"I know all the war verses in the Quran. And i feel so proud and honoured that Allah revealed these verses..."

At least this Hate Mailer from London admits that there are war verses in the Koran. Memo to Honest Ibe Hooper and Brave Ahmed Rehab of CAIR: feel free to email me and I will give you this guy's contact info, so that you can explain to him how he is getting the Religion of Peace all wrong, wrong, wrong.

Anyway, note the familiar tu quoque argument, as if Islamic supremacism were excusable because other people have committed wrongdoing:

I know all the war verses in the Quran. And i feel so proud and honoured that Allah revealed these verses as without it the Ummah, today, would just surrender to American terrorism.

Why do you not look at the history of your own race and people before judging others?

Since the end of world war 2 who has killed the most civilians, destroyed the most homes and lives?

Finally Mr Spencer the youth of the Ummah and i thank you. We thank you for opening our eyes and showing us that 99% of a war is fought through media, both traditional and new. USA soliders can rape and kill without any outrage or tarnishing the USA's image because of words, imagery and sound. So thank you for showing us that fighting with sticks against f16s solves nothing. But fighting mind vs mind gives both parties an equal playing field. PS, 9/11 was a consequence of US terrorism abroad.

For to long the cowardly west have been massacring the weak abroad without fear of any reprisals back home, this has changed.

You are like a little snake and Inshallah you will be disgraced very soon.

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Clearly he didn't get the memo....religion of peace and all that.
And here's one for him...
Bring it! You have no idea how thoroughly prepared we are for you.

islam is a lie and
Truth is killing it.

"Why do you not look at the history of your own race and people before judging others?

Since the end of world war 2 who has killed the most civilians, destroyed the most homes and lives?"

I am well aware of the history of my people perhaps this idiot needs to learn the history of his own.

Since the end of WW2, and as a matter of fact for nearly 1400 years Islam is the ideology responsible for more deaths than any other.

"I know all the war verses in the Quran. And i feel so proud and honoured that Allah revealed these verses as without it the Ummah, today, would just surrender to American terrorism."

The above is PROJECTION. Go see a shrink.

"But fighting mind vs mind gives both parties an equal playing field. PS, 9/11 was a consequence of US terrorism abroad. "

This is an interesting statement. I agree...actually, the war we fight now is one of ideology, not against a person or a country as historically wars have been fought. Islam declared war(jihad) on the rest of the world in the seventh century. That hasn't changed.
Now I do think 9/11 was a wake up call to Muslims to the lesser jihad, a call to the umma to rise up and take Dar al Harb and turn it to Dar al Islam. This is supported by OBL's call to the American people and GWB to convert.

"For to long the cowardly west have been massacring the weak abroad without fear of any reprisals back home, this has changed."

Gosh just think of what life would be like without the west, no cell phones, no toilet paper, no antibiotics, no cars, no planes, no food drops on the starving, no doctors without borders...... the list can go on.


To the one who knows all the war verses in the Quran,

Your argument is a classic example of a whishful thinking of all the "serial losers" in the written history.
You don't mind being called by this title for the next 1000 years as long as there is a micro-chance for a single " victory " ! RIGHT? ..

This one's slightly more coherent than the drooler from yesterday - but I've never yet seen any of these chuckleheads back up any of their assertions with facts.

Hey, Muslim scumbag, get the f*** out of England and go back to Saudi Arabia, where you belong. You'll get to enjoy the wonderful Sharia that you want instituted in Britain.

You are like a little snake and Inshallah you will be disgraced very soon.

Haven't you realised by now that evil is always destroyed, it may cause the death of many but eventually good will triumph.

I think this person will find Islam and its Jihadis will be thoroughly disgraced and have their filthy little snouts rubbed in it as well.

Well Mr Jihadi Wahabi you may not be afraid of death and for your information this Crusader isn't either. You aren't holy warriors, you're all cowards, leeches and a bane to civilised societies.

How much would someone like to bet that this character subsists on the dole, and would hide under his prayer rug if someone actually knocked on his door? The taunts are what one would expect from a delinquent young teen who was developmentally disabled.

