"Moderate" Palestinian Prime Minister: Palestinian state will be Islamic state

Not that that will stop Obama, or anyone, from pushing for its creation. "Palestinian Prime Minister Belies Moderate Image With Working Policy Paper About Future Palestinian State," by David Bedein for Israel Resource Review, September 17 (thanks to Andrew Bostom):

Throughout the month of August, 2009, Palestinian National Authority Prime Minister Salam Fayad met with more than fifty members of the US Senate and US House of Representatives.

In press conferences held by almost all American elected officials after meeting the American educated Fayad, the consistent impression that they conveyed was that Mr. Fayad represented a "moderate voice of leadership" for a future Palestinian state that could live alongside the state of Israel.

However, a group of Israeli peace groups received and distributed an English version of a position paper for a future Palestinian state that Mr. Fayad submitted at the end of August to the Middle Quartet Negotiations Task Force, which includes The UN, The EU, The American government and the Russian government

Fayad's paper "Ending the Occupation, Establishing the State:Program of the Thirteenth Government - August 2009"

The preface to Fayad's paper introduces a Palestinian state that will strive for "peace, security and stability in our region on the Palestinian territory occupied in 1967, with East Jerusalem as its capital".

However, Fayad's 38 page position paper reads like a declaration of war, not of peace.

Fayad asserts that "Jerusalem" will be the Palestinian capital of the Palestinian state - not East Jerusalem.

In case anyone was wondering if Fayad had made a typographical error by not mentioning "east" Jerusalem as the capital of a future Palestinian state, Fayad repeats - ten times - that he means Jerusalem, all of Jerusalem. Fayad leaves nothing to the imagination, and writes that the Palstininian stat will " Protect Jerusalem as the eternal capital of the Palestinian state", because Fayad asserts that "Jerusalem is our people's religious, cultural, economic and political center. It is the Flower of Cities and Capital of Capitals. It cannot be anything but the eternal capital of the future Palestinian state. Jerusalem"...

Fayad declares that the Palestinian State will be an Islamic state and "Promote awareness and understanding of the Islamic religion and culture and disseminate the concept of tolerance in the religion through developing and implementing programs of Shari'a education as derived from the science of the Holy Qur'an and Prophet's heritage".

In sum, Fayad concludes with a demand for a Palestinian state in the next two years, along the parameters that he has outlined, with an Palestinian state that will have all of Jerusalem as its capital, in an Islamic Sharia state that will campaign for all convicts to be freed, for all refugees to return to the homes and villages that they left in 1948.

A voice of moderation?

It would be interesting to know if the peace groups that distributed Fayad's working paper ever bothered to read it.


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Fayed, with his suit and his tie and his reputation for being an apolitical "technocrat," and with his American experience, is useful for the "Palestinian" Arabs as they downplay their never-ending ferocity, and -- purely for Western audiences of those whose goodwill they need, that is those whom they most need to inveigle through personal charm and the plausible delivery of plausible lies that depend on the intended audience's ignorance both of Islam and on the nature of the war being waged (a tous azimuths) against Israel.

Salam Fayad is the perfect front man for this. He's the Very Type and Original of the Nobody-Here-But-Us-Accountants School of "Palestinian" Arab representatives. Why, the henchman for many decades of Yassir Arafat, during some of his bloodiest years, Mahmoud Abbas (didn't Obama say, anent Ahmadinejad, that Holocaust-denial was intolerable? Yet Obama is meeting and exchanging smiles and handshakes this week with Abbas, whose MGU doctoral thesis was a long-winded discussion of the "exaggerations" of the Holocaust, which is merely a form of Holocaust denial. Why has his involvement in the worst acts by Arafat, why has his Holocaust-denial, why are everything that Abbas said at that recent "Palestinian" gathering in Ramallah been so wilfully ignored in the calculation of American policymakers, beginning at the Islam-ignorant and naive top? How many more times must what some smyler with the knyf under the cloke says, for the most obvious reasons, to powerful people in Washington or New York -- all that fake sweet-reasonableness, all that display of hollow indignation, and feelings-of-being-deeply-wronged, all that inattention to the nature of Islam and so to the nature of the war being made on Israel, not this year, not this decade, but for the entire history of the Arab Muslim attempt to throttle the existence, and then before that the coming-into-existence, of any nation-state, or any entity, that would be by, for, and of any non-Muslims (or, for that matter, any non-Arab Muslims, such as Kurds and Berbers and blacks in the Sudan).

Why is history, recent and ancient, continually ignored? Why are the texts and tenets of Islam ignored? When did a factitious and phony "peace" -- that is, a Rose-Garden Peace Treaty, which should never be confused with a durable peace (a durable peace requires Arab Muslims to refrain from attack based, not on the impossible abandonment of Islamic doctrine, but on the forced invocation of Darura, that is "necessity" -- which can only happen if the Infidel enemy remains not only overwhelmingly stronger, but is clearly perceived as such).

