Welcome to the new Jihad Watch -- maybe!

Welcome to the new Jihad Watch! After six years, we have thoroughly de-lizardized the site and given it a long-overdue new look. The changes we have made should also make the comments field work more smoothly and prevent future DOS attacks and the like.

All the archives are here -- the Dhimmi Watch and Jihad Watch archives from before we combined the sites are all available and fully searchable. And the new site allows for tags, which we will forthwith use and, if time permits, add on to the old posts, but since there are over 20,000 of those, that may take awhile.

Unfortunately, but not unexpectedly as things like this go, there are still a few bugs in the new system. For one thing, I can't see it, and you may not be able to either. You may be able to see our new look if you clear your cookies and cache and hit refresh, but then again you may not -- I am told it will take a few hours to register on everyone's screen. In the meantime, you can check it out at

We will be crossposting on both the old and new sites until the changeover is complete.

As we make the transition, please be patient. We might not be able to identify and iron out all the bugs until we take the new one out for a test drive. If something is not working for you, please contact me at director[at]jihadwatch.org.
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Love what you've done with the place.

Site looks really good. Keep up the great work!


This is gorgeous Robert! Fantastic!


Hey, I like the new graphic style. Nice work!

Not that I ever planned to own a cellphone, but this year I got the wife’s hand-me-down. Not that I ever planned to join facebook, but my favourite Karaoke guy used it to post our Mess’ schedule. Not that I ever planned to join twitter, but then I saw JW’s t link on your new sight. Gods damn it, now I have a twitter account. Haven’t got a clue how it works. Thanks JW. Thanks for the change. Thanks for forcing me into the new century.

Nice site changes too.

Oho. So *this* is why the site was so slow at around 11.30 pm last night, Aussie time.

There is one downside to the redecoration.

Over the past few weeks I have been patiently working my way through the archives of all those articles that appeared during the IntenseDebate era, and which had lost all the comments made to them, during that era. Having made my own record (with the articles) of many of those comments, at the time, I had been reattaching such - suitably labelled - to the appropriate articles right here on jihadwatch.

Unfortunately, that is no longer possible - as any article that lost its comments when we departed IntenseDebate and came back to Typepad, now appears in the archives here, as having no comments...and has been archived with comments turned off.

I'm just sorry I didn't have more time to restore what was lost - not just for the sake of the commenters, but for the sake of future google trawlers who will miss out on six months' worth of responses, many of which were most illuminating.

But - joeblough, Hugh Fitzgerald, GravenImage, ChickCartoonist, Duh Swami and so many many others of my favourite commenters - be warned that pretty well everything interesting you said between February and July of this year, on jihadwatch, is squirrelled away in my own personal electronic files. *I* know you said it and can reread it and enjoy it even if I cannot now put it back here where it was originally said.

Your efforts there didn't go unnoticed -- thanks for trying to put back what Intense Debate spewed into the ether. The number of comments does register in the interface on our end, so I'm hoping that means their actual substance makes it over to the new package, as well.


How does one move, say, from this article to the 'previous article' or to the 'next article'?

CJ's blog is bloatware anyway.


So far, seems the only option is to click on the header, go to the main page, and then select the next story you want to visit.

Ha - de-lizardized.. I love it

Overall, it's good; although with so many posts a day it was nice to have the date headers to break up the articles by day. Would it be possible to look into putting that particular element back in?

Lovely Robert et all, love the look, very clean and easy to read. bests, Jane

Ask your master if he will join us on a quest for the new-look Jihad Watch website.

Eyee weel ahsk heem, but heez awlrheddie gott wun, ewe tsee ?

They said he's already got one !

Ah yesssss, annn eet ees pherry nice-a.


Fantastic look Robert and everyone..... major improvement.

Cheers !

Kenny Solomon
Locked, loaded, safeties off.

Looks good but could you arrange it so that one can highlight, copy & paste from the text? Sometimes one wants to save some text read.

Very nice, Robert. It is good to again have the ability to reply to a comment, but it would be nice if the reply appeared directly below the original and slightly indented. I would also like to see the ability to edit my comments after I sometimes too hastily hit the enter key. It would also be nice to separate the posts by some kind of date marker.

I don't really care about the ratings system that Intense Debate used because it was so screwed up, what with people like AM's rating increasing with each post even though all he received were "thumbs down" ratings.

Great look - much cleaner and easier to read. Well done.

Oh, and keep away from lizards - I hear they give you warts!

I like the new comments section, it looks fresher. But it still takes some time for a comment to display.

Thanks DDA, for what you do here at JihadWatch.

Huh i just posted two reactions on two articles but they did not appear

I'm likin' this new look :)

I do miss the avatars, and being able to thumbs up/down.
But that's just me...

This look is leaner and cleaner!

Looks very nice, but I miss the option going back to main, as this is work in progress, I hope you'll implement that again.

FYI, the time stamp is weird.

When I posted my "Cool!" comment, the last comment in the thread was vivi andersen's which has a time stamp of 8:17.

But my comment was supposedly at 7:08 and was inserted well before hers.

We'll see what time stamp this one gets.

