Incisive analysis from a genuine thoughtful critic

Yesterday I received this email from yet another Hate Mailer in London, accusing me of giving you folks a bad impression of Hate Mailers:

I can only imagine the number of emails you must receive from Muslims across the world. But I don't have to imagine, as I know, that those emails will range from the most incoherent and abusive to the most intelligent emails that destroy your argument about Islam and/or uses facts and todays situation to show you that the real evil and fascist ideology is that of the "Americanist neoc-com zionist judeo-christian extremist" of people like yourself. Just wondered, why do you only post the incoherent, inarticulate emails, which resort to petty anti semitism and name calling? If your up for debate and know you are right, why do you fear posting certain types of emails, i.e. the ones that counteract and disprove the myths you spread about Islam and flip show you that the real evil is the USA and its vile and cowardly military who are legitimate targets in any nation that they invade, occupy or have a presence through bases that the locals despise.

Anyway, once again. You are a wormlike, cowardly, deceitful, insecure and insincere individual!! 9/11 was the best thing that could of happened for you and I know you are glad it did as it gave you a market of naive people and their fascist shepherds to speak and sell your vile to.

Well, of course I have never shied away from debate with any serious and thoughtful individual (sorry, Nadir, that leaves you out), and have invited many to debate who are afraid to take me up on it, so I checked back to see if I had heard previously from this intelligent, coherent, articulate fellow who, despite his personal insults, was implying that he could "counteract and disprove the myths" that I supposedly spread about Islam. And in fact, I have heard from him before. Here is one of his previous emails, demonstrating that the intelligence and incisiveness of his analysis consists of long-distance armchair psychoanalysis and imagining that he knows I must have been like:

You know what really irks me about you? Its not the fact you are anti-islamic, or even hypocritically anti-islamic as in you portray yourself as a scholar speaking the truth and only opposed to certain elements of Islam while really your just a fascist Christian extremist. What irks me about you, is the slimy worm of an animal that you are. Your like a worm like rat. A man who craved to be noticed, listened to and respected, but was not. A man that wish all the hot chicks would like him, but they did not even know you existed. Then you exploited 9/11 as you found a niche. Americans that were asking why, but did not want to consider that the imperialistic policies of the USA contributed to the loss of 3000 of its own people. Now like a little snake, like the evil that all the 3 monotheistic books describe you whisper into the ears of the ignorant and blind, and you whisper falsities. But really all this is about is little Robert, the kid with low self-esteem, who tried to make jokes but no one laughed, who was gagging for the hot chicks in his school, but they were taken by the cool guys, the guys that would kick your ass. Your a sad sad sad man Robert. Finally, so what if Somalis demontrated for Sharia to be implemented? Somalia is a Muslim majority country. During the reign of the UIC robberies, rape, and extortion substantially decreased, piracy was reduced to nil. Then the real supremacist who seek to impose their will on the earth started a war, and returned Somalia into the war torn place it once was ohh yea and Piracy resumed.

Same to you

Exploiting 9/11 to get the hot chicks, eh? Now that's intelligent analysis, my good man!
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"You are a wormlike, cowardly, deceitful, insecure and insincere individual! ...What irks me about you, is the slimy worm of an animal that you are."

Which is hate mail poster? - Is Mr. Spencer an individual or a worm?

Why not relax with some music or poetry Mr. Muslim. Say for example, Manchester United:

Jews and Christians, for friends say no
They're apes and pigs, don't you know
Fight 'em, kill 'em, slay 'em as you can
Behead and dismember, just do it man

Oh no, no Mo
Red Devils go, go
Me and my mates, happy here
All we need, is heavenly beer

/PLEASE DON'T post your picture on top of all threads Mr. Spencer, not only would that really irk them, might even cause some health problems.

Can this "intelligent" person please improve his English grammar? It shows the slipping standards of our education system in the UK!
I look forward to his future discourse with Robert Spencer, or is he just a "post and run" contributer?

"Your like a worm like rat..."

You've no place to go in the face of razor-sharp argument like this, Robert. I'd give up if I were you.

Mr Spencer:

My new boyfriend thinks I'm a pretty hot chick, and I like you, beard notwithstanding. ;)

Hate mailer is refuted thusly. :)

Yes, I too found myself wavering on the fence like a ratty worm as I deeply pondered the incisive analysis of the genuine thoughtful critic, wondering if this time Spencer had met his Waterloo, forcing him at last to make good on previous threats to take up a job as a night clerk at a road-side hotel or to take up fishing in Montana or to play sax at Mother's Jazz Joint. And when I read-- horrors!--the incisive follow-up, well, was I ever nervous. I wondered, "How can any person escape from such incision?"

