"Everyone in Italy must have the right to practice their own faith, but this country can only accept this if it respects human rights, including women's rights, and the laws of the state"

Words to live by.

More on this story. "Sanaa: Carfagna, We Will Sue For Damages," from AGI, September 16 (thanks to C. Cantoni):

(AGI) - Rome, 16 Sep. "A horrible crime, inhuman, unthinkable, the result of an absurd war of religion that has got inside our home. For this reason I will ask the state prosecutor to allow us to sue for damages, as soon as it begins." This is how the Equal Opportunities minister, Mara Carfagna, has commented on the murder of Sanaa, the 18-year-old Moroccan girl from Pordenone who wanted to live with her Christian boyfriend. "Terrible cases such as this one encourage us to take the path of the 'Italian model' in integrating immigrants. Everyone in Italy must have the right to practice their own faith, but this country can only accept this if it respects human rights, including women's rights, and the laws of the state."

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"Everyone on Earth must have the right to practice their own faith, but this can only be accepted if it respects human rights, including women's rights, and the laws of the state."

I'm an Atheist and I support this message.

So, it's verboten to marry a Christian in...Italy?


Will all the muhammadans please leave, NOW!

perhaps the POPE will come to her support.

"but this country can only accept this if it respects human rights, including women's rights, and the laws of the state.".....

Yoma, where art thou?

Italy has courage. Italy has dignity. Viva Italia! Shame on lowly Norway. Shame on lowly Sweden. Shame on lowly Ireland. Shame on Londonistan.
Ruslan Tokhchukov, EnragedSince1999.

Bravo Italia yet again!

More bull shit dissemination...no where in the faith of Islam are you allowed to commit "honor killing"

This is a cultural evil...it was here in the time of ignorance, and it still is, and only ignorant claim there is any connection to religion in it.


"and only ignorant claim there is any connection to religion in it."

In that Islam is NOT a religion but is a gang of murderous, evil pirates; that is true. However, when Muslim majority countries punish these offenses much like the U.S. courts would treat jaywalking; when imams and associated literature proclaims the righteousness of killing people for various "honor" offenses; when the Quran itself describes how worthy of death are those who commit those offenses; then we see a clear association between Islam and "honor killings."

Is it cultural? In that it reflects the culture of a seventh century egomaniac sociopath named Mohammed, it is.

Looks like the little muhammadan arab-wannabee calling himself "slave of allah" is trolling about and lying again.

Killing apostates is clearly considered a commandment in islam. Moreover, nowhere in islam is killing for the crime of apostasy condemned.

The little muhammadan wannabee abullah mikhail (who is a paid mouthpiece for CAIR) cannot defend his lie with a single source. NOT A ONE!

Here are more unholy verses from islam that make murder into a religious sacrament:

QURAN 4:89

"They but wish that ye should reject Faith, as they do, and thus be on the same footing (as they). But take not friends from their ranks until they flee in the way of Allah (from what is forbidden). But if they turn renegades, seize them and slay them wherever ye find them..."

Hadith of Bukhari (52:260) - "...The Prophet said, 'If somebody (a Muslim) discards his religion, kill him.' "

Bukhari (83:37) - "Allah's Apostle never killed anyone except in one of the following three situations: (1) A person who killed somebody unjustly, was killed (in Qisas,) (2) a married person who committed illegal sexual intercourse and (3) a man who fought against Allah and His Apostle and deserted Islam and became an apostate."

Imagine that! A murdering "prophet" LOL!


Honor killing, not allowed, banned in Quran, forbidden...your turn big mouth, prove it is commanded.

You can't do it.

Not to mix issues, but you started it.

"The little muhammadan wannabee abullah mikhail (who is a paid mouthpiece for CAIR) cannot defend his lie with a single source. NOT A ONE!"

Well, you dumb shmuck, first lets prove how studip you are:

Now on to one of your bits of bait-and-switch confusion... but first, what is the penalty for sedition, treason in the UCMJ, Uniform Code of Military Justice, USA? Death...wow, we agree with Sharia when it comes to a snivelling traitor... Bukhari (83:37) A case of treason and the traitor was put to death, not for changing his faith, as in the Quran in multiple places it says "leave them be...", "...leave them to Me ( Allah )" etc. But for a traitor? Death.