This idiot should be Droned!

As for "fighting mind vs mind" providing an "equal" (would that be "level"?) playing field for both parties -- well, not really, not if one side's minds have never learned to question, analyze, or think critically, and have instead been suppressed, indoctrinated, and stultified.

Bring on the match of the minds!

"You are like a little snake and Inshallah you will be disgraced very soon."

Right, AlaskanInfidel - how come they never receive that "religion of peace" memo???

"Before you accuse me, take a look at yourself......"

'We thank you for opening our eyes and showing us that 99% of a war is fought through media, both traditional and new. '

yep, like lawsuits against anyone one expresses an opinion of Islam while in the presence of Muslims, lawsuits because potential employers did not hire the Muslims, lawsuits against business for not providing special Muslim only prayer rooms or time off throughout the day to pray, or for facilities with sport or exercise programs who do not offer Muslim only sessions or Muslim only equipment, lawsuits against businesses who have hired Muslims but the Muslims refuse to wear the companies uniforms, lawsuits against establishments who do not have footbaths installed or toilets pointing in the correct direction for Muslims to take a poop, lawsuits against businesses that do not provide private Muslim only break rooms, lawsuits against businesses who have Christian employees who wear crosses or carry a bible.....

These are but just a few of the non explosive Muslim Methods that are explosive in a way that is forcing the normal world to bow down to the religion of Islam...Making the world bow down to Islam is the same goal as the Muslims who are planting IEDs, conducting ambushes, burning Christian Churches, kidnapping Christian girls for Muslim Men to marrying, killing Christian clerics and way people distrubing bibles and holding Christian Bible studies, killing aid workers bringing food and medicine to poor people,....

yep, Muslims are destroying civilization through a variety of ways, the more successful they are the more normal people will suffer and die...Muslims are rewriting history and are erasing all record of past history..

Have you seen any evidence of Islam's followers wanting to establish any type of plurality that allows followers of other religions to enjoy their chosen religion without interference from Muslims? Have you seen Muslims in your neighborhood doing anything to promote a peaceful co-existence with you and your neighbors?.....When you encounter Muslims in the shops or on the streets do you feel comfortable or safe?....How long does it take A Muslim to become hostile if you discuss religion with them and point out the things Muslims are doing to other peoples of other religions across the globe?

You can live without Islam and its Muslim followers....When Islam and its followers are around..maybe not..

I know all the war verses in the Quran.

Yep! After Mohammed's 13 years of preaching in Mecca to his little band of followers he decided to go off to Medina and become a warrior and kill and rob caravans to build his ah? religion. And of course Allah told him to create his band of plundering thiefs, murderers,and rapists in his name.

No fool John Quincy Adams:

""In the seventh century of the Christian era, a wandering Arab of the lineage of Hagar, the Egyptian, combining the powers of transcendent genius, with the preternatural energy of a fanatic, and the fraudulent spirit of an impostor, proclaimed himself as a messenger from Heaven, and spread desolation and delusion over an extensive portion of the earth.[ ...]He poisoned the sources of human felicity at the fountain, by degrading the condition of the female sex, and the allowance of polygamy; and he declared undistinguishing and exterminating war, as a part of his religion, against all the rest of mankind. THE ESSENCE OF HIS DOCTRINE WAS VIOLENCE AND LUST: TO EXALT THE BRUTAL OVER THE SPIRITUAL PART OF HUMAN NATURE (Adam's capital letters).""

- President John Quincy Adams, 1827

From article...But fighting mind vs mind gives both parties an equal playing field.

We have seen the best quality of Islamic mind right here on JW, Abdullah Mikail...Pathetic...If this is the best Islam has to offer, it loses...

I'm so sorry that Mohammed IMAGINED those war verses.