These illiterate jihadis sure have an anal (and ytical) way with words. I tremble. I quake.

I do like jazz though, so I look forward to the evening I stumble into that lost-for-now cheap road-side gin-joint to find an intellectually devastated Robert Spencer leading his combo, (Hugh on piano,) and Robert wailing away some cool Mancini at Mother's.

Ah, but then there will be no martinis in the lounge, no music, no babes crooning. Nothing but a rotting world of hate-filled idiots.

Where's my Gunn? Peter Gunn, that is.

To the most coherent, unabusive, and the most intelligent hate E-mailer:-

If your house is flooded by "Americanist neoc-com zionist Judeo-christian extremist Rats, Hyenas, snakes", etc.
Don't blame the "Exterminator" ! Keep your house clean ! Get rid of the rubbish you have collected during the past 1400 years or so! And stop throwing your garbage to your neighbour's Yard !

Did you ever come across this guy? He is a self proclaimed Moroccan government snitch who spies on Christian missionaries and gets them evicted from Morocco.

He really has it in for Spencer, Fitzgerald and "Gellar", and although I have deleted some of his vilest smears, here's one that could interest you:

Submitted on 2009/09/25 at 8:08pm

LOL, the other day some idiot drove through a give-way sign in Oujda (north east Morocco) and when I confronted him for almost denting my new Mercedez, he argued that he has been driving for 20 years. So, I told him it was a shame that in 20 years that he obviously learnt nothing.

IF Spencer studies Islam for 20 years then it only confirms that he is lying through his teath because he has not shown any example of knowing the reality on the ground for the average Muslim in the street. Spencer depicts a world with Imams, Mullahs and radicals on every street corner, women huddled together in burqas running down the street being constantly sexually harassed and the only conversation in cafés is about hatred towards non-Muslims and how they are all going on to some jihad. That image, is of course, complete nonesense.

Fitzgerald is not a mental giant but in fact the more devient hate-monger than Spencer. His articles are directly designed to create hate that is perhaps only equalled by the rhetoric of a former Bosnian Serb leader. His constant use of catchphrases like “dhimmitude” and “jizya” are not the sign of a “walking encyclopedia” but of that of a political activist.

Both Spencer and Fitzgerald are sell-outs. They could have been smart and attack extremism, radicalism, violence and terrorism and supported and encouraged Muslims and Muslim nations in doing more. They could have even condemned Muslim nations and moderate Muslims for sitting on their backsides and doing nothing to stop radicalism. They could have even condemned western governemnts for their caving in to radicalism and not supporting correctly and ensuring moderates but they did not. Why? Not an ideology or some “knowledge” that they know better than others whom are more qualified, experienced and better travelled – but because it does not make money. Also, that they failed to be important or accepted in the field of education, social or government service and thus chose to attack it.

Your love for them is rather disturbing blog-owner. They are for me insulting because they are nothing making money from nothing and they detract the effort to fight real and dangerous radicalism and thus are considered dirt by those of us around the world whom are actually working hard, sometimes risking our lives to do something constructive about the real issues.

Maybe the writer is obsessed with hot Muslim girls wearing Burkinis at the beach.

Maybe he is a good candidate for the morality police.

or muslim girls gone wild:

Hmmm, a christian extremist. Interesting. Especially when you consider the fact that the religion if Christianity is not mentioned here much at all; and that most of what is discussed is the latest in 1400 of islamic barbarity toward the human race.

"the myths you spread about Islam"

Is this one of the wealth of facts contained in his argument?

So the quran is a myth?

he argued that he has been driving for 20 years. So, I told him it was a shame that in 20 years that he obviously learnt nothing. sheik yer'mami
LOL so most DO NOT KNOW HOW TO DRIVE sheik but mind you as a former trucker i am biased

Ya, Ya! 20 years driving experience !

90% of you are responsible for the 40% DEATH CASUALTIES in my neighborhood!

Try this one for a change...

Put your gear stick on "D" instead of "R" if you wish to move FORWARD !!!...

"why do you fear posting certain types of emails, i.e. the ones that counteract and disprove the myths you spread about Islam?"

