I’m not interested in further communication, because it indicates our totally irreconcible difference of moral standards. We inhabit two separate moral spaces.

I might instead have asked “do you think Charles Manson, or Himmler, or Lenin were murderous monsters?”, but in the context of islam the person of Mohammed is more appropriate for the test.


"This is far far beyond the reach of reason, and appeals to humanity and decency fall on deaf ears." Indeed! talk to walls..... kill or be killed! Amend.

Thomas_H: I don't think Muhammad was a pig. I believe he was a man. I believe the same about Charles Manson and Heinrich Himmler, too. These people reveal the dreadful hold of sin on the human heart. This sinfulness is so deep and radical that it required God Himself becoming man, suffering death by crucifixion as atonement for our sins, and rising from the dead on the thrid day to deal with it. It's why "code of conduct" religion like Islam is woefully inadequate to human need.


Re the Dutch Jewish victims of attacks, you wrote: "Are they tasting the bitter fruit of Zionism?"

blangwort asked you "Are you really wishing ill upon innocent bystanders thousands of miles from the conflict?"

What is your answer to blangwort's question?

This happens in the Netherlands, Europe's most tolerant country. Anti-Semitism is totally alien to Dutch people, but not to these Mohammedans. Posted by epistemology

Unfortunately, antisemitism is all too familiar to the Dutch people. My grandparents left after WWII, for many reasons, not least among them the shame of their countrymen not doing enough to defend the Jews and fight against the Nazis. And, unfortunately, the Dutch are once again complacent and all too willing to let a new form of antisemitism raise it's ugly head. (Although I do wonder how *new* it really is...)

...long time lurker...

Antisemitism has been a Muslim mainstay for about 1400 years, it is coyly taught in the mosques all across the globe...that is why the Muslim clerics can so easily fire up the believers into a violent fury at any perceived injustice (even if there is little truth in the perceived injustice). Regarding the Muslims in Palistine there are videos of Muslims firing rockets into Israel from schoolyards, from hospitals, from the rooftops of apartment complexes and many other such places...they do this with a sense of pride and purpose...proud to be lobbing rockets into Israel and hoping Israel will retaliate and blow up the rocket launchers which will no doubt kill "civilians" there...they can then claim Israel kills "civilians" when in fact it is the Muslims who paint targets on the "civilians".

Islam is good at painting pictures of injustice to its believers and its believers are brainwashed into believing it is the other guys fault...it has always been this way with Islam.

There is no evidence whatsoever that any non-physical method will have any effect on the sort of people that do these sorts of things.

Posted by: joeblough

Unfortunately I believe you are right.
It is an uncomfortable truth that most decent people don't want to aknowledge.

The only language Islamists understand is force.
You have to show yourself to be stronger than them because they won't respect anything else.

They have to be MADE to behave or they never will. Until the governments of the free world realise this the situation will only get worse.
No amount of financial aid, free housing, land deals or political correctness will stop them from hating.

Antisemitism is alive and well amongst the indigeneous Dutch population. Recently my friend's son was called a dirty Jew in the playground at a Dutch primary school by a non-Muslim local kid.

Dear Hesp,

"Abdullah Mikhail (AM) proceeds by induction, not by deduction: He begins with the conclusion -- Islam is innocent -- etc."

this is a very good observation. Thanks a lot for that insightful comment.You're a great help for arguing with these stupid apologists. And I don't have to to tell you, there are so many of them.

I really hope and pray that Geert Wilders Freedom party gets elected over there soon.

Geert Wilders or not, vigilantes or no vigelantes, government or no government, sadly, people have to take action in some form to protect the vulnerable. I don't know exactly how but the way must be found.

Thanks epistemology, the only way (or at least one important way) I can stay sane is to analyze the pathology.

It is not just Muslims involved with this. It is also the Nazi right. The "Hamas, Jews to the Gas" is a soccer song sung by Feyenoord of Rotterdam, who probably not only have Nazi fans, but Muslim ones as well. The article simply isn't specific enough, but it wouldn't surprise me either way if it were Feyenoord Nazis or Feyenoord Muslims.



re the use of force.

At various times on this forum I have posted an observation from the psychologist M Scott Peck, from his useful book about the psychology of evil - 'People of the Lie'.

