Eight years, and farther away than ever

The global jihad is not over. There have now been over 14,000 deadly attacks carried out since that fateful September 11 in 2001 by believers in Muhammad's dictum that "Islam must dominate, and not be dominated."

Yet as a society we are farther away than ever from recognizing how exactly to combat this foe. The "war on terror," as restricted and misleading a concept as that was, is over. Yet the global jihad, and the stealth jihad in the West, is advancing on virtually all fronts. The President of the United States doesn't appear to be overly fond of freedom of speech, even as the Organization of the Islamic Conference continues to war against that freedom. There is still no honest discussion in the mainstream media about what exactly we are facing. Self-censorship and fear abound in government, law enforcement, media, and elsewhere.

There is only one irreducible truth that gives cause for hope on this day, and that is that free people still live.

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All we can do is proclaim the truth as clearly and accurately as possible.

Here is the truth:

Islam is a lie and is ALL about lying.

Islam is death and is ALL about death.

Islam is hate and is ALL about hate.

Islam is imperialistic, fascist, racist, mysogynist, sadistic, criminal, and antimoral.

Islam has been and is the greatest source and cause of misery, slavery of all kinds, and death in the history of humanity for Muslims and non-Muslims for fourteen hundred years.

Last weekend I decided to get out of Dodge to catch the last little rays of summer and get some much needed rest. I also wanted to immerse myself in patriotic fervor and thought that the best place to do that, cheaply and close, was to drive down three hours to Yorktown. Since that was the place where the British surrendered to the Americans in the last major battle of the Revolutionary War, I thought it would fit the bill. A friend and I stayed in a fabulous little B & B and spent time in the little town for a couple of days.

The place is absolutely dripping with history and the people who live down there are fiercely patriotic and proud of what has taken place there. When we arrived on Sunday we heard that there was a Tea Party that was going to take place the next morning, from 10:00am to 2:00pm and we decided to go. When I got there I first noticed a couple of police officers watching the gathering. My first thought was, why are they watching us? Why are they bothering law abiding citizens? Though it was raining that day, there were about 150 people on the green at the River Walk and most people stayed for several hours. The night before there had been a wedding on that same green and a reception in the Freight Shed about ½ a block away. There was a tent set up behind that building for the reception that was still up the following morning and the police let us move to under that tent. The police followed us inside and joined us in the demonstration. (Note to self…never judge a book by its cover.)

There were lots of speeches and lot’s of t-shirts with patriotic messages on them. I saw tri-corner hats on children, tea bags hanging from ladies ears and lots of signs that reflected the displeasure of the populace. This is Bob McDonnell country, NOT Obama territory. The night before I stopped by one of the shops on the River Walk called Stars and Stripes Forever and Robin, the owner and her enthusiastic assistant, Barbara, sell every kind of flag, t-shirt and patriotic themed knick-Knack there. I bought a cool t-shirt with the Gadsen Flag on it, the one with the snake that says Don’t Tread on Me, to wear to the tax revolt in D.C. this coming Saturday. Lots of folks at the Yorktown Tea Party said they are going to the Saturday march and Robin offered everyone who came yesterday a 10% discount on anything in the store. I picked up several shirts for other family members who are going to the march on Saturday too. These guys have woken up and are getting involved.

The Tea Party was a success; the people were polite and well mannered but definitely committed to this cause. People spoke about the looming danger of Socialism under the Obama Administration, the insanity of the Health Care system, their anger at being taxed with “too much representation” as one sign said. We sang songs, laughed and talked and reveled in being Americans. What a great way to spend Labor Day, in the most awesomely American place in the country.

The next day I drove around the battlefield that was never used because the battle really took place on the York River when the French bottled up the entrance and the British couldn’t get away. But still, seeing the Moore house, with gorgeous grounds that overlook that river, where the articles of surrender were drawn up for the British 228 years ago this coming October 19th, and the Mill Pond, and forests that hid American patriots, and the meadows where the Americans and French camped, effectively surrounding the British, I couldn’t help but think about what drove those men to stand up and risk everything to tell the British that they were going to decide their own fates and keep their freedom, thank you. I thought to myself, I know just how they felt because they were facing an arrogant, seemingly all powerful tyrannical political system that insisted on the people’s submission and also insisted that they buy what the government was selling. We are in exactly the same place as they were, except we have fast food and cell phones and Ipods. We are being told that we have no say, that we have to go along with this because our leaders refuse to stand for the people. But then as now, there are people who can’t fathom life without liberty and they (we) are willing to give up everything to keep it.