But who has been the model, who has been the camouflage, who has inspired Mahmoud Abbas to take on the coloration that he does, chameleontically, whenever he meets with Western leaders, so mindful as he is, this Slow Jihadist who differs not in ultimate goals, but only in matters of timing and tactics, with the Fast Jihadists of Hamas, that he needs that Western aid to keep on flowing, and flowing,and flowing, to the "Palestinians" so that they can continue to make war, in every way, on the Infidel nation-state of Israel?

Why, that Perfect Model of Deportment, that speaker of American English, that man who is known for being merely a technocrat with a slide rule (oops, that dates me -- strike that, and put in here the name of any economic-planning software you wish), that man whom Mahmoud Abbas would have you think he is, is none other than Salam Fayad.

Fayad, however, is merely the useful front man, no doubt someone whom we are all so delighted with merely because he happens, apparently, not to be corrupt (unlike Abbas and his family, or all the other warlords of Fatah), and a great front for the malevolent men of Fatah and that "Palestinian" "Authority" that, without American and Israeli military and financial aid, would collapse in a New York minute.

"Jerusalem is our people's religious, cultural, economic and political center".

What utter nonsense! Jerusalem is so important that it is given no mention at all in the qur'an.
You will rue the day you ever set your sights on Jerusalem!

What a joke, if palestine wanted to realy be free they would be smart to be absorbed by Israel. Then they would be free to worship as they please, they would be given access to the prosperity in Israel. Now, they would not have Jerusalem as there capital, but it is all ready a mosque where Muslems do not alow Jews to pray, so whats the diff?
This as alweas, has nothing to do with a palesinian state, and every thing to do with Muslem hatered, and Islamic end times doctrine.

May the pork be with you,

The obscene muhammadan supremacist claims never end

Abraham was a muslim
Jesus was a muslim
Jehovah is really allah
The Bible is corrupt
The Quran is the perfect word of god

and this whopper:

"Jerusalem is our people's religious, cultural, economic and political center. It is the Flower of Cities and Capital of Capitals. It cannot be anything but the eternal capital of the future Palestinian state. Jerusalem"...

I'm thinking that somebody might have an earlier claim on Jerusalem than those tricky jihadis.

Fayad's paper "Ending the Occupation, Establishing the State:Program of the Thirteenth Government - August 2009"

Lucky thirteen.


A voice of moderation?

It would be interesting to know if the peace groups that distributed Fayad's working paper ever bothered to read it.

Here's the Huffington Post's take on things--they seem to be savvy enough to realize the enormous red flags here--including the "small omission" of the modifier "East" with "Jerusalem"--but then decide to consider this a great roadmap for peace anyway, and conclude by saying:

"This is the very first time that we have seen a concrete, rational, official Palestinian projection of what a Palestinian state might look like and how it could sustain peace as a democracy based on the rule of law. That has been an important missing ingredient in all the past efforts to concoct a peace between Israelis and the Palestinians. We should give Salam Fayyad our full support and help him make his vision real."


Is there an implication that Hell is going to freeze over 2 years from now?

Abraham was not a jew - 1/2;
Jesus was not a jew or a christian (according to some christian theologians he was above all that) - 1/2;
Jehova is really Allah (official view of The catholic church) - 1;
The Bible is corrupt (see Joseph Weeeles and many others) - 1;
The Quran is a perfect word of God (reasonable claim to be as perfect as Bible) - 1;
4 out of six. Not to bad for a claim.

Hugh wrote:

But who has been the model, who has been the camouflage, who has inspired Mahmoud Abbas to take on the coloration that he does, chameleontically, whenever he meets with Western leaders, so mindful as he is, this Slow Jihadist who differs not in ultimate goals, but only in matters of timing and tactics, with the Fast Jihadists of Hamas...

Remember, all of this fast-Jihad and slow-Jihad is entirely relative. Here are the fast-Jihadists of Hamas, after crushing their rivals, the even faster-Jihadists of Jund Ansar Allah (JAA, “The Soldiers or the Partisans of Allah”) [Ghazi Hamad of Hamas on Al Jazeera]:

Al Jazeera: “Don’t you think that the people you just killed are more faithful to your constitution calling for the establishment of an Islamic Emirate on all of Palestine than yourselves, who are in power now?

Ghazi Hamad: “These guys wants to establish the Caliphate immediately on any part of liberated land, they are irrational; they don’t understand how Jihad works, we do.”

Let's get on with the shari'a paradise for the Palestinians already. Until they have their own state, as defined by the UN Charter, Israel will be hampered in its efforts to defend itself in accordance with article 51 of that same charter. And until the myth of a peaceful sharia state is unambiguously exposed by its own implementation this debate will rage ad nauseum. It is hard to think of a people more deserving of a shari'a state than the Palestinians. What better pox upon their house than the freedom to impose shari'a upon themselves with all the violence that is typically required to enforce it? Give them a state. Let Israel invoke article 51 of the UN Charter, and let the world gaze at amazement at the abject bankruptcy of the Islamic ideology in all its glory.


