"look at your own backyard you filthy swine"

This Hate Mail bag entry comes to us from Purley, south of London. The subject line was "Somalia: More amputations for theft, this time in Mogadishu," evidently referring to this Jihad Watch post.

What does that have to do with you? You claim Islam is trying to take over the west, yet its crooks like you that are always trying to enforce their values on Muslim countries. Lets compare crime rates between Muslim countries (other than those ravaged by US/Israeli tyranny) and the USA, also why not ask Muslims in Muslim countries if they prefer Sharia to deal with criminals?

Also, execution by electric chair is the most vile and inhumane way to kill someone, so look at your own backyard you filthy swine

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You can't fix Stupid.........

I didn't knowed that you haved a uhlektricked chare in yore bakeyard, Bobby! Why comes you gets to have all the fun? No fare.

Mohammed the pedophile - 51 marrying Aisha 6, deflowering her when he's 9
Mohammed the cross dresser - “Revelations [i.e., the Koran] never come to me when I’m dressed in women’s clothing—except when I’m dressed in Aisha’s" Sahih Bukhari (2/911)
Mohammed the donkey talker - Yazid Ibn Shihab the talking donkey
Mohammed the necrophile - Can't find the hadith but Father Botros mentioned it a while back.

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks JWers.

Dear autor of this email,

Leave London and go live in Saudi Arabia! They apply your lovely sharia.

...most vile?

I think you are referring to us Infidels, as that is what YOUR All*h refers to us as, the vilest of creatures. (Koran 98:6)

I'd take the electric chair any day over the punishment Mohammed gave.

How did Mohammed order a pregnant woman from Ghamid to be killed for the capital offence of adultery?

Check out crossword puzzle (100 questions with Koranic citations) to learn more about your Islamic brutality please. The above is only 1, there's 99 more for all to enjoy. The answers are of course on the last page.

If crossword puzzles aren't your thing, then you can enjoy word searches, and quizzes at the same site.


Infidelically Yours,

Also, execution by electric chair is the most vile and inhumane way to kill someone

Hmm, stoning and slicing someones head off with what is effectively a cooks knife are lovely methods aren't they?

Get civilised you barbarous moron. We rejected this sort of behaviour hundreds of years ago, and WE are inferior? LOL..

Considering this guy doesn't realize that it isn't a crime to kill, rape, beat up, torture, etc a non-muslim - and a woman if the man claims she dishonored the family or said something, or did something, bad about anything islamic, I would say that he is right - the crime rate probably is low.

One must look at what the laws of the land are and their definitions for words. Since non-muslims are considered animals, per mohammed in his koran, then they can do whatever they want.

I would also venture a guess he doesn't know one iota of history other than what some muslim, or left winger in appeasement mode, has told him either.

How can he explain the bloody history of islam before there was even a USA? Or that they are still practicing slavery to this day? Or that mohammed was a murderer, a torturer, an assasin, thief, liar, pediphile, and even used his god to justify taking his son's wife? I didn't even mention all his nasty traits that muslims try to emulate because they think he is the 'perfect man'.

To the writer from Purley,
I watched a couple of videos...two of the countless videos out there of good muslims practicing what their imams and ayatoilets preach.
I felt I needed to in order to better understand the enemy we face. (Not muslims, the victims of islam, but the enemy that is islam.) I found no pleasure in doing so... I was and am sickened by what I saw. One viewing was quite enough.
I watched the beheading of Daniel Pearl. Give me the electric chair any day. After seeing that torture...the electric chair looks most merciful and painless.
I watched men pushed in to a shallow pit. Wood was thrown in with them as they clearly pleaded for their lives. A flammable fluid was spread, a match thrown. They screamed, they burned.
Don't speak to me of the cruelty of the West when those who practice islam in its purest form are clearly the most comfortable with inflicting the most barbaric forms of torture on their victims.

islam is a lie and
Truth is killing it.

Purley near Croydon. South London at it's finest.

I used to know a pork muncher from there. Infact there are actually quite a few from that area.
Parts of the Borough of Croydon namely Thornton Heath look what you may imagine Mogadishu in Somalia to look like.

In my many interactions with the followers of the releion of peace, I have come to realise that they have the most warped, twisted, irrational, conspiritorial logic and mindset possible.
ISLAMOLOGIC is so warped you actually wander if converting to islam or just being a member of that faith kills brain cells.

The bum lifter prefers to live in Purley, Croydon in the UK, yet he prefers Sharia.
The amount of moslem girls I have met who have sex out of marriage & beleive in sharia is unreal.

