Random jihad in Egypt: Muslim murders Christian shopkeeper, stabs two others

"There is anger among the Christians because they feel their blood has been made cheap." Their blood was already cheap. "The indemnity paid for a Jew or Christian is one-third the indemnity paid for a Muslim." -- 'Umdat al-Salik, o4.9

"Egyptian Christian's murder sparks sectarian tension," from Deutsche Presse Agentur, September 17 (thanks to The Religion of Peace):

Cairo - A large crowd of angry Coptic Christians gathered in front of a church Wednesday in the Egyptian town of Bagur, following the murder of a Christian shopkeeper and the stabbings of two others, police said....

"There is anger among the Christians because they feel their blood has been made cheap," Archbishop Stefanos, head of the Mar Girgis (St George) Coptic Church in al-Bagur, told dpa.

He said that a man repeatedly stabbed local shopkeeper George Abdu, 63, in the abdomen and the neck, killing him, then fled on a Harley-Davidson motorcycle.

The archbishop said that the killer drove 4 kilometres to the village of Bamahai and repeatedly stabbed a cobbler, who suffered wounds to the head and lung.

The suspect then drove to another nearby village, Mit Afifi, and stabbed a third Christian man, Hani Barsum, in the neck. Barsum and the cobbler were hospitalized, Stefanos said....

Wednesday's attacks resembled a string of attacks in April 2006 in Alexandria that led to bloody street clashes between Muslims and Christians in the Mediterranean city.

In that incident, according to police accounts, a sole, "mentally deranged," Muslim man stabbed three parishioners in a church, then attacked worshippers at two other churches. One 78-year-old man died from his wounds....

"Mentally deranged" -- of course! We always hear this in connection with incidents like these. And certainly stabbing and attacking random people in churches is not what anyone would term "normal" behavior. But the possibility that such a man might be acting from a sense of outrage caused by Islamic teachings -- specifically the idea that these Christians are not submissive and hence have forfeited their right to live in rebelling against the rule of the Muslims -- is not even considered.

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Jihad against elderly shopkeepers and cobblers. This cold-blooded killer had to travel to three separate villages to find enough Christians to murder.

Can we get a comment from Abdullah Mikhail or that "woman" from "Brooklyn"? Is this the reason you are Muslims? Just asking.........

Egyptian authorities, interested in law and order, will overlook anything like this because eliminating Christians works to bring the order they desire.

the blood of the faithful in Christ will be avenged by the One Lord. adherents to Sharia who abide by the wishes of their only model of behavior as found in Mohammad, even if they ride a Harley, have need to beware: Allah cannot save anyone.

This is typical Islmo-pathic behavior and it is not the actions of a sole "mad man" but a pious follower of Muhammad's(piss be upon him) teachings.


I had a prophetic dream early this morning, just before awakening, that Muslims around the world had three years to repent from Islam or they will be destroyed. I replied to "the messenger", whom I think was called "Mistreal" or maybe "Mishkael", "Three years...Amen to that" before getting out of bed, about 4:00am this morning, and shaking my head wondering what had transpired. I wrote the dream down as best I could remember and immediately set to reading the Koran to find out why the Almighty might be so pissed at Islam that he would destroy all Muslims. I found the answers very easily in short order.

Don't we call this Sudden-Jihad Syndrome?

If he was mentally deranged why would he target a specific group of people unless there was an bigoted idealogy behind his madness.

Islam's 'brakes' are almost down to the metal. There's nothing left in Islam to stop Islam.

Read this article from Fox news about the American Christians trying to get Chrisitian babies out of Egypt by adopting them. Note the US Embassy actually alerted the moslem Egyptian authorites about them and had them arrested.

Yes, I know there was some irregularies by the couples however, the moslems make it almost impossible to save these kids through adoption.


Read this article from Fox news about the American Christians trying to get Chrisitian babies out of Egypt by adopting them. Note the US Embassy actually alerted the moslem Egyptian authorites about them and had them arrested.

What else can we expect from a Christian-hating US administration - and successive administrations have been appeasing Muslim bigots for many years, and those years include trying to kick out an 11-years-old Polish Christian girl who'd lived in the US since she was two and her parents were US citizens, and now we have Coptic Christian babies barred from entry. Of course, it would be asking too much to expect the US administration to prevent highly-dangerous Somali and Saudi Muslims from entering the country - even after the 9/11 atrocity. They fell over themselves in order to get the 19 hijackers into the country and believe their lies. They thought it was nothing more than a joke when one of the 19 hijackers stated they wanted to learn how to fly but not how to land, and to keep out these hijackers would be deemed as racism and bigotry - the biggest 'sins' imaginable in a country shot through with political correctness, which has now risen from the foundations to the top of the chimney. Not one hate-peddling imam seems to have been kicked out of the US, whilst a Christian convert seems to be on the verge of being sent back to her hateful Muslim family (hmm, how did her right eye get like that?) When CAIR screams "Jump", the US Government duly jumps like the good dhimmi.


what's the background to the Coptic Christian babies in the orphanage?

Is it that unless they can be got out of the country into Christian families (and I note that those trying to adopt, were not 'white Anglo-Saxon Americans', but people from the Coptic Christian community in America), they will be raised as Muslims?

Can they not be adopted by Coptic Christians within Egypt? Or do the Muslims block that, as well?