UK Muslims attack 9/11 remembrance rally

This is what it has come to: "The police can't handle the Muslim counter-demonstrators. The senior sergeant said that he doesn't want any of his policemen killed."

Note that the SIOE demonstration didn't even take place. The people who were responsible for the violence were the Muslim counter-demonstrators. There is an awful lot of passive voice in this egregious BBC story, but what happened is still more or less clear. The mainstream media only generally breaks out the passive voice in large quantities when it doesn't want to identify the perpetrators -- after all, one wouldn't want to appear "Islamophobic," eh wot?

"Eight arrested in mosque protest," from the BBC, September 11 (thanks to all who sent this in):

Eight people have been arrested during a demonstration outside a mosque in north-west London where an anti-Islamic protest was planned.

About 1,000 people gathered outside Harrow Central Mosque as activists from Stop Islamification of Europe planned to demonstrate outside the mosque.

Unite Against Fascism were also present to "defend the mosque", they said.

So it's "fascist" to oppose the spread of an ideology that would extinguish free speech, freedom of conscience, and the equality of rights of women with men and of people of all creeds? Tell me another.

Bricks, bottles and firecrackers were thrown at police officers who are present in riot gear at the scene.

These were thrown by the Muslims. Pamela has photos.

Just after 2000 BST, police said there were a small number of people in the area. Mobile patrols are continuing in a bid to reassure residents.

Earlier, hundreds of youths, some covering their faces with scarves, were in the area and there were skirmishes with police as some demonstrators broke a police cordon.

"Youths" -- heretofore this code word for Islamic jihadist thugs was restricted to continental usage.

'Saddened and dismayed'

Stop Islamification of Europe (SIOE) said they planned a "peaceful protest" against the building of a five-storey mosque next to the Harrow Central Mosque.

But in a message on their website SIOE said the protest had been called off and organiser Stephen Gash had been arrested.

The posting read: "If you are on your way to the demo, don't go, it's being called off right now.

"The police can't handle the Muslim counter-demonstrators. The senior sergeant said that he doesn't want any of his policemen killed."

Seven people were arrested for possession of offensive weapons including a hammer, a chisel and bottles of bleach.

Police believe these arrests were not linked to the SIOE protest.

Another person was arrested to prevent a breach of the peace, police said.

Police also stopped a number of people, who they believed were heading for the anti-Islamist protest, from getting to the protest area.

"If the SIOE demonstration started it would have resulted in serious disorder," a statement from police said....

And so SIOE leader Stephen Gash was "arrested to prevent a breach of the peace." Think about that for a moment. "Arrested to prevent a breach of the peace."

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I was following this yesterday via the website of the Harrow Times, who announced earlier in the week that they stood 'shoulder to shoulder with the mosque and community leaders, condemning any attacks on the Harrow community'
No matter how they sliced and diced it nothing could disguise the fact that all the violence was from the Muslim element of the 'defenders' much to the embarrassment of local worthies.
Comments gloating about the 'Hell of a beating' meeted out were deleted, along with sensible comments pointing out where the blame for the violence lay.
More intelligent, self called moderate Muslims have commented this morning, admonishing the violent youngsters for 'playing into the hands of the right wingers'
Every newspaper today contains pictures of angry Muslim men with faces either covered or suffused with hate brandishing sticks or throwing bricks. Give them enough rope and they will surely hang themselves, which I hope will be a positive eventual outcome to the last month's assorted events.
I predicted an interesting summer. Lets see what tomorrow brings.

I was following this yesterday via the website of the Harrow Times, who announced earlier in the week that they stood 'shoulder to shoulder with the mosque and community leaders, condemning any attacks on the Harrow community'
No matter how they sliced and diced it nothing could disguise the fact that all the violence was from the Muslim element of the 'defenders' much to the embarrassment of local worthies.
Comments gloating about the 'Hell of a beating' meeted out were deleted, along with sensible comments pointing out where the blame for the violence lay.
More intelligent, self called moderate Muslims have commented this morning, admonishing the violent youngsters for 'playing into the hands of the right wingers'
Every newspaper today contains pictures of angry Muslim men with faces either covered or suffused with hate brandishing sticks or throwing bricks. Give them enough rope and they will surely hang themselves, which I hope will be a positive eventual outcome to the last month's assorted events.
I predicted an interesting summer. Lets see what tomorrow brings.