Does this charmer have a name like Anjem, Tariq, or perhaps Solkhar? I don't believe that is Solkhar's style.

Whomever he is he is exceedingly proud of what is between his legs as he seems to conduct all of his thinking from his "Bigus dickus", for example, the comments about Robert's innate inability to "pick up the hot chicks" I suppose he has three or four wives, with brood, all "working at home for the state".

No, obviously this man appears very proud and erect in society, much like "a stool dropped from a height two feet into an Islamic fudge house can(the crescent moon style)" and his Islamic erudition smacks of the same claptrap as the rest of the turds in the mosque lavatory.

This guy needs to be institutionalized immediately.

By the way, stupo, it's "you're," not "your."

Get mental health treatment, you're in dire need.

It just occurred to me that the new meaning of an imbecile and a pathetic retard is a Mohammedan who has written this email to JW. My goodness these emails from Mohammedans are comedy central. They imbue such compassion and enlightenment of the human condition and spirit. Yeah right! Of course not! What they do show is how idiotic and stupid these Mohammedans are. They follow a pedophile prophet, they go about bombing and killing non Muslims. They get in a frenzy as the blood of non Muslims starts flowing and scream Allah U Akbar. Their sorry Islamic countries are a crap hole of violence, mysogyny and hate for non Muslims. They are the bottom in all economic indicators and in human development indicators. Mohammedans are sorry excuse for being humans. What a shameful and pathetic beings who follow the vile and horrendous ideology of Islam-such barbarians. Their prophet that lowlife thief and thug, Mohammad, may be upon him for eternity, is a pedophile and rapist of young prepubescent girls-like Aisha. Sick!!

'A worm like rat'? Is this a new species?

No intelligent discussion,no definable analysis, or no specific criticism of Robert Spencer's work.

Yes it is all just a personal attack at adnauseam on "Robert the person" rather than reflecting on the teachings of Islam and a meandering from 9-11 to Somalia.

Why not discuss those myths that the dhimmiworld has bought into about Islam. You could start with the greatest myth of them all known as "the religion of peace" which has duped even our former President, and Secretary of state among many others who should have opened the Qu'ran a few times.

I'll give him this; he could have been a speech writer for Omar Khadaffi.

With global events on the brink,
We all must find out what to think.
Destruction Islamic
May soon be atomic;
It won't help to become Robert's shrink.

like the evil that all the 3 monotheistic books describe

Wait! The other muslims that write in say THEIR religion is the only monotheistic religion. Isn't that why they hate Christianity? Because of the trinity? And the Jews only have one god, but, hey Mohammad hates them and that is good enough for muslims. Even though Mohammad did his best to imitate and then usurp them.

You must be confused. Not a TRUE muslim. Another misunderstander of the religion.

Sheik- that guy was posting for a while at Gates Of Vienna. They finally had to ban him. He proclaimed that he was a Dutch citizen working as an Ambassador in Morocco. Like most muslims, his posts were very long and against the blog owner in addition to discussing the article, trying to prove islam is wonderful for the world.

I have to say that these hate mail threads have become my favourite on JW. They really crack me up, please keep them coming, Robert.

On another front, I am vacationing in the Philippines and I recently met a MILF person in a bar here. She was not anything like how Robert indicated and I was shocked yet pleasantly inspired.

Unfortunately some topic about money arose and for fear of funding Jihad I politely excused myself.

"I can only imagine the number of emails you must receive from Muslims across the world. But I don't have to imagine, as I know, that those emails will range from the most incoherent and abusive to the most intelligent emails that destroy your argument about Islam..."

Waiting patiently for the latter.




Persons defending a religion that is accused of being barbaric, violent, irrational and cruel should not vent their barbarism, violence, irrationality and cruelty. Beyond duh.

I recently met a MILF person in a bar here. She was not anything like how Robert indicated and I was shocked yet pleasantly inspired.

Yes, you must have been amazed they don't all have horns. Some of them might even be like you...nice, next-door types. Evil is apologetic and looks like your neighbor. Way to learn a simple lesson. Why didn't you turn her in? Coward.

The Muhammadan posted:

"Then you exploited 9/11 as you found a niche. Americans that were asking why, but did not want to consider that the imperialistic policies of the USA contributed to the loss of 3000 of its own people."

And there it is in a nutshell.

