U.S. distributes fertilizer to Afghanis, Afghanis use fertilizer to make bombs to blow up Americans

Out-of-control, jaw-droppingly witless dhimmitude: "Wheat Seed Arrives for Distribution in Nawa District," by Lance Cpl. Jeremy Harris for Dvids, September 17 (thanks to Diana West):

About 1,050 metric tons of fertilizer will also be distributed in conjunction with the seed, giving the farmers a better opportunity for success, said Purves, who works closely with the Marines of 1st Battalion, 5th Marine Regiment. The Marines established security in the area and will continue to have a presence while the local government solidifies, but this distribution effort is spear-headed by the Afghan government.

What could go wrong? Let's see. "U.S., Afghan Lives Increasingly Lost To Roadside Bombs," by Tom Bowman for NPR, August 2, 2009:

U.S. soldiers serving in Afghanistan and local civilians now share a grim common enemy: death by roadside bomb.

July was the deadliest month for American troops since the war began in the fall of 2001. At least 43 U.S. servicemen lost their lives, with about two-thirds being killed by roadside bombs....

Most of the bombs are crudely made, sometimes including fertilizer and diesel fuel packed into plastic jugs. They have little metal, so they're difficult to find with metal detectors and other sophisticated equipment. So U.S. Marines are bringing in dogs to help sniff out the components....

Those roadside bombs are becoming the favorite tool of the Taliban, according to a U.N. report released this week.

The report says Taliban forces are now changing their tactics, shifting away from ambushes or frontal assaults. U.S. officers report finding more and more caches of fertilizer and bomb-making materials.
But fertilizer given to the Afghan government won't make its way to the Taliban, right? Wrong: "In the villages of Afghanistan, many young men are working for the government during the week, but fighting for the Taliban at weekends."
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War is deceit. Even Mohammed says so.

"In the villages of Afghanistan, many young men are working for the government during the week, but fighting for the Taliban at weekends."

Hey, that's perfect.
They can get all the inside information on shipments of fertilizer, relay that intel to their Taliban counterparts and hijack the shipments for use in their bombs.

I wonder why the Obama administration didn't think of that?

Perhaps they did. Who was in charge of this shipment in the US?

"All They Want is the Opportunity for a Better Life" alert.

Here are the Afghans--with some of the lowest agricultural yields in the world--using precious fertalizer to murder Infidels (oh, and a fair number of their unlucky co-religionists in the bargain).

This reminds me very much of the situation--hundreds of miles away, almost at the other end of the "Muslim world", in Gaza. There, the Israelis have have built the ever-grateful Gazans a state-of-the-art sewage system.

The only problem is, those Gazans keep digging up the metal sewer pipes to use as rocket launchers against--the Israelis. That means they can not only kill Jews, but also point to the streets running with sewage as a sign of how the Israelis are neglecting to take care of them.

Israeli engineers have developed a heavy-duty PVC pipe that can't be used as a rocket launcher--and are slowly replacing the pipes in Gaza.

What a waste--of ingenuity and man-power. Are American scientists and engineers going to have to turn their talents to developing a fertilizer that Afghans can't use to murder their benefactors?

I have a suggestion which might prove cheaper--in all meanings of the word. Stop the Jizya now.

Does anyone remember the greenhouses purchased by Mort Zuckerman and others for the A-rab squatters, illegal occupiers of Jewish land in Gaza? From an article by Robert Spencer for Front Page Magazine:

“The international community, for its part, should channel large sums into rehabilitating and developing Gaza.”

But the international community has good reason to hesitate after publishing giant Mortimer Zuckerman, former World Bank president and White House Middle East envoy James Wolfensohn, and other philanthropists gave $14 million to buy the hugely successful greenhouses that the Israelis had operated in Gaza. “Despite my skepticism,” Zuckerman explained, “I thought to myself, ‘This is perhaps the only illustration or symbol of what could be the benefits of a co-operational, rather than a confrontational attitude.’” Unfortunately, the co-operational attitude was somewhat lacking on the other side: on September 13, in a self-defeating expression of contempt and hatred for the departed Israelis, a large crowd overwhelmed Palestinian Authority guards and looted the greenhouses, carrying off everything they could.