I was following this yesterday via the website of the Harrow Times, who announced earlier in the week that they stood 'shoulder to shoulder with the mosque and community leaders, condemning any attacks on the Harrow community'
No matter how they sliced and diced it nothing could disguise the fact that all the violence was from the Muslim element of the 'defenders' much to the embarrassment of local worthies.
Comments gloating about the 'Hell of a beating' meeted out were deleted, along with sensible comments pointing out where the blame for the violence lay.
More intelligent, self called moderate Muslims have commented this morning, admonishing the violent youngsters for 'playing into the hands of the right wingers'
Every newspaper today contains pictures of angry Muslim men with faces either covered or suffused with hate brandishing sticks or throwing bricks. Give them enough rope and they will surely hang themselves, which I hope will be a positive eventual outcome to the last month's assorted events.
I predicted an interesting summer. Lets see what tomorrow brings.

You can tell I used to be a civil servant - posts in triplicate.
Sorry about that - I blame my PC.

That's OK, Esmeralda, your report from the scene deserves to be read three times!

Haven't found anything about this yet on the CBCs website here but expect it will be similar to the BBCs -- lots of the passive voice. Gee, missiles just mysteriously fly through the air as though self-propelled and planes crash into buildings with no apparent cause.

You're on the front lines, Esmeralda.Please keep us informed.

I'm off to look up the Harrow Times.

""The police can't handle the Muslim counter-demonstrators. The senior sergeant said that he doesn't want any of his policemen killed."

Then call in the military, perferrably those units with Afghanistan and Iraq veterans...

Ahh ...all im seeing in the british tabloids this morning is objective reporting!
the facists are getting a severe pasting,especially the uaf lot,and hundreds of pictures of muslims doing what they do best!...rioting!.
and the govt tells us the edl are the problem!...i dont see them throwing bricks,bottles etc at the police.
another nail in the coffin of about shooting yourself in the foot!

Take a look here and then follow your nose, roving where your fancy takes you.

The next time SIOE proposes a demonstration, they will know that they should have greater numbers and be better armed. If the police cannot protect them, they are on their own.

The peaceful demonstration didn't even happen and STILL there were riots about an 'offence to islam'? It says that the police stopped people who were 'believed' to be heading to the protest area. That sounds like a breach of the right to peaceful protest, surely illegal??

This is just getting absurd. The worst thing is the vague way they report arrests makes it sound as if there were only dangerous right-wingers (right-wingers in the BBC sense of the word, i.e. anyone not a cringing leftie, merely people with no political agenda who are defending themselves from the spread of islamic intolerance) causing violence and mayhem, when a quick look at the photos tells the complete opposite.
It seems more likely that it was only the muslims and UAF monsters being arrested for throwing missiles of bricks and firecrackers (?!) at police. Oh, and the organiser of the demonstration got arrested for thought-crimes. Poor guy.

I'm sure I read somewhere about there being a new demonstration by either EDL or SIOE in Trafalger Square tomorrow, if that's true then I want to go...

This story here represents how the Left is twisting the truth:

John Denham, the Communities Secretary, with the aid of TimesOnline twists the truth and makes the peaceful protesters look like Nazis. He sides himself with the taquiyya of the Islamic community by comparing a protest against a religion that preaches intolerance equal with the anti-Semitic marches in the 30’s by Mosley’s fascists. Does this clown not see the irony of his idiotic comments? Which religion TODAY still goes out of its’ way to persecute Jews?

