UK cops arrest Muslim leader: he falsely claimed he was abducted by racists

Here is the original Guardian story, before Ramjanally was exposed as a liar. But now he has been arrested, his claims apparently fabricated out of whole cloth.

Why would he fabricate a "hate crime" against himself? For the same reason that the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), an unindicted co-conspirator in a Hamas funding case, has claimed that "anti-Muslim hate crimes" have risen sharply in the U.S. since 9/11. In fact, the rate of such crimes has actually dropped.

Ramjanally and CAIR know well that victimhood is big business: insofar as they can claim protected victim status for Muslims in the U.K. and the U.S., they can deflect unwanted scrutiny and any critical examination of how jihadists use Islamic texts and teachings to justify violence and supremacism.

That's most likely why, like Ramjanally here, CAIR and others have not hesitated to stoop even to fabricating "hate crimes." They want and need hate crimes against Muslims, because they can use them for political points and as weapons to intimidate people into remaining silent about the jihad threat.

"Police arrest Muslim community leader who claimed he was abducted by racists," by Vikram Dodd for the Guardian, September 3 (thanks to all who sent this in):

A Muslim community leader who claimed last week to have been abducted from his own home by racists as part of a British National party hate campaign, has been arrested on suspicion of perverting the course of justice.

Noor Ramjanally had told the Guardian that he was taken from his flat in Loughton, Essex, by two white men at knifepoint. He said he had been bundled into a car boot and driven to Epping Forest where the men threatened him unless he stopped holding weekly Muslim prayer sessions at a community centre. The prayer sessions had been the target of a leafleting campaign by the far right BNP.

Ramjanally blamed the extremist party for inspiring a terror campaign against him, including his claim of abduction which he alleged had happened on Monday 24 August in broad daylight. Today police arrested Ramjanally, 36, after consulting the Crown Prosecution Service.

Detectives are continuing to investigate allegations that he suffered a firebomb attack and received hate mail in July. Last night Ramjanally was being questioned at a police station in Harlow.

Last week he said that after being snatched he had been driven for 10 minutes to the forest, walked around and threatened. "They said 'We don't want your Islamic group in Loughton.' I was scared, I feared for my life. I was in a forest, a knife was held against me, how would you feel? They said, 'If you don't stop, we'll come back.'"...

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The enlightened progressives at 'Harry's Place' are sooo sorry and have their knickers in a twist:

While this will be the cause of gloating and “I-told-you-so”s among the usual suspects, it’s really quite depressing when you consider how much damage Ramjanally’s apparently false report will do to his fellow Muslims. It doesn’t change the reality of the BNP’s toxic campaign against Muslims and other minorities– it only adds fuel to it. It will make it harder for Muslims who really do suffer harrassment and violence because of their religion to be believed. It’s bad news all around.

In other news:

Charles the Lizard backs the Trufer Czar Van Jones:

Why would he fabricate a "hate crime" against himself?

Oh, come on. Ever since Tawana Brawley, every time I hear of a hate crime that doesn't actually involve broken bones or comparable physical injury, I assume it's a hoax until I see evidence to the contrary.

Although the Guardian in places attempts to appear neutral ("Muslim man claims", "told the Guardian that") its enthusiasm elsewhere to report a hate crime as a fait accompli betrays its eagerness to take sides.

Should the police and possibly the courts decide it was a hoax, will the Guardian apologise?

Yeah, sure.


Yes, and I wonder if the tricky Bunglawala, who made great play of this story, will be offering a retraction?

What was the verdict on Safia Jilani, the Elmhurst College student who last October concocted the story of an attack on her, and was charged with disorderly conduct. Last I can find is that her lawyer said she'd had mental health problems and was asking that the case be heard in a mental health court. That was last November. Anyone know the outcome?

Shiek Yermami - They can't be believed anyway. Even if a Muslim came up to me all black and blue claiming he'd been beaten by infidels, I'd assume he was lying and beat himself up for effect.

The very fact that they use taquyya so often, destroys the credibility of ANY muslim.


I found this report from May this year, in which Jilani is said to be seeking trial in a 'mental health court'

When you vote in Great Britain, at this point you should vote to protest. You are not necessarily voting for the party that you wish to rule, but you are voting in order to make all the parties wake up. You are using the vote as a sign of your disgust with (almost) the entire political class, and your insistence that the casual introduction into Great Britain of large numbers of Muslims, who are busily taking every conceivable advantage of the country's great, even suicidal, generosity, and then some, while having no intention, most of them, of ever offering true, not feigned, and permanent, not temporary, loyalty to the legal and political institutions, the individual liberties, the free and skeptical inquiry, the modes of artistic expression, that the non-Muslims of Great Britain -- and only the non-Muslims of Great Britain - have received as a legacy from non-Muslim Englishmen, Welshmen, Scotsmen, and others who have arrived and contributed, and could do so, were happy and proud to do so, because it is uniquely Muslims who, in contradistinction to all other immigrants, arrive in the countries of Western Europe bearing in their mental baggage an alien and a hostile creed, onne that is immutable, and one whose hold on its followers is extraordinary, akin to the results achieved by totalitarian ideologies such as Nazism and Communism. That is correct point of reference for Islam, and not those non-political faiths we call "religions."

Those who have flirted with the idea of voting BNP might be more inclined to do so in light of them being forced to consider changing their rules on membership. They may be opening the party to all races according to a report here:
I would be more likely to vote for them. Others perhaps less so.

StephenA55, I've just been reading about that. There's also a popular groundswell of opinion that Rajinder Singh, who has been a BNP supporter and advisor on things Islamic for many years, should be the first ethnic member and be given honorary life membership for his services.

Are you giving an endorsement to the BNP? Your words are exactly my mindset.

The BNP would be better to blow off any baggage that relates them to racists. They must realise that its a bigger battle that they are fighting and i think it will serve them well to change their rules of membership.

The fact that this Muslim targeted the BNP is a sure sign that they fear this party. Labour has also targeted them further given evidence to those who want to see, that this is the only party the will change the course of the destruction of Britain by the very forces of those who fear them.

This is yet one more example that justifies my belief that you can't trust a muslim.

Ramjanally is obviously a poor, mentally disturbed person who happens to be a Muslim prayer leader. He is misguided and has acted in a way which is condemned by all true followers of the 'religion of peace.' Even if he is prosecuted he will get a very light sentence or none whereas the BNP is threatened with proscription and banning orders. Let us simply give him a cuddle and wrap him in the blanket of Christian love. The Guardian is so left wing it makes Lenin seem like a Tory.