Top jihadist, mastermind of Indonesia and Bali jihad attacks, dead

You find out when you've reached the Top, you're on the bottom.

"Terrorist Noordin Top confirmed dead," from The Sydney Morning Herald, September 18 (thanks to all who sent this in):

Jakarta: Terrorist mastermind Noordin Mohammed Top was killed in a police raid on a militant hideout in Central Java on Thursday, Indonesian police have officially confirmed.

The 41-year-old Malaysian-born extremist was one of four militants killed in the raid near Solo, national police chief Bambang Hendarso Danuri told reporters....

Noordin led a hardline splinter group of terror organisation Jemaah Islamiah.

He was the suspected mastermind of July's attacks on the JW Marriott and Ritz-Carlton hotels in Jakarta that killed seven, including three Australians.

Authorities believe he also masterminded a 2003 attack on the Marriott, a 2004 attack on Australia's embassy in Jakarta and the 2005 Bali bombings that killed four Australians.

It's believed he also helped plan the 2002 Bali bombings which killed 202 people, including 88 Australians....

Noordin's death will be a major setback for Islamic extremists throughout Indonesia and Southeast Asia.

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The Jihadist now knows that the 72 virgins, the pearly boys, and the rivers of wine were all just a hoax perpetrated by the Con Man Warlord to get minions to die for him.

"Noordin's death will be a major setback for Islamic extremists throughout Indonesia and Southeast Asia."

We can only hope that is true, but until the cult that spawns the hatred is reformed or eliminated, there will always be some other thug willing to step up and take his place. While killing the individuals may be satisfying in the short term, it will not solve the problem: the texts, tenets, and teachings of Islam which call for worldwide domination of all other cultures, religions, and governments.

"Noordin's death will be a major setback for Islamic extremists throughout Indonesia and Southeast Asia."

It may be a setback for the kind of conspiracies that plan and execute high profile attacks like the Marriott bombings, which bring unwanted international attention. But it won't do much to stem the continuous, chronic attacks by dozens of different gangs that murder Buddhists in Thailand, and kill Christian schoolgirls and burn churches in Indonesia. Nor will it do anything to deter government terrorism like that in Malaysia that targets non-Moslems (remember the destruction of the Sky Kingdom cult center), nor that in Indonesia where Sharia law is being imposed in some provinces.

they are like drug dealers....allways going to be replaced by some one else.

"Of course, I'm disappointed! All I get is an old French whore, Andy Dick and an inadequate vintage from Australia! This is not what the Prophet promised! Why is everything on fire!"

- Noordin Mohammed Top, somewhere in H - E - double hockey sticks.

Noordin's death will be a major setback for Islamic extremists throughout Indonesia and Southeast Asia.

Let's hope so--and that there isn't some eager lieutenant ready to step into the breach.

I in no way want to make light of this--it is *always* cause for celebration when one of these big Jihadists is taken down. But as long as the Jihad ideology is alive and festering--and supported, through Zakat and general approval, by millions of "ordinary Muslims", it will not end.

So Noordin was an "extremist"?????

In what way - was he advocating equal rights for women? Non-supremacy of Muslims? Separation of mosque and state? Those would be extremist positions.

There is nothing "extreme" about a Muslim advocating terror, domination, subjugation and destruction. Those are run-of-the-mill, mainstream beliefs, not "extreme" in the least.

To echo comments above, it's good news, but there will be many to fill the breach. As Robert mentioned before, it's like the many-headed hydra: chop one head off and another one pops back in its place.

Another idiot in the wind.

You beat me to the punch. My thoughts exactly.

Well Nakal

It is news like this. is all the meditation I need

Cheers, the dog avator

Well Nakal

It is news like this. is all the meditation I need

Cheers, the dog avator

It's time for my usual "Good Riddance" remark.


"...The 41-year-old Malaysian-born extremist was one of four militants killed in the raid near Solo,..."

the only way to get rid of the radical terrorists is to go in and get them......waiting for them to attack you never made any sense to me...

Noordin Top was an experienced bomb maker, bomb making trainer, terrorist recruiter and suicide attack organiser. His killing will save quite a few lives in the medium term by reducing the number and effectiveness of bomb attacks against "western" targets.

In the long term his death will actually help the Islamic extremists in Indonesia - Nooradin Top's groups activities were an embarassment to them and brought pressure on the the authorities to do something. Soon they wull be able to get back to attacking local non-muslims and coercing their community without the government interfering.

Interesting to note, he was caught in Solo home town to Bucktooth Bashir.

One mosquito down, innumerable others in difficult to locate places camouflaged among harmless flies all over the globe to go.

Top offed?

Allah Must Have Known Best.

What Noordin Mohammed Top said to his False Prophet in the Very Hot Place, after having had a devastating interview with the Judge of Heaven and Earth:

"Mohammed! You lying b*st*rd! You didn't tell me God was a JOOOO! ARRRGH!"

Dumbledore's: I see you read John 1, too.

tanstaafl: You don't suppose that Noordin Top is now getting bu****ed by Yasir Arafat, do you?

He now finding out that islam is a lie and that there isn't 72 virgins waiting for him, just a lake of fire for a$$hats like him.
Trace Adkins puts it very well!
Very apt, don't you think!!