Denham is quoted as saying, “If you look at the types of demonstrations they’ve organized it looks pretty clear that it’s a tactic designed to provoke and to get a response and hopefully create violence.”

So now, exercising peaceful democratic rights of assembly “provokes” violence. Denham clearly manages to put the entire blame on the demonstrators because, in the islam 101 book of “How to avoid responsibility for your actions,” it is always a form of intolerance that causes you to behave badly; in this case, the intolerance was an exercise of democracy, something islam itself doesn’t tolerate.

But it gets better. Because the muslims are so easy to provoke and can’t seem to integrate into society, let’s fix the problem. How? Well…

“He announced the government were about to unveil a programme, targeted at mainly white, working-class communities, to tackle right-wing extremism.”

Yep, blame whitey. Obviously, this will be a dhimmi oriented program developed by Asian community workers (muslim activists) to get Britons under control and become ever more prepared for the creation of the UK Caliphate. Again, the irony. The only “extremism” is the ever ready violent response by muslims who can’t tolerate non-muslims trying to stand up for themselves.

Finally, the last 4th and 3rd paras in this story, “The crowds had been there since noon but it wasn't until a small group of right-wing protesters arrived just after 5pm that the demonstration turned violent.
Bricks, bottles and firecrackers were hurled at police in riot gear and nine people were arrested for possession of offensive weapons including a hammer, a chisel and bottles of bleach.”

Here, the TimesOnline has purposefully engaged in deception. The way that this is written paints the violence as having been carried out by the SIOE and EDL, when it was the muslims on site who were assaulting the police, and also alludes all the arrests as being of “right-wing” protestors.

Through-out the article, the right is portrayed as intolerant Nazis who have nothing better to do than incite violence and assault police, when in fact, the very purpose of this demonstration was to bring attention to the islamification of Europe, and Britain. Why? For the very reason that islamification of communities in Europe has only brought an increase in violence and police assault. Don’t believe me, just look at which section of the population has the largest percentage of it’s’ followers in European jails; and I’m certain they didn’t end up there because of right-wing incitement or intolerance – more likely too much left-wing tolerance of intolerant ilsamic behaviour.

"The police can't handle the Muslim counter-demonstrators. The senior sergeant said that he doesn't want any of his policemen killed."

Then arm the police and if the demonstrators become violent, shoot them!! End of problem!! Here in the US the police wouldn't be at a potentially violent demonstration without pistols, shotguns, and assault rifles. What's the matter with the cops in the UK???

It's like the police there have no real power at all, and rely strictly on compliance of what they say, not of threat of what they would/could do.

This is hugely significant, IMO, in that in practice the people no longer have a right to demonstrate against Islamic extremism. As many of us have been theorizing for years on this subject, the tensions are rising to the point where the government has to choose between allowing Islamification or allowing free speech and anti-Islamic protests which may very well result in violence. The easiest path for the government is going to be to postpone violence by preventing the the natives from protesting, and I'm sure that's the route they'll take first, as this incident illustrates. But how long can you keep the lid on the pressure cooker?

As has been said before:

1. A large Muslim population

2. Western liberal concepts of free speech and assembly

3. A peaceful civil society devoid of major violent conflicts

...choose any two of those that you want, but you can't have all three simultaneously.

This story here represents how the Left is twisting the truth:

John Denham, the Communities Secretary, with the aid of TimesOnline twists the truth and makes the peaceful protesters look like Nazis. He sides himself with the taquiyya of the Islamic community by comparing a protest against a religion that preaches intolerance equal with the anti-Semitic marches in the 30’s by Mosley’s fascists. Does this clown not see the irony of his idiotic comments? Which religion TODAY still goes out of its’ way to persecute Jews?

Denham is quoted as saying, “If you look at the types of demonstrations they’ve organized it looks pretty clear that it’s a tactic designed to provoke and to get a response and hopefully create violence.”

