Stacy McCain is a genius!

It took two years, and now the useless and damaging blogwar is finally over. Field Marshal Robert Stacy McCain is marching triumphantly into Berlin, having left the libel-and-hate site Little Green Footballs a smoking ruin with his rollicking, witty, and intelligent posts -- enjoy them here.

At this point virtually everyone in the blogosphere, except CAIR tool Charles Johnson's new Leftist and jihadist allies, knows what I have been pointing out ever since he began attacking me: that Charles Johnson is a smear merchant who traffics in half-truths, distortions, and outright lies, and whose testimony on any particular point is not to be trusted. That is all to the good, but like any war, even a blogwar leaves devastation in its wake: friendships have been broken, alliances have been sundered, unjust suspicions have been raised about decent people, and rifts have developed among people who were and are working for a common cause. (Also, some cowards, collaborators, and self-serving slitherers have been duly exposed.) The lies and half-truths Johnson and his accomplices have spread and are spreading continue to do damage -- after all, he is now a primary source of talking points for Hamas-linked CAIR.

This is all on Johnson's head, and always will be. He can never undo the damage he has done. Nonetheless, the war is over. McCain has finished him utterly, and he will never wield the influence he once had. One may only hope that those who began to catch on to him when he went after Beck, or Limbaugh, or Coulter, or Christians, will now recognize that Johnson started on his journey of betrayal and lies not at those points, but when he turned on those who attended the Counterjihad Summit in Brussels in the Fall of 2007. Those who may still believe the lie that that was a "neo-Nazi" gathering should realize that they allowed Johnson to take them in, go back and reexamine the evidence, and adjust their views of the conference and the people involved in it. It would be an act of simple justice to do so.

In the meantime, enjoy Stacy McCain's posts. The Field Marshal is an extraordinary writer, and he richly deserves his victory march.
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Johnson is a sociopath and a fraud.

Seriously, he always seemed like a rascal to me, when he was to my right and now that he is on my left. Nothing ever rang true, nothing ever seemed authentic.

johnson was over and out as soon as he downplayed the jihadist threat, and shunned all of the legitimate anti-jihadist's for the slimsiest of reasons. What a pathetic punk, he's right where he belongs.

Seems some creepy crawlies have yet eluded Robert's redoubtable steam iron.

Go Robert!

In an odd sort of way, I do owe a bit to Charles because it was the blog war he ignited in October 2007 that really got me interested in politics. Haha.

Just out of curiosity, I went to LGF, a site I have never gone to.

Charles Johnson has got a "They Might Be Giants" song called "Your Racist Friend" posted, and dedicated to "the lovely folks at Hot Air."

So, he's calling the Hot Air Bloggers such as Michelle Malkin "racist?"

Wow. I guess anyone who dares criticize Islam is "racist," according to this clown.

We are all racists, now, Darcy. We just have to embrace our inner racists. Here is the point I would like to make for race baiters like Cankles: "If it is racist to point out that the voodoo economic policies of our Halfrican-American-Kenonesian President will send us headlong back into the dark ages of the success that is Zimbabwe, then make the most of it."

And let me congratulate "They Might Be Giants" for further diluting and divesting the buzz word "racist" of any real meaning in the early 21st century.

Over-use, Lefties, over-use.

Well, in this fascinating and modern age we live in, we're all racists now. Might as well embrace it ;)

I just was thinking: it's so odd that it's been almost two years since the original "blog war" with Charles started. It doesn't feel like two years to me.

Indeed, Stacy marks the time CJ took on Pamela over the Brussels Counter Jihad Summit - and lost - as the point when King Charles started going mad. The narcissist couldn't accept being proven wrong by someone he considered beneath him (in the typical superior lefty, and perhaps misogynist, fashion).

For someone who only recently decided to get involved (because of CJ's attacks on him) it was a remarkable bit of research and analysis by The Other McCain.

Call me naive.

I still don't quite get how that green football person got to attract so much attention.

I know, he broke a big news story some years back.

So? He's a nut who once broke a big news story.


Glad to see him getting his cumuppance.

Are there that many 100's of thousands of green football fans on the net, or can everybody forget about this dope now?


Charles who? LGF? never heard of him

"that green football person" -- joeblough

That was funny, joe, thanks for the chuckle. I agree, I was never interested in that site, either.

LGF and Charles Johnson have had their fifteen minutes (metaphorically speaking) of fame. They're already passing into mostly forgotten history. JW and Robert Spencer, by comparison, will endure because truth is the greatest of allies and a guarantor of longevity.

Interesting - I went through over a week of LGF pages because I heard somewhere that no new people were joining any more, and indeed there was no registration post. There used to be a registration post at least once a week, welcoming XX new lizards. Guess it got more and more embarrassing as X->0.

Never had any time for LGF. His poor skills were always evident - inability to critically analyse, refusal to admit mistakes or correct errors, broad-based condemnation of entire nationalities based upon nothing more than flawed assumptions...I could go on. But all of that was self-evident three and four years ago and a number of bloggers did try pointing this out. However, back then LGF was the golden boy of the American blogosphere so no one would listen.

"broad-based condemnation of entire nationalities based upon nothing more than flawed assumptions."

Huh? CJ would never do that -- that would be racist -- unless the entire nationality one is condemning is America, that is.

While I totally agree that CJ has been a fool and a liberler and a liar I am a bit disturbed that RObert seems to feel that Limbaugh and Coulter have never said or done (especially in Limbaughs case) to be taken to task about. Also it seems he feels that to attack "Christians" somehow makes any valid thing a person says icing on a treasonous cake.
It would be impossible to show without lying mercilessly that CHRISTIANITY is violent or about anything but peace but this is NOT to be insane enough to try to claim that somehow "Christians" are off the hook for criticism if a person also wants to criticize Islam. Why?
Islam takes the prize on violence hands down but that being said no one can deny that HERETICS of non-Islamic religions have done some pretty outrageous things from time to time.
Usually Robert is very good about links to back story material. There are no links in this one but if Robert is referring to specific UNJUST criticisms of SPECIFIC incidents then I will say I agree with him in this case but still find the "One may only hope that those who began to catch on to him when he went after Beck, or Limbaugh, or Coulter, or Christians, will now recognize that Johnson started on his journey of betrayal and lies not at those points," part a bit Orwellian in tone.

CJ is down, why give him future ammunition to use that actually can hurt more than a thrown marshmallow?

I've seen Robert's comments in quite a few places of late. For me reading them, there is a delectable schadenfreude.

I still laugh at the delinking smackdown from Ace. In the place where LGF used to be, it now reads, in that dead black versus live read type, "Lotta Good Fine Blogs Out There; Why Not Try a New One Instead of Old Ones That Have Gone Off Their Trolley?"

To heretic crusader:
I think Robert's point is that people like Limbaugh and Beck and Coulter already have a large enough presence that when Johnson started attacking them, people already knew who they were and did not simply take Johnson at his word. On the other hand, when Johnson calls less famous people "white supremacists" it can more easily stick because this is the first time many people have heard of the person being libeled.