The use of fertilizer for bomb-making is basically the same mahoundian s***, different day.

We're probably giving them the fuel oil too. We're never going to win hearts and minds. Go get bin-Laden, take the Pakistani nukes and then leave them with the message, "Do anything west of the Bosporus and we will lay utter waste to you." Then do it! But that would take the courage that our leadership has been woefully lacking since Reagan.

1050 tons...What a bunch of crap that is...If they were not making bombs out of it, it might be funny...bury them in sht...Probably we should not be 'giving' them much of anything...But Rasool Obama is the President who keeps giving fertilizer...Rasool has given fertilizer to millions, so expect more shipments...it's a secret weapon...Rasool will make sure the fertilizer keeps coming...'We will bury you'...
Rasool did not invent that, but it makes a great motto...

Why are we sending them fertilizer in the first place? Every imam and madrassa leader in the country is so full of s---, they can generate all the fertilizer they need all on their own.

This will only stop when Muslims value their own life and the life of their families more than they value the act of murdering infidels. There is clearly a clash of civilizations here where one side is civilized and the other side is not. One wonders what part of humanity these adherents hail from.

"Hello, Mr. Achmed, we have yummies in the truck. Here you go, plenty of good food so that when you sneak up on me this evening, your growling stomach won't give you away." Sort of like the duplicity of the Afghan who came to the U. S., got a job, uses up our welfare, and then repays us by planning to blow up trains in New York City. I am so sick of western nations being run by a castrated lot of fools.

This whole story smells like???

Hint: (its not teen spirit)

I second your position, ironman. Indeed, it was foolish for us to think that we could "civilize" the savage. The outrage of 9/11 should have been followed on 9/12 with fleets of B-2's carrying low-yield nutron bombs. The point should have been made to the barbarians of our day: Do what you will in your land under your blood-thirsty religion, but do not engage in such acts in our land. For if you do, those of you that remain, will lament the consequences. No, we will not come to build briges for you to blow up, or to grant you fertilizer to build bombs, or to hand out sweets to your children. We will come to kill a lot of you and to leave the remainder thereafter to clean up the mess.

The Afghanistan and Iraq wars are strange in that we are still fighting the wars there while trying to rebuild the countries at the same time.

And this strategy has given the enemy more resources to prolong the fight and kill more American and coalition soldiers.

Quite bluntly another saying for our political correctness is -- "we kiss their ass while they stab us in the back" !

It is a payoff,

US:Stop growing Opium

Afghans: Our people are poor and Opium can grow well here without fertilizer. We need fertilizer in order to grow cash crops. wink wink

US: Ok we will send you fertilizer, but no more Opium.

Afghan govt: Great, holding crossed fingers behind back, We will do everything we can to stop Opium farming. We spit on the Opium farmers, (spit spit) wink wink.

Afghan govt to farmer: Ok, in exchange for not growing Opium we will give fertilizer.

Afghan Farmer: Is it Amonium Nitrate? That is the good stuff. Allah Akbar. This is good, we will stop growing Opium and start a rice farm. Give me a ton of fertilizer. wink-wink

Afghan farmer's wife: Malmoud, you idiot, you know you cant grow rice on our farm we don't have enough water. If we stop growing Opium our income will fall and we will starve. That was a bad deal.

Afghan farmer: You are the idiot, if we fail at planting rice the US will pay us since we stopped growing Opium, next we will be able to sell the fertilizer to the terrorists for a lot of money, and we will just move the Opium acreage to the other side of the valley. The way I see it, we will be rolling in cash and the terrorists can make more truck bombs.

First, the US government sends the CIA to teach the jihadists how to make bombs out of fertilizer, and other materials.
Then, the US government sends those jihadists thousands of tons of fertilizer. The only ones missing are Charlie Wilson and his harem of bimbos to serve as a cheerleading squad to those roadside bombers.
Ruslan Tokhchukov, EnragedSince1999.

Diana West's opening paragraph says it all:

Remember when Lenin said capitalists will sell communists the rope they will use to hang us? Well, Mr. Marxist gave us way too much credit. These days, in a different struggle, we are giving our enemies the fertilizer they will use to make bombs to kill and maim US soldiers.
Again, the West proves to be the source of its own demise. Arnold Toynbee said it best: civilisations don't die from murder, but from suicide; and who is more suicidal then the West? What better ally could Islam find in it war against the West then the West itself?