I miss the avatars and the thumbs up/down options.

Still the site looks great!!!

Nice clean look.

Am I mistaken, or is the background of the new site a brighter white than the background of the old? I wonder if I were to read the site for too long if I'd get a little snow-blind...

Wow! For a moment, I thought I'd hit a wrong key when I brought up the site. The redesign looks great!

Sadly, I do not advise trying to iron out all the bugs. The bugs will burn and stick to your iron and you will probably have to throw it away and get a new one.

F. Scott's more fun to read.

Nice new design, Robert. Much better looking than the Lizard King's old template.


Love all the green, a wonderful tribute to Mohamed's favorite color. See they can't say Robert is insensitive :-).

I hate to be a curmudgeon, but it's just old Hesperado, the gadfly, with his hobbyhorses again, so you all can ignore me. I prefer the immediately preceding system. It was faster and less cumbersome, easier to deftly move around in for the purposes of both reading, and commenting.

Thank You

I would have asked about the same .

I use to print the writings of Hugh Fitzgerald.


It is no longer adding comments sequentially. :(

Ah! Finally, after several weeks, I'm able to log in. This is the first time since IntenseDebate was shut down, after which I was unable to log into anything - TypePad, Blogger, et al. That was probably when I upgraded switched from Opera 9 to 10 (on Linux). At any rate, let me try a few of the tags to see whether they work. As for Look and feel, I really like this one - the other one was getting old.

Some tags to try out here, which is what I do when trying out a new system:

  1. strong

  2. u

  3. em

  4. strike

And for some blockquote text:
Unfortunately, that is no longer possible - as any article that lost its comments when we departed IntenseDebate and came back to Typepad, now appears in the archives here, as having no comments...and has been archived with comments turned off.

Actually, if you log into the IntenseDebate site, you get to see the old articles. Only problem here - and a major one - one has to remember who wrote what, before one goes to that person's profile and does a search. I was following some 40+ people, but usually, it didn't take me long to find something, as long as I knew whose it was. If you do need that stuff, it's still retrievable, albeit not as smoothly as you'd like.

Okay, the strikethrough and underline tags don't work, which is a pity. But this is still an improvement on the old Typekey, although Intense Debate's editor was better, even though their overall system sucked.

P.S. This particular post was made from Konqueror.

Author Profile Page dumbledoresarmy | September 13, 2009 6:02 PM | Reply Query. How does one move, say, from this article to the 'previous article' or to the 'next article'?

This is where the right browser could help you. I know Safari doesn't have this, but Firefox, Internet Explorer 8 and Flock do - the ability to stage the RSS feeds on the links toolbar. That way, when you click on the feed on your links bar, then a pulldown menu of all the recently posted articles in the feed appear. You can also determine from the settings how frequently you want updates.

One bug I just spotted - when I click on Reply, it doesn't open up a reply window, although I noticed above that it worked for Marisol. Implementation specific, maybe?

Looks good Robert, thanks for all your hard work!

I notice the email tag only appears when you open the comments. Also when an article is emailed, there is no link to JW, only the title of the article.

Can this be fixed? I have a group of women that I email articles to on a regular basis and the link was a very convenient feature.

I can't say that I'm a big fan of the new look. The site doesn't fit on my screen. Now I've got to use the scrollbar at the bottom to view it. Yeah, I keep my resolution at 800, but so what. Hope I'm not the only one.

I can't say that I'm a big fan of the new look. The site doesn't fit on my screen. Now I've got to use the scrollbar at the bottom to view it. Yeah, I keep my resolution at 800, but so what. Hope I'm not the only one.

I can't say that I'm a big fan of the new look. The site doesn't fit on my screen. Now I've got to use the scrollbar at the bottom to view it. Yeah, I keep my resolution at 800, but so what. Hope I'm not the only one.

I'm so sorry. I swear I wasn't spamming. There was a glitch when I hit submit and I had no idea it went through three times. My apologies.

Late test. I just logged on..

Aha! I finally see the new look.

Very clean and an improvement, IMO.

I like the new look, and the preview.

As long as TypePad still works, the new format is fine with me.

Site style nice, typographically-clean, very readable - and of course, now ponytail-free ;)

Not really my place to say it, but I will anyway - a little disappointed you stayed with the Movable Type/TypePad combo, if I'm honest (I think the sign-on and user experience on the latter is slow, clunky and old fashioned). But all in all an improvement, which is great.

Love the new look! ...very nice :)

So that is what was going on! After more than a month without logging in (moved to a new house, internet connection took forever to be transfered) I was already bugging Robert with the famous "am I banned" e-mails...
Good looking, cleaner, etc. Wish the e-mail warnings about selected news will come back, but I am happy with what Robert offers: anti-dhimmi content and high level talkback by the likes of dumbledore's army, canadian infidel, graven image and so many other insightful "brothers (and sisters) in arms". Robert would be entitled to a tuition for the education this site provides (just kidding...)!

Wow - I almost couldn't recognize the place. Good thing the content hasn't devolved or I'd have suspected a hijack.

All the best to Robert and team,