So much of what he lays out in that book, I find, throws a searing light on the mindset that Islam inculcates in its adherents ( I should add Peck has no knowledge of Islam whatsoever, indeed judging from the one passing reference he makes to it, he thought it a 'religion' like any other; he was simply attempting to anatomise the pathology of the evil individuals with whom, as his patients or as relatives or spouses of patients, he had had bruising encounters, within western society).

Here is what Peck states about dealing with evil:

"I have learned nothing in twenty years {since that case} that would suggest that evil people can be *rapidly* influenced by any means other than raw power.

"They do not respond, at least in the short run, to either gentle kindness or any form of spiritual persuasion with which I am familiar."

And the context of that remark was one in which temporal power - raw power - *had* to be used, without compunction or hesitation, in order to rescue an innocent person who was in imminent danger of being destroyed by evil people.

I, too, have to agree with joeblough. It comes down to raw power, the power to stop these fanatics from doing their evil. Nothing else will in the final analysis deter them. And it's not as though society has a choice. The jihadist mentality knows no limits and will continue until the host country is truly imperiled. At that time power will need to be employed to stop them or they will overrun the Netherlands. Western countries have become so lax and internally weak that it will probably take the toughening brought on by a near-death experience for the people to finally move decisively against the jihadist enemies in their midst.

It`s over 70 years since the beginning of the terrible persecution of the Jews in Germany and who would have thought this would be repeated.
There is an eternal hatred, it is a spiritual thing because they are God`s chosen people and the devil can`t stand that! He has worked down through the centuries to try to rid the world of the jews, but this will never happen, there has and always will be, a remnant preserved by our God. So many miraculous things have taken place especially in Israel since it became a nation again in 1948 to preserve the jews, miracles against all odds. As soon as it became a nation it was attacked by surrounding armies but God always gave them the victory, in every war, amazing as they were vastly outnumbered every time!!

It`s over 70 years since the beginning of the terrible persecution of the Jews in Germany and who would have thought this would be repeated.
There is an eternal hatred, it is a spiritual thing because they are God`s chosen people and the devil can`t stand that! He has worked down through the centuries to try to rid the world of the jews, but this will never happen, there has and always will be, a remnant preserved by our God. So many miraculous things have taken place especially in Israel since it became a nation again in 1948 to preserve the jews, miracles against all odds. As soon as it became a nation it was attacked by surrounding armies but God always gave them the victory, in every war, amazing as they were vastly outnumbered every time!!

I think, given the obvious increases in anti-semitic attacks worldwide, that one of the several things Jews need to do is to always travel in groups of three or more and carry whatever weapons are legal in the country they live in. If said country does not allow civilians to keep weapons for defense, the Jews should make sure to keep some rocks or empty bottles handy to respond to attacks against them. Security must be improved at all Jewish Synagogues and in neighborhoods where Jews tend to congregate. We must all be aware that all too often hate speech turns into acts of violence, and the recipients of that violence too often turn out to be the scapegoats of the world, the Jews. The time is now to prepare for growing attacks against us, we must not sit by passively and wait for the disaster as was done at the beginning of the 3rd Reich. Never Forget.

Memo to all philosemitic Gentiles who are also Islamosavvy: if you have Jewish friends or neighbours or colleagues or classmates keep a friendly eye out for them, especially if there are Mohammedans in the neighbourhood as well.

If you live near a synagogue or Jewish school or Jewish cemetery: make sure that you (and your dog, if you have one) do a regular, friendly cruise past to watch for vandalism or skulking Mohammedan thugs - make sure to say hi to the rabbi so he knows you're a friend. Keep your eyes open, particularly, on Fridays.

If you're on a university or college or school campus as teacher, researcher or student - remember that if there are any Mohammedans about, there *is* an elevated risk for any Jewish faculty members and students. (All non-Muslims are at risk - and Hindus and non-Muslim blacks are often singled out - but Jews seem to be at the top of the Mohammedans' people-to-hate list). So keep your eyes open.

Pray that you will have the courage to be a Gharqad tree - 'the tree of the Jews' that, according to a ghastly Muslim hadith, is the one tree that refuses to betray a hidden Jew to the Muslim murderers.