In the t-shirt shop I saw one absolutely fabulous shirt that had a pirate skull in a patriotic handkerchief that said, “…without fear there is no courage.” And I think that sums up what this is all about. We are all afraid but that doesn’t prevent us from being courageous. That doesn’t prevent us from attending Tea Parties or marching on Washington, D.C. in tax revolts. We the people know what we will lose if we don’t stand up. I am proud to stand with those who, while they may be afraid, will swallow that fear and go anyway.

Isabella - great post. You have given me a great inducement to visit Yorktown - some day!

Over the years I've run out of things to say. That's just fine. It was time for action years ago.

Muhammad's dictum that "Islam must dominate, and not be dominated."

This is why we must continue to expose Islam and all of its ideology, not just the nice, peace parts.

This is why we must show clear comparisons between Islamic ideology and Western philosophy.

This is why we must show the difference between civilized common, natural law, and sharia law.
"The President of the United States doesn't appear to be overly fond of freedom of speech, even as the Organization of the Islamic Conference continues to war against that freedom."
BO is wearing the boots of fascism. How far he will get in them is up to the American people. Until that is determined, the free people must continue to speak out.

"There is still no honest discussion in the mainstream media about what exactly we are facing. Self-censorship and fear abound in government, law enforcement, media, and elsewhere."

I agree, the MSM is a sell out. They sold their souls to get BO in the white house. They are the worst enablers,parasitic in their world view, they continue to cheer the destruction of our free and powerful country.
Fortunately the American people are not sheep to be led to slaughter. We continue to self educate, organize and speak out.

The Unavenged, my 9/11 piece for this year.

Well said, Isabella. Fear is indeed paralyzing...and overcoming it is incredibly liberating.

I think about the children who were on those airliners that fateful day 8 years ago...who put their trust in the adult world and who were then mercilessly incinerated. I think about about the adults...who were undoubtedly gripped by fear, but who must have assumed that the hijackers were seeking redress of political grievance...and were astonished as the planes they were in zeroed in on their targets and they suddenly realized that they had only seconds to live.

I think about the hijackers themselves...their plans to shout "Allah Akbar" in order to frighten and disorient the passengers, their enthusiasm and devotion to their wicked cause, and their utter contempt for human life...and I think about Muhammad Atta's expressed opinion to a co-religionist about the prospects of the plot succeeding, a statement that found its way to law enforcement and the media after the fact: "The enemy is stupid" he had said smugly...and as it turned out, he knew us well.

I think about the wreckage in that field in Pennsylvania...and the inspiration of "Let's role"...and then I think of how the memorial there has subsequently been stolen by dhimmis who have included the hijackers in their representation of the deceased.

I'm angry today, almost as much as I was 8 years ago when I punched the wall with my fist and screamed at the top of my lungs "motherfuckers!!!" after WTC 1 followed WTC 2 into a cloud of dust. I'm angry and I hope I never let go of that anger. I hope I can continue to cultivate it into something productive and positive, something that will do justice to the innocent lives that were ruthlessly stolen on that infamous day 11 years ago today.


Wonderful. Just a wonderful post.
God bless you, and the U.S.A.
Just remember: You American patriots surround them :)

Before 2001 this day, 9/11, should have been a holiday in Europe, we should have celebrated the liberation of Vienna in 1683, the victory of European civilisation over Islamic barbarism, thanks to the great Polish king Jan Sobieski and his army.

In 2001 9/11 became a day of mourning all over the civilised world, it was not the beginning of war, the war had started earlier on, but 9/11 was the day of the greatest mass murder in that war. More than 14000 deadly attacks have been carried out on behalf of that bloody, barbaric ideology called Islam, since that day 9/11. It's true, we're far, far away from peace, now eight years on. We didn't start that war, it was imposed on us, but we have to wage it with grim harshness, and I hope one day the good will defeat evil, the good will prevail.

As we sadly reflect back to 9/11 I just wonder what Mr. Obama's real thoughts are concerning this tragedy? Does it actually bring sadness to his heart, or does he actually rejoice with the other b*tt wipe islamaniacs?

As we sadly reflect back to 9/11 I just wonder what Mr. Obama's real thoughts are concerning this tragedy? Does it actually bring sadness to his heart, or does he actually rejoice with the other b*tt wipe islamaniacs?

Well said Isabellathecrusader!

“There is no safety for honest men except by believing all possible evil of evil men.” -- Edmund Burke

One must have the courage to know evil when confronted by evil.

Meet me in Philly, Philly
Meet me there and dare
We will strike for Freedom, in our Founders’ glare
We wont bow down to tyrants
We wont be meek like lambs
Meet me in Philly, Philly
Let Freedom triumph there

What city do you thing good Muslims will nuke first?