So now, exercising peaceful democratic rights of assembly “provokes” violence. Denham clearly manages to put the entire blame on the demonstrators because, in the islam 101 book of “How to avoid responsibility for your actions,” it is always a form of intolerance that causes you to behave badly; in this case, the intolerance was an exercise of democracy, something islam itself doesn’t tolerate.

But it gets better. Because the muslims are so easy to provoke and can’t seem to integrate into society, let’s fix the problem. How? Well…

“He announced the government were about to unveil a programme, targeted at mainly white, working-class communities, to tackle right-wing extremism.”

Yep, blame whitey. Obviously, this will be a dhimmi oriented program developed by Asian community workers (muslim activists) to get Britons under control and become ever more prepared for the creation of the UK Caliphate. Again, the irony. The only “extremism” is the ever ready violent response by muslims who can’t tolerate non-muslims trying to stand up for themselves.

Finally, the last 4th and 3rd paras in this story, “The crowds had been there since noon but it wasn't until a small group of right-wing protesters arrived just after 5pm that the demonstration turned violent.
Bricks, bottles and firecrackers were hurled at police in riot gear and nine people were arrested for possession of offensive weapons including a hammer, a chisel and bottles of bleach.”

Here, the TimesOnline has purposefully engaged in deception. The way that this is written paints the violence as having been carried out by the SIOE and EDL, when it was the muslims on site who were assaulting the police, and also alludes all the arrests as being of “right-wing” protestors.

Through-out the article, the right is portrayed as intolerant Nazis who have nothing better to do than incite violence and assault police, when in fact, the very purpose of this demonstration was to bring attention to the islamification of Europe, and Britain. Why? For the very reason that islamification of communities in Europe has only brought an increase in violence and police assault. Don’t believe me, just look at which section of the population has the largest percentage of it’s’ followers in European jails; and I’m certain they didn’t end up there because of right-wing incitement or intolerance – more likely too much left-wing tolerance of intolerant ilsamic behaviour.

That article includes news video. Notice the last line of the vid says something about how "right-wing protests are causing fear in this community". Fear of what? That they won't always keep getting their way?

James, you said:

"It's like the police there have no real power at all, and rely strictly on compliance of what they say, not of threat of what they would/could do."

That security in one's authority likely used to be good enough for the Brits, James. Actual armed and violent, resistant perps were likely few and far enough between to keep the cops carrying nothing but billy clubs.

It comes down to a long tradition of respecting authority, a lack of a wild-west or frontier history, and possibly sportsmanship (You know when it's over, and you've lost, so might as well go quietly, eh?)

(A singular example of a cop who had that kind of security in his authority would be the legendary Sam Steele, upon whom all later RCMP myths would be based. He knew what his job was, and that he was the guy in charge of a wilderness. He simply expected his orders would be followed, and they were. And he was fair and equitable, and expected the same sort of deference from everyone, whether French or English-speaking, a visiting American, or a Native Indian.)

However, this kind of system breaks down when the society using it is swamped with people from an alien society who aren't so well behaved as the British and their various cousins, and who don't share the same cultural traditions, never mind the same idea of what or who counts as an "authority".

This is where Britain and the rest of Europe are having a problem, I think - they just can't grok the idea that a group of people can truly be uncivilized ... and dropping a high number of uncivilized people into civilized society can't end well when the savages actively resist becoming civilized, because they think civilization is uncivilized.

That made your head hurt, eh? Welcome to Islamic logic.

"When Sharia comes to your door
How you gonna come?
With your hands on your head
Or the trigger of your gun?

Oh, the guns of Britain

When Jihad comes in
How you gonna go?
Stretched out on the pavement
Or waitin' on Death Row?

Oh, the guns of Britian

(With mucho apologies to the Clash and Joe Strummer (may he rest in peace))

Sorry about the double post, but typepad glitched, and refreshing the page somehow added an extra post. Not an uncommon event from what I’ve seen since JW got rid of IntenseDebate (and for good reason).