This is what out government panders to.

"What does that have to do with you?"

Notice how this guy doesn't have anything negative to say about amputations in Somalia and certainly doesn't want Robert attracting attention to it. Then he tries to rationalize it by comparing Muslim country crime rates to those of the U.S. (Note to idiot, your entire country is full of criminals.)

If you really want to do a comparison let's look at murderers executed in an electric chair in the U.S. and then check out some Muslim snuff film videos, you know, where you guys kidnap a contractor, decide he offended Allah in some way, scream Allahu Akbar and then slowly slice his head off for your audience's viewing pleasure.

I saw a very cool t-shirt in a patriotic shop this past weekend that said:

"...without fear there is no courage."

I'm sure there is one in some Muslim t-shirt shop that says:

"...without insecurity there is no Islam."

Extremely stupid person when he says that the crime rate is higher in the West.

So, why do muslims proselytize in our prisons, will that lower the crime rate over time in the West when they become extremists?!

Executions you say? What about beheadings with a knife, is that not worse?

No Swedish Wiking, it's only ever bad if we do it.

F-ISLAM and the brain surgeons that are part of it.

Perhaps a bit of mahoundian epistemology, as discussed by Raymond Ibrahim in his essays and evidenced by mahoundians' frequent apparently nonsensical (from a Western/Human perspective) comments in online forums and on MEMRI-videos could help us understand what the mahound-worshipper from Purley meant to say:

- Violent jihad against non-mahoundians (aka human beings) = the ultimate act of altruism and love.

- Slave ownership = the end of slavery (thanks to Abdullah Mikhail for this one.)

- The existence of laws under which everyone has equal status, with no superiority or supremacy whatsoever awarded to mahound-worshipping "troo beeleevares" = oppression.

- The existence of equal legal status between men and women in Dar al-Harb = injustice.

- Child-abuse = marriage.

- Violence against women = protection of women's honor.

- Black people = abd/abed and raisin-heads (the latter is attributed to mahound itself.)

- Referring to black people as chocolata, africaca (African s***) and slave = the end of racism.

In the light of all of this, amputations too might be seen by mahoundians as an act of mercy, compassion and altruism; after all, once someone found guilty of committing a crime under sharia law is rid of the bodyparts that might have helped them perpetrate their supposed wrongdoings, they're not likely to be found guilty of the same offences once again, are they?

Mahoundian epistemology, while making clearer what goes on in the hollow space known as the mahound-worshipping mind, doesn't make it any less twisted, perverted and sick though.

to the Putz from Purley

" You claim Islam is trying to take over the west, .."

It is not our claim, it is the claim of the Muslim leadership...

"so look at your own backyard you filthy swine."

You are living in MY back yard
(probably in a council house & claiming benifits)
If the crime rates bother you, you are most welcome to LEAVE.

This is England.

People eat pork.

Jews are allowed to live.

Women can wear whatever they want to.

The Diversions of Purley.

But Islam is trying to take over the West as pulsar182 already indicated by referring to Muslims who say (even threaten) just that. More Muslimthink here------we say it, we mean it but what you claim we've said which we have is not something you can claim we've said. Islam does indeed do something to the brain which ain't pretty.

"What does that have to do with you? You claim Islam is trying to take over the west"

Please, since the accusation that Islam is trying to take over the wset bothers you so much.

Perhaps you can be constructive and give us some examples of how Islam ISN'T trying to take over?

Give us some examples of Muslims loving Jews.

Hudud injustice
Muslims regard the sharia laws as the perfect, just and immutable laws given by Allah. The penal punishment of the sharia is categorized under the hudud or had laws. Under the sharia hudud the amputation of a limb (starting with one hand) is a mandatory sentence for anyone guilty of stealing. On subsequent conviction, a foot will be amputated and so on.

Murder is a capital punishment under the sharia hudud, however a murderer is allowed to offer “diyah” blood money to his/her victims’ family to escape punishment if the victim’s kinfolk accepts the “diyah”.

So under the “perfect , just and immutable” laws of Allah, a murderer who illegally takes a human, who evidently cannot restore the life killed can escape punishment by paying blood money, yet a thief who could return the stolen goods and pay additional compensation is not allowed to do so to escape the mandatory amputation of one of his limbs. I have nicely asked many Muslim leaders to explain this disparity that indicates the injustice of the supposed perfect laws of their all-merciful and all-compassionate Allah and shows that Allah considers stolen material goods to be more valuable than stolen human life. None of the Muslims that I have asked could give me any answer.