Awhile ago, while we were using IntenseDebate, a poster called Lorfalcon - who had been married to a Muslim, but had escaped - shared her memory of September 11th 2001, which was particularly significant for her, first of all, because it laid bare the real nature of her then husband, and secondly, because the Towers had been part of her childhood.

I will re-post, from my own archive, my copy of her posting (an exchange with another jihadwatch regular, Gravenimage). It appeared in a thread discussing a news report about a Saudi prince threatening the USA.

Here it is.

LORFALCON said (to another poster, quoting them) "As far as religion, I always believed that was everyone's choice and its fine to keep your beliefs in your heart without shoving it down your neighbors throat."]

"I used to believe the same thing. Then 9/11 happened.

"And my now ex-husband, the man who was born muslim and never cared a whit about islam, the "moderate" sunni muslim, watched a plane fly into a tower and exclaimed, "Look at that! It was beauti-"

"That was the day I was "UNDHIMMIFIED."

"The problem is that those "kids" you're talking about are not just kids. They have an agenda. It is not political. It is religious. And it is fanatical. Make no mistake about it.

"All the diatribe with our trolls aside, I would encourage you to stay and learn. Don't read the opinions if they bother you, just read the articles. They will more than enlighten you.

GRAVENIMAGE then said - " Lorfalcon wrote:

'I used to believe the same thing. Then 9/11 happened. And my now ex-husband, the man who was born muslim and never cared a whit about islam, the "moderate" sunni muslim, watched a plane fly into a tower and exclaimed, "Look at that! It was beauti-..'.

"Lorfalcon, I knew that you had been married to a Muslim. I cannot imagine how terrible it must have been to hear the man you married say something so vile. I'm so glad you got away from him."

LORFALCON replied:

"Yes, it was terrible, but it ultimately showed me how cruel and heartless he REALLY was.

"It wasn't the screaming, or throwing things, or hitting, or even the spitting on me.

"It was 9/11.

"What he said made me realize how evil he really was.

"We had a HUGE melee that day.

"And typical musselman that he was he kept denying he EVEN SAID it!!!

"But I WILL NEVER forget the sly sidewards look he gave me when he said it and stopped himself.

"So many Americans dying and losing the Twin Towers was a grievous day for me.

"I grew up in the Lower East Side and from our apartment in the projects, on the 16th floor, I watched the Twin Towers being built.

"I even went there as a 13 year old to explore them as they were being constructed.

"My friend and I would sneak past security and take the construction elevators as high as we dared.

"The highest we ever got was the 86th floor.

"There was plastic construction sheets instead of glass and they were billowing in and out with the winds.

"I have many memories of my beloved Twin Towers. I wish that they had been rebuilt and NOT refashioned. Sorry for the long post. Memories....".

I have vivid memories of 9/11, it was afternoon (I live in ItalY) and my sister phoned me telling me that a plane crashed in the WTC...I thoght all right maybe a small piper get lost, then I turned on the radio and i learned the full horrro that was happening in New York.

Since that fatefull day the MSM (andthe politicians are screming that "islam is the religion of peace tm".

Right now the clown that you have elected as president declared that 9/11 should be a national service day.

I have happy memories od the twin towers, I went to the top with 3 good friends of mine and i took several picture, it was a clear day and i could see the whole New York.

God Bless America

As a tribute to New York City, here is something from Disney's 'Fantasia 2000' - the 'Rhapsody in Blue' sequence.



Only a couple of days ago, on a different thread, I posted some fiery passages from Oriana Fallaci's 'The Rage and the Pride'.

Here is some more from the same source: Oriana's song of praise for America.

"...America is a special place, my friend. A country to envy, to be jealous of, for reasons that have nothing to do with wealth et cetera.

" It’s special because it was born out of a need of the soul, the need to have a homeland, and out of the most sublime idea that Man has ever conceived: the idea of liberty, or rather of liberty married to the idea of equality.

"It’s special also because the idea of liberty wasn’t fashionable at the time. Nor was the idea of equality. Nobody was talking about these things but a few philosophers of the so–called Enlightenment. You couldn’t find these concepts anywhere except in big expensive books released in installments and called Encyclopedias. And apart from the writers or the other intellectuals, apart from the princes and the lords who had the money to buy the big book or the books that inspired the big book, who knew anything about the Enlightenment? The Enlightenment wasn’t something you could eat! Not even the revolutionaries of the French Revolution were talking about it, seeing how the French Revolution didn’t start until 1789, thirteen years after the American Revolution exploded in 1776. (Another detail that the anti–Americans of the good–it–serves–America–right school ignore or pretend to forget. Bunch of hypocrites!)

