Judge praises rapist for converting to Islam

Muhammad said: "If a husband calls his wife to his bed [i.e. to have sexual relation] and she refuses and causes him to sleep in anger, the angels will curse her till morning." -- Bukhari 4.54.460

And: "By him in Whose Hand lies my life, a woman can not carry out the right of her Lord, till she carries out the right of her husband. And if he asks her to surrender herself [to him for sexual intercourse] she should not refuse him even if she is on a camel's saddle." -- Ibn Majah 1854

Would the idea that it is sinful for a woman to refuse her husband sex lead to a relaxed attitude toward rape? Why, of course not! Islam respects women and self-discipline!

"Rapist praised by judge for converting to Islam," from the Daily Mail, September 13 (thanks to all who sent this in):

A judge lambasted a rapist for claiming his victim was a liar - then commended him for becoming a muslim.

Judge Anthony Goldstaub QC sentenced Stuart Wood for seven years for the attack, then told him: 'You have turned to Islam and this promises well for your future, particularly as you are now an adherent of a religion which respects women and self-discipline.'

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'You have turned to Islam and this promises well for your future, particularly as you are now an adherent of a religion which respects women and self-discipline.'

LOL, What has that judge been smoking??? It must be some good stuff

At this point, the comments on the story are all calling the judge a fool, or worse. Interestingly, there may have been an ulterior motive:

“And, as an added bonus, as a Muslim he will be fed much better than prisoners of other faiths.

Contrary to what you all believe about the "hotel lifestyle" of our prisoners, the food is not that good. It tends to be very stodgy with vegetables so overboiled that any taste & nutritional value is non-existent. It is adequate, and better than bread & water though!

On the other hand, Muslim prisoners enjoy a much better quality of food - Halal style - and the cynic in me suggests that this may be the reason for this man's change of faith!

I'm not wanting to start either argument or debate about how well - or not - prisoners of any faith or persualsion are treated, I'm merely stating a fact that Muslim inmates are fed a "different" diet.
- Telecaster, Gateshead, Peoples Republic of Geordieland., 13/9/2009 10:04”

Also from Daily Mail

The judge added that Wood, who had previous convictions for indecent assault on underage girls and for violence, had shown no remorse and still protested his innocence... [emphasis mine]

No wonder J. Goldstaub is sanguine about Wood's future as a Muslim!.

Also from Daily Mail

The judge added that Wood, who had previous convictions for indecent assault on underage girls and for violence, had shown no remorse and still protested his innocence... [emphasis mine]

No wonder J. Goldstaub is sanguine about Wood's future as a Muslim!.

Great new look and good to be de-lizardised.

The judge is ignorant, and assumes Islam has the same effects on a criminal as other religions do. In fact it has the opposite effect, as it decriminalises all kinds of crimes (rape, murder, incest, paedophilia) and criminalises non-crimes (consensual sex, ordinary relationships between men and women, music, art, love).

Nice, clean new look, Richard :)

Respects women and self-discpline? Again we see that the weakest link in combatting Islam's many nefarious features is ignorance of this belief system. Conversely (and perversely), Islam retains advantages to the extent that its true designs and ideas are not known, whether by non-believers or even believers who delude themselves into thinking Islam is the fountain of truth (could you get anything more wrong?).

Islam's greatest ally is ignorance. Islam's greatest enemy is knowledge. The path which must be taken is clear for those who cherish liberty-----fight Islam on all fronts, armed with as much knowledge of it as possible.

Ok someone can please tell me why when someone find Jesus will do something good for the comunity and when someone find Mo will end killed in Somalia or will blow himself up in London? Why many inmates will convert in jail? Maybe the teaching of Mo suit them better? I mean which religion teach that is ok to rape/rob/kill another human being as far is not muslim

The best example for respect for women and self-discipline is the self-appointed prophet. Whenever he saw a good-looking woman, he had to f***k he, but he always contained himself until they got married, oh I admire that self-discipline. After converting to Islam that rapist will probably refrain from sexual intercourse before (forced) marriage.

We need to seriously mock this fool.

"Islam's greatest ally is ignorance. Islam's greatest enemy is knowledge."

Yes. Knowledge of Islam is liberating because that knowledge allows the person to see through all the lies that are told about Islam. Now if only we could find a way to educate people like this judge and other western democratic political leaders.

"This guy needs education. How about someone send him a copy of one of Robert's books?"

I fear that a book, even a whole library, won't do any good for someone like this judge. Nothing short of electro-convulsive therapy even holds out a hope of putting a dent in his layers of complex ignorance.

Wow, this new comments system can time-travel! My comment logged at September 13, 2009, 6:59 PM quotes from another comment logged at September 13, 2009, 8:08 PM ...!

Would it be gauche for me to ask whether the learned jurist "Goldstaub" is yet another dhimmified Jewish Brit? Well, I don't care if it's gauche, so consider it asked.

Ok someone can please tell me why when someone find Jesus will do something good for the comunity and when someone find Mo will end killed in Somalia or will blow himself up in London? Why many inmates will convert in jail?

Good question, Countrygirl. Tell that to the moral equivalence merchants, of whom there are many.

This guy needs education. How about someone send him a copy of one of Robert's books?
Islam is the best choice for crims -- it sanctions murder, rape, theft -- as long as they're directed against infidels or the crim's own daughters

This is not the first case this happened.

There was another case just like that earlier this year!

Judge Anthony Goldstaub QC should never try another case.

If you don't fully understand the implications of islam, which clearly he doesn't, then you shouldn't be justifying some new convert's future behavior.

'You have turned to Islam and this promises well for your future, particularly as you are now an adherent of a religion which respects women and self-discipline.'

Mahoundianism respects women less than Michael Vick respects dogs, to say the least.

If you want to know why the West looks doomed, this batty judge is a classic symptom of it. We have far too many Islam-dumb blockheads in positions of power and influence in politics, education, the police, the military and the judiciary for our own good. Heaven help future generations, because of the politically-correct gullibility of the present generation.

How can this Judge possibly possibly assert that Islam "respects women." Hasn't he seen the "Letter-Box Ladies" in Londonistan?

'You have turned to Islam and this promises well for your future, particularly as you are now an adherent of a religion which respects women and self-discipline.'

Sounds like he's either a Muslim himself, a dummie-dhimmi, or the most ignorant judge on the planet.

Maybe the judge was on LSD and had brain damage and a psychotic disorder and was brainwashed by alien Nazis from another dimension.

That *might* explain the respect/discipline quote.

Otherwise I'd have to say it was a poor attempt at humor.