Spirit Wolf, you got it right. But I’ve been thinking lately about the other changes to our British influenced sense of social decorum. My wife works IT at a college, and she mentioned Thursday that students just don’t have the common sense to cue in line anymore unless there are barriers in place. The sense of entitlement pervading our game-boy society seems to have eroded the community responsibility that would normally be enshrined in the minds of Canadian children. Not being told, or having to, wait their turn has resulted in young adults not having the social skill sets that keep our society civilized. Now transport that same situation to the UK and add an Islamic community with its’ own sense of entitlement, and civilization declines even further.

Are there any other UK posters here who could fill me in on how new muslim immigrants cue for un-barricaded services in Brittain, or do they just mass in gang like they do in Pakistan?

Good morning, Granny Weatherwax! I love New English Review....definitely a must read for me daily.
When I read of the preemptive arrest of Gash reminds me of the movie Minority Report.

Excellent take on your presence on the event Kinana. Will you be posting your pictures you took anywhere we can view them?

This is where Britain and the rest of Europe are having a problem, I think - they just can't grok the idea that a group of people can truly be uncivilized ... and dropping a high number of uncivilized people into civilized society can't end well when the savages actively resist becoming civilized, because they think civilization is uncivilized.

Yep, Spirit Wolf, you're so right. How long will it take Europe to learn and kick out those who actively resist becoming civilised? It's five to twelve. We have to get our act together and go for it, otherwise we'll be in for it. prevent...a breach....of the peace....

Darkness at Noon. UK 2009.

"So it's "fascist" to oppose the spread of an ideology that would extinguish free speech, freedom of conscience, and the equality of rights of women with men and of people of all creeds? Tell me another."

Charles Johnson says 'yes' :).

These are Harrowing Times.

Take a look at this "anti-right-wing demonstrator". He looks like the stereotypical right-wing soccer hooligan. Ironic, isn't it?

This is a harbinger of what is to be the future of Europe. Government policies are creating a tinderbox by suppressing the legitimate concerns of its own native citizens. Tensions are building and suppression will no longer work. Limiting freedoms out of fear of Muslim violence is now the official position. Something has to give. Civil disorder will grow.

"This is where Britain and the rest of Europe are having a problem, I think - they just can't grok the idea that a group of people can truly be uncivilized ... and dropping a high number of uncivilized people into civilized society can't end well when the savages actively resist becoming civilized, because they think civilization is uncivilized."

Posted by: Spirit Wolf


Nail, you have been hit on the head by Spirit Wolf. Most of the West just can't wrap its head around the idea that, when given a completely free, educated choice, many (most?) Muslims will freely choose traditional Islamic values over liberal Western values whenever the two conflict---and they sure as heck do conflict.

"When Jihad comes in
How you gonna go?
Stretched out on the pavement
Or waitin' on Death Row?

Oh, the guns of Britian

(With mucho apologies to the Clash and Joe Strummer (may he rest in peace))"

Posted by: tanstaafl


You know, in 2009, I imagine Joe Strummer would be brought up on hate-crime charges for the lyrics to "Rock the Casbah", as would Siouxsie Sioux for the lyrics to "Arabian Nights".

Hello, Jewel, thanks for those kind words.
Kinana, thats an interesting piece - I'll keep an eye out for your photographs.

This is only a 'demonstration'
Some youths in scarves, anti-fascist supporters, a breach of the peace.
Hopefully the police will pass along all their deversity and sensitivity training to the army before things get too restive or troubling. Before that I'm sure the government will have finally stamped out rascism.
or learned to duck

Then, Mr. Policeman, watch your culture be KILLED.

And this is the very same Harrow in which one finds the ancient and famous school for boys, normally coupled with that other more famous ancient school for boys, Eton, as witness the phrase 'Eton and Harrow'?

But *now* the name of Harrow, associated for centuries with a great and ancient school that inculcated, among other things, the Greek and Latin classics, is in the news because of swarms of violent and lawless young Muslim men attacking a few Britons who had the temerity to protest the transformation of a Mosque into a much bigger Mosque.