"What’s more, it’s a special country, a country to envy, because that idea was understood by often illiterate and certainly uneducated farmers.

"The farmers of the American colonies. And because it was materialized by a small group of extraordinary men.

"By men of great culture, great quality. The Founding Fathers.

"Do you have any idea who the Founding Fathers were, the Benjamin Franklins and the Thomas Jeffersons and the Thomas Paines and the John Adamses and the George Washingtons and so on?

"These weren’t the small–time lawyers ("avvocaticchi" as Vittorio Alfieri rightly called them) of the French Revolution! These weren’t the brooding and hysterical executioners of the Terror, the Marats and the Dantons and the Saint Justs and the Robespierres!

"These were people, these Founding Fathers, who knew Greek and Latin like our own Italian teachers of Greek and Latin (assuming there still are any) will never know them.

"People who had read Aristotle and Plato in Greek, who had read Seneca and Cicero in Latin, and who had studied the principles of Greek democracy like not even the Marxists of my day studied the theory of surplus value. (Assuming they really did study it.)

"Jefferson even knew Italian. (He called it "Toscano".) He spoke and read in Italian with great fluency. In 1774 as a matter of fact, along with the two thousand vine plants and the thousand olive trees and the music paper which was rare in Virginia, the Florentine Filippo Mazzei brought him multiple copies of a book written by a certain Cesare Beccaria entitled "Of Crimes and Punishments."

"As for the self–taught Franklin, he was a genius. Scientist, printer, editor, writer, journalist, politician, inventor. In 1752 he discovered the electric nature of lightning and invented the lightning rod. Is that enough for you?

"And it was with these extraordinary leaders, these men of great quality, that the often illiterate and certainly uneducated farmers rebelled against England in 1776. They fought the War of Independence, the American Revolution.

"Well, despite the muskets and the gun powder, despite the death toll that is the cost of every war, they didn’t do it with the rivers of blood of the future French Revolution. They didn’t do it with the guillotine and massacres at Vandea.

"They did it with a piece of paper that, along with the need of the soul, the need to have a homeland, put into effect the sublime idea of liberty—or rather of liberty married to quality. The Declaration of Independence. "We hold these Truths to be self–evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness; that, to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men..."

"And that piece of paper that we’ve all been copying well or badly from the French Revolution on, or from which we’ve drawn our inspiration, is still the backbone of America.

"The vital lymph of this nation. You know why? Because it turns the plebes into the People. Because it invites them, rather orders them, to govern themselves, to express their own individuality, to pursue their own happiness.

"All the opposite of what communism did, prohibiting people to rebel, to govern themselves, to express themselves, to get rich, and setting up His Majesty the State in place of the customary kings. My father used to say, "Communism is a monarchic regime, and it’s an old–school monarchy. Because it cuts off men’s balls. And when you cut off a man’s balls, he’s no longer a man." He also used to say that instead of freeing the plebes, communism turned everyone into plebes. It made everyone starve to death.

"Well, in my view America frees the plebes. Everyone is a plebe there. White, black, yellow, brown, purple, stupid, intelligent, poor, rich. Actually the rich are the most plebeian of all. Most of the time they’re such boors! Crude, ill–mannered. You can tell immediately that they’ve never read Galateo, that they’ve never had anything to do with refinement and good taste and sophistication. In spite of the money they waste on clothes, for example, they’re so inelegant as to make the Queen of England look chic by comparison.

"But they are freed, by God. And in this world there is nothing stronger or more powerful than freed plebes. You will always get your skull cracked when you go up against the Freed Plebe.

"And they all got their skulls cracked by America: English, Germans, Mexicans, Russians, Nazis, Fascists, Communists. Even the Vietnamese got theirs cracked in the end, when they had to come to terms after their victory so that now when a former president of the United States goes there to visit they're in seventh heaven. "Bienvenu, Monsieur le President, bienvenu!"

"The problem is that the Vietnamese don’t pray to Allah.

"It’s going to be much harder to deal with the sons of Allah. Much longer and much harder. Unless the rest of the Western world stops peeing its pants. And starts reasoning a little and gives them [the Americans] a hand...".

Thus Oriana.

To which I, as an Australian, can only say - amen.

As someone who had family members whos lives were brutally taken away by Islam, I send my condolences on this eight year anniversary to the victims of 9/11 and all the lovely Americans here on JW.

Blessings from OZ


I am confident that the terrorists will be defeated totally in due time. I wonder what percentage of the 14,000 attacks you cite were committed against Muslims in Muslim countries. Not that this lessens the suffering, but it would put some perspective on your watch of jihad.