"You can live without Islam and its Muslim followers....When Islam and its followers are around..maybe not.."
posted by pulsar182

Right you are!
It boils down to the question: Has any country or civilization been improved or become a better place to live by becoming Moslem or accepting large-scale Moslem immigration? Were India, Iran, Egypt, Arabia itself improved by the Moslem conquests? Are Sweden, the Netherlands, France, Belgium better places to live now than 40 or 50 years ago?

Islam has never improved a county.

But fighting mind vs mind gives both parties an equal playing field.

Unfortunately, this fellow is operating under quite a disadvantage. Not having the ability to reason, to formulate a cogent position, or to lose an argument without resorting to violence.

In which case, I'm sure he'll find it handy to have those "war verses" that he has memorized to fall back on.

Irony Alert from London!

"Why do you not look at the history of your own race and people before judging others?"

Interesting comment coming from someone who obviously refuses to look at the history of Muhammad (prison be upon him).

Hey, Hate Mailer from London, a better question is, "why do you not look at the history of your own PROPHET?"

A closer look at Muhammad reveals a liar, thief, pedophile, rapist & murderer -- and that's the short list. So how does it feel knowing that you've chosen to follow after a common criminal? Yeah, you must feel pretty stupid, right? Not only are you stupid, but you are acting in concert with evil by following after an evildoer; which in turn makes YOU an evildoer, too. So now who is the snake? O yeah, that would be you, Loser in London.

Robert, thank you for bringing us the Truth about Islam & Company. Many thanks, actually! :)

Loser in London --

Please grab a mirror and then repeat this phrase: "You are like a little snake and Inshallah you will be disgraced very soon."

That comment will come back to bite you, so you may want to prepare yourself now. You're welcome.

..and a thousand to one your name is..Congratulations Mo mo HammerHead! You win the grand prize of a trip to a muslim country of your choice!..The only baggage allowed on THIS particular journey will be HATE,DECEIT AND IGNORANCE.Looks like you're all set to go kiddo! Oh and don't forget to read the fine print which proclaims this will be the most bestest flight ever in the history of mankind! Only you won't be able to land until the rubble is cleared from the runway,which will be never.Steam shovels and bulldozers haven't been invented yet,no matter which country you pick!.You're not even sure if there IS a runway! Why?

Because you are living in the past,darkly.You've missed the boat. It never occurred to you to book passage. No ticket to ride to speak of, of any substance or calling.
Why everybody and his Imam or mullalalah knows and have clearly and positively stated and professed excruciatingly to a fault that "Islam Is Peace!" and/or "Islam is the Religion of Peace!"
Didn't you get at the very least a GLIMPSE of one bus sign,one billboard,one newspaper ad or some or any sound byte/video clip, of some prominent authoritative Muslim figurehead's mainstream media appearance stating that absolute undeniable incontrovertible fact? Was all that money,time,effort,human conflict and debate for nothing?

Apparently so according to you! What does Islam have to say about believers who over-step their bounds and mis-quote the Holy Quran? If what you say is true,and I sense no hint of a lie in your statements,then in perfect essence you,a person of Muslim faith and belief,have stated that Allah himself is a God of War, in complete affrontage to all heretofore previous attestations to the contrary(!)of proclaimed respected Muslim clerics and related associations.

If there are any real Imams or Mullahs out there worth their salt one of them will declare you a blasphemer and deal with you as such. Surely there is some Sharia law or statement that declares punishment in some way shape or form attributable to Quran bashers like YOU whom have absolutely no PUBLIC authority to do so?..!
Are we infidels now to believe that (in your declarations) there are in fact verses of war in Islam's Holy Book? There must be! You even have them memorised! And here you go telling the whole wide world about them through the WORLD WIDE WEB!!
I'd watch my butt if I were you..You are a dangerous idiot of the worst kind. Fools like you should walk in supple -cat- -paw- baby steps..lest they scratch themselves.

Our Hate Mailer writes:

"Since the end of world war 2 who has killed the most civilians, destroyed the most homes and lives?"