You've drunk the cool-aid.

diversified and multicultural are two things an Islamic state will never become...

To : Pulsar182

Its hard to marginalize the radicals within Palestinian society when radicals within israel are not helping matters and Palestinians are treated as second class citizens :


This is the very first time that we have seen a concrete, rational, official Palestinian projection of what a Palestinian state might look like and how it could sustain peace as a democracy based on the rule of law.

Is this author an idiot? What makes them think that an Islamic state based on Sharia would be a democracy?

Promote awareness and understanding of the Islamic religion and culture and disseminate the concept of tolerance in the religion through developing and implementing programs of Shari'a education

Tolerance in Islam for what? I genuinely don't understand what this means.

ding dong pong!

typical muhammadan blames everything on the Jooooos!!!


My recollection is that the PLO was formed in 1964.

Gee, wasn't the West Bank part of Jordan in 1964?

My advice ping pong, is to take your head out of your ass. As a muhammadan you hear with your eyes and think with your feelings.

Try to think for a change.

I know exactly what a "Palestinian" state would look like. It would be ruled by various warlords. They would extract as much money as they could from the West, claiming that if they did not receive such aid, the "extremists" might be strengthened. They would then use such aid to do two things: enrich themselves (enlarging the villas they already posssess in France and enriching their American bank accounts or those of their children). They would continue to receive as much aid as possible from Saudi Arabia. And they would continue to make claims on Israel, demanding this and demanding that. They would cut off all water from the aquifers on which Israel depends. They would allow in Arabs and other Muslims to establish terror cells that would unceasingly attempt to attack -- and sometimes would be able to infiltrate, by land, by air, or by sea -- Israel, just as Nasser's fedayin did -- some 19,000 separate attacks, not all of them resulting in casualties -- until the Suez Campaign.

They would continue, unceasingly, at the U.N., with the help of the Arab and Muslim bloc, to wage diplomatic war on Israel. They would do this at every internatinal forum, every gathering, every meeting of the various subgroups of the U.N. such as the Human Rights Commission. They would everywhere continue to use Saudi and Emirati and other money from rich Arabs to buy influence, not only among foreign governments, but to make sure that departments and professors who taught about the Middle East or about Islam were properly taken care of, and others, who might wish to speak the truth, were intimidated and silenced. They would continue to hold out the false hope, to a Western world with hijabs appearing in every neighborhood, on every street, and Muslims becoming ever more aggressive and violent and demanding, with the spirit of compliance and defeat and craven capitulation in the atmosphere, all over the Western world, and Western governments would more and more be amenable to abandoning Israel to its certain fate, in the eyes of Arabs and other Muslims (those who followed the rules of Islam and allowed themselves to be most emulative of the Arabs). And the kind of people who have even suggested recently that America should prevent Israel from defending itself against a nuclear threat from a country ruled by a regime whose head declares that he is proud to have declared the Holocaust a fiction, and that Israel must be wiped from the map, and that nothing will prevent his country, his regime, the Islamic regime that has brought moral ruin and intellectual desolation to Iran, from acquiring nuclear waeapons will be forming policy, and not be represented simply by a lone antisemite -- why not reveal oneself fully these days, especially if Jimmy Carter has done so -- such as Zbigniew Brezezinski.

That's what a "Palestinian" state would be -- an "agent of change." And the "change" is that now those who have been conducting the Jihad against Israel, who conducted it before 1948 against the Jews who bought land and settled in what to them was always the Land of Israel, and tried to help restore the Jewish commonwealth in their ancient homeland, and succeeded, in the end, magnificently (and are a standing reproach to the snarling Arab nations, who Iago-like maintain "He hath a daily beauty in his life that makes mine ugly"), will be far far more likely to succeed, and to snuff out the young life of the tiny Jewish state, which after nearly 2000 years, and heroic efforts by Jews inside and outside of Israel, was at long last re-established, and if it disappears, destroyed by Arab Muslims intent on making their Dar al-Islam one uninterrupted Muslim sea, and intent on making sure that no Infidel nation-state exists anywhere, but especially one ruled by long-despised Jews, right in the middle of that rising Islamic sea, there will be no second chance.

And the moral and mental consequences for what remains of the Western world will be both terrible, and incalculable.

Palestinians certainly are predictable..they will do precisely as Sir Hugh says...history shows this is their behavior...the behaviour of Muslims has changed very little in 1400 years...I believe this current crop of Muslims is worst yet...and now they are acquiring nuclear weapons...Didn't Nostradamus predict a big bang event?...