Fear is natural, but it is necessary for the subsequent action to take place. But fear has become taboo in multicultural, gung-ho, politically correct Western society. We must bring back the validity of fear: it is normal to fear what is frightening, and then act. I read the most appalling rubbish on islamonline today, Malcolm Fraser saying we fear what we don't know, blah blah blah. Well, we here know Islam, and the more we know, the more we fear, but that does not, Cornelius, mean paralysis, but is the impetus, sometimes split-second, for action. We are not paralysed, but working out our best options.

On 9/11/2009, to me, the straw that broke America's back, is that, on 9/17 America's 9/11 president's response to 9/11 Islamic terrorism, was to turned around and slap terrorized Americans on their face ( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9_ZoroJdVnA ) by taking terrorists of Saudi Arabia and Pakistan, in the "war-on-terror"; whose high-achievement is hanging Saddam, while terrorists # 1, Osama Bin-Laden and # 2, Aiman Al-Zawihiri, enjoy a safe sanctury in Pakistan, ironically, America's ally in the same phony "war-on-terror" in which, Pakistan is supposed to be America's ally.
This is the present 9/11 president gave Americans followed by taking billions of tax-dollars and thousands of brave American lives, in the same "war-on-terror". Without so much as realizing it, Americans continue to pay jizya (Kerry-Lugar Jizya being the latest) to their terrorist allies ever since.
On 9/17, America's 9/11 president broke America's back. Rest is just academic.

Hmmm...Fear...Sorry, I see fear as a detriment...
I know a lot about Islam, and I am not fearful, but I am pzzed off...I guess I just don't intimidate easily...Fear of Islam is what the appeasing politicians and MSM have plenty of, and look where that gets us...

I read an article in the local paper about how American muslims feel a backlash against them every year on this date. The article went on with muslims talking about staying home, praying all day, feeling like victims, being fearful of insults, etc.


Perhaps instead of acting like victims, American muslims can use this anniversary to publicly apologize on behalf of those who hurt this country in the name of islam. An annual day of focusing on muslim atonement and assimilation might go a long way towards healing and joining mainstream America once again.

Actually the U.S. is just one spectacular terrorist attack away from finally waking up.

Robert wrote, "Yet as a society we are farther away than ever from recognizing how exactly to combat this foe."

I am not too sure i agree with that. Certainly, Obama has tried to distance us from many important truths, but things will change in our favour at some point. The left wing and some on the right, believe George W Bush and US foreign policy was the cause of terrorism. However, now that we have a dove in the White House, terrorism still exists. People will soon learn that the common denominator is not America and the West, rather it is soft and hardcore jihadists and their adherence to Islamic doctrine.

I just wanted to say today that as long as I am still able to remember I will never forget the horrible thing that was done to America on that day, September 11, 2001

This is disgusting... absolutely disgraceful...


I am sick of the fallacy that is the "Muslim Victim" in a post 9/11 world. I've not read any OFFICIAL reports of mosques being bombed on US soil, nor Muslims being verbally abused in US streets. No, in fact, I've heard nothing but the contrary, coupled with Muslims ranting on about how Western ideals are born from infidels and that said infidels need to succumb to the demands of Shari'a. The self defeatism, and self deprecation of the citizens within this nation has GOT to come to a screeching halt.

9/11 Changed my life forever. It gave me a new perspective on the world, and as cliche as it sounds, value on humanity and the American Spirit. Without those two elements, this world is doomed. The foundation of America, and the liberties that MOST strive to protect are unique in a modern day that would see other great nations lay down their freedoms and rights at the feet of their transgressors and worship in the church of the politically correct. In a world such as this, Americans can NEVER take for granted what we've since become benefactors of, nor can we turn away from the responsibility to protect ours and future generations. I say a Christian prayer today for the fallen, and those who are overseas, that they continue to maintain strength and awareness and that they return to us safely. Also, I thank Robert Spencer and all the other JW contributors and posters for all of the tireless effort that has contributed to keeping those who would choose to have their eyes open abreast of the TRUE nature of the beast of Islamic Jihad.

Never forget the transgression of Islam. Never allow the naive liberals to attempt to make this day one solely of "sadness." Let us remember that we are not castrated by their foolish notions of "multiculturalism." Let us thus be "angry" and realize that the outrage of that day should have been met with our unbridled righteous indignation! Let us fight savages in the only language they understand--savagery. Let us not detain these animals, so that the liberals can let them loose again (and charge us with "war crimes" because the captives hair got wet). No, let us give the muslim what he desires--war. Only let it be they who do most of the dying. If their moon-god desires human blood, let they who submit to him be the ones who do the bleeding. 1187ad!