And Quran 4:89...you little cherry picker... read the next verse, 4:90... It is only in respect to those hypocrites who turn as enemies and fight against Muslims thus becoming traitors...those who do not fight and who enter a treaty and join allies of Muslims were ordered to be left alone in peace...really, didn't know you were this dumb?

Hadith Bukhari (52:260) Once again, Ibn Addas is quoting a hypothetical situation concerning people that Ali unjustly killed by means of fire...people in a war who changed their faith and went over to the enemy...traitors.

What does the UCMJ say about traitors in time of war, whether they be civilian, soldier, or sailor?

Oh yeah, sedition in time of war UCMJ penalty is DEATH...it seems we in the US Military agree whole heartedly with Sharia in respect to sedition and traitors in time of war.

So let's boil it down to small words for you, okay?

UCMJ penalty for treason is the same as the Sharia penalty for treason.

Got it?

P.S. Unaffiliated with CAIR...you are confused in more ways than one.


Abdullah, your points are well taken.However the gray area
the Quran allows can very well still indicate a death sentence
for any Muslim that converts to Christianity or becomes a Jew.
Follow me now. If I am a Muslim and I consider Christians
and/ or Jews to be an enemy of Islam ( which many Muslims do)
then that would make a convert from Islam (to say Christianity) a person who has turned to the enemy and has
become a traitor thus allowing any good Muslim the right to
kill them.
You see ole boy there is no talk or any gray areas like that to be found in the New Testament.

Read what this hateful muhammedan has to say about apostates. It gets worse if you click on the link and listen to his foul, hate-filled rant:

Facing Apostasy: The Role of Muslims

The greatest kind of danger that faces Muslims is that which threatens their moral aspect of existence, i.e., their belief. That is why apostasy from Islam is regarded as one of the most dangerous threats to the Muslim community. The ugliest intrigue the enemies of Islam have plotted against Islam has been to try to lure its followers away from it; they have even used force for this purpose. In this regard, Almighty Allah says, [And they will not cease from fighting against you till they have made you renegades from your religion, if they can.] (Al-Baqarah 2:217)



O Slave of Allah, it's so much fun watching you do the taqiyya tango.

"Hypothetical situation"???
There's so much more where that came from.

AbdullahMikail wanted me to pass on this message of his:

"9/11 etc. doesn't make Islam bad any more than the Crusades make Christianity bad or the Holocaust makes Nazism bad. Besides, if all three are a little antisemitic, than maybe Jews are really bad. Also, just as America executes traitors, Muslims execute apostates."

Hey Abdullah,

Sit down you recalcitrant and mischievious fools and take a lesson from the imam:

Let's hear it from a muhammadan's mouth, shall we?

Facing Apostasy: The Role of Muslims

The greatest kind of danger that faces Muslims is that which threatens their moral aspect of existence, i.e., their belief. That is why apostasy from Islam is regarded as one of the most dangerous threats to the Muslim community. The ugliest intrigue the enemies of Islam have plotted against Islam has been to try to lure its followers away from it; they have even used force for this purpose. In this regard, Almighty Allah says, [And they will not cease from fighting against you till they have made you renegades from your religion, if they can.] (Al-Baqarah 2:217)

The duty of the Muslim community — in order to preserve its identity — is to combat apostasy in all its forms and wherefrom it comes, giving it no chance to pervade in the Muslim world.

That was what Abu Bakr and the Prophet's Companions (may Allah be pleased with them) did when they fought against the apostates who followed Musailemah the Liar, Sijah, and Al-Aswad Al-`Ansi, who falsely claimed to be Allah's prophets after the demise of Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him). Those apostates had been about to nip the Islamic call in the bud.

It is extremely dangerous to see apostasy prevailing in the Muslim community without facing it. A contemporary scholar described the apostasy prevailing in this age saying, "What an apostasy; yet no Abu Bakr is there to (deal with) it."1

Muslims are to seriously resist individual apostasy before it seriously intensifies and develops into a collective one.