Kinana - seconding Kaffir Kanuck - that's a nice piece of citizen journalism you've produced. Thank you. I think it gave a somewhat better idea of what was actually happening, namely, who was doing what, when, than any of the newspaper reports!

The Harrow Times, as linked to from the New English Review, has many quite revealing comments under the news reports from all kinds of Harrovians, some who were involved. For example, one humourist said:

'In deference to the Archbishop of Canterbury and the Royal Commission for Political Correctness, it was announced today that the local climate in the UK will no longer be referred to as "English Weather".
Rather than offend a sizeable portion of the population, it will now be referred to as "Muslim Weather".
In other words - partly Sunni, but mostly Shi'ite.'

This one from 'stickupkid' was less funny:

you know like it or not we gave it to them bnp scum they only reason we started attacking the police was beacuase they were protecting the skinheads they should of just lets us kick there heads in, may be instead protect the kids and women. It was not just asian men , it was arabs blacks and whites as well plus i tell you i have never had so much fun in harrow before in my life lets just hope they try it again i am pumped for round 2 ... and stop acting so suprised that this happend in harrow, cus theres more things to come and you can quote me on this!

Pulsar - seconding your posting of 5.26 am, above. If the police think they cannot handle marauding mobs of Mohammedan males, then it's time to call in the army and restore order, ASAP, by the use of perceptibly overwhelming force. Squash 'em.

Gmccal - re your posting of 6.06 am, above. If I were the SIOE or the EDL I'd be making sure that a significant proportion of those planning to attend such demonstrations, were people with training in self-defence and martial arts, or even former soldiers. Those attending *must* have contingency plans - assume the worst! - and some sort of head protection tucked in a backpack would be advisable, to put on if the bottles and bricks start flying.

The SIOE and EDL organisers ought to be discreetly making contact with the Sikh and Gurkha communities, too - they have *no* love for Mohammedan marauders, and a long tradition of fiercely fighting them in defence of civilisation. Indeed, informal sessions in which, for example, a few formidable Sikhs, Rajputs and Gurkhas share their stories of their ancestors' sufferings under, and resistance to, Islam, with the native British who are trying to screw up their courage to take back their streets and towns from the Mohammedan Marauders, might be good for morale. Joint training sessions in How to Hold Your Own Against Mohammedan Mobsters might ensue.

I suspect that a goodly sprinkling of Sikhs in full regalia marching right in amongst the native English resistance, at the next anti-sharia demonstration, might give the Mohammedans pause. And it would make any charge of 'racism' look extremely silly.

Esmerelda - re the multiple postings. Typepad takes its own sweet time to process your comment...and watched comments never seem to post. So: rather than grow ulcers with frustration, I keep my latest 'Barnabas Fund' prayer booklet next to the computer. I write my comment; I hit 'post'; and then while Typepad does its leisurely thing, I pick up my prayer sheet and find the 'topic of the day'. Alternatively, I pick up the latest book - at present I am re-reading Nonie Darwish on sharia - and read a couple more pages.

Spirit Wolf - good observations in your postings above. OT - may I say, seeing as you used to be 'ChickCartoonist' while we were using IntenseDebate, how much I *love* your new nom de plume. It's beautiful. Poetic - and powerful.


I re-read your account of events in Harrow as experienced by you.

I notice that you mention seeing a 'black flag' - "Anti-demo demonstrators were packed in front of the Mosque, closing off the street. People stood on top of the bus stop, a few had the black flag with Arabic writing on it. "

I think one such flag is visible in one of the MSM news stories online.

I would hazard the guess that that 'black flag with Arabic writing on it', which you saw held up by some of the Muslims 'on top of the bus stop', would be the traditional black flag of Jihad.

Dumbledore's Army wrote:

I would hazard the guess that that 'black flag with Arabic writing on it', which you saw held up by some of the Muslims 'on top of the bus stop', would be the traditional black flag of Jihad.