As for the imperialistic policies of the USA, I don't recall that we were in Iraq at that time, nor in Afghanistan, nor in Somalia. So the only imperialistic policy that this ass-clown can be referring to is USA's support of Israel, the Jewish, Infidel nation in what muhammadans claim is 100% theirs.

9-11 was a follow up to the 1993 attack. Again, the core hatred to America came at that time because the USA's was Israel's staunchest ally.

So the only "crime" that the USA can be blamed for, the only imperialistic policy that this ass-clown can be referring to is USA's continued support for the Jewish people in its homeland. 9-11 was payback for standing with Israel.

I found Robert quite alluring before 9/11.

Somemone who can't understand the differance between "your" and "you're" isn't one who can attract hot chicks. Funny how the islamic mentality equiates intellectual motiviation with their own mentality of securing sexual gratification. They can't seem to understand that the foundation Western philosophy encourages independent thought. Islam handicaps the intellect by obsessing with the lowest form of motivation: fear the sex.

I think that Sigmund Freud would have really enjoyed psychoanalyzing this letter.

Worm-like rat? Now, that's deviating from Islam. Assuming that the illustrious hate-mailer above assumed that Spencer was a Zionist/Jew, plain rat would have done it. In fact, worms are not used to describe either Christians or Jews. Maybe Atheists or Agnostics?

Memo to the hate mailers:

Swine, dogs = Christians
Apes, rats = Jews

Pagans and others are, afaik, undefined. you that the real evil is the USA and its vile and cowardly military who are legitimate targets in any nation that they invade, occupy or have a presence through bases that the locals despise...
Ol' Gordy had it right didn't he? Some things never change..

..still polling..

Robert by posting this letter you let everyone know that you are waiting for an honest and open debate and not hidden or biasing you POV. It also tell me that when such letter comes you will quickly start a thread.

When I first started reading I was lifted with hope that this writer maybe THE LETTER that you have been waiting for. But that quickly vanished when the poster's thinly covered deception was exposed by his earlier post.

I am always disappointing with their total lack of honesty. But that quickly transforms into resolve and understanding of the enemy.

Beware the worm-rat! Rofl.

"Anyway, once again. You are a wormlike, cowardly, deceitful, insecure and insincere individual!! 9/11 was the best thing that could of happened for you and I know you are glad it did as it gave you a market of naive people and their fascist shepherds to speak and sell your vile to."

Where is the reasoned analysis in that quote? Also, I note some projection in the comment. ;)

Glad you excused yourself, payingattention.

You are indeed Paying Attention.

Late correction !

Ya, Ya! 20 years driving experience !

90% of you are responsible for the 40% DEATH CASUALTIES in my neighborhood!

Try this one for a change...

Put your gear stick on "D" instead of "R" if you wish to move FORWARD !!!...

Driver:- "D" Stands for = DEMOCRACY, "R" Stands for = RELIGION !!.... Have a safe drive!


Winoceros - I think 'payingattention' was leg-pulling. Sure, the main jihad gang in the Philippines calls itself the MILF but that same acronym also means something else entirely in modern western English slang; payingattention was having fun with the two meanings of the acronym, the political and the obscene.

"Your like a worm like rat."

The closest critter of that description I can come up with is a ferret...

""Americanist neoc-com zionist judeo-christian extremist""

Whom is he quoting here, and what does it mean? Please--someone tell me what it means, or I'll be up all night, worrying about it.

" the evil that all the 3 monotheistic books"

Our hate mailer has incredible difficulty identifying the evil within Islam. A closer look at Mohammad (prison be upon him) reveals a liar, thief, rapist, pedophile & murderer.

So this total jerk-off man-worshiper resents you spreading myths about Islam. I think he is really saying that he resents you spreading the truth about the myth of Islam as this religion is only a myth in the minds of so many deluded individuals. He just doesn't want the truth out, but it is out, and he is simply showing up Islam for what it really is, the most pathetic, worthless, and useless religion on this planet, and this is being kind as to what could be said. The fact of his use of the most vulgar and degrading language shows the true character of the other jerk-off whom he worships, Mohamed, the pedophile.

Hey, I thought our whole purpose here was to mount a defense of the values of Western Civilization. I didn't realize that anti-jihadist writing and rhetoric were also the keys to attracting hot chicks. What have I been doing wrong?

Robert, I think I have the title for your next book: "How to Succeed with Women: The Complete Guide for Infidels and Anti-Jihadists".