I'll bite on that one. Let's see. Since WWII, the most people died during:

1. China's cultural revolution (20 million estimated).
2. Cambodia's Khmer Rouge purge during the 70s. (1.4m-2.2m)
3. Rwanda genocide (1m)
4. Iran/Iraq war (1m killed & wounded)
5. Korean War (750K)
6. Vietnam War (400K)

It looks like China's the biggest culprit - nothing else comes close. Does anyone think our Hate Mailer will go after the Chinese?

"I know all the war verses in the Quran. And i feel so proud''

''PRIDE'' is Satanic. ''PRIDE'', is what Satan was cast out of heaven for. Muslims are ''PROUD''.
What does God have to say about ''PRIDE''?

Jas 4:6 But He gives more grace. Therefore He says: "God resists the proud, But gives grace to the humble."

Pr 15:25 ¶ The LORD will destroy the house of the proud,
Pr 16:5 ¶ Everyone proud in heart is an abomination to the LORD; Though they join forces, none will go unpunished.

So the little “muslim” from London is thankful to “allah” for the glorious war verses that were sent his prophet Mo [PBUH –Phlegm Be Upon Him]. Is he also thankful for these verses:
• The verses that told his idiot prophet to marry a nine year old girl
• The verses that told his prophet Mo it was OK to rape, murder and steal.
• The verses that told the pedophile prophet that hell was full of mostly women.
• The verses that told Mo to kill Jews and Christians.
• The verses that degrade blacks.

For any of you that don’t believe this is in their murder book, better know as the koran, just do a little research on the net. Better yet take a few days to read their book. You’ll find like I did that it is the most disjointed, vile, vengeful book you’ll ever read. If you like stories of murder, punishment, treachery along with the numerous raids on caravans and various villages of ancient Arabia you’ll really like this book. Oh, and of course all of Mo’s actions were sanctioned by the most ‘merciful and gracious’ god, allah. But honestly, the one thing that is good about reading this book is that you’ll understand that the muslim’s god is nothing but a figment in the mind of their pedophile psychopathic prophet Mo. The proponents of islam think nothing of killing women and children, of either side, in order to further the conquests of their religion. Their book is a murder book and their ‘religion’ is truly from hell.

Did you ever wonder why all muslim countries are run by ruthless dictators? Could it be because of their ‘beautiful’ and ‘peaceful’ religion? Duh!!! Their ‘holy’ book is nothing but a manual on totalitarianism. Europe, Britain, and now the U.S. have experienced these new immigrants attitudes and actions; they want nothing but to bring the West back into 7 century Arabia with Sharia Law as the only law. It will be a bloody battle, but truth will defeat tyranny and demons.

Darcy; thanks for the John Quincy Adams article, I had forgotten about what he had written. His words were eloquent and succinct, but in today’s time we need to be more blunt with the truth of this religion from hell.

For to long the cowardly west have been massacring the weak abroad without fear of any reprisals back home, this has changed.

For too long we have coddled hateful scumbags like yourself. We subsidise your type to the hilt and you respond by trying to murder us, and in all too many cases succeeding. You demand deference from us whilst showing no respect whatsoever towards others. Your wicked death cult has murdered almost 300 million infidels in 14 centuries - thats 20 million every century throughout those centuries. You lie to us, pretending you're persecuted in Muslim countries when you're the persecutors of infidel minorities back in your own country, whilst planning the destruction of those who foolishly take pity on you by taking you in. We give you an education, free health care and everything else which comes by living in a developed Western nation - the things you wouldn't get back in your Islamic pigsty and the things you'd deny us if you ruled over us. And look at how you repay us for our kindness. Muslims murdered 20 million in the 20th century and have already murdered over two million in cold blood in the first nine years of this century. Mass murder, misogyny, beheading, treachery, intolerance, hatred of the infidel, leeching off us, behaving as if the world owes you a living, and the ubiquitous beheading videos featuring hapless infidels - that is Islams contribution to humanity.