Under the sharia hudud, apostasy and adultery carry the mandatory death sentence and unlike murder, the sharia has no “escape punishment” provision for the apostate or adulterer to pay any material or monetary compensation to the “aggrieved parties” to escape the mandatory death sentence.

Again I have asked many Muslims including scholars why the disparity and so far one so called experts could only say Allah regard apostasy and adultery to be a worse crime than murder.

I get the impression that Muslims could see the injustice as explained above yet somehow they are so fearful to speak up against the injustices because that they fear Allah’s wrath for their non-submission to him and his laws.

If Muslims are so in favour of brutal Sharia law why did they rejoice at the “compassionate” release of al-Megrahi?

There is a huge difference in American justice, even for those who are executed in the electric chair or by other methods, and Islamic justice as meted out in Somalia. Before someone is executed in this country, the case is appealed and reviewed on multiple levels by many lawyers and judges, including in many cases, the Supreme Court. To compare these judicial reviews, which may take many years, allowing new evidence to be presented, with the quick non-judicial street justice that is carried out by street thugs is simply abhorrent. It shows a complete lack of understanding and more importantly, morality.

Jew_Lover- great link thanks!!

Funny thing about Muslims...they don't consider raping of non-believers a crime. They don't think that burning cars and businesses of non-believers is a crime. They don't consider beheadings and amputations a crime because that is sharia law.
They don't consider the killing of the kaffir a crime period.
The only crimes they consider are committed by Muslims against Muslims.
That is Qur'anic Islamopathy.

"Also, execution by electric chair is the most vile and inhumane way to kill someone, so look at your own backyard you filthy swine"

Pay attention, you fetid cesspool, and you may learn something:
Stangely enough, there are some people in this country (not even Muslims) who may agree with your assessment of the electric chair. They are VERY active in protesting this practice and have worked VERY HARD within the legal system of the U.S.A to stop this and other forms of execution.

Notice I said "within the legal system" with regards to their protests. That means that, even if others strongly reject their arguments, NOBODY is demanding ANY kind of punishment for the protesters.

Now, where are the Muslims protesting amputations, beheadings, Imam endorsed rape of kuffars, and on, and on???

. . . and what do you suppose would happen if they did? Well?!?

"..also why not ask Muslims in Muslim countries if they prefer Sharia to deal with criminals?"

Millions have already tipped their hand on that. They're still clamoring to get out and move to the west.

So speaketh another aboriginal muslim.

Swine again? Yummy. It's what's for dinner. The only problem I have ever identified with pork is that it is a little more difficult to pair with a suitable wine. You'll rarely miss if you go with beer. Forsaking pork and fermented beverage, Islam shall remain eternally backward.

Also, execution by electric chair is the most vile and inhumane way to kill someone, so look at your own backyard you filthy swine

Actually, the electric chair was developed as a *more humane* form of execution than hanging or the firing squad. Whether it completely succeeded is another issue. It has also been largely superseded in most cases by a method considered yet more humane--lethal injection.

Meanwhile, in Muslim countries--not historically, but within just the past few years--we have seen executions in Muslim countries that have included strangulation, hanging from cranes, beating to death (sometimes preceded by castration, nose cutting, and eye-gouging), tying someone to a post and letting members of his victim's family--including teen-age boys--stab him to death, defenestration, pushing brick walls over on people (with earnest debate among Muslim "scholars" on which of these last two methods are most Halal for dispatching homosexuals), and, of course, stoning--where those same "scholars" debate the size of the projectiles allowed, to insure that the execution is as drawn-out and painful as possible.

Few systems have equaled Shari'ah as to institutionalized cruelty.

Robert, have you neglected your own backyard? I know how busy you are, so hey, I've got a friend who is a terrific landscaper, and he'll also maintain your yard for a reasonable monthly fee, lol :)

"...yet its crooks like you..."

A new poster just recently came on here spewing hatred and that WORD: crooks, crooks, crooks! So I wonder if this love letter came from the same hatemonger: "chachouu"

"...also why not ask Muslims in Muslim countries if they prefer Sharia to deal with criminals?"

Of course they do, because Muslims like you prefer barbaric, evil and unfair systems of "justice", yeah, some justice. And I'm sure the men love sharia, too, since they stand to gain over their women Slaves. O, and don't bother asking these women what THEY think, because I'm sure that they're too afraid to speak the truth for fear of being tapped with a toothbrush.

...and, of course, beheadings, beheadings, beheadings.


How on earth can you watch a video of Muslims sawing off the head of an innocent human being and not consider those Muslims your enemy? You, sir, have lost your head.

