New York jihad plot: Authorities know of "three distinct teams of four men each"

An update on this story. "Active Terror Cell Prepared NYC Attack, Officials Say," by Brian Ross, Richard Esposito, Clayton Sandell, and Megan Chuchmach for ABC News, September 21:

After overnight arrests this weekend in the alleged New York terror plot, FBI agents believe an active terror cell directed by al Qaeda was preparing an attack on New York City, and authorities say they have yet to identify everyone involved.
Officials tell ABC News they know of three distinct teams of four men each, but there may be others linked to the plot that remain unidentified.
Law enforcement agents say they're watching a number of people on round-the-clock surveillance who they suspect might have been part of the alleged terror cell. [...]
Court records show [Najibullah] Zazi ran up more than $50,000 in debt on 20 credit cards, leading to concerns he was preparing for a suicide mission. He declared Chapter 7 bankruptcy in Mar. 2009, and while he told investigators he had been traveling to Pakistan see his wife, he checked the "not married" box on his application form....

Uh, whoops.

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Hesperado..........if that ever happens the vocal ones of us will be more so. Like you I am sick of all of the PC crap. It is time to shout out our concerns and inform the idiots of the danger afoot. Most Americans are Party-Blind and follow goodness while honoring the Golden Rule, but that is not applicable anymore.

I is hard for anyone to understand how our PC MC leaders either do not care or are badly blinded by the PC MC mentality. I think it is a combination of the two and one feeds on the other.

With our "leaders" turning the country socialist, don't expect any change in the PC MC mentality from the current government. The "supreme leader" is a hidden Moslem. Once the country is demilitarized, the population disarmed, and our nuclear retaliatory capability reduced, we will be like the Scandinavian countries: open to non-violent invasion by Moslems with multiple wives and a propensity to loll idly about on government welfare turning out litter after litter and forming Islamic enclaves where the police fear to go.

authorities say they have yet to identify everyone involved.

Here is a hint boys, its called islam and find the mosque to connect the dots!

After Regan, Americans elected one traitor to the White House, after another:


Since, their POTUS is also the commander-in-chief, Americans elected traitor commander-in-chiefs. It ns not that Americans did not have a choice.... They had their chance in Tom Tancredo:


......... but Americans discarded patriots as xenophobic zelots.

Well, now Americans have the 'change' they voted for.

Meanwhile, also in New York, another 'hard-working' muslim:

Maybe the Obamahdi's Cairo Speech was not enough. Maybe he should press the "reset" button on Islam. I know! More interviews on Muslim TV! He should campaign in Muslim countries to deliver his message directly to those who matter - the people!

Plus, it would keep him out of our country.........

After Reagan, Americans elected one traitor to the White House, after another:

Actually, the first disloyal Prez was the slimy Jimmy Carter, who sold out to the Moslems when he got into bed with that old pederast Yassir Arafat and they went on to win a Nobel Peace Prize... as a reward for the notable Jihad war terror operations run by Yassir.

*** 47:33 ***

The various leaderships in contemporary Western civilization have decoupled from reality, adopting instead a Fictive Reality that feels more comfortable - in the short-term at least.

Prez Obama (I call him Hussein for short) said to the Ummah that we've lost our moral compass. And he was right. If you can't disrespect Islam, fear Islam, and fight against Islam, then you are either immoral or amoral, and are badly letting down your children and grandchildren.

The Fictive Reality has gotten so thick, so concrete, that what we saw this summer can be understood, where the globo-socialists running the White House and Congress reacted angrily and with disbelief that anybody would dare oppose the programs they like to play for one another in their ideological echo chamber.

*** 8:58 ***

Marxists have a natural affinity for Moslems. Mooches both; a world takeover Cause for both.

How was Najibullah Zazi able to run up $50,000 in debt on 20 credit cards and then declare bankruptcy? That's considered fraud. The bankruptcy should be set aside his debts reinstated and his property liquidated. This Muslim committed fraud along with plotting to maim and kill people. Disgusting, Muslims really are the scum of the earth.

'Their here'...said the little blond girl as demons flew out of the tv...

They don't come out of tv's anymore, they arrive by train, plane, and automobile...

We allow them into this country knowing full well that we may need to look for them later when we actually don't know who they are. Frustrating..but it makes as much sense as sending Afghans ammonium nitrate for their "crops".

Court records show Najibullah Zazi ran up more than $50,000 in debt on 20 credit cards, leading to concerns he was preparing for a suicide mission.

Or he was just planning to screw some Infidel banks out of some money. Would he do that to one of our new Sharia bank?

*** 9:3 ***

Allah and His Messenger dissolve obligations.

And so do Mohammedans.

this is absolutly scary and dangerous.

1. what in the heck are they doing announcing it all over the news?

2. Islam again proves it is a religion of Terrorism

3. Islam and Imams cannot be trusted as one tipped off the suspected islamic terrorists..

4. So much for obamas kissing ass and apology tour.
this is what happens when you kowtow to the Terrorists.

just ask jimmy carter he is a master at helping the Islamic terrorists...

I hope they catch them before we see another couple hundred dead civilians.