And here's Ayatollah Khomeini reminding us of the brutality and bestiality of Islam:

“Islam makes it incumbent on all adult males, provided they are not disabled and incapacitated, to prepare themselves for the conquest of [other] countries so that the writ of Islam is obeyed in every country in the world. But those who study Islamic Holy War will understand why Islam wants to conquer the whole world…. Those who know nothing of Islam pretend that Islam counsels against war. Those [who say this] are witless. Islam says: Kill all the unbelievers just as they would kill you all! Does this mean that Muslims should sit back until they are devoured by [the unbelievers]? Islam says: Kill them [the non-Muslims], put them to the sword and scatter [their armies]. Does this mean sitting back until [non-Muslims] overcome us? Islam says: Kill in the service of Allah those who may want to kill you! Does this mean that we should surrender to the enemy? Islam says: Whatever good there is exists thanks to the sword and in the shadow of the sword! People cannot be made obedient except with the sword! The sword is the key to Paradise, which can be opened only for Holy Warriors! There are hundreds of other [Koranic] verses and Hadiths [sayings of the Prophet] urging Muslims to value war and to fight. Does all that mean that Islam is a religion that prevents men from waging war? I spit upon those foolish souls who make such a claim.” - Ayatollah Khomeini, 1942.

Again he, like so many of these angry Muslims, is looking forward to disgracing the West. How quickly he and his fellow travelers could be "disgraced" by the West if only the West's might were unfettered against them. The only thing that stops the western nations is their humanity and their obtuseness. Once the angry Muslims acquire our technologies in full they will have no scruples. That's why we need to make sure they never achieve such capabilities. Their civilizations presently have dangerous elements too barbaric to be allowed any chance to vent their pathologies against others. Iran, as the most dangerous example of the pathological side of Islam, must have their nukes removed, no matter what it takes.

And few summed up better the mistake we made by letting in the sort of hateful moron who is the subject of this thread, and those like him, quite like Sebastian Vilar Rodriguez:

All European Life Died In Auschwitz by Sebastian Vilar Rodriguez

I walked down the street in Barcelona, and suddenly discovered a terrible truth -- Europe died in Auschwitz.

We killed six million Jews and replaced them with 20 million Muslims. In Auschwitz we burned a culture, thought, creativity, talent. We destroyed the chosen people, truly chosen, because they produced great and wonderful people who changed the world.

The contribution of this people is felt in all areas of life: science, art, international trade, and above all, as the conscience of the world.

And under the pretence of tolerance, and because we wanted to prove to ourselves that we were cured of the disease of racism, we opened our gates to 20 million Muslims, who brought us ignorance, religious extremism and lack of tolerance, crime and poverty due to an unwillingness to work and support their families with pride.

They have turned our beautiful Spanish cities into the third world, drowning in filth and crime. Holed up in the apartments they receive free from the government, they plan the murder and destruction of their naive hosts.

And thus, in our misery, we have exchanged culture for fanatical hatred, creative skill for destructive skill, intelligence for backwardness and superstition.

We have exchanged the pursuit of peace of the Jews of Europe and their talent for hoping for a better future for their children, their determined clinging to life because life is holy, for those who pursue death, for people consumed by the desire for death for themselves and others, for our children and theirs.

These are the people we burned.

What a terrible mistake was made by miserable Europe.

Sebastian Vilar Rodriguez could just as easily have been talking about the US, Canada and Australia as Western Europe.


Now i wish to set the muslims straight.
America is very young compared to most other nations in the world - we are only 200 years old.

But in 200 years we have STOPPED two world wars, cured thousands of diseases, helped million rise out of poverty
and so much more.

Compare that to the demonic religion called islam
Which has killed 10's of millions over 1300 years
Has caused so many wars its impossible to count
Has caused rapes and child molesting accross the arab world
Has formeted the most demonic racism known to mankind
Has formented genocide of the jews

So america has many faults and yes we also have sinned a lot - with drugs, alcohol and sex, but overall we look at our faults and try to clean up our act.
We also try to STOP these evils in the world today including wars, racism and Islamic terrorism.

But islam has been the cause of so many of the worlds problems.

Islams weakness is the fact that is was started by a sinful man and is not from God but from Satan.

I am not the fool, but you are for believing in islam