Another day, another irrational email protesting the critical scrutiny of the Religion Of the Thin Skinned (ROTS). Yawn.

"(Not muslims, the victims of islam, but the enemy that is islam.)"
Whoa Hesp.... I would have thought you knew me better than that.
I assume that the quote above is what you refer to.
Why are muslims inclined toward violence? The koran...islam, the brainwashing thereof.
Are those that cut heads off in need of killin'? Hell yes! Those that kill in the name of islam? Kill em'!
What I said, was I thought, clear.
Do you not agree with me that muslims suffer for their brainwashing? Do muslims live in, for the most part, ignorance, poverty and violence because of islam?
We have free will, however, for the most part, muslims are usually born in to the slavery that is islam. Those that convert to islam do so out of ignorance of the true nature of islam. All of them victims.
islam is the true enemy of mankind and must cease to exist. This does not mean the death of all muslims, it means the end of islam.
When islam ceases to exist there will be no muslims...only those recently freed of it.
so...most certainly those that cut heads off, burn people alive, murder children in the name of the moon god are my enemy and should be snuffed.
My statement was meant to make clear that muslims in general are not the enemy...it's the disease called islam that infects them that must die...and soon.

islam is a lie and
Truth is killing it.

The Koran was written by a disciple of Satan as a comedy, albeit a sick one. That is easy enough to discern as one looks at the farcical contradictions as stated many times above and elsewhere.

The innocent are sentenced to death by "honor killing" when they are violated (raped, assaulted, etcetera) by their brothers and other relatives, friends, i.e. "peace loving muslims," etcetera. The killing, by muslims, of higher life forms (Christians, Jews, humans, dogs) is meant as high comedy. have you not noticed the smiles and laughter as they, "humanely" slice, dice, burn, stone actual human beings? It's pure joy! See?

Once we understand that Islam is merely a big joke...a comedy, as it were, then we begin to understand that those "peace loving" sack dressed, pajama attired, beings are really just sick jokes, trying to achieve human status. Poor dears! But, they can take heart! When they pass, die, rot, blow themselves into the arms of Mohammad...they will finally receive a VERY warm reception!

"(Not muslims, the victims of islam, but the enemy that is islam.)"
Whoa Hesp.... I would have thought you knew me better than that.
I assume that the quote above is what you refer to.
Why are muslims inclined toward violence? The koran...islam, the brainwashing thereof.
Are those that cut heads off in need of killin'? Hell yes! Those that kill in the name of islam? Kill em'!
What I said, was I thought, clear.
Do you not agree with me that muslims suffer for their brainwashing? Do muslims live in, for the most part, ignorance, poverty and violence because of islam?
We have free will, however, for the most part, muslims are usually born in to the slavery that is islam. Those that convert to islam do so out of ignorance of the true nature of islam. All of them victims.
islam is the true enemy of mankind and must cease to exist. This does not mean the death of all muslims, it means the end of islam.
When islam ceases to exist there will be no muslims...only those recently freed of it.
so...most certainly those that cut heads off, burn people alive, murder children in the name of the moon god are my enemy and should be snuffed.
My statement was meant to make clear that muslims in general are not the enemy...it's the disease called islam that infects them that must die...and soon.

islam is a lie and
Truth is killing it.


That's good to know that at least you unhesitatingly consider the beheaders as the enemy.

"Do you not agree with me that muslims suffer for their brainwashing?"

Sure, but that's not our problem. The danger they pose is our #1 priority. The situation that Islam sets up is of a mass of victims who are also dangerous to us. Just because they are "victims" doesn't lessen the danger they pose to us. Secondly, it is too difficult to discern the difference between the harmless Muslim and the dangerous Muslim. The risk is too high for us to arbitrarily assume that any given Muslim who seems harmless must really be harmless. We must work toward the more rational position whereby all Muslims are guilty until proven innocent. Currently, we labor under the opposite position -- conferring upon Muslims the virtue we have developed in our laws. That is a reckless conferral, with potentially disastrous consequences. Muslim terrorists are not stupid (except the ones who blow themselves up before reaching their target). You can bet that they are working assiduously under the radar to get all their ducks in a row for WMD attacks on us -- and as a crucial part of that, you can bet they are using Muslims who precisely fit the description of a harmless Muslim. This alone renders the category of "harmless Muslim" completely useless to us for our purposes of our #1 priority: our own safety. The fact that there probably exist millions of genuinely harmless Muslims is irrelevant -- and becomes a suicidal fact for us if we take it seriously and use it to limit our policies and methodologies for self-defense.