This is disgusting... absolutely disgraceful...


I am sick of the fallacy that is the "Muslim Victim" in a post 9/11 world. I've not read any OFFICIAL reports of mosques being bombed on US soil, nor Muslims being verbally abused in US streets. No, in fact, I've heard nothing but the contrary, coupled with Muslims ranting on about how Western ideals are born from infidels and that said infidels need to succumb to the demands of Shari'a. The self defeatism, and self deprecation of the citizens within this nation has GOT to come to a screeching halt.

9/11 Changed my life forever. It gave me a new perspective on the world, and as cliche as it sounds, value on humanity and the American Spirit. Without those two elements, this world is doomed. The foundation of America, and the liberties that MOST strive to protect are unique in a modern day that would see other great nations lay down their freedoms and rights at the feet of their transgressors and worship in the church of the politically correct. In a world such as this, Americans can NEVER take for granted what we've since become benefactors of, nor can we turn away from the responsibility to protect ours and future generations. I say a Christian prayer today for the fallen, and those who are overseas, that they continue to maintain strength and awareness and that they return to us safely. Also, I thank Robert Spencer and all the other JW contributors and posters for all of the tireless effort that has contributed to keeping those who would choose to have their eyes open abreast of the TRUE nature of the beast of Islamic Jihad.

This is disgusting... absolutely disgraceful...


I am sick of the fallacy that is the "Muslim Victim" in a post 9/11 world. I've not read any OFFICIAL reports of mosques being bombed on US soil, nor Muslims being verbally abused in US streets. No, in fact, I've heard nothing but the contrary, coupled with Muslims ranting on about how Western ideals are born from infidels and that said infidels need to succumb to the demands of Shari'a. The self defeatism, and self deprecation of the citizens within this nation has GOT to come to a screeching halt.

9/11 Changed my life forever. It gave me a new perspective on the world, and as cliche as it sounds, value on humanity and the American Spirit. Without those two elements, this world is doomed. The foundation of America, and the liberties that MOST strive to protect are unique in a modern day that would see other great nations lay down their freedoms and rights at the feet of their transgressors and worship in the church of the politically correct. In a world such as this, Americans can NEVER take for granted what we've since become benefactors of, nor can we turn away from the responsibility to protect ours and future generations. I say a Christian prayer today for the fallen, and those who are overseas, that they continue to maintain strength and awareness and that they return to us safely. Also, I thank Robert Spencer and all the other JW contributors and posters for all of the tireless effort that has contributed to keeping those who would choose to have their eyes open abreast of the TRUE nature of the beast of Islamic Jihad.

This is disgusting... absolutely disgraceful...


I am sick of the fallacy that is the "Muslim Victim" in a post 9/11 world. I've not read any OFFICIAL reports of mosques being bombed on US soil, nor Muslims being verbally abused in US streets. No, in fact, I've heard nothing but the contrary, coupled with Muslims ranting on about how Western ideals are born from infidels and that said infidels need to succumb to the demands of Shari'a. The self defeatism, and self deprecation of the citizens within this nation has GOT to come to a screeching halt.

9/11 Changed my life forever. It gave me a new perspective on the world, and as cliche as it sounds, value on humanity and the American Spirit. Without those two elements, this world is doomed. The foundation of America, and the liberties that MOST strive to protect are unique in a modern day that would see other great nations lay down their freedoms and rights at the feet of their transgressors and worship in the church of the politically correct. In a world such as this, Americans can NEVER take for granted what we've since become benefactors of, nor can we turn away from the responsibility to protect ours and future generations. I say a Christian prayer today for the fallen, and those who are overseas, that they continue to maintain strength and awareness and that they return to us safely. Also, I thank Robert Spencer and all the other JW contributors and posters for all of the tireless effort that has contributed to keeping those who would choose to have their eyes open abreast of the TRUE nature of the beast of Islamic Jihad.

I will never forget what was done to America on that day.

Oh no! I am so sorry everyone! I had NO idea that my comment posted multiple times! That was NOT intentional or as a means to "spam" in anyway shape or form. Thanks! :o/

An employee I used to supervise, after years of a good working relationship and lots of laughs, suffered a sudden bout of mental illness. In the span of a couple of weeks, his countenance changed completely and he lost weight to the point of looking emaciated. He began keeping a journal, recording copious (and largely incomprehensible) notes documenting the office workers' activities, believing for all the world that there was a vast conspiracy against him. He ascribed motives and agendas to everyone in the office that were entirely the product of whatever chemical malfunction was occurring in his brain at that time.