That is why the Muslim jurists are unanimous that apostates must be punished, yet they differ as to determining the kind of punishment to be inflicted upon them. The majority of them, including the four main schools of jurisprudence (Hanafi, Maliki, Shafi`i, and Hanbali) as well as the other four schools of jurisprudence (the four Shiite schools of Az-Zaidiyyah, Al-Ithna-`ashriyyah, Al-Ja`fariyyah, and Az-Zaheriyyah) agree that apostates must be executed.


Poor abdullah, you think you know your religion but you do not. Since what you thought you knew was very wrong, let me invite you to become a Christian, a Hindu ,a Buddist or perhaps a Jew.

Then you can start all over again and learn the OLDER religions. You know those OLDER than islam and who combined have more believers than islam.

When you pick one of those religions to study and join up... what will happen to you when your islamic buddies find out??

I know, but do you??? You KNOW but YOU will never admit it to us.

[AbdullahMikail] said:
"UCMJ penalty for treason is the same as the Sharia penalty for treason".

"Oh yeah, sedition in time of war UCMJ penalty is DEATH...it seems we in the US Military agree whole heartedly with Sharia in respect to sedition and traitors in time of war."

Excuse my ignorance in this, but it seems to me that on one hand we are discussing a sovereign country, e.g The United States of America, whilst on the other, a sort of religious entity and a type of man-made law: sharia.

How can one commit treason, or sedition, against a religion, or law, where there is no sovereign country involved? 'Traitor, to a cause', might just squeak through.

I am puzzled.

I understand the death penalty for treason/sedition, or a traitorous act against a country.

That would be lawful, but to put a person, accused of any of those acts, against a quasi-religion, or something called sharia, to death would surely be classified as murder.

Please correct this, rather confused, old chap, in words of not more than two syllables, please.

This is what the on-line dictionary gave me:

Treason [tree-zuhn]
1. the offense of acting to overthrow one's government or to harm or kill its sovereign.
2. a violation of allegiance to one's sovereign or to one's state.
3. the betrayal of a trust or confidence; breach of faith; treachery

se-di-tion Pronunciation [si-dish-uhn]
noun 1. incitement of discontent or rebellion against a government.
2. any action, esp. in speech or writing, promoting such discontent or rebellion.
3. Archaic. rebellious disorder.

noun 1. a person who betrays another, a cause, or any trust.
2. a person who commits treason by betraying his or her country.

Abdullah tap-dances, then when the floor gets too hot, he vanishes. Sometimes he tries to endure the heat and keeps on dancing, for while; but the tactic is the same. He's done this a hundred times before. He will do it a thousand times again.

From the article - "the murder of Sanaa, the 18-year-old Moroccan {i.e. Moroccan Muslim - dda} girl from Pordenone who wanted to live with her Christian boyfriend."

The thread has been focusing on 'honor' murders (by which a Muslim female is murdered by her family for having 'dishonored' , or for being imagined to have 'dishonored' them in some way). And there has also been a lot of discussion of what is, strictly speaking, a separate issue: apostasy and the fact that sharia requires that Muslims who leave Islam, be killed; and all down through the history of Islam, that rule has been carried out, whether formally or informally.

But the particular sharia rule that this Muslim girl in Italy ran afoul of, by wanting to go live with her Catholic boyfriend (in the Italian news story he is called her 'fidanzato', fiance) was the rule (based on the classic interpretations of the Quran surah 60 verse 10) that no Muslim woman is permitted to marry, or to have any sort of sexual interest in, a non-Muslim man.

Muslim men can do what they like to non-Muslim women; they may even marry a non-Muslim woman who has not converted to Islam and who continues to practise her faith while she is married to him.

But the reverse is not permitted.

I agree with what someone said earlier; they wouldn't have a problem with the guy being older if it was an arranged marriage. These guys are monsters. The first time I heard of honor killings I didn't believe it because it sounded too evil and primitive. But that's what these people are.