"islam is the true enemy of mankind and must cease to exist. This does not mean the death of all muslims, it means the end of islam."

I rather agree with Hugh Fitzgerald, who thinks it unrealistic to expect that Islam will ever cease. We must rather assume it will always exist, and of course a certain high number of its agents (= Muslims) will always exist. In light of this, we should make it our main priority to limit its pernicious effects as much as possible. Once a sufficient number of us in the West wakes up (I think it will have to be a majority including all classes of people), we will see that total deportation is one essential way to begin to limit Islam. I think your expectation that Islam will cease to exist at some point in the relevant future places way too much hope in Muslims, and perhaps paradoxically reflects that you are effectively minimizing the high degree of brainwashing hold that Islam exerts upon them. Yes, on the edges of Islam there is a certain number of Muslims who are falling off into apostasy, but I don't expect this number to reach a sufficient quantity such that it puts a dent in the threat Islam poses to us, much less disables it.


Why not post his IP address? That always scares 'em!

Let's see---who has the highest crime rate, the U.S. or Somalia? Which country's legal system administers impartial justice to all? Which country has machine gun wielding muslim fanatics enforcing islamic law based on their subjective interpretations of islam? Which country is an islamic wasteland full of illiterate, destitute people and armed muslim thugs who are hellbent on imposing their religious perversions on everyone?

The anarchist fanatics in Somalia who chop off limbs with butcher knives and behead people with machetes deserve to suffer slow, excruciatingly painful executions. The electric chair would be far too humane for these muslim beasts whose cruelty and malevolence know no bounds.

"What does that have to do with you? You claim Islam is trying to take over the west,"
Actually it is the Muslims who have made that statement. That makes it our business.

"yet its crooks like you that are always trying to enforce their values on Muslim countries."
I agree. Muslim countries and people are not high enough on the evolutionary scale to enjoy Western Civilization and freedom. Keep your despots who model themselves after Mohamed the inventor of Islam.

"Lets compare crime rates between Muslim countries (other than those ravaged by US/Israeli tyranny) and the USA,"
Where a civilized country is ruled by common and natural law, where the power resides in the people, there is order. The people behave in a civilized manner, unlike how people behave in Dar al Islam with their riots,, intolerance, and persecution of minorities and women. There is no comparison between the rule of law in a civilized society and the rule of sharia in Dar al Islam.

"also why not ask Muslims in Muslim countries if they prefer Sharia to deal with criminals? "
Sharia is a vile barbaric seventh century tribal code that deserves a place in history books. My problem with sharia is that it is imposed on non Muslims. Sharia is something that Muslims are doing their best to have imposed on the West. I will ALWAYS resist sharia and Islam.

"Also, execution by electric chair is the most vile and inhumane way to kill someone, so look at your own backyard you filthy swine"
I thought we did lethal injection here. I agree electric chair is brutal, that's why we don't do it anymore. Though it seems more humane than a dull knife and no knock out drugs first.
Now I have a farmer friend who grows pigs and she has a pig roast every year, pigs are intelligent, can be house trained, roll in dust and mud to keep flies off and prevent sunburn, and taste like food for the Gods when slow roasted overnight. Something I would welcome in my backyard.

Tell this Moron author
to go and fly kite...in saudi arabia..

hmmmm...their brainwashing is not our problem...
The brainwashing is the root of the problem. The idea pounded in to their heads that they are superior and therefore should rule.
The cure for that crap is Truth...which is what we are here to spread. Yes?
I think that it is possible for islam to cease to exist...although looking at other evils in the world that have been "defeated", I wonder...how long that might take. We defeated the Nazis , yet they exist...for now.
Innocent muslims...good people...'til the right catalyst is added and POOF! ya gotcha some jihadis.
This may not be PC, but it's what I see day to day.

I am AlaskanInfidel. Does that help to clarify where I'm coming from?

I will die before submitting, and I will take as many of those that would end my life with me as I possibly can...if fired upon.

islam is a lie and
Truth is killing it.

Where has this muslim been, probably on the moon as he worships the moongod hehe! no, seriously, he must know that Al Qaeda and other islamic organisation`s intentions are to take over the world for islam and make it into a worldwide islamic caliphate.
It really is the devil`s intention to do this through the evil that is islam because he hates Almighty God and the human race He created and he is trying to achieve this before the Lord Jesus returns to rescue the Jews before they are wiped out by the devil through the muslim hordes.
You`ve got me going now!! Read bible prophecy, it`s all happening just as it says it would!!