Yes, DA. This is the same "black flag of Islam" that Omar Bakri has wanted to see "fly over 10 Downing Street.

more, from above:

And so SIOE leader Stephen Gash was "arrested to prevent a breach of the peace."

Police also stopped a number of people, who they believed were heading for the anti-Islamist protest, from getting to the protest area.

More "preventative law enforcement"--something totally alien to a democracy, yet seen more and more as applied to anti-Jihad demonstrators--in Britain, in Germany, and in the United States.

Meanwhile, the only pro-Jihad demonstrators arrested were in "possession of offensive weapons including a hammer, a chisel and bottles of bleach"--and were throwing bricks, bottles and firecrackers at the police.

So who represents the real danger? This SIOE posting makes things clear:

"The police can't handle the Muslim counter-demonstrators. The senior sergeant said that he doesn't want any of his policemen killed."

Here's how the moronic Harrow Times covers the issue of the then upcoming demonstration, in its August 29th edition:

Here's a quote:

“It is disgusting that we have been targetted because Harrow has such good interfaith relationships."

Unfortunately, the idea of Harrow Muslims having such "good interfaith relationships" seems rather belied by the facts of the violent riot related above.

The comments section is especially idiotic, with several posts implying an association between demonstrators against 9/11 with those who would have supported the Holocaust.

To tanstaafl and Boston Tea Party:

You guys left out another song from the British Bands of the 80s:

"I'm a Stranger (Killing an Arab)" by The Cure.

One good thing in all this: the publicity might help Geert Wilders, in a general way. People who dare to be fed up with Muslim shenanigans are becomingly increasingly willing to say they are.

Esmerelda Weatherwax, dumbledoresarmy, gravenimage

Thanks for the support. I had never been in such a situation as this before and am glad to have been able to shed some light on what happened.

As for the black flag I was told once by a Muslim, if I remember correctly, the writing was the Islamic profession of faith. But others here I am sure would know more about that than I.

I attended the day because I was unaware that the Demo had been cancelled! Nor was I aware that 'The senior sergeant said that he doesn’t want any of his policemen killed.'

If I could speak to him I would say:

Well Sir, neither do I.
But what is the solution?
Is it to become a mini-Muslim as per Quran 9:29:

‘Fight those who believe not in Allah nor the Last Day, nor hold that forbidden which hath been forbidden by Allah and His Messenger, nor acknowledge the religion of Truth, (even if they are) of the People of the Book, until they pay the Jizya with willing submission, and FEEL THEMSELVES SUBDUED.’

or to call in more resources to prevent that from happening?

Islam teaches that you and all non-Muslims are to submit to the rule of the Sharia. It seems that that is what you have just done.

Truly demoralizing.

The government were told dozens of times that immigrants were coming into the country at such a rate as to be impossible to integrate them into the wider community. The other problem, completely ignored by the government, was the level of illiteracy of third world immigrants who would need considerable and long term assistance if they were ever to integrate. Consequently we now have a problem where huge numbers of immigrants can't and won't speak English, can't and won't work and are completely reliant on handouts and benefits. The quality of immigrants into the country from Asia and Africa has resulted in practically no benefit to the host country at all and many will remain a drain on the social services system and will never contribute anything of any value.

The government were told dozens of times that immigrants were coming into the country at such a rate as to be impossible to integrate them into the wider community. The other problem, completely ignored by the government, was the level of illiteracy of third world immigrants who would need considerable and long term assistance if they were ever to integrate. Consequently we now have a problem where huge numbers of immigrants can't and won't speak English, can't and won't work and are completely reliant on handouts and benefits. The quality of immigrants into the country from Asia and Africa has resulted in practically no benefit to the host nation at all and many will remain a drain on the social services system and will never contribute anything of any value.

