L'Shanah Tovah Tikatevu!

Hugh, Marisol, Benjamin and I wish all our Jewish Jihad Watch readers Shana Tovah u'Metukah! Gemar Chatimah Tovah!

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Toda raba, dear Robert and all the other contributors to this great blog. May G*d bless you, and have a sweet year. Shana tova to everybody and shalom of course.

This Gentile Infidel extends best wishes.!

This Jew-lover wishes all wonderful Jews worldwide a happy Shana Tova.

May God keep you safe and bless you all.


Happy Jewish New Year wishes, from this Australian Gentile, to all Jewish posters and lurkers on jihadwatch, and to all Jews worldwide.

May the Holy One of Israel spread out his hand to protect and deliver you.

May he surround you with a wall of fire, and may he be the Glory in your midst.

For as Geert Wilders put it, when he spoke at the conference called by Aryeh Eldad MK, 'Facing Jihad', in Jerusalem in December 2008:

"We are here to voice our concern over the growing Islamisation of the West.

"We do this in this city, the city of David.

"The city that, together with Rome and Athens, symbolizes our ancient heritage.

"Perhaps a few of you may be new to Jerusalem, yet, Jerusalem is not new to any of you.

"We all carry Jerusalem in our blood, in our genes. We all live and breathe Jerusalem. We talk Jerusalem, we dream Jerusalem.

"Simply because, the values of ancient Israel have become the values of the West.

"We are all Israel, and Israel is in all of us."

Thanks to Robert, Hugh, Marisol and all of the Jihadwatch readers. I'm remembering the piggy bank stories here and a few other places back in 05', and onward, that were so seemingly incomprehensible- muslims being 'offended' at the sight of piggy banks on the desks of bank personel, and not just they, but the toadying leftist politically correct who were, and are all too eager to disavow western cultural symbols because they might 'offend' muslims.

For a thousand years the jews who's kashruth is more comprehensive than the copied version of Islam, would never think nor thought to impose upon gentiles or others what was commanded for them and upon them. That a piggy bank- a sign of frugality, thrift, a compartment to save within for a rainy day, for family, would be 'offensive' simply because it was an image of a pig, was and is preposterous. Beyond that.... why is it preposterous.

That for a muslim to believe such a thing is quite fine... for them, if that is their choice. That is a 'religiou's belief. But for them to extend it to others, and demand that others can't view such an image, that... is a political belief. And according to our western
judeo-christian ideas...ideas begun in the Torah, the sanctity of the individual and the state mandate that impositions such as the muslims are contrary to those principles of
freedom and the obligations of the judeochristian world.

The Left seems more than comfortable with imposing out of a perverse sense of political correctness, this tyranny upon others, over a mere symbol. They will pursue the right for muslims to have footbaths for proper prayer in public venues but children uttering a personal prayer in school of the christian variety will be as staunchly fought.

And this is the point: that if we could point out the tyranny of such impositions we will fight on the basis of these commonsense principles that need to be steadfastly defended.

As this Jewish new year begins, I too offer the 'compliments of the season' hat tip to all.
It is a time of remembrance, and a reconnoitering. For a good year, and a sweet year, and to steal a really good phrase...'to life liberty and the pursuit of happiness'



you and all other Jewish jihadwatch regulars are much in my prayers; especially those who live in Israel. The number of times I have read Psalm 83 on your behalf!

I have always remembered, Mark, your story (posted here way back in 2006) of your exchange with the Tibetan monk who, unlike the dalai lama, knew all he needed to know about Islam, and shocked you with what he told you.

I was so struck by that story that I copied and saved it; I think I will re-post it, in fact, for the benefit of new readers and lurkers; not in this thread, however, but in the thread about the burning of the Coptic church by Muslims.

Thank you. God bless you.

Once more: Happy Jewish New Year to you [Mark Goldberg], Epistemology, Shy Guy, Frieda (if you're still there...I hope so, though I know you're advanced in years), Jewcat, Jewdog, Sheikyermami, Chicagotrance [Intensedebate moniker: are you still there? new nom de plume?], jdamn, nakal, elderofzion...I'm sure there are others, but you're the ones whose names come readily to my mind.

I always look out for, and enjoy, your postings, Mark; as I enjoy the postings of all our Jewish friends here. (I used to love the postings of 'elderlyzionist' a couple of years ago).

Shana Tova u'Metukah! Gemar Chatimah Tovah!

Keep the faith and remain forever free....the alternative is not pretty...


This sort of posting means more than you may imagine, even as sophisticated as you are.

Blessings back atcha, and the rest of the JW team.

I wish all of our Jewish friends a happy New Year. May our Lord Israel safe.

Shana tova to you all, and may God's Inscriptions in the Book of Life be good ones for this year, 5770.

To Rubert, Hugh, Marisol and Benjamin, thank you all for the hard work you've done this past year, it's very much appreciated.

dumbledoresarmy.... reading my copy of the infidels guide to the Koran, and Stealth Jihad and the 15 or so other books, regarding the Jihad, have come about essentially because of that old guys statement way back when.... a warning that seemed so unimportant, even meaningless to me then.
I don't remember if I ever told the time I was jogging in Brooklyn NY and went into a 'palestinian' health food store, grabbed a beverage and there were some of the guys who would go on to bomb the world trade center back in 93'- I think it was them. And watching the TV in 93' and seeing the FBI going into that store and it's adjacent apartments and seeing those bombers faces and thinking how maddening it all was. Remembering the slaughter murder of Rabbi Kahane in NYC, prior to that, with the FBI, sitting on a trunk full of untranslated documents and evidence of the Jihadists for three years.
And now they use arab muslim translators.... not coptic Egyptian, or Israeli's . Madness.

And now we have the flowering of the Jihad globally, with even fox news reporting on the Rifqa Bary case in Florida, on it's morning show, as showing no evidence of any harm to come to the girl, if she is sent home.....

The world of dhimmitude...... Anyway, coming to Jihadwatch is something I recommend to people all the time, and it is a truly comprehensive site of reporting, with the hard dollars and cents in depth analysis that ordinary joe's and josies can really dig down into to do the elbow grease study work that is so necessary to understand all these issues.

Anyway.... Happy New Year to each and all. Let all our freedoms ring!


Shana Tova to all who are Jewish and are watching and contributing to this blogsite.

We infidels are much obliged to the good work you, as a people, have done for the intellectual history of the world.

Have a good and happy New Year.

Blessings to all our Jewish friends. May the G-d of Israel strengthen and sustain you throughout the coming years!

I just want to add here my wishes of a Happy New Year to our Jewish posters. G-d Bless you all!

To those who post who are Jewish, a wonderful Jewish New Year!

I was at work when this thread was posted.
It is probably dead now but I would like to say....
Shalom to the Jews in Israel and abroad.
You are a blessing to us gentiles!
Genesis 12:3
May The Lord bless you and keep you.
Zecheriah 9:8
Lots of Love.

שנה טובה! Shana Tova!

Happy New Year! May God bless Israel ,may the Lord Bless you with his loving kindness always . Shalom