The realization that a human being could, so suddenly, go from being a rational, smiling, "normal" person to someone utterly detached from objective reality was more frightening to me than anything else I can remember. Having grown up in the projects, I've been cut, shot at, beaten and outnumbered by hostile opponents, but none of that was as scary as the sheer helplessness of seeing a friend's mind snap.

Since 9/11, the reaction of America’s academic and political leadership, along with most of the media community, has left me with the same feeling. A significant percentage of the public in western countries actually believes the attack was staged by President Bush, in order to foment a right-wing takeover. Thousands of American college professors, artisans and political leaders, protected by freedoms mandated by the US Constitution, are on public record stating that the airliners struck the towers because of foreign policy or economic inequities foisted on the rest of the world by greedy imperialists. Many of the greatest beneficiaries of modern western culture seem to be on the side of the jihadists longing to destroy it.

The islamists know who they are, what they are doing and why. That doesn’t necessarily scare me. What scares me is that large numbers of those living in the most peaceful, free, creative and flourishing culture in the history of the world seem to despise the gift they’ve inherited, and to support those whose first order of business would be killing or subjugating them if they are successful. Fighting an avowed enemy I can wrap my mind around- fighting cognitive dissonance on this scale I cannot.

I am grateful for Robert and his colleagues, as well as the posters on this site. The tide will turn eventually, and it will be because of all of you who have the courage to tell the truth, often at great personal cost, in a decidedly delusional time.

The quotation from dumbledoresarmy of Lorfalcon's experience with an ostensibly "moderate" Muslim --

the man who was born muslim and never cared a whit about islam, the "moderate" sunni muslim, watched a plane fly into a tower and exclaimed, "Look at that! It was beauti-"

This is why the concept of the moderate, harmless Muslim is useless for our #1 priority: our own safety. The obvious logical -- and rational -- conclusion for us to draw is that all Muslims are the enemy. This conclusion is not an ontological conclusion: it is a practical, pragmatic conclusion. And the pragmatism to which it refers is deadly grim, and unassailable.

Never forget that day. I know none of us here will, since that was the day many of us had our eyes opened.

I joined Project 2996 this year, a project of tributes to the dead. http://friendsofproject2996.wordpress.com/
Please take a moment to read and remember.

Those towers weren't just buildings, there were people in them and around them.

God Bless us all.

Eight years, and farther away than ever

So true. I was listening to KCBS this morning, and they noted that it was the anniversary of the 9/11 attacks.

They followed this up with a spot by a representative of CAIR, whining about how many "innocent Muslims" have been deported from the United States in the hysteria following the attacks. He goes on to claim that all American Muslims have suffered since 9/11.

No concern for the victims of the attacks--just an unearned claim of victimhood for Muslims themselves, at the hands of crass, "Islamophobic" Americans.

Despicable. And KCBS, unlike many other Bay Area stations, is considered entirely mainstream and objective.

I am curious about why President Obama did not bother to attend any of the 9/11 public memorial services.

According to what I've seen on Yahoo, he did nothing more rigorous than stepping outside his door for a moment of silence and the playing of taps.

At best, that strikes me as very mean-spirited.

I am curious about why President Obama did not bother to attend any of the 9/11 public memorial services.

According to what I've seen on Yahoo, he did nothing more rigorous than stepping outside his door for a moment of silence and the playing of taps.

At best, that strikes me as very mean-spirited.

I always blog this quote. And I always will.

"Is peace so sweet and life so dear as to be purchased with chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take, but as for me, give me Liberty or give me Death!"

-- Patrick Henry

This evening I burn tealights and incense as I do every year. I cannot shut the images out. I am depressed.
I never forget, I will never forgive, I will fight on my feet but I will NEVER live on my knees.
God Bless
(English on Int. Debate)

9-11-2001 Isn't about Muslims being victims it is about the attack on peaceful American people.

It was a Muslim to Muslim wake up call to the lesser jihad.

Muslims are not nor were they ever the victims here.

It is disgusting that the MSM has made 9-11 about a perceived victim hood of Muslims.

It is disrespectful of those who died that day.

Modern commerce, brought to humanity by Western societies, has made our borders less and less defensible. Those who wish us harm know this.

They also know that they can organize in any country in the world. They don't need a home country, nor do they need borders. They are everywhere.

All they have to do is to quietly recruit from the religion they know. Anger seems easier to sell if you're a fundamentalist believer. And the most common fundamentalist religion in the world these days is being spread by Saudi dollars, while we in the west starve our churches, temples, and synagogues.