The government were told dozens of times that immigrants were coming into the country at such a rate as to be impossible to integrate them into the wider community. The other problem, completely ignored by the government, was the level of illiteracy of third world immigrants who would need considerable and long term assistance if they were ever to integrate. Consequently we now have a problem where huge numbers of immigrants can't and won't speak English, can't and won't work and are completely reliant on handouts and benefits. The quality of immigrants into the country from Asia and Africa has resulted in practically no benefit to the host nation at all and many will remain a drain on the social services system and will never contribute anything of any value.

The government were told dozens of times that immigrants were coming into the country at such a rate as to be impossible to integrate them into the wider community. The other problem, completely ignored by the government, was the level of illiteracy of third world immigrants who would need considerable and long term assistance if they were ever to integrate. Consequently we now have a problem where huge numbers of immigrants can't and won't speak English, can't and won't work and are completely reliant on handouts and benefits. The quality of immigrants into the country from Asia and Africa has resulted in practically no benefit to the host nation at all and many will remain a drain on the social services system and will never contribute anything of any value.

The government were told dozens of times that immigrants were coming into the country at such a rate as to be impossible to integrate them into the wider community. The other problem, completely ignored by the government, was the level of illiteracy of third world immigrants who would need considerable and long term assistance if they were ever to integrate. Consequently we now have a problem where huge numbers of immigrants can't and won't speak English, can't and won't work and are completely reliant on handouts and benefits. The quality of immigrants into the country from Asia and Africa has resulted in practically no benefit to the host country at all and many will remain a drain on the social services system and will never contribute anything of any value.

Preventing a "breach of the peace" is an important part of English based policing (it also applies here in Australia). As I understand it, the first duty of the police is to maintain peaceful conditions - otherwise the public lose the protection of the police. If there's a riot, you can't prevent theft, assault, burglary, etc.

Some years ago here in Melbourne during the docks dispute, the police nearly triggered a riot themselves (enforcing other laws), and afterwards told the government that they would not do it again even if ordered to by the government - the dispute would have to be settled peacefully.

As I see it, it's OK to prevent the demonstration, on the grounds that it will trigger a breach of the peace, if they then follow up those who engaged in violence. This sort of thing has happened for years in Northern Ireland, with "Protestant" marches being cancelled or re-routed to limit trouble. AFAIK the marchers were allowed to march somewhere, but had to negotiate an agreed route with the police.

Perhaps SIOE should now demonstrate outside the Home Office, or somewhere where the new mosque was approved, protesting the new mosque and the intimidation. Threatening counter-demonstrations by Muslims there will help show the rest of the U.K the problem they have.


Why should lawful demonstrations be relegated to breaching the peace when the folks they’re demonstrating against are the ones causing the “Breach of Peace.” Your solution is dhimmi and does not address the problem of islamic bullying within the confines of civilized society. It’s OK to scream and chant all you want, but once you lay a hand on someone or throw projectiles with violent intent, well then that would be the extremist, and inevitably, once the short mental fuse of the islamic mind set is expended, someone always gets banged up. Violence is the last refuge of the weak mind, and to avoid making that point by denying the weak mind to be violent by moving the protest to where it will have not effect will not educate the weak mind, or the coppers who seem to believe that weak minded bullying is ok, but legally sanctioned demonstration is not. So, sod off with appeasing the “inciting” those with no self control and no capacity for the norms of decorum or debate in our civilized western world, ‘cause they’d just haul you off in their neck of the woods and use you as their bitch if you tried that shi’ite. WTFU.

The newspaper here repeatedly spoke about how the "right wing fascists" were the ones provoking the riots. There was no mention of more than 6 "right wing fascists" actually showing up there.

Funny that no matter how they tried to spin the event, it was the Muslims who acted violently, not toward any of the "right wing" but the police who were there to keep the peace.

The non Muslims were labeled "hate groups" and "Islamophobes".

More intelligent, self called moderate Muslims have commented this morning, admonishing the violent youngsters for 'playing into the hands of the right wingers'

"Self called" is right. Note the very important omission. They were not admonished for being violent, they were admonished for doing it at a strategically bad time.