The brilliance of the Washington mind. If brains were gunpowder (or fertilizer), they wouldn't have enought to blow them selves to hell.

From the article - "Most of the bombs are crudely made, sometimes including fertilizer and diesel fuel packed into plastic jugs. They have little metal, so they're difficult to find with metal detectors and other sophisticated equipment.

"*So U.S. Marines are bringing in dogs to help sniff out the components..* {my emphasis - dda}."

Man's best friend; definitely the Non-Muslim soldier's best friend, when he's got to fight Mohammedans. Although sharia lets Mohammedans use dogs for hunting or guarding it forbids them to keep dogs as pets; they generally despise dogs and are routinely cruel to them...and, therefore, I would hazard a guess, they may not understand dogs as well as we non-Muslims do and may not be able to develop the kind of rapport with them that good non-Muslim dog handlers do; and therefore they may not be able to use dogs in quite the sorts of clever ways a non-Muslim can...especially a non-Muslim who is having to fight Mohammedans. We non-Muslims have, therefore, an edge; we should use it to the fullest.

When the IDF went into Gaza - a surreal labyrinth filled with fiendish Mohammedan booby traps - they didn't just have the hi-tech (UAV eyes in the sky, guided by the guardian angel-Woman of Valour sitting comfortably at her desk in a snug well-guarded cubbyhole back home in Israel - 'my son, the Bad Guys are behind that wall in front of you') they had the low-tech: DOGS. I don't know the details but I got the impression that many groups of IDF soldiers had their well-trained dog or dogs trotting alongside, able to sniff out crude bombs, hidden trapdoors and lurking jihadis.

Not only in Afghanistan, but everywhere else that non-Muslim soldiers and policemen have to do with Mohammedans, those soldiers or those policemen should *always* have dogs along - large, well-trained, scarey-looking dogs. Not just when making their way along a road in Afghanistan, but when entering those so-called 'no go zones' full of Mohammedans in France or the UK or Sweden or Australia, or when confronting Mohammedan rioters, and when carrying out that raid-and-search on the mosque or the Mohammedan residence or when searching that Mohammedan prisoner's cell for suspected drugs or weapons. And Muslim sensibilities be damned.

Every Air Marshal aboard a domestic flight anywhere in the Lands of the Infidels should have his dog with him - a big black German Shepherd or Doberman that gets to sniff each and every passenger. (I guess in that particular case, though, a trained pig might need to be used because of unhappy Infidels with dog allergies, unable to travel on the same plane as a dog).

I hope that those US marines in Afghanistan are prepared to tell the Muslims just where to go, should any of them begin to whine and squawk about the supposed insultingness of the presence of those dogs among the American forces.

And the same goes for any non-Muslim law enforcement:- *all* mock-religious 'I'm offended!' complaints by Mohammedans, transparently aimed at blocking the use of sniffer dogs (upon Mohammedans) by police and Quarantine and Customs and by security checkers on airlines and other public mass transit providers, or to try to prevent police dogs from being brought inside mosques or Mohammedan homes or business premises, should be stonily ignored.

The source of all this fertilizer.


(As any speech he gives could grow a thousand acres of corn.)

Pure suicidal witlessness, starting from the top on down.

This is a great example of the dog biting the hand that feeds it.

The vast majority of Canadian casualties in Afghanistan since 2002 have been the result of the evil road side bombs.

They are easy to make, easy to plant and horrifically effective, tearing armoured vehicles and young men to shreds.

We will lose Afghanistan unless we break the opium grower/Taliban alliance. The way to do this was advanced 8 years ago by the British think tank The Senlis Council.

We legalize opium growing and build a pharmaceutical plant in Kabul. They do this in India and Turkey. Since the farmers make much more money it is an easy sell, especially since nice Americans will protect them rather than cruel Taliban members.

There are millions dying in agony without pain killers in third world countries so a bigger supply might bring down prices. I cannot for the life of me understand why this idea was nixed by Karzai and the Bush admin.

I hope that people more powerful than me on this board will agree and start promoting this solution.