I fear that unless and until we monitor the preaching in every mosque and immediately condemn the poor behavior of these fundies, we'll continue to suffer more attacks. Religion and Politics are separate concepts for most other religions, except Islam. If they continue to insist upon combining the two, they should not be surprised when we finally wake up and throw the RICO statutes at them.

What losers we are. 8 years later and what have we accomplished. NOTHING. We killed a secular dictator in Iraq so the people could vote for Sharia Law. That was the best we could do. Wow how impressive LOL
We(meaning the non muslim world) just can't do anything right. We are the little engine who can't. We can't find the time to study islam. To busy with our personal lives of self worship and pleasure. No time to read the Quran. We can't find the time to bread to substain a stable population. No desire to keep muslims out of our countries. We are so pathetic 9/11 was unnecessary from a muslim perspective since they can take over our countries by us simply going extinct and them breeding like rabbits. We deserve to lose.
We could care less about our freedoms and our culture. All we care about is multicult/pc,american idol and fighting over republican/democrat.

What losers we are. 8 years later and what have we accomplished. NOTHING. We killed a secular dictator in Iraq so the people could vote for Sharia Law. That was the best we could do. Wow how impressive LOL
We(meaning the non muslim world) just can't do anything right. We are the little engine who can't. We can't find the time to study islam. To busy with our personal lives of self worship and pleasure. No time to read the Quran. We can't find the time to bread to substain a stable population. No desire to keep muslims out of our countries. We are so pathetic 9/11 was unnecessary from a muslim perspective since they can take over our countries by us simply going extinct and them breeding like rabbits. We deserve to lose.
We could care less about our freedoms and our culture. All we care about is multicult/pc,american idol and fighting over republican/democrat.

What losers we are. 8 years later and what have we accomplished. NOTHING. We killed a secular dictator in Iraq so the people could vote for Sharia Law. That was the best we could do. Wow how impressive LOL
We(meaning the non muslim world) just can't do anything right. We are the little engine who can't. We can't find the time to study islam. To busy with our personal lives of self worship and pleasure. No time to read the Quran. We can't find the time to bread to substain a stable population. No desire to keep muslims out of our countries. We are so pathetic 9/11 was unnecessary from a muslim perspective since they can take over our countries by us simply going extinct and them breeding like rabbits. We deserve to lose.
We could care less about our freedoms and our culture. All we care about is multicult/pc,american idol and fighting over republican/democrat.

In the history of the world their has never been a bigger loser than the current western/Russian culture. We lose 3000 citizens on 9/11 what do we do? Suck up to the cult that did it and wish to become a minority or go extinct in our own countries. We have 0 pride,self respect,dignity or morals. We aren't even human or subhuman. We are zombies. We are so stupid i bet if we had a vote most of the people of the west would vote for Sharia.
Did you know that currently 685 million infidels live in Europe. By 2050 that number will be somewhere between 535-546 million and at least a third of them will be over 60 years old. By 2100 its been reported in studies that if there was no immigration to Europe of any kind the population would be half of what it is today and the AVERAGE age of that population would be 62 years old!!!
Simply put we got hit and instead of fighting back we rolled over and died by our own will. I really hope we do go extinct. It will kill 2 birds with one stone. The world we be free of us losers and that way the muslims won't receive any more aid(food,money,medicine,technology) so there will be mass famine,chaos and increased misery by there pathtic standards. I really hope billions of them die or brutal starvation and war.


have you read Oriana Fallaci, 'The Rage and the Pride' and 'The Force of Reason'?

Because if you have not done so, you should.

As for me, I will say with Habakkuk the prophet:

"Although the fig tree shall not blossom, neither shall fruit be in the vines; the labour of the olive shall fail, and the fields shall yield no meat; the flock shall be cut off from the field and there shall be no herd in the stalls;

Yet I will rejoice in the LORD, I will joy in the God of my salvation".

Hope, like despair, is a choice.

I choose to hope.

Where do you live - USA? UK? Somewhere else?

If you live in the UK I dare you to go to any one of the following places: the Isle of Ely; Iona; Arthur's Seat, in Edinburgh; Glastonbury; Walsingham; Stonehenge; York Minster; St Paul's; or the Memorial for those who were killed in July 2005.

If you live in some other place, choose that place which is most holy, or most powerfully meaningful for you, that place which is *good*.

Stand there and swear that you will *fight* against the Jihad, and against Sharia, to your dying day.

Instead of cursing the present malaise of the West and proclaiming that we are all Doomed and Deserve to Perish; try to find what is still good and true and honorable; seek it out and nurture it and celebrate it and try to find others to do that with you. Find the embers that still glow under the ashes - I assure you, there are embers to be found - and feed them.